Why don't we have a comfy Yu-Gi-Oh vidya thread?

Why don't we have a comfy Yu-Gi-Oh vidya thread?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>disables your win condition
Nothing personnel, kid

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Synchro Era>DM/GX Era=XYZ Era>Current>Pendulum Era

Based on overall health of the game, obviously ignoring outliers like frog otk and windup/inzektor loop

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loved the dual tag series on psp but unfortunatly lost my psp with all my games...

Worm deck was fun as hell. What did everyone else here use as their main deck?

Heros my man, it was great the actually good fusions years before they finally came out in the TCG

The first Man to know that Traps are gay.

kek'd really hard at that one... good job buddy.

Attached: JinzotheChad.png (480x460, 308K)

Post battle city was ass, fite me yo.

>DM era: Floaters + Tribute monsters
>GX era: Frog Monarchs
>5Ds era: Frog Dragons
>Zexal era: Frog Gishkis
>Arc-V era: Yang Zing
>Vrains era: Frog Crystrons

I don't know why... but i have reason to believe you really really hate frogs and wish for the archtype to never exist?

Why does he wear the mask

>frog dragons
Please elaborate. I saw people playing frognarchs well into 2013 but never that.

I think your favorite archetype might be Frogs and your favorite attribute is Water. Call it a hunch.


Tell me about Big Eye, why does he have the Xyz materials?

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Draw your last pathetic card, Yea Forums

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Heroes, Nekroz, RR, Phantom Knights, Sky Strikers and Salamangreats. If Drones ever get printed, I will go with those as well.


I thought this line was pretty funny.

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Support when?

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that's pretty transphobic


just change "destroy the monster" to "you win the duel" and it MIGHT be halfway decent

Actually beats the MC in the manga.


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Admit it, this game was only fun because you were a kid and never really had deck wide strats and the cards were a lot less complicated

My wife.

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I never watched that series much, but I liked how this edgelords spirit monsters were those ridiculous fucking weirdos

The attitude of "You're just too stupid to think this is fun" is why Yu-Gi-Oh went from competing with Pokemon to competing bargain DVDs in the back of Walmart
The only popular thing from the franchise this decade was Duel Links, completely synchro free

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I got readdicted to it when I found DevPro and was playing with the Meta from ~10 years ago

>I was playing YGO since it released in the states
>loved buying packs and finding cool shit
>going to a tourney on Pharaoh's Servant release
>actual Skull Servant beatdown
>lose bad
>dad feels bad and buys me 10 packs
>Buster Blader
>some guy offers me 10 more packs for my Buster Blader
>I do it
>i get fucking nothing
That was the first sign I had a gambling problem

>second most popular TCG
>needed two YCS due to sheer number of attendance numbers
>still making shittons of money

>tfw my favorite cards will never be viable because union monsters suck cock

Attached: Aitsu-DR1-EN-C-UE.jpg (280x412, 54K)

Yea let's go back to dimension fusion OTK that'll totally be so much fun

Well you made the right decision since buster blader was shit

Its not possible!

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But it was cool and I only played cards I thought were cool

Is he talking about the average user?

Second most popular in a dead medium. Modern Yu-Gi-Oh Vidya sell horrendously

cyber dragon fag reporting in

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The only thing good about pre synchro meta was that the meta decks were relatively cheaper and the rogue decks were cheap as dirt.
The meta itself though was pure cancer and you'd be OTK'd more often than you wouldn't be

so what does he do?

Yes who wouldn't prefer the fifteen minute turn 40 turn solitaire games of today

He's basically a puzzle piece for a powerful union monster, pic related. There are two others like him for a lower level variant, Doitsu and Soitsu. The problem with such a combo is that they're difficult to summon at the same time and your deck becomes dedicated to getting them out as quickly as possible, leaving no room for backline spell/trap cards.

Attached: Koitsu-DR1-EN-C-UE.png (356x520, 471K)

Piercing 3000 beatstick union

i remember playing this a lot during the beginning of synchro era. Stopped playing when the shop which hosted monthly meetups closed down...

Played a variety of decks. My main deck being lightsworns (had 2 of the dragons, huehuehue) But the deck i had most fun playing was my psychic fuck my life deck. Id start a turn on 8k then be down to 1k then back up to 9k then back down etc. Enemies could not figure out what i was doing at all.

Best moment of my life was knocking out the meta tryhard with his super meta lightsworn rush deck using my silly psychic deck.

>Had 4100 life left.
>Opponent ha to kill me or lose due to deck out.
>Through activating 50 different effects and stuff manages to just get the amount needed.
>As he attacks i get the goofiest grin on my face and activate rainbow life Which turns all the damage i take in a turn into health.
>Very next round i get knocked out by a guy using samurai synchros. Real chill dude.
>Got my moral victory anyways so all was fine.

King of Unga Bunga reporting in

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>opponent goes first
>they read every effect when they play a card

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Wait... when did they add another ancient gear chad to the mix? didnt they already have centaur golem?

Alo god damn i need an epic handshake image of ancient gear golem and jinzo

Old cards get new support all the time. Chaos Giant is like 2 years old by now.

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Who else /skellybro/ here?

Are there any old spell cards that are still really good?

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Pot of greed

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No one cared who i was until i stole your Thunder Dragon Colossus.

They also have a dragon

They got a lot of support because the villains in Arc V use ancient gears because they’re from an alternate reality version of Duel Academy

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>Synchro free
user uh...

wow dude those decks sound toadally awesome

nah the game lets you juggle and combine conditional cards objective in ways that make it possible to always make some form of unique jank that will usually work with even the most useless cards.


