Instead of "super-fucking-speed-look-howmanytimesIcansmashPbeforethetimerrunsout" mode every time you perfect dodge, why not trigger the successful dodge animation and instead have a meter that fills up and lets you do a super attack that the enemy can't dodge/block? Or if that's too babby mode, an attack that does immense damage but can be dodged or blocked.
How to fix Platinum games
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I'm getting some Deja vu feels from this thread
Nah fuck that lemme mash. Reminds me of delay mash combos of DMC3 like million stab.
Nah fuck off. PG doesn't need fixed
Donte has cool hair
Fucking reply to the thread and I won't have to repost.
>Instead of "super-fucking-speed-look-howmanytimesIcansmashPbeforethetimerrunsout" mode every time you perfect dodge,
Or you could just stop playing on the babby difficulties of Bayonetta or just stop playing Bayo 2 entirely. That would also solve your problem.
>Or you could just stop playing on the babby difficulties of Bayonetta or just stop playing Bayo 2 entirely.
It was in MGRR as well.
I haven't played it in a few years but I don't remember any time slow in MGR besides blade mode.
>besides blade mode.
>every time you perfect dodge
Blade mode is manually activated and you only ever have to do one cut to be done with it. It's nothing like witch time or whatever the transformers game's witch time knock off is called.
mofo looks like a WoW toon here lmao
Donte should’ve had a better DT design.
Fuck me, that's p cool.
Ikr? It reminds me a lot of MadWorld.
Literally anything would have been better than a simple red coat shader with disgusting veins all over his face.
Even this?
The only thing wrong with platinum games are walking/exploration sequences between fights. Remove them and they are great.
Even that. Looks like it was Kaneko inspired.
They should've just went full on Devil Man Crybaby
Now that I think about it, it kind of does. Mostly because of the clothes staying apart of the DT design.
Funny you should mention that.
Fucking spectacular
>not using the one with the fedora
Don’t have that one.
reminder that Donte would have been a several times better character and DmC would have been a several times better received game if NT just used Donte's white hair +no zoomer side cut as the default design for the character
no it wouldn't lol.
fixing the hair doesn't change the main issues with donte's character.
i don't even dislike DmC as much as a lot of other DMC fans, but there was way more to it than just the hair.
Nah. He still would’ve been a terrible character.
donte would have never been a bad character, he just had a fucking puncheable face with his default zoomer wojak design
it also ignored the cool concept of how his white hair represents his demonic heritage. It also makes him look more mature in general.
That doesn’t fix the Shakespearean writing and Tameem treating the old fans like shit.
The problem with Donte is that he's a snotnosed shithead the game depicts as unironically cool. If there was a bit of self-awareness to it and if Donte mellowed out a bit further throughout the storyline he might have been okay.
DMC3 did the exact same thing as DmC - that game is all about Dante growing as a person and being a bit of a nicer guy willing to accept Lady's help by the end - but better.
Platinum games became formulaic in a way, they are starting to lose me honestly. Good think Itsuno is still around, so we don't need to fully depend on P* for character action games.
He also likes to point loaded guns at defenseless women.
is that devilman?
that's straight up false
Akira and Ryo as Donte and Vorgin.
>yfw Sporda had black hair and Eva was a redhead but somehow gave birth to a child with white hair while the other has black hair like his father
>some reason Donte gets white hair later when he matures, while Vorgin always had it
Who came up with this shit? At least try to be consistent, is having white hair a nephilim thing? Is it a demon thing? It just never makes sense
Vorgin just got his DT a lot earlier. Even though he’s supposed to be the weaker twin.
Virgin could DT even when he was a little baby?
Bayonetta shits on DMC, faggot.
>How to fix Platinum games
let them go bankrupt
Fucking lmao
I hate DmC but they could have at least ported the ps4 version to pc now pc is stuck with the shitty version forever
>I am a zoomer
is it good though? it looks kinda nice
>The problem with Donte is that he's a snotnosed shithead the game depicts as unironically cool.
I mean that's how the game starts, he was a dirty punk only caring about himself, but then he become a pretty responsible and positive person through a reasonable realistic character development.
the only thing I hated about him, (and why I feel like people unconsciously overreact about how much they hate him) is because by default he looks so unlikeable
>DMC3 did the exact same thing as DmC - that game is all about Dante growing as a person and being a bit of a nicer guy willing to accept Lady's help by the end - but better.
I really wouldn't say that. DMC3 has the best story, but mostly just because of the climatic ending. I never felt that Dante went through any kind of character development, it felt more like he was just finally stopped joking around in the end when shit actually got serious.
I like Donte's design. It's not my favorite Dante look but it's fine. Vergin was the real crime
It’s a good adaptation, but I prefer the old cheesy OVA. And the Cyborg 009 crossover was pretty good too.
But his design is actually the most faithful to the original.
So Royal Dodge basically?
I hated Donte until I played the game, and besides the awful twitter thing at the credits it was pretty great and he grew on me.
Made me realize how much unwarranted hate Yea Forums (platinum fanboys) puts on games the hivemind has decided they don't like.
