What's that thing about vidya you miss but that will never come back?
What's that thing about vidya you miss but that will never come back?
midnight releases?
Quality single player games
Being able to play console games without having to install them.
coming home from school or whatever on a friday to play my ps2 all day.
Fucking this.
These are still made.
Lan parties easily. There was something comfy about setting up your own lan party with 7 other friends, ordering some food and just having some fun matches. It's gone now.
Easter Eggs that weren’t spoiled online
Nice communities.
online multiplayer games without "skill based matchmaking"
It's easier then ever, though.
How come gamers in literally any photo taken in the 90s were greasy schoolshooter looking fucks?
You used to wait on line for midnight releases, and all sorts of people would show up: your teachers, your friends, that one guy who was hosting a gangbang, everyone!
Now it's just digital all the time.
Incentive for playing the game
Gamesharks/Action Replays. Hell, cheat codes in general.
Not if everyones just like "dude lets just play online xd"
They look happy to me. You can feel genuine friendship in that photo.
Well the school shooter look didn't change until you went to school
The days when video games were esoteric weirdo stuff, i.e: gaming before 2007
>What's that thing about vidya you miss but that will never come back?
When games where mysterious and you couldn't look up a full video walkthrough 5 weeks before release.
>Rocket power
I'm ashamed I watched that as a kid
You have Cheat engine
I miss being able to just say some foul shit to someone in a competitive game's chat, and not having to be all passive aggressive in fear of the devs banning me.
Splitscreen/couch co-op on console
When I could innocently play vidya as a kid without feeling guilty about not having a life
t. 29yo
The fun
do you miss saying the n word user
Cybercafés, games being more enigmatic due to the incapability of looking up the information online.
Cheats, inb4 save editors/cheat engines, enjoy your ban
el goblino
Christ this hit me hard. She reminds me of my best friend back in elementary school. We used play Pokemon together all the time and would have sleepovers at each others houses every weekend.
It will never be the same.
Cheat/codes that add crazy things into the game
Free online for console
No installing in physical console games
Single player based games and then thinking of adding online modes
Unlocking things in the game by beating modes or through requirements, not buying dlc shit and then still having to buying with in-game money
Diablo 2
having fun
Much better than now, certainly. It was genuine, not done for Internet fame and driven by commercialism.
High skill ceiling multiplayer games
I still have an arcade near home and my friends still play in local multiplayer when possible so only this I think...being able to be regular in a server, form friendships and of course mod the game to the point that it wasn't recognizable
Fuck off shoobie
90s nerds. There was something authentic and charming about them. Now they're just a bunch of sensitive fags
ooh I came up with a lot worse than the N word.
The lack of centralized meta because of no internet. It made playing fighting games in other towns and cities with arcades really exhilarating.
Now there’s only infinite tier-list autism and no arcades.
honestly if its not 1 liners then yeah i'm with you.
Then get friends who are willing to go in person. Stop making excuses, faggot.
Going out to rent games from the corner Movie rental store.
Playing Dragon's Dogma for the first time.
The nerds who actually have fun programming games.
>That bonkle
not having the inescapable feeling that i should be doing something else in the back of my head while i play games
it's still the same instead of being in a room with other people we just hang on discord and game.
The vidya genre where people still do that somewhat often is fighting games because playing online is shit. But even there, you still have more and more online warriors.
>killer clowns from outer space
Good gameplay, graphics that don't look like people vomited textures and stupid shit lighting effects all over the screen, being able to play a game without a fucking story interrupting every five seconds...
This is great.
No girls
No trannies
No politics
Just vidya
Being able to make your own servers in multiplayer games.
Physical copies of PC games and artistic freedom.
This. The only way to actually get better at anything is to be with people that are better at said thing and get fucked by them over and over and over until eventually you're one of them. Modern day match making virtually killed mulitplayer for me. Not to mention it's fun for the good players to shit stomp the n00bs too.
No you get the fuck out with your bullshit, dumbass.
Driving home from the mall in dads shitty SUV reading the manual for my new vidya. Also that manual smell
Getting home from school on Friday and hopping on to xbox live and arguing with friends on which game out of CoD4, GoW, and Halo to play. The laughter and good times will never happen again.
