Who else is gonna be replaying this tomorrow

Who else is gonna be replaying this tomorrow

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=nier automata&client=ms-android-motorola&source=lnt&tbs=cdr:1,cd_min:,cd_max:1/31/2017&tbm=

what's so special about tomorrow? why not just play it today?

goty edition comes out

not me
I didn't really like it that much the first time I went through it

Got it since friday, playing it for the first time and really enjoying it, but all the DLCs are on a code that isn't acttive yet.

Unironically the best game of all time with the best soundtrack of all time.

My second most favorite game of all time. Highly worth it for anyone that didn't try it yet.

Will the avatars and theme always come with the physical edition or is it timed?

Started playing couple days back.
>spend 5 hours try to get through the tutorial on hard because people say the game is piss easy on normal
>finally get through
>go well beyond the amusement park without dying a single time
>game is still piss easy
Honestly, the saw blades are just bad design. Badly telegraphed 1hit killers. Dunno why they balanced it like that despite making the tutorial a proper pleb-filter and giving a nice rush once you actually got to the bunker.

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Me. I'm really excited. It'll be my fifth time playing the game.

>no 2P skin


>GOTY edition
>have the original game but haven't played it yet
What will the GOTY version add?

A single shitty arena dlc

No, I can't replay this game when I'm feeling down. There's no point if I can't fully embrace ending E.

I've only played once, I'm too busy to play through the same content multiple times for a few extra cut scenes. Why would they design a game like this? I guess I'm just destined to forever not know what the fuck is going on.

WHY is there still no 2P outfit?

supposedly fixes up the PC version, which was a bit fucked at first

any confirmation on this? was thinking about trying it out with goty, tried out the steam version on a friends account, it was fucking terrible

Gonna play it for the first time see what the fuss is all about

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Second half of Route B and all of Route C/D/E is new content. The part you have to replay is a few hours at max.

yh picking up the goty edition, just want something comfy to play

Does it have a separate trophy list? I want to platinum it again

Only 2 trophies left
Powerup Part L is hard to find

cant you just buy the trophys?

yes but I wanted to get them without help. I guess I will have to buy the pod trophy

are they fixing the PC port?

>tfw just rushed through the game and bought all trophies

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You can buy trophies?

I assume nothing will have changed for the PC version. I do hope we get the Weiss skin since it was never made purchasable but so far we've heard news on how the PC version will be treated.

after completing the story you can buy trophies if you want
50.000 bronze
100.000 silver
200.000 gold.
Imo they are not hard except for 2 trophies maybe(max all the weapons, max all the pods)

whats the difference

there is literally NO difference. Its just a base game + dlc code inside the box. The only difference is a new box cover art. At least with the Japanese version they include some stickers.

Its already the top selling game in Japan

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So, 3 then since getting all endings is locked behind maxing all weapons

I will wait to see if the pc GOTY will actually include fixes or not (probably not). Otherwise I'll stick to the pirate copy with Far mod.

true,but I maxed all the weapons with no problem. I completed the game with 7 weapons left to find and some at Lv.3.Now in 4 days I've done it(while doing things for the others trophies)
It's that fucking Powerup Part L that is ultra rare for me

why was yorha made if an android initiative to fight was made before the aliens even showed up, what were they fighting against, and where can I go to read about this game's lore. the more you look into it the less sense it makes

Project Gestalt Report and Project YoRHa document maybe

Just turn your brain off and enjoy the android butts

yeah. I'm gonna wait and see if it actually improves or not. too broke to buy it anyways, so by the time I have money for it enough time will pass to know


[citation needed]

Currently about 25 hours in, on my way to ending C I believe (played as A2 for a while now I'm 9S again). Honestly the game has been fun and been quite a unique experience for me having never played a Drakengard game or Nier before but I'm getting a bit burned out.

How many more hours left would you say I have to go til I've beaten all main story endings? (dont really care for the silly joke ones either)

Also can't believe I'd find a robot more attractive than 2B but god damn A2 is perfection.

Just farm the bunny at the amusement park

here's the translated timeline from strategy guide,
breadcrumbs of that info are also available in game but you better 100% and go through documents thoroughly if you don't want to miss anything


Without spoilers, C is over when A2 and 9S focus swaps on it's own several times.
D and E takes minutes because of Chapter select that becomes available after finishing C.

