What the FUCK's up with all the vicious fat people hate in Japanese games?

What the FUCK's up with all the vicious fat people hate in Japanese games?

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Fatties have no self control, which goes hand in hand with a selfish, vile, and disgusting personality. Every fat pig should be sent to a concentration camp to be starved back to a normal weight.

Its how Japan see's the West

Like how they think Paris is a beautiful picturesque wonderland

Not just games, but fat people have been comedy relief in anime for decades.

lmao americans getting mad over this

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She is a pretty kind of respectable character. They just don't highlight the fatness itself as a good trait.
You can be a good person and be fat. But being fat is not good.

Ugly looks means ugly personality.

being fat is seen as being a glutton or being greedy
its usually portrayed on the wealthy because they should be satisfied with they already have, but selfishly want more and can have more because of their welath despite not needing it
most of the time overly obese characters are portrayed as people who always get what they want, get something when they don't need it,over indulge in things
japan really cares about not being a fatty and I don't think its all that bad to care so much if it means having a healthier diet as part of your culture

>Not thinking there are Americans in here right now criticizing their fatties
That being said, good job, Mexico. You've some how managed to be fatter than us, you taco eating cunts. How about drink water for once instead of your fourth can of Coca-Cola.
It's disgusting how much they drink that. Hopefully they all die from a heart attack since the worst thing than a Mexican is seeing an overweight Mexican.

How to not associate gluttony with obese people?

Based japs.


You mean this ISN'T Senran Kagura?

The Japanese seem pretty impressionable. There's a village near me that's a Japanese tourist hotspot because of a tv show or something.

Do you kill this lardmass?

>selfish, vile, and disgusting personality
So everyone on Yea Forums?

That's a pretty realistic depiction if you ask me.
Whale lords love their burgers.

gluttony is really bad, shows lack of self control and arrogance.

It's not hate. It's simply not pretending that they aren't fucking gross.

It is hate when you portray ugly people as being bad or evil.

I've got a temple near me that gets a stupid amount of Asian tourists in fall.

It's not hate. Portraying a bad quality as evil is perfectly normal. It would be retarded to do anything else.

>t. 300 lbs american

Fatness is just disgusting. It's difficult to think about anything which would be more visually repulsive than obese people. And it's not even limited to the visual side either, touching a fat person feels gross too, a person isn't supposed to feel like a wobbling and drooping bag of flesh. It's body horror.

What bad quality?

I hate fat people that physically can't shower. I gag every time they come near me, it's like walking feces.

Hey, buddy, my WIFE is a sea mammal!

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Genes, obviously.
What else could be blamed for someone being a whale?

Not to mention that you have to make a real effort to put on weight at all in Japan, let alone grow obese.
Even a poor Japanese diet is likely to leave the average American losing weight. And I am not even talking about obese people here.

Inability to control your eating habits.

Japanese culture strongly encourages you to not be fat. Rachel from Rachel and Jun talked about it in one of their videos, but Japan has a ton of health checkups and whatnot, and their mindset is why they're one of the healthiest countries in the world.


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it's boring child writing but that's quite used and has always been used in many stories.
nothing wrong, in fact it's highly moral because it teaches that some bad traits are just that: bad.

fucking based

Obesity is correlated with poverty. It's not gluttony or a personal choice, it's simply the living conditions and the poor people diet they grew up on.
Look at America, for example.

1800 yen for a magazine? The fuck?

What makes you say that? There is absolutely no dissonance going on here.
This isn't just limited to Japan. I can't remember the last time I saw an American show where the good guys aren't all beautiful highly successful people.
I remember in Bones one time the bad guy was literally a disgusting weirdo cannibal.
Funny how the female protagonist also got a lot of hate for her mannish face on here, even though she still looks way better than most of the people from the Yea Forums meet up pics.
Really makes me think

Based Japan understands that fat shits only have themselves to blame.

>amerimutt giving diet advice

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>Healthy food is super expensive!
As a non ameriwhale, I don't get this excuse, you guys can buy super extra large burgers for less than 2-3 dollars, but veggies are too expensive?

Fast food is no excuse. You can literally lose weight by eating nothing but McD's, in fact there was some guy who did just that. Just cut out most sugar and eat fucking less. Do not overeat, it's as simple as that.

I'm poor and skinny, explain that, nigger.

Being fat was and still is a status of wealth and status. Stay made lanklet peasant trash.

Not really getting what you're confused about. Yes, food that's bad for you is cheaper than food that's good for you.

I'm not American. I'm just pointing out that that's the case in America.
Their diet culture might also contribute to it.

>Ugly looks means ugly personality.
To the point where you as a person have it in hand to improve yourself, sure.

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Clearly not poor enough to be eating processed shit on the daily.

>Not to mention that you have to make a real effort to put on weight at all in Japan, let alone grow obese.
This guy knows what's up. I visited Tokyo for three weeks as a vacation, and I basically found myself eating four times a day due to the serving sizes.

Vegetables and fruits costs cents in my country and we buy them in kilos.

>inb4 they start censoring fat people when localizing jap games because muh bigotry

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Because their cheap tasteless "food" is literally poison.

Is the protag of this game fucks all the other team members?

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I want to destroy America
I want to kill every American
I want to erase North American land from the face of our planet.

No jokes, how much is a whole lettuce, a couple of tomatoes and 1 kg of frozen chicken breast in the US?

Hi Israel, how it's going?

chill the fuck out amerifat

Like almost any ero-jrpg.


>Eating 4 times a day
>a day

I have no idea how you could do that. I eat once a day, twice tops. Big portions, I admit, but in japan there is a lot of food everywhere. How could anyone stand to stuff his/her face like that all the time, I will never understand.

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Here's a handy website for this kinda thing, you can look up most (reasonably populated) cities in the world.

Yeah eating McDonalds every day does not show off your wealth.

