Why is showing rape such taboo in video games?
>Murder and violence is fine so long they aren't kids.
>Rape is not ok, it's literally worse than murder and it's only for incels
Why is showing rape such taboo in video games?
>Murder and violence is fine so long they aren't kids.
>Rape is not ok, it's literally worse than murder and it's only for incels
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Rape being portrayed in video games looks so fucking stupid
Get raped and come back, then you'll know.
Prove you want rape in vidya for compelling storytelling (plenty of games already do this) and to fulfill your sick fetish incel
Doesn't really make a game better though does it?
Plus there are plenty of games that imply it but the people that govern the rating systems would never let an actual rape scene get into a game
Because most fail to show the full impact it has on both the person and the people close to them.
As gay as it sounds, the only time where rape was thematically appropriate and was played off with a sense of genuineness was in berserk where casca gets raped by femto.
Most other scenes in movies, games or novels are always, "rape bad, me angry" without delving into the deeper impact of it, therefore making it seem unnecessary to the story.
Meanwhile I've seen 3 different european movies where kids get raped and go through that trauma, in one of which the girl sets the old guy on fire in his own house.
How bout you get murdered and come back
i mean i wouldn't want to be raped so there's that. and besides that no devs i know would want that controversy for something so small. They couldn't even do it right if they tried.
Because when you die, that's it, you cease to be.
When you're raped, it sticks with you for your whole life and fills you with shame. Also seeing it in other places reminds you of when it happened to you, so that's why.
more like anything sexual
Rape is good.
I would rather be raped than murdered. You're a fucking retard if you disagree.
fucking half of the post didnt even get posted.
What I was saying is that the medium is not mature enough nor is the audience. You can see an outcry of manchildren and SJWs getting triggered when evil people do evil things so you cant introduce a truly evil concept like rap to games.
Also an Adults Only rating causes the game to not be sold openly, however with digital only that is a laughable argument.
its all about the money and not about the art.
I'd rather not have either happen to me user
that's not rape, she never said no or tried to get away
Shit look at red dead 2's rape shack. Played for laughs and didn't add shit at all except some kind of easter egg
Playfighting is more common than playraping
Then git gud.
Why would anyone want to see rape?
>he didn't molest his sister while playfighting
are you gonna try to rape and kill me to test me user?
older sister>younger sister
having her playfight with you. think about it
Teenagers are pretty damn impressionable. Whether they pick it up from videogames, movies, or anime, the dumbasses will try to imitate what they see. Depicting rape is like handing them a gun and sending them off on their way. It will never be handled in a realistic manner and it sure as hell has no place in videogames.
I wish I had an older sister who wanted to molest me.
Teenagers also love to do the opposite of what you say to piss you off. Fucking assholes
Im writing a detective game, and was thinking of having a chapter involve rape in it purely as a device to disgust and offend the audience. Im not advocating it by any means, but I do feel like its outside of my comfort zone. Im willing to put that aside as a double standard in achieving the goal, but is it
A. Worthy to include based on those reasons alone, and
B. Worth the backlash or harsh reception?
its current_year d00d. Men can't be raped.
AO rating
You know games have an R rating for a reason
>he has or ever used the rating system at all
We all know no one does
It's mostly about American puritanism.
As for the question "is rape worse than murder", murder can be justified and can result in lives being saved (killing an active shooter, bombing terrorist camps, etc.). Rape (as in actual penetrative rape and not just some woman changing her mind post-sex) can never be justified.
Option B is literally free advertising
America dominates the gaming sphere.
America is also a mentally insane country that revels in blood and mutilation but treats sex and the aforementioned offshoot, sexual violence, as the most evil spawn of satan so great that the mere mention or display of it sends people into a downward spiral of insanity in an already insane country.
The effects of this mentality were so great it keeps spreading to other places as well. In recent years it's being attacked from a new vector -- "Haha those incels fap to it so I want it to be banned because I hate them!".
Now, putting aside the idea of banning or tabooing a concept just because you hate people that may like it, which while I can understand, I wholly condemn - to deal with sex as an issue in video game we have to unearth back very old issues about gaming, such as its perception as a children's pastime, the amount of exposure they have to it, it's possible effects on their psyche, and how to deal with retarded arguments that have recently resurfaced in a new form such as "objectification of X people", "power fantasy", "gratification", and so and so.
The main attack nowadays seems to be "people might get off to it!" -- That is somehow perceived as a decent argument, in a ... piece of entertainment... Huh.
I mean, someone probably also gets off to DOOM slaying and maybe faps to Schindler's list too. I dont see people banning those (and people try to ban certain WW2 and gore subjects all the time, yet for some reason its sexual violence that gets the scornful look).
The reason, I believe, is in the core of the aforementioned argument -- people imagine "fat greasyneckbeards that jerk off to violent depictions" and consider it appeasing to the "wrong people".
> If you enjoy this, you're a sick fuck
> You need to be in jail!
> Get help!
But this argument is not equally used, or rather, not seen as valid for brutal depictions of violence, especially when its established that the character "deserves it".
>rape in a realistic manner
so rape it is.
Because most people that write for video games or anything really don't know how to pull it off in a way that doesn't just come off like shock value. People that haven't been raped can never understand how truly awful it is.
If you are just putting it in for shock and disgust and it actually has no lasting prevalence in the rest of the story, then no.
Using it as a tool to purely shock people without expanding upon it is pointless and is frankly just hack writing.
God damn puritans to this day still cuck us with weird as fuck shit
>implying he'll ever make it into a store anyway
>america is the first word
yeah not reading that
not a mutt btw, proud Aussie
you fucking poof
Subscribe to pewdiepie
She literally tries to push him off in that webm.
Name one instance in life where rape has ever led to a positive impact.
Murder and violence is wrong in most cases, but they have produced beneficial costs in life. This is why people are much more "comfortable" with murder than rape.
I dont necessarily agree that people can't grasp how emotionally devastating it is without being raped themselves.
It's complex and requires a bit of thinking on, but I can definitely see how it would result in stuff like ego death.
>B. Worth the backlash or harsh reception?
Controversy creates cash
Hatred devs are on their fourth game, while the Lawbreakers devs are dead
And despite literally devs refusing to cover Kingdom Come, it was the best selling RPG of 2018 - a year stacked with RPGs
>bad character cant do bad things
holy shit wait it is perfect. and if you send it to some gay ass letsplayers they'll play it and then after make a video either apologizing for the rape scene they left in OR condemn you. Leading to even more grabs.
moreover, this becomes readily apparent when even famous writers came under flack when their TV series depicted faithfully scenes of sexual violence, called out for "trivializing rape" through their consistent use of it. (theguardian.com
No one seems to be making those claims thou, against say, Saw or The Punisher.
It indeed seems to be rooted in an ideology that "Sex, and the perceived gratification someone might get from watching it", is worse that brutal imagery of mutilation, murder and violence.
Throughout the creative american industry sex has mostly been used as a tool of either comedy or deep romance, as these seem to be the only instances where the american and american-pozzed audience does not have an internalized sense of "Shame" manifest.
This sense of shame, rule over their rational judgement and creates retarded arguments as mentioned before.
What is the solution to this mentality? Honestly? I dont know, other than calling it out and refusing to acknowledge arguments on which the basis of them is "You're just fapping to it cause you're an incel and you objectify/trivialize it blahblahblah"
These are attacks on character and cannot be approached rationally.
Sex is not something to be ashamed of, and rape/sexual violence is a concept that has existed and will continue to exist in all lifeforms capable of it, humans especially. It is "embarassing" to look at and acknowledge to some, but its a thing. It happens. And as an entertainment piece, it piques our interest. Its no less deserving of a spot on your screen than manslaughter, imho.
>kingmaker with the most sustain despite the cashuls crying about it
congrats on being pozzed, I guess?
>rape is worse than murder
read the puritan posts to understand. Shit's fucked
she's just spasming from having an orgasm from that delicious demon cock dude, she's fine
>America dominates the gaming sphere.
Not really. China, Korea and Japan consume and produce more vidya than America and EU combined.
rape has longer lasting effects than murder
How virgin are you? That's not rape, it's common since it's a heavily physic activity. Of course it gets rough sometimes.
It's a clown world user, just assume the people stating this are utter retards existing solely for your entertainment.
Am I the only one in Yea Forums that fucking hates this game? Children getting raped isn't hot, it's tragic.
>inb4 b-but all characters 18 huehuehue
>I wanted to kill someone
>I wanted to fuck someone
At their lowest points, they're practically the same thing of using force on someone. And Murders happen unjustifiably in video games. All the time actually.
did everyone forget we are looking at video game "acting". the campiest shit ever?
rape only affects 1 person, the death of someone affects everyone surrounding that person.
The effects of murder are permanent, retard.
>Because most fail to show the full impact it has on both the person and the people close to them.
And most games fail to do the same for murder and violence. Thats not an argument.
Oh no someone tried to use my reproductive system and I feel icky :((( so much worse than being dead forever
Fuck off resetera
Why would you want to see a murder?
>inb4 b-but all characters 18 huehuehue
But they are user.
>so you cant introduce a truly evil concept like rap to games.
Unfortunate typo or freudian slip?
There is a subreddit watchpeopledie, there is no watchpeopleraped, why?
Real rape videos are obscure and deleted on sight.
Liveleaks are gore and fine.
In specific games in their region, mainly mobages and MOBA.
We are talknig about gaming sphere and gaming culture as a whole, the majority of which come from North America or companies with a base in america.
Because showing sex scenes is taboo in video games.
>Because most fail to show the full impact it has on both the person and the people close to them.
Most overstate it. It's not that big of a deal.
