Survival crafting is huge for immersion, roleplaying, and risks:rewards

>Survival crafting is huge for immersion, roleplaying, and risks:rewards.
>It's basically "nu-sandbox-MMOs", some having server switching, and thus characters playing amongst that of thousands.
A large percentage of Yea Forums is “mostly SP”, but MP (being SP-but-with-real-opponents/friendlies for similar gameplay designs) is of the most intense, dynamic, creative, strategic, and rewarding gameplay.

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… Depends on personal interests of the industry.

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>having retards shitting up your game and breaking suspension of disbelief is rewarding

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Why do you keep making this thread?

Brain damage I guess. It's strange to see anons who keep posting the same thread over and over, like they're stuck in a loop or something. Like, what does OP even want, he isn't trying to start a discussion, he just stated some bullshit that means nothing.

Yeah, go look at servers for those survival crafting games, they usually have 1 alpha clan that has basically chased everyone off the server and nobody else plays because they get their shit stomped in the moment they start building, or else it's a private server with regular wipes so you can't build anything good because it's all about the PVP zerg rush.

The whole genre is shit, you encourage everyone to be sociopaths and then nobody wants to play with you because the moment they try to get established you destroy everything they have and they quit.

why are those cats doing so much blow

Multiplayer games are generally garbage compared to singleplayer games for plenty of reasons

>little to no content
>tend to have shit artstyles
>pretty much always shitty music or no music at all
>mostly meh genres like FPS or RTS
>considering that most of them are online they will become impossible to play sooner or later
>most multiplayer games are western and that's already a bad thing
>the quality of the game varied depending on what players you are dealing with
>the nature of all multiplayer games is repetition and repetitive games need to be all around great to be worth playing

Oh no it's the robot weirdo.

The superiority of multiplayer is something most of Yea Forums will never accept because they're bad at games and have no one to play with.

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*lags in 200ms in your path*

Singleplayer game:

>Ah, that was a wonderful 40 hours. Maybe a bit drawn-out towards the end, but a fine use of mechanics overall.

Multiplayer game:

>I've played this game for 400 hours and I hate it and everyone that plays it. God I miss [older game] so much, those days will never come back.

It shouldn't be.

not all multiplayer games are bad a lot of them are good (that said I like SP games as well, both have a time and place).. it's just that older MMO's and these survival crafting sandbox games encourage everyone to be sociopaths which chases people away from playing the game because everytime they turn around a much higher level player is destroying them and taking everything they had making them basically start over. In a sandbox MMO at least there was the possibility of asking for help and there'd be enough people at max level that could possibly help you get rid of the griefer so you could play.

But in survival sandbox games the server is so small that getting help is not likely, because it's likely the person griefing you is a part of the only powerful clan on the server and they own everything have resources to wipe everyone off the server and they only way they have fun is to ruin other people's play experience. All you can do in those situations is look for another server and start over (to have the same thing happen) or stop playing the game entirely.

Both those genres suck though because they encourage the worst possible behavior in players.

Technically speaking we can have all AI read inputs and then "SP" would be the most intense.

How do you beat something that can read and react to your inputs at just 1ms, if not faster?

Oh and it doesn't help that in survival sandbox games they'll wait till you're offline to destroy you and everything that you've built with you unable to defend yourself.

You just log in one day naked at the default spawn and realize your base and everything you had was destroyed.

OP go fuck yourself how about that

Literally a corporate shill trying to normalize MP faggotry. It's just 1 click for him. Note how this faggot never engages in the thread. He's not paid to engage.


99% of modern multiplayer games all revolve around matchmaking,skill my ass

>no one to play with

Better to play alone than in bad company

Factually no multiplayer games are great either,i would put none of them even near my top 500 games list.

playing ark on a pvp hardcore server when it first came out was the pinnacle of mmo pvp. I had about as much fun playing that as i did when vanilla wow first came out.

>new dinos out every week
>everyone is too scared to die because when you do you have to start over from level 1 so people are more diplomatic with pvp and avoiding it but itching for it at the same time(actually not that bad to die when in a clan but still a nuisance)
>if you go a long time without dying and get high level you can make automatic guns
>the semi automatic rifle you make at lower levels is still the go to gun for most people at long range anyways so noobs can fend off higher levels if they are good
>still no game breakingly OP dinos that make it so alpha tribes can easily stomp on new tribes so once you get to making stone structures you are reasonably safe unless you really pissed someone off.