Playing games after school and not having to worry about responsibilities.
getting called a nigger on maplestory by a girl
Decent enough bait.
They are still around
Modern Warfare MP and calling people fags online also saying their football team is shit which pissed people off more than slurs
the mystery of playing a game is gone, thanks to full playthroughs and letsplayers
In my opinion, uploading a whole game should be ilegal, and devs/publishers should avoid doing or supporting it
now it takes literally seconds to find something that you are stuck in
I don't care about gamefaqs, but having the video of everything ruins the magic, and MANY people cheat and check those guides on the regular, and then diss the game for being bad
Middle sized companies with both the money and the passion to experiment and innovate which gave us interesting and memorable games with good or even great production value.
Now everything is either ugly pixelated 2D indieshit or AAA shallow cashgrabs
This. I should have died before hitting 30
>the mystery of playing a game is gone, thanks to full playthroughs and letsplayers
That's like saying
>the mystery of opening presents on christmas is gone, thanks to me peeking at the presents before they're wrapped
You are a very dumb person.
no I am not
back when there was no internet, the only resource if you get stuck were your friends or the magazines
and that was fantastic because you really get invested in the game
now? let me check my phone for literally 30 seconds
Going on shitty websites looking for cheatcodes
>now it takes literally seconds to find something that you are stuck in
You could, not use them
>and MANY people cheat and check those guides on the regular, and then diss the game for being bad
Valid complaint
>You could, not use them
ofc, but having the so goddamn easy availability ruins games left and right
it is in my opinion one of the reasons why point and click is dead: people check the solutions, instead of investing the time to find hints in the dialogues
Thick manuals with artwork and lore background text
>now? I literally can't help myself, it's the letsplayers fault!
As I said, you are a VERY dumb person.
those beautiful, autistic mechanic breakdowns and guides in text on gamefaqs
those authors were fucking great
I am going to switch things up a little: I am NOT GOING TO MISS the days when the only reviews available were in printed magazines
there was a time were vidya critics were literally scammers, and thanks to communities, those days are gone
>game is dead because I have no willpower to not cheat
This person literally exists lmao
I miss the times when I had like 40 different vidya websites and forums in my bookmarks. Today all of those websites are down, forums are dead and Yea Forums is the only place I get video game news from.
>>now? I literally can't help myself, it's the letsplayers fault!
who said that? it seems like you can't understand that if the info is so easily accessible, the game value goes down
it is the same as with movie spoilers
a movie like Six Sense can't have the same success now that the internet is everywhere
give me source please
data mining on PC
it is cool but it ruins launch day hype on the regular
He means that most people are like that, so it's no use.
>In Gears, found out 90% of first time players don’t play a second multiplayer match if they don’t get a kill. That first game’s important…
> — Lee Perry Yo! (@MrLeePerry) September 2, 2017
>How did they fix this? Simple. They gave first-time players major advantages like additional damage bonuses that tapered off with your first few kills.
>So we started you off with some major advantages (like additional damage bonuses) that tapered off with your first few kills.
> — Lee Perry Yo! (@MrLeePerry) September 2, 2017
>just because I implied it doesn't mean I SAID it
I wonder how this kid was able to make it to Yea Forums today without accidentally killing himself
Can't help you sorry.
I mean yeah it sucks ass but in the same way stupid dumb fuck normies ruin MMO raids for themselves by looking up guides, there's nothing really stopping you from just staying ignorant. Ignorance is bliss and all.
There are probably hundreds of game dev teams like the ones above, just not the AAA ones that get a ton of exposure through Yea Forums shitposting.
you probably can't understand because you did not live the days of lucas arts, and the cult following behind their games
now the solution to any puzzle is two clicks away
that ruins the culture around the game, because there is no effort in finding the solution
oh so you are just bumping the thread
take care
All the studios EA murdered.
Pre-WoW Blizzard.
>I know I said this but I actually meant something else that still makes me look like a retard
Nice try, I guess
Those games you play while waiting for the game to load.