To be fair Kingdom Come came out at the beginning of 2018, while Kingmaker came out towards the end of the year. It's still kinda fresh so i'd expect there to be more people playing it that Kingdom Come currently.
It's shit acting, granted. Yeah sex can get rough but if she's trying to push you off her, it's time to stop.
>rape doesn't effect their fathers
>rape doesn't effect their mothers
>rape doesn't effect their siblings
>rape doesn't effect their friends
>rape doesn't effect their lover
>rape doesn't effect their children
Your straight up retarded my man
>mentioning subreddits
>mentioning leddit at all
Correct, it doesn't affect any of those.
Sounds great! What game is it?
Your a idiot
The worst thing that can physically happen to you from rape is forced pregnancy (solvable), and STDs (can be either solvable or permanent but maintainable).
Anything else is emotional damage from the act, which would vary by person.
Murder is a permanent end of a person's life. You can recover from rape. You cannot recover from death.
The only thing I can imagine being worse than death is harsh torture, the kind that would make you beg to die.
rape in games is always portrayed in a laughably bad way
At least with violence it’s cathartic.
That really is the Western view on it. A man is tortured and or murdered and it's case of "What a shame" *smacks lips* but if woman is raped then it's straight to w/e the highest Defcon is.
If you see kids, that's on you. My character has huge tits.
Degrees of Lewdity
murder by definition is unlawful killing, killing an active shooter is not murder, killing a terrorist is not murder
rape causes reproduction and can therefore be justified for survival
>I have to kill someone to save innocent lives
>I have to fuck someone to save innocent lives
The only life that can be saved by raping someone is maybe the life of some desperate /r9k/-tier virgin who was otherwise going to blow his brains out.
>Never played an H game
The concept of rape was invented by the Jews to kill the white race
Notice how white on white rape is always demonized yet nigger on white rape is ok
No other animal has the concept of rape
They just fuck when they want to spread their genes
So why is it different for us?
The sexual revolution is why
Jews want us to think sex is more than passing on genes
>he wouldn't kill his daughter's rapist
>3,319 playing Kingdom Come
>1,662 playing Kingmaker
SJW WRPG devs btfo
Speaking of, where do you get yours? There's some realistic ones on heavy-r, but even then they're hidden in a sea of obviously staged ones.
Whatever you say you delusional faggot
The person being murdered stops caring after a little.
Rape stays with you.
consider this,
if someone where to kill you, you wouldn't feel anything because you're dead however if someone where to rape you and let you live that shit would stick to you forever and fuck you up mentally
It's only a rape if a men is ugly. There is nothing more scary to a foid than getting impregnated by sub 4/10 male. Prove me wrong. You can't.
>You cannot recover from death
With the Lord you can.
Nope. I'd tell her to man up and move on.
t. person who wasn't raped
No it doesn't.
one person needs psychological counsel after it
when someone dies you have to arrange a funeral, that person is never coming back ever again. You will never have that sister again, you will never have that wife again you will never have that mom again. If she is raped you get to keep that person, that person just needs a way to deal with THEIR trauma.
>mainly mobages and MOBA.
And fighters. And JRPGs. And SRPGs. And mecha games. And other niche AA Japanese games.
If you want to claim garbage like FIFA, NFL, CoD and other yearly shat out AAA moviegame garbage then sure, those sell more in the west. Not really a badge of honor though.
Rape by itself is surprisingly rare even in wartorn shitty conditions and most of the time happens within a family behind closed doors. Violence by itself is much more common overall. So if you're going to have a show or a game with rape everywhere, theres no hope of making any serious story about it. If your story has a lot of rape in it then its inevitably going to be either brainless exploitation, or either filthy smut porn or a romance novel depending whether the rapist is handsome or not.
>Muh Reddit boogyman
/R/the_donald is based anyways
Oh no someone wanted to use my reproductive organs to reproduce :((((((
Google "Prison Island Inmate"
Would Yea Forums rather live as a prison sissy or die instead of be raped?
the mind of an incel is an amazing thing
are all american incels this fucking stupid?
see the teenager posts you faggot
And stay there redditfag
That's a pleasant surprise.
Based Warhorse, although i have feeling that the woman DLC is gonna be SJW stronk wahmen stuff.
You won't, which is why it isn't as bad.
Friendly reminder that the age of consent was 10 until the 1920's, and CP as well as marital rape wasn't largely criminalized in the US until the late 70's/early 80's. American Puritanism as we know it is a fairly recent development for all intents and purposes and in all instances was born of feminist movements.
You're literally not responding to what I said at all.
If there's no excuse for rape in games because its always irredeemable, than why do we have irredeemable murder? Not all murder is good, just, or heroic, but no one says 'the bad murder shouldn't be there'.
Please tell me this is fake.
depression and loneliness wrecks the brain
>you cant introduce a truly evil concept like rap to games.
>its all about the money and not about the art.
For a typo, that one made a lot of sense. Bait or not, have a (You).
>if you're going to have a show or a game with rape everywhere, theres no hope of making any serious story about it
play Evenicle and report back, the game explores rape themes and it's implications in society better than any game or even any media in existence
>harsh torture
I get that you're going for really heavy shit like ripping fingernails, pulling out teeth, brutal beatings etc. But rape is pretty fucking horrible and can lead to people wanting to die during the act or way after it, and can lead to suicide.
Also note that rape is used as a form of torture as well.
outliers don't disprove the rule
Nope it's real, and shouldn't be surprising given the amount of women that fantasise about rape.
Its rape porn for evil men if the guy is ugly, its a romance novel if he's handsome.
>kill random mook
>done in less than a second, already forgotten about by the time you take 3 steps to repeat the process ad infinitum
>rape some slut
>entire scene focuses on it
>makes it a point to have an emotional impact
I'm sure it's real but all three people involved have neon colored hair and wide rimmed glasses and the 'rape' was not actual violent rape, he probably refused to use a condom or left in the morning or something dumb like that and she's calling it 'rape'
I agree with you that rape should be allowed to be depicted in fiction and that it shouldn't be as taboo considering how many infinitely more dark and disturbing subjects are perfectly fine, I was just addressing your meme arrows implying (whether intentional or not) that they are the same.
Women enjoy rape, not to mention it is a highest possible form of validation (man willing to commit serious crime just to use her genitals once).
>just get psychological counselling lol
Everyone thinks its literally this easy, meanwhile the faggots on here will screech about how their depression cant be cured by talking to a therapist.
You don't get to keep that person user, you get to watch them whither away emotionally until theres nothing left and you start to feel worthless because you couldn't protect them.
They stay in like that forever, even if they cope better later in life and they are a constant reminder to the fact the world is horrible to both themselves and you.
newfag to this game, just found it a couple days ago and fucked robin today
hopefully whitney is next
its pretty good, looking forward to future updates
The only thing far worse than death is torture and raep's not torture.
It's humiliation, nothing more. Raep is nothing next to actual sexual torture.
>White population started to die after the change was made
A story about rape specifically is a different thing than introducing a video game world where rape happens everywhere as often as general violence does. A story which tells the tales of different rape victims is better than David Cage game where the same protagonist gets Almost Raped 3 times straight by complete strangers.
The absolute prevalence of ignorance about rape is hugely concerning about your mental state if you think that A: rape is fine, B: rape is easy to get over or C: someone has to tell you "no" before it counts as rape, you need to be better educated.
Doesn't surprise me coming from the group of edgy teenagers known as Yea Forums.
Hard Rock Nick, is that you???
Violence wouldn't be seen as okay either if it wasn't for every other generation being full of idiots who seem to think "war is fun".
Consider this: you are retarded.
agreeable post
>cheating on Robin
Why are you so heartless?
>Doesn't surprise me coming from the group of edgy teenagers known as Yea Forums.
>Im writing a detective game
No you aren't
How long until you ban is lifted?
depression has a cure
death doesnt
t. depression survivor
rape is worse than murder
>t.prison bitch
>depression has a cure
nigger what
Murder is by definition an unlawful killing. If you mean to say that "killing has produced good things" then that's not what we're talking about. If you meant to say "murder has produced good things" because you think it's a form of justice then you could easily be an edgelord and say the same thing about rape, particularly the rape of criminals in the prison system.
How fucking stupid are you, Rape is a form of torture sure, But murder is rob someone entirely of their future, Get your burger logic out of here and learn some basic humanity.
Google "Prison Island Inmate"
Would Yea Forums rather live as a prison sissy or die instead of be raped?
You haven't played RDR2
>game is SJW out of the ass
>strong female characters
>multiculti gangs (except the racist ones)
>can't hire prostitutes
>but you still can get raped
>haven't heard shit about it in the usual journos blogs
I agree, its not a badge of honor. Yet it is clear we are talking about the gaming sphere as a culture, and I assume you are western by being on this board. So whatever moba or gatchashit the chinese are mass playing is barely relevant.
> fighters
Mostly sell like shit and are making the money from arcades.
Japan, the one industry that resists the influence somewhat. And again, incomparably low on the sales and cultural influence.
Thats what we are talking about, not the niche. There's no point bringing up games that are not influential or important. It's like if I brought Angry Birds as an argument. We have an industry who's culture is almost completely dominated by North America aside from a somewhat resistant front from Japan that has also been slowly breaking down as this board likes to have a meltdown over every month (SONY's policies are a good enough starting point), and some few european devs which also came under flack for not adapting the policies of the current zeitgeist.
>burger logic
obsession is a cruel master
literally brain raped by uncle sam
>Make a rape scene with no emotional impact
>Omg you're dehumanizing rape victims.
Besides, not exploring rape as a theme is leaving out a massive element of human conflict. Is there anything inherintly wrong with that?
