What does Yea Forums think of this game?
I just finished it and it seemed fantastic.
Tell me your complaints or if you liked it.
What does Yea Forums think of this game?
My computer can only run it at about 12-15fps and crashes in the factory but I have fun with it and sometimes the sound works on my one speaker which is just fine.
How? Is your computer fast enough to run Quake and Doom? Because of the low-poly textures and all that you can lower the detail of this game to make it run on virtually anything these days..
It’s pretty good actually
I got it as a gift and I had a blast playing through the episodes, guns feel powerful, maps are fully fleshed out and it does actually nail the feel of retro shooters
My computer is a little old, I can run doom ok but quake is choppy. But I like both those games too. I run Dusk on minimum everything
>it seemed fantastic
It is fantastic. I'm halfway through act 2.
The movement and gunplay just feels so fucking satisfying. Some great sound design too.
Mate what the fuck are your specs
I used to run Dusk like shit but Quake is flawless
I am not great with computers but here is what I remember
Intel penitum, think around 75mhz?
32mb ram
i have sound card of some type
1 terabyte of space
What OS are you running? Windows 98?
Fun game.
>a little
God this post makes me feel ancient. I had similar specs in my Packard-Bell win98 shitbox over 20 years ago, with a Cyrix MII-300GP 74MHz and 32MB and a Voodoo 2 v2 1000.
It's really great, but E1 is kind of bland compared to E2 and 3. Also I would've liked some more experimental weapons, but that's not really a complain.
>a LITTLE old
How the fuck does it even work?
>75mhz Intel Pentium
Just dumpster-dive for a better PC at that point.
why not just play quake tbqh
people compare quake to retro FPS but the levels look just completely slapdash thrown together...the entire point of classic fps is the levels, not just strafing around fast
My GOTY 2018 and high on the list of top shooters i've played ever.
Biggest complaint for me is you get all guns so early on so there's nothing cool to unlock later.
it's a joke user.
some of you on here are pretty dense. do you really think a guy is somehow posting on a processor from fucking 1996
if you aren't fucking with us, right click "my computer", click properties, and take a screenshot
great game but the gauntlet at the end was fucking terrible.
Is it anything like Blood?
This is bait
You never know.
Have you ever been to /g/?
Is LGR in this thread
Good game my only complaints are not enough weird weapons and it shouldnt let you have all the weapons 1/3th into the game, ruins the fun.
It has the blood voice actor in one of the levelsy.
>How? Is your computer fast enough to run Quake and Doom? Because of the low-poly textures and all that you can lower the detail of this game to make it run on virtually anything these days..
Btw the assertion that because Dusk looks kind of like Quake it should run as fast as Quake is completely wrong
that just isnt how things work. Dusk probably requires 10x Quake's processing powr
>Fun game
>this is bait
it's a lot like blood actually. like blood and quake had a baby
>3D Realms will announce its new FPS in 9 days
Hopes? Fears?
Quake 1 is not really that good
I'm the OP. Blood is way harder for me than this. Blood kicks my ass. Dusk is just fun. Doom is fairly easy though, I mean relatively, Nightmare is still nightmare. I'd say this is closer to Doom in difficulty but its design is more like Blood or even Redneck Rampage.
Quake 1 is the best FPS of all time and utterly shits on Dusk.
I'll agree but Dusk is still fun. Actually I prefer Doom but Quake is second.
Honestly you have a point there. The level design reminds me heavily of RR and it’s not that difficult
It's a fucking Unity game and Unity is the most unoptimized shit engine ever. EVERYTHING made with it runs like ass unless you are a fucking richfuck that got a $2000 megaPC with your mommy's credit card to play your shitty moviegames on.
Agree with your complaint.
Thanks for the feedback.
Thanks for the feedback. I'm going to go at it in a harder difficulty. Seems most of Yea Forums thinks it's pretty good.