People say nu-mmo addicts are trying to recreate the feeling they got when they first played vanilla wow and that was what did it for me. The sense of adventure and accomplishment from dunking on other people in pvp and avoiding/taming dangerous dinos.

Behavior incentivization is within reasonability, such as specific teams associated with regulating that, even via the players – and chats being designed with limitations on words and special characters.

It's actually a really great topic. It's sorta polarizing, but the fact that MP of similar designs is so much more has a lot of potential for both fun dialogues and games.

Archives are a thing, so you're clearly lying (about both things).

A). That's appealing to tradition.
B). For those specific games, it's better that the servers' players are farming together, putting blueprints / such in a common location, placing personal resources / bases wherever, and having scheduled PvP, but that's simply a rare realization, etc.
C). It's largely a problem with what features are available / how the games are.
D). What's correlative is the quality of the games. "Players having more fun" has more common immersion, socialization, etc.

Attached: motivation cropped.jpg (919x437, 144K)

That's wrong. There's some multiplayer games that are among some of the best games ever released, like Diablo II, the Civ series (well up till 5, I haven't played 6 yet), the Smash bros series. I mean a lot of games have both single player and multiplayer modes and both can be fun. The only way you can claim that no multiplayer games are good objectively is if you have no friends to play with.

Some of the most fun I've ever had in video games was playing Co-Op shooters like Left 4 Dead and Payday. (and their sequels) with my friends, esp Payday where you have each crew member doing a different job (IE 1 player takes care of the security camera room, the other player takes care of the patrolling guards, a third player gets the key card from the bank manager and the 4th takes care of the front entrance/tellers who might trigger the silent alarm. That kind of shit is so fun to execute all working as a team, and cannot be properly done single player except in cheesy repeated scripted events where it plays out exactly the same every time without ever having to fall back on a "plan B" which is trying to run bags to your escape vehicle under fire.

Nothing you discussed had anything to do with what I posted (dead servers on survival games where 1 clan has chased everyone off and lords over a dead server just killing anyone new who starts on it)

Diablo II is overrated grindy garbage,Civ is only good in singleplayer because multiplayer is a complete cheesefest,Smash Bros is a fighting game for kids.
Fighting games are the best multiplayer genre but they are still meh compared to other genres that require skill but are mostly singleplayer experiences like shmups or 2D platformers.

t. has no friends

I wish I was as happy as that dog.

Even if you had friends that doesn't mean they play the same games that you do.
I hope you don't mean online "friends".

Can MP game make you fall in love with you waifu? No, GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE

Appealing to tradition and is a problem of designs.

Post your reasoning on objectivity in artstyles.

" "
>how …
" "

>[availability of servers]
Rarity ./ limitations are often beneficial for creativity. Here, it's either producing games or lobbying for either laws or specific software. … Standards.


>quality … players
Quality is mostly an aspect of what's implemented … even fun options for playing between having groups, or methods of finding and joining up with others.

>the nature of all multiplayer games is repetition
"Roles" is a thing.

MP games provide two emotions "lol I won" and "damn I lose". Everything in MP is an extension of those two. Whereas SP can provide a variety of feelings ranging from love to fear to melancholy. Prove me wrong faggot

>ad hominem

That's a "quality" problem.


Intensity is based on the player perspective …

Attached: An example of objective quality (physiology).png (887x183, 41K)

nope, friends irl that sometimes I play smash with in the same living room, 2 of which that I have known for so long we were playing Goldeneye 64 together in the late 90's. and played Diablo 2 with as well, I have plenty of friends that will play the same games as I will unfortunately some of them LIKE this survival sandbox shit and think "we'll just keep looking for servers till we find one that doesn't have a shitty community" yeah any day now.

None of that shit you point out in that post makes any fucking sense you double nigger. It doesn't make sandbox survival shitter games good.

Yeah but you are playing casual shit and that's why you found somebody near you that wants to play the same game in MP.

>survival sandbox
wow you're retarded, no wonder you have no friends.

