It's O K when Japan does it

It's O K when Japan does it

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Other urls found in this thread:

It literally is

god I wish that were me

It's an alien.

me on the right

I'm not okay with it.

Fuck trannies

Hide the pain.

But is the best ending (space) still there?

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>katherine clapping

This is so out of character

it is btw

It doesn't look ugly as fuck so yeah, it's okay.

So did it actually have a penor?

>draw a girl
>call it a boy
of course, that's practically cheating

It's ok when it's a fantasy creature who will experience none of the actual downsides of IRL trapping*

No matter what you do time will try it's hardest to turn you back into a dude. Women and men age different.

everybody knows eastern trannies>western trannies

she has an ntr fetish. she knew about Catherine the whole time too

This whole remake is a slap to the face to the original.

Trap in my country these days are more appealing than actual women on street

The world is really changing

Why wouldn't she? She now has two men to fuck.


Losing to Catherine means that she's losing to another girl who's more cute and atractive than her, it hurts her pride as a woman, losing to Rin means nothing, because that makes Vincent a homo, and she can't really do much about that.

until you tell her she turned you gay

This shit is just pure fantasy

unironically yes. not because of muh animu, though that helps, but because the game presents the subject matter in a was that isn't annoying.

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It's a feminine penis

Well you see what Japan does is draw a woman and call it a man and never crossing into the reality of the situation, what the west does is make a goblin.

You're gay or not, Vincent coming out as a faggot releases a burden from Catherine, since all their relantionship issues and him avoiding compromisse was because of his faggot issues, and therefore nothing was her fault.


that doesn't matter when she'll always remember being a woman who turned a man gay

>draw a girl
>give it a female voice
>give it female clothes
>give it female mannerisms
>give it a cock lust
>give it a female name
>call it a boy

so, it's really ok when Japan does it

i'm not gay, but i'd date her

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Wow congratulations! You understand video games now!

I thought the red head was the tranny

The best part is his body is fabricated so he’ll never age and will always look like that.

Vincent came out of closet and that's it, people will always blame the faggot for being a closeted and insecure man.


>female hips and shoulders

How did Japan recieve the game? There are progressive themes you usually don’t see in nip games in Full Body.

The pink haired one is literally an alien, that took the form of a boy, and dresses like a girl.

This game is retarded.

based and 2002 gif pilled (and your opinion is correct)

This desu
The most clear example of "draw a girl, call it a boy"

>body is actually an alien disguise

i want a cute wife (male) so bad bros

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Because Japan's shenanigans are cheeky and fun. Western shenanigans are cruel and tragic.

You mean degenerate otaku shit

>best girls in the game are boys

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You act like trap or trap routes are something new, there are even some rare eroges and nukiges with gay routes nowadays.

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Name another jap game this big with gay romance and a transgender

it isnt at all. sjws and trannies are mass triggered and bitching about japan everywhere. if both ideologues hate it, the entire american media will go full japan/atlus hate, then there will be no meaning to release it in the american market anymore

VNs ≠ video games

Otokonoko isn't a trans. There are tons of gay romance games but most of them are VNs.

I mean Erica as the trans and Rin as the gay romance.

It's a fucking side character who cares

Name a single, real, non-indie game where you get to actually fuck a trap.

this. women in general are insane and only good for what their bodies got to offer. the ideal trap who has the rational bro brain but female form is perfection. sadly irl trannies are fucked up in brain as well.

It’s a Japanese game made for Japanese people. Doesn’t matter what the west thinks.

>Otokonoko isn't a trans.

of course it is: transvestite, transfeminine

Rin might as well be a transgender, given how he acts and how he is willingly to dress like a female full-time.

Regardless, it's not like nips would be in awe because of this shit, it's nothing new, even more with the amount of fujo pandering in newer games.

So how many fucking endings there are in this game and do I have to replay it for other endings or there is some "jump to a point in the story" function?

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can you fuck Astolfo?

asking for a friend

It's not.

Fuck Rin and fuck xeno fuckers

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Rim still considers himself a boy. He just likes to cross dress and act like a girl. There’s a big difference there, and his true alien form is genderless.

Fire Emblem Fates

How else would he get mana?