Where the fuck is ion maiden
Nice final boss fight :^)
I'm just shitposting. Even if I have some serious complains about Quake 1, I still like a lot of things about it.
>this is what qualifies as a $2000 mega pc
you sound butthurt that you're poor
FPS games didnt have final bosses in 1996 nigga
Those "requirements" are bullshit. I have a better PC than that and to get 60FPS at the best times (and dips below whenever shit happens) I have to lower it to the absolute lowest resolution and the lowest settings.
Love when people point to the developer's horribly unresearched "system requirements" on Steam and think that has any basis in reality.
Wolf3d... Doom...
Jesus, kid. Play real videogames.
I played the whole thing on a $500 Laptop from 2014 and it runs incredibly smooth. Just lower the resolution and this game is not demanding.
>I have a better PC than that and to get 60FPS at the best times (and dips below whenever shit happens) I have to lower it to the absolute lowest resolution and the lowest settings.
(X) Doubt
>unnecessary n-word usage
I run this maxed out locked at 144fps.
The fuck are you on about?
>my pc is godly because rich mommy bought it so i will never know how it is to play games on realistic computers
(X) 100% certain
large enemy, not a "final boss"
the first final boss in a classic-style FPS game is the first boss of Painkiller
Hitler and Mastermind are effectively bullet sponge grunts. Just normal monsters.
>the best thing is the best thing
who would have thought. Still doesnt mean that you cannot enjoy more of the same formula with some new content.
Neck yourself, nigger.
Even if he’s shitposting, he’s absolutely right. My computer is well above recommended specs and even then it still runs like shit. It’s not optimized at all
nice projecting. you still sound assblasted. go get a job you smelly hippie.
no level design = not same formula
if you want more of the same pick up what the quake community has brought out for free. Stuff like Forgotten Sepulchre is better than the entire game of Dusk
I take offense to people comparing the games bc Dusk has no level design. Flat planes from anything ive seen.
Its really good, but you get all the guns too early and the second to last map shouldn't be a thing. Wave based survival is fine, but there's already a mode for that.
What the fuck do you think a final boss is, kid?
Holy hell. What, does a "final boss" need to be some sort of fucking PRESS X TO WIN Dragon's Lair fight or something? God fucking damn it, children. Stop playing shit games.
>fully admits he didn't even play it
You shouldn't make assumptions if you haven't played it then. There are some flat levels that are more like an arena but most of the game is very much about fairly complex level design.
Lower the res and detail. That's what I do.
The best game of the last two decades.
Its too easy outside of Cero Meido, but that was the problem with retro shooters back then too.
You're still a fucking retard for comparing a unity game to glorious C
Thanks for the feedback. Just good to see others enjoyed it too.
a final boss has to be significantly larger in size or different in scale/scope than other fights in the game
Hitler is not a final boss. It's a bullet sponge chaingun guy.
Mastermind is not a final boss. It's a bullet sponge chaingun guy also, effectively
The first boss of painkiller however is apparently 100 feet tall. That's a final boss. The first final boss in FPS games.
only the trash games are unoptimized because the devs have no idea what they're doing, give Unity to competent devs and they will make the game run nicely because it's just an another engine
A solid 8/10.
>The good
1. Guns all feel excellent and have their niche uses. No one weapon is overpowered like Super Shotty in Doom 2.
2. Incredible horror atmosphere up there with Bloodborne and Silent Hill
3. Amazingly catchy soundtrack (with "Occultivated" being my favorite track)
4. Lots of memorable enemy encounters and designs (the "Horror" enemies introduced in Act 3 are particularly unnerving)
5. Perfect pacing
6. No hitscan attacks
7. 90 percent of the game's enemy placement and general difficulty are fair (I'll get to the exceptions in a bit)
8. Movement system feels good and is easy to use, while still having a high skill ceiling
9. Very good level design for the very most part
>The bad
1. Bosses still suffer from being shit like in all FPS games. It's all just bullet sponges that you beat by bunny hopping in one direction all day while using up as many of your bullets as possible unless you are a bitch and use soap
2. E2M9 is pure garbage. It's the only level that cannot be beaten in Duskmare difficulty without tons of save states and luck. Jakob is E2M10 also feels incredibly random as far as his AI goes.
