How come Latin Americans don't buy games?

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They can't afford it. Spics on Yea Forums are either unemployed or make less than $20k/year.

Fifa's on consoles

They steal them

>games cost around, american equivalent, $100-120
>people earn around, american equivalent, $1000-1500 a month

Yeah, it's not worth it.

Piracy is normal, you see people on market's with Tech stores with software that's all pirated

>buying aka renting on steam for digital shit that is free online

too expensive, the only ones who buy vidya are millionaires who sit their kids in front of Fifa so they don't get abducted by the Cartels i shit you not (those are also the people who buy Christiano Ronaldo for 10k+ dollar)

3rd world countries have far less copyright protection, making piracy rampent.

steam has regional pricing
so the games are cheaper on south america
thats why steam baned the trading from southamercia dumbass

Relatively poor as well as protectionist tariffs that make imports twice as expensive.

>make less than $20k/year.
So around 1500-2000$ per month?
Did you know in russia usual salary per month - 500$ and it is considered good payment, because some people can get even 200-300$.

Is that why they're over 90 in aus and cnd

haha yeah how couldnt he know that about steam haha what an IDIOT how dare he speak in your thread haha WHAT A DUMBASS.

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They're poorfags without any decent paying jobs because 75% of their countries are ran by thugs who make sure they have an iron grip on the economy to benefit themselves.

$80 cdn never over that.

T. leaf

who do you think makes all the piracy threads?

>aus, cnd
>South America
American education at their finest

literally and unironically this
and the people that play in pc just pirate

the fuck, i see russians everywhere on steam, how are they so low?

salary differences.
in the US even a burger flipper can earn enough for a game in 1 shift.

in 3rd world countries, like Mexico a person in a similar job will take 2 weeks to earn enough for 1 new game.

>steam has regional pricing
at least stay in context of your own comments.

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You see them in free game or in games which were on hot sales.

Either playing games with an unnaturally high russian population, or Russians that dont live in russia anymore.

Latin Americans aren't PC gamers. The dark ones play on PS4, the light brown ones play on XBone and the autistic pseudo-whites are Nintendorks.

t. Mexican PC Gamer (I am of course the whitest of mexicans, don't @me negritos)

Mexico is the biggest videogame market in Latin America

They're the only ones that buy games

South Americans don't buy shit

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You missed the fact that the cost of living in Mexico (food, water, gas, electricity, etc) is extremely low compared to the US, so the lower salaries balances it out.

>6000 pesos for a ps4 with a game
Amazing, especially when you know the average annual earnings in a country like Mexico is less than 20k pesos.

Internet connection is garbage there.
The few spics play on PC, do so on US/Canadian servers

Russians are kings of F2P games. They aren't going to pay full price for a AAA game even if they're rich.

I haven't bought a steam game in almost 8 years. I just get my stuff from humble bundle and other cheaper sites. Steam used to be cheap now it is not. Also shit like PS+ and other monthly services give games for free. I have some launchers installed just to get it. I also pirate and emulate. I have zero reason to buy games on release or even a year or 2 after they have been released. I haven't even payed shit lie nier, Spiderman, the Witcher and etc, I'll get them when they are dirty cheap if I feel like it

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>average annual earnings in a country like Mexico is less than 20k pesos
Are you retarded? That's average monthly salary.

is it really? im making arond 10k monthly and feel lucky as hell

>steam has regional pricing
>so the games are cheaper on south america
That's only true for indie games. Capcom, Square, ubishit and pretty much everyone that's considered a "big" AAA developer actually charge more in south-American and central American regions.

Except for Brazil. They are the only ones that get Russian discounts.

>so the games are cheaper on south america

at least stay in context of your own comments.

What the fuck is Russian territories? Countries that were inside soviet union like Belarus and Ukranie? Is this include ex-Warsaw pact as well? If not then Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Romania and so on are counted as western europe in this?
This chart was made by absolute retard, has to be amercian.

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true, but there is still the fact that you need to work only 1 day in the US to get a game, and in Mexico you have to work 2 weeks.

that is taking into account that you are not paying anything else, just your game, so that means that if you were paying other services, you still have to be more considerate when saving money for vydia in Mexico, since its takes you that long to earn enough money for 1.

That said,. I often buy groceries in both Mexico and the US, and the prices are slightly cheaper in the US, even gas is cheaper in the U.S.

