Why does nobody talk about it anymore?

Why does nobody talk about it anymore?

Is it because it was the exact game you've played twenty times before? With the same retarded mission system? And the same shit cover third-person system?

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no that's not it

>exact game you've played 20 times before?
I didn't know they had released 20 wild west themed open world third person shooters where I can roleplay as an outlaw. Fag.

People don't really talk about it the same way nobody talks about God of War anymore. It was a big single player release but after it was intensely discussed for around a month or two everything was really said about it.

Then the multiplayer beta was kinda barren and disappointing. I'm assuming there will be more talk about the game after DLC is announced.

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May I stand unshaken?

So in OP's mind, if a game isnt shitposted on Yea Forums 24 hours a day, then its not good. Pretty sure the less a game is talked about on Yea Forums, the better it is.

I mean a lot of weebshit that's discussed here is good but above else Yea Forums is contrarian. If yoylu were here for RDR2 launch the majority loved it but it's closing in on 4 months from release so only somewhat obsessed people like me who are still playing are in the minority. The majority played it, liked it and moved on to other games. Lacking an engaging multiplayer aspect the discussion kinda died down after the game world and the story were discussed to death.

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it's a shit game that got cucked by god of war. Based Sony always cucks rockstar garbage

t. Zoomer

There are almost daily threads about this game, what are you talking about?

no, it's because I played it for 200 hours and discussed it most days for a couple of months

Probably because a spastic cunt like you scared them off. You know who you are gallowshit you already killed the general with your autism now you want to kill this shitty thread.

it's a story driven game, so most people have finished and dropped it by now. doesn't mean it's bad

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It had almost constant threads right before it came out, and when it did. But it is a singelplayer game and the online part is quite unfinished, so there isn't much to talk about.


Nah it's just the way it is. Look at RE2make, excellent game and really well liked on Yea Forums yet the discussion already kinda died down along with the memes.

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Games like RDR2 that are story based gets dropped once beaten since there usually is never a decent post-game, doesn't mean its a shit game

>you already killed the general
Pretty funny because I kept it alive by bumping during my work shift at night when you folks slept.

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We still get daily threads. What is there to talk about? It's been out for 5 months and multiplayer still hasnt gotten out of beta so there isnt much more to discuss

fuck off

At least fellerposters stopped being a thing god those faggots were so autistic with their sameface beardshit day in day out. Oh look at my handsome feller with his bow tie and fedora, isn't his beard just so great? He sure doesn't look like a unwashed hobo! Soi sipping gaylords

GOW is better than any Rockstar game.

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rockstar fags are autistic zoomers

>5 months
4 months

But yeah, I still love discussing the story, world, characters and lore in the occasional RDR threads that pop up but there isn't really much that warrants like constant discussion. Still, I'm on my third full playthrough taking things slowly and enjoying the game way more than on my second playthrough where I was sorta rushing through the game because I was streaming it and concentrating on it's flaws and such.

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norman reedus lookin ass dude

I haven't checked on the multiplayer at all for past three months. Was anything new added beyond the same kind of missions and public events?

bought the game two weeks ago, i mostly roam around hunting things, finding odd places
sometimes a mission

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Because there isn't much to talk about. The game was great, but most people who bought it are casuals who only play it for a little while and probably not even finish - because let's face it, the main missions are pretty goddamn boring with 70% riding, 30% shootout and then 20 minutes of riding to the next mission.

Online could have kept interest up, but they majorly fucked it up with 0 content for 0 months, no bug fixes and generally nothing to do that you haven't done in SP a hundred times already.

The game's main strength is detail and visuals, I'm doing a second playthrough right now where I read the journal, talk to all the npc's, do all the side-missions, treasure hunts (holy shit treasure hunts are fun, wasn't expecting that) and shit like that, without rushing the main story, and the game is a LOT more enjoyable if you take your time with it. Shame most people don't really have the time for it.

I'd say solid 8/10, with most things done right, but has serious pacing issues and things just takes forever - things you don't want to take too long, like watching the same animation 100 times.


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That horse is huge

>Hold To
Fuck this fucking system. Why the fuck am I holding a button for 2-3 seconds to perform ANY action?

Because it's a single player game that came out in fucking october

Sounds like it's on the same level as an abandoned early access title then. I'm kinda surprised Rockstar couldn't figure out a way to turn this into a money printing machine like GTA Online.

Sounds like video games aren't your thing

I enjoyed god of war but it has zero replay value, and it really wasn’t as good as rdr2

I love the shit ou the SP but holy shit, did they fuck up the MP. It's even worse than GTA: O

I dont mind just pressing the button to perform the action, but having to hold it for 2-3 seconds? what is the logic behind that?
>open journal
>hold left D Pad for 2 seconds

It’s impressive that they managed to take everything wrong with gta:o and make it infinitely worse

what is the user review score tho

The game came out four months ago. I would be seriously fucking concerned if we were still somehow talking about a single player game that long. That's some /vg/-tier malignancy.
The game came out, Arthur and the rest of the cast endeared themselves to people, the plot came and went, and so it goes. Dutchposting will have its time and place but you're asking for a lot to keep talking about an old game, in the usual Q1 vidya release rush, on top of Smash DLC season.
>inb4 muh multiplayer
No one cares about how much you charged to your mom's credit card.