It's shit life syndrome, the same reason why so many losers end up shooting h and dropping deaf from fent. They're not happy with the purpose afforded to them as a human being nor their existence in an unjust and uncaring universe and cope with it via the one joy easily granted to them : donuts. And cream chocolate with almonds.

>I eat once a day, twice tops. Big portions,
That is incredibly unhealthy you fucking idiot, you're supposed to eat small portions 3-4 times a day.

Well, fat people are DISGUSTING inside and out, after all.

Fat people are disgusting. The japs are helping people avoiding to get fat and ugly

>Yo-kai Watch 3 has part of the game take place in America (Renamed to BBQ in the west)
>Almost every single one of the food items is exaggerated in both proportion size, and basically stuffing it full
>There's a bunch of Yo-kai based on food alone in BBQ
>Dozens of overweight NPCs and characters in BBQ
It's definitely funny in an interesting way seeing just how Japan views America.

I would imagine the main deciding factor is soda. Sugar is definitely the worst possible thing for you, but sodium can be too.

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The protagonist should just embrace his inner twink boy and get fucked.
If you can't draw men, don't give me a girly girl boy and pretend he's a manly man man.
The fat one is infinitely more masculine than "him".

>What the FUCK's up with all the vicious fat people hate in Japanese games?
No wonder gluttony is a mortal sin.

What if I got to France and buy Royales with cheese?

I'm a skinnyfag manlet, but if I don't eat at least three times a day in 6 hour intervals my stomach will kill me.

It costs literally zero money to lose weight, eating less and exercising more is free

An accurate representation


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why has she no H-scene?

As a fat guy, I unironically defend this.
Ship us all off to be forced back to a good weight and reincerted into society. Wouldn't work tho, think of macdees and all that shit. The megajews would push to get them closed, muh fat acceptance etc fucking retards

>Not splitting that one huge meal in to three portions for maximum gains.

I've always had an out of control appetite until I got norwalk bad then I spent the next two weeks drinking kefir to build up my gut flora and I kid you not it was something flipped a switch. Its nice to be okay with going to bed hungry.

>whole lettuce
Lettuce has next to no nutritional value bud.

I don't know for sure, but I think it's something like 8-10 dollars

Enjoy my cheesy musk from a distance, skinny, malnourished peasant shits.

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Is it ? It feel natural for me, at some point I just rejected any kind of constraint on that and followed what my body dictated me. Since then, I sleep wonderfully, I eat nicely and I feel greater overall.

Why do fat people continue to exist? Why won't they choke on the food they love to so much?


I'm overweight as well and fat acceptance legitimately baffles me. I fucking hate that I have little to no self control when it comes to food. I'm not a whale by any means, but I have a big gut, moobs, and stretch marks and I fucking hate myself for it.

That's why it's a perfect addition to your diet. It satiates you.

OMAD actually works though.
Your body doesn't care, the food just get in the waiting list for processing.

Unfortunately, someone decided that we aren't allowed to just leave them to die of their obesity, and modern medicine is pretty good at keeping these things alive

lose the weight, fatty

Fuckin Joey Diaz is on the powder again!

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>I fucking hate that I have little to no self control when it comes to food.
Just stop eating so much you fat fuck.

Infact he 8 everything

It's never too late to change user. Be a man (male) and lose some pounds.

Why do you keep shoveling so much shit in your mouth? You people disgust me.

Are you a fucking animal? Why can't you control yourself?

*healthy attitude towards fat people
Lose some weight, fatty

Because obviously you matter less than delicious food. Unless you start murdering them en masse they won't give a shit about all the whining people do. You can't even stop roasties, and they forego their own personalities just to please guys. You have no chance against fatties.

>Self hating fatty in hopes of getting some acceptance from Yea Forums
>Still gets called a useless fat fuck

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>this thread is probably mostly fat traitors

>tfw you're so ashamed of your food addiction you have to buy your stuff at 3 different McD's before parking in a lonely alley and stuffing yourself with 6 burgers
it's a struggle

Based. All fat people I know, even those I get along with, are scumbags.

Nothing's more ironic than a bunch of fat Americans shitting on the one guy that decided to out himself as overweight.

If you're in a country that has McDonalds that's probably not even the most embarrassing thing they'd have seen within that hour.

be ameri
capable of eating processed food but incapable of processing abstract thought

>food addiction
You're just a glutton, not """addicted""".
You're just a weak fat fuck.

>tfw you have a fetish for seeing hot slender women get fat
Why boner

>6 burgers
Seek help.

Degenerate weirdo.


What other country besides Bolivia does not have McD?

Eh? GTA makes fun of fat people for decades

Paris belongs to Islam now

There is a special place in hell for people like you.

Don't blame me, blame the women for making it so sexy.

Fatties btfo


You won't be going to heaven, I will be. You sure as shit won't.

Your delusions are adorable.

>japs hating fats
You will not be making that argument again considering how many old fat hardworking virile salary men x cute girls doujins that the japs are making.

And they're based for having such good taste!

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I honestly worded that wrong. It's not that I have like seven meals a day and have zero self control, it's more so that I just really only have one big meal at the end of the day.

Me too. Especially when it happens through vore

Your brain is about as sick as your disgusting fucking fetish.

> Fatties have no self control, which goes hand in hand with a selfish, vile, and disgusting personality.
This describes so many types of people, especially on this very board and the people who are pandered to by this game, that I'm honestly confused as to what makes fat folk any different from the average sinner.

Idolfags deserve double the derision.

>self insert doujins
Gee, I wonder why

Right on bro.

as some have prolly said, there just aren't alot of fat people in Japan so they stick out I think

Eh. That's okay I guess.
Silence homosexual, repent or suffer the consequences for you dandy ways. A plump woman is an ideal woman.

These days it just shows low discipline or being a sculpture of the man they call "the Architect".


