>Entire game based around a central mechanic that either makes or breaks the game for you
>Odd one out in its series, has a lot of aspects that are unique to it
>Received criticism for having to revisit areas/levels multiple times when it wasn't really necessary
>Has a lot of merits, but its flaws are glaring
Sonic Heroes is the Skyward Sword of the Sonic series.
Entire game based around a central mechanic that either makes or breaks the game for you
reminder that the game was either perfectly kino or a complete buggy mess depending on which version you played
I've been playing the PC version and it seems to be both at the same time
I fucking loved it, it may be Nostalgia goggles but I sat down recently and played it and enjoyed it
which was the least buggy version? I think I had the gamecube one as a kid and I would have to memorize where the camera would glitch out and where I would fall through the geometry just to finish the game
played the ps2 version and I don't recall any major bugs
had a friend with the xbox version though and holy fuck it was broken and had actual framerate problems
>tfw I own all the 6th gen consoles
>tfw I got the Xbox version because I have barely any game on that thing
PS2 is the worst version, worse graphics than the other ones, super buggy, and runs at 30 FPS compared to every other version running at 60.
I played PS2, GC and PC and the only difference is framerate
All three control like shit, are glitchy as shit, and have an actually really fun core gameplay that's overshadowed by those issues
It's still my favorite 3D Sonic. I think the bugs are avoidable and the controls can be pretty good if you get used to how dumb they can be. Rocket Accel is still my favorite Boost/Spindash thing.
I feel no merits.
KINO Sonic game coming through
This game was like taking candy from a baby - which is fine by me.
>control like shit, are glitchy as shit, and have an actually really fun core gameplay that's overshadowed by those issues
This is the heart of the divide regarding Sonic Heroes
Can one enjoy it with its flaws or not? That's usually the deciding factor of if you like it.
This is why I really believe Sonic Heroes is the most deserving 3D Sonic of getting a remake of some kind, next in line being Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic 06, which are in a similar boat, but have more deep-seated flaws that'd be harder to really fix without changing more of the game.
Sonic Heroes, all you'd need to do is tighten the gameplay up and make it feel more polished, and maybe refine some of the levels while you're at it.
If you didn’t need to start from scratch every new route I honestly believe the game would be 400% more enjoyable
The mechanics are fine but the stage design becomes dull quickly
It's nothing too special, though it is better than boost2winshit
I finished it recently. Id say its ok
The physics are broken as shit, but unlike Adventure 1 and 2 where you can exploit it to pull off some crazy shit, you have to exploit the physics just to get them to work properly. Also fly mode is pretty poorly designed, having the bottom character swing around wildly while also serving as the indicator for where you're going to land is pretty bullshit when coupled with the fact that you instantly plummet when you run out of fly juice. The emerald minigame is easily one of the worst in the series as well, worse than Sonic 2's.
You can exploit it to do crazy shit though.
It's funny. Every single one of those greentexts, except for the "odd one out" line, could apply to the majority of the 3D Sonic library. (With the caveat that instead of "a lot of merits" some games merely only have "some merits." Rarely does any 3D Sonic games truly have absolutely zero merits.)
If you set the "hurr every 3D Sonic game is shit" memery aside and look at the series as a whole, you quickly begin to notice that 3D Sonic games are essentially "Wasted Potential: The Series." It's both amusing and endlessly frustrating as an old Sonicfag to see Sonic Team time and time again approach a decent concept or mechanic, and then never follow through with it or improve on it in nearly any way.
I feel like the physics are wonky and slippery a lot of the time, but it's almost never been to a point where I felt like I had to wrestle with them just to get by. The main times I've had trouble with it is when you have to interact with an object that has a small hitbox, i.e. the grab switches and shit like that. I don't think the physics are that bad, but saying they're okay would also be a lie. They're just passable.