You're close to the end.

Thanks lads, I'll push on and go for the finish tonight.

the first time you kill it it give you PPL, but then most of the time is machine core. I killed it 4-5 times and still no PPL

not me i was excited for automata because of how much i loved the original but automata was a massive failure and boring as fuck

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Enjoy, it's worth it.

>A2 is perfection.
A man of culture

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I remember selling like 10 of those from farming the bunny. The game gives you 3 legit ones. One at the rabbit, one after beating emil's final form and one in a chest at the tower

Ok, I will go for the spoiler one
what chest in particular?

that was what I was looking for, I couldn't remember what it was called
awesome thanks

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I don't remember f am. Equip the item finder chip and go through it again

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which was already available to buy anyways

Game of the generation.

Deserves a bigger spotlight than it got.

the game sold 3 million copies user

Thanks for the help user

its yet another shitty and bland platinum game, they deserve as much attention as they get.

generation? It wasn't even game of the year let alone game of it's OWN SERIES

have they fixed the fucking ps4 version yet??

the framerate was good at launch and after 2 weeks or something they updated it and my game lags every 20 second and the framerate is almost shit every time i notice an enemy

fuck you square and platinum
ruined something that was already working? why???

What was the point of pretending the humans were alive? "Raising morale" for a pointless war seems very inefficient.

Thought it was pretty boring and forgettable

It is all of those, and more.

It is the polar opposite.

Better dead than alien

It was made to give the androids a purpose to fight, not to raise morale despite the localization team interpreting it like that.

>What was the point of pretending the humans were alive?
It gave the Androids an ideal to rally around. Before that they were essentially purposeless and depressed.

>"Raising morale" for a pointless war seems very inefficient.
Is it really pointless if they're being attacked? It's the androids planet at that point - the aliens/machines were the aggressors. The machines didn't stop advancing until much later on, and even then they were still forcefully occupying most of Earth, which the androids viewed as theirs.

The Council of Humanity and YoRHa were both just a way to boost morale and serve as a sacrificial test bed for new technologies respectively. Both served to push the androids to evolve and keep fighting.

I mean, there's still 1% of chance of bringing humans back to life. Right ?

But why even do that? At some level there has to be an android making up the lie in the first place.
It's like if the Japanese government would continue to feed pic relateds delusions that the war wasn't lost just to not hurt his feelings.

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Because taro is a hack.

both side are machines. it's the only reality that they know

Not really

The androids don't have anything else to live for but serving humanity. If there's no humanity, they'll just wither away and die to the machines. 9S is the only one that manages to break from that at the end of the game and he's not even an android to begin with

I just think the assumption that waging a painful war is preferable to the depressing truth isn't clear cut.
But honestly I might just be more interested in the reasoning of the androids at the top rather than the foot soldiers.

But wasn't the reason that the machines even fought was to get to the humans?
Or did they know? I have honestly forgotten.

Yes really.

But again, at some level there are androids willingly spreading the lie. Why not just wither away then? It's not like the androids are living pleasant lives worth preserving the gilded lie for. They are just trading one form of suffering for another.

it's a buttonmash-fest. to plebeian-tier for my superior patrician taste.

>I mean, there's still 1% of chance of bringing humans back to life. Right ?
I had this dream where 2B gave birth to me, put me up for adoption, then stalked me until I was in my 20's. She would orchestrate meeting me to get romantically involved with me. We would live our life happily and I would just accept that she didn't age. When I'm an old man and near death, she'd suddenly get pregnant from all the stored cum over the years. I die and the process repeats with my clone child.

God Automata was a great game. Except for every time you had to control 9S, those were some trash garbage segments. Whole game should have been 2B and A2 but Taro has a boner for retarded tragedy crap that doesn't add anything

>But why even do that? At some level there has to be an android making up the lie in the first place.
Older androids and the Army of Humanity's High Command obviously know about it. They found the lie, and YoRHa, beneficial to their forces. And I wouldn't say it's the same, since the war really ddn't end prior to the events of the game - the machines simply stopped advancing as aggressively.

The Watchers?

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>But again, at some level there are androids willingly spreading the lie.
No, not after YoRha, that was the goal of the whole plan.