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All the bait threads these days are just some variation on "Why did everyone hate X/Why did everyone stop talking about Y".

Hold down to confirm is fine, but yeah you don't need it for everything.

so that you don't accidentally open it and a tap already opens the log.

Nearly 2 years later and people still talk about BoTW : )

>hold to pick up
>hold to inspect
>hold to skin
>hold to craft
>hold to open
>hold to hitch
>hold to stow

it takes longer to hold to open than if i tapped and opened accidentally and then closed it


Where was she when poor Marston got his shit pushed in by the FBI?

man you're dumb.


So much for having a discussion.

>Play SP
>Have a blast no matter wether missions, hunting or just exploring
>Play MP
>Bored to death by missions and freeroam alike
>99% of equipment locked behind both levels and gold currency
>Getting randomly shot in the head while doing anything

The MP made me appreciate just how much Arthur's character and his interactions with NPC bring the singleplayer experience together.

Not really. It's in the same spot as RDR2. Somebody'll play the game and start a thread, but it's not like there's constantly a thread about it. At least one that's actually about the game and not just childish console warring.

nobody cares that you have trouble focusing for long enough periods of time to hold down a button for input.

I wish they had voices for interaction in multiplayer, just like 3 different voices for each gender would be fine, they had that in gta4 online

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The Rockstar Fanboy Checklist:
>go back to Fortnite
>you have ADD/ADHD
>short attention span
>you're opinion doesn't matter
>Rockstar sold x amount of copies
>the horses are better than RDR1
>the controls are better than RDR1
>it's only the beta
>Online review scores
>muh realism
>muh immersion
>it's not a twitch shooter
>nobody complains about x
>regurgitated Dutch memes
And their personal favorite
>you didn't play the game
If you think you're arguing with a fanboy, simply resort to this checklist, call him a fanboy, then ignore him. Watch him cower and recoil as he's been found out.

based rdr1horse user

all of those are valid though

That's two checks, fanboy!

lets see now what excuses from your list this guy used

>short attention span
>you have ADD/ADHD
>you're opinion doesn't matter

>short attention span


don't bother, he has autism

RDR 2 is the superior game if we go by Ninten-drone logic.

lol seething

Good work! Be sure to call them fanboys afterwards so other gamers know to avoid discussion with them. RDR2 is in dire need of changes via constructive criticism in order to be more fun, and a better game overall. Plus, they're mostly children, so there's no use arguing.

I would have figured that with the huge library of voice lines for random npcs that there would have been enough for the multiplayer characters.

>MP takes place before SP
>All MP player characters are mute
>Nightkin in SP are both mute and murderous
>Nightkin are abandoned MP characters

u mad

Hell the characters in rdr1 multiplayer all had unique lines

It's the exact game as GTA, except the controls are much worse and the input delay and animations ruin gunfights. Rockstar might just abandon the game, because they can't just shit out microtransactions like they could with GTA. This will be their last RDR.

Anything on a pc release yet? Not trying to buy a pos console to play it.

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I bought an xbox one x just to play it. You have to remember that Rockstar got rid of mods for the single player in GTA. The game needs to be cleaned up like the controls and core system. They're intimidated by others fixing their game, and of course they just want everyone to buy shark cards and gold bars.

but the controls and core system are fine?

But Zelda and Xenoblade are still regularly talked about and they are singleplayer games that are two years old.

Thats's because they're autistic and have nothing else to talk about senpai.

Because I don't want to play it at blownout upscaled 1080i with 2015 graphics on some cucked mass produced PC that is built buy Sony or Microsoft.
I'll wait until all the retarded shit is ironed out and they release it on an actual gaming platform (PC)

yeah it's been nothing but an endless string of hate threads from people who've made it their life's work to dump on a specific video game

>You have to remember that Rockstar got rid of mods for the single player in GTA
no they didn't retard, in fact they stepped in and told Take-Two (who were the guys suing the modders) to drop it.

Loved it at first, but it became pretty 'meh' after not too long. The story gets stale and Sadie is an insufferable bitch who was very clearly thrown in to appease the 'stronk womyn' crowd.

lol incel detected

they're adding npc bounty hunters, reducing range of the player dots(you won't be able to know where players are unless they're less than 150m away from you) and apparently daily tasks with gold as payment tomorrow
but not really, it's still kinda barren and the best way to make money is fishing by throwing turkeys just at the shore in Flat Iron Lake

She goes to South America after the epilouge



If you want to fish why don't you just play the SP? The main attraction of MP, the multiplayer battles, are great

because discussion about singleplayer games gets boring and stale after doing it for a month straight, this isnt hard to understand

False. The controls are slow, clunky, unresponsive at times, and there's an input dealt with every action. You even have to press RT twice to fire your gun, because you have to manually cock your weapon. This becomes more apparent online where gunfights matter. This game would rather you sit through flashy animations than have fluid gameplay. You have to smoke cigarettes and drink rum to increase your dead eye for example while you're fighting. This wouldn't be a problem if cores didn't exist. We should have 1 meter for each like the first game. It's not Fallout.
They got rid of single player mods.

but what I was saying is that you literally throw two turkeys at the shore and fish comes to eat but gets stuck and therefore catchable from the ground
pretty abusable desu

It came out four months ago. People on the internet stop thinking about things half an hour after it happens.