3. Though the existing enemy roster is great, the game still needs way more enemies
4. Resources wasted on Duskworld, which nobody ever plays.
5. Some levels feel incomplete and rough around the edges, like the secret level in Act 1.
its way better than doom
>What does Yea Forums think of this game?
It's fucking fantastic. It really is. It's one of those games that baffles me with how much effort has been put into it on deeper levels. My first run through first episode made me feel a bit disappointed, but man... this is one good piece of game design.
My only complaints would be that a couple of levels in Ep1 are kinda crappy: the Steam Machine and the Mines in particular. They are still fairly fun on Intruder mode, but they are dull to explore.
>Its too easy outside of Cero Meido
That might be because the game is actually primarily ballanced around Intruder mode, which makes non-Intruder runs a little too supply-heavy very easily, thus diminishing the challenge.
E3M9, despite how simple it is, I think it works primarily on a narrative level. You've had this story progression the entire game and now that you're at the end, they're just throwing fucking everything they have at you. Yes it's just wave survival, but it didn't feel that way to me, the stakes seemed much higher, specially because in survival you know you'll eventually die, but here you know you absolutely have to endure no matter what. To me it was one of the most intense levels because of this, but I understand the issues some have with it.
So... anyone tried Amid Evil?
I've been playing it lately. It's not nearly as polished as Dusk is, but it had been a lot of fun for a while.
Now I finished the third episode and while the first level was actually fantastic, the second and third level of Ep3 (the acolyte path or whatever) were PURE. GARBAGE.
PLEASE tell me the remaining three episodes are better!
Meant to write E3M9
It's fucking fantastic
Lower the settings, friend. Play at 1024x768 too
Old Time Religion had the best BGM.
Why is it still in early access if all episodes have been released?
Dusk exited early access when episode 3 was complete.
Poor movement, poor gameplay, poor controls, inconsistent mechanics, looks (and plays) like one of the billion bad Quake clones from 1996. And runs like ass because Unity is fucking awful. Should have used one of the many Quake sourceports for its engine which would have fucking MADE SENSE, but noooo, they had to use the unoptimized as fuck and botnet-filled goddamn Unity engine that sends all your fucking data back to Unity without your permission or knowledge. (Seriously, look up Unity's license and see that it does that, exactly. Don't play Unity games, kids.)
i think its better than quake
Best post on Yea Forums.
>Quake 1 is the best FPS of all time
Objectively wrong
>Why is it still in early access if all episodes have been released?
They haven't, EP7 is still in development. Also, to be frank, the game needs a lot of polish, though I'm not sure how much commitment the devs are going to put to it.
It has a lot of spots to get stuck on, a lot of enemies flying around in T poses, a lot of A.I. going full retard.
And frankly, the fucking ep 3 just needs a complete overhaul.
>Should have used one of the many Quake sourceports for its engine which would have fucking MADE SENSE
you can't just make a commercial product on the quake engine and sell it, lol
My problem with E3M9 is that it doesn't have any kind of thought put into enemy placement or encounter design. In all other levels you feel the placements of each enemies was done deliberately and carefully, whereas here it's just throwing wave after wave of you.
Another problem I have is that its existence is fucking redundant thanks to Endless Mode. Why even have E3M9 when you already have an entire separate game mode dedicated to that, and is more fun anyway because you have more than just a circular platform to work with?
But the real cancer of E3M9 doesn't rear its ugly head until Duskmare difficulty, because unless you use tons of save states, then you are going to be resetting from the start a lot, as one direct hit from an enemy attack, even from a rat, kills you in one hit.
Quake is better yo.