>to plebeian-tier

It's implied from the timeline and side material that there's some type of android shadow council guiding the rest to some hidden objective we don't know about yet. It might be just survival of their species or something to do with Accord, maybe. I guess we'll hopefully find out in the sequel

I reason that the war has ended since the very thing the androids are fighting for does not exist anymore. The battles are still ongoing, but there is no purpose behind them.

Because fighting for humanity is the purpose they were created for. If they find out humanity is already dead, they would have failed their purpose. They're so close to being human that they basically are human, emotionally speaking. Why would they just give up?

Kino. Make it a doujin

Don't encourage that behavior.

Because they have failed. They are living tormented lives in order to protect a thing that does not exist, in order to prevent them from experiencing the emotional trauma of the truth.
If the androids where living pleasant lives, I would understand it, as it would be something worth protecting.

>Numerous crossovers

>Game of the year edition

>Grand musical concert

>Bigger spotlight.

Wait, I think I am missing some crucial piece of information. I thought there still was androids at the top guiding things, and thusly lying about the fate of humanity.
Can you elaborate?

>Nier coming out tomorrow
>DMC5 next week
>Sekiro in less than a month
Goddammit why didn't they stagger the releases, there's literally fuck all to look forward to the rest of the year

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>I just think the assumption that waging a painful war is preferable to the depressing truth isn't clear cut.
Think is there isn't much choice there. The Androids would still be at war regardless. The lie about the moon just gave the top brass more authority and influence, and gave their forces a more firm ideal to rally around.

>But wasn't the reason that the machines even fought was to get to the humans?
The machines wanted to evolve to become like humanity. N2 already knew that the humans were gone via the backdoor into the YoRHa server. Obviously N2 didn't share this information with Adam and Eve. The reason the machines chose to prolong the war with the androids rather than wipe them out was so that they could learn/evolve from the conflict/their enemies.

Similarly, YoRHa was just a testbed for new technology to help androids evolve, along with being a morale boosting special forces type deal.

>9S is the only one that manages to break from that at the end of the game
He's not the first, the S models are defective because their inquisitive personality is TOO curious and this leads to free will. Were the S models designed by humans or Yorha themselves? I can accept stagnation being the reason Yorha didn't scrap the model altogether and design a new one.

It's honestly a solid 6/10 that gets bumped up to a 10/10 GOTY by it's fans. Quality really drops off halfway through, from both a gameplay and story perspective.

On the gameplay side the game is frontloaded with great boss fights (so much they make you fight them twice), but the second half is just more of those shitty ball robots. This is also where the repetitiveness, shallow combat and general lack of balance and implementation of it's RPG systems really start to show.

From a story perspective, A2 and 9S really don't have strong motivations or personalities, so their personal stories didn't really grab me. The mystery of the world was unveiled and the themes of existentialism were played out, so that hook was gone too. In the end I just couldn't care about 9S and A2's conflict. 9S went full retard Sasuke mode, and A2 just felt like a dull replacement for 2B.

It's the assumption that living with purpose no matter how hard it is is better than dying aimlessly and alone. Given what other androids and machines do when losing their purpose or trying to find new purpose it's not very pretty.

I don't like that I have to sift though side material in order to understand the story, but if that is the case I would at least find some comfort in understanding the reasoning behind the lie.
Even though I absolutely hated automate, here's hoping for a sequel then.

Nier is trash
Sekiro is a dumbed down Souls game.
DMC5 is the only game that looks fun, aside from the terrible goblina female designs.

>9S doesn't have a strong personality or motivations

>Why not just wither away then?
This actually almost happened. After Project Gestalt failed, android production and numbers drastically dwindled. Then conflict broke out between the HHRMO and the Independists, who wanted androids to break off from Humanity and be their own thing. Then the aliens showed up and started shit.

They were withering away until the war started and became their new purpose.

Why would androids that are basically people just give up, especially ones designed to be soldiers? user, you might lack the will to live, but most people want to continue existing. For the androids its important that they win the war against the robots because they were created with that goal in mind.

did they fix the awful PC controls yet?

Nier isn't trash, but your taste sure is.

t.seething tarocuck

Ok, the last bit was something I has just forgotten about then. Makes sense from the machines side of the conflict.

I still don't agree with the reasoning behind the lie. There is a difference between suffering for a cause that exists and suffering for a cause that doesn't, but I guess fictional characters do not have to reason the same way you do.

