Find a Flaw
Find a Flaw
story games with repetative chest high wall cover shooting that pads out the length of the otherwise extremely linear experience that needs to be completed often specifically the way the devs want it to be, lest you are punished with immidiate death. The Uncharted games are not your playgrounds. They are Naughty Dog's. Don't you dare try to climb anywhere not along the straightforward illuminated pathways or execute anything other than the specific QTE commands to take down enemies.
Somewhere along the way, Naughty Dog stopped being a video game developer. They're far more interested in telling stories than designing games at this point. And I'll be completely fair, what they do well they absolutely accel in. Voice acting, motion capture, the gravity of the plot, it's all high tier, but it doesn't make for a good video game if the game itself is not replayable at all. They're in the wrong medium. The uncharted games are perfect examples of the erroneous path that development that prioritizes narrative first and foremost has led us down. It's fine for them to exist. It's not fine for them to be held up as pinnacles of the action adventure genre. Because at the end of the day they're just not.
I will never be able to fuck Nathan's boipuss
it sadly exist
First Post is, as usual, best post
OP btfo
I can't find OP's stylish cover art anywhere. I only see the ugly art
That release didn't include the multiplayer modes for 2 and 3.
holy shit, brutal
OP on suicide watch
I can't, they're the greatest video games ever made.
Samefag. Pathetic.
>the greatest video games ever made
They're not even the best naughty dog games
Kill yourself
His pervert friend talking about spinners makes me really want a smol gf and then I had a sad
Outdated image
>14 posts
>5 IP's
Can't be any more wrong than this. One of the best aspect in Uncharted games is how you are free to navigate the set pieces. The train in Uncharted 2 allows to to move all around it as you progress, same with the horse chase in the third game or the Madagascar chase in Uncharted 4. In fact Uncharted 4 level design, verticality, the rope and varied tools gives the player a lot of different ways to deal with the enemy encounters. Calling Uncharted a cover shotter is just ignorance.
>Can't be any more wrong than this.
Oh boy here come the lies
>One of the best aspect in Uncharted games is how you are free to navigate the set pieces.
There is no navigation. The many """puzzles""" can be solved in one way and you're stuck in the room until you do it exactly as need be
>The train in Uncharted 2 allows to to move all around it as you progress, same with the horse chase in the third game or the Madagascar chase in Uncharted 4. In fact Uncharted 4 level design, verticality, the rope and varied tools gives the player a lot of different ways to deal with the enemy encounters. Calling Uncharted a cover shotter is just ignorance.
Nice spelling.
You're dealing with the illusion of free will. Pretty much everything you just spoke on has one solution. You can veer right or left a bit more but on repeat playthroughs the funneling of your actual freedom could not be more clear. Uncharted 4 IS better, you're right about that. But not nearly enough. Plus OP didn't post Uncharted 4.
Nah. The games are the epitome of set piece story shit.
They're not "bad" as much as they are one and done braindead gaming. Where is the fucking challenge?
The real shame is Naughty Dog used to make plenty of games where your actual movement and game choices actually mattered, often at precision levels.
But their newer shit is everything that was wrong with vidya last gen with the exception of the bad DLC models. They were fine on that front.
It's boring as shit.
Didn't even bring myself to finish the first one.
>uc3 wins against 2
Who ever did this has literal shit taste
I played the collection, thought it was pretty boring. Then I played the Tomb Raider reboot and it was basically everything these games should have been.
To be fair, the first one is by far the worst, but yeah, the same problems that plague it never fully go away.
I might skip it and start the second one then. Would I miss anything important?
they're fucking boring
I couldn't even finish the first game. It was the same shit over and over again.
Based as fuck
fucking first game crashed and nuked my save the other day. Can't be arsed to play it again
mostly character introductions. And the rival character (eddy Raja) in UC1 was fun.
As fun as they are to play the first time, I could never bring myself to replay them because of how linear these games are, so you can’t really try to do things differently
I love the Uncharted series, it's one of my favorite gaming experiences ever. The developers put a lot of love and talent into it. It offers decent challenge, while telling a compelling story.
That said. The games are linear as fuck, and I haven't replayed a single one yet because I know I'll just be doing the exact same thing as before, only the challenge will be gone because I'm more skilled now.
And to elaborate, Crash and Jak series had loads of side challenges for you to do as you played or post-game. Uncharted is a blockbuster movie. Hella rum ride the first time, but too shallow once you go back to it
pretty good fpbp
I honestly don't understand why Yea Forums hates these games. I admit the 3rd game was weak and the multiplayer was god awful after Uncharted 2 (loved the multiplayer in this game. Simple, fun and challenging).
They're just gold fun. I loved the cosmetics on reruns and all the bonuses and cheats you could use including mirror world / no gravity and other shit. The story in 2 and 4 was amazing and while the gameplay is subpar you can really have fun with it if you use your imagination.
If someone said they're a 7/10 I'd understand, and while personally I'd go with a 9/10 anything below 7 is stupid.
>I honestly don't understand why Yea Forums hates these games.
I expected Indiana Jones, not third person Call of Duty