>go to locals for the first time in years
>make a quick and dirty Lair of Darkness deck
>suddenly traps aren't too slow to be viable anymore
>dumb zoomer calls judge because he can't understand the concept of a backrow poker face and thinks bluffing is cheating
>cause a sky shitter to deck out because Eradicator virus is at 3 now
My girl; Lilith, is the best thing to happen to this game in years.

Attached: 68025216_p0.jpg (1240x1240, 1.23M)


>dead medium
card games make more money than most vidya though?

So what do you think about the Legacy of Duelist game that's coming to switch

Now buster blade is a top tier rogue deck, enjoy

I hope it’s fun and I hope I can make a Gravekeepers deck

>10 years old
>first rare card I ever pulled was from my first pack
>metal raiders
>pull pic related
And that's how I learned of the Fiend Master Race at an early age.

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Monster Reborn is unbanned

>Hope you have your playset of $40 Gemini Elfs lmao

I play it in duel links and dream of what could've been

>now hes a whole archetype with literally every form of summon, gemini xyz ritual link fusion synchro.
What did komoney mean by this?

Name a cooler card that isn't King Skellybro

Post your favorite fusion monster.

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The real King Skellybro

Attached: KingoftheSkullServants-AP06-EN-C-UE.png (300x440, 298K)

That's what I meant. Nothing is cooler than the King

>no spirit
>no Pendulum
>no tuner
>no flip

He's literally the best monster design Takahashi has ever made, and he has made some god tier monster designs.

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>it's another "I REMEMBER THE OLD DAYS" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me summon summoned skull unga bunga me equip axe of despair" thread
>it's another "well when /I/ play I [long list of backwards house rules that ruin the game]" thread
>it's another "I Solemn Exodia!" thread
>it's another "my 60 card deck of one-ofs beat peep!" thread
>it's another "why do I need a magnifying glass for a card, and I'm not talking about Reinquished, TER, or Last Turn!" thread
>it's another "archetypes (anything non-generic) killed the game but Pot of Greed, Graceful Charity, HFD, Heavy Storm, and the rest of Chaos/Goat staples are totally ok" thread
>it's another "is mirror force banned????" thread
>it's another "monster reborn needs to stay banned" thread
>it's another "Synchros/Xyzs/Pendulums killed the game (forgets Airblade Turbo and DAD Return)" thread
>it's another "holds up summoned skull let me have fun the wrong way" thread
>it's another "any card thats black or white is sin!" thread
>it's another "pls mak dark majishiun gud" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me hate speed and combos" thread
>it's another "unga bunga we need no white" thread
>it's another "I hate extra links" thread
>it's another "I hate settingu scales" thread
>it's another "solemn is negated by jinzo" thread
>it's another "lol remember when he attacked le mooooon" thread
>it's another thread full of anime-only secondaries who miss le "golden" days
>it's another "why do you keep slaughtering my gate guardian deck with these 'ritual beasts', they arent even blue!" thread
>it's another "muh kozaky lock" thread
>unga bunga another beatdown only unga thread
>it's another "g-guys why can't I use my Stardust Dragon from Starlight Road again???" thread
>it's another "Ring of Destruction on Peten!" "w-what do you mean it missed timing???" thread
>it's another "flips Despell you activated my trap card!" thread

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So how would you alter the games ruleset, without changing any cards to
>make the game more interactive
>let both players do more
>make more cards viable

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Today I will remind them.

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Three special summons per turn

Thank you candy shota. I still can't tell if you're a bot or someone with autism >spirit
Nice joke

where were you when Chazz won first for the smash DLC 3?

I just like how he looks. I guess it helps he was the first purple card I ever got
I like a lot of the trash fusions for some reason, they always stick out in my memory

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>Got rekt by Noah

Will they censor Ojama Yellow? I don't like his bulge

I just realized thats not the actual art.

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>be playmatfag, I really like having nice playmats to use, probably have too much, but most of them are mtg.
>start looking for yugioh playmats
>the only time they ever make mats of artwork are for limited time events and judge handouts, and can get real expensive because of it.
>the few times they didn't like gold series 4 or battle pack, the mats were fucking minuscule or things that I don't want like chibishit

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I'd go with:
>Hard cap on 3 special summons per turn
>special summoned monsters can't be used for links until your next standby phase
>links are instantly banished face down when removed from the board or forced to switch to defense position
>searches are hard capped at 2 per turn
>make retreads of older cards that reward players for playing without an extra deck at all
Basically just slow shit down enough to the point where players can still have their big bullshit unbeatable board, but they have to go a few turns protecting their shit while they set up so nobody just sits there for 20 minutes of searching into a loss before they even get their first turn.

Also heavy emphasis on that last one, so the idea of running a full extra deck is an alternate viable strategy instead of just throwing in staplelinks.txt for no reason. Konami can still get their shekkels because you;d need the new cards to make an older style of extra deckless play viable and pander to DM nostalgia all in one go.

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What a beautiful creature.

Don't forget
>Made contact with two alien species via card games
>Possibly a third but this is never properly confirmed
>Created a renewable energy source generator based on card games and motorcycles
>Generator creates genocidal killer robots because card games were getting to be far too bullshit and nukes the planet

Some of the old art was brutal as fuck. Takahashi's designs were always heavily influenced by horror.

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it keeps going

Attached: Apex Kaiba 2.png (1400x456, 159K)

Here's the last one. Never forget what an absolute MADMAN Kaiba is.

Attached: Apex Kaiba 3.png (1292x674, 137K)

Made Normal Monsters cool to me again.

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I bought 3 sōyburner structure decks and its pretty fun desu


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Been testing a very earth focused Burning Abyss build using this boy (Literally running 3 maindeck BAs) and he's so fucking nutty.
This thing is going to be one of those cards everyone hates and wants ban some day. Get some Blocks while they're dirt cheap now cause no way a card this good thats so easy to use wont see play in a big deck at some point.