I just found his whole edgelord heel turn uninteresting. He was likeable as the cute little nerd with a crush, but when he wanted to kill all machines I just lost interest.

I dunno, it's not like the story doesn't give due reason for him to act that way. I just hate the trope of a character going on a genocide quest because muh crush died. Feels like the kind of thing you'd find in a trashy shounen.

>the S models are defective because their inquisitive personality is TOO curious and this leads to free will
Weren't they super fucking aggressive too? Or was that disinfo to justify wiping them over and over?

>double tap movement to dodge
>cannot set dodge key
>mouse simulates a fucking stick so bullet hell sections are busted
>no auto saves so everytime it crashes you lose hours of progress
L M A O game of the dogshit edition more like
>b-b-b-b-b-b-ut plug in a controller!

Guys how is the theme that comes with the GOTYorha edition and does it have City Ruins as it’s song?

It felt completely justified to me. 2B was literally his whole world. He was totally alone before she showed up.

I didn't see it as "my crush died" I saw it as "I didn't get to kill her myself"

The thing is that they don't have a true reason to live. They are suffering whether they know the truth or not, but at least the truth ends the cycle of pain.

On the note of wanting to continue existing, I have severe problems with the mind-uploading part of the game, as it seems to be a great issue in the prologue but is then forgotten about completely. Copying your consciousness into a new body is not surviving, the uploading body still lives or dies by it's own accord.

>He's not the first
As far as we know, he was the only one to get curious enough to find out the truth and go crazy after. The only other S type we meet in the game was working alone and there's no implication of other S types requiring constant surveyance from the E division. He didn't even start as an S type, but an H type by the Yorha Boys stageplay.
>I don't like that I have to sift though side material in order to understand the story
You knew what you were getting into

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>Playing games on a PC
>Playing games with something meant to be used for excel spreadsheets.

Ohhh nonono

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>I saw it as "I didn't get to kill her myself"
Dude, what?

>I reason that the war has ended since the very thing the androids are fighting for does not exist anymore.
The androids were initially fighting because they were attacked. The lunar base wasn't established until ~90 years after the initial alien attack, and then the "Council of Humanity" didn't surface in the eyes of "normal" androids until thousands of years later when YoRHa appeared.

The androids spent the large bulk of the war already believing humanity was extinct. They were just defending their world and themselves.

It's still a fake purpose that does not decrease the amount of suffering the individual androids experience.
But again, I guess I can just disagree with their reasoning.

Does anyone have a true reason to live, though? I think that the androids have more reason to live than a regular human just because they were created with a purpose in mind. Honestly, im having trouble understanding your point of view.

I know, what I'm saying is it just felt campy and I couldn't take it seriously. I blame Naruto, since edgy anime boys always have a Sasuke connotation, even if they don't have the same faulty logic as that character.

I did, but the original NieR was completely enjoyable without any outside content. I expected the same of Automata, but was severely disappointed.

Yeah man, because of "I bet you want to ___ 2B", and how she was the one killing the S series when they found out too much.

niggas acting like this is the best game ever when it's really mediocre and the only sell point is LARGE ROBOT ASSHOLE and nothing else, the combat is trash and the story doesn't make much sense.
"but muh plottwists" yeah, yikes.

Does it get any better than the demo? I was pretty shit at combos and stuff. Can I enjoy it without being good?

I dunno man, his out of control edgy reaction felt justified to me. I think you're associating the game with anime too much, honestly.

>t. brainlet subhuman third worlder

The game is super goddamn easy unless you play on hard/very hard. Really part way through the first chapter you don't even have to worry about combos. Just mash away and spam items if your health is ever low.

Why would they censor the word kill? He obviously said I bet you want to fuck 2B. Thats corroborated multiple times in the game as well. Why would he have such an emotional reaction to watching 2B die, or be so tender to the body of 2B's clone near the end of the game?

Automata is highly flawed but it unironically is better than most of the shit the west produces on 100x the budget like New Dawn. Automata is a good game made by people with a vision unlike the trash the west produces.

The story makes sense, you're just simple minded and can't understand a plot unless it is completely spelled out to you.

>There is a difference between suffering for a cause that exists and suffering for a cause that doesn't, but I guess fictional characters do not have to reason the same way you do.
Look at it this way. The androids had been fighting the aliens/machines for close to 7000 years. The machines held 80% of the planet, but weren't really going for the killing blow against the androids. The brass wonders what they can do to turn things around. YoRHa and the lie about humanity were their answer.