I have nothing to repent, you on the other hand will have an eternity in hell to wish you had.

fatties are disgusting, only a late stage decadent empire like murica accept them

>Generalizing all musky fat bros that way
>Thinking you're not any of the things you described

I'd bet money you say these things because you're a drug addict, an actual worthless subhuman. And yes weed is a subhuman drug.

>I have nothing to repent
You have to repent for your sodomy, homosexual.

Went from 290 to 210 since May. This is the second time in my life I do this. First time I was 19, so it was piss easy but at 27, while it went down slower, it was still pretty easy. Losing weight is not hard at all, fatsos, just step on an elliptical, it’s literally a cheat code in real life. Eat well but eat proteins. For fuck’s sake I even managed to eat my fill every day and fit 800 cals of Gin in my diet while still losing a steady 5 lbs / week. Everybody’s just making excuses. Cottage cheese, chicken, steak and Peanut butter, stick to that and less bread, it doesn’t take a dietician at all, just fucking motivate yourselves

>its another handsome anime man fujo zoomer implying he/she knows what good taste is.
I am actually happy that many jap doujin makers have good taste. Neck all bishounen/fujo lovers.

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I remember this one image that I can't find of some anime girl saying that people are 90% looks, and that if they want to be perceived well, they actually need to put in the effort into making themselves look and act good, but if they don't then they are actually not worth the time. That is why.

>Being fat was and still is a status of wealth and status.
That has unironically shifted. It is cheaper than ever to eat poorly, and the nutrition and environment for a healthy lifestyle is mostly afforded by the wealthy.
Good food and a personal trainer, with a healthy recreational hobby. Is the sign of a wealthy person.
Fast food and tv/netflix viewing in the living room couch all day every day is the sign of white and ghetto trash.

was, but not still is. Now it's correlated to being a poor wageslave. Now rich people are eating vegan good for your health shit and are slim, and can afford tratment to loose fat.


Suck my unwiped shitter lanklets, greater mass = greater man.

That would imply I've indulged in such degenerate things. I'm cleaner than a fresh plate from the dish washer. You're filthier than a sewer and stinkier than a garbage dump.

I'm suprised nobody's posting chubbies

because you never had the spine to skip a meal, it's pretty ez when you're used to it, the part where you are really hungry don't last more than 20min usually
also, eating every 6 hour mean your insulin level stay high and you never consume stored fats

You have probably just doomed this entire thread more than it has been.

A sentiment not shared by wealthy people.

It's pretty hard to be fat in Japan because of how shitty their food is. You actually have to try to be fat on the average Jap's diet.

sure thing mutt

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Oh my god.So much butter, that's vile

>It's pretty hard to be fat in Japan because of how shitty their food is.
Most American post out there.

>Make being fat a subject of ridicule and mockery in all your media
>Nation has very few fat people

Wingdings my walnuts

It's not fat only but mainly ugly. See those girls on the side would be cute even as fatties (not blobs though) but this fatty would be ugly even slim

I shouldn't have clicked. My country eats nothing but oils and fats and even I find that fucking disgusting.

Fucking delicious. Now I'm hungry again.

Where is this? I want some.

Was she redpilled, Yea Forums?

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good god

you certainly seem like a great faggot with a great hole between your ears
sperging when showed being wrong just make you look even more retarded. Cut your loss and go get ridiculed somewhere else you drooling landwhale

Trust me. I am kind tempted to flood the vanilla/handsome anime man x cute girls thread in /h/ full of chubby fat men x cute girls porn, but I respect the division of tastes in /h/ so I am cool for now.

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we nuked the wrong country

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Why does Yea Forums have such an aversion to fat people?
Is it because of /fit/?

More like what's up with progressives and brainwashing people to believe fatties aren't unattractive wastes of resources.

Look at how mad you are, because you force yourself to eat absolute shit because you're afraid of putting some weight on your pathetic malnourished body. Don't take it out on the people who don't subscribe to your media created obsession retard, deal with it on yourself. Or kill yourself, that'd be better.

I'm just sayin'

lol stay mad fatass
I know ladies and the public are always clamoring for more fat disgusting pigs that cost our healthcare systems billions over some dude who smokes weed and goes about his life

Tio was the trophy wife, she has nothing else going for her.

Eating 4 times a day is small time. I eat like 5-6 times a day however it's never junk food or anything. I used to be active in 3 different sports when I was younger and my body would burn through energy like crazy so I was constantly hungry. Now that i'm significantly older and I'm not so frequently active in these sports the hunger still remains but i'm not burning all that energy as much since i'm doing less physical activity.

just look at them and tell me these aren't on of the most disgusting kind of people

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With a cute face this would be prime fetish content.

Don't (You) me.

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disgusting, should've spoilered that shit

Because fatties are horrible?

she had the best tits

That's not Guri

Based and Bondburgered

Anyone with an IQ above room temperature hates fatties

oh shit it's pierce brosnan
you were really good in the foreigner

in related news, i finally got under 200 pounds today, i still have about 25 pounds till i reach my goal, but ive already lost 75lbs

This is really racist of you to cricitize Asian culture.

Because it makes them feel better about their own sad internet/video games obsession that is ruining their life more than overeating ever could, but will never ever admit to that because a lifestyle change is worse than death to them. Imagine all the waifus they'd miss.


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t. Fatty

>stuffing your face in one sitting with 1 huge ass 2000+ calorie portion instead of splitting it up
You're the real fatass here


I rather be this guy than be that big. How can their heart even support such a frame?

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If you knew anything about food, you'd know the most fattening thing there is the bun. Not saying that much butter is good for you, but that's the horrible truth about why burgerland is so fat. It's sugars and they'er in everything we eat. You could literally eat sticks of butter and lose weight, but the sugar will fuck you up.

I went on the keto diet a few years back and was making pizza crusts and breadsticks out of almond flower, cheese and butter. I would then recook the crusts after covering them in cheese and put chunks of butter on top. I had to eventually get off the keto diet once my doctor said I was getting unhealthily underweight. Sucks because I felt really great on keto to.