K user, I'm sure you never relapse at all into depression and that its completely cured for the rest of your life.
Not even the smallest thoughts of sadness will ever pass through your mind ever again.
Why should it show the full impact when murder isn't given the same treatment in vidya?
We never see the psychological effects the thugs you beat up get after you kick their asses. Which, btw, physical violence has been proven to have similar psychological detriments as rape, so does blackmail. So why is rape special then?
Hell, the distrust and loneliness from being falsely ACCUSED of rape or other similar allegations can be JUST as crippling as that of rape, so?
Also, some people deal with rape just fine, sure it was a shitty experience, but they manage to move past it and not let it affect them. Thus, why are we pretending it's the most capital of sins when it's clearly not?
Fun thing is, a lot of people don't even believe in depression being real or an illness. Same with rape against men.
remember men raped is funny! BuT DonT EVeR DEPIC WOOMEN RAPE
Women don't like to be reminded of their inherent fragility and weakness.
That literally any man could corner them, hit them once or twice, and it's game over and their womb is as good as plastered with semen. And they'd enjoy it too.
This is the reason for the "women getting raped is worse than murder" fiction.
If they achieved orgasm then it's not rape anymore, they clearly enjoyed it
well, when you put it that way
im gonna need the dev to add a robin whitney threesome quest
And there are other experiences equally or more traumatizing as rape, yet those are portrayed just fine all the time.
There was a study showing that more than 80% of female rape victims climaxed during the act. Of course, it's been scrubbed by google because god forbid science tells us something that someone finds offensive.
>rape is worse than death
Why do rape victims allow themselves to get raped then? If rape was so bad, surely they'd choose death and fight back right?
check mate athiests
torture is a big one. Jesus christ
based and redpilled
yes you can relapse into depressing thoughts but you cant relapse into life from being dead.
ye thats what makes it hard to deal with
Main difference is you can't make action heroes out of serial rapists since killing someone who threatens your life is considered a morally neutral thing to do, while rape is pretty much always considered evil.
So if you plan on making a game where the main character rapes women, then its inevitably going to be an edgelord antihero (like Kratos) at best.
This, just kill yourself while being raped if it was so bad.
good job
you might get another cold before you die, therefore a cold is never really cured
>Why is showing rape such taboo in video games?
It's taboo in films and TV as well. There's no need to show it.
this is the problem: you think that being depressed is your normal state when its not.
When you are depressed you have a mental sickness. Then you feel happy and then you become sick again. Its the same as a physical sickness like the cold. Your wording is what i used and it was the wrong wording, you dont relapse into depression you just get depression again.
It's a subject you have to handle with some care unless you're a porn game. My guess it's not worth it for video game writers.
The real problem that none of you faggots are understanding: how could rape be meaningfully incorporated into gameplay? It can’t, really. Murder is ultimately much more flexible.
Killing in self-defense is a legitimate thing that occurs in tons of games, and is arguably the most appropriate way to incorporate it into a game. Raping in self-defense makes zero sense. So how do you legitimately put it in a game?
What if you rape a bitch who was trying to kill you? Wouldn't that be better than killing her?
that just proves the point of "lol cured" isn't real user
it really isn't. one of the most popular TV shows, especially among women, is SVU, which shows on screen rape practically every episode.
Pretty much this.
There is no such thing as rape
Animals are meant to pass on genes
dont you feel dirty raping the poor woman and her 2 underage daughters after the fact?
It's the whole reason Quiet breathed through her skin.
>rape is taboo
>most villains are portrayed as rapist
>most female characters either have rape as a backstory or end up in some situation where they are almost raped by the villain
Yeah it sure is taboo.
writing isn't worth it for them anymore either
based and crimepilled
I get raped daily whats so bad about it
What if you Rape the shooter or terrorist instead of killing them.
Yes, because they're the only ones obeying the laws.
no one asked about your mcDonalds job user
>give it a try
>you can hear how hard you're beating her to death
Call me weirdo, but i'll pass.
Still considered evil since you don't have to rape someone to incapacitate them. Rape is basically on the same moral level as kicking someone in the head when he's laying on the ground.
Or Rance. Rance is not an antihero, and he rapes women all the time.
>Raping in self-defense makes zero sense. So how do you legitimately put it in a game?
>He was going to kill me so I offered him sexual favors!
>I was showing her my knife collection and she started yammering about wanting to see my flesh knife, next thing I know i'm 8 inches inside her! I feel so violated
Could make for an interesting sidequest in a game.
Only because they weren't that good looking.
>Not realizing raising the AOC was to kill the white race
but war is fun
I'm not western.
>Mostly sell like shit and are making the money from arcades.
This isn't really an argument. They "sell like shit" for a westacuck industry. Same industry that claims 5 million sales is a flop because of over inflate budget and marketing drain. Same industry that's sinking further into debt and firing half their staff.
In the east fighters are sustainable and successful. Animu fighters are thriving.
>from arcades
And tournaments. And dispatching arcades as a bad thing is retarded too seeing how it's yet another whole gaming market east has over the west.
>Japan, the one industry that resists the influence somewhat
JRPGs and SRPGs are successful in Korea and China too. So much so they're not even localized for the west. Because westacucks aren't profitable enough to be worth bothering.
>Thats what we are talking about, not the niche.
What are you talking about? It's China that's shaping up your industry more and more. Starting from Riot then spreading over Blizzard. If you want to talk about pure money and culture then look towards the east. MMOs are not niche. They're quite literally massive.
>SONY's policies are a good enough starting point
Sony isn't a Japanese company anymore. It's based in California and is now shitting out moviegames.
Niche + aforementioned genres + the biggest games in the industry, yeah.
What are you talking about my dad haven't touched me in mcdonalds in years.
Only because I can't take them home with me.
I don't remember seeing intercourse, I'm assuming that's what the OP meant to say at least.
People have lines in the sand and a degree of mortal standards to what they are comfortable with viewing.
Lots of people aren't okay with seeing rape so it doesn't get shown a lot.
People are okay with violence because we are largely desensitized to cartoon over the top and cartoon violence and that's because of how exposed we are to it on a constant basis from an early age. If rape was exposed that much to the public then we'd be desensitized to that as well.
>rape causes reproduction and can therefore be justified for survival
Reproduction doesn't help anyone survive.
Yes it can, but understand please that this is mostly emotional damage. Now bear with me hear cause Im making abit of a leap:
Bullying , in essence, has the same effects as rape does. Its about humiliation, denial of the person's wants, and forced psychological and sometimes physical pain for the pleasure of the bully at the expense of the victim.
And while both are wrong, rape in specifity has been placed on a pedestal.
Breaking it down, rape is usually caused by an assailant (majority male) attacking a victim (majority female), where the assailant has an uncontrollable urge to pin down and release sexual tension on the victim. Usually, the act is over as soon as the assailant calmed his needs.
The act itself, is just sex, albeit rougher and sometimes using extra force. The act isnt necessarily damaging, and, as the great amount of fantasies people have about them often indicate, may even end up pleasurable, which is a shameful thing for people to admit to.
It is being stolen control of your own body and being used by force to satiate another's. Thats the humiliation part. The damage is usually only as great as people make it to be, and is recoverable.
Its true that rape can be used as a form of torture, but it usually requires actual planning and actions beyond the mere act of penetration, such as holding a person captive or forced to serve many, and usually paired with other forms of violence. This is why torture is worse, it includes all that and then some, and its effects are more long lasting and damaging.
No one is saying rape isnt bad, is what im saying. Just that, rationally speaking, its not as high as people perceive it to be, and I think that's part of why it becomes needless emotional baggage. Cause if you put aside the emotional damage from being humiliated, like severe bullying, the person CAN move on and recover and be perfectly healthy and live their lives.
He didn't fuck so good
In GTA you kill for the sake of killing. Why shouldn't you be allowed to rape too? After all, you ARE playing a thug criminal, it's fitting given the context.
Same story in any game that takes place prior to the Industrial Revolution, ESPECIALLY medieval games, rape was super-common then.
How about a story with a knight that begins as a self-serving asshole, and has to redeem himself for example? Realizing that his actions have cause others pain forces him to live with that and change. You could explore tons of things with a rape theme, but it remains a perpetual taboo cause feminists are dumb.
Forgot to add
>There are 7.2 billion people on this planet, 2.97 billion of which have web access. Of those, 1.8 billion are gamers, and they’ll spend $82 billion in 2014 on Clash of Clans, FIFA 2014, and millions of other games.
>The spendiest group? The Japanese, with average annual spend of $120 each
>When you divide gaming revenue by online citizens, here are the top 10 highest-spending countries in the world per capita:
Japan: $120/person
Korea: $79/person
U.S.A.: $74/person
U.K.: $62/person
Australia: $55/person
Canada: $54/person
Germany: $50/person
Switzerland: $47/person
France: $46.38/person
Ireland: $46/person
to go along the picture
user you didn't leap you canyon jumped
>Main difference is you can't make action heroes out of serial rapists
Kicking someone in the head when they're on the ground is tactically sound, if they're still potentially dangerous. That's not really comparable.
>rape causes reproduction and can therefore be justified for survival
What is an STD
You know why I am here.
If anyone has rape webdms post it.
Isn't there a higher chance of getting pregnant via rape than regular intercourse as well?
>not letting pedos fuck children is a part of the white genocide agenda
Tribal and nomadic nations and all pagans in Crusader Kings 2 have a game mechanic where you can force any imprisoned adult (16+) female characters as your concubines and have children with them, and it makes the said women hate you as their abductor. I'm kinda surprised Paradox has gotten away with it for years now.