That said I spent the day playing it. Arthur's starting to cough again.

>there's an input dealt with every action. You even have to press RT twice to fire your gun, because you have to manually cock your weapon. This becomes more apparent online where gunfights matter.
Sure but none of this is bad though.

>We should have 1 meter for each like the first game.
lol calm your autism.

>overall image looks good
>start looking closer at the models and textures and realize how much they've cut corners so that the game could pull off 24-30fps
I mean, sure it looks passable when you're looking at the game from 10ft away from your TV but I don't understand the blurriness of everything, it's like I have a minor case of glaucoma, not even GTA5 was that blurry

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>They got rid of single player mods.
a literal google search shows you're wrong

Looks great on my 4K monitor at my desk

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Because it's been out for a fair amount of months now and we've already talked about it. Move on, faggot.

It's only blurry because people own the game on PS4 Pro, where the game has a fuck-ugly reconstruction method on top of not being full 4K. I have it on Xbox One X and it looks crisp as hell, even with the game's TAA. Even though yeah there are some assets that look pretty ugly even in 4K, especially in-doors.

Sure if it's the xbox version
PS4 doesn't have native 4k

You just admitted that input delay is good, and aesthetics are more important than convenience. You're grasping at straws now.
You sound like a kid who just found this website and a new vocabulary of words. I'm not arguing with a child. You've said enough.

No it doesn't because no console has 4k native. It's upscaled 1080 and a shitty marketing ploy to make retards buy outdated computer components at a huge mark up.

yeah well why would you buy a PS4 at all?

>The game was great
>the main missions are pretty goddamn boring

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Non arguments.

>seething pcnogames

Xbox One X is 4K native in RDR2.

no, it's native 4k on the boner

>You just admitted that input delay is good and
It isn't inherently bad.

>aesthetics are more important than convenience.
It's a video game, not a productivity suite.

On the subject of two trigger pulls for single action revolvers and repeaters, aesthetics are absolutely above convenience, and if you think otherwise you shouldn't be playing a game about the wild west.

Fanboy response.

I'm nearing the end of chapter 6 on my second playthrough.

I haven't touched the multiplayer since the inital beta launch.

>I haven't touched the multiplayer since the inital beta launch.
Have you finished the Online story missions? They're nice distractions from the main campaign, but wait until they release new ones after you're done all of them, don't bother trying to do anything else.

Graphics and animations should not be a priority over gameplay and convenience.
Even this zoomer admitted that it's a videogame. In the first game, you could aim and shoot, in GTA5 you could also aim and shoot. Simple, like every other game with firearms. In this game, you have to switch weapons with LB, press LT to cock your weapon, release LT then press it again to aim, shoot, press RT to cock your weapon, shoot. When you climb over obstacles, you have to cock your weapon again. Bad game design, and there's input delay.
This isn't a wild west game either, nor was the first game.

Dutch lives on in the RE threads

not every game needs to zoom like fortnite though

> In this game, you have to switch weapons with LB, press LT to cock your weapon, release LT then press it again to aim, shoot, press RT to cock your weapon, shoot.
This isn't bad game design though

>Doesn't understand what upscaling is
It literally isn't. You get native 1080p in games. Not even the newest 2080ti can reliably push 4k at 60fps. And you have midtier hardware from early 2016 in there.


Rockstar should make a cinematic state of emergency game

>Not even the newest 2080ti can reliably push 4k at 60fps.


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That's because Switch has no other games

its a single player game that came out 5 months ago, those dont have a long shelf life in the industry

>Uses a console with basically a GTX 660 in it
Holy fuck you console fags are sad. It must suck being poor

>0.1% Low
>58 FPS
He said 60FPS.

yeah exactly. And don't forget that this is on Max settings, too.

Every game with firearms, Fortnite included, doesn't require you to press multiple buttons just to fire an accurate shot. It's bad game design. Another kid, man. I'm done with you too.


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That's a check, fanboy! See

>Every game with firearms, Fortnite included, doesn't require you to press multiple buttons just to fire an accurate shot.
That's literally what ADS is you seething shitposter.

>I'm done with you too.
Good, you're pretty dumb. I'd appreciate it too if you stopped wasting my time

GTA 5 didn't die after 5 months. Nice damage control though

prove me wrong :)

>GTA 5 didn't die after 5 months
>Nice damage control though
i am not defending nor blaspheming this game

nice reddit spacing

nice cope lmao

u said fortnite had more fluid controls than rdr. which is true, but still u player yourself lol

not that faggot but to be fair, GTAO still has a general on /vg/,

the red dead general died less than 2 months after release of multiplayer, which is just pathethic. means even autists dropped the game by now

Oh no. I don't argue with fanboys as you're all mostly underage. My job is to call you out so other gamers can discuss the various flaws with the game.

do you do it for free?

i agree, thats why its not talked about. red deads multiplayer is a boring grind with nothing to do, even the games subreddit hates it. all rockstar had to do was to copy and paste the first games multiplayer, the gta online format would absolutely of not worked in red dead and it shows

No it means that rockestar need to put content online because the online is more barren than your mom

Yes, I do it for free, because I actually like Rockstar games and I want them to last a long while. You shill for Rockstar for free, which is quite pathetic. You cowards need to be called out in order to save RDR.

but RDR2 was an improvement over 1 lmao.

