Which DOA girl is best girl and why?

Which DOA girl is best girl and why?

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I love Marie!

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>I am the only Tina vote

I have her to myself then.

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The VV exclusive ones.

whats the point if you cant even hit them

Nyotengu cause she got that asian ass


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Fucking pedo

she's 18

Nyotengu is my wife and goddess and I love her more than anything.

Same here with Mila
I guess if it's not a child or a 1000 year old grandma it's no interesting


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get the fuck out of my thread right now pedofag

Kasumi and momiji with no votes lmao

My wife is not a grandma

That's what she said

>Marie Rose in the lead

Everyone who votes for her is a pedophile. End of discussion.

It's probably because Kasumi loves dogs.

they're all the fucking same user. they're dolls with different wigs

>Marie Rose and Honkers that high
God I wish I could stab you all to death

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nyo, marie and honkers make me the hardest, I think that's a good enough reason for being the "best"

50/50 between Marie and Nyo. At least I know I'm not an exclusive pedo.

This is the worst fucking timeline.

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For me, it's Christie, Mila, and Momiji in that order.

Besides Marie, Why are the Asian girls more popular than the Western girls in comparison?

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>all the pedophiles
boy what a surprise


honestly im surprised Tina is up there

Ayane won the Yea Forums "Best DoA girl" competition so Ayane

>why are the Asian girls more popular than the Western girls in comparison?

But the girls in your pic look White girls.

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I want to marry and impregnate the Kraut

Nyotengu, I love her hair, her eyes, her voice, her playfulness, her tits...she is everything I want in a woman.

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She is my goddess and I will always belong to her.

Wait until more Nico. The beta was already like that, always those 3 and the ninjas

low tier trash

The Western girls tend to lean towards being more masculine, Helena and Marie Rose being the exceptions.

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Whichever one fucks dogs

Why is she so perfect?

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I've seen more Honoka dog porn than Mila dog porn

So that's how they train


I'm not even a boob man and she still makes me diamonds. I do have a raging thing for hime cuts though, so that's a big part of it.

Werewolves are not dogs.

>waifuing someone who doesn’t suplex people
I seriously hope you guys don’t do this

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truly the best couple

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I technically don't do this since I ship the girls rather than waifu them

>played Tina in the beta
>people couldnt handle throws
>baiting them into that 7 kick to throw to get that sweet damage
It was nice

Nyo is western.

poor chinese girls


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My basic combo as tina was the 3 punch 1kick throw, but they changed the throw from a power bomb to something else, it looks cooler now, also her tackle into throw across the whole arena followed by kiss taunting is the ultimate disrespect

Where's Koko's mom?

user likes watching girls fuck dogs not eat them

>kiddyfuckers rule this board too
I thought they kept to Yea Forums

also the fact that Momiji is so far down makes me sad

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That's just because Honoka gets more porn than everybody else.



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they removed her freckles in 6



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I love my wife!


They are cuter while retaining the same voluptuous proportions

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Helena is the best, only faggots like Marie Rose.

She can get into many situations for throws which were easy dmg. I also liked having my back turned and then 8T since 2T is short range. Or that one while doing a combo where she grabs the hands or the legs of the opponent in the air and then slams down.
I did the normal combos sections and some challenges of her and that gave me ideas to work into like that 7K to Throw. That one alone takes like a quarter of health alone and is possible doing it with SSS for more dmg, but couldnt waste much time training them

someone post doa6 lisa


No contest.

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NiCO's personality actually feels more like the older DOA girls and people just lump her with Marie and Honoka because of her design even though those two don't just have designs made to appeal to moe otakus but also personalities to fit that. If NiCO had a natural hair color and be a bit taller nobody would compare her to Marie and Honoka.

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I want to marry and impregnate Ayane

I really like her new luchador outfit, just wish I could figure out her moveset besides constantly drop kicking and jump grabs

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Based Mila bros.

I would not really mind Marie all that much if she actually felt like she belonged in the series character wise. Its the most pandering awful cliche personality I think i've ever seen, the waggling arm skidding to a stop, "I'm a little clumsy tee hee" cutesy shit just does not fit alongside DoA in general.