I miss command and conquer
He should try making funny crystals.
Yes, I am bumping the thread. That's how Yea Forums works. I'm glad you were able to grasp that simple concept, brainlet. Maybe there's hope for you after all.
>Calling samefag because I agree with the guy
Holy shit dude
Agreed, and the whole overdoing the preorder bullshit. I'd argue that what made apex kind of so successful was it dropped completely randomly and people didn't have time to data mine it at all. So people went into a game blind which is very fucking rare these days and had fun.
The day when internet wiki is not yet a thing and you and your friends actually meet up to discuss vidya
Don't you have a phone ?
>I'm totally not that same guy, I'm just defending like-minded retards
lmao I'm dead
Complete content in games instead of cut content for day 1 DLC.
Dedicated servers.
Being able to play console games without installing them and waiting for updates.
Actual in-game cheat codes that you didn't have to pay money for.
Unlocking bonuses for beating the game or finding secret paths/endings instead of now paying for these bonuses.
Having access to the same game content as everyone else no matter where you bought it from and whether you pre-ordered or not.
An actual challenge.
This except that inescapable feeling keeps me from launching anything lately.
don't do this it makes bags of sand
Demo discs.
it is really dumb that you can't grasp my point, and prefer to insult again and again
quite pathetic
and now that you mention it, I guess you were not even alive when there was no internet, so you can't understand my point at all
yeah, EA really pulled something cool there, instead of hyping for months
Ah the good old days of internet psychopathy
Games load too fast on PC but they could bring taht back for console exclusives.
I miss good command and conquer
im not sure if you're better or worse off. i play things but just pretty half heartedly lately, unless im drunk. i'm always high but thats just to keep regular misery at bay
it'll get better, we'll be ok.
It's a pretty common observation that most people follow the path of least resistance and, having any information they need on games two clicks away, getting stuck in games is definitely not like it was before.
I don't see what's so controversial, seems to me you're just shitposting due to boredom.
What happens when we die
>I may be retarded but y-you're underage!
Whoa, that was epic, epic for the win!
Don't reply to this post and you'll just have to ask your mom tomorrow.
What do I miss? WHAT DO I MISS?
>I can't play a single game without cheating, someone definitely needs to make this illegal so I stop spoiling it for myself!
Fun is what I miss most about vidya.
most likely just the void, nothingness
This so much.
Good canonical nudity.
city of heroes
Why would you go to bed in your greasy, sweaty mcdonalds uniform
Playing a video game in a mall.
>Posts a boring game
I like to think that if I have a small amount of belief in every faith, deity, religion and myth that when my time comes I will be able to select an afterlife of my own choosing from a vast list.
but I also fear that by doing this, my conciousness will be scattered and stretched into hundreds of thousands of pieces for each of the beliefs and I will be aware in each afterlife, seeing each one at the same time. In essence, my soul will go mad from all the ecstasy and I become a zenith of pure orgasms.
>major Nintendo games being announced without needing to advertise the fuck out of Amiibo and/or DLC ahead of time
>developers not needing to cater heavily to casuals and non-gamers in order to secure ridiculous immediate sales
>gameplay and unique graphic styles coming first, especially as compensation for weaker hardware
>Pokemania (I know it's now still the biggest entertainment franchise, but trust me kids, today is NOTHING compared to how widespread Pokémon was from 1998-2001 in the west)
>every Tom, Dick, and Wiseass not being able to constantly casually crack games open early and spoiling their secrets immediately
>hardware leaps being meaningful and exciting (seeing that 2000 Spaceworld Zelda tech demo and later E3 2001's debut of Super Mario Sunshine were mindblowing to me after being so used to the N64)
>E3 conferences being interesting and exciting to look forward to in general
>CRTs, unironically
>midnight release at 9pm
yeah its more convenient if your off but getting off work after 10 i wish it was a midnight release
Magazines. I fucking loved them. I'm pretty sure they (some) still exist but the internet made em useless
He works 14 hour shifts so he has to be at work first thing in the morning. No time for shower and proper rest; this is the life of the wageslave.
