Joke ending is canon

>joke ending is canon

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Other urls found in this thread:

>game breaks the fourth wall

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>old game as a resolution for ants

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>Yea Forums falling for the depoliticalization of pepe perpetuated by reddit and /leftypol/

nice job falling for the bait, retards

>Yea Forums falling for the politicization of pepe perpetuated by reddit and /pol/

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honk honk

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fuck off back to your special ed board retard

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Clown world is even more political than usual

>joke ending is the bad ending

/pol/ was the one that stole pepe in the first place, he wasn't always le epic racism frog


honk honk = HH = Hail Hitler

Honk Honk = HH = Heil Hitler

Also the rainbow hair is trying to take the pride flag away from fags

Now that’s base’d

it's pepe but a clown

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it's pepe but SJW-friendly

name 3 games that do this

but that pepe is from Yea Forums you dumb nigger.

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really? where did this come from?

Fuck off. I refuse to believe that this shit is anything but a shitpost.


imagine being this delusional

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would these /pol/ retardation stop if trump loses the next election?
i want to talk about video games

its all a big joke!

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modern day memeshit

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Fine, but when pride Twitter activists start getting raided with clown pee pees you will see the truth

Far Cry 4
Games where you end up with your waifu

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it is. dick spencer, molyneux and the rest of the white nationalists are spamming these clown pepes on twitter


honk honk

>guy who cries about /pol/ is also the first to bring up his mutt politics

>inherently political
>not called a hate symbol by the left

It's not even a Pepe, it's Apu Apustaja, and it's not from Yea Forums

no im serious. if trump loses 2020 would you jackasses leave Yea Forums so we can talk about video games in peace?

everything in the real world is the jews fault and everything on the internet is /pol/s and they despise each other. they're like ying and yang

It would get even worse 2bh

let's aminaet more walk cycles!

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provide archived example

Forced meme

>thinking /pol/ is the problem and not anime fags

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>game has multiple endings
>all endings all canon

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like before the elections?

Pepe as a meme was originally used by /r9k/ robots to talk about their sad feels.

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Honest answer: Some Yea Forums meme about Pagliacci


Nobody on this website is stupid enough to believe this, right? Pepe has always been a symbol of the alt right and nothing more

It would improve greatly if the boomer immigrants fucked off with the kike Trump.

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Anime is based and the core of Yea Forums (which was founded to discuss it)
/pol/ is not based at all and the main reason for the downfall of Yea Forums

weak bait desu try adding incel

>game tried to be funny but is cringe

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I want Pagliacci to make me laugh

Yeah. You just didn’t notice because your little ass wasn’t so sensitized to it

you'll never get rid of political discussion until people stop putting politics in their videogames, even if you rid this place of /pol/ people will find their own original ways to come to the realization that modern ideological meddling within gaming is real

so no, you'll never get rid of it completely

Silly user. If trump loses then it'll just be 4 years of people saying he got blown the fuck out, completely ignoring the fact that he got by 4 years without being impeached.\
Just accept it and you'll be at peace.

i dont remember any retarded posts from GOP cocksuckers on Yea Forums before the elections
you're new here, retard?

You cannot stop the future *honk*.

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Stop posting about politics, I came here for funny clowns

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are YOU new here?

Back of the knee maybe

your future is just one year away faggot. trump's gone your retarded ass will be gone.


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Oblivion + expansion

fuck off anime fags are the main reason every video game threads turns to shit here.

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2012 was peak meme

Stonetoss is trans and proud!

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based froggie


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gosh, so that's what stonetoss spent all the BTC on

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With skilled artists, you can give anyone any fetish

Sure was.

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little clowns are cute and funny

pepe has been a meme since the mid 2000s and he came from a webcomic
his original line was "feels good man"
when asked about why he pulls his pants all the way down to his ankles
it all evolved from there
to "feels bad man"
to apu and smug pepe and so on

newfags everywhere

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yeah that picture is pretty accurate but its missing some stuff


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I blame 2016 elections for bringing in a shitload of newfags from Reddit who try too hard to fit in like

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I unironically like clown memes. I love these red nosed, pie throwing, goofy haired assholes going around shitposting, and merrymaking to their hearts content. Clowns are the essence of shitposts.

>there's a 5th panel now

the innocence of youth has slipped through my fingers like sand

dumb anime poster

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that first panel has never looked so appealing before...
I want off this wild ride

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I'd settle for 2nd

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The final stage is putting her down.