Purest essence of Yea Forums's contrarianism you'll ever see, kids. Gaze upon it's pathetic magnificence.
This has to be bait
Doom 2 fucking sucks
yes i too prefer the game that auto-aims for me where all the action takes place in four axes instead of six
Reminder that doom preferers have really small hands, wear ugly scarves, and like flat soda
Yeah you can.
The first 16 levels of doom 2 are better than episodes 2 and 3 of Doom
It's not fair to compare all 32 episodes of doom 2 against episode 1 and claim that because the percentage of quality is higher in the latter that the former is shit. That's a retarded way of thinking.
It's a 4/10. Music is terribly generic, combat encounters are very easy and the enemy designs are poor. They lack the interesting traits of anything like the monsters from Quake. The weapons feel pretty mediocre. The designers appeared to not want to have any sort of dedication to designing a strong movement model and will essentially let you scale anything with a bit of spamming the jump key. The large flat maps or the cramped corridor maps lack an identity or sense of place. Compare it to any Quake map, especially something like E1M5 and the levels in Dusk feel explicitly like disjointed rooms with no sense of flow, long corridors for the sake of spacing things out instead of purpose. The final episode goes full retard with its gimmicks and goofiness. It just isn't fun. It's intensely tedious if anything and the challenge completely disappears, culminating in a god awful set of final bosses.
false on two counts
1) when people talk about doom 1 levels 95% of what they talk about is episode 1. thats 9 levels out of 27 (or 36). doom 2 on the other hand has at least half the levels be great but because its not split into episodes youre more likely to focus on the worse levels
2) opinions on the original games aside, all mods use doom 2 as the base because it simply offers so much more base content
No you can't, it would be a violation of the license under which it was released
Does your computer start with a key?
> it would be a violation of the license under which it was released
it would not be. Read the licenses for these engines.
Yeah like I said, I think the complains are valid but it still clicked with me. David admitted it was by far the most divisive level in the game and it doesn't surprise me.
The GPL does not contain a non-commercial clause. This would go against the free software definition the GPL is specifically designed to enforce.
Wrong. Derivative works of GPL must be distributed under the same terms from which they were derived.
That only concerns the license terms. The GPL has no non-commercial clause so you can sell GPL licensed software as much as you want. If you were not allowed to it would not be free software by the free software definition by the FSF.
Please educate yourself about software licensing before spouting bullshit user.
It requires far more than that, because it runs on goddamn Unity.
You need to press the turbo button on your case, dummy.
>The GPL has no non-commercial clause so you can sell GPL licensed software as much as you want.
whilst including your full source code, yeah.
Not necessarily. Taking the Quake example you'd have to release the source code of the (probably modified) engine but any QuakeC you write to actually implement your game could stay proprietary.
It's fucking shit. The enemies are thoughtless garbage, the level design is like a bad HL1 mod, the game is filled with shit you will never see or use and only exists to be shown off in trailers (backflips), the visuals are absolutely abhorrent and literal leagues worse than even the earliest id Software tech demos, the soundtrack gets old really quick, and the developers and their hired shills and community managers are insufferable.
just go play Quake.
Not played it. How is it?
If anything this game is the most optimized Unity game yet. It runs perfectly fine.
interested to see what the quake mappers working on it will have to say once the NDA is somewhat lifted instead of just swinging their dicks around going I'M WORKING AT 3D REALMS NOW AND WE'RE MAKING A GAME ON DARKPLACES AND IT'S GONNA BE GREAT GUISE
not to say there aren't some fantastic Q1 mappers but a fair few of them seem to spend all day just getting people to huff their farts
Well aren't you just a bundle of joy.
>2/10 wouldn't bang
why would anyone do that
IIRC, Darkplaces is the easiest Quakelike engine to actually sell a game on, because it uses some different sort of licensing agreement and isn't technically a Quake engine any more, just an engine that's (mostly) capable of running Quake content.