13. Full Body added 5 to the originals 8. 3 for the new girl and 1 for each of the original girls. They added a new super easy mode that let's you skip the puzzle sections. Now to get all the endings just have answer texts and confessionals correctly

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Does FGO actually have routes n shit? I thought it was just quests

You can’t romance Astolfo

straight shit obviously doesn't count

You can buy him a cute dress and flirt with him in your room, that's pretty gay for me.

No traps in that game

He is cute. That's the difference. It's not rocket science.

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I think that's just people in general, I finally have a trap gf and she's exactly as you say. We're best friends with the same interests but it's also the most fulfilling relationship I've ever had

That’s just gachashit pandering. Give me something with actual substance like the OP.

>trap routes
>steins gate
Oh, user...


I dont care until she gets good hentai


>"Am I kawaii Vincent?"

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>Rim still considers himself a boy.
So does Ruka, but he also says shit like "wanting to be a girl".

>He just likes to cross dress and act like a girl.
You say like that's a normal male behavior, it's even more strange when you do that 24/7.

>There’s a big difference there
The only difference here is cultural, in the West even drag queens use feminine pronouns.

i personally don't think it's ok, but at least they make it look cute unlike western games, were they look like a frankenstein monster


There's not a single (not obscure) game that includes romanceable traps.
Even steins;gate doesn't actually have a 'true' trap ending.
Luka stays female in her ending and they literally have a child.

Are gays even allowed to get married in Japan? Is Catherine set in Japan, I forget.

Why do SJW not Japan's effort to support the sexual minorities through their games?

Rin and Erica are hot as fuck so they can easily break our hetero-barrier.

Do nukiges and eroges count?

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Rin is fine but Catherine is the best.

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>can’t be romanced by male corrin

Imagine actually going out of your way and marry one of these shits

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>no kids
Horrible ending.

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ofc. Yea Forumsermins don't actually care about degeneracy. They actually like it. See all those "muh mk11 bikinis" threads? These underage faggots just want to bitch about anything that's even slightly different from their weeb degenerate shit. Whether it be fe(males) or "stronk, proud slut empowerment".

Is this the thread where N4-kuns from DJT argue about the meaning of 男の娘?

That’s kinda hot

>It's O K when Japan does it

hah, you haven't heard of the latest crap sjw are shitting over atlus for.

Cs okay but Katherine brings you cake and isn't afraid of nothing

Cannot Rin create a woman body?

About time someone with good taste showed up. Catherine was the best in the original and she's even better here.

Why don't Vincent and Rin just tag-team Katherine?

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Katherine prefers old rich men.


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Katherine doesn't have a dick.

Rin is cute, but how can Catherine even compete?

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Fuck Trannies.
Fuck Atlus.
And fuck shigenori soejima for his disgusting artstyle.

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Is this Chie?

Just a reminder that in the new timeline none of the flashbacks we see with Katherine happen and Katherine ends up dating this guy.

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God, Katherine is such a cuck. No wonder she's in her thirties and unmarried.

That's a boy's nipple

Katherine really gets the shaft in this game huh?

But it's a male nipple.

It's a guy.

SJWs basically hate everything others make, especially the ones japanese do. and when they make some sjw stuff themselves it all becomes absolutely ugly and infantile stuff like disgusting tumblr cgs, calarts/very bad drawn anime rip off cartoons, garbage games like mass effect andromeda, etc and they never criticise themselves even if it failed badly in the market

at least post the one that is actually getting an english release (which is also the trap vn that wasn't fan translated I think).

it's a male presenting nipple

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I want to fuck that trap

Yes, but she was the best girl in the original.

Rin deserves to be the best girl in this game.

If men like it then it's sexist

Catherine still keeps her job a succubus so you get cucked no matter what.

Not in her new ending.

Rin's dick is just decoration.

Yeah looks like Atlus couldn't handle the debate be so in Ks favor they had to give C a new better ending and introduce a 3 option to make it even

Her new ending is shit, Catherine will die of semen starvation.

>>draw a girl
>>call it a boy
what's wrong with this?

They love to complain. Seriously, that's it. It makes them feel good to be the first to ferret out various isms in media, real or imagined, and point them out. They think that this makes them morally superior, more sensitive than the creators or those who have missed the "ism" before them. Nothing sort of perfection will ever be good enough because they don't want it to be. They just want to use media to show off how woke they are compared to us plebs.