I do agree that Fly is messed up and poorly executed, however. The wobbling characters is a good point I never really thought about. The formation for platforming should communicate your landing the best. It also moves pretty uncomfortably slow in the air, I feel. The floaty jumps make sense on Speed and Power where you're usually going to be making careful precision on attacks, but Fly should be the option for just making quicker, precise jumps. I don't know how they should fix the flying itself, but I definitely agree it could afford to be overhauled in some way, it's kind of confusing the way it is.
The special stages, there isn't really anything here to discuss. They're just plain broken.
Good game, bad followup to Adventure series.
So what you're saying is every 3D Sonic game is Skyward Sword
>Bop Boosts
>Big can fly with Ground Pounds
I have the gamecube version and you're full of shit on the geometry, and I've only ever had the camera fuck out on me in Final Fortress.
To this day, this is still the best robot banter I have ever heard.
>Sonic Heroes is the Skyward Sword of the Sonic series.
But thats Shadow
i remember playing this when i was 5
Shadow is more like Zelda II.
Sometimes you meet people who don't hate it, aks they love it.
Advance Trilogy is the Oracle games
Don't forget the Triple Titty Glide.
The gameplay was legitimately good
All sonic games suck and the movie will suck, deal with it!
i feel so stupid, you're meant to HOLD b to boost in the emerald stages, when I would just press b really fast
>All sonic games suck
>and the movie will suck
Okay you got me there
>Game is so loved by Sumo Digital that it's been represented in each one of their racing games
I haven't finished it yet because I got a download link from a friend for my laptop and it lagged like shit, then I changed laptops and got too lazy to reconnect all I needed to play it. Is it worth going back to?
How good is your computer? I've heard the PC version is really weird, and it may be worth just emulating the GC version through Dolphin
Pretty sure no one is actually expecting the movie to be good user.
The one I switched to is newer and much better, but I would have to check the specs and set my second DS4 up for it to know if it runs better. I might try that at some point within the next few weeks
Alright. I'd say give both ways a shot to see what runs better. I would imagine through Dolphin is harder to run, but if you can handle playing it that way and it plays better, it's something to think about.
I love how even in a webm obviously played by someone experienced he's still visibly struggling with the twitchy as fuck controls
I honestly had a good time playing this game, and remember getting to the Last Story for the game. I knew I had finally beaten it and I could've related with Shadow.
>Sonic Heroes is actually the Ocarina of Time and Shadow is its Majora's Mask
Sonic Heroes was my first big gaming disappointment, as a kid I remember going to get it on release day and just wondering why it was such a huge downgrade from Sa2 and Sa1.
Thanks user, my only other option is buying a GC controller and a copy of that version, but I don't plan on doing that just yet.
I think Shadow is more comparable to TP and Heroes is WW
this happened to me too
after playing through sa2 as a kid i honestly thought this game would be even better
didn't even make it through team sonic's story before wanting to drop the game, but stuck with it thinking "oh im sure theres a chao garden"
the minute i found out there was no chao garden i threw the disc and box into the garbage
Argos checkout roped my mom into buying it for me.
Thanks Argos bro
The core gameplay was pretty fun but the story is definitely weakest aspect and I'm glad that none of the later games ever really acknowledge it. Not only was it unnecessarily edgy and serious, 95% of it was basically filler, as none of the main story routes lead to Last Story. Black Doom was an incredibly boring and generic villain. He was basically the Infinite of his day, minus the "WEAK" meme, the only mildly entertaining thing about Infinite. Also there was no ending where you faithfully serve Eggman.
I'm upset that gun was never in the actual game
I'm really curious why they thought Black Doom was necessary in the first place. They still could have had the choosing good vs evil thing with Shadow choosing whether to side with Sonic & friends or serving Eggman.
>which was the least buggy version
You might be thinking of the ps2 version, it also ran at a lower framerate.
Not a physics exploit but don't forget about the blast gauge glitch.
Even as a kid everybody felt like they were moving on ice to me and I didn't like it much.
Still finished that shit because I was a little sonicfag.
Are there any good mods and stuff to fix up the twitchy controls and differentiate the levels a little more?
Yeah, google the "grow a brain" mod