Post IRL final bosses

Post IRL final bosses.

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Add some belts to the skirt and it'd look like something a Final Fantasy character would wear.

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>Max dexterity
>Long ass combos
>Fights with fists, a dagger and a revolver
>Uses teleportation techniques

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Give him a backstory

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if it is still a dickgirl, I'd bang

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I don't usually like tattoos, but that elbow tattoo looks sick as fuck honestly.

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It already looks like something straight from Nier Automata.

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that's the most stylish granny I've ever seen

I want that block necklace

Boss theme:

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>seemingly innocent girl that turns out to have been manipulating you from the very start

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>just cause 6

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looks like cherubism

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Looks like he belongs in KoF '99

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Looks like he's from outer space

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wtf spoilers for DMCV final boss

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Officer, I have no weapons!


final form

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me on the left.

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The boss is the dude in the back with his pants undone and gut exposed, right?

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>its simple we eat batman

>filename is not Mad M'Bongo

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>remember the forever alone meme? well here's what he looks like now. feel old yet?

Come at me bro.

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I'd fuck the shit out of that homeless asian guy.

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If he had a silly hat it'd be a great look desu

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His slave is part of the bossfight as well.

he's the mastermind behind everything
Pretends to be a regular civilian but Will send wave after wave of abominations until you figure him out and fight him

too bad you're homosex

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>fastest internet in the New World
Where can I get some of that?

Jesus christ man, how deprived are you?

>A normal day in Botswana
>Warlord raiders attack the town, demanding everything not nailed down
>A passing biker gang says fuck that, and rides headlong into the raiders
>Massive battle, youth watching from the sidelines
>In the end, there was only one survivor
>The leader of the gang
>He motions a boy over, and takes off his studded leather cap
>As he places it on the teenager
>"The only ones that can change the world are people willing to make a stand."
>"Warriors are made, not born."
>Dies in the dust cloud of the battle
>Boy pulls his hat low, knowing what he will become someday
>A stone-cold bad motherfucker

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Do tall people have bigger heads?

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>just go to the gym bro lmao

>no one ever summited pic related

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the red carpet show is better than the ceremony itself desu

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he's even on his phone, clearly giving orders.

so he did joined college football after all.

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I'd fuck that ninja nigga.
For the clan, of course.

Phantom Dust n Shiiieeet

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Me on the top right

Hahaha, I remember this. The guy on the left caught two burglars and raped them in his basement, right?

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These are actually dudes from the Botswana metal scene. They took their look from metal bands like Motorhead and Judas Priest. Believe it or not Botswana has some surprisingly good metal bands.

it was fake story

hobo in the top left always reminds me of fuwa juzo

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fake but yeah that's the story


>two bosses at once

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>shirtless chad in bottom row
Anyone have a link to that video? I forgot it's name.

He's basically K' with a hat


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Techno Viking.

Based and tripspilled

But wait gandy has a skinny ass head

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>choose your character
Picking Professor Badass.

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>final boss has 999 hp and 99% status resistence

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Small, but mighty

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Thanks user

Ted Cruz put on some pounds

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>neutral, chaos and law route

>Smough vs Ornstein

I'm interested, any band would you recommend?

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Gotta love the look of fury and pose on this dude

>master I’m sorry, but I have to go all out, just this once

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A gay nig with a white slave

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>second on bottom row
why do people insist on puppet fighter archetypes?

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>alternate costumes for bosses

>final boss is immune to elements

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literally every huge character in a japanese beatemup

>Red Hook presents: The Crimson Court

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Doesn't have a gay ass beard

i will be your guide, to hell

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With a running start, he might be able to go through a wall.
I pity whoever's in his path, they'll be flattened.

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Is he just showing off how useless all that protective gear is?

tig ol bitties

Actually, yeah, the one in the middle even has the Countess' hair. Just shrunk down by a significant factor.

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it takes a lot of guts to.... shit, i cant think of a joke

>You messed with a gamer...A GAMER!

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why my pp hard

his hands are covered in sweat, so when the molten metal touches his hand the sweat flashes into steam and protects his hand. if he kept his hand there for more than a split second he'd be burned instantly

How WOULD you damage that guy at that size? A blade?

