Fuck this stupid autistic buzzsaw loving piece of shit retard I HATE YOU AND YOUR STUPID FUCKING KNIGHTS FUCK YOU also hollow knight thread
Fuck this stupid autistic buzzsaw loving piece of shit retard I HATE YOU AND YOUR STUPID FUCKING KNIGHTS FUCK YOU also...
Hornet's parkour is going to make for even worse platforming challenges
The only even remotely challenging platforming section in the game was the final room in the Path of Pain. Everything else was cake, you just suck.
Yeah well guess where I just finished getting through only to get gangbanged by knights after a PLATFORMING CHALLENGE, fuckwad
the mini-boss fight ?but that's the easy part.
Not the fight, the platforming room before that.
Reminder that Moths are cute, super fluffy, harmless, friendly and above all very nice.
God I hope so.
>Golden Palace
>Path of Nightmare
i cant beat the radiance. what charms do you guys recommend?
As a citizen of Hallownest, I demand MORE buzzsaws
And above all else communists.
And fluffers
Have you fucks never played a precision platformer? This was babyshit. Go do Giga Difficult in Dustforce and then laugh as you 1cc path of pain like it was nothing
I'm literally shit at this game.
Like, shit.
I got wrecked by the False Knight (yes, 8 min in or so) for 3 times and decided I was done with this game.
I saw a 3h 30min speedrun with Embrace the Void ending and game looks cool, if a little purposeless
Quick Nail, Mark of Pride, Steady Body, and whatever else ya want.
Nailmaster's Glory is good too.
It feels good when you win. I believe you can do it. Use the hiveblood charm so you can stay at high health. As long as you don't die too fast you don't even need to wait before trying again.
Remember at the end you have to fight 2 knights which is why hiveblood is so nice. I died my first time I got there because I didn't know.
You can do it user.
Hollow Knight is an adventure game to me. I have Radiance and Grimm beaten and call it a day. Nothing against the extra challenge features, just not for me. Really glad we're getting a new game instead of more ultra-challenging DLC, I'll gladly pay for a new world to explore with new abilities.
Almost done, boys. Just a quick "speedrun" and I can uninstall this piece of shit.
>Have you fucks never played a precision platformer?
I did and I didn't like it. Which is why I decided to play metroidvanias instead, because they don't have precision platforming.
>steady body
Wasted slot, just learn to roll with it.
Team Cherry isn't always perfect in their game design, but I've never seen a developer give this much of a shit about their game in a long time. They deserve my money.
Well life just got real motherfucker. Embrace it. Builds character
You can literally face tank the False Knight.
>platinums the game
>calls it a piece of shit
imagine wasting that much time on a game you don't like
I'd shit talk you for watching a run through but honestly if you get walled at false knight you had no hope you can straight up button mash through that fight
>life just got real
>Builds character
I lost to the mini-boss because I was so tilted from all the platforming and almost shit myself when I had to redo it.
Why does this game so blatantly copy the Souls series, but then change key parts for the worse?
I just spend 4 hours in the Deepnest/Royal Waterways/Soul Sanctum without a SINGLE stagbeetle/warp back to the surface. Lost a shitlaod of geo because of it. Why is there nothing to spend geo on?
Secondly, what's up with bosses simply not being there? After those 4 hours in the Deepnest I made it to what obviously was a boss arena, but the boss wasn't there. I honestly thought my game was glitched or something and had it despawned or something. Could you imagine in Dark Souls spending hours upon hours going through the Catacombs and Tomb of the Giants, making your way all they way to Nito's Lair, only to find it's completely empty? Because that's how this felt in Hollow Knight. Except unlike in Souls you CAN'T HOMEWARD BONE OR WARP BACK so you have to walk all the fucking way back through the Tomb of Giants and Catacombs to go to the other side of the world HOPING you have the necessary item in your inventory to make the boss spawn there.
What's the point of this? Yes I'm frustrated and venting.
It's one of my favorites now, but I'm just fucking done. Fuck Radiant AR.
