Riot Games Threatens Fines For Teams Playing Against Their All-Female League of Legends Team

Riot Games has apparently taken to threaten to fine teams playing against their all-female team, Vaevictis Gaming, who currently play at the PROFESSIONAL LEVEL inside of the LCL. The entire thing reads like a fucking onion article. The main concerns are two matches, where the kills were 52-2 against the girls and Riot threatened to fine the team who beat them for not ending the game faster, artificially lengthening the game for more kills. Then this match where the opposing team played into the joke that girls support, and banned 5 support champions. The All-Girls team went on to lose the match.

This is similar to Riot's last all-female team, Siren Gaming, who called it quits after only a few matches, were they lost horribly. You might remember them for their cringy as fuck promo video, which admitedly even the girls didnt eant to do but where pressured by the promoter to do, and where the phrase 'Baited you and outsmart you' comes from. The average rank of the girls team is Diamond 5 to Diamond 1, where most pros sit at Grandmaster to challenger, a huge margin.

Hee hee hee

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Other urls found in this thread: am John rly

women have lower IQ and slower reaction time. its not fair to make them compete against men

This has been talked to death already.

>Bunch of silvers/plats playing vs Pros

They could have banned nobody and still pubstomped them

4 > 1 > 5 > 2 > 3

Im literally shaking rn

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is there a video of them going 52-2?

Serves them right. You shouldn't harass women in a professional setting.


>ban 5 supports
>get 52 kills
Fucking kek

League of Legends is a trash video game tho, who cares.
I know enough about the genre to know that pushing the base should be perfectly doable within a few seconds if you're up 50 kills, if any of the games.

What were those women even doing throughout the match? Crying and consoling each other with a little lesbian action on the side?

Honestly, I don't think there's anything wrong with fining people for wasting everyone's time.
In general why are game of league even longer than 10 minutes?

I would like to marry and impregnate the one in the middle, please.

Why won't they have a separate competition for girls. Should make everyone happy right?

russians don't deserve anything

All ten of them.

No, a certain group of women absolutely hate it when we keep things to ourselves, why do you think they starting allowing girls into the boy scouts?

I don't follow this game, so can somebody explain this banned champions thing to me?

>I don't think there's anything wrong with fining people for wasting everyone's time
So shouldn't they be fining the girls' team?

1 4 3 5 2 you actual niggers

Why are they all so fucking smug and/or threatening?

>little lesbian action on the side
This only happens in porn, in reality they just bitch and fight in a very non-loving way.
t. works with women in their natural environment

No, why should you call it? You can't expect someone to give up, but you can expect people to end the game in a reasonable amount of time. Clearly this is not "reasonable".

This and they would have to concede that the difference in gender is more than just a pair of tits, which would make their whole dogma fall apart. don't recognize the sex face user?


remember that time a girl won the biggest dota tournament of the year?

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In the game mode that pros play they take turns picking heroes and also ban out some heroes so that no team can pick them, you usually do this if you know someone on their team is crazy good with the hero, or if it hard counters a strategy you're trying to do
Here they banned out five support heroes, as most female players usually play support heroes and they are generally seen as the category of hero that takes the least skill and long term thinking

Kinda surprised that the russian league of all places went for the muh inclusiveness brownie points.
Did TheCuckening do a video on this?

are you literally blind
1 looks like a tranny

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Just a guess here but

What games does Asanagi play?

The what?

Then you get all the trannies coming in and completely destroying the regular women. Happening in a lot of sports right now it's fucking hilarious how you get called a transphobic biggot when a faggot in a dress can lift clear 20kg more than the next woman.

>allowing girls into the boy scouts
>boy scouts

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Of course, and as usual spent a bit over ten minutes explaining something that would have taken like 5 at max.

>Season 4 tank Garen
>Season 5 Nautilus jungle patch with the bami's cinder enchant
Take me back

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>where the kills were 52-2 against the girls and Riot threatened to fine the team who beat them for not ending the game faster
Pfft. Dota have had results like this even among TI level teams

trust me, you dont want that

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I'm pretty sure alot of American sports associations are starting to ban male to female transgenders from competing. I think it started in weight lifting.

>t. works with women in their natural environment
In a kitchen? You poor fuck.

Nah, apparently the Russian team couldn't sell his spot at the league, so he fired their original players and put 5 women from Moscow to save money.

you surely don't

>banned 5 support champions. The All-Girls team went on to lose the match.

It's almost like shitty players are bad at the games they play regardless of gender.

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but that's common practice in some other games like starcraft. if you are fucked you simply type gg in chat and leave.

like just ask your team if they still think you can win after you are down 30-2 that should save some time.

it's true, women are scary to work with, a female professional speaker on improving workplace performance and execution said talking to an office of women is much tougher than working with men, saying that while women tend to have petty in-fighting, nothing unites them like a female outsider coming in and trying to change things.

I thought about this, and while you'd be correct in some settings, this really more reflects lower-level athletics. Like, there was a news story out of the US in which a kid's girl's basketball team beat another kid's girl's basketball team 162-2, and the coach of the winning team was fined for basically not telling his team to lighten up. There I can get it, because they're just children. They don't really deserve a soul-crushing experience like that, even if I also see the other side of "horrible losses build character", I also see the point of the league not wanting to discourage potential players from joining. At the pro level, however, the "mercy rule" doesn't really exist. If you're way better than the opposition, then you get the right to stomp them. This happens in pro sports all the time, just look at american football games that end with one team winning by 60 points, or the infamous brazil-germany world cup game. There isn't any reason to go easy on a grown adult in a professional setting; You are there to win, not to be cordial. If you can't step up to the game's level, then you can't be expected to be coddled when you inevitably get thrashed. That's the nature of competition at a serious level. Deal with it or get the fuck out.

still sounds like a bitch move.

Yes but that is besides the point because it goes against the narrative they want you to see.

Nah just Hao crossdressing

This is literally the funniest thing ever. Someone, somewhere, somehow managed to convince everyone that they should be allowed to do this and it be a valid, real victory.

Hao is not female

none of those are girls though

>team consits of 5 main supports
>ban supports against them
>get fined

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it would be transphobic to not them them compete against real girls

Don't worry, they are already renaming themselves to just Scouts.

But because we are equal, girl Scots still exist.

Why are they trying to set the bar so high with all female teams? Just get high ranking female players and put them on existing teams if they're good enough or have a coed team


actually women usually place closer to the middle of the bell curve, so there are less low iq women than low iq men. but the same is true for geniuses

name the bully

Right but the thing people take from it is the players are garbage and should not seriously be on a competetive pro stage, but because of vagin they are fast tracked into tournaments

we'll see how long that argument lasts when actual women get tired of men in gowns beating them in athletics.

actually, what's the IOC opinion on TG athletes?

I know EU and NA leagues actually has an Ranking cutoff to actually be able to compete in the league. If that Russian dude can just get away with that that means that league must be unregulated as fuck. I guess it makes sense - most Russians probably play Dota 2

>No, why should you call it?

in pro dota GG is instantly called when a team knows they can't win and failing to do so is considered bad taste

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I once read article where some feminist anguished over tranny supremacy in sports over other women while still wanting to preserve trans-friendly sports culture, and suggested that that athletes should be divided based on testosterone. It didn't really occur to her that it's basically men/women segregation.


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Probably 95% of the MOBA user base is male. There aren’t enough women to make a league. This all girl team exists for Riot Games to score some diversity points, that’s all. They should be mocked and humiliated. Note that basically 0% of people talking about muh sexism in esports actually have tried to move up the ranks in an esport.

Riot did this to gain brownie points and to shift the conversation away from their own sexual assault allegations. Sucks that a team that played professionally has to take the fall for this obvious tactic.