Its such a massive tonal shift compared to all the other girls, her bodies fine but seeing her in game just makes me want to punch her repeatedely in the place. Might as well have a piece of fucking toast permanently hanging out her mouth.

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Nico is fun, also I like her taunt

>straw poll
Anyway Mr. Zoomer OP we already had a tournament for this.
The more you know.

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Remember that Itagaki would've never made Marie, Honoka or NiCO. Probably not Mila either.
He would've still made Nyotengu though.

pedos btfo

Tina because she's American and Zack's woman.

oh right I remember this
good times

She's not even on the pole.

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What’s wrong with mila?

She has two votes though :^)

>Zack didn’t invite her to his island
What a faggot

Shit taste Yea Forums


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>Putting Honoka and Marie Rose that close in the bracket
I call collusion

Hitomi 2.0

i still don't understand how the 360 controller won among all the other wrong things from the tournament results

Butthurt nu-DoAfag

>Bring back Tengu but it's a woman
>Bring back Raidou but it's a cyborg
How are they going to bring back Genra

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It's on her ID. CHECKMATE, Your Honor!

Hitomi is cute though

Playstation controller is for people with baby hands

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Post Helena.

i want to lick those glossy lips

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Good one.

i want to be honoka and get raped by an old fat disgusting rich man

You missed one OP

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He didn't.

I also missed VV grills, im sorry

>Forgot NiCO and Phase-4
>Includes Miyako but not other NPC girls
>Includes the VF girls and Naotara but not Mai
>Misspelled Nyotengu
what a mess of a poll

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>momiji that low
goddamn shit board

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make a second less retarded one

>nyo that low

Yea Forums never ceases to be shit

I'm not participating in any polls that include Marie and Honoka

These type of polls aren't really representative of popularity because we can only vote for our favorite one. To see a character's true popularity you need to do round robin elimination or a ranking. But this takes too long to do so people won't vote in those. For all we know Momiji is in the top 3 for most people, it's just that she's nobody's number 1 favorite.

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bitch literally looks like a pig and has the ugliest hair color in the entire DoA

I thought she was way more popular around here. I guess it's just been the same few anons of culture posting her all the time.

I like her. She's just not my favorite. Certainly the best girl added in 5 though.

I'm gonna beat your ass user.

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>any male character

Is there actually someone out there who mains nyotengu? Honestly impressed

>Marie "I fuck refugees" Rose, Honker and Bitchtengu that high
Degenerates like you belong on a cross

her combos are really fun

I main her for fapping. I don't actually play this shit.

(you) fuck refugees
Marie is my wife and I'm going to impregnate her in a missionary position

Based, it takes guts to main a slow non-ninja
Cringe, I bet you fap to the version without wings too you secondary scum

She technically has a way bigger bust than Honker

What's wrong with Nyotengu other than that she has a himecut?

Enjoy watching her willingly getting brain fucked from the ear in a refugee gangbang while you just sit down on a corner waiting for them to leave you something, you horrible creature

But that's the best part



You're really desperate to try to fuck that child aren't you?

She’s really slow and easy to counter, most of her moves have a big windup too

Youre really desperate to have your muslim fanfic, huh?

that's not me, you hungry paki molester

Scarlet is coming out in 3 weeks and nobody gives a shit

Pretty hard to care when they won't even give us a western release.

I don’t care about the volleyball games, I just wanna put other fighters in the ground as big dimes tina

Rachel, absolutely no doubt about it.

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>ayane better than helena
>hitomi better than lisa
>ayane better than tina
>miji better than rachel
>honoka better than christie
>marie rose better than anything
>pai better than sarah

Holy fuck the absolute shit taste in this board is revolting. Literally every single wrong choice.

Rachel is so fucking slow but all her combos and throws are satisfying as hell

what did he fucking meme by this?
>scarlet went up
>dead on arrival went down
fuck off shillbori no one is gonna blieve youre bullshit

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>Not better than Helena and fucking Tina
Cope retard.

I was more talking about her plump red lips, huge tits and ass, but I'm glad you like her playstyle.