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Eh, you’ll die young.

Is your skin too thin for the bants, fatso?

And you'll die when mommy and daddy die and you have no one supporting you.

>He doesn't know about intermittent fasting or OMAD

never gonna make it.

It wasn't too long ago Americans were laughing at fat people.
Japs are probably looking at American in bewilderment right now.
You used to be cool...
Exhibit A

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It's okay, Pierce.

>rachel and jun

Can I just ask the real questions here of what video games are in these posts?

Of course she did, she was the trophy wife.

seething mehicanos drowning their sorrows in coca cola lmao

This motherfucking bitch hits way too hard.

Exhibit B

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One of those posts has the name in the filename

They can’t.

How did French Jon end up in this comic?

I know about intermittent fasting. But if we're talking about being a fatass here, eating a huge 2000 calorie meal in one sitting is fatass behavior. I would actually have to train myself to get my stomach to stretch that much. I can barely eat 1500 calories in one meal.

>Rachel from Rachel and Jun

there is nothing wrong with salt. Salt is an essential micronutrient your body needs or else you will die. Go look at the salt you buy carefully, most brands have sugar in it.

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hes not fat

>Fast food meal
>Around $7-$15 for a meal for one

>cooking for yourself
>Meat + Veggies + Spices + Sauces usually end up around the same price but will feed you for 3 meals with the spices and sauces lasting you a whole two months.

Its mostly just people being lazy.

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Oh you're right. Are they all the same game or are some of them different games?

thoust humors deceive thine eyes

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imagine the messy lipstick smearing blowjob you’d receive from that giant mouth

lazyness combined with misinformation, so many people believe you cant buy good food cheap

by that logic, no one on this board should have a problem with them

The black girl with the paddle actually died a couple years ago no, not from being fat.

fat people need to be shamed

>there is nothing wrong with salt.
Except it will kill your heart when the sodium levels in your body increase too much. Though I digress too much of anything in your body will probably kill you at some point.


Now fuck off. Next time just google any character names you see in the pic.

What if I agree wholeheartedly?

The last one is a different game, Labyrinth of Refrain

I don't even know what measurement that user is using for room temperature. Kelvin? Fahrenheit? Celcius?

That's not how you spell fetish

>but sodium can be too.
The amount people add to food isn't even the problem. Most sodium comes from processed food. My dumbass brother barely seasons food because of his high blood pressure but he'll eat shit like bacon, hot dogs, and cold cuts. That shit has like 70% of your sodium intake in one serving, and god knows people eat at least 2-3 servings of that shit.

Kelvin obviously.

pretty sure he is using fahrenheit, as several Yea Forums wide "iq tests" place Yea Forums consistently on the butt end of the scale, with mid to sub 80 iq

>Now fuck off. Next time just google any character names you see in the pic.
That literally didn't help. But thanks for giving me links anyway.

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>cockblocks your path
What do?

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I'm a Burger, so Fahrenheit

>mfw I'm obese and I can see people being triggered by me even if they don't say anything

It's the best kind of feeling, knowing that your existence alone is enough to make someone mad. The ultimate bait.

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Fat man here. I would sign up to go that camp desu

I would bang, not even lying.

No one believes you, dandy boy.

Thanks user!

Died like a month after the Vegas Shooting, car accident.


Because so few people in Japan are obese or even overweight that fat people are a weird exotic thing and it's easy to put your fears of "otherness" on a type of person you don't have to interact with on daily basis. Growing up in a predominately white neighborhood there was one black family and the black kid caught shit for being different. Imagine living in a town with one fat person. That's how the Japanese see fatness, as a strange thing they don't typically comprehend.

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Clogged arteries

Oh i'm very well aware of all the extra sodium that's found in products like bacon and ham and processed products.

so by being fat then

Why is evenicle so fun for incel like me bros?

It's literally about 4x as expensive to gorge on fast food then it is to simply buy cheap rice/pasta/chicken/frozen vegetables.

But I’m not fat. I’m able bodied to work and support myself.

Is that a turd on a stick?

Literally the best guy in the whole town.

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Another mad beanpole

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why would jews destroy their property?


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dude run from each McD's instead of driving and it'll do you a lot of good

You can have genetic hypercholesterolemia, where your body produces too much cholesterol. And you can also eat like shit and still be skinny from eating at maintenance or lower. You don't have to be fat to have high cholesterol

another walking heart attack machine

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Based and fatpilled

Having bad health and people disliking you in sight is worth it?

yes, but that woman was super morbidly obese, to say that it WASNT because of the fat, is like saying someone died because of breathing, because they breathed before they died

Wait, you're using some fag who's heart exploded in Thailand as a way to insult fat people?


Only god needs to believe me.
You have no allies in this fight besides the anti Christ.



God doesn't love homosexuals and sodomites such as yourself.

I'm retarded, I didn't look at the webm.
Forgive me I'm American.

He loves me because I am none of those things.

No, what you want to kill are the US of A and it’s citizens.

Why does Pierce love fattening women up?

Tfw not american
Feels pretty good peeps not gonna lie

>Giving a shit when you croak

The less time I have to spend on this earth, the better. If I can indulge myself AND kill myself at the same time, that's a win/win situation right there, baby.

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Nah, Canadians can fuck off too.

>tfw still recovering from obesity
It fucking sucks, bros. Why does fat take so long to disappear?

>having such little self-worth that you eat yourself to near immobility
>b-but it triggers other people it's worth it!
I'm sorry user I hope you can live at some point without hating yourself.

It sucks being on the other side of that spectrum as well being a skeleton is also suffering.

>That shit has like 70% of your sodium intake in one serving
I don't put much faith in those RDI's since they're averaged over everyone, which includes 50% women who are much smaller than your average man and require a lot less to meet their needs.

Who says I dont want her like that? Real talk, Id happily fatten any gf or wife as long as shes not against it.