>if they're good enough
There lies the problem, there aren't many good female players. The only "female" pro... Was a tranny.

so women are special needs, I get it, nothing new

why no advantages or disadvantage for women

Sometimes all those things are just tiring.

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So as someone who doesn't actually play LoL, tell me if i have this right.
>all female team gets completely styled on
>riot responds by punishing the people who styled on them for bad manners even though what they did was completely within the rules because MUH STRONK WYMEN

The only people that care about IQ are oddly enough retards on the internet who do nothing with their lives.

Pretty weird huh?


5 main supports are usually what girls play

Swap 1 and 5 for me but overall accurate ranking.


>dude in the thumbnail grinning because he already knows this will be the easiest game of his life

One day they might win against some team by sheer coincidence and this event will be used in arguments ad infinitum by reddit/kotaku/Washington post etc.

Why can't one team opt to end the game when they feel they lost?
What a fucking joke of an esport.

>thinking riot gives a shit about the shit hole that is Russian League.
The guys running that league have done scummy shit to their players and are obviously corrupt and riot main couldn't give less of a shit.

Not at all, especially not in Dota. The memback mechanics mean that you can turn a 20k lead, rEEtard proved that often enough. Besides sometimes you have teams purposfully sitting in the fountain and waiting until the throne falls simply to have more time to talk about the next game/strategy.

you don't type "gg" in league of legends, it's too toxic

its 100x harder to prove the physical difference between gender in videogames than it is in actual sports

There's nothing wrong with women playing professional or being apart of an all women team. However, if the sake/point of the team IS that they are all women and not simply a coincidence, then they deserve to get some shade thrown their way for forcibly shoving agenda shit down through people's throats.

Nobody cares, stop waving this shit in our face, just shut up and play the damn fucking video games.

>Not at all, especially not in Dota

Yes 100%, especially in Dota. I said when a team knows they can't win, not when they're behind, stupid. I know way the fuck more about Dota than you.

>Besides sometimes you have teams purposfully sitting in the fountain and waiting until the throne falls simply to have more time to talk about the next game/strategy.


oh I've noticed that - both in IQ supremacists and the vehement IQ deniers.

There’s the Boy Scouts of America, which is now open to both.
And the Girl Scouts of America open to only girls.
The BSA are trying to change their name to simply the Scouts, but the GSA are sueing to stop that.

To compound issues, there’s even a Boy Scouts Troop that is open to female members only.

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Reminder that it is assault of the sexual variety if you beat a woman in an online video game

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lmfao how is that even possible?

maybe if youre american
otherwise its just banter
which again americans cant take

some girls are actually good at games

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Nigga, the first time I saw it was at fucking TI6, I think it was Team Secret but I'd have to look trough their games again.

>Yes 100%, especially in Dota. I said when a team knows they can't win, not when they're behind, stupid. I know way the fuck more about Dota than you.
Yeah, sure, except that you're wrong and any Major would prove you wrong where teams play to the bitter end after the group stages.
Go back to lol, retard, you clearly lack the mental capabilites for anything more complex.

>falling for a image so photoshoped their faces fuse with the background
And this is with full makeup on

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What a cute bundle of pure autism.

>even though what they did was completely within the rules
Well, it's borderline. They were really mocking the girls but it literally says in the game client that "Competitive BSing is fine." so I don't really get it.

you actually have no idea what you're talking about

Reading everything you said has confused me as fuck and yet I believe it. Like why do they need to let girls into the Boys scouts? If the issue is curriculum and activities then surely the bigger issue is to change the activities provided in the Girls Scouts Association is it not?

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>Then this match where the opposing team played into the joke that girls support, and banned 5 support champions. The All-Girls team went on to lose the match.
Fucking based. Is there some footage of it?


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>rEEtard proved that often enough
Watch old C9 games before memback came in. Had the opposiing teams giving up they would've robed EE from throwing 20k+ leads.

What a fucking world we live in. Might as well let Russia take over, their sleeper agents have done too much damage already.

Post source because this shit sounds too strange to be true.

yes i hate to tell you autists but artificially lengthening a game is poor sportsmanship. it is generally frowned upon in professional sports. theres no point in essentially torturing the other team.

it doesnt matter male or female, what it comes down to is the losers who are playing videogames professionally need to deal with the fact that they arent playing in their basement anymore. once youre on the professional stage you cant act like a shitty kid.

all sports are like this where pros are held to a higher standard. they shouldnt have been threatened they should have straight up been fined.

>now he's pretending to be someone else
Pretending to know what you're talking about won't make it so.

la creatura...

>The absolute state of America


Because when feminism sees something male oriented they need to destroy it.

2 cute

Boys aren't allowed to be boys, basically. Being male is bad in 2019.

>where teams play to the bitter end after the group stages.

if they play to the bitter end they don't "know they have lost" you imbecile. holy shit people on this board are SO STUPID

its just another form of banter
calm down you retarded american

>well if they stalled the game enough to get 52 kills I can under-
>game is barely 30 minutes

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The video covers the ban fase and then skips to the end of the match. IThey all speak vodka, though, so be aware.

The funniest part to me is that all five support bans were legit, because they banned champs who these female players were playing the most and were in top 3 win rate for each player. The fact that they also all happened to be support champs could be a coincidence (although, personally i don't think it was).

>playing videogames profesionally

No, that is absolutely not true.
In dota people don't call, especially out of spite.

>It is frowned upon in professional sports
A game ends when the time runs out kid. No sport in the world ends early because the score is too high.

>now he agrees with me without noticing it
>people on this board are SO STUPID
Oh the irony.

Sure lengthening a game to BM is bad and should be punished but taking fucking five random girls and placing them in a league to save money should be a bannable offense as well.

Ryonacraft II.
He's achieved over 800 APM on it, because he's a man.

nah if you want to be a pro you have to act like a pro.

>professional professional profession
Only ONE team was even close to being professional, the other got fucking destroyed. I have 8k LoL games behind me and I've never seen a game end with 52-2 and such without someone being afk.

Their bell curve is slightly lower than men's though.

>in pro dota GG is instantly called when a team knows they can't win
TI4 was almost 5 years ago.

artificially lengthing the game is different what a stupid fucker “kid”

This. They were taking totally calculated bans and turning this into a gender war controversy for clicks.

>act like a pro
>means no banter
You have no idea what you're talking about.

>Siren Gaming

Losers had the option to give up the game at any point to avoid being humiliated further, they choose not to.

>30 minutes
>52 kills
>in a game where you can surrender at 15 minutes
>a "pro" team didn't surrender when their opponents were 30 or even 40 kills ahead

You never played doto, right?

watching this makes me remember how much fun it was to absolutely stomp someone in this game. The feeling of a properly snowballed game is exactly why the slow build of gameplay in LoL is so much more fun than in games like HotS where you can't build a significant lead.

You know which is worse?
Gambit literally trolled way harder than Vega AND ROX and i feel like there will be no punishment this time.
You know, there is rumors, this Vega/ROX punishment was just because Riot HQ told to do so because of reddit updoots. But this time, fanboys protected Gambit like this game was fun/other crap shit. At same time, casters are telling lies about how close game was, so most silver viewers don't get how bad things really are.

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man you guys are so pathetic trying to defend this. nobody gives up in sports thats not what you do. even if you are losing. you people really have no idea what the word professional means.

she cute

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Yoonie btfo'd so hard, she is an e-whore now.


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We are back to again because pro couldn't take not being able to solo carry pubs


How can they punish them for lengthening the game? I thought it had a surrender function?

You retarded faggot, you have no idea what youre talking about do you lmfao

>females are known to play only supports because that's the only position they can use without crippling the team enough
>Russians only ban supports

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I remember running into the Ubisoft girl's fps team in Halo 2 and utterly destroying them.