I'm a goddamn melting pot of friendship, unless your name is Dave Oshry, you shilling faggot.
>and only exists to be shown off in trailers (backflips)
Backflips exist you casual fuck. Jump, then pull your mouse up and keep pulling it up.
I didn't say they weren't in the game, I said they only exist to be shown off in trailers to people who think it's a new thing. There's literally zero reason to use them when you can just turn around like a normal person and not deal with having to correct a second axis afterwards, assuming you're not a cripple or playing with a controller and thus can only turn around at 90 degrees every few seconds.
Biggest problem is the gun design has a lot of redundancy to it. 2 level actions, sword and double barrel do basically the same thing. Only reason sword has those health requirements is the fact otherwise it would make double barrel completely useless. Otherwise a good game.
They exist so you can show off while playing, much like the slide which has no real purpose and often might kill you in stages with hazards in them. Nothing wrong with having multiple additional ways to move in a game.
what the fuck could back flipping be other than to show off?
>2 level actions, sword and double barrel
if lever gun and crossbos is what you mean by "2 level actions" they're completely different things. lever gun shoots a hitscan twice, if you manage to kill with first one the second one will hit enemy behind him. crossbow goes through all enemies but deals 2x less damage. also sword and shotgun are not like each other especially when you rarely have enough HP and Morale to utilize sword to it's fullest
Show off to who? It doesn't take any extra mechanical skill to do, it's hardly showing off. Showing off would be speeding around levels if bunny hopping required actual bhopping aim and inputs instead of being the Painkiller style "just hold direction(s) and jump repeatedly" that they used.
From what I understand, levels 5 and 6 are substantially better than the preceding ones. I have only done levels 1, 2, and 4 (accidentally skipped 3) so far.
>bunny hopping required actual bhopping aim and inputs instead of being the Painkiller style "just hold direction(s) and jump repeatedly" that they used
there's nothing wrong with making bunnyhop more "logical". even Quake Champions is like that because mouse look affecting your speed is nothing but a bug in physics engine.
i liked it, the later levels like that floating temple and church/cathedral in the middle of a hellscape were top tier, one of the few recent games that didn't disappont
they were gimmicky as fuck
Amid Evil's episodes are kinda uneven given the extremely weird design choice they made for how episodes work but overall it's a great game, especially the newest episodes (Forge, Arcane). Try other episodes and see for yourself.
great game. desperately needs more content though. the enemy and weapon variety are both good but also both just a tiny bit short of being good enough to make it interesting to play multiple times. also needs mod support
maybe im just a sucker for serious sam mob arenas?
DP is shit for vanilla Quake but better for anything else, like making a new game.
>even Quake Champions is like that
No, it isn't. It has optional autohop like Quake Live does so you don't have to time your jump button presses; you still need to move your mouse or else you'll gain speed so slowly that you might as well not bother trying at all, and using autohop also limits your speed gain. The one exception is characters with CPMA movement, but they're for chumps anyway.
>there's nothing wrong with taking a skill-based skill that requires practice and technique and taking the skill out of it
That's wrong, you retard. It lowers the skill ceiling. Shit like this is why Quake Champions failed like the steaming pile it is
>QC failed because only hardcore gamers know how to play it
>QC failed because it's too easy
there a crack for the game?
I'll buy it if its really good, but my attention span is too short for my skinny wallet to risk
Not him but it fails to adhere to the nische audience (mostly due to the artstyle probably, it doesn't look like "Quake") and is too hardcore for normies to get into. There's not much sense of community either unless you're an enthusiast hanging around on third party websites/discord.
it's ok, I'd rather play the games its inspired by
Except I only said one of those things? where is the confusion
there is nothing hardcore about QC, it is simple
probably, you already have shit taste.
i won it on duskmare and i don't get why would you complain like a bitch like that, its literally bunnyhop on the edges without falling forever while holding the sword to block random hits until 80% of the enemies kill each other then you just clean up
i mean seriously the game is super easy in duskmare if you play like a bitch, at least that level gives the 100% dodgeable enemies a chance to hit you
>Old Time Religion
>Not Erebus Reactor
Every Quake looks different, though. The one argument that could be made is that Q:C looks too clean, but that's more a side effect of different hired artists working on the same project- a number of the levels have a good Q1 vibe going on (intentional, as Q:C is supposed to carry the visual styles of Q1, not Q3) and some of the character models like Visor look great, but with others they were too afraid to go for the metal-in-flesh wetware grunge look that Q3A carried so heavily that made the playermodels iconic.
