Definitely this year lads
Definitely this year lads
More like this spring
More like this millennium.
Its never going to happen is it bros?
>Definitely this year lads
I can feel it
this many delays and long development time is definitly a red flag, pretty much guaranteed to flop at this point
delete this
They did reboot the development at one point though.
Basically cut 3 years off the development process, since they scrapped the old engine.
Imagine when they give a release date, time is gonna pass so fucking slowly, I wish they would just announce it a week before release.
But think of all the delayed suicides after they announce the release date.
Did they have some kind of government funding for the game? They're just delaying it for more gibs right?
Yes user. Mount and Blade is so beloved that a UN commission was set up too secure funding from the Turkish government for the sequel.
People keep memeing about that.
The development studio is hosted in a university. The lead game designer used to work for that university and do gamedev on the side.
As part of the gig, they have to give IT students work experience, so they have a hundred interns they have to school up. The government pays for that internship.
This is the "government funding". The actual gamedev is paid for by private investors.
Found the libertarian
Found the misinformed memer that is spreading fake news.
>they're going to give away Bannelord keys at this year's competitive M&B event
>bro it's never coming out! am i accepted and in with the anons of 2019 yet?
I see nothing about that. Why are you lying?
I hope not. I don't have the money to upgrade my rig
By the time it release you are going to have girl friend robbot that can play games or you are going to be dead
Because it's not listed in there you stupid animal.
>Buying M&B shit
>Actually giving money to an Islamic terrorism shithole
Fucking justify yourselves. And yes, this goes for you paradoxfags too
madjelly kuffar
If anything, Mount & Blade just lets us learn more about our culture and heritage, so as a means to destroy us it's doing the opposite. Considering that wahhabists already have more money they could dream about through the Saudis, some Turkic game is a speck of dust.
But you were just pretending to be a poltard, right?
Islamic terrorists already have more than enough money from the US government
>ancient memery
checks out
>only poltards object to financially supporting Islamic republics
user, fuck off.
at this point i don't care. my pc is a toaster from 2010 with a 4200 hd. so i'm sure performance will be utter shit or not even be playable.
Is Bannerlord the next Gmod?
>PC can't handle M&B
If your PC can handle PONG, it can fucking handle this ancient looking sandpeople garbage
I said pretending, because only a troll who wants to make /pol/ look bad would be so stupid. Sure, we could argue that some of the money goes to islamic things through taxes, but even in Turkey the majority of taxes goes to something else like welfare, infrastructure etc. If you ever drive a car or use public transport, or even any electricity, you're probably funding Saudis much more in the long run than if you buy a Turkish game.
look at all this shit ain't nobody gonna read
People on PC alter the battle size, its not 50 guys like on console. The game can get demanding, especially with script extender mods for stuff like magic for example.
You couldn't make it more obvious that you're a mutt
Nigger i bet you can't even tell on a map where Turkey is
ackshually we know where turkey is because the anti-ussr nukes were in turkey and the map is on tv often
my pc handles warband good enough. not sure about bannerlord.
the neck guard. ewww
>roach accusing others of being mutts
That's gonna be a yikes from me, my arab friend
Somebody from Yea Forums has to get it and post insider info.
Roaches are not Arab. You're yet again proving that you're a dumb mutt
this exactly. i need to turn the dead bodies off and lower other settings to get a reliable 30fps. i think i got the battle size up to around 80-100.
Fuck off, they wouldnt release it on the 31st.
All steam products must have a release date listed even if it's not true. It has nothing to do with actual release
This is why baiting the most inbred people on Earth is so fun. No levels of self-awareness
explain adding it so late then removing it
haha, fools, this game was released in the fourth dimension. If you had opened your third eye you'd be playing it too.
>I was only pretending to be retarded
You mean this year there will be newborn who will see the release of Bannerlord? I agree.
Pretending beats actually being. C'est la vie
Its crazy how much advanced medicine can prolong human life in the upcoming century.
You think someone will name a kid Bannerlord, the same as they did with Skyrim?
dokaviih is not named skyrim tho, how old is he?
It was supposed to come out in early 2018 in some form. They never explained what happened with that, but now I have a good PC so at least I'll be able to run it well
>It was supposed to come out in early 2018 in some form.
Wrong, they said it will be out for Christmas 2017.
and 2016
you just know that when this game comes out there will be retards crying "muh optimization" cuz it does not run on their potato at 1080p/60fps and proceed to review bomb it
Double wrong, early access was supposed to start on Christmass 2016
no it's not
y-yeah definitely
This has some Duke Nukem Forever vibes where devs delayed the game every time some engine added new cool stuff. Bannerlord got delayed just to add jiggle physics to weapons etc. Hopefully it releases by 2021 and mods fix it.
Who will be the Rhodoks of Bannerlord, weak cucks who need to hide behind walls, crossbows and spears because they lack any form of manhood?
vlandia is protoswadia. rhodoks split from swadia
can someone redpill me on why this shit is so popular? It just looks like a terrible indie game with horrible combat and 2005 tier graphics
Great combat.
>your couched lance charge gets parried with a dagger at 95% chance on higher difficulties
Never happened to me, just play with mods.
It is the only game that allows you to enter 500 on-screen troop battles in first person with smooth performance. Totally sandbox gameplay. Lots of mods.