Going to restaurants is cheaper in Mexico though.

Power, Internet and water are more expensive in the U.S.

10k pesos?

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They are shitposting consolewaring shit on Yea Forumseddit
Pic related

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thats not average, that engineer level of salary, I earn 12k pesos a month, being an IT guy.

thas because mexico is an overpopulated shithole, if you do it per capita it isnt really different from the south american countries

Cheaper than us.

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You missed a 0
10,000 should be around 500 bucks, but thats middle class salary, low class salary is around 3600-4000 pesos a month.

he cant even 4k on a S pic

If we talk about per capita, Mexico still leads

Brazil has a bigger population than Mexico

My mom is a lab chemist for IMSS and she earns around 22k monthly, so I don't know

Not all games have regional price adjustments. RE2 being a good example, it's full 60 bucks no matter where.
Worth he money imo but if I was earning the same I used to back in Mexico I wouldn't have bought and would have pirated instead.
Since over there nobody gives a shit about pirating stuff I pirated a bunch of movies, games, shows and music before coming to the US and now I cant pirate shit like that anymore. I guess games are fine but not movies anymore, I'm iffy about shows too.

thats the reason right there. there is a reason IMSS is one of the most sought off jobs.

Revenue divided by total population

Mexico = 11,42
Argentina = 9.95
Chile = 13
Uruguay= 15,6

I didnt bother to include the shitholes countries like Colombia and Peru because of course they are too poor, but as you can see Mexico is nothing special


The CIS, keep up user

people earn around $1000-1500 a month
good one, that's the wage for someone with ~7 years of experience in CS, the general population in mexico makes around $500 a month or less.
i imagine that's even worse in other latin american countries since their GDP is way lower

i just wanted to see how much 1000 is in american

But Mexico still leads the videogame industry, it is the biggest market for every company

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You really underestimate how much the cost of living saves money here.
Most Mexicans own their own place instead of paying rent, for example. A trip to the mall to stock yourself full of groceries and food for a month should be around 2,000 mxn (50ish usd) or 2,500 even.
Water is like 200 or 250 mxn every month, basically nothing.
Electricity is like 400 or 500 every two months.
A full set of basic TV + internet + telephone is like 700-800 per month too.
Getting your tank full of gas for 2 months or 3 is like 500.

Overall bills are hardly an issue when it comes to basic needs.
People end up paying more monthly for junk they buy with credit cards (which is a very popular way of buying luxuries here)

what exactly do you do?
job offers for my line of work start at ~14k without experience

yeah, due to the sheer size of their population, like i said earlier


>full tank
i dont know where you live or how much you use your car but a full 40l tank is around 800 and i use half a tank a week

I mean the house gas tank. Not gasoline.

> it's full 60 bucks no matter where.

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They pirate games so much even local games sell more outside of Latin America than in their own country.

australians btfo

>You really underestimate how much the cost of living saves money here.
>Most Mexicans own their own place instead of paying rent, for example. A trip to the mall to stock yourself full of groceries and food for a month should be around 2,000 mxn (50ish usd) or 2,500 even.
>Water is like 200 or 250 mxn every month, basically nothing.
>Electricity is like 400 or 500 every two months.
>A full set of basic TV + internet + telephone is like 700-800 per month too.
>Getting your tank full of gas for 2 months or 3 is like 500.

are you smoking? I live in Baja California.
I pay 550 Pesos a week for gas
Power costs varies, but in my state we pay monthly and prices can go, from 20 bucks to 200 bucks a month, depending if its summer or not.
and depending on what you eat is what youll spend, but the cost of vegetables and meat are around the same in Mexico and the U.S.

too busy playing the cartel game.

Steam for some reason has a static price of the dollar here in Argentina, 39 pesos = 1 dollar but instead we pay 13 pesos = 1 dollar

Because they steal

You just buy the multiplayer games on deep sales and pirate everything else. It's not rocket science

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Because they lie, they cheat, the steal

>Am a Physician, salary is about $1100 per month, can up to $2000 if i kill myself overworking
>In retail games are $70-80, consoles are $400-500
>Buy from Facebook from people that use contraband
>Games are $50-55 at launch, depending of popularity will drop to $40
>Consoles are sold for $250-300
>Recently bought a used Switch in pristine condition, CFW available with a 200 GB SD card for $300.
>It's my second, my 1st Switch has around 40+ games which i've invested around $2000
>Bought a PS4 last year, already have 100+ games
>Usually buy $100 PSN cards for about $85 in exchange because sellers tend to lower their price because no one buys them

I live in a particularly middle class city/area, most of my monthly expenses are about $600ish and tended to use around $100 in games monthly. But then again, according to Government if you buy 2 games per month you're Middle class.