Attached: BlockDragon-MP17-EN-UR-1E.png (689x1008, 1.61M)

First one I ever pulled. Only got to summon him once in middle school but holy fuck was it great.

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>actually had that DDM set they made and someone to play it with
>also had that GBA game
If you've never actually played it, then I feel sorry for you. Shit was legit addicting levels of fun. I wish we lived in an alternate timeline where Takahashi was allowed to make an entire arc around DDM like he originally wanted and had the game IRL alongside the TCG because of it.

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>your deck becomes dedicated to getting them out as quickly as possible, leaving no room for backline spell/trap cards.
I had a deck that ran hem back in the day and you just need to just shit like mother grizzly and UFO turtle with tons of defensive trap cards to be honest.

why would you want him to be censored?
the bulge makes him look extra cool compared to Ojama Green and Ojama Black.

It's intimidating. I can't tell what Ojama Yellow is thinking, but I know he's presumably always at a half chub

not him but it's probably penis envy

I didn't really think to do it that way, I mostly focused on a deck that utilized this bad boy and other union-themed cards to get a full fledged union deck runnin. Needless to say its pretty conceptual if anything.

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For reference

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I always wonder about Yugioh

Why the fuck isn't man-eater bug an archetype?

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Contact Fusion counts, of course.

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Why would it be?

I wish there was a game where characters from multiple series can interact with each other. Duel Links does next to nothing with that.

because everything is an archetype nowadays

Not Boo Koo

It will be, Cosmo Queen got support - I am sure Man-Eater Bug isn't far off.
Only so many cards from that era that are memorable enough to give support to. Something like

>Quickplay Spells
>When your opponent attacks one of your face down monsters you can set up to three level 2 insect monsters from your deck face down. You cannot special summon monsters for the rest of your turn

Wouldn't even be OP in this era of Yugioh.

based chazz the chad

It is a pretty notable monster from the original series I guess, but it's not like you can make a real Celtic Guardian or Beaver Warrior deck either.

Attached: CelticGuardofNobleArms-MVP1-EN-GUR-1E.png (473x694, 816K)

Krawlers are the superior bug.

And now you have shit like this. I'm not saying moeshit wasn't a thing in early yugioh, but it sure as hell wasn't as predominant as it is now. Blame waifufags.

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>there are people who still haven't cardgame kino, because of the motorcycles meme.
Explain yourself

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I love this guy

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>Series goes to absolute shit during the Fortune Cup with some of the worst duels in the history of the series (Besides the Zushin duel) and the shafting of better characters for B U Y B L A C K W I G S
No thanks

You're right, arc v was actually secretly based

I never really got this argument that Yugioh is more filled with waifuism than it was in the past, Konami shits out Dragons, Fiends, Machines and so on like crazy anyway. Do you really just dislike it because it's "girls wearing armor" instead of predominantly monster girls?

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would be pretty neat if a man eater bug archetype was built around endlessly recycling it to eventually overwhelm all those x-per-turn immunities

>Aki out of third wheel got shafted for more Blackwings.
I will always be steamed.

>I lived enouh to see him unbanned

Don't even joke about that.
Arc-V is by far the worst Yugioh series and it still hurts to this day.

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Imagine your series peaking 30 episodes in.

I did and it was hype as fuck until after Episode 64 where half the fucking plot was gutted due to an actual, literal, IRL Japanese sex cult and Konami forced Crow's continued existence because BUY BLACKWINGS.

I finally watched it recently and knew full well what I was getting into and I'm still mad. I sat through the entirety of GX just to get to it too.

GX isn't as bad as I remember but it's still not very good. I might have gotten oversold on Judai's changes and was expecting more than what actually happened. He's still an insufferable gary stu that feels out of place in his own series while simultaneously having the universe LITERALLY revolve around him, but I appreciate the effort into trying to make him more than he was at the beginning.

Prof. Chronos alone saved the whole series and made it worth watching. And that's before factoring in Manjoume.

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A-anybody else like playing Vendread?

*equips masked hero anki*

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I was thinking of playing them because of all the generic ritual support these days, how are they? I have the new End of the World ritual cards ready to go but the deck is way too bricky.

Feels great maine

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>making a trap your win condition
Shitter. SHITTER

No, my former-tcg exclusive archetype has to be subterrors.
Look at this absolute unit of a support card. It does everything it needs to do and by some miracle wasn't a secret rare.

Attached: SubterrorFinalBattle-MACR-EN-R-1E.png (688x1010, 1.53M)

OVAH TOPPU CLEAR MIND was pretty hype though.
Although I will never not be mad about B U Y B L A C K W I NG S.
Crow literally is the raven of death in any yugioh show he is in.


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>not using and last turn to cuck the fag dueling you
Shigeru digeru


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>another fucking unga chaos card

>cannot be special summoned
Whoever came up with this should get raped to death

5D's was and will always be the platinum era of yoogeeoh, right behind the golden age of GX.

Did Crow lose off screen? I actually don't remember seeing him lose but I know he was a card.

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>and he has made some god tier monster designs.
Post 'em.

He took the fall for Sawatari in what possibly is the worst arc in yugioh.
Fucking BB.

I liked zexal.

Best girl

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As shitty as Zexal started out it is the only show after DM that actually got better as it went along untill it became gay chuuni kino.
It was still pretty bullshit at times though

No thanks, that hoe fucked Rishid.

Shit wrong pic

Attached: mweob.jpg (588x762, 49K)

ah, a fellow of superior taste

That's a default nope.

back in the Zexal era ygo broke records of tournaments too. while the sales were really bad and the anime was forced to enter a hiatus thanks to low ratings in japan.
higher number of players in a ycs only means the game is nothing but meta deck 24/7.