Demo discs
>mfw had hundreds
>msw i now have none
fhese were a large part of the charm of magazines. you could read about a game, then try a few others when you're done
I really hope they cut this bullshit out in the next gen systems. Absolute cancer.
>that Xbox magazine that also had dlc on those discs
And then everything was paid
This is Katie Tiedrich, right?
Early EGM, Tips N' Tricks, and Nintendo Power were my shit.
NP holds a special fondness for me for its history and since I found it in 1998 and then had a subscription going on since 1999 until early 2011 (the last couple years being just easy gifts from relatives). In retrospect, however, NP really faltered beginning early in the Wii era when they began cutting features and the Internet beginning its major push for prevalence around then. It unironically became soulless. How fitting it was that it died with the launch of the WiiU and its overview on NSMBU.
I got my hands on a few of my uncle's old 80s and 90s NP issues. Still good fun to read, if not a bit corny.
Post more animals getting along with each other.
Destroy your hopes immediately this is the new norm. In fact it will get worse.
that and arcades
This is such shit and I can't believe no one says anything about it. It's literally designed so that if you download too many games you have to buy a new drive. There's absolutely no reason to have to install a game if you have the cd.
>games being announced without needing to advertise the fuck out of Amiibo and/or DLC ahead of time
games as a service
>but trust me kids, today is NOTHING compared to how widespread Pokémon was from 1998-2001 in the west)
Lol no. You didn't see how so many normalfags played pokemon go ?
My ability to really get lost in and enjoy them.
The MW2 multiplayer era. Its never coming back
I miss playing Phantasy Star online on Gamecube.
Interacting with people in multiplayer games.
People already posted iit about matchmaking vs dedicated server but there's something else that it does. When you can just press a button and play you don't have to interact with anyone. It's just like in mmo with automated dungeon group and stuff like that where you can just play it like a single player game.
In the games where you have to search for people to play the community is always nicer. Like in Guilty Gear or old fighting games on fightcade.
SEGA and its silly console gimmicks, like the visual memory or having the pause button on the console
Mechwarrior 2 multiplayer was some good times.
Now you read articles on the phone with people that writes to please a certain demographic instead of having an opinion
Actual secrets. Everything is datamined a week before games even release these days.
back then i wasnt afraid to add people online. now its very sketchy since the intent is mostly different. i think thats one thing i miss really
having to figure secrets out for yourself or with your buddies instead of having the entire game datamined within a day
LAN Parties, everyone is so old now, they have jobs that suck up 99% of their time, wives that don't let them do anything at all, kids that restrict what they can do and where they can go
We used to have a huge 32 to 38 people LAN party every other weekend in my friend's house, he had this massive basement that was perfect for it, some of the best times in my life, now everyone is old and boring as fuck
wife? jobs?
that's where your problem is. You gotta befriend no life losers
I remember this picture from a battlestation thread, there was a completely trashed room on the right side where the picture cuts off, had laundry and trash bags piled to the ceiling, everyone gave the hippie homo so much shit that he edited the photo to not show the destroyed room, you got that shit unedited? Funny as fuck.
thats a lot of candles. you live in a no smoking building, or you just extra cautious anyway?
There's no such thing anymore because games nowadays are a clusterfuck to program.
Bethesda, for example, has so many issues shipping games stable because they haven't hired almost anyone since the 90's, is still the same people, while Triple A development has gotten more and more complex.
>wrapping the controller cords around the controller like that
Absolutely fucking disgusting.
Having friends.
The RTS genre as a whole
>while Triple A development has gotten more and more complex.
Unnecessarily complex and at the same time bloated marketing budgets instead of better development budgets.
even on 7th gen systems the games ran a lot better if you installed them. i guess now that they're so big and they would be so taxing on the hardware, installation is mandatory. they're doing anything they can to avoid a RRoD type of fiasco repeating itself.
Let it go Yea Forums, remember fondly of the past, but don`t delve in for too long. all you can do, is make sure your future is better than your current self.
We can't. The current trends ruined any potential great futures.