Because it's meh.
Rdr1 had more staying power and actual cowboys VS Indians not this revisionist sjw crimmo bs
It's so shit to see rockstar fall so far from being the edgy bad boy of vidya in the 90s-00s to softball shit like this in the 2010s
Gta v was just average but this game is plain bad.
Honestly I don't care if pc or next gen never get a port this game sucks ass the more I see of it the less I want to play it.

>absolutely retarded post
you sound underage too. what a massive mongoloid.

It was an incredibly tedious experience. I don't want to revisit it and I'm glad that it's over.

>john kills spics and injuns to save his family
>arthur kills huwhites and drinks with niggers
fuck arthur and fuck niggers

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No it’s because I’m still coping with the death of mister Morgan. I only beat it a few days ago. I y’all about it with my friend who also beat it because we both can openly talk about it.

uh oh don't shoot up a church over it.

28 actually
It just looks like an inferior game im sick of playing the same lame softball RPG sandbox meme that is Jack of all trades master of none with tacked on online that died immediately.
That and 7 fucking years between gta releases is insane why the fuck support such a shitty company?

are you actually 28? you talk like a 10 year old. completely ignorant and childish

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You’re totally right, they should rush out yearlys like Ubisoft and not update the online like they literally do tomorrow


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>looks like an inferior game

So you didn’t play it? You didn’t play a game on this scale and think you fucking know from RdR1 or GTAV? What do you think about the interaction system or how Morgan’s core system works into the story with his sickness? What do you think faggot? DETAILS BOY DETAILS

he who accuses everyone of being children is himself a child

oldest type of projecting in the book, you twerpy little faggot

back to discord tranny
open world shits a meme now just pirate this

Found the leftie dicksucker
Suck this
fuck off you boot licking shite
Gta 5 came out 6 fucking years ago.
We won't see a new one until 202x and it will be shit because the same s o y fags who made Rdr2 will make it.
Gta 5 was meh enough but 6 will take the cake

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back to pol, redd*t

Everybody who accuses everyone of being zoomers or Fortnite players are zoomers and Fortnite players themselves

Death to all Jews and Muslims.........

you don't fit in

Reported to Rockstar, screencapped the post, hidden, called the mods, emailed moot, emailed the admin, called the cops, called the state police, called the county sheriff, called your ISP, called the District Attorney, called Interpol, called the NYPD, called the State Attorney, called the LAPD, called Child Protective Services called the FBI, called US Homeland Security, called the CIA, called the NSA, called the US Marshals, called the local courthouse, called your State Constable, called London Metropolitan Police, called the German Police, called the TSA, called the US President, called the attorney general, called the National Guard, called the US marines, called the US Navy, called the US Air Force, called the US army, called the Royal Navy, called the governor of every state, called the Federal Air Marshals, called every sheriff deputy, called the Coast Guard, called the US Customs and Border Protection, called the RCMP, called every park ranger, called the mayor of every city in France, called the British Army, called the Queen, called NATO, called the Russian Air Force, called the Federal flight deck officers, called the UN, called the Corrections Department for every state, called the Australian Federal Police, called SWAT, called the Supreme Court, called the Mexican Police, called the White House, called the DEA, called the inspector general, called the Secret Service, called CNN, called ABC, called the vice president, called the senators for every state, called congress, called the pope, called CHP, called the Department of Fish and Wildlife for every state, called the internet police, called the US Capitol Police, and called the Party Van for toxicity.

>pc cucks are still seething
It was a beautiful game with a surprisingly well written and mature storyline and a great soundtrack.
It was also absolutely fucking kino.

But then I forget, you PC lards aren't sophisticated enough to appreciate a gem like this anyway.
So enjoy your meaningless shooting at random kids in Fortnite or whatever at 144hz, since that seems to be more your level.

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I finished the first batch that ended in you teaming against the guy in armour.

Like mentioned in the thread, the silent protagonist thing that DOES work for GTA:O doesn't work for RDR especially after the story mode.

No I don't want to play some distorted leftists larp about how they wanted the wild west to be.
It's like comparing actual good westerns like deadwood (rdr 1)to stupid shit westworld (Rdr2)
I'll pirate it if it comes out on pc but I'm certainly not gonna buy any more rockstar games after the cluster fuck that was Rdr2 and gta online
Because I come from a uncuc ked time before you where born? Fuck off little zoomer big deep states waiting to give you more anti depressants and hrt
Nufags don't even know lurk culture let alone who moot is.
Nobody even knows who hiro is let alone the faceless shits running this site noe

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seething tranny

Based, If you go to the indian reservation in the epilogue, you can kill some injuns that are hostile towards you.

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Because nobody here gave a fuck about the shitty online brainlet. They played single player, discussed it to death and then moved on like with most single player games.

>reviews suddenly matter when it's a game I like!