>didn't like her as a kid because she looked older and boring
>now want to bend her over and racemix furiously to the sounds of all that golden jewelry she's wearing jangling around
fucking hell she's hot

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>The year is 2047
>Kaiba is still printing Blue Eyes support

No she fucked me

Krawlers are literally a man-eater bug archetype. Note the same flip effect, type, level and attribute

The real question is when do we get Bug-Eater Man

Attached: KrawlerSpine-CIBR-EN-C-1E.png (472x694, 814K)

>tfw have 200 word essay due tommorow
>just show the teacher modern yugioh card

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this helps with AG fusion

Attached: AncientGearFusion-LED2-EN-UR-1E.png (1053x1542, 3.53M)

>spell counter faggotry
it's shit

Nigger blue-eyes had extremely little support cards until almost a decade after it was released. Just waiting for another dedicated spell card or a field card and we'll be in business.

What do you think about pic related?

Attached: YuGiOh-Switch_02-04-19.jpg (600x337, 85K)

I mostly remember being like 9 and thinking that card was the shit cause it was a level 10 and knowing hardly anything about effects and attack and defense points.

You should watch it. His deck starts off using edgy Armored Dragon/xyz Dragon bullshit until he leaves because he sucks and collects those shitty cards and starts to floor everyone with them. It's great.

>PK Red Eyes is so close to being a thing
Zexal is unironically Yugioh's pleb filter

I still can't believe they printed this card later than 2008

Based. Tag force 5 was kino af and the best meta to ever grace the card game.

>You should watch it
>want to watch for the Chazz
>have to deal with fucking jaden
I've never been more conflicted in my life.

the first blue eyes support that turned in it into an playable deck were in the start of the synchro era. and after that only at the end of the pendulum era

all those cards on the right are still usable

into the trash it goes

>unironically Yugioh's pleb filter
Can't blame them though that start is fucking rough even if the end is kino.

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it's worth it

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Preprep of Rites can search for both an archetypal ritual spell and a monster so that's a +1 at 3. Vendreads are in this weird place where they have access to both generic ritual support and generic zombie support cards, but their boss monsters are woefully underpowered compared to other archetypes.
Their only saving grace is the speed and recovery to make consistent plays with a great field spell, but sadly even their best plays can get runover easily in the current meta, if you want a cool Ritual deck, pick up every card in the archetype at 3 for like, $20

Attached: VendreadNights-CIBR-EN-SR-1E.png (473x694, 750K)

Imagine ending your show with having to make a baby smile.

>Implying ending your show with having to make a baby smile
Don't fucking remind me.

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because magic retards always spam them

Why would you ever play Yugioh over Mtg?

They should have a Chazz/Sawatari MC

zexal 2 is great but I'll never get over Yuma's pants

you can't make this shit up


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For the waifus of course

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Watch it, it's worth. Get ready to CHAZZ IT UP.

>Magic The Gendering

Attached: gender.jpg (500x281, 59K)

>split happens before 5d's
>when 5d's was the absolute most based time to play the game
The extra deck summoning mechanics are not and never have been the problem. The issue is that you can EASILY flood your field with limitless floating weak monsters without losing card advantage and then summon from the extra deck for free.

Shun was the best character in ARC-V and one of the best in general.
It's just too bad he was in that show and got a pretty shitty ending.

>*fucks jack*
How can you waifu a girl whose main trait is lusting after a bishounen chad?

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Atleast the girls wore lewd outfits.

Attached: 2rrm6ww.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

>check THIS out
Man, that's some Duel Masters tier flavor text.

he maybe old and a bit out dated but I like him alot.

Attached: DestinyEndDragoon-LEHD-EN-C-1E.png (476x691, 741K)

Arc V had so much good shit in it, but couldn't follow through after season 1 ended.

Pretty much everything in the original DM manga. That's including monsters that were from early arcs of the original series manga.

Takahashi's style was always this really good mix of making something look cool and slightly grotesque at the same time. He's also a notable fan of American comics, specifically Hellboy and Spawn.

Pic related and Zombreya the Dark come from that part of his inspiration.

Attached: Swordstalker-DULI-EN-VG-NC.png (316x308, 43K)

mtg couldn't have less flair if it tried

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You think that's bad? Look at Red Eyes Black Dragon's original OCG flavor text

Does YGo really have any room to talk with all of the gay looking main characters they've had in the anime?

did the dub team really have to do pic related with every single scene involving kotori? because if that's the case it must've been a huge pain in the ass, holy shit

Attached: Dub_kotori.jpg (329x375, 36K)

Him and Yuto were too good for this show.
Their war veteran ptsd driven rage was amazing.

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ay check dis out

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I agree but why not just play magic since it's the better game, and watch yugioh?

Specially because Stein can shit him out unlike other hero fusions

because I don't play card games

was someone jamaican doing these flavour texts

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I'll regret this buts lets compare the two. In wich way yugi or mtg are better than each other?

My hair is too ridiculous to play any other game

Most kino archetype and playstyle. Miss the days where she was somewhat viable.

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Just do it.

They had their work cut out for them

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Fusionfags are scum, they had it coming.

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Yugioh's community is filled with people who are loud, thieves, vandals, and just all around unpleasant to be near, whereas Magic just has the occasional sperg.

ygo is more fun because you can immediately play your cards and not wait for energy/mana/land

Funny enough the Destiny HERO and Vision HERO related Fusions can all be summoned by Stein and revived by Monster reborn or something like that while E-Hero and Masked HERO Fusion has to be Fusion summon and only Fusion summoned.

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Look up manaless dredge

mtg artwork isn't fun and its uninspired. That bland western fantasy theme is so boring and reminds me of a dusty old fuck.