>better than southern cowgirl or refined elegant french lady

Fuck on outta here

>ayane better than helena

>hitomi better than lisa

>ayane better than tina

>miji better than rachel

>honoka better than christie
>marie rose better than anything
>pai better than sarah
Those are indeed wrong

Helena SUCKS
Tina is good but not Ayane good.

You have a terminal case of shit taste

what the fuck is wrong with you amerisois? why do you play japanese games and expect them to pander to youre subhuman tastes?

Ayane is a pig, literally just discount ugly version of Kasumi

>discount ugly version of Kasumi
But she looks better than K*sumi in every way.

you spelled dogtoy wrong


Kasumi and Ayane are the best DOA girls. Phase-4 will be too once her redemption arc is over.

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stop with this meme

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>t.oatmeal cookie

Nobody is talking about Mila.

Worthless character.

What is the missing one percent of honkers?

Demon blood from Raidou

Oatmeal didn't create Phase-4 though, and despite this she's the best result out of his dumb clone storyline.

What’s good about her? Also he basically did create her because she is a clone of his daughterfu

>ughh mature women disgusting they intimidate me!! give me little girls!! mmm delicious flat chest!! n-no i'm not a pedo

They all have the same face though



give her black hair and she looks asian. Maybe she lied about being swedish and is actually finngolian.

>Nobody is talking about Mila

You said Honkers wrong

Better design than Alpha or Alpha-152
Only DOA5 newcomer who is relevant to the story
Her story arc is being established over multiple games and may end in redemption or tragedy
Good excuse to see Kasumi in twice as many costume as other girls

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Redpill me on Hitomi as someone who knows nothing about DOA, why is she so high in the list?

>you will never be a DoA and get ZACKED
why live

I thought she got fucking murdered in doa5 though? Also her design is boring

>implying zack fucks any of them
>when he’s the biggest cuck in the game
I like how shitposters always latch on to the first black dude they find

Tomboy but still feminine
Girl-next-door appeal
Easily shipped with Leifang if you're a yurifag
Easy to play for beginners
Gorilla playstyle

No one but niki likes zack, dumb blackd poster.

It's lonely at the top

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>ayane not #1

you fags better fix this immediately

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>I thought she got fucking murdered in doa5 though?
That was Phase-3

I just masturbated.

honestly that's why i made the thread this morning, time to go again

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They're actually all 100% shitter tier asian but the blonde hair on Marie fools the compooter. There is nothing remotely Aryan about her visage

Marie and Nyo

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Correct, most of the cast looks pretty asian.

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You look like a pig. If by chance you look like Ayane I'm up for a long pigfuck.

>only 5 other votes besides mine
I don't care. You will always be the only one for me, Lei.

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Best girls

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Only way you will fuck me is by raping this asshole and then you'll be forever a man asshole raper.

I voted for Kasumi but Kasumi, Ayane, Hitomi and Leifang are the tetrad of good taste.

We've had enough of these "best DOA girl" polls already.
Here's an original poll for once

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All these Marie lovers. Disgusting.

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I wonder how much the results would change if you had to be at least C rank online to be able to vote

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no votes

I'm SS rank in Venus Vacation.

I love her and miss her. All her outfits are lewd as fuck. Especially evening dress and tight suites.

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I made it to C- with Honoka so my Honoka vote should count.

Ah yes, Pai, the classic DOA character

Dropped in rankings after her breast reduction

get a better taste, pleb

>Dead or Alive
Pick one.

I always assumed Lei Fang was one of the more popular charachters, chinese anime women are always liked.

>nyotengu losing to momiji
Gross, even though she would have lost to Marie afterward because of the concentrated pedophile vote.

>I always assumed Lei Fang was one of the more popular charachters
She used to be

I will do that only if you look like Ayane

For me, it's Christie.

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Help, I have a problem choosing between Helena, Rachel, Sarah and Tina.

Helena if you'd rather eat a classy restaurant
Tina if you'd rather eat fast food
Rachel and Sarah aren't DOA girls

Thanks, now I know why I like helena more than tina

Ninja Gaiden and DOA are in the same universe though.