Correct, she's still a succubus but stays around with Vincent and is visible to everyone in the new ending.

Oh for fucks sake.
At least it's getting translated after all these years, I can't wait for the pregnant trap ending

K’s new ending might have been shitty for Vincent, but jts the best outcome for her out of all the endings. It just shows Kfags don’t actually care about K, they just care about the principles behind her ending.

>replay Catherine for the Nth time when Classic came out
>my god Kawakami is Katherine

most endings are unimportant. it's basically break up with girl, date girl, marry girl for the bad, good, and true endings

Should I play Classic before the new one?

>the pregnant trap ending
what the fuck
what is even the point

So much this. The translation of the new ending for C and K are 'new generation' or 'rebirth', it's all about change, growth, new values going into the future or some shit. This is why Catherine and Vincent decide to have a more steady long-term relationship having kids and why K decides to live a more free single life.

Because they don’t want to take the effort to solve actual problems in the world. Instead, they raise their voices against vidya and act like they’ve actually acomplished something.

>it's getting translated
really? when and where?

Try it, bro.

Full Body (english) is coming out on September, still too far away. Classic may lack best girl, but it's a damn fine game.

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To pound a boypussy and breed his boywomb, what else?

I mean, I'm willing to wait, but I'm wondering if playing the remake would feel like I'm missing out something from the original

Yeah its a good ending for her. But its only a good because a magic piano changed her mind. Settling down with Vincent was her ideal ending. Same goes for Catherine as well. Having a 180 degree shift in personality due to a magic piano is bullshit. Im looking foward to the game, but i feel they both could have had endings with magic piano fuckery.

Just double dip

Pretty much all of the scenes in the original are in the remake. The remake is just the original with a bunch of new cutscenes, endings and other stuff added on.

I wish I was Toby


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except traps have a short expiration date.

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So do women

Play the Classic. Atlus USA is going to fix Full Body and remove the bigotry from it, so at least with Classic you’ll be playing an unaltered true version of the game.

traps don't exist in real life, there's no boy who looks like a girl naturally
those are trannies

I actually like the new endings for both of them, they're no longer just literal representations of the two extremes of law/order or freedom/chaos. The new endings show that they're actual people with values and ideals that can change over time.

non pigtails cathrine..... MY HEART

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>Literal girl body and mind
>Plus a penis
Yes because Japan makes girls with dicks not males who wants to be girls

r-remove the bigotry. j-japs are bigots. w-we are justice!


fucking americunts

this actually made me kinda sad until I looked at the e-mail address

It's still a male body, you're just a hypocrite

Yeah, it basically is



What bigotry?


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hnnnng I’d definitely go gay for this

I wish I could find my abe pictures now

Him licking his arm like that is gonna make all of the ice cream fall.

That's why they got the Fat Boy twice.

It is, since they don't make them ugly.

Rin design is cute, but I don't like the pink hair.


So fucking gays is fine as long as they're hot?
Then I'll fuck a lot of thai trans

This is why 2D traps will always the the only good ones, just like why futanari is GOAT but IRL shemales are fucking disgusting. Such perfection cannot exist in 3D.

actually she doesn't seem to get any shaft

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imagine getting your dick suck blindfolded, and it's the best bj you ever experienced. How do you know It's not a boy?

>Katherine happy getting cucked like this
She literally got nothing in this game. In fact atlus went out of their way to make it hard for you to have a reason to pick her. Catherine has 12 fucking dlc voice actors and a new wholesome ending and you have Rin as a completely new character which that in itself would make people curious enough to pick them
Atlus is literally calling you a fucking idiot for being a K fan

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It's a alien a pink minion

Reminder that Luka is a trap canonically because his father raised him as a girl, as a joke. He has a reverse trap sister that we never see.

Oh right I forgot, isn't Katherine new ending a full cuck one on vincent?

Not responding to my question and you'll probably imagine tye body of the one who suck you.
Maybe you can recognize it by the sound he would let out or his fingers

I believe she got together with an old man in this ending unless user was lying.

K won my heart in the original, so I'll still be going with her. Shame she didn't get much new stuff

or maybe you can't

>boku girl

That fucking manga made me sad for a few days, holy shit. I never feel things because of media that way.