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>Botswana metal scene
what the fuck
post some bands user

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Tire him out and put into a lock.


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okay, maybe you could crush Mickey el ratĂłn (modo inferno), but no one has ever defeated la Carreta Typhoon (Forma de danza), just image what they could do if they changed into (Forma de guerra)

Attached: carretafuracĂŁo.jpg (640x426, 45K)

Huh, fascinating!

It literally tells you to dial *150#
Come on, man

Run away and he'll never catch you.

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>Anyway here's wonderwall

I was just going to make Resident Evil 7 references

>implying murr isn't the real villain

that's why no other nations better attack the US, we'd make a fatass special ops unit, they'd be able to take a beating and a fuck ton of bullets, they just can't move for very long.

Is cool that he can do that and all, but how do these people figure this stuff out? Do they just randomly think "would I get burned if I just slapped it really fast?"?

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>she's waiting for the slightest lapse in concentration to attack


>oh kurwa, my hand is twice the size all of the sudden.

I was thinking the same thing

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Damn, didn't realize the aftermath of a terror attack was this gory...

Fuck yeah, Helge!

Good post.Also witnessed

there is no way. this is why bloatmaxxing is all the rage on /fit/ nowadays

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I don't think she can move to her full potential unless she's in the moonlight, particularly in a blood moon.
Everyone will have a good time, as long as no one drinks the wine.

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anger with slaps, run away for around 10 seconds until the bastard is completely gassed

search Leidenfrost effect for more information


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yeah but who would win tho? i'd put my money on either the asian hobo or proffessor-looking black guy

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Top right. He looks like a man who always has a plan.

probably did it by accident once and then the slav gene kicked in and now it's a regular party trick

>well well user looks like you're tonights biggest loser
>wake up in goodsprings
Ain't that a kick in the head

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>saya no uta

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I'm seeing top left as MC, more than anything else

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>Bitches don´t know about my Carreta Furacão

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In case people want to know more

>Ahh, the chosen undead

Atleast hes attempting to improve.


>the main villain turns out to be the good guy afterall and helps you fight the real evil

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That's Mercenaries 2, I shit you not. It's even in Caracas.

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that guy's muscle is fucking DENSE

Third guy could probably pull off that outfit if it was tighter fitting

hold my caipirinha, kiddo.

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3. phase

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>you and rocket launcher-kun will never blow up chink tanks together during an invasion of Japan
Feels bad man.

That's RIGHT, Jay!

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No, this is the next Apex Legends character.

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at least this one isn't dressed black

Last guy would be the explosive specialist that's also chill as hell

I want a black weeb gf so bad guys AAAAAAAAAAH

More like the henchmen walking around the area that leads to the boss

At least he's trying I guess

if he cleaned up his hair a bit, had proper fitting clothes, and didn't have those fag wrist things he'd honestly look pretty dapper in a non-cringe way

Wasn't that story confirmed fake?
I'd play him

Based as fuck.

Attached: 1445449288730.jpg (720x960, 128K)

That only means he's the villain

I wish I remembered to save the Persona 5 version of this I saw once

What if fatass is the real Ted and beard Ted is a replacement?

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He looks like he provides buffs to nearby teammates.

>health potion.jpg

Someone please post that webm with an extremely thin vegan creature working out.

>the final boss is actually all the previous bosses coming together in unision

Attached: Screenshot_52.png (1679x697, 2.46M)

neat, thanks
>ho ho ho motherfucker

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now this is just sad.

Sadly fake, but made me smile for a bit.

>actual madman did it again
bravo von trier

Nobody posting him? really?

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Why do you think we Americans are so into guns?

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I saw a mudcrab the other day.

>black people want to be taken seriously
>pull shit like this at a global event

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>people with subtitles are easy to understand
>people without them aren't

are my ears fucked or are they just retarded about who they chose to sub?