>He'd rather pay $100 for a meal instead of getting some Johnny Rocket


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>Marie Rose winning
holy fuck hang yourselves

Sarah Bryant is not DoA girl, shes from Virtya Fight dumb zoomer bandwagon faggot.
If you're going to add Sarah then at least add Mai as well.

Anyone voting for Marie are faggots who have never played or will play the game and are only bandwagoning because of its latest release. They will drop the game in 1 week because its too hard

I still don't know what's new except for two characters

I only play Extreme and watch extra scenes win/lose poses. I don't play meme fightings

New swimsuits, but they removed some old ones because they're too lewds for NuSony
The next characters are coming to vanilla DOAX3 as DLC
Apparently it's easier to grind and shit, but your DOAX3 savefile isn't compatible.
I certainly won't be upgrading.

>Marie winning both polls

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pedofags leave

I'd like to have new swimsuits but I'm not going through the grind again

super classy, super rich
super sexy, super strong
super country, super dirty
super legs, super samus

Everybody can and probably already eat Johnny Rocket

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Kasumi because I love her!

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Hitomi is very cute

Fact: All the best girls are from DOA1-3. The only exception is Nyotengu.

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What about the NG and guest characters and Lisa?


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Lisa is shit
Guest characters are shit
Momiji is OK

Kokoro and Kokoro's mom

Imagine having this shit taste.

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i feel like results are skewed because Yea Forums(nel)

We did it marie bros,Marie killing spree is going to continue.

Lisa is shit, as bad as the brain damaged bird. Momiji is ok. Guest characters are fine.

It is, have an actual representation of what the rest of the world thinks

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Can people like bomb TNs social media about the lack of win poses?
Literally no excuse for that shit.

>hitomi nowhere near top 6 in any region
hitomifags confirmed for homeless niggers


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Her killing spree will never end

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So weird, i feel like before 5 hitomi was definitely marie rose type of popular.

Bomb them for lack of swimsuit costumes too. And not paid DLC either, that shit was unlockable in 5.

based hitomi bros

Both characters didn't transition as well as the other female characters in 5.

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That's something they're not going to patch in for free so i wouldn't waste the effort on that.
But there's no reason they couldn't recycle the winposes from 5.
It was unquestionably a design decision made to be more in line with capcoms fighters and that's just so fucking annoying.
>hey guys look! We're a serious fighter too! See? Our game is designed just like theirs!

You can hide her face and play with the lightning all you want but she's still shit.

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Are you joking? Leifang looks better in 5 than in any previous game.

blessed pair

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god i wish i was rachel

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She lost her smug and perky attitude.

Why isn’t this whore going to be in 6? They’ll probably add her in price gouging DLC.

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She's the Fuhrer of my heart

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That appears to be back in 6 thankfully, but her actual character model itself looks way better in my opinion from 5 on than before then.
I honestly think she transitioned better than anyone else.

I wish I had a pair of Hitomi's panties to sniff

This SFM shit is cringe

Is she even a fighter? I thought she was just some big tiddy fapbait

None of the VV girls will be in 6

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Damn, I love you people, that top 4 is perfect

I like the webms where she gets fucked by blacks while wearing that

Which pair is your favourite?

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Lot of shit taste itt

I want to wear them on my head

T. Pathetic black boi

Her school uniform is better

I'm actually a spic

Shit taste

Being a cuckhold is not even remotely better

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Kasumi is the best girl. I have my reasons.

It's usually white people/shills that make those posts.

Good for you.

How would you even know that, nigger?

Also see

Thank ya'. I hope ya' have a nice day, pal.

More goofball adventures of hitomi and lei fang when?

I'm going to win Evo with Kasumi!

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Imagine being a fan of a game that wants esports so bad that it whored itself to SJW and feminazis before whoring back to its fans. This game is so pathetic and it's guaranteed to fail.

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Best of luck, pal!

I hope it fails and they learn their lesson and DOA7 is even better!

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Mila and impregnation.

>403 votes as of now
>Nearly 20% of said votes are for Marie.

This had better be an elaborate shitpost.