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Why is Mai and Harpy sister cleavage okay for Japan, but not for anywhere else?

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> i was one of the few people who tried to make a functioning koaki meiru deck.
>Rarely won and if i did it was cos my opponents had real shitty draws.
>Still believed in the potential of the koaki meiru
>Meta prick is being meta prick and harrassing some new kids telling them their dekcs are bad cos they not competitive.
>Told him to shush so he spergs out and challenges me with his meta 6 samurai deck
> Proceed to heart of the cards his ass with the perfect draws and everything fell into place.
> Meta prick left and never came back
>Shop closed down a month after due to not making enough money(it was a book store)

Also if you have the original VIZ print of the first 7 volumes of the manga, Volume 2 had a bonus section at the end with Takahashi's commentary on the first set of cards he ever designed. There's a bunch of neat stuff in there, like Summoned Skull's original design where he's covered in dripping blood is a reference to MtG's Lord of the Pit. With Summoned Skull's original level in the early manga being 7 as a nod to the life cost it required to keep him in play. I'm sure you can find scans of easily enough, but if you want the quick and dirty list of the first cards Takahashi designed I'll post it here. I got my copy of volume 2 in my lap as I type this:
>1. Summoned Skull
>2. Blue Eyes White Dragon
>3. Ryu-Kishin
>4. Blackland Fire Dragon
>5. Mystic Lamp
>6. Battle Ox
>7. Mystical Elf
>8. Skull Servant
>9. Megamorph
>10. Mushroom Man #2
>11. Monster Reborn

Those 11 were the first YGO cards in existence as they were what was played during Yugi and Kaiba's first duel in Volume 2 of the original series before the card game was a central part of the series. Technically DM and everything after the original 7 volumes is a sequel series that focused on the card game because it was popular. With the exception of the final arc in the world of the pharaoh's memories, the anime changed that to make the card game more involved but with the exception of 2 duels, the card game was dropped in favor of the Ultimate Shadow RPG at that point.

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I would not describe the Guardian playstyle as anything positive

Evil black line is too much for western kids.

>Duel Links
>synchro free
user, maybe you should check that again...

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Localizers think that people will have a heart attack if they see any amount of sex appeal

>we need to remove the cleavage
>shit uuuuh I'll just remove the line in the middle I guess who fucking cares
how does that censor anything, I can stil see that she has half her tits out, it just looks like shit now

To be fair it may as well be, synchro decks are pretty terrible in duel links and I don't think there has been any good ones at all so far.

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DANE can't come soon enough.

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Yeah but you're not turned on anymore


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replace all the summons with link summon and special summon

Since when is Joey Jamaican?

Unpopular opinion time: I really really prefer the bodysuits the american harpy ladies have over the string suits the jap versions wear. Body suits, tights, leotards etc are top tier fetish material leaving everything and nothing to the imagination at the same time

Because localizers are literal niggers that removed the VA for tag force games. Also, does mai and joey hook up after duel monsters?

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Special summons and all their derivatives were a mistake

It still has modern cards in any case.

>Also, does mai and joey hook up after duel monsters?
No. The only time they talk to each other after Battle City is during the Oricalchos stuff, and that's all filler.


No, their sexual tension peaks at the end of battle city and then she becomes a cunt for no fucking reason.

They never see my traptrix stun into block dragon beatdown coming

Awaken my pots!

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It does but not in the same order or the same cards the main game had at that point. Honestly I think it's a bit of a shame they don't treat Duel Links as more of its own thing and just make new cards and shit for it or edit existing cards. As it has shown if you just keep things as they are whole archetypes are just terrible that are otherwise fine(lightsworn is an obvious example off the top of my head) and certain things that are generally fine become really exploitable (many traps are obnoxious to deal with just because of things like no main phase 2). The low LP also has let to a meta of games that rarely last more than 4 turns.

They've done some decent stuff like brought in more modern archetypes that are shit when they came out but more tuned for where duel links is. That's generally ended terribly desu but it's a decent idea. Better than what they're doing now.


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Post cardfus

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He also threw a duel in 5Ds to some side character in a filler episode.

>for years thought that it was 4kids somehow having a contract and forcing them to censor the cards in the west, and konami obliged because they needed an outlet to run yugioh on.
>turns out it was konami the whole time

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Well that's a kick in the balls. But I guess a 25 year old chick fucking a 16 yo teen would be pushing it.

I was REALLY hoping U.As would have been great, but they got overshadowed hard by Burning Abyss.


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Kaz is a hack that keeps everything ambiguous when it comes to romance.

Literally the most kino Aggro Control Deck. It so much fun. I just wish Sky Strikers didn't kick our asses as hard as it does.
We need more Misc or Earth TKs

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>get nexus looped or teferi lockdown every fucking match
>blue decks existing at all in the first place
yeah no fuck off

It's not like their romantic tension ever outraged anyone when it did happen. People only care about pedo stuff when it's an older man.

>complain about blue while playing floodgates: the game

Why would anyone play smashing ground in 2019?

>Yang Zing

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Has anyone played Nightmare Troubadour for the DS? I got a copy recently and I'm wondering if it's worth my time.

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Pot of Avarice is literally not usable in tcg and a vast majority of those cards are simply not able to keep up, like snowman eater or firedog.

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I'm super autismo about the game, and I'm having more fun than ever.

I don't think anyone gives a shit about that, especially when it's older woman x younger dude. Even then, Yuma's sister in ZEXAL has a thing going with a older dude she met when she was literally in high-school a few years earlier, they even end up kissing on screen.


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I started playing it recently and goddamn it's age shows. I think spirit caller is better but that's not saying much.

Been a while, but I remember it being pretty good for a Yugioh game, shoddy translation aside.