Because it's used as cruise control to FEELS. It's lazy.
because it's insensitive to the female GAMERS that make up half of the gaming community! rape is a female problem.
unironically this, rape is a human construct, nature does not know rape or consent, only reproduction
I'm such a pen-up loser I can get off to this post.
fucking a you need help you dork
That I dunno. I'd be interested to find out though.
And if a man is forcibly given a handjob by another man he is gonna cum, doesn't mean all dudes are gay or that they enjoy getting handjobs from men.
All other animals start fucking when possible so why don't humans?
The jews
based and crimepilled
Thats why ducks have labyrinth vaginas right?
Now that's BASED
Like you know Dragon Quest? It should totally feature a Black Transgender Woman! And no playable male.
here you go
>it's only for incels
Yes though.
There's literally no reason to want it in a game besides if you're a degenerate faggot.
Google "Prison Island Inmate"
Would Yea Forums rather live as a prison sissy or die instead of be raped?
Kiryu does it all the time and is all seen as the upstanding hero.
This may surprise you, but animals have an age of sexual maturity as well.
I don't think many people understand the full impact of rape.
>Had qt autistic (literal autism) friend who was super smart but a social outcast who lived opposite side of the country
>She's into really weird and niche hobbies that I find interesting and she's happy to find someone who gives her the time of day instead of calling her a creep
>Become her only friend, she's my best friend
>Express my feelings for her, she doesn't know how to respond because autism but is still happy and accepts
>But because of the distance and her being shy, I take things super slow with her and patiently wait for when I can move over there
>Meet her a few times, she's so shy that even holding hands makes her audibly flustered
>One day she doesn't respond to me, odd cause she talks to me literally every day but I chalk it up to her being busy or falling asleep early
>Suddenly get a video call with no context
>She's naked (first time me seeing), covered in blood, and has an empty expression
>Explains to me very calmly that her neighbor broke into the house and assaulted her in front of her parents
>Apologizes, I try telling her she isn't at fault but she keeps saying she betrayed me
>Ignores my future messages
>I get the police report and realize how this Frankenstein monster of a dude was able to overpower 2 adults while raping
>Finally get contact with her again after almost a year of trying
>She apologizes, says she's happy I came in contact with her again, and we catch up like nothing happened
>Ask her if she'd be okay with me visiting her irl again soon to reconnect
>"I don't know, I think you'll be disappointed in me."
>Think it's just her autism
>She explains that since the rape she spiraled into hard drug use, compliments of a college friend who say her crying in class every day
>She frequents the houses of "friends" who regularly beat her until she's sometimes almost unconscious and a bloody mess (sex heavily implied, sometimes in groups)
why do you want attention so badly
>be Pagan
>raid a neighbor
>abduct their 6 yo child
>keep her imprisoned and become her mentor
>get a random event to torture prisoners
>she ends up maimed and her profile picture has a facial scar
>16 yo
>concubine her
>she actually loves my ruler because the 10 years of mentorship bond outweighing life and torture in prison
Same with violence desu
Calling it pedophilia is just a result of indoctrination to force people into such anti-biologically natural action. Pedos aren't interested in 10 year old girls. They're only interested in girls who haven't entered puberty yet. Learn your terminology. Girls typically enter puberty at 8 or 9, while boys usually enter around 11-12. The numbers have been equalized by activists in recent decades to keep people in line with a very unnatural feminist social agenda.
Yeah so do humans
Once they bleed they can breed
nice fanfic
Wtf is this? The life of JF?
I think this is more of an issue of women being emotionally fragile than anything else. I had a friend who went through a similar experience, an she too spiraled into drug addiction.
Wtf dude, just call the police or some support group.
>oh no he stuck his D in my V now my life is over and I can never do anything due to the shame he may as well have killed me
Women acting like eternal victims is the reason this is a thing, same shit with jews acting like victims to the point that criticizing something is now considered racist instead of you know, simple criticizing
>She's going to therapy and is trying to quit drugs, mostly quit the hard stuff like heroine
>Her therapist recommended she reconnect with me, which is why she let me in again
>But she's also ashamed of what's become of her and contributes it to the rape
>It's only been about a year and things have shaken so much since then
>"I only ever feel alive anymore if I'm about to die, like I was then."
I'm still reconnecting and helping her. Since I got in contact with her, I've had progress with helping her ween off some things, but it's hard man. I'm not going to give up on her and she still cares about me but it's so heartbreaking.
Fuck off. It's hard to deal with.
I've never even gotten erect from a handjob from even the most attractive girl I ever dated, much less came. I find it boring and not particularly pleasurable at all. Men don't have the same physiological reactions to things. The only way to force ejaculation in a man is to directly stimulate the prostate, and that ejaculation is NOT the result of orgasm. There's a large difference.
What went so wrong with modern women
I had an ex that claimed to have been raped before, all she did was use the story to make me feel sorry for her and do shit for her.
What if some dude just knocked you down in the streets and fucked you up the ass?
you just know that this guy got banned
sorry for assuming then, but Yea Forums is largely seen as a western equivalent to 5ch, you'll forgive the assumption I hope.
> This isn't really an argument.
Well you started by the argument by saying Asia produces and consumes more so dont make that argument just to contradict yourself later.
> dispatching arcades as a bad thing is retarded too seeing how it's yet another whole gaming market east has over the west.
No one says its a bad thing. You're on the defensive for absolutely no reason.
> JRPGs and SRPGs are successful in Korea and China too. So much so they're not even localized for the west. Because westacucks aren't profitable enough to be worth bothering.
Not being localized is more an indication of not being successful enough. Localizing costs money, you know. Not that this is what i'm implying, just that its a bad argument. Westacucks arent profitable precisely for parts of the reasons mentioned.
> What are you talking about? It's China that's shaping up your industry more and more.
China buys investments and chinese gamers mostly play just the biggest trash games, as has already been mentioned. I dont really care if there's 100 million chinese playing Fortnite, that's not what defines the next big AAA experiences beyond copycat cashgrabs and it's not gonna make or break morality policies on what can or cant go in a game. You'd convince me more if these werent western devs to begin with (Riot and and Blizzard are still western devs. You can have the entire Asian continent love anime rape and you'd still not see it in a western vidya).
> Sony isn't a Japanese company anymore. It's based in California and is now shitting out moviegames.
That's what I was implying. I already know SONY is in California. And now look what's happening - eastern games are getting kicked off the platform.
I dont see why you're wangling your dick with your asian sales numbers. No one cares. Those dont define the modern moral line of the current gaming sphere.
>not being able to fuck 10yr old girls is a part of the feminist agenda
Well men don't poop out babies so that would be bad since it's homosexual
Nononono! My narrative!
from what i gathered he'd like it
That's different, as a man you're supposed to do the pumping, not get pumped. The primary biological function of any woman is to be pumped and fire out sprogs.
nice blog
He'd probably like it since he's acting like such a faggot.
But people die when they are killed.
Modern society started treating them like they were something they're not: actually capable of being responsible human beings.
Then why aren't you doing any pumping user?
How do we fix women
I had similar experience once where I abducted and concubine'd a qt brown princess who hated my pagan barbarian guts, but after being invited to carousing once she even abandoned Islam for paganism because I became her best friend through carousing event.
With that type of logic you can argue that it's also their role to find the best mate they can. Some random asshole raping her is a terrible failure.
This is one of the most unbelievable stories I've read on here.
If you had left the "rape Frankenstein" and "she called me naked and bloody" out it might be more believable. Maybe change the "beat unconscious by friends" to "beat by ex boyfriend"
>That dead stare at me through the window
Probably plotting to get me to fuck her and then accuse me of rape
>Thread where anons complain about women being emotionally fragile
>They're all acting emotionally fragile and butthurt
I didn't know Yea Forums was mostly women, huh.
Fine, from now on video games will contain random scenes of dudes being raped up the ass by other men. Whether the plot calls for it or not.
It literally is. It was normal for thousands of years to marry, have sex with and start families with girls that age, and for MOST OF THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. This is NOT some ancient backwards thing, it's a biological reality that has been shoved aside so that women can be more "independent." Yet after all is said and done, modern western women are the most entitled and dependent people on the goddamn planet.
>Children getting raped isn't hot
you fucking homosexual.
would be hot desu, the problem with dudes who rape dudes is they are trying to pozz you, that is NOT cool my man
Lots of ancaps ITT
Not him but I'd probably find it extra humiliating sense this crushes your pride as a man on top of being used, but It's probably something I'd move past eventually If I actually want to fix my life. Certainly better than kidnapping and horrid torture, dismembering, and death.
Honestly I'd mostly just worry I didn't get an STD from it and keep it a secret from anyone not super close to me.
Reminder that there is no such thing as rape honk honk
>all these incels acting out for attention
Yikes! This is why feminists think rape culture is a thing.
Easy. Rescind their rights.
That's easy to explain. No talent for anything, no skill at anything, below average looks 3 or 4/10 at best, have an incurable skin disease called HS that also screws up my immune system, malformed shoulders and chest, social anxiety, and depression.
Thank you Pagliacci
Feminists think rape culture is a thing because they have zero actual understanding of what rape or sexuality entail. To them "rape culture" just means "Every man I meat doensn't do what I want him to!"
it's depressing as hell irl but it's a game and you need to learn to let your dick do the thinking
I hate when people say that this story is unreal every time I say it. Fuck off. The dude was an ex wrestler who had a beat up fuckin face from past injuries. She was beat and strangled throughout the whole thing, her father hit him over the head with fuckin baseball bats and he just kept going at it even with blood coming from his head. She said that when she was being strangled, she almost lost consciousness and the pain went away, she felt "I'm going to die" but was at peace with it. Then he stopped so she came back to reality and it made the event worse for her, she just wanted to die. The "friends" were all people who weren't entirely into it at first but gave in to her pleads. She has no ex boyfriend, unless you count me.