If you like big tits you can vote for any other character
If you're a pedo your only choice is Marie

user, Marie has whole threads dedicated to her in 4channel

It's honestly pretty fun although it's clear the devs don't have a clue what identity they want for it
DoA 4 was great but their image now is more associated with the volleyball games than the fighting games it seems

>408 total votes.
Its either a redditcord poll or a bot, theres not even 20 real anons here

Maybe they shouldn't have made all the other girls a bunch of bimbos then
The female DOA cast has so little diversity when it comes to body types that people just latched onto the first unique ones

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Deal with it.

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I want Nazi Hitomi to call me racial slurs.

>If you like big tits you can vote for any other character
I can agree and attest to that, I'm just saying.

Wow, Honkers and Marie sure do love each other huh?

Attached: Honkers Marie making out.webm (1280x720, 1.02M)

Fuck off marieshitter

This. I want to fuck the shit out of Kokoro's mom and give her a sister.

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You'll get worse than that

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They're made for each other

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Honoka is too fertile to be a lesbian, it's a waste.

And how

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They're just good friends, put a dick between them and they'll immediately fight for it

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Worst yuri pair

They're more than that

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MARIE Is doa now.

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Hold on, isn't Miyako technically Helena's half sister, so that would make her a aunt?

I vote Rachel/Momoji and Helena/Christie as best yuri pair

Then I'm going to enjoy wiping the floor with pedobait ass come release day.

>my favorite girl Hitomi is 2nd
>my second favorite girl Marie is 1st

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The people don't agree

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Which DoA would you want to be?

marie rose is a murderer!

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She must be punished

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Doesn't make sense unless Christie treats her like a toy.

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We lump her with Marie and Honoka because she has a baby face just like them.

yes, but unfortunately her hair colour is what it is and it wrecks her. otherwise she'd be good.

I'm gonna knock Marie's lights out with a brick!

Honestly I like all of them, but Tina has a special place on my heart

Attached: TinaBigTitties.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

Got more HS Christie?

>unless Christie treats her like a toy.
That is exactly why.

Dirty bitches

Attached: Honkers Marie 7.jpg (2880x1620, 1.22M)

But who is gonna punish a girl who has technically not comitted any crimes and whom men can't go near without becoming blinded by lust?

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Have fun with the shitty dpad.


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>christie will never worship your cock with her mouth while she holds a knife to one of your major arteries
why live

Attached: 1.jpg (1024x1765, 133K)

Bitch don't make call Shaggy.

i hope so

>tfw you'll never get to make aryan babies with Nazi Hitomi or Nazi Marie
feels bad man

Attached: 1523626029515.jpg (2130x1864, 616K)

Better idea

>Has to have a knife near your artery to get off
>Not making yourself the one man she'll willing submit to.
Top kek

>Marie winning
keikaku doori

Attached: marie5.jpg (760x889, 102K)


But that's not a punishment to her, that's her job

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those poses look weird
cowgirl would be a good idea like that, though

gay as fuck tbqhwyf

Is it another one of her jobs?

Attached: n.jpg (297x558, 42K)

>gay as fuck tbqhwyf
Fine, add in a part where she's a power bottom.

>Is it another one of her jobs?
Yeah, she heard Helena spreading lies that she wears the pants in the relationship.

>voting for Marie or any of her clones

Attached: 1543001201092.jpg (1200x808, 270K)

>Mila goes up against Nyotengu in first round
Damn, poor Mila. She didn't stand a chance. I'm surprised how close it was though.

What if I survive that?

>Christie will never hunt you down to correct such lies

Attached: police_cover_by_trahtenberg_d8avnh0.png (1600x1200, 1.78M)

>All my favorite girls are at the bottom of every poll
Time to buy a fedora I guess

The cute one.

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_190224_213945.jpg (1920x1080, 249K)

>that one webm where she rides a dude cowgirl in the back of a car
why is she so sexy

Attached: 3.jpg (1732x3464, 394K)

Thanks have fun with your baby triggers and massive touch pad that serves no purpose besides getting in the way

Oh you better believe i'd spread some lies
>She's big softy, loves to cuddle after being fucked silly.
>Loves being spanked full power, then asks for more.

If your doa ever gets first in japan rankings it means you have terrible taste

May I inquire a sauce and/or link good sir?

Voted for Tina.

Cowgirl Tina all fucking day long

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>Don’t fuck with this senator!