Why was this post deleted?

Fat people are disgusting, at least pigs have use

That would make you a tryhard. Being rich is a lifestyle, not a opportunity.

I mean you can certainly try, but you'll soon find out /int/ memes and shitposting doesnt protect you from being fragged by a hellfire

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Same reason any of us do, its what our dicks like so who are we to argue?

>doing intermittent fasting and still chubby
c'mon user

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Because if you lose your weight fast, you'll look like a skin bag.

At least you'll be dead in 5 years.

There's still plenty of obese people in Japan user and what about Sumo wrestling? Sure they are muscular but its burried under thick layers of fat which is one example of cultural identity for them.

Yeah, take off that make-up then line them up. Chances are they're mistaken for a 4th degree cancer patient instead of a pretty girl.

Deleted? But there is no porn posted in it.

You know what's a way better feeling? Watching a girl eye you with barely controlled desired because your abs and pecs are chiseled perfection.

But how fat is just right for a women to get?


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Japan knows that fat people are disgusting and should be used as comic relief.

Ok, that’s fair and accurate then.

hey i know this place, its a restaurant in las vegas, the owner used to be a doctor and says he gave up helping people so he will teach them by making them feel the pain of a heart attack hahahaha

That’s up to the dick and the conscious of the man attached to it to decide.

Fuck you I like their kots

Well tell me your preference then user.

Fatties are disgusting and unhealthy.

Realistic dating wise? Probably like upper 200s, maybe lower 300 if she carried it like a goddess or something. But for fetish wank material anything up to like 500 hits the mark for me.

Please no, I need to watch more good movies.

Looks like Evenicle's plot is much deeper than expected and I only understood it on a surface level.
Time to replay it but, with Yea Forums in my mind.

>all lvl 40
Soulless level system.

jesus at least post the good one

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I fucking hate humans

fat people are disgusting. Also very very unhealthy in real life. The more fat people are shamed, the move they make a effort to get fit and improve their own health.

Fuck what are sjw and dumb leftist fatty think. They need to lose weight and get fit or they risk many diseases and health issues.

I'm actually about the same for 'realism' scenarios to be honest. Though its more about the journey then the destination for me; though going from slender to average to thick to chubby to plump with increments of 10-15 pounds is pretty nice.

>I hate myself I deserve to be unhappy

I do not think so highly of myself as to think I deserve anything for simply existing, you egomaniac.


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What does it say?

Fat people don’t exist in Japan. They eat fish and rice all day and walk everywhere.

If you’re fat there you literally have to be making an active effort to stay that way. You basically suck at life.

Alright am pirating this game right now, what should i expect?

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According to the Steam tags some nudity.

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For those of you who don't live in the US, let me simplify this for you.
>A fast food meal can be as cheap as $2.00 - $3.00 (at places like McDonalds, burgers, fries and drinks are ~$1.00 each at their smallest size)
>Our massive welfare population, mostly made up of undisciplined negros who don't know how to cook, gorge themselves on nothing but fast food
>Hence the poor/fat correlation, created and perpetuated almost entirely by minorities
There are a lot of fat whites, but the REALLY fat ones are almost always black. Women especially, since they don't get exercise by running from cops.

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I do, what are you going to do about it?

At least he knows what he's talking about. You're just daydreaming.


Being fat is a fucking choice. "hurr I tried everything and I still can't lose weight" is what weak people without self-control and discipline say.

If a fatty just doesn't care and just likes food that much, well fine, just don't make it other peoples problems. They automatically do, though, by upping health insurance for everyone for example.

lmao look at this low self esteem uggo maybe if you were less stupid and unlovable you would hate yourself less and maybe everyone else would too lol, try on some nooses and let us know which ones fit the best.

Virus. Bitcoin miner. Malware.. etc etc etc.

A good time.

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they are always villains except for a few exceptions, its great

It's meat

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Fat people is something that doesnt compute in japan. They got assbackwards work regimes but they give a shit about what they eat. If you go fat you should just off yourself

what game?

>I'm a unique snowflake, I deserve to be happy and to achieve what I want to! Waaaaah, if I am not content, something is wrong!

I can't believe this is the prevailing mindset among this retarded species. I hope we never manage to leave this rock before we destroy it.

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Should I get this game?

Butter is good, but only in reasonable portions. This is too much shit to eat.

>mfw she beats me that hard as optional boss that I dropped the game.
I should recover and try again.

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>A Jrpg without the effort of character models and spells sfx.

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tattoo is kuso which means shit.

he says, pardon me, where is the animer

the japanese guy jacket is "green market"
he says: aaah, idiot foreigner, tanaka-san, please bring me the mobility scooter


Y'see I dig the scenario, but you tread into the territory where I don't think I could find somebody I really liked enough to spend enough time with them to the point where they gain so much.

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Do everyone a favor and destroy yourself.

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I bet you are one of those mongoloids who takes pride in the accomplishments of the species without having a single thing to do with any of it.

And miss out on witnessing the fall? Fat chance, fuckface.

this is you
kill yourself

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Projection and self loathing

Fat people are gross and Japanese people have a shitty repetitive sense of humor so they like seeing the same joke over and over again

"Vicious hate of fat people in japanese gamse".... NOBODY LIKES FAT PEOPLE!!!!!

I bet your are one of those faglords that people avoid talking to.

>Fat chance
Is that your sisters pet name for your swollen asshole faggot?

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I guess that's food for thought.

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>"Oh yeah?! W-well you're not a very good person and people dislike you!"

Wow, what a vicious insult, you literal fucking baby.

thats why he has such low self esteem lol

i'm pretty sure you get taxed in Japan if you're overweight. They don't seem particularly fond of fat people.

4-10 are all 100% true
1-3 are preferences

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Fuck her.

jun is way too good for rachel

A simplistic entertaining light-hearted JRPG with random scenes of extreme pornography

Based and nurglepilled

Imagine feeling this insecure about yourself

It's not about making a fat person a villain, but about making a villain visually disgusting.