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maybe there's someone out there that does, and you are not paying attention

Like I said before you don’t care about Katherine. You just like the values behind her ending, and can’t stand the fact that Katherine is happier without Vincent.

But K literally already had her perfect wholesome ending. It's like, if you've hit the peak you really only can go down.
What else could they have possibly done?

It's a very nice story
You really should play Yin Yang X-Change Alternative user I think you might enjoy it
Specifically go for the best friend if you do

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If you like traps you are either gay or bi, if you like trannies you are either a sick fuck or so desperate for a woman's touch that your brain starts tricking you, just go out there and speak to any girl you find attractive instead of making the biggest mistake of your life

>Buying censored trash

>marrying a succubus that has fucked thousands of men

Yeah, sure is best ending right there.

I can think of one thing...

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I think you guys are misunderstanding him. Ks ending is good for her and bad for Vincent. But Atlus is showing obvious bias for C and against K.

Rin isn't a tranny, he's a boy (really an alien) that dresses as a girl. He calls himself a boy, and in one cutscene Vincent even says he doesn't mind if Rin is a boy.

Erica is a tranny. Was a guy, became a girl and refers to herself as female.

Stop the slander!

>If you like traps you are either gay or bi

i have no problems with my sexuality, i'm a gay gynephille, i like girls like C/K and girls with dicks like Rin

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an Alien boy? thats weird way to not make him gay because its not human.

Vincent gets 15 years of his life back then spends it with a woman who loves him and is literally his ideal appearance then has a nice wedding in the company of his best friends. He then lives in a nice house with his loving wife and 4 kids. So yeah, best ending.

tranny = transvestite

both are trannies

It's still gay if it's a Male alien
Even if an alien race came down to real earth and the males of their species had vaginas it would still be gay

Succubus that stop being one and become a human able to give birth to plenty of children

You're dead to me, Atlus.

but K true already exists. They just don't state it explicitly.
>i'm a gay gynephille
unless your'e a woman, you're actually just a retard
I don't disagree that she gets the short end of the stick, but at the same time I think K was already 'complete' in the original.
Besides some side fanservice and the new muh freedom ending there was really nowhere to go.

He's still living with something that has fucked thousands of men. He's literally a beta bitch that turned a whore into a housewife.

>Catherine has 11 dlc voice actresses
to be your ideal girl. Well played Japan. But Katherine is already my ideal girl

>thinking anyone will fall to fake outrage

>Implying purification isn't the best fetish

>unless your'e a woman, you're actually just a retard

nope, i'm male and i'm attracted to females and males who look and act like female

i'm a gay (attacted to males) gynephile (attracted to the female form)

Whatever, it's pretty obvious you just don't care for Catherine which is fine. I mean, she is best girl and her ending in this one is blatantly the best and you're kind of just trying to find any sort of argument to dispute that but yeah, you do you.

>guy runs around pretending to be a female while using female speech patterns like watashi or atashi and tricking dudes into thinking he's female

>h-he not a tranny, I-i swear!!!

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cute trap feet

it's called mental gymnastics, some people here think liking "traps" is somehow less gay

How did they get away with it

No one cares
No one fucking cares
I don't know what you want do you want everyone to say they're gay or something? You can't actually give a fuck about this stupid shit christ almighty

he is a dude in the romantic comedy spin-off and they still fug

Isn't that the textbook definition of a trap? To make you feel surprised over the trap that he's actually a boy?

because even when they do it, only american castrated fucks go rabbid on social media about it like it's a political statement.

Eric lives a much happier life when he doesn’t transition.

You mean the Eric that is just pre-op in that ending?

Rin and Erica will always be girls in my mind (also, according to my dick).

No homo.

That's the general idea, yes

all night, baby

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Serious question about Japanese, if you are a male gaijin, do you use boku/ore or watashi when speaking?

Why is this space-nigger a female(male)?

I was taught to use watashi when I was taking classes otherwise you'd look like a chode

Why not? Just use whatever you want.

>b-but the japs are gonna laugh at me!!

>intentionally acting like a aspie in public

None. In casual speech you avoid using pronouns, it's pretentious and language schools need to stop teaching it. It's simply for fiction.
When speaking to someone else you use their name in third person and preferably add -san.