>survival sandbox
>anything but casual
Are you a female streamer? Twitch or chaturbate?

great thread, I sure love the quality you put into these

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>survival sandbox

So games like Dayz and Rust? How are those not casual shovelware?

Is he not a native english speaker or something

I am antisocial with a wicked sense of humour, I don't play games to be around people, I play games to be free of their inferiority

He makes extremely verbose threads for whatever reason, maybe it makes him think he's smarter than he is.

Attached: anotherautist.png (1836x2414, 942K)

I disagree

>someone kills you while you're offline and takes everything you had and makes you start from scratch

he uses odd grammar, seems to ramble about things without really introducing what he's talking about and quotes things without any reference

They are shit games for casuals that don't know or play good games

>and takes everything you had and makes you start from scratch

So like battle royale? Another shit genre with no reedeming qualities when skill is somehow even less valued.

No this is different in the sense that you have an ongoing base building not like a 20 minute match, like you level up and such. Conan Exiles it takes awhile to get to max level and get good tools and gear you don't just pick them up unless you kill someone else carrying them and take them from them (but then you can't repair them)

and also it can take hours just to refine raw materials in order to make building materials with to build a base. it can take your clan a month to build a good base but another clan can tear it apart in a few hours while you're offline. Hardly what I'd call casual.

>99% …
The analogy between SP and MP is of similar features. E.g., "arenas".

ARK is (still) great. Official 2x is a gamemode now also, on top of the previous 2x. It's possible getting a maxed Ptera at 35mins. – an Argy by tranqing, and coming back with mutton from the Ragnarok Highlands for when it's done (the reduced rates benefiting both amounts of food, and [thus] torpor length). For metal, it was some – solo – 2k ingots gathered in 30mins.

Attached: ARK.jpg (900x500, 131K)

Attached: Summary of Those Arguments.png (159x107, 1K)

If you're talking strictly in the abstract hypothetical sense where MP games could iron out all their flaws I guess maybe. Realistically this isn't the case, shit like MMO and survival games are massive grindy timesinks that have little going on moment-to-moment, they aren't games you can start up, spend 30 minutes in and get a very fun fast paced intense experience every time. Fighting games and arena FPS are like this, but the former has a lot of annoyances like shit-tier matchmaking systems that don't work with the gameplay styles incentivizing quick matches instead of long sets and the latter's on life support.

Top-down ARPGs are iterative, but fun ARPG gameplay is really simple; and multiplayer benefits that amongst rarity, power, playstyles, trading …

Civ's pacing is niche, but the MP seems more fair / of interesting challenges.

… PS: The controls of Smash are an example of how simple and fun actions possibly are, while also evidencing the benefits via popularity.

Specifically …


>the posts are often different

>these are also

A lot of advanced topics are established somewhere, even if it's scientific media / [elsewhere than Yea Forums].

Your post seems rambling with *little actual content*.

It's possible having tournaments, 1v1s, etc. Some preparation is relevant, but with that, it's even possible simply KOSing on popular servers. … [Something] designed basing on these and other quantities and qualities has a lot of potential.

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just type like a normal human being ffs

>It's possible having tournaments, 1v1
Yeah a lot of things are "possible" but the problem with these sandbox games is that there's no overarching systems to make these things enjoyable to engage with. Like you said you need preparation and such but in fighting games I can simply launch them and be in the game in a matter of minutes. There's also the other problem that none of these sandbox games have combat that's worth a piss compared to fighters, and how could they really when it takes such a long time and so many resources to nail good animations, feel and hitboxes, varied characters and balance, etc. while you're also making huge worlds and survival systems AND have the additional complexity of a full 3D space to work with unlike fighters which put hard limits. It's easy to imagine these kinds of "you can do everything" games but actually making them a reality isn't so easy.

>MP babies will never come up with efficient leveling strategies to kill off the boss with the bare minimum of HP/MP required.
You're contributing to the Chad Single Player vs Virgin Multiplayer meme. The reality is that you can't handle single player games because you're garbage at games in general. You can handle multiplayer just fine because you can get carried or you can blame your teammates when you lose. These are stone cold facts that you cannot and will not address.

yeah none of his shit makes sense he's obviously ESL.