Fuck off.
I used to have your mindset when I was a teenager who hadn’t experienced any real hardship in life. Animals rape each other all the time, and rape is only bad to the extent that we put so much weight on it, right?
But now that I’m a bit older and have experienced more of life, I can tell you that emotionally traumatic experiences absolutely fuck you up mentally, and it can be very difficult to recover from. Imagine if every time you see a sex scene in a film, you’re reminded of being scared for your life. I’ve never been raped, but I’ve experienced other trauma, and it’s not the event itself that makes it so bad - it’s the resulting ptsd.
That said, I think games should definitely be allowed to include rape, or whatever else they want as long as it’s clearly stated on the game’s classification.
Do you have $100? You can get laid. The only true incel is someone who is utterly destitute.
Yukino Yukikaze
Stop reading doujinshi
What happened to conquered people back in the day user? The conquerors would take the women by force, beat and fuck them until they accepted their new role and fired out sprogs for their new rulers.
It also wasn't taboo so you didn't have so many people fetishise it. It was basically like it is today in middle school.
The more you make up, the less believable it is my dude.
I'm glad there's tons of rape games.
Oh, I've met tons of girls who've done that. I don't even know whether or not to believe them half-the-time anymore. Usually, if they say it early into me meeting her and stuff, I'll bail man. Women like that are trouble.
Fuck off.
I'm not an incel, i've a had a few shorlived relationships, and yes i had numerous times during those relationships. I have nothing current though.
Dunno, but stuff like this makes me glad I'm leaving for based Japan in just a couple weeks now. Fuck this shit man.
It's really funny if you think about snuff.
Isn't boner for killing women is pretty common fetish in games? You now hanging/ryona/strangle etc
It's the closest thing you'll experience to get getting impregnated.
>In GTA you kill for the sake of killing
No user, YOU kill for the sake of killing. None of the GTA playable characters canonically do. They kill for many reasons, but never just for the sake of it.
I don't think many people fetishize it so much as they just are honest about normal biological attraction. Girls are at their most attractive, and at the peak of their own sex drive from 11-14, give or take, and it's only natural to want them most. That's not really fetishization.
had sex*
I have no idea what that means. What new made up acronym is this one standing for?
It's the same for all kinds of media, be it movies, books or videogames. Rape is treated as a special kind of evil. Why exactly is a loaded question, but that's just how it is. You only use rape when you need maximum edge and to show that the villain is absolutely and completely irredeemable, and normally writers don't need to make the mood THAT dark. Some titles, like Goblin Slayer, also use it for pure shock factor (same as showing torture in real time) and nothing else, but that's just in poor taste.
Why would you WANT to simulate raping someone?
If you can come up with an answer to that that doesn’t make you sound like a potential rapist, then you might be a pioneer in getting rape games popularised.
>it's a biological reality to have sex with children who's bodies can not handle child birth
Whatever you say, pedo.
I fail to see how that counters what I say.
>implying you wouldn't play a game starring Stopman
Oh shit I read the police report. They attached this image to the suspect description
>It's the same for all kinds of media, be it movies, books
This is absolutely bullshit
Rape is theme of movies, books and artworks.
The fact that rape is such big taboo in video games all proves that they're not real art at all.
This is why they aren't in video games. The target audience is too naive to understand the impact it has on the lives of real people and assume that drastic events like this are only possible in exaggerated fictional circumstances.
Its interesting and different and makes you derive a different kind of guilty pleasure than killing a person. Do you think people who played Manhunt are sick people?
Now here's the hard mode: Try to reply without writing "you're a rapist!" or "incel".
A movie had a sympathetic rapist for a main character
Games will never get on the level of movies or books
Rape is only used in movies and books when the author thinks they can handle the material. It usually becomes a BIG focus of the story. And saying that videogames don't do that at all is also wrong - for example, Yakuza's entire storyline would've not happened without rape.
Youre right, clearly everyone here experienced Manslaughter and mutilation as well as War on the frontlines.
Just fuck off with your sob story. There are people in way worse positions and they dont make those dumb arguments.
because it's literally worse than murder and it's only for incels. now fuck off incel.
I did that in God of War.
Oh wait let me add to your story, when the cops burst in to arrest the guy, they found a woman, with her legs and arms cut off, that he used as an onahole. They also found hundreds of pictures on the wall with the words "I RAPED THESE WOMEN" written on them
Her calling you suddenly, while naked and covered in blood, just MOMENTS after she got raped, and you just happening to be on your computer for that is what makes it unbelievable.
I've met girls who've been ACTUALLY raped. They don't tell ANYONE till well after it;s happened cause they're so scared and they blame themselves. And usually, they tell the person they trust the most.
One example.
One of my exes was raped when she was 13, by this dude at a party. There was alcohol involved, and he was older than her. After everyone had left, she was one of the few to stay behind, she trusted him. Him and his friend had their way with her, that was her first time. She said it was over quickly, but that while it happened, it felt like an eternity. She said she felt confused, and hollow, and that when it happenened, she went home, pretended everything was fine, showered, etc... Days later, she tells her older brother in confidence, like the brother she was closest to, the one she really trusted. He then gets pissed off at the incident, and tells his parents, and they try to take legal action on the guys. No evidence since she showered, so no action can be taken, dudes get away. She was traumatized by this, it triggered depression and anorexia in her, which then triggered a latent bipolar disorder she had, which led to drug use. She regrets that day, and she told me this in confidence 6 MONTHS after we were dating, because it was that difficult for her. She'd hinted at something bad happeing in her past, but never really wanted to talk about it till she felt really confident with me.
That's what rape victims do, they keep it in, they blame themselves, and they don't really tell anyone cause they're ashamed. They don't go off and skype the dude they're kinda sorta seeing while stark naked and covered in blood. That's why no-one believes you.
Living is worse than dying.
There was nothing sympathetic about him unless you're a 14-year-old girl. He was portrayed as a pure monster living in the world of monsters, and the point of the story is that there could be no redemption for him.
They absolutely can. Before you pull up stats of girls dying during childbirth at that age, you may want to check what regions of the world they're from and the level of medical technology available. If you control for those things, maternal death during childbirth is the same for a 10 year old girl as it is for a 25 year old. The rates only start to increase outside that age range.
This, can't believe people are actually trying to compare it to a real life scenario.
>have to use mental gymnastics to assert false facts.
You need help incel.
Rape, or at least acknowledging it's existence in books, TV and movies isn't really that uncommon. Hell, good example is Cape Fear, where the threat of violent rape and murder of protagonist's wife and daughter is one of the it's primary sources of suspense and tension.
In video games however, entire existence of the whole rape thing is often completely omitted from the product. New Vegas, Arcanum and MGSV are among the only games I can think of where it's even mentioned being a thing in any ways.
I did and enjoyed it though
>There was nothing sympathetic about him
t. pleb and doesn't know much about movies
>tfw someone argues that rape is worse than murder because the victim has to live with the memory
>Well you started by the argument by saying Asia produces and consumes more
Well did you saw that pic? And read the figures here ?
Because I'm right.
>Localizing costs money, you know
It's actually licensing that's more bothersome. Same deal with anime/manga industry. Despite being a giant industry on its own it's simply more profitable to keep it in Japan/Korea/China/SEA. That's how west is irrelevant to the growth of these spectrums. To claim NA has the grasp on the industry when it was a Japanese company that revived gaming in the west when it collapsed is retarded.
>chinese gamers mostly play just the biggest trash games
...and so do the westacucks. So? How is that relevant to the discussion about consumption? If you're going to bring in your FIFA and COD into a competition and claim they're worthwhile, most profitable games that are shaping the industry then of course I'll bring up gook MMO #316 that sells ten times more than both of those franchised combined.
>I dont really care if there's 100 million chinese playing Fortnite
Fortnite lived and died in the west though. For like a year. League of Legends, a game that's been going strong for literal 10 years now is still having tournaments with millions upon millions of dollars in winners' prize pool.
>You can have the entire Asian continent love anime rape and you'd still not see it in a western vidya
China and Korea censor rape and extreme sexual contents in games/manhua. They also censor language. This is why your proud westacuck dev Blizzard censored Overwatch's chat. So yes, they are already shaping your hobby.
>eastern games are getting kicked off the platform
Nonsense. Sony is just an example of what happens to Japanese devs that becomes western. You do realize Nintendo outsold it in Japan right?
Game lets you run over pedestrians all you like and even rewards you with money for doing so.
But they are in games, user, just because you dont know games that have it doesnt mean they dont exist
Or do you mean as a gameplay aspect? I find it hard to believe that a game like that would be fun, even porn games in which you can interact with the bodies are boring.
Dude her father, an adult male human being was hitting him over the head with a baseball bat repeatedly and he just kept on a'rapin'! Please believe me or I'll get outraged!
Because difficult experiences and taboo topics make for compelling storytelling. Exploring the darker sides of humanity is what fiction is all about.
There is no point
In Shieldbro anime MC was false accused in rape.
This caused """"controversy""" in twitter/facebook/tumblr/mal/resetera because "false rape accusations don't exist in real world". We live in mad world with crazy people. Rape will be forever taboo in western games.
You can also live with half a brain, doesn't mean it is natural or that everyone should live with half a brain.
As a big Yakuza fan, it's kind of a bad argument. First, yumi was fully clothed, the rape didnt yet happen as Nishiki shot Dojima, Yumi went into shock.
Second, Yakzua is a game that constantly pulls its punches on both Violence and sex and just recently removed an "offensive" trans joke retro actively.