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>rin and Erica are hot
Exactly, so other trannies hate them. They are insecure, ugly, incels.

>When speaking to someone else you use their name in third person and preferably add -san.

I think they mean when referring to themselves. Like, when introducing themselves and the like.

That's what I said in the first line.
Look up casual speech like interviews and you will see no one uses pronouns.

it's enterely possible in Japanese to talk about yourself without using a pronoun
you may wanna say you own name in third person but you may look like a child


>Draw a girl
>Call it aYYLMAO

here comes the n5 retards

K endings are perfect, both respect her character
I hate C new ending because it's just reverse bimbofication fetish and kills what made Catherine character fun. They basically spit on her. If you like the new C ending how can you even say you liked her?

No he’s a man in that ending and he’s happier for it.

Only if they still have a penis.

Alright, I'll bite: K's new ending while it makes sense for her to be free, also paints her as shallow and only interested in living a more materialistic lifestyle.

C's new ending actually fits her character well if we focus on the idea of freedom because she is a character whose own job and role is to simply entice and sleep with men and send them to a nightmare. In finding someone she actually genuinely cares about in Vincent she finds a deeper sense of personal freedom in breaking away from her role as a succubus and having a committed, stable traditional long term relationship with Vincent.

Well compare that pure trap to some monstrosity from DA:I or Andromeda, that's why it's ok

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Straight guy here, both Rin and Erica are girls, just girls with dicks.

Nothing wrong with that, they still have an alternative hole we all can enjoy.

Any news about if you're able to save Steve?

Otokonoko isn't trans, it's more like what westerners call gender nonconforming. There's also Onnanoko, it's born from the idea "why can't I be a boy and like my male body and be masculine but not wear the cute things girls do?", the same goes opposite.
There are Otokonoko that are trans but you can't exchange the term.
Reminder that the bar in Japan to be called a tomboy or effeminate is superlow and this fashion movement is a form of rebellion. Official Pokemon anime called the Pokemon girls tomboys in the recent special just because they are competitive and other superfitial stuff like that. Hell even some people today think liking sweets if you are a guy makes you a faggot.

No, he always dies.

I think you are convincing me. I would like to see a proper translation.

>he’s happier for it.

How is he any happier as Eric than he is as Erica?

This is probably the closest we'll get to a proper translation until September:

it's ok when you do it in front of your ex-girlfriend

Mine is more of a tomboy if anything but dresses up for me and has the added benefit of not being a roastie

tomboys have no sex appeal

Tomboys only have sex appeal

Traps are gay though

>western trannies
>disgusting man in a dress with mutilated penis
>japanese trannies
>flat girls with dicks

>Tomboys only have sex appeal

Attached: itomboys-amber-liu-60.jpg (640x640, 96K)

That's not a tomboy, that's a man

Tomboys are still distinctly women

Wait so they actually added in a gay love interest? I thought trannys were pissed at this game for being "bigoted"?

I hate the emerging narrative that all traps and crossdressers are trannies. I've even been seeing the word "tranny" used to insult people who just like playing as girls. Just fuck off already, christ. You're not a tranny until you start saying you're the other gender.

they're pissed because Erica doesn't transition in ONE of the new endings

but yeah you have a tranny love interest and it's even implied that Eric might transition later in the new ending

Fuck off tranny

tranny is short for transvestite zoomer

if you're a male and dress like a woman, it's transvestism

She doesnt fuck anyone though. They all wake up thinking they did

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No, it's a crossdresser.

No, tranny is short for transgender. That is what it has meant since forever. And not all transvestites are transgenders.

>it's not a tomboy if she doesn't make my pp hard

tomboys suck my friend, the ones with abs are even worse

Attached: Tomboy-Style.jpg (728x1024, 133K)

Might as well fuck a dude at this point

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wasn't she a demon?
wtf happened here?

google 男の娘 and click images
they are no fantasy anymore

It's stated that she had some sort of 'transformation' but we can see from this that she's still a demon. She's just now also visible to everyone else and can bear children, maybe she's now 'partially human'(?) I'm not too fussed because the whole ending is very wholesome and cute.

Maybe that's what they meant back in the 80s when the Rocky Horror Picture Show was popular but nobody says it to mean transvestite now or in the last several years, especially not on this fucking board and you know it, stop being obstinate.