>people earn around, american equivalent, $1000-1500 a month
HAH! I wish. I have an IT degree and earn the American equivalent of $800/m.

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It's that latino heat

Not every publisher uses regional pricing.
RE2 cost R$130 (~35USD) while God Eater 3 sells for R$250 (~66USD).
Fallout 4 was also notoriously expensive when it first launched, not that i would buy it anyway.

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I miss eddie guerrero
That beaner was fun

Hola, que clase de medico eres y donde mierda te pagan esa cantidad tan absurda mensual? A mi me pagaban 1,800,000 COP mensual hasta que renuncie de esa porqueria porque me di cuenta que un sistema de salud 100% subsidiado no funciona.

how is this videogames?

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Man, I live in Hungary and I usually make 180-360 USD clean profit per month, ya think I really wanna buy 60 USD games with that? I wanna save that shit up for something useful.

12 year old Pablo Gonzales only plays decades old free to play games because his toaster doesn't manage anything higher than that.
But he doesn't need anything else. Screeching in spanish on his $2 mic provides him with all the fun he needs.

They do but it's mostly consoleshit.
Everything in PC is pirated.

Médico General, Cundinamarca, Consulta Externa/Hospitalización, si hago Urgencias puedo ganar aproximadamente 500 por turno de 24 horas, busca empleo en IPS privadas en Bogotá o en Clinicas/Puestos de salud en pueblos cercanos tipo Cajijá o Chía. Las condiciones laborales no son tan malas puesto que tienden a ser pueblos calmados pero los insumos son pocos la mayoría de veces.

Ese sueldo que dices parece de la costa, por allá quieren pagar 1.2-1.8m por OPS en condiciones laborales de mierda, si estás ahí, huye compañero.


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To be fair I don't understand how Western European can afford that much. Wages are much lower here than in the US. Unless you have a masters you'll never earn more than 2000-2500USD per month (except maybe in London but enjoy yout 1000USD rent) here, I don't know how people can afford to play on PC.

not quite, Americans earn outrageous wages. I live in Western Europe and while the cost of living is virtually identical or even higher than the US, wages are half of US' median wages.

I can't imagine being a spic. I'm American and make $55k/year. Reading posts ITT makes me sad for spics making only 5% of that.

How do spics resist the urge to blow their brains out every day?

They're all working our jobs

We also don't go broke and in debt for a trip to the hospital.

how many times will you go to the hospital in your life though? I'd gladly give up my "universal healthcare" if it meant I could earn that kind of money. Plus he probably has an insurance if he earns that much.

The prices of games are pushed up by heavy tariffs while they also don't earn enough to buy them. Weekly wages are like a hundred US.

>$1000-1500 a month
Average salary in U$D is about 600.

It's publisher dependent. Some of them have kept up with the joke we call as our economy and realized our currency is worth today less than half of what it was worth this month last year. Others didn't, and their games haven't changed in price.

I work for an american company and earn the same as you. You just have to be extremely lucky and work your ass off. I can't sleep for more than 6 hours.

Mi espanol es terrible. Yo vivo en miami pero trabajo para una compania americana, con opotunidad de vivir donde yo quiera. Como me iria ganando $4,900 al mes, si me fuera vivir a medellin?

cost of living is much lower

>Mi espanol es terrible
Moved to Miami with your parents as a kid?

Why the fuck would you move to Colombia if you're in the US

Not speaking for latin america, but in eastern europe is mostly the same. When your average salary is 500$ per month, a 60$ game is the last thing on your checklist, you need to pay your bills, food and insurance.

yes, haven't gone back in a few years
cost of living

In Thailand you get $10 a day for minimum wage. But you can get food for as little as $1.

You can more or less live like a king there if you earn US tier wages.

Spics are busy farming gold in Runescape, I swear half the players are Venezolanos earning more than most of their countrymen by killing green dragons

>That dude just clearly left construction work
Couldn't pick someone else to bully?

>Those lips
Nice try