They were ever so slightly better than average but not worth the proto esports money.

those comments

>Tried uploading it to Pornhub, apparently they don't allow RAPE

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I know how to get these roasties out of our vidya


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>without crippling the team enough
>the position that determines whose adc gets fed

How America hasn't begun an all out war to stop bullshit like that till now, it baffles me

good thing we quarantined them early

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I still think they should have played all supports if they wanted style points instead of banning supports.

Not like this is anything new
>tell that one woman at work that she is lazy and doesn´t do her job
>get fired

absolute fucking kek. the best part about this is that women can't complain about it

Everyone is too comfy. They perceive themselves as having too much to lose. I know I do. When it does self correct, and it will... soon... the collapse is going to be one for the ages.

Assuming anything is left, it will be speculated about for thousands of years.

Good thing this isn't really a sport

boomers, they are the willing slaves

Media has been cucked, people are afraid of the social stigmas that can be thrown.
Old and good causes have been hijacked for the sake of pushing something so terms and organisations that have done good in the past and words that represent something good for civil rights are being used as a shield.

Wait, so the BSA and the GSA aren't part of the same organization?
That's actually absurd.

Good, hope you learnt your lesson, bigot.

>artificially lengthening
>30 minutes

Man up girls

>being male is bad
That was always true, but the people talking about this sort of shit always forget about who being male is bad for.

I feel like the issue here is with management and not with the individual teams. They should never have been put together, the girls are obviously not ready to be facing grandmasters. It was described as an "experiement" to see how things would turn out but they're just getting humiliated repeatedly. It's not just a question of gender, one team is significantly more skilled than the other and Riot only care about the publicity/headlines they'll get as a result of this.

most women I know think trannies are gross, though

The equivalent would be
>outperform woman at work
>get docked pay because you made her look bad instead of working slower so she looks more effective

How many times do they need to be told?

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Not quite that spectacular.

so they are bigots.

Well TERFs are a thing now so they can complain about it.

let's talk about why women are generally worse than men in e-sport titles
>rocket league
>less than a handful of well known girls in the pro scene
>none of them on championship teams
>the best girl admits to playing multiple games
>average pro player dumps between 8 to 12 hours per day in practice against other pros
>the only form of social interaction is talking to other jobless creatures on discord
>fairypeak admits to taking a shower twice a week and eating garbage ass junk food
>rarely leaves home
>life is pretty much devoted to being the first best at this game
the vast majority of women are not willing to commit to this lifestyle.

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Sheepo going pro when?

This. Worked in a university lab for 6 months as an intern and the only male person in the whole department. Dear jesus almighty all the shit talking and melodrama was pretty soul crushing to witness. Even though everybody treated me like a king.

Anyting that can be considered "cute" or "adorable" releases a special chemical in the mind of adults, it causes our instincts to flare up.
These instincts are to crush the "cute" or "adorable" thing as much as we can, however for other reasons we do not.

The funny thing is that this used to be why asian players dominated every esport, because western guys just fucked around and streamed and didn't spend enough time seriously practicing where korean and chinese players were locked away scrimming all day. It's caught up now that there's more money though.

Yukkuris be damn I swear

Nobody should be willing to commit to a lifestyle like that.
Dude is gonna get himself killed. Either by heart failure or by the crushing grind.

>still playing assfaggots

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Reminds me a few years back during Korea time where tastosis were announcing a bad game and just kept shitalking the competitors saying this wasn't the level of game that should be watched

>get some shade thrown
Millennials shouldn't come up with expressions.

What was so bad with the regular girl scouts that females want to insert themselves into the boy scouts? Is there some advantage being in the boy scouts not available in the girls scouts for girls? I am so confused.

>Girls don't want to be girls and boys don't want to be boys anymore
What a time to be alive.

god bless rocket cars

Wait, people still play LoL?

the only people still playing league are those who are extremely addicted or put so much time into the game they feel like they can't let go
it's pretty sad

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>the opposing team played into the joke that girls only play support, and banned 5 support champions
they weren't just playing into the stereotype. the girl team were legitimately all support mains

I can never forget Artosis' massive disdain for Bitbybit.Prime's playstyle. Calling every single move and action he did.


Moba's are the reason games are so shit these days

Didnt they talk about allowing trans with actual womens in 2020? This should be hilarious

Jesus.. I imagine like what if LoL had in game tipping and spamming chat wheel lines in Dota 2..

Everyone would get fucking banned.

How can they not see this is not a good system? Also its kinda hypocritical of them to do this since it was revealed that their ceos and his team were a bunch of dudebro rapist/misogynists. I guess the more you suppress it the more you want it? Kinda like how everyone's a homophobe but secretly screams to want to fuck every trap they see

If the opposite had happened it would have been celebrated all over and the girls would be treated as heroes, and you know this to be true.

Is there a rule somewhere what you are and aren't allowed to ban?

is it not sexist to mollycoddle women in this way? Like, if an all female team stomped over a male team in this way, it would almost certainly be lauded as a good thing

Or they can just fucking call gg?

It’s how the entire scouting movement started out that caused that. A retired British army officer thought boys in the cities needed to go outside to the wild and learn outdoorsmanship so started out with a single troop and wrote a book with comprehensive instructions on how to do everything.
New troops started form on their own in complete independance following the book and eventually formed an association.
Girls at the time saw this and with the women’s sufferage going on at te same time in the UK, formed their own troops following the book and called themselves Girl Guides.
The guy who founded the movement thought that was cool and said carey on so the two became seperate associations from the grassroots up.

>Girl Scouts make cookies, sell them, learn to cook and shit
>Boy Scouts go camping, learn to survive nature, make wooden sculptures
>That's sexist, open Boy Scouts for girls or else...
>They do
>Girls don't like that boy shit, change the Program and cater to us
>Girls and Boys tenting in the woods ? hell no.
>Boy Scouts neutered and boring, boys drop out left and right.

Thanks Women.

If they announce a girl-only competition, there's a chance that quite a few will want to participate given that the skill requirements will be lower than for the existing pro competitions.

I don't think this is going to be a huge deal to be fair. Too few of them.

They just have to say that they have few girls playing and because of that too few of them can play at the current pro level.

that has been a phrase longer than you have been alive most likely.

Absolutely correct. I think it's the first time I've agreed with another Yea Forumsirgin ranking women. There is hope in this shithole.

They will bitch about the prize pool gap.

LeL and Dota are above millenial/zoomer fad cycle

Prepare yourself boy gamers
The women are going to be taking over
And theres nothing you can do about it

Trying to micromanage player behavior during games to this extent is a recipe for disaster.



>They just have to say that they have few girls playing and because of that too few of them can play at the current pro level.
Would be valid if the to 5% of men wouldn't be better than 99.99999% of women at everything, I mean even women of the year was a guy...

Can someone explain to me why Boy Scouts are a thing?
Always sounded to me like a pussified version of a military academy.
If so, why not just join the military?

have the west started winning starcraft tournaments?

>Get absolutely steamrolled
>On top of that Riot makes you look even more pathetic by throwing some pity crumbs at you

This is correct but people will always try to push their own agenda when they either claim that e-sport is some toxic, male dominated no-girls allowed club or how girls got less iq or some shit. In reality most girls just don't play or care for competitive games, less play competitively and even fewer put in the dedication. Look at the male category for instance, in spite of making a huge % of a game's playerbase only about 3% of them are good enough to go pro.

*turns into a girl*

what now stacy

Looks like women can't handle the bantz


It's for way younger boys and you aren't wrong, its like a softer Hitler Jugend or Military Camp. It teaches them values,discipline and stuff like that but people like to destroy these institutions.

Why would you do that?
The videogame industry has never been worse.