Not one for brainlet zoomers, it takes some time to get into it properly.
this mod looks comfy enough
>the rise from nothing to everything
>rts but from the perspective of 1 character
>combat suitable for large numbers and small alike
I want newfags to fucking leave.
It's fun and there's nothing else quite like it. There are medieval combat games (Chivalry), medieval army building/ strategy games (Age of Empires 2), and medieval sandbox games (Life is Feudal), but nothing that combines those aspects like Mount and Blade does. And that's before we even get into mods.
Keep living Yea Forumsros
i did internship there last summer. last i heard was definitely September 2019.
>no diversity at all
sure thing, buddy
did both sides forget to attack?
why the fuck muslimfags release game on christian holiday?
How do escape the endless bandit capture/release cycle? Is this save just fucked?
i dont care if you dont believe it
Because it's when new games sell really well, you fucking clown. You absolute goddamn moron. You utter fucking imbecile.
>This charge in a Lord of the Rings mod for Bannerlord so you can reenact the Rohan charge against the hordes of Mordor during the Siege of Minas Tirith
I don't think my dick will be able to contain the levels of erect
I wonder if tit physics will be one of the first mods.
Mount&Blade has always been aimed at the Western audience you mong, they know their market
they look pretty white for Turks, seems like it's in good hands at least.
Do people forget Anatolia was Greek land for centuries and the Seljuk Turks were mostly a ruling elite?
Also they have been recruiting a lot of yuropoors since development began So expect some nice jank.
I don't mind it, my favourite shit of the last years comes from eurojank.
Nothern Turks are mostly white, you'll see plenty of people with blue eyes there.
Most of turkey is white(in american standart) I am kinda brownish compared to most.( I am guy on left who is in crouch
You look Med hence white.
This fucking American mutt tendency to create "white people" is obnoxious.
I play kenshi and x4 while I wait for bannerlord. Feels good man.
I have yet to try it. Its one of those games I would never expect to release.
Its exoticly pulling me like Morrowind once did. In a weird way.
I want to marry that Orc.
When the fuck is the game coming out. I don't care how white you are.
>tfw you were never really that desperate for Bannerlord but then the devs of Full Invasion went ahead and ruined your favorite gamemode in Warband
Save me
you look white but just tanned which in my opinion actually looks better. wish I could tan without getting burnt.
I like Mount and Blade, dunno what other justification you need
what did FI devs do?
September 2019 they have set date its fix date as far i know from last summer.
also what people said is true. Government gives unlimited funding also they have lots of internships their studio at university
Solid game, you go from zero to a conquering ruler, gameplay is fun alongside decent combat, you can control your army while fighting besides them in first or third person, and lots of mods, and not tiny regular ones, total conversion ones
Tell us, Osman, are we getting the game this year?
Because the West gives me AssCreed.
Will it be announced at E3?
How would i know that , only upper management would know i just did internship there.
The real problem I see here was the early announcement that fucked up expectations.
The game will probably be just updated Warband.Which to me is fucking fine.
>believing a person online without proof
oh how far Yea Forums have fallen
Most zoomer post of the thread, possibly of the year
Rho*oks shouldn't even exist. They don't like mounts. They don't like blades. What the fuck are they even doing in Mount & Blade? Who let those niggas in?
Genocide Rho*oks every single game.
You really believe someone would do that?
Just go on the internet and tell lies
They turned every game of FI into 3-4 hours of endless waves (literally waves within waves) as opposed to 1-2 hours of controlled waves with a lot of prep time
They also took out almost all of the maps, factions (the meme factions got hit hard especially) and defensive tools like barricades
All anybody really wants is warband with more shit. I for one can't wait for multi and the mods.
The devs of mount and musket/napoleonic wars said that 300 player multi was being looked into for bannerlord. Not such a stretch considering warband can handle 250.
*shoots a bolt up your ass*
stay seething
they said bannerlord have no firearms
>rhodok has shit smeared all over his face and body even in images meant to make them look good
Warband didn't had firearms either except an easter egg wheel lock.
>we used to joke about Cyberpunk releasing before Bannerlord
>when Cyberpunk was just Concept Art and Bannerlord was already devblogs
I wish we didn't joke and meme it into reality back then.
>they don't like blades
Have you SEEN their spearmens' weapons?
My dad works at Nintendo
September 11, 2019
>Swadian blood is literally shit according to Swadians
Yakın bir otelde kalıyorum, çıkış tarihi 2019 Eylül ayının ortalarında olmalıdır.
>turks calling other turks white
I needed that laugh.
>better grand strategy than paradox games
>better war simulation than total war games
>has first person perspective so it's far more deep than either game could possibly be
Which kingdom is the most white? Was it swadians? There was one kingdom based off nords in warband, hope they make a return
All of them except the obvious Arabs\Persians and Mongols.
Holy fuck that sounds fucking awful, I bet the LOTR fags were behind this
Nords > Vaegirs > Swadians > Rhodoks > Khergits > Sarranids
>Slavs are whiter than Germans
Not so fast, Ivan
They most definitely were, I know for a fact that they were especially vocal on the Full Invasion discord
Honestly they already had their own servers (which were the most popular by a country mile) to do their shield wall and roleplaying antics on, why the fuck force it on the rest of us who just might enjoy fighting against socialists as gothic knights?
>tfw Napoleonic Wars server where all humans defending against a 300 bot invading drone army.
Some of the most fun shit of all time.