I mean, the last mainline Quake game came out- at the time of Q:C's release- thirteen or so years ago. Anything you could possibly do would look different just due to the change in graphical fidelity.
I thought it was the worst level in the game, but I still somewhat enjoyed it.
Fuckin loved the game overall, I need to do another run soon.
They tried too hard to make it look retro. It somehow looks more low-poly than Quake, which means it doesn't actually look like any old game.
>number of the levels have a good Q1 vibe going on (intentional
they said this, and as a massive quake1 fan, i felt absolutely zero of it. nothing of the game resembles Q1. Parts resemble Q3.
Glad to hear that. I though episode 1 was... fine, ep 2 was actually great fun and really elevated my expectations, ep 3, first mission was pure joy. But my god the following two were bad. They felt like someone tried to be Serious Sam without the varied enemies (or enemies designed for the arenas to begin with) or the weapon variety. Or the enemy numbers.
The whole Ep. 3 felt like everything was designed to accomodate for the first level, but then they realized "shit, we can't do this twice", panicked and threw together absolute shit from scraps. The Golems and Wraights work in the first level, because it's all narrow corridors and thin ledges above lava and death pits, but they ABSOLUTELY do not work in wide corridors and for three hours straight.
It's not just the polycount, it's the textures- they're abhorrent. The tiling is super obvious in the environment because they don't do much to break up the wide open areas, and in tighter areas everything looks cobbled together because there's no unified palette (the filter just crunches each texture individually IIRC, not applies one palette to the whole game) and no standards for texture resolution unlike Quake's standard 1 texel = 1 map unit scale. The models are also fucky, they just pasted photos of jeans and plaid shirts and shit into the UV maps without bothering to paint in any light gradients or shadows in areas like arms, legs, etc. which Quake made heavy use of so the models would look good by themselves. Quake also had rudimentary dynamic lighting on player and enemy models (always lit brighter from one side of the map, not accurate to the in-map lighting but to ensure one side of the model was always brighter as it moved around), something games like Dusk seem to forget and assume the models all just had flat lighting at all times.
Some of the maps I feel like they do- Blood Covenant, Sarnath, etc.- but some like Awoken are close but not quite and Longest Yard's remake is just shite. What they really should have done was a map in the style of Q1 techbase with those trapezoidal wall patterns everywhere, but I guess they're still insisting on only making maps for their four Old One realms (and don't have any artists left to make a new asset set).
This. Quake levels have a grand feel, like they're individual dungeons in a Zelda game, but they have a fantastic sense of place. Dusk fails at this entirely. If you want this feeling I'd strongly suggest playing maps from the quake community. Sock's maps are great like metal monstrosity or the horde of zendar. The latter of which feels like this complete and intricate city. The Something Wicked This Way Comes series is also fantastic. The map jams are great, MFX makes great levels. They have that Quake feel.
>(always lit brighter from one side of the map, not accurate to the in-map lighting but to ensure one side of the model was always brighter as it moved around)
huh i never knew this but when i think about it for like 1 millisecond i can instnatly see how it is in my head. there's always one "bright" side
user was talking about Quake Champs maps, not Dusk. You're correct, though.
Yeah, it's a really small thing and IIRC doesn't even show up properly in engines that let you show the lightmap (as enemy models are always inherently drawn at twice what the brightness of the floor they're on is, to ensure they 'pop' enough that the player can see them to fight back), but it does a lot to help things look more lively when they're moving around, even if it rarely if ever matches the actual light sources in the map.