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Attached: 6.png (1080x1920, 1.53M)

What's a trigger and a touchpad? I play with a DS2 + adapter and an arcade stick.

>tries to prove the lies are wrong
>ends up confirming them

Attached: 1522306015937.png (1920x1080, 2.05M)

How is Butterface Hitomi in third?

What does two girls kissing feel like?

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>he dislikes the cute kraut
absolute garbage taste

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She's cute

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I love Marie and how cutely childish she can be, but sexualizing Hitomi makes me uncomfortable. It's like taking advantage of a literally retarded person.

It's fine since she was literally made for breeding

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The retarded doa is kokoro

Dog dick


No she isn't

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fake IDs are a thing you know...show me the birth certificate

I hate how attractive I find this stupid bird.

absolutely based

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>didn't put her in doax3
i don't get it.

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The only thing I hate about being attracted to Nyotengu is that she isn't real and my wife, I want to impregnate her so much

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what the fuck 4 ways hold is?

4 days until mardi gras

Attached: 1520563023895.webm (888x500, 2.85M)


You can parry/counter your opponent's attacks by pressing Hold and a direction:
Up: High
Back: Mid Punch
Forward: Mid Kick
Down: Low

I can understand why she wasn't in the initial roster but they should have added the rest of the girls eventually.

Attached: 1541091322410.png (1080x2000, 1.53M)

>least popular girl is the best
every game, every time

Attached: 1537707491212.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

Tina and her should've been in the fuckin game in the first place.

I always forget Lisa is a wrestler

is there any other option?

>Marie Rose at the top

Always bet on pedos to buy every product that panders to them.

what the fuck even is this thread?

I want to breed Honkers!

This was the very first webm I saw on Yea Forums.

Can Tengus be impregnated by human semen?

they all got zacked.

Marie, Honkers, Nico, all the fucking same.
Nyo is almost as bad, but at least she's got something going for her outside of her appearance, the fact that she's a tengu and shit, but all of them are still shit-tier, waifu pandering trash that are only preferred by the literal most pathetic of beta-males, which it turns out is the majority of people on Yea Forums, go figure.

Attached: CP9XHL5UsAA0E-o.jpg (600x600, 44K)

People should post more DoA6 Honkers.

This cute retard

Attached: 115040E5-820A-4BE6-9129-C4097484D956.jpg (200x300, 13K)

>always play either a brown girl or a pro wrestler
>game has a brown girl pro wrestler
easiest vote of my life

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god i want to lick her midriff

full image?

Attached: 1548546416380.png (750x854, 1.05M)

>he whine about waifu pandering
>in a DoA thread
holy mother of irony batman

Attached: 1549771089152.jpg (960x880, 72K)

>Helena that low

You people make me sick

Marie Rose

Attached: 587445.jpg (2323x1307, 679K)

Thats a nice picture

I don't know, but I would certainly make countless attempts.

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>Marie, Honkers, Nico, all the fucking same.
All the DOA girls are just copies of each other you retarded frogposter

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I like how the Japanese list is just all the characters ranked by how much they resemble children.

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You just know she keeps it nice and fit as part of her training.

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At least she doesn't look or dress like she's 3.

Marie and Marie posters are the best.

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>implying miyako allows her to dress herself

Imagine how flexible she must be

Attached: 1550441896760.jpg (2000x4000, 1.69M)

Look how attractive this stupid bird is.

Marie Rose killed this series.

How so?

She regularly shows it off

Attached: 1549038502366.jpg (1080x1920, 206K)

If you pick Marie Rose, seriously fucking kill yourself you disgusting pedo fuck.

By herself she isn’t that bad but her fanbase is the worst

It killed all the Fans Future children.

Attached: marie 6.jpg (946x1000, 84K)

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remove marie

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god nyo is so plump and fertile there

Nyotengu > Kasumi > Ayane > Momiji > Helena > Mila > Leifang > Marie Rose > Honoka > Hitomi > Tina > Christie > Kokoro > NiCO > Lisa > Rachel > Alpha > Phase 4

Rachel > Mila > Christie > Helena > Momiji > Tina > Lisa > Kasumi > Ayane > Nyotengu > Kokoro's mom > Honoka > Marie Rose > the rest

Attached: rach15.png (1080x1920, 1.21M)

There was a version of this that had an overall tally, does anyone have it?