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Crossdresser is older than your sjw boogeyman you dumb faggot.

>a transvestite person

thanks, take this L now

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>Transvestite. This term is relatively formal (Latinate); cross-dresser is more casual, but whereas the verb cross-dress is common, the verb transvest is quite rare.

>Transvestite should not be confused with transgender or transsexual; transvestites are often happy with their gender and have no desire to change their sex, but simply enjoy being able to cross-dress from time to time. When speaking of to or about an individual who identifies as transgender, the term transvestite is typically seen as derogatory.

They are bitching about two things and calling the game transphobic

the things are

1. in Rin's revelation scene (where Vincent finds out Rin has a dick) Vincent does his trademark face and becomes frozen from shock, when Rin tries to reach to him he slaps her hand off, mind you its not a violent one, but rin becomes sad that her one night stand rejected her, so she run away and Vincent chases after her to try to apologize as it was a knee jerk reaction
The rest of Rin's route is Vincent trying to apologize and being a better person to her
People who never played the game only saw that clip and think Vincent is a dick to trans people

2. In one of the new endings (that has some time traveling bullshit) it shows erica not hot have transitioned yet in this timeline
People who have not yet played the game saw just that clip and think that atlus is implying the perfect true ending needs a trans character to not be trans to happen
Erica even hits on one of her buddies in that scene when one of them goes "man I wish I found the perfect girl to marry" to wich she replies "maybe the perfect girl is closer than you imagine"

tl;dr people are overblowing shit in a game and blaming in japan being japan
also japan doesnt give a damn cause atlust dont care about PR in the west

What if Vincent WAS a dick to trannies? What I hate most about these fucking outrage olympians is the idea that every character needs to conform to their shitty standards, otherwise it is a poor character.

Why will Japan never stop confusing our dicks?
They have have been doing this over a decade since they threw that cross-dressing nun boy in the gaming.

Why can't they be just girls?

Bros, you you think vincent sucked her dick


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>sucking her dick instead of giving her a delicious anilingus

some guys just don't deserve good things

Catherine is not a game for faggots anyways, so I don't know why they're even seething at it since it was never aimed at them in the first place.

He probably lives in that time travel ending

Catherine is a straight man's game.

Just pick your waifu out of the 3 options and enjoy some highbrow puzzling.

I don't know you're the same person who makes these posts in the Catherine threads every time but they always make me at least chuckle.

Well you can take solace in knowing that in Ks true end there is no magic piano fuckery, fellow Kbro. Katherine has her good ending, only way to improve it was showing that yes they do have kids.

Attached: Katherine4.jpg (182x277, 10K)

They approach it differently than the West does I think.

It is
I don't even know why I'm so angry, the scenes showing her and Vincent's past were nice and it's not like I can't just get her existing Good and True ends.

That would've been nice to see, yeah.

Attached: VincentKatherineIntimate.png (1280x720, 704K)

True love is why your angry bro. Use it to shape yourself into something better.

*his dick
and nah, Vincent seems like he's roman straight to me.
>Catherine is not a game for faggots anyways
well, it is now my dude. Literally the first game to feature a dateable crossdressing guy

Danganronpa V3 heavily implies homosexuality from the MC, Shuichi Saihara. There is pic related as well as a line that was lost in translation where the rival character, Kokichi Oma, states that Saihara is the person he "fell in love with" or something along those lines (it has been a while).
There's another character Tenko, who homolusts after a loli, a character who fucked his sister, and let me list a few more.
>Chihiro Fujisaki is a man pretending to be a girl because he was bullied for being weak. He isn't trans, don't let anybody fool you, and he actively dislikes being seen as a girl
>it is implied in Danganronpa V3 that Mukuro Ikusaba is in love with her sister. However, this is contradicted by Danganronpa If, which states she was in love with the MC of 1, Makoto Naegi
>Danganronpa 2 depicts a mans struggles between his fictional perfect 2D waifu and 3DPD one sided homosexualness radiating from hopeman

Attached: true love.png (1081x1578, 3.46M)

*her (feminine) dick

Fucking sauce man I don't read moonrunes

Hey, at least she keeps him in her memories even after going for other dudes

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No, I can get it, if I was a fan of K instead of being a fan of C, I would be annoyed too.
You would hope that the flashbacks scenes would build up to something involving K and Vincent with a fitting ending for them both rather than what they got. Instead all that can be said is that it adds more meaning to the already-existing endings which is still nice but you would naturally hope for more.