You're using ad-hom out of spite and lack of argumentation, I don't think I'm the seether here ;)

Is this genuinely what Yea Forums has become? There are so many layers of implied but failed irony in this fuckin post I can’t tell if serious or not because everyone thinks fake news is trolling so everyone posts like blue trannys or contrarians to piss eachother off to the point I can’t even tell if this user is genuinely retarded or just pretending to be which ultimately is the same thing. If you’re uninterested that’s fine but because you watched a YouTube vid about the two moments in the entire game where one lady has a sign and you drive a cart for like 3 or 4 minutes and then bail on the ladies to take bou home this is SJW onions shit? For fucks sake anons please remember why we even looked for a place like this let alone allowed it to become a genuine part of our lives. I’m not asking for civility, but for fucks sake let’s actually know what we’re taking about for once.
That used to be considered important like 5 years ago

based ill give them a visit
daily reminder to antagonize a black guy next to the saint denis stables to fight 20 niggers at a time
niggers tongue my anus

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>snoyfags trying to act superior to anyone
Lmao enjoying your time in the cuckshed with your onions while Tyrone and the wife fuck cuckerafag?

>niggers tongue my anus
yeah you would like that huh

>m-m-muh anonymous website has users with different opinions than me :(((((((((((((

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Nigga do you not remember GTA4 or V? Holiday this year PC port I’m calling it screen cap this shit so I can feel smug for 20 minutes in November.

>only needs one gun
Doesn't really work when you can switch Marstons guns on the fly and he has his entire arsenal on him at all times.

Can definitely agree, it doesn't help that their resolution on the ps4p of 1920x2160p checker boarding doesn't work properly with TAA. Can't wait for the PC release where you'll be able to run it at the native resolution of your screen instead. 1440p is suffering.

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>antagonize a black guy next to the saint denis stables to fight 20 niggers at a time
Thanks, good thing I got the legend of the east satchel so their ape strength won't kill me.

You know what kind of games have legs? Games with actual gameplay instead of cinematic story.

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don't sully pop team epic to salvage your pathetic attempts at shitposting

and that KB+M for FPS mode in MP hrnnnnnnng

In the modern world, most people have a pretty short attention span, and when they find something new, it becomes their sole focus. When something new comes along they discard the previous focus.
This game was huge when it came out, but the issue arises when you realize it was too huge. This game was literally everywhere. You would hear about it everyday, you would see its ads all the time and it was pretty much the gaming community, and to an extent the nations, favorite topic. With the game having so much focus on it, it was only a matter of time until it started to bore people.
Even if the game didn't begin to bore people, it would have simply been taken down by the new obsession, for instance Apex Legends. If you look at Red Dead Redemption 2, and think about the obsession before it, you would see Fortnite. The same thing RDR2 did to Fortnite has happened to RDR2.

load up on health cures and antagonize them once they wake back up to keep fighting, every nigger in the city will come rushing to beat your ass once you start shit

>NPC meme

Stop posting this autistic image everywhere you deranged fedora tipping faggot

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The story was easily the best part of the game but the gameplay itself is really god damn slow and there's no action to be had if you're trying to be honorable. But this is fine for the single player portion of the game, but why the FUCK they thought that the single player survival elements in this game would work well in multiplayer is a mystery to me. I had fun in the first Red Dead Redemption by riding out to El Presidio and blowing up Mexicans now if I want to have fun I have to make sure my weapons are clean, make sure my character is stocked with meats, and make sure I stay in the same province so I don't wander into a different server that has ganking possies.
This game has taken a few steps back in keeping relevant compared to Red Dead Redemption and it saddens me. The multiplayer needs to be burnt down and replaced with the framework of the first Red Dead Redemption, they can keep the gold bars in the game for cosmetics, but they need to allow us to keep firefights going by allowing us to pick up a bit more ammo and ditch the weapon cleaning. The game modes also suck and there is like 1 map per game mode if I recall, how hard is it to bring back Capture the Bag, Free for All, and TDM with more than 1 map for each? They have more material to work with than before don't they?

I am uninterested because the game play is the same stale shit I played 8 years ago in rdr 1 except with worse controls input lag and horse physics than the first game on top of being a sjwestern lecturing me like a dumb child instead of presenting me with a fun game world.
The map looks boring the missions are boring the entire game is a literal remake of rdr1 (it's a prequel)
The story looks like hackneyed shit no Indians in a western? Plus reserves I can't do anything in? The games locked down and dull it does nothing new the camp gang thing was done better in sa
It adds nothing new and does nothing well I have no desire to play it not just because of what I've seen of it here but because it overall just looks like a overblown droll game.
The only thing that is ok about it is the graphics but who gives a fuck when the actual game is so underwhelming.
The characters look like shit and are just boring mouthpeace self inserts instead being memorable it's the opposite

It just doesn't look or feel like a rockstar game to its as if ex ubishit devs made an attempt to copy rdr1 badly..

Enjoy your sub par western gta knock off I guess.