Third, Yakuza as a game series that existed for a long time only in Japan, it was able to get away with more back then and now everything it does is being judged, like the aforementioned joke.
Japan isnt much better than the west, only instead of cracking down on sex they do it on brutal violence.
To begin with, Rape is used in western games. It's just very subdued and avoided as much as possible to tackle with unlike the eastern front.
I don't necessarily agree with it, but you can murder someone pretty swiftly in a work of fiction. Shoot them in the head, crush them, explode them, yank out their soul, whatever else. It can be done so fast that the result could be seen as inconsequential or, with the right context, even humorous. "Just a casualty" is pretty easy to justify to the audience and other members of the story's cast, even if you personally dislike the idea of killing something.
Meanwhile you can't rape somebody quickly. The act of rape is an expression of passionate lust for power, and that sort of thing just isn't fleeting. Similarly an extensive murder scene (in which the murderer clearly relishes whatever sense of sociopathic advantage they have over the victim) is often seen as repulsive or gratuitous. Rape demands it be drawn out, grotesque and desperate whereas murder can be quick, clean and done purely out of necessity.
How does Rance manage to stay so likeable despite committing dozens of rapes in his games?
There is rape in some western game. With gamepaly. Something about demons. You rape demon
Then you are more than invited to end this needless suffering right now.
It wasn't moments after, more like 30 minutes or so while police were arriving. I'm always on my computer because what else am I going to do, especially when waiting for a response from her. Her mother was in the same room while she called me, it was a very brief call that ended abruptly.
>They don't tell ANYONE till well after it;s happened
The person YOU know doesn't tell anyone until after it's happened. I spent pretty much 24/7 with this girl whenever we were both home in constant video call. She was most comfortable with me.
He gave up after a few blows when he got a gutpunch for it, something that she resents him for.
>false accused in rape.
Charachters are being treated as "PERVERT, GO DIE, YOU HENTAI!" all the time in anime, how was that case any different?
>not having a gun in america
libtards ay?
Think about it this way, there is capital punishment for criminals and countries will happily to go other nations to kill millions of perceived threats.
That's not to argue whether that's morally correct or incorrect, but we're at the point where it's alright to kill people off.
We don't rape anyone because that's seen as torture, so in essence to answer to "why is showing rape taboo" is "we live in a society".
No. That’s a common misconception
based crocposter
>n Shieldbro anime MC was false accused in rape
Yeah, I saw that. In fact, it's BECAUSE of the controversy that I checked the anime out. It's pretty good, and I'm glad that a piece of media actually set out to touch upon how FALSE accusations can fuck up someone's life and psyche so bad. Especially in light of all the stuff that's currently happening with Vic atm.
It's similar to Michael Jackson too. People should look into his documentary. The false accusations DESTROYED the man psychologically. He couldn't trust anyone anymore because he didn't believe that anyone at all in the whole world trusted him. That does a whole lot to a person, but somehow, we sit here and pretend that the psych trauma from rape is somehow worse than the living hell of never being able to trust anyone for something you never did in the first place.
The money is so minuscule is hardly a “reward”, and the game actually penalises you quite heavily by making the police chase you. It’s certainly not worth the money in terms of the trouble you have to go through to get away with it.
Any reasonless violence you committed in the game was of your own choice and was not required in any way.
You mean the player touches a button and a cutscene plays with no gameplay involved, does it even have qtes for the sex?
>Rape demands it be drawn out, grotesque and desperate whereas murder can be quick, clean and done purely out of necessity.
What about a post apocalypse where there's not even prostitutes to pay to have sex with?
The Last of Us, MGS4, Fear 2, Fear 1, one of the FarCry games, FF7, Mass Effect 2; and that's just off the top of my head, I'm sure there are many more.
Actually 95% of his rape victims tried to kill him and his friends/party. If it was man he will be killed. Pretty logical right? You will kill man who trying to kill your and your family. But for girls it's like showing mercy. It's their privilege
>Yakuza as a game series that existed for a long time only in Japa
What the fuck are you talking about nigger? Those games have been localised since Yakuza 1.
Ive read that even if they are unwilling, Rance makes sure their companions enjoy the sex, never played any of his games though(yet), so I dont know how true that is.
Because it’s a porn game designed for people with a rape fetish to jack off to.
It doesn’t depict drawn-out, realistic, violent rape that leaves the women emotionally damaged afterwards.
>justifying rape because prostitutes dont exist
Literally on par with bullying.
It's okay when it happens to men.
I heard the worst is when the raped person has physical enjoyment and even orgasm because it feels like their body betrayed them.
Sounds liken a fatalpulse doujin.
Google "Prison Island Inmate"
Would Yea Forums rather live as a prison sissy or die instead of be raped?
>Michael Jackson
>false accusations
Yeah, okay mate.
>believing in right or wrong
>believing in anything but I am
fucking pleb i swear
Having sex is not a biological need.
You're telling me that this guy was just raping away after getting hit in the head not once, but a few times with a bat, and the police response time to a violent break in and rape in a presumably suburban area was over 30 minutes after said rape was finished?
Not only did this frankenstein ex wrestler tank multiple hits to the head with a baseball bat, he turned around mid rape and punched the guy with a bat, then proceeded to continue raping.
How do I know you're gay and that it was a family member?
>charged not guilty therefore innocent
niggers i swear
In Dragon Age Origins a dwarf woman was force-fed with a taint to a point of mutating after which she was turned into a breeding factory.
Got em! OMG Based!
maslow would tell you youre a retard who doesnt deserve the need to fuck dumbass nigger
Her house is in the middle of a heavily wooded area where houses are spread far apart. Even though the door was wipe open and there was yelling, nobody would have been around to hear. Neither of her parents even bothered calling the police until he was gone out of fear. They were more scared for their own well being than hers.
I'm just telling you why most people, myself included, have a hard time believing you. Your story is too outlandish and convenient, and isn't like most rapes actually go down irl. It legit sounds like a doujin. Maybe it did happen, but considering you're just some dude on the internet, it's hard to take you with less than a huge grain of salt.
Also, I've met tons of girls who've been raped. My ex was the only one to really have such a dramatic reaction to it, what with falling into drugs and stuff. But I should add, she didn't fall into drugs cause of the rape, at least not directly, she fell into drugs cause of her bipolar disorder and he already rebellious nature, which is what got her in trouble in the first place.
Most rapes also happen from someone they know. Even in my exes' case, it was her first "boyfriend." You just mentioned some massive hulking guy breaking into a house, beating up two adults, JUST to rape an autistic girl, and even kept going despite being hit with a bat. It's wayyyy too dramatic to be believable. Like, this sort of story for sure would have made the news, it's outlandish enough to be a hot media story. Yet all we have is your word.
I guess it could be if the bullying was really severe to the point where it caused you frequent panic attacks and other anxiety disorders.
Human beings are pretty mentally fragile so it’s easy for us to get fucked up. I personally think that kind of thing is interesting thematically in storytelling, but I can understand why many people would discourage games that allow the player to simulate cruel or sadistic activities.
only plebbit tier niggers will believe this
Japs have the right idea, as usual. They know that men (and some women) fantasize about rape all the time, so it's best to provide them with a ton of vidya, doujins, cartoons and movies about rape so no one would be doing it IRL.
>making the police chase you
>giving you SOMTHING to do
Right dude, GTA is all about running from the cops. How is getting into the games core gameplay loop in any way a penalty?
>Play Lifeweb when it was first released
>Pedophilia vice
>Rape happening left and right
>Kids were the true rapists as they were able to jump through windows, double cuff you when you are sleeping and do whatever they want, often leaving you for dead with a mouthful of shit, piss and cum
>Also Kids could be Thanati and succubus/incubus making them OP as shit
>Map allows for a plethora of bad shit to happen, all windows are open for little shits and every buildings are parkour worthy
>Manwhores were a thing
>Lifeweb now
>Pedophilia removed
>Map is safe as shit, can't even parkour due to no rooftops
>Windows has bars except for widespread spots or houses
>Sex is now silly shit like X puts marmelade in you
>Kids doesn't want to fuck adult despite being able to masturbate and give their cum through glass and other shit
>Manwhores are gone along with the best attire
I was raped as a kid and it makes me laugh when people claim that video game rape is the SAME FUCKING THING. It's not. Try getting your fucking ass teared up unwillingly and having to cry about it or containing it so people don't think you're a fucking loser for letting it happen. Nobody wants to discuss that shit. Nobody cares about you. But at least in games you can play pretend as much as you want and nobody will be hurt. If you allow yourself to be psychologically hurt by games, then don't play them fucker.
because americans are fucking puritans. There cant even be bad characters doing bad things anymore.
I can't wait to play that game. I just need a little bit more money and i can buy a new computer. mine is literally over a decade old!
I don't mind rape in media in itself, but instead hate how poorly it's used most of the time. If it wasn't a cheap device to boost drama it'd probably be better received.
sex in video games is stupid
so rape is even more fucking retarded
i want to play the game not masturbate. fuck off anime retard. stop trying to tell me a fucking story in your shitty game. i do not care
US attack twitter too
It's fairly true. Rance doesn't really hurt women. He just dicks them till the become his concubines and fall in love with him. Then he protects them from all the fucked up bullshit that exists in his world.
That's part of what makes Rance so likeable, he's not doing it to hurt anyone, he's just following his instincts, and actually loves and genuinely cares for all the women who follow him.
He's not so different from any conqueror or knight in ancient times really.
It kept things going so it was success if you think about it. Your view on the matter is a very modern view on it in the grand scheme of things. Also food for thought, a woman gets raped and views it as the worst crime to have ever been committed in history, watch how quickly she changes stances if she has a son that rapes someone.