Attached: 5109372d7fb93af9224842b63eea4e8d.jpg (3840x2160, 908K)

Which DOA girl has the best butthole?

Rachel is only liked by closet homos

Honkers > Marie > Ayane > Kokoro > Lei Fang > NiCO > Momiji > Nyo > Kasumi > Hitomi > shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the other girls

I must be in Narnia then, because she's perfection made female.

Attached: 1550441269072.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

hitomi with ponytail

Don't be a idiot, there are not any pedos in 4Channel.

Attached: ochhinchi.jpg (1280x720, 254K)

put hitomi a bit higher and this is god tier taste

no, I like what I want

Attached: Cute and funny screenshot.png (336x179, 6K)

Based Tina "if she looks nine, give her a clothesline" Armstrong

For me, it's the chunky ninja.

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Anyone here a VV whale who got Nagisa's chocolate cutscene? I'm curious what her special photo pose is. I didn't get Fiona's either.

I've got all the other girls unlocked though, if anybody else cares about these.

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_190225_184257.jpg (1920x1080, 340K)

Lisa > Honkers > Kasumi > the rest

Come to think of it, I do like Hitomi more than Kasumi.
Honkers > Marie > Ayane > Kokoro > Lei Fang > NiCO > Momiji > Nyo > Hitomi > Kasumi > shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the other girls

Attached: Hitomi being silly.jpg (1517x1713, 293K)

shit > this list

back 2 the reddit

Let me append this, Tina is equal to Kasumi.

Let's see your list, tough guy.

Attached: Hitomi_145.jpg (1080x1920, 172K)

>hating on helena
Why bro

>Not making yourself the one man she'll willing submit to.
That's fucking boring. Fuck off maledomfag.

Just picked Marie Rose to trigger the dumb redditors like you

t. out and proud homo

tasteful, focused discussion about video games. so this is probably the wrong board.

Never liked her type.

Attached: 1 - fs5dxEc.png (1080x1920, 1.87M)

Miji was made for non-consensual paizuri.

miji was made for throating

Marie is a dumb slut.

Attached: 1547017050534.jpg (1920x1080, 194K)

God I hope they make another Xtreme game so Ayane can indulge herself on sweets and put on that delightful thiccness one more time

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My favorite type of girl.

Attached: Soaking wet Marie.jpg (1158x1252, 197K)

Yea Forums confirmed for shit taste as usual.

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_190216_062555.jpg (3840x2160, 772K)

Tina: cowgirl position
Helena: lotus position
Mila: missionary position while holding hands and kissing
Rachel: pronebone
Christie: leglocked missionary while she grinds her hips against you
Marie Rose: mating press by somalian immigrants
Honoka: mating press
Miji: hair-pulling doggystyle

Attached: really gets the jpgs going.jpg (687x778, 93K)

I want to be Marie and have my tiny holes abused until I turn into a dumb slut with an addiction of pleasing men and have their stiff cocks fill me with thick cum!

Attached: 1542765106369.jpg (592x596, 94K)

Her thiccness was a true blessing

Attached: Time to overdo it.jpg (1920x2560, 1.65M)

Attached: 1547875703314.png (720x720, 395K)

>That's fucking boring.
Fine, throw in a little powerbottoming from her.

>Yea Forums is compromised of one individual


Attached: DOAX3 VR15.webm (1067x600, 2.92M)

>Christie: leglocked missionary while she grinds her hips against you
She would also immediately ride you again until you're sore.

Attached: 1531624488265.png (1080x1920, 2.08M)

I want them to use my pigtails as handlebars as they press my head down and force their huge cocks down my tiny throat! And while I gasp for air with blurry vision as I start tearing up, I want them to spit into my face and press me down even harder until I faint while they fill my belly with their sperm!

Attached: 9526b93eff8c74b23b031cb8d322528a.png (1080x1920, 3.12M)

Ayanebros... where are you at?