You say gg and the game is over. It's their own problem if they want to keep playing a game long ago lost.

mfw sneaky is a better player and is better at being a girl

Some Finn won sc2 blizzcon last year.

Formed by an ex-military guy who wanted it to be a non-military organisation.

because one is camping with your friends and the other is Israeli sponsored

Yeah, but the problem is that it's for little kids, on top of kids having trouble learning such stuff, what they do is neutered by default.
Really doubt they learn anything of value there.

Why do a girl only competition? Nobody will watch it. Esports audience is overwhelmingly male, and wont show up without either top tier gameplay they can try to emulate or nice titties

>Too few of them.
maybe in normie sports but there are definitely more transwomen than ciswomen who play MOBAs probably due to the massive overlap these two topics have with autism

Why are you upset with IQ? You don't think intelligence matters?

>starcraft is the only esport

Serral is the only westerner doing well. Everyo other like Scarlett the tranny is outside top 20

When you're all dead with no buyback and the ennemy is at your Tier 4s, you still think you have a comeback?
That's why gg is called when the heroes die-back in their base.

First time I heard of this so fuck you.

Remember the Gillette commercial from a month or two back, boys can't be boys.

based slavs

Tanukana is a girl though

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This makes a lot of sense and it's even logical why things are the way they are. But it's still hysterical that there's an all-girls boy scout group.

It's still better than playing games all day I'd say. They make valuable memories and learn a bit here and there, that's fine by me.


>group of 15, only guy there for some reason
>forced to listen to some petty gossip bullshit for 4 years
>started treating it like live action soap opera
This shit messed me up too much, before I thought that men and women are the same, but those hags are fueled by other's failure. There is nothing sacred to them, there is no group thought, there is only a prevail over some other poor soul.
Guys can enjoy what they are doing in the moment with other guys, girls can only do "let's go be part of something".
I went into those years thinking how cool it is to be the only guy and left with a strong distrust to any female.

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It's like the Army Rangers training, except they hold your hand all the way through, they don't really test your physique and there's no risk of you dying.
So basically, they sucked out all the fun from the military training.

I'd marry all five of these girls and raise so many good little Christians.

Try full blown mental illness.

me with the prurple hair :)

so how about not allowing trannies to compete against girls?

Girls who play videogames are either posers or autistic, and those look like they have taken a shower within the past 6 months, so it's a no no for me.

I was expecting a 1h game at the very least. How is 52 kills in 30 minutes even possible given the respawn time and walking back to lane. The girls should be fined for anti-competitive behavious, they were obviously feeding.

Did someone say girl Scotts?

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They can't do that without admitting trannies aren't really women

>lol what a fucking mess
Anymore of this cutie?

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No. You ban what you think profits your team. So the guys banning supports, while knowing that the girls all play supports, simply helped their position.
But now Riot and the """"journalists""""" are spinning it around to "hurr, they banned only supports because they're mysoginysts implying that all girls play supports durr".

Dumb roastie.

> Why do a girl only competition? Nobody will watch it.
Why people watch and finance female streamers then? People like girls and I bet they would watch girl competitions, if they are held in a separate time frame and include enough cuteness.

A team needs at least 5 people, so there's a chance that trannies will need to fit in existing teams and won't stand out that much.

Modern warfare is pretty much camping, except in foreign soil.

This is true. Basically there are a much higher amount of men of both extreme ends, idiots and geniuses. Whereas a much larger percentage of women belong to the average intelligence area and very few of them are either idiots or geniuses.

There's some obvious feminism/leftist views influencing the decision there but another main reason is because BSA membership is in a slump and they need members since most people even myself don't see the point of it anymore. Also the even the GSA doesn't like the idea because such a decision would sort of make their organization pointless.

Dude, gg gets called all the time in dota, I dont know what you are on about.

Normalin. Normalin.

Based and transpilled
Putting feminists and allies in their place.

poorly photoshopped while we're at it.

>that face

Ugly bitch

Never heard of this before. Good thread.

But how will the scout masters be able to molest the scouts if there are icky girls included?

fuckin farmed

Good looking people don't waste their time on videogame tournaments.

You wouldn't either if you could have sex.

that's like when a normal team plays against a team of down syndrome kids and they are expected to let them win

the problem isn't intelligence, is that normies use IQ not as a tool for academic testing as comparative index but as a proxy for intelligence

>the vast majority of women are not willing to commit to this lifestyle
Honestly, no self respecting adult is willing to do so.

Should have ended at 32-2

is this the panties lady or someone else?

Why is Tekken so popular with girls?
Every female I play with online nowadays, I play in that game.
I'm assuming that it's just some female-male brain shit since I can't figure it out myself.

This is Riot we're talking about here. The company that put a pick random hero button in their hero selection screen and banned people who used it because carefully thought out team compositions are important. Rules don't mean shit to them.

Pretty sure girl scouts just launders money. What do they even do besides sell cookies?

me on the right :)

Why dont they call gg? Wtf.

20kg more? More like a 200kg more lol.

Rather, Amercan /pol. Outside of /pol the only use of IQ is detecting retards.

It's Tanukana, google is clicks away


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Because everygame is winnable until the nexus is dead.

No one would. These guys always look and sound the same. They’re a certain type of person where this matters more to them. Something is broken inside of them and nothing can fix it.

The most recent Tekken or as a whole?
Because I hear that the most recent Tekken was pretty watered-down.
In addition to the all the eye-candy and pretty girls and can kick ass I'm told its pretty entry-level as opposed to something like Soul Calibur.

all female teams in esports are PR stunts, news at 11

There's just a lot less women playing, even less trying hard, and even less being competitive, so ther's pretty much none at high level. Would make much more sense to bring the top female player to regular teams.

Not true at all. 3 of the 4 girls I regularly hang out with start going various shades of lesbian as soon as they have a couple drinks in them. Two of them just lightly kiss and hold hands the third is such a mess she throws her tongue down other girls throats but is still adamant she isn't a lesbian (some real Catholic conservative repression there)

Riot forbids surrendering in pro games

This. Riot are the most authoritarian "no fun allowed" organization ever, you either play like they want or you suffer. This is like Valve fining a team if they picked Bloodseeker/Bloodhunter(I forget which is the Dota and HoN name) during the earliest Internationals despite the fact that he's actually pretty good against a solo mid Magnus.

Is this true? For what purpose?

To be fair I remember reading an article saying they did this because NO ONE was fucking joining the boy scouts, they needed money so they said fuck it. Who the fuck joins the boy scouts now adays?

they're trying to provoke you to impregnate them, without grabbing your garbage and coming off as "sluts".

>never said taht it doesn't happen
>only that nobody does it the moment something goes wrong
Reading comprehension really isn't your strong suit.

Friendly reminder that no one gave a shit when they banned pure mids for Faker and pure ADC for Rekkles
Feminism and SJW were a mistake

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You want to know something even more baffling? DOA games are just as popular with women as they are with men.

People payed to see a whole match, not a team quiting part way.

Ekhm... Fuck Riot and fuck women.

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correct. Still ugly though

Back when I was a kid my little sister would only play Crash Team Racing and Tekken 2/3 with me. She's not the only normie female I know who is happy to play pretty much any Tekken, it's surprisingly common when compared to many other games. I suppose Tekken just has always had appealing presentation and feel of accesibility. After all, it's one of those fighting games that are not too complicated right from the start, novices don't need to know any more complicated game mechanics except picking character that looks neat and hitting opponent.

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>banned 5 support champions

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What the flying fuck. Shit was unwinnable why bother wasting everyone time?