Pathetic tier
>brooding mawlek
>gruz mother
>false knight
>first-time hornet
>the colector
>dung defender
>crystal guardian
>mantis lords
>soul master
>traitor lord (the bug lady assisted me on this one but I don't think it matters much)
You tried tier
>broken vessel
>no eyes
>watcher knights
>first dream zote
>second dream zote
>third dream zote
Heh not bad, kid tier
>second-time hornet
>hollow knight
>fourth dream zote
So that's what pain feels like tier
>lost kin
Kill me, just fucking do it tier
>primal aspid
>pale king platforming section
>can adjust jump midflight
what is this babbyshit?
I'm only one better than you, user. I can beat Hornet in Greenpath, after that, I'm lost and unable to keep up with basic enemies.
>Except unlike in Souls you CAN'T HOMEWARD BONE OR WARP BACK
Literally save and load to teleport to your last bench, tard. There's also a stag at the end of deepnest.
I was absolute shit too but I managed to get the True True Ending anyway. I literally had trouble on every boss in the beginning, except Grub Mother. You'll get there. Just learn the attacks and dodge them.
If you managed to do all of that without finding at least two stag stations then you've got an eyesight problem.
you can make some waypoints with essence and teleport back.
or use the bench load trick.
You can get to any end of the map in literally 4 minutes. That's why.
>look for map pages strewn about they make paths to the mapmaker
>from there find your way out of places you are stuck in
Also shops are scattered across the world, explore more.
All of the most loved and successful platformers let you. It was usually the byproduct of bad design if you can't control your character in the air in a platformer. If you're going to use La-Mulana as an example, just remember that they are the same people responsible for those swimming controls, and then they were still shit in the sequel.
Do not reply to people who bitch about air control. They are mega-autists who want to ruin the thread. DO NOT REPLY
Show me the Hornet bussy.
You'll be changing your tune with Silk Song.
>there's plenty beetle stations and shops around the world bro
I don't think so. At the very least in Dark Souls you could spend your Souls to level at a bonfire if you had to unload them before a difficult area. In Hollow Knight you can't.
Additionally there's the problem described above with bosses not being there. I went those 4 hours clearing shit only to get cucked at the end with the boss arena in Deepnest being empty. This is just simply bad design.
On a scale of 1 to Radiant Markoth, how much of the Radiant AR fight is RNG bullshit? I don't know if I can git any gudder.
You skipped the actual answer to your question, argument wanting user.
What will HK's first words be Yea Forums?
cute feet
So you went through the Soul Sanctum backwards (which means it was already done, so it probably took a full minute to traverse), did a u-turn in the sewers (avoiding the stag station in the city of tears), and then went all the way through the deepnest (which has a stag station at the end). You're just leaving areas unexplored and then complaining that you're not finding fast travel.
Which one? The one telling me to use an item I haven't seen or the one telling me to quit/reload back to a bench without a station?
I really hope we see sideplot cutscenes of Hollow Knight.
i don't understand all the rage over path of pain, i finished it in like an hour or so and I was like "that was it?"
it was challenging but I enjoyed it a lot, i like difficult platforming.
holy shit why won't zote shut the fuck up. bretta is gone and he still won't stop talking
Do not spoil me but if I go to the dark egg and defeat whatever is there the game just ends and I have to restart it or can I still go around doing other stuff I missed/clear the phanteons? I've just got the void amulet and I'm trying to defeat NKG at the moment, I'd like to do the most content possible.
How would one ever assume there's a stag station further down in the waterways rather than somewhere behind the mantis lords for example?
it depends.
There's a save spot inside the egg that you can start from after finishing the game.
The game doesn't end, you can always load from the lst bench, even after getting an ending. Also, if you got voidheart before seeing any ending you have already permanently missed the default one.
If you don't want spoilers I recommend you to leave this thread. It will ruin your experience with the game.
Lil Radiance looks so cute.
You don't need to assume if you explore locations fully before moving on instead of randomly wandering around the entire world.
Damn. Was it the one where you sacrifice youself to remake the seal like hornet and the white lady said? Because that shit's dumb.
Forget the white palace.
I can already tell they're going to go so fucking autistic on Silksong's difficulty because of Hornet's moveset.
>Escort Missions
desu Silk Song is already ruined for me
Yes, except it's not dumb. You can still get an ending that's very similar with a minor alteration.
What if they make the Escort missions not shit?
>Escort missions not shit?
what if Yea Forums was good
>You don't need to assume if you explore locations fully before moving on
This is not an argument since up to this point in the game your progress has always been limited in every area. Because of roadblocks and/or lacking moves you have not been able to even fully explore any area. To suddenly expect the player to actually do so is another example of bad design.