Gta 6 will be even worse since all the talent left and retired because rockstar treats everyone like shit

>posts asian children's cartoon images
>talks about maturity and sophistication

anime weebsite, nerd

There was constant threads discussing/arguing about it and dutchposting for a good 3/4 months after release, I'd say it went pretty well for a single player game. It'd still get talked about if the multiplayer wasn't crap

this is your brain on /pol/shit

I had a xbone sold it.
Ps4 is literally garbage and getting a xbone x is like side grading back to the old i5 390x rig I had 4 years ago
I experienced gen 7 I don't want another console

>The story looks like hackneyed shit no Indians in a western?
One of the gang members are indian and chapter 6 has a bunch of indians. Also fuck off with your "sjw boogeyman"

>can scalp indians for cash in GUN
>meanwhile, you cant even shoot any indians in rdr2

>disagree with Yea Forums mantra and not sucking corporate cock makes me a weeb pol nazi brainlet apparently
The buzzwords and memes changed but this place hasn't.
Yea Forums is still a fucking shithole
>DURRR imma get mad because someone said something I didn't like
Rdr2 is a bad game deal with it I don't give a actual fuck rockstar gas made complete shit this entire decade
Nope I barely go there now it's as bad if not worse than here.
T. Love Thicc mixed raced qts
Even my small country is enriched who gives a fuck anymore

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Yes cockstar please take more game out of my video I don't want choice I want to be told what I can and can't do in a pseudo sandbox while I have my gamepad aim hand-held by auto aim
No fun allowed
I bet these faggots never even modded gta

>gets proven wrong
>changes argument
Indians are in the game retard


YOU didn't prove me wrong either

settle down spaz

im glad i saved hunting&fishing for MP.

This thread again I see.
Are they just excuses to talk about RDR2?

No Fuck your shit game

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>your brain on pol
Top kek

Nigga do you know how many games I could apply those last three sentences too?

>/pol/ boogeyman
not even giving you a (you)

>Gta 5 came out 6 fucking years ago.
>We won't see a new one until 202x and it will be shit because the same s o y fags who made Rdr2 will make it.
>Gta 5 was meh enough but 6 will take the cake

based & redpilled

that's why we stopped posting.

okay spaz out on the internet where noone cares instead ;)

>I've been found out!

>posting on /vg/ at all

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I can't comprehend how this game isn't a fucking chore for anyone who attempts it.

That's okay you don't have to like it.

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It was really boring and slow compared to the first one.

All the effort that goes into little details means jack shit if the main gameplay loop makes Cookie Clicker look like DMC/Bayonetta in comparison.

Add onto that, it's a prequel about a nobody who wasn't in the original, so we already know exactly how the story in this story-driven game is going to play out.

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I find it super relaxing to play just free roaming around the world without caring about my destination.


Sure, I can see that being enjoyable. I guess getting through the missions is what turned me off, but I can see enjoying the game in other ways.
When my friends asked me how the game was, I tell them it was incredibly impressive, but not fun.

>we already know exactly how the story in this story-driven game is going to play out.

uhhh not really?

It was like a prison riot, fun as fuck but god damn there were like 15 red dots on my map and they just kept coming. I love how the police didn't care I was beating their asses

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why would people still be talking about a single player game that came out in october

Who knows if there will ever be a single player game quite like this ever again with how much attention game developers are giving to things that pay more, battle Royales, gachas, whale farms, Chinese players. Even though RDR2 has a multiplayer designed to cash in on whales as well you can see that the so was a labour of love too.

This, GoW and BOTW all did incredibly well and were all very well received

i think zelda just pushed the envelope in open world game development and in red dead i get pissed because i have to wait for a prompt to interact with the enviroment

its the greatest past time. a good compromise for the disappointment of no bare knuckle fighting matches like ballad of gay tony

thats only because of incel weebs that can't stop jerking off to their waifus

All pre-existing IP's though, does feel a little bit as if the video game industry is also suffering from sequelitis given how big budgets have become no-one is willing to take a risk on new IP if it isn't some form of multiplayer with mtks.

I had my fun with it. Two playthroughs of the campaign not to mention all the hunting and exploring. Been a while since I got exactly what I wanted from a game.

I miss comfy RDR threads. No, all you retards, RDR 1 is objectively not better. Shut your stupid fucking traps and go back to Fortnite

I just wish it was on PC already so I didn't have to suffer through bullshit HDD loadtimes

Some of these challenges are pure ass compared to RDR1's challenges. It's cool that they have so many legendary animals and that they added so many more challenge categories though.
Honestly the biggest reward to doing the side stuff in this game is just seeing what Arthur puts in his journal after the adventure. I love those two-page spreads of the legendary animals he does.

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Kind of a double-edged sword there as well because I also think consumers are less likely to pick up a new IP.

She never gives me that request. I got the pen an keep talking to Mary-Beth but it never triggers.

RDR1 was not objectively better I agree and I prefer RDR2 to 1 but in RDR2 the fact that you're more often than not tethered to NPCs during missions kinda means the missions have to be really controlled so the NPC scripts don't break which in turns hurts the replay value and joy of discovering your own way of doing things.

I did the Strauss debt collection shit today and when I got to Chick Matthews I knew that he was gonna run off if I asked the other guy who the debtor was so I went up to the debtor, hogtied him and shot him in the head. Normally when you get to chasing him you can either capture him alive and interrogate him or shoot him and rob him for the map to the debtor but I didn't get the map. The mission didn't fail though, it just locked the mission objective until I went away for a bit and he respawned for me to catch ''correctly''.