Attached: Reality is better than the dreams.jpg (1280x320, 147K)

Improving your diet will not only make you healthier, but also more moral and compassionate.

Attached: NF-Omnivore-vs.-Vegan-Nutrient-Deficiencies.jpg (1920x834, 56K)

My condolences.

This, she's a self centered pushy bitch. Jun seems like a nice guy though.

Same. Though I lucked out in college and dated a qt Asian chick who was into it and gained like 30 lbs in the first year for me before we broke up.

It's latin, you nimrod, not french.

Oh, I get it he lacks the hairy arms to reflect the amount of pseudoestrogens entering his body in mass, changing his genetic composition into that of a woman, very clever vegans.

Well, you do. Even if you're a jaded fucktard you deserve to be happy. Too many people think life is inherently suffering but that's because they made it that way in the first place. I grew up with shitty parents and also in poverty but it wasn't until I dropped the boo hoo victim mentality that I finally became happy. You blame other people for being self-centered but your shitty mentality is the same shit just in the opposite polarity.

Nice. I dated a chick that looked like Adeline (who recently quit the fatty modelling scene recently) for a year. She was hot but impatient and a dead fish in bed.One of my friends from high school gained like 100 pounds since we graduated and she's looking really fucking hot too.

How is wishing for scorched earth self-centered as opposed to LITERALLY feeling entitled to being happy just because you are alive? You're a fucking basket case.

>come here expecting an Evenicle thread
>just a bunch of americans throwing a fit
Fuck, I just wanted another comfy thread

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What the FUCK's up with all the fat people acceptance in real life?

>gained 100 lbs after finishing high school
Was she skinny before that?

Just because a few people made you a little mad you think everyone deserves to die like an edgy little fucklord. We get it, you're a fucking victim. Everyone wronged you and is out to get you. Woe is you.

Yup, she's like 230-250 now.

>People only feel comfortable insulting fat people (or anything else they don't like for that matter) on the internet.

You people are even more pathetic for hiding behind keyboards, if you hate it so much go outside and do something besides whining on Yea Forums where no one important will see it.


Holy fuck that's pretty great. Did you ask her what happened? Was she just a normal type of chick or a sporty type? I'm guessing she hit the freshmen 15 in college and the weight just kept pilling up every year after that.

You do realize that what I wish for would also befall me, you mental midget? I have no more love for myself than I do for the rest of this failed branch of evolution.


This guys right, we NEED a fat guy strangler irl, the true hero america needs.

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hello newfriend

>Challenging the established thought process of you garbage people means I'm new

Trying too hard to fit in.

not so ugly. that fatfuck isnt so different from those obese american fatfucks in fighting games.

you leave the top right fat man alone, he dindu nuffin, he just wanted to read manga and eat chips

Post CG

Fatties are disgusting

i like this comic because it represents the frustrations of trannies, which is hilarious now that you understand why bowsette pisses them off

Fat people deserve all the hate they get unless they actually have a medical condition (which 99% of the time, they don't)

>Being fat was and still is a status of wealth and status
more like a sign of having no discipline and self-respect - not to mention it being a massive turn-off for potential partners because they see you as unattractive and unhealthy.

Sure, fat people with a nice attitude and money can always succeed in society,
fat people with a bad attitude and no money are worthless, as they are likely not even fit for office work

Result of bad choices
Result of bad choices
Whoa it's almost like life shits on you if you can't make good choices

Who gives a fuck? You still think all 7.5 billion people on this earth who you don't even know deserve to die because you're such a self-important edgy little shit. In the end everyone is self-centered, whether it's the person who think they deserve the all the happiness in the world, the miserable loser who wants to sentence everyone to die because a few people on the internet annoyed him, or the depressed idiot who wants to kill himself because everything and everyone is out to get him. In the end everyone makes everything about him just in different degrees of polarity. Unless you're some sort of self-less saint you can fuck right off about people being self-centered.

She was actually a huge slut in high school, having huge boobs helped with that. She went to cosmetology school out of state and in a rural area while living with a relative and I think that's where most of the pudge piled on. She did coke for awhile when she lived in DC but not even that slimmed her down.

I absolutely insult fat people to their disgusting faces, it's not like they can do anything to me

Fat people should be killed and I say this unironically. Every time I start to pack on a few pounds I lay off the fork for a while and my weight goes back down.

>hot slut gets fat
That's the best cliche after seeing sporty petite tomboys become fatties. Actually reminds me of my ex-gf's friend from college who also got pretty fat, was into smoking weed and sucking dicks casually to get freebies from dudes and eventually porked up.

>le edgy depressed teenager calling anyone else a basket case
fuckin lel

>It's not gluttony or a personal choice, it's simply the living conditions and the poor people diet they grew up on.

This is feel good "community enrichment and development" bullshit. They taught me this in college as well, although it is wrong. As other anons have already pointed out, it is much cheaper to buy healthy foods and cook for yourself. People who buy fattening fast foods and eat ribs every weekend are just gluttonous.

I have worked fast food, and most people order combo meals that come with an entree, fries and a drink. At McDonalds, that amounts to 1 Burger (~500 calories), medium fries (~300 calories), and a drink (~200 calories). All it would take is for people to drink water instead of soda and the caloric intake from a fast food meal would be roughly 800 calories, meaning you could eat fast food for lunch and dinner (1600 calories) and still have room for a small breakfast.

The problem is that, poor or not, Americans are gluttonous and greedy. Most people always drink a soda, because it is offered with the meal. They also tend to upsize the fries and the drink, pushing the meal into the 1200-1500 calorie range (even though it costs extra to do so). And if you do that for lunch and dinner, then you are already looking at 2500-3000 calories before breakfast is factored in.

what are they going to do? run out of air after the first swing?