>Read about how everyone's life sucks
>No more lan parties
>No more going out with friends
>No more parties
>More bills
>More responsibility
>More drama
>Friends are all old and boring
>No one drinks anymore
>No one smokes anymore
>No more freedom
Thank God I got inheritance and can do whatever I want for the rest of my life kek, I ain't getting old and boring like you mofos.
how else do you deal with the wires? asking for a friend
Simple, you wrap the cords around from the middle of the cord instead of the end going around the controller. Wrapping it around the controller causes strain and pulling on the connecting bit that goes into the controller and stretches the wires and can cause fault issues over prolonged time.
i feel like i'm the only person who hates how games always need to have a 'ranked' or 'competitive' mode now
means you only ever play with people your own skill level and that people get mad as fuck and sperg out
anyone have the sequel to this image where the guy says "so what do you do for fun?"
Nice carpet. fuck the guy for letting trash on it.
make big loops like musicians do with their audio cables
One of them should have a video on it.
Do you think it'll revive a bit with the release of WC3 Reforged?
No, the existing fanbase will buy it and continue living their normie lives and maybe play it over a couple of weekends.
That's the problem with RTS fans; they always grow up.
Gameplay ahead of story/graphics/micro transactions
They really aren't doing those anymore? I know the KH3 one was 9, but the Pokemon Lets Go wasn't that long ago
Video stores still exist. I’m in Michigan. I suspect they still exist because of vidya rentals.
>back at uni rent a large apartment with a bro and host lan parties and shit all the time for three years
>spend a year on exchange in the US, meet more bros and host lan parties in the dorm commons
>return home, everyone's graduating and moving out of town to all over the country
>10 years later move to a new town due to being transferred at work
>old apartment bro drops a line on FB saying he's in town and wants to meet up
>so damn happy to see him
>chat for half an hour about the old times and what you've been up to all these years
>"So wanna head over for a beer? It's on me."
>"Haha thanks but my wife and my kids are waiting, they were out shopping and she just messaged me saying they're finished. It's tough being a dad haha."
>remember that particular comic
>shotgun whisky to drown out the feeling
The old "bleach and ammonia" routine eh? Gets 'em every time, 'cept when they have even a rudimentary understanding of chemistry.
No need to know shit about chemistry. Not doing retarded shit you see on Yea Forums is a better skill.
>That one guy who takes off his shirt for no reason
Having friends.
After the next release of consoles, they will no longer make them. Everything will be on the cloud. Your son and daughter will play AAA games on their phones streamed from a subscription service. Every game will be smaller than even Anthem (one area, one thing to do over and over) to trick people into getting on a treadmill thinking something is at the end of it so they keep purchasing dat subscription. People will defend the changes, mostly the games media. Ever wonder why Microsoft isn't making games anymore? They forsee a future where games are secondary to the subscription which will also include discord like forums and multimedia releases like digital comic books and shorts. In 15 years consoles will be seen as old. Computers will dominate more but optimization will grind to a halt like we are already seeing.
haha it's very hot in here haha gonna get naked who's with me haha
balding middle aged white reactionary protaganists.
I remember being like 14 and seeing someone on the internet say about a game "It's too straight white hetero for me." That was literally the first time I ever heard someone say that, and it's burned into my brain. I'm serious too. Before this I thought the protagonists of our stories were only guilty of being boring, not white or straight. This is a memory I think about a lot, I remember being a kid and having zero idea people hating white guys so much.
Right there with ya, user...
>Old friend group wants to have a reunion
>We used to party all the time together
>Tons of video games and drinking and smoking
>Best times of my fucking life
>Show up to meeting place wearing jeans and a t-shirt
>Everyone else is dressed so nicely in suit shirts and ties
>Everyone is talking about their careers and families
>Eventually everyone turns to me and asks
>"So...user...how's video gaming going?"
>Some of them start snickering
>Feel like a total shitlord and loser
>Become the butt of the joke all fucking night
>Eventually just leave without being noticed
>Drive home sad about my life choices
I live in a small apartment, have a small time job, I live an extremely simple life, no wife, no job that sucks my soul out, I'm happy, or at least I was.