I would have made Links a main deck monster, personally

>Modern Yu-Gi-Oh Vidya sell horrendously

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>Fusionfags are scum, they had it coming.
And yet only one Xyz card posted in this thread. Step it up.

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>winning case is a free SS
>losing case is a free SS with a free Dark World Dealings
How is this balanced?

>gutted due to an actual, literal, IRL Japanese sex cult
wait what? What the shit is this?

>union monsters suck cock

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Member when Crush Card Virus was a 3 of staple that could only obtained via prize card?

>posting the literal sole exception

Be honest, you aren't leaving them equipped to a monster

Something about Carly's VA being part of a sex cult so they made the character irrelevant as a result. I've seen people argue about how true this is though, so you're probably better off doing your own research.

I've played enough Duel Links to know the unpleasantness of playing against Chinks that run 3 Floodgates, 3 Sphere Kuribohs, 3 Mirror Walls, and 3 Canadias

Aah I started replaying Spirit Caller recently, but getting to a point when you can build an actual deck is taking quite long. Nightmare Troubadour propably isn't better in that regard.

Remember when all the best cards were tournament prize cards so only the people who won will keep winning?

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It's amazing how literally every thread there's someone who doesn't know.
Carly's VA was a part of a sex cult, and they had to remove any cultish references in 5Ds, which is a problem because a whole lot of 5Ds and the setups they had involved cults, so they had to rewrite it to terminator robots from the future. This is why we had the filler hell, they were buying time to rewrite it and why Carly's romance with Jack got dropped.

I usually do this to give my opponent time to respond, especially if he's unfamiliar with my deck.

what about the bust reduction though?

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>She [Li-Mei Chiang] was rumored to be part of a cult called theRoma Sophie Association(ロマゾフィー協会) which was under criminal investigation in 2010
Shit's fucked mate.

unban drident

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Deck building is Spirit Caller's last problem, the fucking story progression on the other hand... lets just say that you should never even dare thinking of leaving story progression to RNG encounters.

>opponent doesn't explain any effects and just quickly shuffles cards around so you can't chain anything

for the authentic anime feeling

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Magic has rules and Yugioh doesn't.

That's when you call judge.

I actually enjoy the fact you start with a shit deck and improve it over time, as long as the improvement part isn't pure bullshit like in Reshef of Destruction.

Did we ever get the news that was supposed to come out on the 21st?

>Every hard to Summon monster seem to have "can't be affected by spell/traps/monster effects"

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It isn't. There are 8 other cards with the SS+DWD effect. It's not a hard once per turn so you can keep revealing the same dangers and theoretically summon 27 monsters in one turn

yugioh doesn't have set rotations.

Gotta sell those Kaijus

You stop complaining about blue decks after you realize that blue hasn't been dominant or even very good since before Modern.

Why wouldn't it be? You spent all that effort to summon it, having it removed by trap hole would suck.
The real issue is easy to summon cards having "Negate monster/spell/trap"

Spot removal is too common in YGO so hard to summon monsters kinda need the protection to be worth bringing out.

>tfw they errata'd Crush Card Virus

Attached: CrushCardVirus-SR06-EN-C-1E.png (480x700, 742K)

That’s okay. I much prefer this design of Barrel Dragon over the original.

Although I got one out of my first pack ever so I may be biased.

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No a super AI.

Is the anime/manga worth watching or reading? Which one? Also what are the best games?
I wanna be a duel master.

>beast king

Get fucked Kaiba.

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Blackwings were always my favorite

At the end of the day, your experience will be almost completely determined by the community you play with. Mtg and yugioh are very different games, I have a real hard time even comparing them. Even trying to compare prices gets tricky. I've played both, and other games, and generally the magic community I've played with was better than the yugioh group, but this is extremely anecdotal.

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Pot of Duality is literally the only card that actually usable these days because of Guru Control.

The actual issue is that all the old common forms of removal like Dark Hole are now useless. Now you have to run mass non-targetting non-destructive removal (preferably deck spinning) to get anywhere.

Start with the original series, especially Battle City which is debatably the best arc in any of the shows.

Because actual and literal autists keep shitting up any and all Yu-Gi-Oh! threads because their minuscule, single digit-not higher-than-9 IQ can't comprehend modern Yu-Gi-Oh! .

>Created a renewable energy source generator based on card games and motorcycles
>Generator creates genocidal killer robots because card games were getting to be far too bullshit and nukes the planet
Those two was Yusie's doing though

>cannot be targeted nor destroyed
>then this happens

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When it comes to oldish stuff like Yugioh, what was the last "real" era with soul?

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Watch the first three seasons of DM minus the Virtual World and other fillers. Then read the manga for the final arc because the animation quality tanked. The manga of GX is also pretty good and the first half of the 5Ds anime is regarded as the best of the series. Avoid the 4kids dub at all costs.
The only game without cheating AI is ygopro, so play that one.

Best deck in standard right now is mono blue tempo, with other decks using the color.
Two of the best decks in modern use blue.

All of it, but battle city is the worst arc.

Yugioh is literally a childrens card game that is about summoning epic monsters. The art design is too varied and random, and the rules are so convoluted that in order to play effectively you really need to know every single card. Also, card interaction is typically specific, i.e., cards with specific names interact with other cards with specific names.

Magic is more modular in card interaction, making deckbuilding an actual challenge with huge potential for real variety. Most importantly, the rules of magic are codified in a way that even the cards that break the rules do so in a way that players will understand, even if it's the first time seeing that card. There are a variety of different deck archetypes but all of them follow the same structured game plan, allowing you to make certain assumptions about an opponent's strategy.

