It's a good game because it's fun!

>It's a good game because it's fun!

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You forgot your steam link

That's the point

>It's a bad game because it's not fun!

Dumb Tomokoposter.

I don’t understand what’s wrong.

>i do things willingly that i don't enjoy and serve no purpose to anyone!

Fun is a nebulous concept that doesn't add to the conversation unless you can articulate why it's fun

Just saying 'it's fun' doesn't make for an argument

using meme arrows with condescending text also isn't an argument

I'm not OP, and I agree. I'm just saying

get back to r9k, sad losers

What is a bad game that's fun? What's a good game that isn't fun?

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Why must everything be an argument? Can't some people like games just because they are fun?

>bad fun = nier , good not fun = whatever 3A game u don't like , for me ff15

It doesn't have to be an argument, but like I said it doesn't make for an interesting conversation either. Likening you're just listing of games you like then whatever, buying you're trying to actually discuss them then 'its fun' is just sort of a dead end

A bad game that's fun is something jank as fuck but still is otherwise engaging. You don't quite understand why this sluggish piece of shit with terrible voice acting and awful camera is meant to be enjoyable, but you just can't stop playing Robot Alchemic Drive for the PS2.

Sorry for phone posting. Autocorrect is a bitch

Yeah, that makes sense.

>it's the best in the series because it's the comfiest

which games do dicklets usually apply this statement to

Baiting user is fun!

Dark Souls 2
>tfw no friends

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On all levels except physical, I am Tomoko.

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RAD lives and dies off it's premise. It's a strong one though

I knew you'd show up. Gosh, I'd love to be your friend, but you won't accept my request

go back to fuck Yuri, Tomoko and fuck off

Not everything needs to be some hyperautistic spreadsheet simulator or needs to be a watershed development for the genre or medium as a whole.
Call of Duty isn't going to win the day for having gamechanging FPS action but it usually gets you in the action fast, everything is tight and responsive and there's rarely any downtime. In a world where the hot new fad is battle royales where you can spend whole ass minutes without engaging an enemy that's a pretty meaningful characteristic.
It's not going to overthrow Quake 3 in terms of speedy FPS action, nor is its team mechanics going to be more involved than say, TF2, and its single player isn't going to be much besides a shooting gallery, the occasional "press F to save the world" antics and occasional walk-n-talk segments, but it does everything enough competently that "fun" is valid praise.
Imagine if there was excessive animation, or characters' movement wasn't smooth and predictable. I genuinely don't think COD would have been as dominant as it was if it didn't control as well as it did. Halo and Battlefield in comparison feel absolutely sluggish and floaty.

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I don't think comfy is an invalid statement. People just tend to use it to describe something they're not sure how else to explain

For example I'd say final fantasy crystal chronicles is a super comfy game. AMD its comfy because of the slower pace, dreamy atmosphere and calming music. It just exudes comfort

People usually mean there's some fluff about the game that draws them in past the mechanics. That's the 'comfy' part

>>tfw no friends
>never accepts friend requests
I think I just realized what your schtick is.

I am now.

>What is a bad game that's fun?
>What's a good game that isn't fun?
A good horror game

>It's a bad game because "I", MOI, ME, the absolute expert and the one who defines standarts of quality based on my taste alone, do not find enjoyment in that game.
>Furthermore, I have a 2000 word essay about every flaws in the game that makes it unenjoyable to ME that you may surely have noticed already and simply don't care, but you SHOULD hate the game now that I have highlighted them to you and, thus, claimed victory in this online debacle of ours over what's good and what's shit according to ME.
>Bonus points if I also accuse you of ruining the genre and videogames because, from my point of view, you encourage games that I don't want to play.

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i started watching this meme anime and its just 'cringe: the series' then a friend told me to read it instead. how are the manga and anime so different?

>It's a bad game because you need to justify why you enjoy it


The anime had only the first few chapters of the mange, where it was still a pure cringefest. In the later chapters she became Chadmoko with the occasional cringe moment.

but the manga isn't nearly as cringy as the anime. it feels like the anime is nothing but a series of cringy situations

>mind broke a normal girl and turned her into an obsessed tsundere stalker while not even noticing her
What a chad

Most of the early chapters are cringe with a smattering of slice of life.

It's been a long time since I read the early chapters. Maybe my memory isn't that good. I thought the anime was a pretty faithful adaptation.

can I get a tl;dr

This is literally what "this game is/isn't fun" is all about.

If you're using fun as a measurement of game's quality, you're only really saying
>I like this game because I like it

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No you're not, faggot. You say this every time and then delete everyone. Stop being a neurotic ass bitch

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Honestly I don't think "comfy" is so much a slow pace as much as it is games that are described as "comfy" have a very short but rewarding gameplay metacycle even if the game's atmosphere doesn't exactly exude comfiness; e.g. I have seen the "comfy" label applied to Darkest Dungeon and Resident Evil 2's remake and in spite of the incongruity of the atmosphere I totally understand where they're coming from.

Let's take the usual suspects
>Animal Crossing
>Rune Factory/Harvest Moon
You wake up, either according to whenever you have time to play by Animal Crossing's real time clock, or the short in-game days in RF/HM. Check on your daily shit(e.g. find the bell rock, pull weeds, water flowers, check on your neighbors to make sure your favorite ones aren't moving, see if there's any special visitors or anything good being sold, etc.) but there's no real feeling of urgency and everything is a constantly welcoming environment.

But even DD and the Resident Evils in spite of having actual legit consequences for fucking up can manage a similar feat. DD warns you about overconfidence constantly, but you get to witness your quasi-randomly made heroes triumph against monsters and their own internal struggles sometimes, see them get some rest by a fireplace and then let them take some time off once you get back to HQ, where indeed the home village becomes more active and lively as you expand and upgrade the joint.
RE2 with its limited ammunition and inventory space makes you plan every trip across the police station. Do you carry enough to take on everything in your path, or just get by and use it to scavenge items in unexplored areas. But the police station was once a place people lived in and compared to the dark and miserable sewers and the sterile Umbrella labs, when you're somewhere safe, it feels lived in and the lighting is warm, and you get a chance to catch your breath.

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Refrain from using Tomo for shitposting, OP.

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I've changed.

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>Yea Forums gets mad as fuck when you describe a game as "soulful"
>but nobody bats an eye when people say "fun" or "comfy"

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This is the same board that'll post that Reggie quote all day