Devil May Bayonetta thread
Do you prefer the first, or second?
Devil May Bayonetta thread
Do you prefer the first, or second?
I don't play her games because they're boring.
i remember liking 2 more but i havent played either in a long time
i think i preferred it because i like the way she dressed it 2 more
1 is better than 2.
The worst bit about 1 is all the daft minigames, and 2 doubles down on them.
They're both enjoyable games.
I prefer the first but 2 is pretty good as well. I am confident 3 will combine the best aspects of both games.
Wish they had given us some concept art when they mentioned the game in the direct.
I am hoping for crossover fights against palutania and pit or at least a palutania costume for Bayo.
>Bayonetta thread
stop that
There's already a DMC thread up, you could've just said Bayo thread and it'd be fine.
>2 doubles down on them
Not really, the riding sequence in 2 is way shorter than the bike one in the first, same with the plane riding one compared to the missile, and there's no Angel Attack between levels. I enjoy 2 more than 1 precisely because they cut down on that crap from the first one.
>No Angel Attack.
This is a fucking godsend.
They are both great, but 2 is overall more polished and a better playing experience.
There are slight improvements to the combat, but also less variety in fights. I know people hated some of the more gimmicky boss fights in one but that helped the pacing. I like her hair in 2, but her clothes are worse, plus her hair in 1 despite looking a bit weird has more sense. 1 is also just a more over the top specticle and has somehow better graphics. 2 feels oddly empty and ameteurishly done at times.
2's encounters all just kinda run together for me. Umbran Climax was a big mistake.
Does anyone played it on the switch with the joycons ?
Loved the first game but dont want to buy a pro controller for one game
>2 doubles down on them
Literally the opposite
I did, my right thumb was hurting from holding the face buttons down because they're so narrow and stick out from the controller too much.
PS4 release when?
1 is the better game, 2 is easier to jump back into
The important question is what's your favourite weapon and why is it Onyx Rose?
I 100%'d the first one. Only played the second once, gave up on the Rodin fight
I really enjoyed the Chain Chomp weapon
Is she supposed to be Asian?
I wish we could get Bayonetta looking like this, with long straight hair and non-exaggerated limb proportions. This actually looks like a woman. This actually attractive instead of the female Slenderman that we call the official Bayonetta.
Generic European.
I fucking hate Bayonetta.
She's black.
I just started playing the first game again on PC after having 100%ed it on PS3.
I am still not sure if 2 is good enough for me to dust the useless POS that's my Switch.
>Bayonetta came out the same year as Demon's Souls
>yet despite being the actual harder game (even Hard difficulty is already harder than anything in Demon's Souls, let alone Non Stop Infinite Climax), it was Demon's Souls that got the reputation for being a hard game
Why? Why did Bayonetta instead get a reputation for being casual?
2 isn't as deep mechanically as 1 is but I still really like it. I'd say at least give it a shot.
Shiet, I've not even picked the second one up on my Switch yet. I'm going through a replay too.
She's not a regular human though so there's no reason to give her realistic proportions
because people had the option of making it easy and literally play itself, unlike demon souls.
You get to choose your difficulty in games like Bayonetta, you don't get to pick your difficulty in souls games.
Bayonetta has a normal and easy mode, where as DeS forces the player to play at a harder than normal difficulty.
Remove the nerdy glasses from Bayonetta, as well as that dumb mole, and she'd be much more attractive.
You're so fucking wrong. Why do you choose to be wrong?
Because you have savepoints out the ass in Bayonetta.
>Get killed
No problem have a full HP refill and a bump to literally 180 seconds ago.
>Missed a QTE
No worries, here's a savepoint LITEARLLY as the QTE started
>Not sure if there is something is down there and wanna fall off the ledge to check
NOPE Can't have you endangering yourself around these scary edges, here's an invisible wall to keep you safe
>simply suck on all levels like a subhuman
There's a one-handed more for you! No worries
I 100%ed both Demon Souls and Bayonetta, Demon Souls is harder on all levels.
>maker her more generic
don't you have a body pillow to jerk off to already?
Cheevos mean nothing in Bayonetta, especially considering that there is no cheevo for beating NSIC or getting Pure Platinums (which are the hardest things to do in the game).
back in black
This. Current Bayo looks like a tranny, which only serves to solidify the fact that Yea Forums is fucking gay
Come on man even you've got to admit that's a stretch to turn this into a pol thread
I liked 2 better. The removal of poorly implemented QTEs made the gameplay a lot more enjoyable.
Bayo 1 for the combat.
Bayo 2 for the fun.
Remove the mole, yes.
Keep the glasses.
What's wrong with the mole?
Is Bayonetta taller than Dante?
Bayo is like 12 heads tall
They are like Freckles. Imagine fucking someone, opening your eyes, and seeing a cancer tumor on their face as you try french kissing them.
2 had a vastly better combat system with the enemy weights, but its weapons were absolute fucking trash.
On balance, I think Bayonetta 1 was probably better, even though it's combat was less tight, it was more fun.
I think you need to go back to Japan
The first.
Going back to Devil May Cry et al after playing a lot of Bayonetta feels so jank, like you're playing as a robot.
>2 isn't as deep mechanically as 1 is
What? It's the same damn system.
That's dumb. You're dumb. Freckles are fine, they tie the whole country girl persona together. The same way a mole ties the mature woman persona.
On top of that, there's like 4 games announced by Platinum. How are they gonna do all this despite being nowhere a major dev team
>They are like Freckles.
Sexy? I bet you don't even like facial scars or birthmarks either you pleb.
>no cheevo for beating NSIC or getting Pure Platinums
NSIC is easy as fuck, PPing on the other hand is such a fucking chore because the game has levels that are far too long and fucking up at the end means trying again (also there's no fucking retry option, you had to quit to mission select every time). Got hit during Jeanne 4? Have fun doing that obnoxiously long and shit Space Harrier section AGAIN.The only action game that is fun to do the full game at max rank on highest difficulty is DMC1.
>He doesn't like freckles
How to spot a faggot with shit taste 101
You can quit to title when you get hit, then resume from your last checkpoint.
I found Metal Gear Rising fun too, it had the retry option that Bayonetta was lacking.
Why would you be fucking someone whose face you've apparently never seen before with your eyes closed in the first place?
I don't care who did it, that's their choice but that's cheaty as fuck and the only reason people are chill with it is because otherwise PPing the game would be a total ball ache. SS ranking DMC3 was harder to do on a skill level but at least mission per mission was tons more doable, no gimmicks and IMO DMC3 is a much better designed game.
MGR was fun, but far too easy. Let's be real here, the only game with a good parrying mechanic was DMC3, the parry windows for Bayo and MGR were fucking huge, that said, Bat Within just-frames were the absolute shit and in some cases more satisfying than Royal Guard.
It also helps that perfectly timed royalguards make my pp super hard.
Does someone have the webm of Dante doing Royal Release on that boss in 5?
I prefer Bayonetta 2 if we're talking about just doing a single playthrough of each game, but in terms of replayability I much prefer Bayonetta 1 because of its more demanding gameplay and better unlockables.
>It also helps that perfectly timed royalguards make my pp super hard.
It wasn't just that, imperfect just guards were a shitty consolation and in some cases didn't stop you from getting absolutely rekt. At best, an imperfect parry just limited the damageyou took but in MGR/Bayo they had IIRCm aybe small chip on the MGR one but it was still really safe and in Bayo you just didn't get the sick counter and Witch Time but it was still extremely forgiving, it's actually sad how easy they were.