>black """"men""""

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I feel like i met this kid on gta online, obsessed with the joker and typed ahahaha at the end of every sentence

>S tier
armpit pants guy (banned in competitive for being broken op)

>A tier
professor badass (the fairest character of all, possessing no gimmicks, wins with good fundamentals or loses due to lack of them)
techno viking (simple rush-down character that dominates both low and high skill play)

>B tier
beastmaster (gimmicky character that relies on beast micro to win)
japanese hobo (decently fast moveset, but held back by awful range and lack of utility)

>C tier
bazooka protestor (relies too much on the predictable zoning attack gimmick)
caped blackman (weak overall, only good at aerial attack abuse)

>??? tier
the thin man (often considered trash, although one singular player was able to play this character at competitive level and win. it is unclear whether this is due to the character actually being good or because no one knows how to play against it)


Whats pic from?

After enough years, you just know your shit
I don't wear gloves or shoes when I work with liquid nitrogen, because even if I spill a bit, it will instantly evaporate, because my bodyheat is this much higher than its boiling point.
If I wear to wear gloves, shoes or even just socks, it would take long enough for it to evaporate for me to be frostburned.

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He's not the final boss, he's the MC.

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I can’t tell if that’s his mom or sister taking the picture

Look cuck.
This is not Video Games! Posting Funny images is not video games! and if its not video games its not Yea Forums!

Get a life bro!

The new Von Trier kino.

>use water spell
>it's super effective!

t. the guy himself

It's probably a trick that's been passed down through multiple generations of slavic ironworkers at that factory too.

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how the FUCK do I cancel Teachers Arrested into Perfect Storm? what were the devs thinking making it a 1f link in a single player game?

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As it turns out, it's actually a thing already. A surprising turn of events too, considering you play her for a good part of the game.

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He's a hero, you bitch

Oh my god it’s a manlet!
Oh god it’s a Mexican manlet!

Yea Forums the capricious
creator of dank memes
he who faps to feet

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what is he a fucking faggot?

imagine the smell

Giga Fag

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Is it bad that out of everything in this image the part I have most questions about is the slice of bread with nothing on it

Pitiful mortals

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how often the hero becomes the final boss in the sequel? CHECKMATE INFIDELS

Hellgate Sentinel reporting

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me on the left making the disgusted face

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the guy who draw this

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Holy shit is that the 12th angel?

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just a night out with the lads

Is that Okita Anri? She is the cutest. Her milkers have grown massive now that she's preggers.

Top 3rd guy looks like he is master of time magic

What in the hell is that. Why would someone do this.

>they have to keep him in chains
Truly, he must be dangerous.

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All he wants is to pat the loli
just a pat

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A shame the evil-to-tatas ratio seems off.

Me on the right

I was first going to question the Goosebumps book, but then I saw the bread. That easily is the most mysterious.

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I feel the same, the black guys speak pretty well and are easy to understand.

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It's probably been a decade since I first saw this image and I still don't understand what I'm looking at.

Like, I know what it's supposed to be, but not what it is.

GABRIEL LOGAN, always the optimist.

>stopped doing porn before they got this big
Worst timeline desu.

>the entire game is spent with the MC brushing him off in end-level cutscenes only to discover he's the head honcho and is ridiculously OP

Didn't know rape horses were real

Ooo, shiny.

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the fuck

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>cat on roids

check his collar

>seemingly immobile boss stands up when he loses half his health

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its a shit game tho


is this achievable natty?

>Mr. X before he became Mr. X

Wait, what the hell? Is he saving it for a snack later?

Get Troll.

>accident involving trucks full of animal guts
I feel bad for everyone involved

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A man of impeccable taste and refinement.

>Str vs. Int


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Is that a Harry Potter tattoo?

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>Top left is protagonist
>next to him is the first boss
>next to him is shady guy that's actually the villain and has been manipulating everything.
>Next to him is the local merchant
>Next guy is the "villain" who's actually being manipulated
>The two next to him are his mooks
>Last guy is your childhood friend.

based cobro

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ha, gayyyyyyyy

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I swear I fought this guy once in persona


In case anyone was wondering

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thanks for forcing my brain to earn its paycheck today


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Vicky as the penultimate boss in phase 1

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I respect Ezra Miller for not giving a fuck about other people's opinions, but the cunt has a terrible sense of fashion

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>fire wizard
>not pyromancer
whoever made this was a normalfag

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is that his bankai?