>That's the best cliche after seeing sporty petite tomboys become fatties

Gotta agree, that's a pretty good one. Its pretty magical seeing girls you went to high school with 5 years later significantly fatter.

why do the girls look almost exactly like senrans


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>Think of all the people who think that they are special and deserve to succeed and be happy purely by virtue of being and are spreading that mindset to everyone around them!

I am, you mouthbreather. It is exactly what makes me wish for the sun to explode.

Exactly, the absolute worst case scenario is they try to fight me and end up hurting themselves, or just try to insult me back

This makes me love america even more

>Result of bad choices
It really isn't about choices
there are always circumstances beyond one's control
talent, opportunity, connections etc
most "from rags to riches" stories come from ridiculously devoted people who've had nothing to stop them, not to mention the amount of dumb luck and learning you need to have in order to make your life work out the way you want

It's the same artist.

It's Xenoestrogens first, and second, eating fruit instead of fried chicken will have LESS xenoestrogens and some even dramatically block estrogen.


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How about not eating shit then? Sure its cultural, change it then.
The amount of fucking sugar people take is disgusting.

Fat people are simply ugly and have always have been seen as ugly. And I said that to a friend of mine simply because I like him and want to see him in good health.

God I wish I were fat

There are times where I eat normal portions and feels like everything disappeared 2 hours later.

Also an apple in the afternoon counts as a meal too.

It's cheaper to eat healthy than to eat at McDonald's every day. Just buy some rice, lentils, and beans for fuck's sake.

And you still don't see how that view is more self-centered than those of the people you want to kill. Sorry your brain cell can't follow.

I wish you were fat too

So get fat? I wish I were unhealthily skinny so I could have fun stuffing my face putting on weight.

what do you get out of this conversation besides embarrassment you looking for a justification to an hero so you can finally be the precious little victim your parents always wanted?

I'm trying but it takes time and is not easy if you start from spooky skellington mode.

You need to eat meat you dumb hippie, what you said isn't healthy at all.

>Its Yea Forums hates fat people but they dont realize that they're skinny-fat episode

Don't forget to buy pork which is a cheap and rich source of protein and other nutrients.

Chicken is less than $2/lb idiot.

This but unironically
It would be the perfect ass kick to motivate me to start getting fit

also, I can't even begin to imagine how good it must feel to lose one third of your bodyweight - when I feel like a butterfly every time I take off a heavy backpack

Why do you want to get fat? Fetish reasons?

No where did you say chicken you fucking insect.

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Large part of it is fetish. But even disregarding that, being skinny just feels shit.

>spooky skellington mode.
Maybe that could be his reason? Being dangerously underweight is as unhealthy if not more than being obese.

Pork loin is GOAT. You can get it for like $3/lb, throw it in a slow-cooker for 8 hours, and you have pulled pork for the entire week.

>I am the center of the universe, which OWES me happiness for existing

There is no mindset that is more self-centered than this, no matter how you try to twist it.

People who make good choices can be temporarily poor, beyond life shitting on them with a medical issue. I have never seen someone who was chronically poor but still made good choices. All my former friends who are poor either picked up drugs, stayed manchildren, or had kids without a stable job. No one is saying good choices alone can make you rich, but it will keep you out of poverty most of the time.
Also, telling poor people that they are poor through no fault of their own is probably the worst thing you could do.

Isn't it also the case that poor people who work can't find enough time to cook at home so they just buy fast food?

Why would I kill myself before I get to see sniveling fucks like you realize that the universe does not owe you shit? The collapse cannot come soon enough.

I was exaggerating desu. I was never severly underweight, only slightly.

Damn right user.

>There are people in this thread that actually care how their body looks
>There are people in this thread that think literally anything in this world matters

Attached: whoa shit.gif (362x519, 302K)

One person wishing for their happiness is more self-centered than one person wishing 7.5 billion people to die because they're miserable and want to bring everyone down with them? Seems like your last brain cell just failed you. No wonder why you want to an hero.

>skinnyfats are infinitely more tolerable than fatties
Time to face reality, fatty.

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If nothing matters, why don't you just kill yourself now and get it over with?

>fatties are more torable than fatties
Yikes, lose that fat before speaking to me fattie

>you guys can buy super extra large burgers for less than 2-3 dollars, but veggies are too expensive?

Unironically yes.

Shut up user, I'll make you cum.

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No one who says that actually means it. They're just going through their nihilistic 17 year old phase.

>One person wishing for their happiness

Not wishing for, you fucking retard.
Feeling ENTITLED to being happy simply because they draw breath. It's a pretty fucking important distinction which I am starting to believe you are ignoring intentionally.

>it's backpedaling because I forgot to include chicken
American education, everyone.

Why do you guys like blogposting so much?

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>backpedals again

Did you forget to include red beef and pork too? Every time you post you outdo yourself in stupidity, it's amazing.

>Nothing mattering means you cannot enjoy the time you have

This is THE worst meme. Nihilism is not "Nothing matters, boohoo", it's "Nothing matters, fuck yeah!"

Attached: m'CHIM.png (1280x1884, 679K)

Retard. Regular fasting is normal to humans. Why do you think it's called breakfast

I used to work 10 hours/day with a 4 hour round trip commute. If I found time to throw shit into a crockpot and fix a fucking sandwich before leaving for work, they can do it too. I guarantee you that if you follow them for a day, you can find that they have free time for cooking. This isn't even taking into account that they can just meal prep on the weekends, which is what I'm currently doing.

Man I feel bad for that girl. Heard she had some fucked up family shit which pushed her to binge eat for comfort.

Yes, this is why Mexico competes with the US for fattest country, right?

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What are you even saying you fucking down syndrome puddle of piss?

Sorry, skinnyfats are above fatties on the heirarchy.

That's existentialism by that point.

Nope, you both have revolting bodies.

t. bearmode

>so fat that his body volume can no longer visually obscure how fat he is

no thank im not into chip chong ning nongs

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Yea Forums is 70% regurgitated meme, 15% blogshit and about 10% "give me recs!"