Imagine being that horny to pay for egirl match

But a pro team wouldn't give up anyway as long as they think they still have a chance.
This is incredibly weird to me and unlike anything I have ever seen in any other game I've followed.

true they should get beaten multiple times so they start crying and GTFO off esport

>Diamond 5 to Diamond 1
Holy shit this is lame as fuck
They could not ban anyone and any competent would still stomp the match

Tekken's always been known for feeling accessible at the lowest levels, even when a halfway decent player will make you feel like a retard

>it's just two black dudes who don't even seem to be taking female hormones or even have plastic implant tits

Gotta give it to them though. At least they all have normal hair colors. Although it's hard to tell with the middle one.

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>fuck women.
I would love to.

fuck yeah. Tasty

>Diamond 5 to Diamond 1
This is russian server(so, it will be like p3 euw) and they were duo boosted while (duo with male grandmaster) climbing as supports

Hair dye is normal, a lot of people use it, thing is, most girls dye their hair with the same color as the natural one, to hide any gray hairs.

What even started MOBA getting called assfaggots?

True but theres always a chance some team will give up if allowed especially if the lead is huge and morale low..

Because Riot likes to copy everything traditional sports do, you don't exactly quit a football match partway even if the score is 10-0. It doesn't really make sense though since matches aren't a set length and gold/xp leads can make a game completely one sided.

This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. A pro team giving up means that the game was over any way 99.9% of the time.

some of these kids are in their teens and early 20s making 6 figures a year from tournament wins and sponsors. is it wrong to indulge yourself for 8 years in this kind of lifestyle if the pay is good? it's not like they plan on being 30 years old and still e-sport gaming.

>it's not like they plan on being 30 years old and still e-sport gaming.
Dota and CS

>Because I hear that the most recent Tekken was pretty watered-down.
It's the most complex Tekken game of all time, also the hardest. Like it's not even close. That is why the Tekken pro scene is bigger than ever before, it's booming.
I don't know who told you such lies but Tekken 7 is currently the hardest fighting game, while SC6 is one of the easiest. They are the opposites.

Fucking rough mate!

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There's still all the same fundamentals and shit, and the ones I play with use them correctly and rail me.
I'm assuming it's just something to do with the 3D space, since Soul Calibur is just as popular with them.

I don't understand how these people make it seem so hard to eat healthy.
Just buy some fruits and veggies. Most of them don't even need to be cooked and require maybe a 10 second washing. Granola and trail mix is cheap too for the quantity they give you.

Your lifestyle throughout your 20s will impact how you'll live through the rest of your life.
It's why so many soccer players end up completely fucked after they retire, for pushing themselves too much.

Aeon of Strife was DOTA before DOTA was a thing. So when people started coming up with a better genre name than DOTAlikes, someone proposed Aeon of Strife Fags or ASSFAGS. Which, honestly, is a better description than Multiplayer Online Battle Arena or Action Real Time Strategy, neither of which mean anything.

People, sponsors and advertisers still can't complain about not getting a full game if one team gives up half way and starts trolling or whatever.

if you call that too long to read you must be a woman and belong back in the kitchen

It's Aeon of Strife Style Fortress Assault Game Going On Two Sides.

also korea calls them all "AoS style" games, funnily enough.

That description doesn't sound like indulgence, it sounds like hell.
>12 hours a day on vidya.
>Two showers a week.
>Rarely leaves home.
>Little social interaction.
>Piss poor diet with little physical activity.
Sounds like something a person suffering from social isolation would do to try and kill themselves faster.

I was not aware, been years since I last picked up a Tekken title, I'll give it a look.
Thanks user.

Actually I have a strong feeling it's mostly due to customization for like fashion and accessorizing in those games.

Thank you for the correction.

>I don't understand how these people make it seem so hard to eat healthy.
Veggies cost more than your average shitty junkfood and those ten seconds of washing before consumption are precious seconds wasted.
If I had to guess at their mentality anyway.

>two showers a week
lmao, I haven't taken a shower since October.

>When it does self correct, and it will... soon... the collapse is going to be one for the ages.

Tell me more about your reasoning, because this feels more like the a crash course similar to the fall of Rome than this does a pendulum swing.

You can totally fucking surrender

> le pol
Weird that i always hear things about pol but never the other way around.
It may have something to do with obsession.

Yeah dude, but it's actually so unwelcoming to casual players that it's a downside. Tekken 7 doesn't have any tutorials at all, you're basically expected to learn insane amounts of frame data (what are safe or unsafe moves) and all kinds of very difficult tech all on your own from the internet, for an easily over few thousand unique moves/attacks in the game.
And then on top of memorizing all that, be able to use it on the fly in instantenous situations.

The game is more loved by the pros than any previous Tekken due to how competitive and hardcore it is, but gets criticized by basically shutting out normies from even doing moderately well at it.

In my country (Peru) there are scouts. It's open to males and females. It was since the 80s and it worked ok. You NEED good adult leaders because having girls and boys in the same group creates more challenges but they could manage.

>Girls Scouts will remain but only admit girls

I don't get the point of this, if you are going to unify eliminate everything else, there is no point in having 2 different institutions that do the same shit.

>El peruANO
Regresa al Dota o a la chamba

You bathe right?
Please tell me you at least sponge outself down or whatever.

Why don't they just make separate leagues / tournaments for female teams?
CS:GO does this and no one ever complained about it, much less the girls who get to actually earn prize money this way

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All I do is use wipes to clean my crotch and i've cleaned twice the garbage between my toes.

because cs:go isn't casual friendly as is. It looks incredibly bad for major sponsors (of which cs:go has few). mastercard would absolutely not agree to pay for arenas if there were segregated leagues, it goes against the narrative they try to co-opt. Unity and diversity and all that.

I don't like Dota and I work online taking your programming jobs, ameriburger friend.


The problem is that the organisation that is meant for the boys is now apparently no longer allowing boys into its ranks.
In favour of girls.

Its not like merging the two groups is bad or especially difficult to manage, it can be but in a different kind of way.
When the merge then segregates the groups anyway what is the point.

Lots of folks have a big disconnect between vegetables and food. Like, they have to be told that lettuce and the green slice things in their hamburger are the same thing. Or that ketchup is made of tomatoes. Or that potato chips are made of potatoes. Things that seem obvious, but for these folk it's just never come up. It's never been worth thinking about for them. Food's just some thing you eat, not something you think about. Ask them where food comes from and you'll get replies like food factory. The same people are often ignorant about a whole bunch of other things that they've never had to think about. Like this one charming young lady I once met who couldn't understand why a new power plant was being built nearby when electricity comes from wall sockets.

Nooe usut another el peruANO

I don't think its unreasonable to expect your "professional" teams to at least pretend to respect their opponents. Making a mockery out of them certainly doesn't make anyone look good.

>Hee hee hee

I hope the bubonic plague does an encore in your home.

It will be more better to make leagues for disabled(like one hand, etc), they will perform anyway better than fem*les

Try looking from the pro team's point of view. They've been forced into an exhibition match with people several leagues below them. For them it looks like the organizers are not even pretending to respect the pro team. Why would they respond to open mockery with grace? Shit's fucked from the start, no point in trying to be the better man in an utter shitshow.

>let's talk about why women are generally worse than men in e-sport titles

Because women have about 200ms of brain lag. Womens' complete reaction times (involving making a decision, not just "response time" where they hear a tone and press a button) are about 200ms slower than mens....So imagine your current level of skill but always add 200ms to your ping in every situation.

There are a lot more factors, most of them physical. Women are less coordinated, aren't conditioned to think under pressure, etc etc

But brain lag is the #1 thing and it's why you will never ever see like a top tier female fighting game or fps player. Even for shti like Dota it's too much

>accidentally beat female player
>have to publicly apologize and admit being a misogynistic bastard

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el ogro de las americas
luz extinguido
white boi

I'm sure some will admit consolation sex.

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yeah, I also try to understand that. They want equality but they do complete unequal things to get that.