Attached: DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme 3 Fortune__6.jpg (1080x1920, 150K)

Busy jerking off to Marie

Attached: 9c1b97b5997c7a29260901637c839599.jpg (960x1280, 226K)

wow momma

Attached: 1550971932122.jpg (522x522, 110K)

Tina: cowgirl position
As expected

Helena: lotus position
Interesting choice

Mila: missionary position while holding hands and kissing
Oh baby

Rachel: pronebone

Christie: leglocked missionary while she grinds her hips against you

>Miji: hair-pulling doggystyle

>also immediately ride you again until you're sore.

Attached: mfw.jpg (2560x1440, 1.22M)

Eliot is a lucky man. He gets to sully her during her prime years.

Attached: 311730_20180826193131_1.jpg (3840x2160, 1.12M)

The tag intros were nice in 5. Too bad 6 doesnt have that

Momiji. Always Momiji

Attached: DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme 3 Fortune_20190224050108.jpg (3840x2160, 651K)



wow, thanks i have an erection now

There's barely any options on this shit poll.

damn user

That's what I was hoping for.
Now that it's all hard and erect, I assume we don't just want to leave it as a painful bulge in your pants, right?

Attached: 1549178457641.png (1920x1080, 1.87M)

i bet marie is such a stupid brainwashed slut that she'd try to catch the spit with her mouth instead of her face

i can't user, i have to control myself, she is just a child!


Attached: 1485811670255.jpg (474x473, 12K)

user i don't think that's healthy
you deserve better than that, you deserve a loving partner that will make you feel good in less degrading ways

She's a child only in body. In mind, she wants you to spurt out a huge load while thinking about violating that lewd body of hers!
I bet she wouldn't even close her eyes during a facial!
I hope you are already stroking that fat cock of yours! What kind of naughty things are you imaging doing to this child like body?

Attached: 1550792889920.png (445x529, 307K)

I want to do ryona with Marie!

Attached: 1549513451899.jpg (480x467, 39K)

>Removed the ryona face-cam from Marie, Honoka, and NiCO
>Ayane's the same age as them but she still gets it
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Mariefags? Care to explain?

i would really love make her bj me and make me cum on her mouth while i spit on her mouth too, then she spits all over her body running through her navel and reaching her tight pussy

retarded redditors. Now I can't enjoy satsifying my ryona fetish by beating up my wife Marie unconscious

Imagine humping Rachel from behind while she sucks on your finger like a pacifier.

Attached: cop.jpg (2600x1200, 335K)

i wanna gag her with my finger

Hitomi is best girl

Team Bryant until I fucking die

Attached: 1385449172136.jpg (3629x1279, 972K)

>while she sucks on your finger like a pacifier.

god i want her tiny butt on my dick! i want to violate that tiny hole and shoot long thick ropes!

>Marie in 1st
Of course she is.
>Ayane in 4th place
It hurts
>Honoka in 6th place

Ayane is my wife.

Attached: DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme 3 Fortune__63.jpg (1080x1920, 258K)

oh, dont worry im gonna cum several times on her, i just wanna make her all messy and spitty like the little slut she is, next time im gonna cum all over her little navel and make her slow while i pick it up with my fingers and put it in her mouth

gone but not forgotten

Attached: firefox_2019-02-25_20-12-03.jpg (1562x882, 122K)

i want to swap some nasty spit with little marie!

god i cant even fucking type, sorry user

I don't see a positive pregnancy test to confirm that statement good sir. You do plan on impregnation yes?

They have to please the waifufags.

fucking marie tiny body over everything!

But user, it's such a sensitive, tight hole! It will probably leave her in great pain and trembling while you stretch it out!
Marie wants to be a mess out of sticky cum! Glazed in thick sperm and filled to the brink and leaking with your seed!

Attached: 5c1943842751bc05b85a6e71b13ad03f.jpg (1600x1200, 203K)

what doagirl you want to _be_

Attached: 66879.jpg (800x450, 92K)

jesus christ anons, good job carrying this shit to bump limit and thanks to all anons who voted in this pointless but fun strawpoll. it's been a long time coming

I Really like 2D Marie.

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Rachel. Badly.

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that pain will turn into pleasure and she will be screaming for more!