Yes, the art for Magic is often derivative and boring and has gotten extremely (((vibrant))) lately, but I'd rather have a solid game that involves significant strategizing and creativity than play a game with cool monsters. Some Magic art/lore is also interesting, like the Eldrazi and some of the themed sets (Khans of Tarkir was amazing, as was Innistrad).

Having one of them equipped to ABC is a legit strategy. Having C equipped makes the Sky Strikers matchup much easier.

Caius and Raiza are situationally good.
Breaker is trash.
Warrior Lady is trash.
Blackwings and Lightsworns got powercrept
Thunderking got an upgrade in SoFu
Doomcal is okay, I guess
Tengu is absurd for link climbing
Machina Fortress is one of the worst cards ever designed
battle fader always was cancerous garbage
It's kind of a shame about reaper
>good man eater bug
>"me activate Skill Drain me hit hard unga bunga"
Trooper is pure cancer
Chaos Sorc is just budget BLS
>glad beast
Junk Synchron is still good
Red-Eyes was never good
>"unga bunga me pass on empty board"
E-Con is cancer
I miss Bubble Beat
Good riddance
Brain Control is cancer
Book powercrept by kaijus
still does things and might catch people off guard
powercrept by cyclone and TT
see lance
duality is a valid tech in floodgate.dek
who actually cares about a 1 for 1?
there is now an icarus for Zombies and Dragons too
who actually cares about a 1 for 1?
surely SOMEONE out there still plays TT
who actually cares about a 1 for 1?
who actually played that
just use fogblade lmao
battle traps lmao
too slow
secret tech for the altergeist matchup

Meant for

Normal Summon Armageddon Knight, response?
Keep in mind that Armageddon Knight is a 1 card FTK

I liked that aswell but I'm at the point before the shadow riders appear and the only decent deck I can create is one with strong level 4 cards and some removal.

Standard is a cancer format, but most of the blue decks that are powerful, including tempo, are not the control lockout type of deck you mentioned. In fact most of the top decks in Standard now are aggro-type decks or midrange, which is the type of deck that you seem to not hate.

Modern blue is not very control-oriented either; Phoenix is an aggro deck and Dredge is... dredge. In fact a deck that is purely control is typically far too slow for Modern. Nothing even comes close to the insane dominance blue had at the beginning of Magic.

Guys I require help, I'm playing Forbidden Memories, and I just can't get gud, the fusions are way to random, and to many to memorize them all, also getting cards is nightmare.

I only get the urge to play Yugioh like once every six months but it's hitting me again. Before I do I feel like I should upload my shitbrew deskbot deck. Last I checked pic related had just came out and was apparently good for it, anything else I need to know? For what it's worth I don't like using an extra deck outside of having Jet just because and CDI as a last resort thing.

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>play yugioh
>get FTK'd
y-yeah, I am having so much fun

Based, also fuck MTG

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>Modern blue is not very control-oriented either; Phoenix is an aggro deck and Dredge is... dredge. In fact a deck that is purely control is typically far too
You completely neglected to mention GDS, which fuck its opponents sideways with discard, removal, and counterspells

Because yugioh is a more interesting and skill intensive game.

Don't fall for this bait guys, 5ds was shit, only like the first 25 episodes or so were good.

>They print 500 different virus and mirror force cards right around the same time they finally release the legendary dragons
>Kaiba's still require the exact materials for some reason
>Yugi's fusions got way more generic
I'll never not be angry about this

Based. I pulled Barrel Dragon and Limited Removal from my Jinzo tin and about had a heart attack. I made the jankiest machine deck after that with Impachi and Overdrive. Unfortunately I learned how bad of a card Barrel Dragon is shortly after

name 6 archetypes that do that

Death's Shadow runs three (3) counterspells, and if you get offended by removal then you don't like Magic.

>Not after failing to woo the MC, have the girl settle down for you, because despite them not loving you have first sight, they fall for your charm and dedication.
That's what I do with Aki.


Dark Warrior
Jackie Chan

We've actually reached the point of powercreep where Raigeki isn't that good anymore

In the past year?
Dangers (you can count them twice at least, given that they had both the Danger Dark World FTK and the Danger Slash Draw FTK)
Pendulum Magicians
Gouki (they have 3 FTKs, the unbreakable extra link board, the Cannon Soldier FTK and the "hand loop for 4 combo" combo, on top of all that they also had Rhongo who might as well be an FTK)

If setting up an absurdly powerful board with 2+ omni-negates that only loses to le sphere mode counts as an FTK most viable archetypes do that now

And Konami hit all of those.

That doesn't make last year any less ridiculous.

The problem with it is that, especially at one, it's a sacky, unsearchable card that can be drawn into both too early and too late.

Y u do dis?

Attached: pu_s_u_ss_q.gif (460x345, 494K)

Slumber is an OBJECTIVELY better version of Raigeki

i'm impressed you took the time to review every single card but i'm also mad at you for dissing x-sabers

>Backrow poker face

Not that user but pretending you have a better backrow than you have by placing a bunch of cards down.
IE if you place down a MST and end your turn, your opponent will think twice about attacking because it might be Mirror Force.

It's that face you make when you set your accidentally drawn monsters in Infernity

Gorz was based.

I still attack directly in the correct order to minimize the impact of a Gorz

Is there anyway to play the game online against other people with cards up to GX or at the very least 5DS for nostalgia? Is there a side community on YGO/DEVpro for that or no? Or is playing against bots in the old tag force games my only option?


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>*blocks your path*

Attached: King.png (544x544, 116K)

Yea Forums please help me remember this fucking card
if i remember correctly it was a DM/GX era card and it was 6 stars, an effect monster, and i believe it gained atk depending on the cards you have in your hand or possibly the monsters on your field, and it looked really badass, i can't fucking remember

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You can find a community who's autistic for GOAT format, which is about mid GX.