If a game company depicted rape in a game and it earned them a public controversy, do you think they would be happy to see their fans posting the same kind of stuff in defense of their game as people in this thread have posted? I mean the kinds of posts where people say that rape is okay if the woman gets an orgasm despite her distress, or arguments about why sex with 10-year-olds should be legal, or statements that rape is just a natural method of reproduction and therefore it's okay?
Rape's always been a touchy issue that people get very angry and emotional about. Unless if you're specifically a porn game company or have extremely talented writers, it's wiser to not touch that topic. If you mishandle it, you'll spark outrage from both SJWs and /r9k/-types.
Also, this thread is weirdly skewed. Everyone keeps talking about raping females, but very few seem interested in male rape in a videogame. Or the concept of the player character becoming a rape victim.
An autistic girl in the woods is brutally raped in her house by a giant ex wrestler, who is hit in the head multiple times with a bat by an adult Man, turns around and hits said man and continues raping.
They don't bother calling the police until after it's done, yet have time to scream out the door for help while the rape is occurring.
Afterwards she calls you naked and bloody in the thirty minutes before the police arrive, while her mother is in the same room, unquestioning what she is doing.
Holy shit man, stop
The core gameplay loop is completing the missions. Any extra police chases in between missions only serve to distract you/waste your resources/hold up your progress. It can be fuck to dick around from time to time, just as it can be fun to load a save file in Fallout New Vegas and go on a killing spree, but that doesn’t mean the game actively encourages it or requires you to do it. It just gives you the option.
Porn game dev here, I figure it's because rape being depicted onscreen would most likely be done for titillation, and so censors don't wanna touch it.
If you made a game where the player was expected to be pointedly excited by graphic, gorey violence, it'd likely get banned too.
You can beat up, steal and kill as part of the narrative, but basically the only reason player-initiated rape would be in the game is to jack off to it.
in stories everything is a device to boost drama. same as characters dying or getting killed off. Rape deserves no special treatment.
Consider this. if you are dead, you can't experience anything ever again. While being raped you still have the prospect to live a fulfilling life.
>It doesn’t depict drawn-out, realistic, violent rape that leaves the women emotionally damaged afterwards.
>What is Kouhime
>what is Leila and Xavier
You clearly haven't played the games. The women RANCE rapes are just fine, cause he doesn't try to hurt them. But that doesn't mean other people, including demons, don't go around brutally raping women, in horrifying and traumatic ways. And yes, the game does go about in exploring the trauma and emotional damage after the fact. Kou's entire arc in the first route is about her overcoming the trauma of her rape.
We were specifically talking about why Rance is a likeable character though.
Very true, most rapes happen with people close to the victim taking advantage of them. Most of them aren't even aggravated assaults. But actual violent rapes happen as well. Both are mentally damaging, but in different ways. Different people handle these traumas differently. She's not open about being raped nor defines herself as "the one person who was raped in front of parents" but did tell me before ghosting me out of guilt. She had felt she did something wrong that day, and her way of dealing with it was telling me (moreso out of feeling she betrayed me than feeling she had to "open up" or vent what happened) and then broke contact. She still has PTSD over the event on a near daily basis.
>yet have time to scream out the door for help while the rape is occurring.
They aren't screaming, she was.
> while her mother is in the same room, unquestioning what she is doing.
She looked like she was having trouble processing what was happening and just kept repeating that the police will be there soon and she needs to put clothes on.
It only sounds unbelievable because you're too sheltered to know what actually fucking happens in truly violent scenarios. People aren't master processing computers - they don't know how to react in situations like this and don't make the right moves.
so killing is good but rape is bad. ok
Rape is like murder but you don't die
The court literally vindicated him on all accusations. The man is literally innocent in the face of the law, and after his death, the child accussing him came out and confessed that his parents were forcing him to lie at the time.
Fucking moron, Michael IS and ALWAYS has been innocent.
I have watched Sarkeesian's excellent Tropes vs Women series and I can tell you that if a video game allows something to happen that means it's actively encouraging it.
>Tells a story every guy has heard from a gf
>You end up wrapped around her finger afterwards
Don't be so naive user.
>you're too sheltered
Or you might just be fucking retarded and telling the most unbelievable rape story in history. Did he have a tiny moustache and demand the family gold as he raped her? Did he talk about how he would rape the baby she gives birth to? Fucking hell man, have some self awareness
Your figures actually prove the west is stronger as all those countries buy mostly western games, being actually western, so even if Korea and Japan spend more per person, there's less of them actually buying with there being far more western countries on that list with comparable populations. Compare sales of consoles and games, for example.
So you're not actually THAT right. You just selectively took parts of the data to support an irrelevant argument. Your chinks arent buying the latest movie games or RDR or Hitman or the ACTUAL strategy games or all those western 60$ games that define the voice of the western industry. Just the soulless chink games played for a profit.
>...and so do the westacucks. So? How is that relevant to the discussion about consumption?
The argument wasnt about consumption, you just made it about one.
> If you're going to bring in your FIFA and COD into a competition and claim they're worthwhile,
I didnt. you are the only one who says that, trying to pretend I made an argument I did not. If they are worthwhile, it would mostly be for cultural influence, cause like it or not, some games are more effective than others despite the actual numbers.
I even made a reference at the start of this
>It's like if I brought Angry Birds as an argument.
Which is what you are doing.
> Fortnite lived and died in the west though
Bull, it has a sizable Chinese population, it has chinese EXCLUSIVE events, and Tencent owns a huge percentage of Epic. Its competing with PUBG which is almost entirely chink dominated.
League Of Legends is surviving because its a more complex game and its been out longer. You're also saying > died in the west , when it literally breaks records almost every month and its only increasing since release of the online mode. Its far from dying
your comparison is retarded and irrelevant.
How can you live a fulfilling life when your life has already been ruined?
True true
user I'm saying that the way people introduce rape into a story is the same as introducing a new character just to kill them within the same chapter
it's boring, cheap drama
Uhhh, no. Missions are the games content and structure.
The core loop is literally:
>commit crime
>get chased by cops
>evade cops to the best of your ability
>Why is showing rape such taboo in video games?
Have you seen how awful and unnatural sex scenes look like in most games? The fuck do I want to see rape for?
>This is why your proud westacuck dev Blizzard censored Overwatch's chat.
Pretty sure all the million articles against the E-sports scene being toxic had a far greater effect on blizzard. Sure as hell dont see the Chinese calling for everyone to be gay.
Government limitations of China/Korea arent what is effecting western players.
>Nonsense. Sony is just an example of what happens to Japanese devs that becomes western.
Thanks for supporting my argument.
See, this is why guns are needed. Get a gun today and put rape down for good.
Bc video games are for children and incels
Most people get over it and lead fulfilling lives. Your life only gets ruined by something so ephemeral if you let it and become addicted to the self pity.
>rape is worse because you have to live with the memory
then literally any non-murder crime is worse than murder
Yes, and he's likeable because in CONTRAST to all the fucked up shit around him, he's actually a really swell guy. He's literally the best thing that could possibly happen to any girl who meets him.
Meant to quote
I'm only going on about this because it's a lot for me to deal with myself. Everyone I tell this story to thinks I'm making shit up, until I show them personally sensitive information to tie it together.
Also I don't recall ever calling him "giant." There's a reason he was able to take blows to the head but even if I explained it'd be chalked up to "convenience" since I won't be able to detail that far without potentially revealing too much about him.
Nah, but he planned it at least months in advance so it wasn't just a spur of the moment thing. There are usually more than 2 adults in the household, he managed to pick the time of they everyone is usually out as well as knew enough about her family to know he could take them. Her father and mother aren't the youngest or healthiest of people.
Yeah just like OJ Simpson. Totally innocent. I mean, the court even ruled it and everything.
>rap is evil
you havent been playing the right games lad.
Also Wichita scene is VI is where Rance was pretty brutally raped her. But well she tried to kill them as I remember.
Another one as I remember was in X. Maids. It was pretty 10/10 rape scene because he triggered their PTSD. One of them start crying and beg to not kill her. They deserve everything tho. Sadly best maid didn't get H scene.
Sorry m8, but a story this outlandish would certainly make the news, especially if the cops got involved at the scene. Rapes of this caliber always make the news. So unless you've got a link to the story in at the very least a local paper, no one's gonna believe you.
If this story is real link us to a news article detailing it.
>force-fed with a taint
4D chess
>I never called him a giant
>a Frankenstein ex wrestler
>hit in the head multiple times with a bat
So if you kill the person you raped immediately afterwards it's okay?
He planned for months and getting beat up and caught in the act was the best he could come up with?
Oh, don't worry. She's an ex for a reason. I'm more than willing to admit that chick used and manupulated me like the fool I was during the time I knew her. Part of me doubts her story, but I'm willing to give her the benefit of a doubt, if anything for the sake of my own sanity considering how far I went for her out of pity.
Learned my lesson though, never again.
When will we have a game that is about you being a muslim going around raping white women? It could be like GTA, but with a rape button for when you sneak up on people. Doesn't even have to be women, it could be a divers raping game
Kind of a spoiler.
>games have an r rating
No they dont dumbass
Not necessarily.
Funny enough a lad in the Royal Marines told me that before he was deployed in Afghanistan they were giving a briefing on being captured by the enemy.
They were told they would more than likely be anally raped. The squadies all laughed, calling the ragheads fags, until were told they would cum from it as well. Room went really quiet
If I fuck you in the ass and stimulate your prostate, guess what, you’ll have an orgasm too.
It literally is. Fuck Kendrick Lamar, that honeypotting n****r.
Including driving loicences!