>weird half coat with ugly day of the dead looking decal
>fedora in OG release
Only his face is close to the OG design, that's not even getting into his actual character which was far worse than Donte
>le hivemind meme
Unbelieveable, people dont like what you like? Stop the presses! Call 911! A plane just flew into the new world trade center!!
Kat is such a strong, deep, and independent character. Not like Lady, the prostitute with a big gun.
>le contrarian meme
Unbelievable, people like what you don't like? Stop the presses! Call 911! A plane just flew into the new world trade center!!
Your opinions aren't that original, no need to be aggressive about it
>platinum fanboys
I wouldn't put the blame on any fanbase, especially not on platinumfans. DMC is not even a platinum property, and Kamiya only made the first game
It is just a general thing here that you are not allowed to enjoy or even just be neutral about specific things
The gameplay and story had barely anything to do with DMC, it felt like a cheap imitation, if it was it's own game I would've been cool with it, but this replacing the OG DMC is a no from me
And it didn't help that the PR for this game was colossal shitshow
>And it didn't help that the PR for this game was colossal shitshow
This. You would have to be there, seeing the shitshow live. I think that's why most people have such a hate boner for this game
I was there, and I just thought it was fun, Yea Forums was just acting like resetera over the developers
And the pictures afterwards.
Quite the opposite actually:
Donte could always relate and care, just never met anyone worth caring about until Cat. It was a tough guy persona due to the nature of his environment. The fact that "He isn't even a human" was actually brought up in game. It's all apart of the self-fulfilling prophecy of Mundos creating his own downfall.
On the other hand, Dante didn't even care for his demonic heritage(father), never mind humans. It is only after getting his ass kicked, gaining power, and meeting Lady and her struggle, that he too close to home, was he able to relate to her and thus understand his fathers sacrifice, finally awakening to justice.
I still wouldn't call Dante's progression in 3 a character development, more like just a revelation. He wanted to stop Vergil from the start and already worked with humans to hunt demons /had his shop.
Donte on the other hand didn't care about being involved in the whole fuss in general, before Cat made him realize how vulnerable humans are and how he has to take responsibility in defending them.
>has a cucky hunched-over look
>doing nothing
dmcfags can't meme
Put DMC in the subject asshole. I'm trying to dodge spoilers over here.
and you can't fucking read
Platinum is just fast-food cuhrayzee. Tone down the QTEs and it's good.
It's alright. We'll just reuse everything about this and call it "Nero" in the next game. Fans will love it and forget everything about it, trust me
When I saw the DMC5 reveal for the first time, I was 100% sure that Nero was Donte, it wasn't until later I learnt that it was actually Nero
Then you might be brain dead
Fake Donte is surprisingly more likable in the DLC.
I know this is bait but there was really people who thought the outcry was just because "his hair is black" and not because the whole thing: charachter design, company involved, PR, gameplay, story progression, themes and message, TAMEEM, Dante is Dante is Not, etc ruined the experience, it was a whole package.
And the shit tier DT.
There was no arc though, as soon as he got his memories back he did an 180 and was all like "a'ight, let's go defeat Mundus". At least DMC3 Dante got kicked around, saw things from the perspective of other people and realized by himself that he too had to follow his dad's steps to a degree, something that Vergil could not see as he was obsessed with obtaining power by any means.
That's my biggest gripe with Donte, he went from being a vaguely interesting smug asshole to a bland lap dog who would occassionally have snarky comebacks and people defended him by saying he is more relatable and reliable than original Dante.
I can’t believe this is the worst weapon in the entire franchise.
nice try cuck
By "care" I mean in respect to understanding their weakness. Wanting to stop Vergil was not out of the desire to help humans, but rather to fight him out of "twisted pleasure". He didn't even know about the tower function until meeting Jester for he second time. His reason for hunting demons is still shared with 1, to avenge his mother.
Donte does care, just doesn't know how to express that. He's involved into the order on "what else are you gonna do". He kicks the can out of the fatso's hands right in the next scene after learning that it's poison and by the end he protests against his own brother that he just regrew his relationship with. Just listen to his reaction of Vergin Killing Mundos' spawn:
He doesn't bring up putting Kat in danger, no, that OTHER people died. Kat was a stepping stone to him opening up, not learning. "It's just a matter of perspective" as Phenias twists the world to create a path. He is called stupid by Bob Barbas and his moment of doubting Vergin as a good rulers is the sign of his growth.
Where I the game fails is that he antagonizes Vergin and
even provokes him instead of desperately trying to talk it out as well as grabbing Kat by the ass despite knowing full well what she went through.
You can mod the PC version though. Unlock the frame rate and remove the red/blue enemy restrictions while also granting you stagger unlike the DE version.
DmC was a shitshow
Donte got his deagles out of thin air one day. I’m not kidding.
no, the problem of the game was the 180 on his attitude, they tried to take dmc and inject their ideas of "wow golly, youngs these days, we should put as much dubstep and insults as possible" which failed
At least they sort of explained how he got Rebellion. Still I don't get why some bosses give you demon weapons and other give you angel weapons. Likewise, I don't know why him touching Eva's painting gave him a demon weapon.
This game is such a mess.
They wanted Donte to be a lot closer in design to Dante, but Capcom told them to change it.
I wonder if Itsuno had a PTSD flashback when he was fixing DmC near the end of its development.