>Show off to who? It doesn't take any extra mechanical skill to do,
It takes mechanical skill to do that while shooting enemies at the same time accurately. People have made videos of beating Doom and Quake levels in creative ways for years and you're seriously asking why people would want to show off in games like these?
my mistake. Just play Quake maps.
lots of old 3d games had neat lighting tricks because it was so expensive to do "realistic" lighting
go in super mario 64 and pay attention to the walls when you move the camera around, you will notice that all the walls more to the right of the center of the screen are shaded darker. it looks weird when you are looking for it but it actually subtly helps with depth perception at a cheap expense
the more you know!
I remember taking a portal to a boss room. The boss was really fast and that panicked me so I jumped back through the portal. When I jumped back in the boss was dead. Apparently I telefragged it? That was pretty cool
this they just didn't have the artistic talent to pull of a true Quake looking game. the levels in quake still look cool to this day, and that is thanks to great artists.
at least the gameplay is decent. it's good enough for a play, but it's no Quake.
>posts fujoshit
>likes dusk
>likes gimmicks
>likes seriously samey
I expect nothing and I'm still disappointed.
the game was made by like 2 people + musicguy of course it cannot compare to what was a big studio game back then.
Maybe they should have hired and artist instead of a couple shills. Or even tried to clean up the art themselves, the burn tool in Photoshop isn't that hard to use.
no u
Old Time Religion is the best atmospheric track while Erebus Reactor is the best balls to the wall action track.
Graphically yes, but it still has some kind of artistic direction that was fluid between the first three games. Q:C? Not so much. The relation between Q:C and the prior games are like a fanfics relation to the original canon.
qc is a soft reboot of q3 canon, sometimes for the better sometimes for the worse
Tasteless, retarded faggot
Think Quake gameplay with Blood and Redneck Rampage themes (cultists, old gods, and rednecks in bumfuck nowhere).
Not sure what makes you think Amid Evil is anything like Serious Sam. Amid Evil is inherently more like Doom simply by having actual level design, enemy/item placement, and key hunting. If anything it's closer to a modern day Heretic, which itself is fantasy Doom.
Devs explicitly stated QC happens before Q3.
Awesome level design, music and gameplay. AWESOME level design. Fuck me it was immersive. Never had a game flip the switch so successfully and frequently from hard action to ass-clenching horror. My only complaint was that the final boss was boring and the voice acting for it killed it. It was a throwback to Quake's Shub-Niggurath, but Shub was really ominous and stiff, like a bizarre, cancerous growth. DUSK's was just a giant starfish with the same gimmick as the first boss from the first Painkiller. Also love how you can essentially ignore every boss fight in the entire game, very clever and risky decision.
Actually no, it isn't. It's a good game.
Amid Evil is explicitly and unapologetically a successor to Heretic, you're right. Man did I find it fucking boring though.
>Man did I find it fucking boring though
That's too bad. Have you tried Ion Maiden?
can I get some sauce?
Yeah, that's solid. Level design is a little too close to DN3D which I wasn't a fan of, but it's a lot more coherent in its layout at least. But I'm a basic bitch, DOOM's E1 and Serious Sam are my all-time favourites of the genre.
>reading comprehension
do not listen to syncerror
we trained him wrong, as a joke
So you're saying that reskinned enemies don't count as bosses.
>niche audience
>average players of quake live and world barely break 300 players
>QC managed to peak 10,000 and fluxuates around 1.5-600
That's niche. Even games nobody cares today about like Insurgency still able to hit 2k players in daytime.
Shitty boomer bait. Trash game.
Pretty neat stuff but could never keep my attention. I would play two maps and then quit. Come back 4 months later. Repeat.
I should give it another proper shot because I've been itching for a new FPS game and not going back to the old ones again.