Hope it comes out on pc, i'm not buying a switch

try dueling book

He was just trying to eliminate degenerates, but they wouldn't let him do his job

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What are are some good games to start off with?

You can make a room and specify it in the comment. But be prepared to wait 20 minutes for a match while constantly dealing with people ignoring it.

I could never afford trading cards as a kid, so in 2012 when I got my first job I went hog wild and started buying shitloads. Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, I developed an addiction to both and just started blowing shitloads on shit like War of the Giants and the Yugi Legendary Collections/Duelist Packs to get those rare cards I'd missed out on before. I didn't realize how goddamn much I'd blown on these things until recently when I started eyeing the game again and found all my boxes and boxes of cards from that time.

I can't do this again Yea Forums halp.

did it have claw hands?

Sounds like this

Attached: s-l1000.jpg (500x500, 32K)

Just play games like YGOPro, Tag Force, etc instead of buying shitloads of cards. You can even buy singles of cards you like afterwards if you want.

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it was almost like that effect, but for the fucking life of me i can't remember if the atk points were added depending on your hand or your field, and it had a really huge ass alien looking monster with arms crossed.

pumpking the king of ghosts?

this one? clicked on it by complete accident while skimming through the list but it sounds like what you're describing

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forgot image

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Sadly, these aren't it, i am probably not going to find it, but it was a fucking beast in my deck when i used to play with older cards, it had like weird armor/body-shell on it and it had like tentacle things as a mouth/beard or something

maybe you just get mandela effect'd

do you remember what other cards you used it with?

I'm playing the first Tag Force game, when does the story start? Should I just skip to 2?


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i don't exactly remember, just a bunch of older cards, but i remember it being a fiend and dark.

holy shit fucking thank you, i got that effect wrong by a mile but i have been looking for this ever since it i thought of my older cards

Did you know this card is based on Great Mazinger?

1 requires you just wait a bunch of in-game months for the plot to start, then you can choose from the characters you have maxed relationship with as partners. It's dumb, just skip to 3 or 4 honestly.

np dude

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When the fuck will we have a sequel or similar to the Tag Force games?
I don't give a rat's ass if you don't like MR4 or what ever it is, all I want is a YGO game that can be played offline while having the option to play online were you progress from having an OK deck to an amazing deck

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And this guy is based on Mazin Emperor G

>that one deck nobody plays but you
What's her name Yea Forums?

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>had an old duel links account that was created a few weeks after the release of the game
>for the fuck of me i cannot remember the id/password
>shit had a lot of used free gems and a pretty based deck
>before gx/5ds update
how hard is it to start over again

Never. The World Championship series is literally what you are asking for but it's been dead for 8 years. Legacy of the Duelist is printing DLC out the ass to keep it relevant. Duel Links is a money farm. Konami no longer has a reason to develop other games. The age of kino YGO vidya is over.

Carly deserves better than what she got.

Attached: carly2.png (706x532, 325K)

that ended pre 2000.

Duel links gets harder and harder to get in to every update because the ammount of staples you need from previous boxes only goes up.

Also no free cards are good.

>nobody plays thunder dragons

Right era was when I was playing the most and that shit was fucking kino.

People seriously underestimate how devastating this is once it hits the field

Attached: 61PN4ZnSVIL.jpg (343x500, 75K)

This card is perfectly balanced.

Anybody have feedback? Still working on the extra deck

Attached: splash engine turbo.png (680x667, 887K)

>This card is perfectly balanced.
translation: this card is pretty bad

if you play World Dino Wrestling, you should play a second Pankratops, since you can also search it off the little dino


Where are the Salamangreats?

Salamangreats aren't splashable.
they lock you into fire and cyberse for the turn, they're not an engine, they're a deck.

-HERO cards
+1 Shaddoll Fusion
+1 El-Shaddoll Fusion
+1 Shaddoll Beast
+1 Shaddoll Squamata
+1 Shaddoll Dragon

It can only deny 4 activations

You can run Gazelle and Spinny for DANTE.

>donte the demon killer of the burning abyss

Attached: e10.png (419x610, 426K)

Synchro > Link > Xyz > Shit > Pendulum

Yeah but then the opponent goes -4 only to beat over it and give me my best monster

He can't be seen around traps.

Fucking kek

They better bundle with all the dlc.

Attached: download.jpg (1920x1080, 801K)

The opponent can just go -1 and then with a decent attack, destroy your mons and all your field, since you can't activate cards in response of an attack.

This game looks so comfy, but its gameplay is fucking slow. Animations take forever

Aren't there better instant Rank 3s now?
Like Danger Snek and Danger Rabbit

The only animations I have a problem with are the special monster attack animations. Everything else is fast enough. Not as fast as fan clients, but as long as it's faster than the physical game, I can't really complain.

Are trains a meme deck or are they semi-viable? I heard they got a super good field-spell card that might make them considerable.

I'd like to see you getting a 2800 or even 2300 attack monster on the field with no effects

Not in OCGland and Gazelle/Spinny is a 1 card rank 3 that doesn't rely on your opponent randomly choosing a card in your hand.

>attempt to activate anything
>ram Goblin Attack Force
outed your shitty 2 tribute meme card

It'd be cool if the game allowed you to enforce ban lists that were present during the various series. Too easy to build a top tier modern deck and stomp through early series.

>tard summons BnW dragon
>nothing else can be activated
>ore no turn. Go -1 to low down dragon atk
>tribute summon whatever I have
>attack it and that's all

I always used him in tagforce.

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That "fast enough" is really slow to me...


I hate that there was never a flame swordsman archetype made

Attached: 1538508076323.png (348x500, 337K)


Attached: GREED LMAO.jpg (480x360, 26K)

it's a lame fusion monster.