What's the point? With that logic they should allow boys into the Girls Guides.

My sister was a Girl Scout for a while and it is actually really fucking boring. She quit and got much more wilderness experience and enjoyment out of the vacations my family took to national parks when we were young, whereas most of the leaders of her troop had barely even been camping.
That said, Boy Scouts is super luck of the draw on your troop too. My troop fucking sucked and was basically a glorified babysitting service. I imagine that happens on both sides and people then make the assumption that that’s what all troops are like, but I doubt that’s the case.

> Women are less coordinated, aren't conditioned to think under pressure, etc etc
It's not about genetics, it's more about "easy mode" society.

>Like this one charming young lady I once met who couldn't understand why a new power plant was being built nearby when electricity comes from wall sockets.
You gotta be joking right?
Children are almost expected to give that question and maybe people that are autistic if they are verbal, its a wide spectrum.

I do also understand that there is a disconnect between how people think of food, I was a dietician for a year and I've seen some pretty odd people come into my office.

I feel like a lot of these dudes are shameless retards who aren't really trans and couldn't win the male championships so they just went for the easy mode ones by pretending they're women. Its fucking hilarious how they're being allowed to do it.


Enserio que onions de aqui serrano colo puerta

No, it's about genetics. Women are less coordinated genetically and the brain lag is fully genetic

Womens bodies are not meant for doing combat shit, mens are

They go 'camping' in air conditioned cabins and sing songs about Susan B Anthony and shit.

At least they sell pretty damn good cookies

so? she won like 70 dollars in tekken?

tekken probably isnt even a good example because as osmeone was saying tekken 7 is so mathematical you can basically memorize your way into being good at the game

FPS would be the best example and girls are ass


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You shake your oppponent's hand and practice fair play sure. But its kinda insulting having pros play against the Mickey Mouse league.

Wish I was. Thing is, I've met a lot of people who are brilliant in one or more fields but completely clueless about other things that I, an autist, would consider obvious. Things that they've never been taught, they've never needed to learn, and aren't part of their interests. Those kinds of things tend to fly under the radar until one day day they pop up and a mind blown situation happens. The aforementioned young lady got the situation pretty quickly when she was asked where she thought the electricity came to the wall socket from. Didn't take more than a second for her to put two and two together. But until then, to her electricity was something that came out of the wall and that's all she needed to know about it.

>The average rank of the girls team is Diamond 5 to Diamond 1
That's actually pretty good all things considered.

It's 2019, everyone's on the internet, you fucking clown.

^ You see this guy up here? Dont listen to him user hes a retard who spouts retarded shit and doesnt read the article
It's just women trying to get their daughters into the "Boy Scouts" because they actually do shit (like learning how to make a fire), while the "Girl Scouts" is just knitting and stickers and shit

uhh i haven't felt the urge to crush anything when encountering anything cute

either my brane is broken or i've never considered anything really cute

>That's actually pretty good all things considered.

All things considered they are paid to stay in a house and do this as a job so yeah not really, anyone young could get that level if it's their job probably

Posting this in every single one of these dumb fucking threads until they go away.
All 5 girls are support mains in solo queue, 5 support bans was actually the big brain
There is a surrender function in all competitive games. If the girls felt the enemy team had won, they should have called the gg and moved on, instead THEY dragged the game out for more social justice points when they complain later.

>Female team is awful at the game and play like a boosted bronze
>It's somehow your fault for beating them so easily
The absolute state of Riot
This shit is embarrasing to watch

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>you will never be an ugly lesbo on a tournament team smashing cunts between matches

I don't think so, most people don't make it past platin even if they play alot.

I get you.
Just one of those situations where you just don't connect the dots because you've never looked for the pattern.
I thought you were describing one of those situations where they try to assert that they are right and that everything works the way they say it does.

>Always sounded to me like a pussified version of a military academy.

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Wait a minute. Did Riot seriously take five solo queue only people, stick them together into a "team", and throw them at an actual pro team? Five randos against a team. What did they expect would happen?

Have you even held something cute and hugged it towards your chest with a firm grip but in a way that you are also attempting to relax your muscles?
Because if you have, then you have done as I described.

>posts on 4channel
>calling anyone else sad


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They would probably argue that not allowing girls in to the boy scouts is exclusionary but they dont want boys in the girl scouts as they want a "safe space" for the girls.

>What did they expect would happen?
Free publicity


>women can't complain about it
I know this is the Yea Forumsirgin central and all but have you ever talked to a woman?

Ahahaha what kind of shitty siblings that you have to be crying at losing? Even my sister smiles and asks for a rematch when she loses after we kiss when we were playing Golden Axe the duel on the Saturn way back.

Not connecting the dots because you've never looked at them. Yes, that's exactly it. And to go back to the earlier topic, that's a lot of people's relation with food. Stick them in, say, a reality TV show where they have to cook and they'll get it pretty quick. But until something like that happens it's junk food with no veggies all the way. Because that's how they've always done it. No thought involved.


i think my favorite kind of animal is a big old dog i can wrestle with. i don't really give a shit about cutesy animals

English speakers.
How do you call a situation where journos are exaggerating stuff like this?

>Did Riot seriously take five solo queue only people, stick them together into a "team"
It did teamowner, Vaevictis Esports. Riot just agreed that this team is legit and can play in league.
Vaevictis tried to sell their slot this year, failed, and decided to troll. Well, they got in low budget high reward(like, lonely virgins, aka lol viewers really cheering this shit roster)


Unlike women's physical sports you can't ogle them as they play, so no-one wants to watch subpar gameplay.

Thanks a lot.

That's a vague question, there are a lot of ways to address when someone makes a bigger deal out of something than it is

>tekken 7 is so mathematical you can basically memorize your way into being good at the game
Who the fuck told you this? It's a fighting game, technical skill only gets you so far. At the top level it's all reading and reacting.

with that said she's a Ling main and Ling is fucking aids

Wow. Now I feel bad for the girls. They were thrown straight to the deep end with concrete shoes on.

riot creates a memeteam with a huge skillgap between the actual participating teams.
also they give them a freepass to participate, while other teams worked hard to get the chance.
who could have thought that the actual teams get mad at this and bm the female team?
if anything riot games is disrespecting the teams that are actually trying hard to participate

Yep. Look at this, Conan the Barbarian versus the hijab ninjas.

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The fact that hes shitting on muslim women makes it even funnier.

shut up bigot


Thanks, lads.

And you now remember what it's like when 1 shitter brings down your whole team and you lose despite doing very well.

> Now I feel bad for the girls
You don't need to. One of them is former Vaevictis manager, other probably are her friends.
They don't need bootcamp, yet still they get minimum Riot paycheck for split.
Also they are feel free to get donations/etc, since they were nonames, yet got a lot of attention.
Also they are not really care about games. They are always smile. They will be always protected by casters and all stuff. Meanwhile there is 3 players that are supposed to play in Vaevictis team(and playing right now in Open Cup) that didn't find any team for split(while 2 find at least something). So, some players literally lost their salary due to horny and lonely beanposters. Also there is always chance that second close to not get into LCL franchising will troll same way, and no fucking one will tell something bad about it. This is a real tragedy.


stop parroting this meme you retards
it was made up by feminists to make women seems more sensible than men
the truth is they have the same curve, they're just placed lower
women just have lower IQ all around, they're not concentrated more on the middle

>Thor dabbing on mussies
this will never stop being funny

The difference isn't even between top male athlete vs top female athletes. Women are just extremely bad at sports compared to your average male. Look up women olympic/national teams losing versus high school males. Or that pro MMA fighter that got the shit kicked out of her by random trucker at a gas station.

Im an insider with no way of proving that so believe me at your own risk.