Then I followed some drunk at Valentine whom I gave directions for his home to see if he would just wander off aimlessly but he actually walked up to a house, knocked on the door unt his wife told him to fuck off and he vomited on the porch and passed out in his own vomit. So I'm really torn because they have great detail in some aspects and less in others.

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Mary Beth is beautiful and low key has pretty nice tits.

>not on pc
go kys

any day now

>the exact game you've played twenty times before? With the same retarded mission system? And the same shit cover third-person system?


How do you do this I saw this on /wsg/ with the other post showing you can push L3 while choking someone to push them to the ground as well

>been a while since I got exactly what I wanted out of a game
Same. Besides the awesome game I felt like the hooker hanging sequence was made specifically for me. You can even trigger the lever yourself to hang her and she starts pleading you to get away from the lever when you approach it.

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I haven't bought it on the principle of it being called RDR2, yet being a prequel.

The mission structure is what it is. There are some really good missions and a lot of pretty meh ones but the open world and spur of the moment fun is really something in the game. I got one of those random missions to give a woman a ride to Anusburg and my horse tripped and we fell. The woman took this as me trying to kill her and she fled. So I tied her up and took her to a nearby stream to drown her. Then some fucking Murfree fags started coming down the to attack me and it turned into a bit of a pitched fight. I killed them all, then took off with the woman on my horse until I got to Emerald station, put the girl on the train tracks and watched her get squished, then a band of bounty hunters chased me to Guthrie Farm where I had a standoff against the lawcucks. The beauty of the game is definitely in the emergent gameplay provided by the game world in my opinion at least.

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Would you have preferred Red Dead Redemption 0.2 instead? And the epilogue is on the 3DS and has some gimmick for shooting.

Good story but missions were repetitive. Just like GTA it's fun just to dick around in the open world.

>tfw the Cougar north of Owanjila doesn't want to spawn in perfect shape

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Too many cut scenes it was just like watching a movie.

Are you guys this far gone that you genuinely believe that in a major media release the protag was gonna treat black people or any race as subhuman garbage? Like come the fuck on, Joh called out Herbert Moon's, Abraham Reyes' and McDougal's racism out although admittedly with comedy.

Plus the enemy gangs in RDR2 include the irish, italians, foreman gang that is black, lobos gang that are mexicans, guarman army which is hispanic and skinners who have a mix of natives, whites and blacks.

So hurrdurrr muh sjw game because Rockstar doesn't glorify racism.

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Game was too easy.

You wot mate?

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Try the spawn point northwest of Annesburg

I told you not to respond to me and yet for some reason you still do

cool graphics

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>put down at start of Chapter VI few months ago
>trying to play now is a slog, all missions are linear garbage follow the yellow dot
>story's gone to shit
>constantly decimate entire towns and no one gives a fuck

Everyday boot up the game, do like one mission and a side mission then just shut the game off. Just like slogging through after coming this far.

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You're not supposed to just marathon all the story missions back to back to back. Of course the game gives you a possibility to do that but it's pretty clear they want you to freeroam and ''smell the roses'' instead of just pushing for completion. My second playthrough was basically just a mission rush and it wasn't very fun but my third run has a lot of freeroaming between every mission and I'm having a lot more fun when I can take my time.

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Shit taste m8, Chapter 6 has unironically the best missions.

Weeks I mean days I mean hours I mean minutes since Yea Forums last cried about Red Dead Redemption 2: 0

Very impressive game but just not that fun, at least relative to RDR1.
100% RDR1 like 3 times, no interest in doing it for RDR2 because of the grindy collectathon missions.

>Sean got to fuck this tiddy monster
Even though he got a bullet in the head kinda jealous of him desu

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I bought it Day 1 and I'm still playing the story. I'm in chapter 6 I think. Aurthur has TB. I gave up on bringing perfect pelts to the trapper. In fact I've given up on all the side stuff like the bandit challenges and catching the legendary fish. I'm just powering through the endless story missions so I can move on to a different video game.

I blew up the train tracks with John and Dutch and I ambushed some soldiers with the indians. How much of this game do I have left??

pert and sensitive is better than fatty flesh sacs

quite a bit

Only a few missions to go.
After the main game you still have the epilogue though

Like, 3 missions?
Then a 6 hour epilogue lmao get fucked

~1-2 hours left with Arthur. Then you get to spend 2-8 hours with John depending how quickly you rush the missions.

What did Hosea have? Cancer or something?

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there is one? where!?

If it had repeatable post-game content I'd have kept playing it forever.

Like I said, the area northwest of Annesburg around the area by the widows house/legendary moose. It'll spawn along the roads south of that area sometimes as well. It's how I get the hunter challenge for 5 cougars done, quick travelling between strawberry/annesburg.

that's a pretty big horse arthur

I think it was lung cancer by his cough. Of course we don't know for sure but that's what I think.

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that's what online deathmatch is for

I want comfy singleplayer shit, not aimless deatmatch with kiddies.