Their initial cause for fighting was simply defending themselves. The lie added defending their creators, who they are programmed to love/serve and had (correctly) believed were extinct.

He does have justification for his actions, it's just his likability and relatability goes way down when he turns. I've seen this trope plenty of times in games and anime and I don't think N:A did anything to make it interesting.

>so tender to the body
You mean before he rips her arm out?

Uhhh, bro, nier automata's budget was like ten times higher than FC New Dawn

We gonna start this shit again?

No, not really. But I was of the understanding that war is hell, and most soldiers are desperate to escape it.
I might lack a true purpose in life, but I can get some enjoyment from shitposting on Yea Forums.
If we would assume that the androids have no more reason to live than humans, and still want to survive, the existence of humanity is not needed for them to want to survive. And if that is the case they could either give up, or flee intro space if the machines continue with their assault.

I love that when the game came out you rarely saw this sentiment (I would sometimes be the only person suggesting the game sucked across multiple threads for days at a time). Now it's super common. Dollars to donuts you bought and enjoyed the game for the exact reasons you're now complaining about (masturbation). Now you're trying to save face by projecting.

No, it wasn't. It was a mid-low budget game like every other Taro game, the marketing was basically non-existent and the game became popular due to word of mouth

I completely disagree. I liked him quite a bit before 2B died and watching him destroy himself on a vengeance quest was hard. There's also the fact that the enemy AI was doing everything it could to break him mentally just out of cruelty, and I found that extremely compelling.

t. brainlet

>I would sometimes be the only person suggesting the game sucked across multiple threads for days at a time

Holy fuck you're autistic

Because he needs to? Am I being baited right now?

Drakengard 3 already had most of the characterization and backstory on overpriced DLC and side material. It's one of the series's quirks

That's disappointing
That actually makes the relationship a whole lot more boring

>00x the budget like New Dawn

New Dawn is a glorified expansion pack shit out in under a year. It's not a fair comparision desu.

Also, to an extent I think Nier Automata represents alot of the problems people have with Jap games, hence why so the game has so many detractors. Style over substance, nonsensical character designs, unnecessarily contrived plots focused on entry level philosophical themes, reliance on anime tropes.

Imagine being a person who was created with an actual purpose and not just created because your parents fucked. Accomplishing that purpose would be really fucking important to you, don't you think? I think you're looking at the issue too heavily from your own perspective.

The first male YoRHa squadron, M002, is detailed in both the YoRHa Boys play and the timeline. Essentially they were overly independent, aggressive, and emotional. Their story is also detailed in Cruel Oath.
>Once, long ago, there was a group of seven boys who were born in the same village. Though they were not brothers by blood, they treated each other as family.
>One cold night, a fortune-teller appeared and warned of a traitor among them. The boys laughed it off and went about their business, but the next morning, one of them lay dead.
>With each passing night, another boy died. The survivors grew more and more suspicious of each other, each harboring terrible doubts about what happened to their brothers.
>On the morning of the seventh day, a single survivor stood tall. Cleaning the blood from his hands, he chuckled to himself. 'Better go find the traitor!'
It's hinted that No.9 ended up causing the Atlantis/machine-android hybrid berserker crisis. After that, the shota-murder-bots were deemed too dangerous for combat roles and relegated to Scanner roles.

google.com/search?q=nier automata&client=ms-android-motorola&source=lnt&tbs=cdr:1,cd_min:,cd_max:1/31/2017&tbm=

a cursory Google search dating before the release date shows that you are wrong and stupid

Ok, I think I can agree with you at this point. if they where still willing to fight for survival with or without humanity, then it makes sense. I thank you for somewhat clearing up an issue that has been nagging me since last year.

I guess it's preferable to actually be invested in the story, as these aspects may be more apparent in that case.

The only other thing I can think of is why they did not just flee into space, but that seems a bit silly. And they can justify staying as preserving humanity's legacy or something.

>has so many detractors
Yea Forums is not representative of the internet, even here it's still very popular given it still has threads 2 years after release and is a mainstay on 3x3 and various voting polls.

Probably yes. Would explain why I'm good at pattern recognition.