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It's like a SCP waiting to happen.


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Why's he wearin a trash bag?
what the everloving fuck happened here

I imagine that it's literally just a mobile mass of guts

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looks like a default skin from Ark.


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It's been cold here lately, that looks comfy as fuck to me right now.

>MC Escher draws hentai

what happened?

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>One breast literally facing so far to the side it has fused with her shoulders

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Does someone have the "EAT THE CHOCOLATE" version?

>implying anyone here remembers Saya no Uta

Is this the bogdanoff fusion form?

his motives are complex

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he's a metalhead from some bumfuck African country

Anikis evil shade

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this is some vintage Yea Forums lore

You know the rules

Just realized how many fucking screencaps of the various E3 2018 waifus I had saved. I really need a proper hobby.

Attached: Devolver Digital lady E3 2018.png (883x833, 546K)

she did it, she was clothed and naked at the same time, at least for the chest bit

Love me some burned he-man.

A hobby, huh? Ever thought of playing VIDEO GAMES?

>says nothing
>just beats the guy
>elves, being psychics, know he is in the right and help

I heard like scooby doo music every time he took a step so I can only see this as adorable

Stream that film, if you're so great

Unless I'm mistaken, the image on his laptop also has a piece of bread with nothing on it

Tammie brown is literally irl last boss and she will somehow be the reason for our apocalypse.

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His red mist AOE attack needs balancing

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do people have a "burn with fire" reflex?
i think that pic triggered it

>beached dead whale
>load it on truck for utilization
>rotting corpse explodes on way


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Anyone got the edit of Chloe putting him in a headlock?

big forehead big brain

the companion that travels around with you for 2/3 of the game, joins the bad guys, and fights you in the final level as a deformed monster.

Attached: WHAT'S HAPPENIN' FORUM.jpg (290x273, 26K)

"Welcome to my trick !"

>Harry Harrington
>That face
>That body
Is this Billy Herrington's rapey cousin?
damn it i shouldve actually image searched it

hel-looks and its sequel sites are a goldmine for these. I like how it gets progressively weirder

Attached: hel-looks W-Bot.jpg (684x980, 93K)

Attached: 1537732170808.jpg (1024x766, 96K)

Attached: ringman.webm (570x720, 2.8M)

Attached: yYRfU.jpg (388x594, 51K)

This guy is almost sleazecore

t: samefag

Attached: hel-looks sleazecore.jpg (538x768, 187K)

Fucking neat

Attached: LA Noire last boss.webm (450x360, 2.57M)

What are these "vide-oh ga-mes" you speak of?


Attached: crush.webm (560x720, 2.81M)

Attached: Taruk the twinsaw.webm (1920x1080, 1.74M)

Pretty sure that was a boss in FF8

Attached: statue.webm (480x720, 2.47M)

Attached: some_of_the_squad.jpg (750x595, 594K)

attack the head

Attached: 1549948656230.gif (1000x1000, 219K)

>he fell for the stripes meme

Attached: STR = 2.webm (510x720, 2.98M)

Attached: skeleton bling.jpg (2000x1333, 1.07M)

We're old here now lad

was about to post this, looks like tom cruise from an alternate dimension where cocaine is not only legal but mandatory

>just a bunch of ugly or normal people, few even wearing anything special
These threads sure's taken a dive

Based shinkenger poster.

hel-looks is pretty funny

Attached: hel-looks murku happy outfit nigger.png (252x661, 308K)

Attached: Rare mob.webm (1120x1080, 2.33M)


>k rool down b

Someone make this game.

Oh shit The One Reborn

I think that's post-preggers, user. The kid was born a while ago.

Attached: Avoid the meadow.webm (1920x1080, 1.59M)

>Chadstein and Smoll

I miss techno viking
I miss 2007 in general

Who's who?

Attached: its vision is based on movement.webm (332x500, 2.91M)

Attached: 1533023773322.jpg (400x600, 38K)


Attached: 1385862743492.gif (312x346, 1.45M)

He just keeps eating from my plate man

I used to actually watch that guy back around 2010 or so.

