This company is constantly making missteps

This company is constantly making missteps.

Attached: SI_GenericNintendo_banner100LG[1].jpg (1500x750, 51K)

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I think you meant to say, "taking missteps".

I think you mean "doing things that I don't like".

I think you mean "is some gay ass shit"


Please say no bad things about the dedicated bing bing wahoo company. It makes the moderation upset.

they're making a lot of money and that's all the nintendo fans care about

Correct. Nintendo blunders fucking CONSTANTLY but uses having the strongest IPs in the industry by a wide margin as a safety net.

I think you mean "fucky-wuckies"

>Hardware sales for January 2019 declined 28% year-over-year ($278M) to $199 million; however, dollar sales were the second highest total achieved since January 2014 when sales reached $239 million.

>Nintendo Switch was the best-selling console for the month, in both dollar and unit sales, and the only console to show year-on-year growth.

>According to unconfirmed figures which surfaced yesterday, Switch moved 284K units, compared to PlayStation 4’s 195K and Xbox One’s 101K.

I think it's subjective. If you want to get technical, not going full gacha phone games is probably a misstep in terms of profitability, but most people here would call that "smart."

>This company is constantly making missteps

Its just "people" man. They ain't perfect. But they've done pretty well for themselves over the past 130 years.

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The Yamauchis were pretty neurotic, though.

Gee, I wonder hwe they managed to have the strongest IPs of the industry. Must be because the games are really fucking good!

Name one company who doesn’t.

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Well, yes, generally when a company whose hardware I purchased is constantly doing things that make owning said hardware arduous, I don't like it.

Was the company founded to suck your dick? Why would not pleasing you be a misstep?


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Seething snoyboy, go back to resetera

Nintendo is kind of company that has always had it's head in the clouds and in the ass simultaneously. Sometimes it yields good results, other times not so much.

Use your own advice bing bing.

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another seething snoyboy thread