>There's also the fact that the enemy AI was doing everything it could to break him mentally just out of cruelty, and I found that extremely compelling.

You see at that point I was kinda over the game's plot at that point. Cryptic red girl who suddenly appears in the story felt like something that was added into the script last minute, since the game didn't have a main villain since Adam and Eve died.

>Does anyone have a true reason to live, though?
Reproduction. Humans took care of that drive for them and replaced it for subservience to them. Serving humanity is their ultimate goal.

>consolefags are just now getting game of the yorha edition

post 2B she is my darling

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Do you know what marketing means you mongoloid? Like two fucking trailers is a far cry from having marketing, most of which was done by fans and fan artists.

Buy xbox controller, borplem solveded

I can understand that, but at least in terms of 9S I thought his story was a really excellent part of it. His motivations are completely clear and I thought what was happening to him was really well done.

Yes, it means engaging market audiences to provide recognition/discovery for your product. Do you not see the pages and pages of articles dating before release hyping the game up on all major media publications? Marketing isn't just on YouTube ding dong. That's not even getting into the shilling which you'll claim has never happened so I didn't even want to bring it up.

I might.
But if the androids still thought fighting for survival was worth it with or without humanity, then the lie is an improvement to their situation.
I think I am satisfied with the explanations you have all have given on this particular topic. Thank you.

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>Yea Forums is not representative of the internet

I wish more people would shit on Nier. It seems all critique of that game is either weebs who will defend it to death as a perfect work of art and people who just don't care about the game in general and don't bother with it.

It's a game I feel doesn't get a great critical examination and it's flaws are often glossed over by it's fans. Really as shitty as Yea Forums is it's contrarian views can be useful at times, tearing down games and looking at them in a way they typically aren't.

>I want more people to shit on nier so I can feel better about myself
Imagine being this fucking juvenile

Depending on who you ask in this shithole that's a flop

>implying Yea Forums plays games
99.9% of gamers don't have the critical brain functionality to do a serious critique on anything.

>tearing down games and looking at them in a way they typically aren't

You seem bizarrely attached to the critical consensus of this game, seriously if you're the same guy who spammed how the game was shit for days in multiple threads you have issues. Also Yea Forums's contrarian views are 95% "this game is shit because it's bad, reeeee *insert random boogeyman I.E. SJW, weebshit, Reddit, etc.*

Not as hard as pure water

No that guy isn't me, and I never said anything about spamming. Learn to read. You can detect things like tone and word choice from writer to writer once you learn to read.

You can also change your writing style to seem like a different person, ACfag. You're not fooling anyone.

it was a mid budget game, its budget is probably 5x higher than any other taro game

far cry new dawn is an expansion pack that came out with zero advertisement either...dunno how you are using that to typify western games

Yeah, the game was hyped up by the SE hype machine, but the game was mid-low budget. They even said that themselves on a sales report

It's easy on hard m8.
This game is piss easy in general.

I get where he is coming from. It is maddening to see so many flaws of a game but only hear constant praise for it. The constant praise also makes any sort if legitimate criticism come across as being contrarian.
Which he may by all means be, of course.

Consider this pic related then, faggot. If you're too stupid to learn how to read, at least download 4chanX so you can invalidate your own stupid ideas before posting.

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I wasn't arguing whether it was low budget. I was saying that the idea that it didn't have a large marketing campaign is wrong and dumb.

Balancing is all kinds of fucked. Either you completely wreck enemies when your level is high enough, or you deal with massive sponges with inconsistent hit reactions.

pure water is just tedious. 100% fishes tho, that's madness

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At least on hard you need to put some +HP chips so you don't die to bosses in one hit and have to choose your other chips carefully to be effective. Enemies are faster and more aggresive also.
Alright, I was refering to this statement, which is nonsensical.
>Uhhh, bro, nier automata's budget was like ten times higher than FC New Dawn
Even tho I think New Dawn was a bad example, being that it's an overpriced DLC for FC5

Everything is relative.

That proves nothing, ACfag.

You're wrong about this you know.

I don't believe you, I was playing on 9S up until you got the camp and the first quest is identical to the one 2B had.

Probably not since I 100%'d it a few days before this was announced. I don't have it in me to get all that enemy data again. Fuck random spawns.