Attached: C642sX8U0AAJhuX.jpg orig.jpg (640x960, 68K)


Attached: 1544775979194.gif (720x960, 2.74M)

>main character fucking dies

Attached: 34f85151d0447c0c65c5621f6f06e5f173a82ee8_hq.jpg (750x888, 146K)

This looks nice, is the game shit? Is this the same character designer as B&S and Destiny Child?

Attached: DwCjVTpXgAAuY6e.jpg orig.jpg (720x1079, 103K)

>just be confident bro

damn, this is cool


Smashed and slammed!

She's got 10/10 HP and doesn't move but have a crazy defensive Chain Contingency ready and can cast level 9 spells at will.

some faggot from reddit

Attached: CvE_RMCVMAAAAYa.jpg orig.jpg (640x960, 87K)



Attached: 1548289292341.jpg (1200x1176, 168K)

Attached: kofi shang tsung.webm (854x1518, 2.87M)

>those tight clothes eating into her tighs creating delicious curves

Attached: 014g0a9s6rhz.png (1296x1080, 928K)

Thats the exact same filename I originally saved my copy of that picture with.

Alex Jones is Neutral Good
Brevik is Chaotic Good
Putin is Lawful Neutral

boredom = discovery
humanity's greatest achievements were done all by accident, beer for example

Attached: 1550508937742.jpg (512x512, 57K)


Attached: yeezus procession.png (1600x900, 1.5M)

damn, chloe mortez looks like THAT?

damn did blaha lose some weight?

Attached: sun.jpg (1000x703, 97K)

Attached: Djbkw_TV4AAhFjB.jpg (900x1200, 123K)

This fucker. Not gonna post the full pics

Attached: ilmeeni kun porakone huollossa.jpg (341x280, 20K)

Hahahhaaaaa yeah what a fucking loser soiboi cuck faggot lolol why doesn’t he go to the gym or something #rekt

>The Surge.webm

Attached: ASA finds Sean Murray.webm (640x360, 2.91M)

damn this guy looks extremely gay

Attached: MJAfHH2.jpg (333x500, 83K)

>frost wizard
Is that Vitali Klitschko the former boxer?

is that my man demoniusx? now that's a blast from the past right there

>I'm a god. How can you kill a god?

Movie is Southbound

it is prophecy.

Attached: George_Soros_-_Festival_Economia_2012_01_%28cropped%29.jpg (729x1098, 266K)

Whatever happened to this legend?

Attached: 1407430155346.jpg (500x750, 67K)

Sminem is destined to overthrow his fathers after all.

The prompt was final boss, not hidden bonus boss.

so that's why she went on anavar

The Mimicker

I hate that theres no option to keep going along with it

Someone post the Yea Forums faggot that started to give his cat protein


Attached: 092312.jpg (183x276, 7K)

>character that dies in a flashback



reminder that this is the same person

Attached: 1234150813665.jpg (508x599, 80K)

Attached: 1539831107948.jpg (1920x1080, 158K)

Attached: Firestorm.jpg (600x406, 73K)

Attached: sd.png (316x449, 157K)

Did some music videos and some other music production.
I guess he was using his stuff on youtube for his portfolio to get a job and when he did there was no time/point to do youtube

Attached: Absolute Unit.jpg (1500x1500, 730K)

Maximum fupa


Attached: Monkey man bodysuit dude.jpg (1000x1316, 72K)


>on his tippy toes

When will they learn?

He doesn't need front sights, he's more into close combat

Attached: wooden dildo AK bayonet man.jpg (764x1024, 225K)

I feel like I've seen this image before, years ago.

Attached: 1395956367231.jpg (500x667, 68K)

>no trigger discipline

Evil Aligned priest of Baal. All of his spells are Inflict Wounds.

Why am I sure that literally everyone who looks at this picture will automatically have this stock soundeffect playing in their head?

Attached: watermelon.jpg (184x184, 18K)

fucking this, would make for a great game

what a garbage ass design

What would posses someone to take a picture like that without cleaning their room first?

Attached: b88d76920671be4b39f9dcf9571ae6b1.jpg (620x413, 49K)