Good lord i can marry the ayyylmao? Im gonna preorder the shit out of this game.

Niles isn't a trap and you can't fuck Forrest.

How does him being alien doesn't make him tranny. He a Male alien right. Or is his entire biology different.

The male MC wants to fuck Astolfo in the gag comics.

josou sennen oukoku (not translated)
It's by the same guys that made the recently translated trap island and the soon to be released in english trap mountain (official name: "tomgirls of the mountains") and trap shrine.

I read trap island as a meme, but it's actually pretty fun. It's just a few hours long and actually pretty funny, so would recommend.

>game features an ending where the MC gets cucked
>game features an ending where the MC marries a tranny

Yea Forums will defend it because it's made by the "based" japanese

Type-Moon enjoys that kind of fun even if they now have descended into gacha shit
remember they started with a dude and a mushroom in an apartment making

wait, gay marriages aren't recognized in Japan, right?

Catherine a best! A best!

Attached: CatherineWakesUp.gif (540x358, 1.57M)

Yea Forums here, will play Classic instead

Marrying aliens is never OK.

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It's okay period, the only time it's bad is when the author is clearly trying to push an agenda, or is pandering and thus cheapens the quality of their characters.

That's true. I guess I was hoping for more good K stuff in Full Body, alongside whatever good content they add for C. It's not every day they re-release Catherine with added stuff, after all. On the one hand I think having an ending featuring a more freedom-oriented Katherine is an interesting take, but on the other reee I'm getting fucking cucked.

I could do that, or I could keep attempting to make shoddily-made memes that portray how cheated I feel.

>Bogdanoff, he's doing it.
>He's pursuing Katherine again?
>Vincent just replied to her text with the maximum law response.
>Release the shapeshifting trap alien, have her play the magic piano, and cuck him

Attached: Seigneur Bogdanoff avec Meilleur Femme.jpg (1000x581, 225K)

Catherine takes place in a space station, not Japan.

>it's OK when they are pandering to the "dick unity" agenda
Well, it actually it's.

debunked already, fake news

Pandering is bad period. I don't give a shit if it's for their feel good pathological altruism or getting their rocks off, both are equally bad and insulting when it comes to writing good characters.

I know that it's not actually set in Japan, but the devs are. Just seems kinda weird desu

It's pandering to people who want to fuck traps though

The difference is Atlus isn't trying to push some stupid bullshit preachy "progressive" narrative down our throats. They're just making a game with a story

But it is pandering only for a sexual fetish.

So if anyone wants to listen to some of the new Full Body OST here:

I think marrying aliens is unregulated on every Earth country.

It's a otaku pandering game bro, no need to get preachy.

>Atlus isn't trying to push some stupid bullshit preachy "progressive" narrative down our throats
Everybody here knows that, people is just pretending to be retarded to get (you)s.

but what about gay aliens

>makes gay characters less likable, therefore people find degeneracy unappealing
>degeneracy is a selling point
You never know who the real bad guy is. both

AFIK also unregulated.

Well so long as you got max law, no amount of magic piano can change your ending

I dont think you can categorize an ayyylmao as male or female.

>Ode to Joy
>Valkyries Violation
Are the best new songs if you want to listen to the whole thing.

All he asked was to name a non indie game where you can fuck a trap

He said nothing about playing as a male character to do it

Rin has an alien dick though

>game tells a story of Vincent getting over his homophobia and transphobia, and accepting that he's a faggot
>trannies and sjws continue to cry and scream at the game's existence

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Stil not a male if you dont identifiy how the alien reproduces. If they reproduce, i dont know, by scission, you dont have a male or female. If a woman has a dildo tied on her pussy is she a man?

it's not gay to fuck a trap tho

finally people are waking up to the superiority of a nice dick

I wonder if Vincent will ever try riding it instead of just of having it in his mouth

you can't turn a man gay, they're gay from birth

>he doesn't know Japan's current year context
There was a shitstorm in Japan because they debated and in the end refused the get rid of the law that forces trannies into sterilization that is widely rejected by the people and was a trending topic in 2018 and there are famous transexuals hosting radio shows, writting in magazines etc, no wonder recent anime has transexual characters.
It's definitely not preachy but anyone can tell what's the message its trying to convey.