Half the posts in this thread remind me of the Swan Song VN. Where a highly autistic girl gets raped in the bad end and she doesn't give a fuck because she's highly autistic, like the posters.
Is your shift/capslock broken?
Luca Bright's half-sister is a rape baby and he saw his mother getting raped.
This is why he started losing screws to a point of going batshit insane.
god damn it, best post in this entire thread
I had to deal with the same shit, i wanted to believe her at the start but it became clear it was bs after she after she started pointing out guy to me as the rapist when we were out if she thought i wasn't paying enough attention to her or the guy had pissed her off in some manner. I don't know how she expected me to think it was legit when she accused multiple dudes of the guy that all looked very different from each other.
Finally someone who brings up some valid points.
Yes you are right, a game company would want to avoid that.
But this is why it raises the questions of why this is the state that it is. Like, if we focused on say, the defense of HATRED - the game. No one makes the argument that killing children is OK or that its ok to kill people if they accept it or that murder is a totally natural thing to do. Now, while there is a defense to make about killing the "bad people", HATRED is a game about manslaughter for the sake of it.
Yet coming out to the defense of a game like HATRED didnt make you ostrasized as an incel or a raging rapist in hiding.
This is the core of this argument, the shaming tactic used against those that dont view sexual violence as a hidden taboo to never be approached. I cant blame the general companies for not touching it, they dont decide what the zeitgeist is, they just play along what's commonly accepted so they wont lose face over it.
I think however, your argument about how people who protect rape in vidya by saying the things you say, is the core of the problem, its a perceived hyperbole that assumes everyone who does it is a rapist/pedo in denial.
I mean, that's just irrational. Maybe some are but what they think about this is irrelevant to what actually should be allowed as an artform and what should not be ostracized.
As for your final subject, I actually am interested in male rape and the side of a victim. I have no problem with exploring all sides. The problem, and the crust of the argument, is that people equate playing or interacting with rape in a game == wanting to rape people in real life. Which is false for literally everything else you do in a game that is considered criminal, but somehow for rape it's believable. Do you see the issue?
after she started pointing out guys to me as the rapist*
>ten year old legal sex
>legal CP
>legal marital rape
Look i hate puritan shit like censoring anime titties and demonizing being even slightly horny but this shit im okay with being turned illegal
Frankenstein cause he's an ugly motherfucker with scars all over his face. He wasn't giant, just ugly and bulky (nut not ripped muscleman either).
He planned it, doesn't mean he's a mastermind 4d chess player. Before this he had randomly rang the doorbell numerous times to ask if anyone had seen his dog who "kept escaping." Her parents never found anything weird about it, but in retrospect he was obviously checking up on who was home at what times. Her brothers could have definitely helped if they were there, but he decided to break in on the one day of the week they both usually leave the house.
He's not a real person user.
Moral of the Story: Don't be Captain Save-a-hoe.
Is there even a good way to have rape in a story? Seems the only reason you'd have it is to either make your villian look more evil (because being a mass murderer and wanting to blow up the earth isn't evil enough), or to make the audience sympathize with a character and pass it on as a compelling backstory.
of being the guy*
Does this mean TONS of GREATEST HUMANS in history were "disgusting pedophile" by modern standards? What if in 2050 age of consent will be raised again to 21?
Imagine being cucked by Frankenstein
Because you end up with the same shit in anime where everyone's getting raped left right and centre. It's a cheap plot tool to cover up shitty writing
Not even OP of the story but why do people find it hard to believe some dude broke into the house of what sounds like an elderly couple and raped their child? I live in an urban city but house invasions with violent rapes aren't even that uncommon.
meine neger. 2 was better
Rape is a good motivator for revenge stories. You can only have so many "my wife and kids were killed" motivations. If I were raped, I'd want revenge too.
Why not stab the dude? Cant really recover from a stab to the neck and I doubt the police would blame what is clearly self defense.
Sitting there and watching as your autistic daughter gets raped? Sorry this story reads like a fucking ShindoL doujin.
What do you get from the rapes
Reminder Americans are LITERALLY retarded
I don't get this. What happened in this episode? Sansa rape?
In BoF4 one of the female characters gets tortured with every torture method imaginable so i assume it involved rape too, then brutally killed by turning her into a magical nuke ammo and her death was a trigger for otherwise a benevolent creature to completely lose his composure and condemn the entire human race
To me, it's the fact that she video called him moments after being raped, while naked and covered in blood, while the cops were arriving, with her beaten up parents in the same room. AND the fact that this sort of story would have at least made local news, but no link was ever provided.
I don't understand. This just looks like some women eating pizza and one of them is making a stupid face.
I mean I guess. Also I think I figured out why rape is considered bad plot device. Its because it often doesn't have permanent or long term effects on characters in stories. Its like killing off the protagonists parents in the beginning just so you don't have to write them into the story even though the story would've remain unchanged if they were alive.
>What if in 2050 age of consent will be raised again to 21?
As average human life span increases, so will cultural outlook on age of consent. Even right now, we have people in their 20s and 30s behaving like literal children. More and more kids who grow into adulthood are still living with their parents well after expected. Immaturity is rampant. Part of that has to do with people simply living longer than ever. There are less expectations to "grow up" or mature at a certain age.
Yep, it's the lowest rated episode of GoT ever, not one of the myriad awful episodes post S4, but the episode where there's narrative rape by a guy who is a literal torturer and murderer
Imagine if men badly rated the episode where Theon gets his dick cut off
I think that threat of rape can be good source of tension, but that also is playing with the fact that your average fiction consumer considers rape special kind of evil.
As of actual rape scenes, they are hard to really do well, and unless the story in general is grimdark/depressing/edgy/etc, it can feel really awkward and out of place. I remember reading some medieval fantasy adventure novel when I was a kid, and all of the sudden one of the female characters was tortured and raped. It felt more strange than shocking, since nothing else like that happened in the story prior or after that, and it felt like it came out of nowhere just to shake up the reader.
Maybe? Don't like a bunch of people get raped though
You're gonna be fucked if he turns out to be the Crow.
>Immaturity is rampant. Part of that has to do with people simply living longer than ever. There are less expectations to "grow up" or mature at a certain age.
There is no rules for life. Unless you're American. Living alone is great experience if you never live alone before. There is literally nothing outstanding and impressive.
Based boomer
Do it to own the libs
There are a lot of rules to life. If you don't behave in a manner acceptable to your society you won't do very well.
For me personally its alot about believability and it helps flesh out worlds. Like if GOT didnt have rape, it would miss alot of the tension.
Just think of worlds like that of Witcher or Berserk. Without the rape alot of the sinister tension that persists in those worlds is amiss. The rape of Casca is a defining moment in Berserk. When the apostles raid a village or something, you have this very real crutching feel that something bad is gonna happen beyond just killing.
Goblin Slayer is abit sillier with its use of rape, but the fact Goblin Slayer is so motivated to slaughter goblins is convincing when you are shown just how evil Goblins are. It makes this generic mob enemy feel alot more sinister and evil and it sets an effective tone.
Without those thematics, alot of games (yes, those including female characters too), feel like they fall alot flatter on their world building cause you have these awful brigands that steal and kidnap and kill, but RAPE? Oh nononono thats impossible, nobody can be so mean as to put his pecker in a poor innocent lad/lass, now can they?
We all know its crap. Its not a glorification of rape as much as it is an acknowledgement that its a powerful device to use.
Because, as we've discussed multiple fucking times on this board, rape is literally one of the few crimes that has no excuse. You can justify theft, murder, destruction- There is no moral, ethical, or legal justification for rape. It's an edgy crutch for retards.
I don't know. Maybe they're the ones reading too many doujin and projecting too much into the story, like "giant" being a key element that never existing.
This was the first thing I questioned. Honestly, I don't know why they didn't other than just having issues gathering their thoughts in the heat of the moment. Neither of the parents thought to get a knife, and when she asked them later why they didn't their response was "oh yea..."
I'd rather not give a name since it's so specific that googling it brings up little results. Bringing him into the thread by name would almost certainly make his this thread traceable - and as much as I need to vent about this I know she would be horrified of me telling her story anonymously. It's rather selfish of me, but I need to vent too. It's something I'm still personally dealing with as well. I still love this girl and still want to help her get better from this.
Even that aside, there actually doesn't seem to be articles written about him. If it made news, I'm sure it'd have been local. Not every instance makes it into stories, and I'm thinking you guys are making this out to be way larger of a "story" than it was. I personally find it newsworthy but realistically not every incident is worth media attention. For every rape report you see a story about, I'm sure there are plenty others just as attention grabbing that go without much more than a brief mention between news segments as filler. I do get his criminal record on google search, the date it happened, the charges held against him (he also has a previous record, this isn't his first time in jail) and things like his previous work history. From an outsider's perspective, it's pretty much just which isn't THAT interesting of a story. But what I personally went through, as well as what she did, is personal stuff that doesn't really translate well into a compelling news article, I'd think.
Literally fake.
Murder is not the same as killing you fucking brainlet, pick up a dictionary. Killing can be justified. Murder, however, can not by definition and it is way worse than rape. There are no second chances if you're murdered.
>There are a lot of rules to life.
There is only one rule - money.
They can do anything no matter who you are.
They can elevate your standing above. Living with parents or not doesn't matter if you have money.
You get a few dollars and it raises your wanted level if someone sees you do it. White knights have a chance to spawn to come save the person if you preform it in an alleyway
What if your player character is being hunted by a female assassin who wants to literally murder them, say the player character manages to turn the tables and incapacitates her, can they then rape her in retribution for the attempted murder?
>rape is evil (punishment and mercy)
>murder is not
what the fuck?