This team is russian riot's office scam/ad for russian public to make more people play the game in russia (since the game is not that popular, most of the male demografic plays dota and CS) and also to promote those five as streamers, russian riot will be taking a cut of their earnings. Literally only one of them knows the game at a diamond level, the rest are gold-plat with boosted accounts.
Another fun fact is the game is REALLY popular among female population in here, on russian server youd get a female in your team pretty much every second game.

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If you're being beaten so badly, your opponent is actually playing on to extend your humiliation? I don't think the opponent is at fault.

Can we please discuss how terrible and obnoxious the video ads for LoL are? Is it dying or something because they come up every two seconds

>russian women like league of legends
Why tho

I’ve never played league, but I think if the team is that shit, the people who got accused of extending the game could probably cook up a zerg rush strat to end the game in record time next time they play against them. That’d be some funny shit.


Not always, sometimes, no maters how hard I try, I just can't lose the game to my team.

Russian women like Dota 2 more, but they play awful, I don't see them at my bracket (slightly above average mmr) at all. But, actually, they like to suck dicks at parties, not to play games.

>a "pro" team didn't surrender when their opponents were 30 or even 40 kills ahead
I dont think pros are allowed to surrender, either by rules of their sponsors or social expectation

>doesn't count
What the fuck? This is double standards

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Fuck, marry, kill?

I am russian, but I have no idea what they are saying. I have played this game 5+ years ago. So much new useless shit.

>girls support, and banned 5 support champions.
top fucking kek

Is that a LoL-only thing or what? In SC pros call GG every time when they know they've lost, games essentially never go all the way to the end (destroying all your opponent's buildings).


Trannies BTFOing women is the only good thing about them though


Even in Dota it's common courtesy to call gg when you know you've been beat.

I think LoL is just full of fucking babies

There is a term for women who are feminist but only support born women. I think it's TERF? Trans exclusive radical feminist?

Masculinity threatens the status quo

Only ugly women are good at video games.

I stopped following lol some years ago but i think i heard something about it, they don't want people to surrender in pro games because it "looks bad" or something to give up.

um try again sweetie

Attached: trans woman man thing.jpg (960x540, 58K)

How would they win a game if they all played support to begin with?

Bloodhunter was the HoN counterpart.
I fucking miss that game, it had a lot of great customization stuff like the announcers and taunts, the skins were god tier too.
Lord Salforis and Nomad are still my favorite heroes and no game I've played on the genre so far had something as good as them.

I don't know about LoL, but in Dota there was a pro game that have been won with about 0-30 score.

the minions alone should have ended the game but I thinks these girls were killing these for gold and then being killed again until the 52 kills

>comparing western piggu to japs

>Media has been cucked
it has always been cucked. the few small media outlets that tried to fight the big ones always vanished real quickly. the internet just let us see through the bullshit since it is like giving a visual manifestation of the society's behaviour/conciousness
>Igors and Boris bans
>trolling all game
Also this lags in vod is actual fucking yandex lags and all expierenced this, in oficial vods there is same lags.

Man of taste

People would figure out that MOBAs are shit games that are determined in the first 5 minutes and pub games would just dry up

First time I hear it bitch. Now fuck off.

Reminder that if Topson, a literally who dota pubstar who has never been to a LAN let alone a TI can win TI8 than anybody who's good enough can, no matter the gender. There is nothing stopping a woman from ranking up in Dota besides time and effort, most people don't even use voice so that's hardly an issue.

genuinely curious

52-2 is obviously extending the game just to style on them. You don't ever need that sort of score to close out a game, especially at a professional level.
Same with banning 5 supports, it was done for hilarious japes.

Neither is deserving of fines, but I understand a warning for making a game go longer just to farm kills. That should not happen in a professional competition.

Should this happens then?

>making a game go longer just to farm kills
>banning supports
That doesn't seem like un-sportsmanship, that sounds like a fucking shit game with a shitty competitive meta.

>man being good at vidya proves that women can be good too
The brainlet shit you read on here gets worse every day

It does but it's literally not all that matters when people with high IQs can go their whole lives contributing nothing to the world and never expressing that intelligence, and literal retards can somehow change the world and leave their mark.

Will power > IQ

Why not just forfeit instead of making yourself look so terrible? Sure maybe the game was artificially lengthened. Sure maybe that is bad sportsmanship. But isn't them being there when they clearly don't deserve to be also wasting everyone's time and also bad sportsmanship? They were the because they were shoehorned in.

It was only a 30 minute game though. I could understand if it was longer, but only 30 mins? That's a pretty average game.

That's just because League is a fucking shitty moba and has a terrible competitive meta-game.
Riot is just reaching for the moral highground to distance themselves from the mess they've made with the game to begin with. This is not the fault of their salaried pro-players, they're doing their fucking job.

That's not what I'm saying brainlet, I'm saying that people who complain about muh toxic environment being the reason they suck dick are retarded, especially since most pros are picked up for being well known pubstars first, an environment that does not require much interaction with any of your teammates besides basic callouts.

tekken has always been popular with women. and T7 is one ot the best installments in the franchise. the complain were about the vanilla Arcade version literally any character can win in that game. the

Then being beaten so badly and not forfeiting is also uselessly lengthening the game. Should fine them for bad sportsmanship first. Could have all been avoided when the game was knowingly unwinnable. They do that in StarCraft all the time.

Why are girls so shit at video games?

>G2 absolutely fucking destroys Fnatic getting the fastest game in the European league
>nothing happens

>team full of diamond and below players get fucking destroyed
>this is disrespectful
Nice one riot

A rule was put in place to stop forfeiting a few years back. Blame Riot.

Impartiality is the basic element of respect in a competitive environment. The fact that no one had a problem with a shitty, generic all men team losing that badly to a much better team indicate that they treated the (let's just say) all female team with the utmost respect. If good childrens' authors often cite not talking down to children, but to them as an important value, why should women be treated any differently? Is treating them as more categetorically different from adult men respect? Is patronising them more than you would a child be respect?

>all have the same haircut and white skin
That shit is less diverse than any make team, that at least have asians and blacks at time.

link their instagrams

I don't play league (or any vidya for that matter). Anyone wanna explain what kinds of mistakes they make?

Iggle scout user here, the actual reason is that the Mormons jumped ship because of the Scouts becoming pussified and the Eagle Scout project in particular becoming piss easy due to spoiled rich children whining that it’s too hard to put effort into shit. Media claimed it was about “muh gays” and while that was partially true the issues went deeper than that.

The mormons also took their considerably large amount of money with them. So as a result BSA decided to open up it’s doors to girls (which admittedly was done as a preemptive move since the mormons signaled they were bailing the year before the decicion was official.) as an unintended side effect the Girl Scouts of America which is an entirely separate entity is probably going to get fucked since most girls (at least in local areas) are more interested in camping, climbing, shooting guns, and learning more than what you would in a glorified home-ec class than taking a glorified home-ec class which has been resulting in a few spite fueled lawsuits from the main organization here and there.

All in all it’s going to be an interesting few years for both groups. Meanwhile the Mormons are making their own Scout organization to fill the void and compete as well.

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What the fuck? In Dota 2 you always can forfeit, in fact, only tournament players can do that.

It usually isn't common for girls to play "hardcore" games, so you see fewer of them in games like CS, Dota, LoL, etc. The ones that do play, do not play as much on average, preferring to pass the time rather than work towards a goal (which is why barely any of them compete in E-sports).
Also, women on average have poorer reaction times and worse spatial ability and awareness.

I think they do. There was a big hubbub about it a year or two ago
>women complain about gendered competition serieses in competitive vidya
>they make the male series open to all genders and then make a women only series for women only

I know pro overwatch is a joke, but at least OWL seems pretty fair about this sort of situation. Geguri is the only female in, and was a repeat top 5 korean ladder player with pro experience in korea. Her team didnt perform well, and she got picked up by the worst team in the league. Her stats are on average with other dva players. Not amazing, but deserving level.