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Very true, I didnt consider a second playthrough for even a second. Whats the fucking point, all missions are the same, its tedious, its slow, its repetetive, and it is scripted so hard that for a second playthrough I couldnt even do a mission differently by taking a few steps to the right this time instead of going left without getting a game over screen.
The free roaming aspect IS top notch but even that gets stale when youve seen every encounter 5 times each. Its such a beautiful impressive game that just isnt fun to play. Fun to look at, sure, fun to experience, you bet. But the core is not just lacking its not there at all.

>all missions are the same
lol did you even play it m8?

>active threads up on Yea Forums with hundreds of replies pretty much always since launch
>"why does nobody talk about it anymore"

are people actually this fucking retarded?

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RDO killed it for me. I was happily wandering around in the singleplayer with the intention of collecting everything and doing everything on my 2nd playthrough, ignored that and was happily antagonizing random people and getting into hijinks, then RDO came out. Tried it for a few days and lost all interest and havent touched it since.

The missions and structured content overall have their issues but using RDR2 as an autistic wild west fantasy life simulator is so much more entertaining. Just going off on adventures to mess around, visiting towns and eating there, talking to citizenry, getting a hair cut, going to wilderness to hunt and camp, go back to town again, get wanked off by a bath maid, get into trouble with some disagreeable gentlemen, shoot them and watch them bleed out on the ground, resist arrest and get into a big shootout with lawcucks. Disappear into the wilderness where almost nobody bothers to chase you.

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My wife

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Yes, and?

doesn't sound like it -_-

this guy literally isnt pretending

>Tfw all Arthur and John's sacrifices are for nothing, Abigail dies and Jack is left as a broken outlaw with nothing to live for.

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>Why is no one talking about -flavor of the month generic westacuck AAA-
Gee I wonder

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actually there is a game theory that RDR2 is a second timeline

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I am playing it... got it for xmas & just getting around to it

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people still talking about New Vegas like 7 years later

Arthur and John had the potential to save a ton of lives besides just their own.

Did you forget :
>Arthur saving the german family
>Arthur saving Captain Monroe
>Arthur saving Trelawny
>Arthur saving Tilly
>Arthir saving Penelope Braithwaite and Beau Gray

>John saving Charles
>John saving Sadie
>John saving Bonnie
>John saving those women from the Bollard gang
>John saving entire villages and towns from being raped and killed by the Mexican army

Both Arthur and John saved countless of people especially when you take into account stranger missions and optional ones

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I really enjoyed it and i thought ill finnish it @ 100% but then i switched to online. Grinded about 40 levels & just couldnt bother getting back to SP. Online got dead boring tho so i just started a second run.

Because New Vegas is a fully fledged fucking RPG in a game series with a massively autistic fanbase.

>colored toenails
You a girl? Please post your feet.

>rockstar bonus

i knew the multiplayer would be dogshit as soon as i heard they removed the team vs team duels at the start of a match
why the fuck would you just straight up remove fun like that?
singleplayer was bretty good though

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None said anything about glorifying it. They could easily make it so the racist NPC would make every living "/pol/ack" ashamed of himself. Point is rockstar lost its balls and this is ->problematic

I hated it from the outset. It's incredibly unresponsive, it punishes you for having fun and the context controls (which are used for fucking everything) are broken at best.

Yes, and this happens with every R* title. Everyone moves on but third-worlders and pseuds who will accept empty 10-minute riding sequences and outdated mechanics if the above-average quality of the writing can make them feel smug.

How'd you do this?

multiplayer died before it even started. Ive got 40 gold and nothing to buy with it. There's only like 6 co-op missions, the rest ist pleb ps deathmatches that i dont find enjoyable at all. Races are somewhat fun.

Everybody wishes they didn't

finnish the game..

>posts opinion as fact on a thread full of fans of the RDR2 game, and the franchise in general

Eh, played GoW once and it was a good game. Don't see a reason to play it again. RDR2 has tons of replayability, which isn't the sign of a perfect game, but it certainly doesn't hurt it.

yeah and some shitty battle royale mode or so i heard
kinda grateful though honestly because i wouldve been very tempted to pay for ps+ to access it had it been good, now i can keep my money

Red Dead Redemption games were both less satirical and more serious in tone than GTA games though.

>normie correct sandbox
I mean you can still do some heinous shit in RDR2 withink the context of the game. Do you need a ''say nigger'' prompt into dialogue with npcs or what is the issue?

They're not gonna do a GTA6 if they had to water it down too much.

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Overall there just isn't much to do in online at the moment. I only play the game when I'm drunk now.

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the worse part is online is basicly stripped off sp. There is no minigames - no poker no black jack no nothing. You have nothing to collect like fossils or the murder case or anything at all, lots of vendors, barbers & traders and NPCS are removed. Number of players is small and the maps packs you all in one zone to "compensate". Not to mention retarded choices like no passive mode for doing stuff like fishing. Online will probably die and its quite sad because it could offer so much more.

The first one had infinite bounties at least. Wonder why they put a limit on them in RDR2.

stop racebaiting with the nigger already. The game doesn't even let you flirt with the ladies. A rockstar game. Even the bath "help" looks like something half done that got someone fired in the middle of it. inb4 mysoginist or whatever buzzword we're gonna go for now.

>They're not gonna do a GTA6 if they had to water it down too much.
If they're working on it now, with current pc climate, ive no doubt it will be even more softened than rdr2.