>it's not gay to fuck a guy in a wig and skirt

It is, the sooner you realise you like dick the sooner you can enjoy dick to the fullest

they are, but not country wide yet is per prefecture or city, and the system calls them partnership or unions

I love you, user

thats not a tomboy, thats a drug addict

It's not a wig though

that wasnt a shitstorm tho at least its not like outrage culture at all.

"shitstorm" in japan is like the manga censorship that was enforced by ishihara in 00s. otherwise a very small group is talking about some controversy

Erica is Vincent's friend and he is not a dick to her
Vincent is not a dick to trans people, He just got shocked that the cute little button he snatched didn't have a snatch
Just like he does when he finds himself in bed with C

But I see what you mean, trannies think that every character who interacts with one in fiction HAS to be the best ever man ever towards them and that just is not realistic, some people are dicks, even in fiction, its not a statement of the writer its just the writer trying to write a believable story in his setting
Its like getting mad a character was a dick to a farmer and expecting characters in fictions to be super nice to farmers for no damn reason

Im actually a boy Naruto...

Attached: images-3.jpg (637x482, 22K)

Yeah, because they make em cute instead of ugly

I am proff that that's not true. I was totally straight until Yea Forums slowly cultivated my love of penis through futa then eventually traps.

hint: this news don't appear in anime and manga news sites you weeb

i don't mind "draw a girl, call it a boy" characters, feminine guys exist

but Rin looks like a girl (body and face), sounds like a girl, dresses like a girl, has distinctively female mannerisms, that's pretty much a tranny power fantasy

Attached: Double-Decker-01-39.jpg (853x480, 85K)

Literally this

Physical appearance is one of the core elements of attraction, to have a dateable tranny character who isn't attractive is fundamentally unbelievable

How many girls did you kiss before Yea Forums you turbo faggot?

Lucky for him there's no hard feelings with K, even though he made her waste the best years of her life on a in-the-closet homosexual

Attached: 9F87B722-ADE9-4739-A34D-27447E993705.jpg (931x252, 29K)

so you'd rather fuck a masculine boy?

Shitstorm in Japan would be something like Kannagi or Kakyuusei 2

>tranny power fantasy
Couldn't say it better.

isn't it more a homo fantasy? He's still explicitly a guy

nah, a twink is fine

Rin is both a straight male fetish bait and a tranny power fantasy

Attached: Double Decker.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

you monolingual scum dont understand tranny stuff isnt a controversial thing in japan. its not something they are outraged about. you wouldnt believe it but in fact almost all japanese are pro-every gender. the news was treated as a somewhat big issue because it was directly related to laws.

twatter doesnt prove anything, japanese twitter donest have influence on society. japanese are smart unlike you mutt brainlets who are obsessed too much with twatter dramas and get triggered by a someones tweet 24/7, and brainless mutt major media outlets that always make a big deal out of it. no japanese major newspaper cover twatter dramas/comments.

Attached: Kissing.gif (480x270, 1.06M)

no tits tho

Yes. Any further questions?

you are now not making sense, you think this is about twitter?

just like half of Atlus' girls

Attached: 0SZZub4.png (320x572, 101K)

straight male fantasy

just compare this body with other Atlus females, there's no difference. hell, Rin seems to have better thighs and hips

Attached: Makoto-P4D-Costume.jpg (296x520, 23K)

rin literally has a guy chest though

Attached: rin.png (851x459, 654K)

looks like a badly drawn flat-chested female's chest to me, especially with those small shoulders

I've never seen a female flat-chest drawn with those pec lines, especially the bottom one. That line normally denotes some pec depth, which just doesn't exist for non-muscular female flat-chests

If was gay, then yeah. But it's still a dude. I wouldn't even call Rin a tranny just a guy who looks and dresses like a girl.

oh no no no

I like how Yea Forums doesn't even pretend to hide their double standards, it really is okay when Japan does it

There's literally nothing wrong with marrying a cute girl (male)

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at the trap shrine

and that's why i said "badly drawn", males that skinny don't have that lower line either