I know people will cite the Ellie situation and how thats proof women get in easy, but be aware thats an orgless contenders team that is notorious for poor management and research. They picked up Ellie because a player explicitly recommended them and they needed someone short notice without question (which was retarded). Ellie (punisher) also never officially played because she didnt get approval by blizzard yet. Basically a pro OWL team doesnt have that issue. Heck, Outlaws owner said they avoid picking up women specifically because of the risk involved. Which is shitty, but id rather deal with the hardship than have another bad female representative.

evenry man that finds a life style that he loves and can make money out of it will live like a stupid hermit just to be good at it while making a living and being happy.
t. idiot who threw biology college to learn security focused programming.

>>Bunch of silvers/plats playing vs Pros
They're actually D4-D1... Not much better, but still... (also all support mains).

Well then this is their fault to begin with. Don't bitch about lengthened games when you can the one feature that avoids that whole issue.

how about YOU talk yourself to death, anonymous?

They were duo boosted. am John rly
This is Triggered euw account

The one on the bottom right could almost pass if he got drastic jaw surgery

I can't explain you well (I quit LoL a long time ago), but it looks like the girls team couldn't farm enough items. Also, male team has picked long range artillery champions, like Karthus (global range), Ezreal (global range) and Xerath (2 screens range), possibly just to fiddle with their enemies at a great distance.

Well, their diamond ranks were also RUS server.
Bear in mind that high plat on EUW has been known to hit Challenger on RUS.

Second bitch kind of looks like that stick that played Wonder Woman

> am John rly am John rly

Explain women's gymnastics, then. Sure, men have better strength and endurance, but women have more grace.

True, I get that.
But 12 hours on the same game, living like a complete recluse and eating non-stop junkfood?
It sounds unbearable to me.

sounds like the opponents were being very unprofessional and unsportsman-like. if you get the win, take it. don't disrespect or toy with your opponent, every enemy deserves your full strength! never hold back.

Attached: am.jpg (1280x720, 173K)

>52-2 is obviously extending the game just to style on them.
So what? People would be raving all over the place is they did that to a team of men.

American near monopoly on hrt treatment might lead to diplomatic incident, it's gonna be kino.

>Yeah, but the problem is that it's for little kids, on top of kids having trouble learning such stuff.

Now? Only now they have trouble learning stuff. Why is that?

That's pretty pathetic of LoL then. I guess instead of surrendering and not wasting everyone's time with a match which is decided already they'd rather take the assrape until the very end.

It's genetic. It's important to be able to fuck women in several different positions and they have to arouse you visually.

See? Everything has a reason.

user, if a literal who whose entire identity before the tournament was "that weird guy who plays Invoker wrong" can win a tournament at the highest level, then anyone can.

even if you play a bot game itd take like atleast 10 minutes to break all the towers in one lane and end the game

how many lashes are they gonna get for touching a man that's not their husband

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>30 minute video
>"artificially lengthening the game"
lmao get rekt

me on the right

It was a jab how league is so snowbally that you can tell who wins 10 minutes in based on the number of creeps killed by each player.

Doesn't mean it will happen. The closest a girl has gotten to the mainstage in DOTA2 was some pubstar in a regional qualifier.
Also, TI is just weird. OG won 2 majors in their first season and tanked at TI6. Wings were literal nobodies and played against DC, the team of literal rejects from other NA/EU teams.

its a meme that girls only play supports so they banned all supports to meme them

which is a bullshit thing to be concerned about because banning 5 supports can be a legitimate strategy, they are just reading into the "sexist" subtext way too hard. there has been other games where people banned champs to spell out certain words with their first letter in their name and no one cared

Okay I looked up the redbull article on him and lets look at this quote:

"Topson announced that he planned to stream full-time, and started his grind on the road to becoming the number-one ranked player on European servers. It was a lofty goal, but Topson had the skills to get there – and not long after, on April 4, he'd reached the top."

He literally got the highest ladder position, he's not just some random shitter. This does not prove anything.

Riot threatening sanctions is new and noteworthy

The PLAYERS handled it fine. No tilt no rage. This is 100 percent white knighting on their behalf

You knoe what is a miracle?
RTZ still being a pro

In solo, the team members play support the most. Banning support really wasn’t a bad play.

Why does everyone mention America being like Rome or greece?

Are we that similar?

what's with the klingon on the left?

the desire to be good and achieve whatever the fuck they want is more important than their health. and as much as doctors like to talk shit about it being not true. we see all time that it is actually the opposite. people who reach the top have serious social issues and spend way more time than your average person at learning something. and i'm not talking about being famous. entering some prestigious college is enough. or how people with no college degree ends up making more money than people who finished paying their college debt but were still average.
will power > IQ. a retard that works himself to be less of an retard is more valuable than a genius who does fuck all all day everyday.

this is 100% the truth right here

I don't even get why this "ban five supports" is mentioned. If the game has a handful good supports, and a few of those is good against your strategy, picking one support and then banning the rest is just sound strategy if you want to cripple the enemy team.

Teams would do that all the time in Dota (since its competetive).

I agree 100% until this becomes the justification for shitting on the poor and downtrodden while handing tax breaks to the rich. In general, society wants you to believe that only lazy idiots have problems and deserve them in full, while the rich must be hard working saints who deserve to have dragon treasure hordes.

Tits. Occasionally ass.
You'll get more views for mud wrestling than you will for female MMA.

Being high ranked is nice, but ultimately Topson was the one high rank guy who was available at the time.
In pro dota, he is a nobody, his tournament earnings pre-TI were 300 bucks.
He just had the means to grind games day in day out to reach the top.

you know what's a miracle?
people are still willing to sponsor ppd's teams

drafting in dota is way more complicated than that

Game was 30 mins. And telling an owner how to spend his money on players is also riddiculos.

Because there's this stereotype of girls only playing supports and since banning supports isn't common in pro play it must mean they're mocking those girls
Because the fact that those were in fact their most played characters doesn't matter

no that is sexist even though real sport competitions have been doing it for millennia

>trans woman man thing



Joe Rogan is actually pretty redpilled on this
“You put Brock Lesnar in a dress and chop his balls off, he would still absolutely maul the womens heavyweight championship. It wouldn’t even be close”

>the only one who has derpy eyes

It's also worth noting that Riot originally coined "Moba" in an attempt to distance themselves from DotA and also attempted to snag the copyright, despite the fact that you can't copyright common nomenclature terms and that's what they were trying to craft.
Imagine if Bandaid had purposefully marketed their name as a replacement word for bandage instead of fighting it. And then tried to sue people anyway.

>52-2 is obviously extending the game just to style on them.
How does that make any sense? Can't those cunts just gg out when they think they've lost all hopes of winning? That's how you're expected to behave in starcraft isn't it?

EG won TI off being the only team who know how CDEC play

Ephemeral terminology used to highlight attributes that we find arousing.

Fuck no. They knew what they were getting into, and they’re gettin paid. Plus fame for any streaming,ectect

Have you seen them play? They know they’re out skilled, but have a fine attitude about it.

>The main concerns are two matches, where the kills were 52-2 against the girls and Riot threatened to fine the team who beat them for not ending the game faster

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You don't make decisions or react to things in gymnastics user. You practice a routine until you can do it the same over and over again.

>ban their top-picked supports so none of the can flexibly pick their best-performance support hero
>get punished for it
Ridiculous. If they wanted to actually shit on the opponent team, wouldn't have they picked no champions to ban?

>>only that nobody does it the moment something goes wrong
the original guy didnt claim this faggot