The differences are in the prologue and after they separate fighting Grun. It's not that bad. You'll be repeating 3 hours at most and less if you rush it. All completed sidequest carry over and 9S has some new ones

Good thing the burden of proof is on you and your nonexistent copy of 4chanX.

a reminder that YoRHa androids experience a feeling akin to love during combat, meaning that violence and love may be naturally intertwined in a fucked up way for our little twinky android friend

Have any modders fixed Nier Automata's terrible difficulty scaling yet? Really that's the one thing that keeps me from enjoying this game.

>inb4 grind for better chips

The chip system and is a big reason for the balance being so fucked in the first place.

Attached: eda12ae0943fb1d9cb042fe737c57531.jpg (868x1052, 172K)

in what way?


Attached: NieR_XB1_Beauty_US_Date_RESIZE.jpg (1920x1717, 749K)

Play it on hard and don't grind

Only the tutorial is hard. You will never die again in the game once you stock up on healing items or better yet, regeneration chips.

>I'm too busy to play through the same content multiple times for a few extra cut scenes.

Pasta time:

NieR: Automata basic game structure with mild spoilers:

Game is divided into two parts.
You play through first part [chapters 1-10] with 2B first, 9S hangs around most of the time. Ending [A] follows.
Then you reply same time frame from 9S' perspective (you'll see what the shota was up to when he wasn't hanging out with 2B).
This part adds new game play mechanic, extra background lore for bosses and 12 new 9S specific side quests. Ending [B].
Second part [chapters 11-17] of story starts.
You switch between playing 2A and 9S 4 times.
Once certain event happens, game switches between characters automatically.
You get ending [C] or [D] depending on your decision at the end of this part.
Once you get [C] or [D], chapter select becomes available so you can choose any part of the story and jump right in (meaning: if you got ending [C] you can start from the endig decision and outright pick [D] without replying the 2nd half of the game).
After you get both [C] and [D] endings, 'route' [E] + final ending starts.

Trolls often claim that you have to play the same game 4 or 5 time which is an outright lie.
Only same part you have to reply is the middle part of Route B (9S' play through [chapters 2-6 and 11] that can be finished under 2 hours if you really dislike boys in shorts).

But that's the problem.

>game of the yohra edition

a reminder that you are a and probably read/watch this from a e-celeb video. The quest text is from an entirely different context. Also this is literally never referenced again in the tons of released side materials including the novel too.

>I'm too busy to play through the same content multiple times for a few extra cut scenes
Yet you have enough time to shitpost on Yea Forums.
Fix your priorities faggot.

I had no problem with pure water, I still have some with me

That's just a replication of testosterone rise due to physical activity. Maybe enchanced for Yorha androids but somethings humans had nonetheless

>There is a difference between suffering for a cause that exists and suffering for a cause that doesn't, but I guess fictional characters do not have to reason the same way you do.
Not only are the characters fictional they are also androids made to serve humans. The whole game revolves around characters finding reasons to live even though those reasons are all empty and meaningless in reality. Also I personally find the whole war symbolism for religious wars. Since both sides are fighting for dead gods that no longer exist.

If you unironcially think this then you need to play more games. But its definitly up there

Been meaning to get back to the game, got the dlc on sale a while ago but haven't tried it. Never did farm for chips, or even recall what load outs would be good for a battle arena, mostly just went with what dropped during game play. Any advice?

>first quest
Yes, as I said, second half of Route B (after you fight the big ocean kaiju) is totally different. It's much faster the second time since you already know what to do.

You can beat every stage with what the game gives you except for rank S on the colosseum. For that one, go for +8 melee attack, crits,shockwave and taunt, +6 life steal and +3 and +4 witch time (dont remember the name).
I did it on every difficulty with this loadout

i dunno lad, it makes sense to me with that part with 9S slaughtering those other 2B models, and the juxtaposition with him holding 2B's arm before tearing it off and shoving it onto his own body. though it could also be explained by 9S maybe having some kind of subconscious hatred toward 2B due to her killing him repeatedly.

Attached: 1532649548153.jpg (600x857, 277K)

>Since both sides are fighting for dead gods that no longer exist.
The Machines Network already knew humanity was dead. Their whole purpose for fighting was to evolve and use the androids as a means and measure to do so. Their experiments with "independent" machine communities and rogue units were also part of advancing their growth.

> it makes sense to me
good for you. Now read