Seems like it's not going to be a true escort mission where you have to protect the character.
It's more like you need to defend yourself from the bullshit the character does as you make your way to the checkpoint.
Hornet's moveset obviously means that platforming's gonna be more complicated, but it doesn't mean they're gonna go full white palace with everything
this is a glorified flash game
Good question, but do not counter questions with quandaries.
Escort missions are bad for various reasons.
>Having to protect a person who cannot fend for themselves
>Having to stay close to them or they freak out and stop moving
Just gotta make the escorts fighters and suddenly it's fun.
>platforming's gonna be more complicated,
well considering you can pogo shit your way to everywhere once you have wall jump and turbo dash....
Why would you assume there would be a station just after the mantis lords, when it is clear they don't give a single fuck about hallownest, and the very next room is filled with corpses?
Why would you assume there would be one in the sewerage between the shit and piss? Don't pull this shit on me.
It actually is
Look up hungry knight
There is no station in sewerage you fucking moron, it's in the city a couple rooms after the sewer entrance IIRC, but there is a iron door blocking the way do you need to pass below it in the sewers.
That makes it even worse. There's no reason tho assume going down in the sewers actually makes it loops back around to the city rather than it leading to another new area.
But it does lead to a new area.
And besides the point, why wouldn't it make sense for an area literally called the royal waterways to not have multiple connections to the city above it?
>game has a focus on exploring
>don't explore
>get punished
What did I miss?
Because it makes as much sense to assume the waterways connects multiple areas together, having an entrance point in each of those areas?
>don't explore
What I find hilarious is that you were right next to king's station, yet didnt notice the million stag station signs and didnt beat the mantis lords in the beginning either. You dont explore, you miss environment cues, move like a fucking retard and blame it on the game. Way to out yourself as a casual
An ending that requires you to beat every boss in the game (but stronger) in a successive rush with 4 HP, enough room for 1 Spell/heal in your Soul gauge with no backup baubles, the basic Nail, and no Charms.
>with 4 HP, enough room for 1 Spell/heal in your Soul gauge with no backup baubles, the basic Nail, and no Charms.
what the fuck, bindings are required?
They aren't.
Lol nope. He's just razzing you
Nah I meant that its what Hollow Knights first words would be, I already watched the ending as I accept my limits
>Except unlike in Souls you CAN'T HOMEWARD BONE OR WARP BACK so you have to walk all the fucking way back through the Tomb of Giants and Catacombs to go to the other side of the world HOPING you have the necessary item in your inventory to make the boss spawn there.
Exit the game. When you restart you'll be at the last bench you rested at. Speedrunners do it to avoid backtracking.
>yet didnt notice the million stag station signs
>and didnt beat the mantis lords in the beginning either
How is this relevant?
>will shoot where you were right when it telegraphs its attack
How does anyone have trouble with these things?
Why do you always post this shit pic? Have a better one.
Grimm is now effortless. The Nightmare King awaits.
But first I need to re-run the entire path of pain after getting facefucked by the Kingmoulds at the end.
at least you don't have to do that loop where you had to hit the switch to open that one gate in there, that remains open. i know this because the same thing happened to me.
I forgot if it was one or two sections to unlock that gate. I'll take what I can get.
>Don't talk to me until I've had my coffee
>dashing into light pillar get you bit by fallling sword
>spiked balls of light can spawn on you
Nice boss, Team Cherry.
The Radiant Absolute State of Yea Forums
As any remotely well designed platformer should let you do, what of it?
>spiked balls of light
They had a buildup time before actually spawning. Just move.
Attentiveness is important.
>ur bad
No. I've beaten nearly every boss in the game on radiant, I don't need lectures about being attentive. But AR is rngfest when its come to its difficulty and is a quite badly designed fight for a final ennemy of a 42 bosses-50minutes long boss rush.
The only main difficulty comes from the lightballs which you can lead offscreen or will crash into platforms after being onscreen for at least 1 second (if they spawn near a platform or on the other side they can pass through before that time)
It would have been a more legitimate complaint back when they had a visual glitch and didn't show exactly where they were.
You should keep AR onscreen so you can tell if you'll be dashing through the pillars into another attack.