>Chimp spreading misinformation also cant read
Based retard



>there are people itt that don't know the joy of being fit

Nothing you said has anything to do with the conversation.


The two are not mutually exclusive. Existential nihilism is a thing.

auschwitz bodies are only slightly better than skinnyfats because you don't have mantits. feel pride knowing that you are slightly better than skinnyfats, thus also infinitely more tolerable than fatties

nihilism is just the core belief of "nothing matters"
what you feel about it is a different mater

>i-i have the body of a sumo
coping fattie

>I'm a scrawny skeleton with a beer belly
Oh no no

>Believing that nothing matters makes you edgy
You have to go back
Life and death both matter equally, because neither of them matter at all. I'm here so I might as well ride the train out. You came to your conclusion simply because you are weak willed.

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That's not even the main point, faggot. Look at the numbers. One person who believes they deserve happiness vs one person who believes they deserve to decide to genocide the entire human race. All because they're a fucking miserable victim and they have to take everyone else down with them. Boo hoo.

>body of a sumo

You sure its a good idea for a sack of loose skin on a skeleton to say that to a bearmode's face?

Attached: hafthor 5.jpg (400x640, 232K)

Actually was also going to add my ex apparently put on even more weight so she's like borderline BBW tier now and pretty happy about it.

Wrong. Poor people tend to live close to where they work, usually because they rely on relatives or public transportation to get to work. Lower-middle to middle class people typically have longer commutes because their pay justifies driving an hour to get to work.

Whatever helps your ego, buddy. No point arguing against a retard.

>You came to your conclusion simply because you are weak willed.

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What are you going to do?
Eat him?

He can just walk away from you.

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I can guarantee you a skinnyfat is going to run out of stamina before a bearmode, if the uncoordinated skinnyfat faggot can even run that is.

>I'm a bear! GRRR!
Fatties make me laugh

All's well that ends well, user. I'd ask for pics but I really don't expect anything.

>stamina to walk away

>Has a 9 year old's knowledge of weight
Retards make me laugh even harder.

If you're not able to live for yourself and just enjoy life without needing a greater meaning it's 100 percent true you fucking epic fedora poster. Please don't reply to me unless you have an actual argument you redditard.

Look at it this way. A lot of fat means a lot of opportunity for muscle. You got everything you need to get absolutely huge (in a good way)

>All's well that ends well, user.

I do not believe I deserve to genocide the entire human race, fuckwit. Because then I would subscribe to the same retarded mindset that I deserve anything at all. I am saying that humanity SHOULD be wiped out, nowhere in that equation am I involving myself as the perpetrator or claiming to be deserving of attaining that goal.

It's true. Fat people have no impulse control. They are greedy. These are I N H E R E N T qualities of being fat.

Virgin ''bear'' power lifter:

Chad lean muscle man
>Superior dexterity
>Superior resistance
>Can have a balanced diet
>Infinite energy

The fetish in these is humiliation. And what's more humiliating than fucking an old, bald, fat bastard

i am going to fuck every fold in a 500 pound woman

>literally fatties with an exercise addiction
you are the yin to the skinnyfat's yang.
>im just big boned and husky
how about you lose that fat and join the rest of us fit people. you're halfway there.

Making others fat is good, getting fat yourself is not. Please don't fall for that entrapment meme on /d/ where "female" anons encourage guys to get fat.

>calls himself an animal to make him feel better about being fat
are you distant cousins of furries and spiritkin?

dam she was hot

Never heard of that meme, also I have no interest in females.

>reads too much into titles
Down syndromes need to be gassed.

The fat queen wasn't even really a bad person, though. She was just being manipulated with drugs.

>nothing matters so I'll inflict damage on purpose to my body and suffer from severe downsides as a result
The absolute state of (You)

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Sounds exactly like Brahne. Why do Japs think fat Queens are so prone to being manipulated?

>isn't embarrassed calling himself a bear
the only people who find this acceptable are children, faggots, and furries

>dude do you call yourself user, because in life you're anonymous and no one cares about you?
Jesus, these insults are terrible no surprise from a skinnyfat

>Can have a balanced diet
Careful with this word, it triggers the meatards

Attached: healing potion balance.jpg (540x540, 36K)

Go lurk the male weight gain threads on /d/ or the "female feeder" ones if you don't believe me, trust me they do.

becuase they are fat and women

>Projecting this hard

Attached: change.png (665x536, 242K)

>Doubles down on this stupid shit.
We're done then, good luck with life as a mentally handicapped "person".

Everyone was being manipulated in that game. The queen was being poisoned because she loved to eat. The food was the vector for the attack.

Why is a fat bastard dressed like a woman

>11.1 grams of plant-based protein*

Fixed that for you

Vegans are subhumans though. Besides most of those cucks avoid red-meats like beef, pork, and poultry and either stay skinny from self-inflicted mental disorders or have no capacity of physical and mental strength to work out to stay in shape and eat healthy.

t. user who used to weigh around 200 lbs but dropped 40 lbs in under 2 years from working out and going to the gym 4-5 times a week

so "bearmodes" are delusional fatties just like delusional furries. thanks for clearing it up

>u-ur projecting
Cope some more fatty.

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Based heart failure chad

>Brush my teeth with Arm and Hammer Toothpaste
>Swish Swoosh Listerine Total Care
>Lunch in the middle of the day
>Brush my Teeth with Arm and Hammer Toothpaste
>Swish Swoosh Listerine Total Care
>Excersice on my treadmill for an hour to an hour and a half

Day is done

>doesn't deny any of it
I thought bearmodes were such tough guys and not soft fatties

>n-no u
Cope some more smooth brain

Attached: chub.jpg (932x651, 107K)

Sound dumb. A man should gain weight only because he himself wants to, not because some disgusting f*male is giving him food.

>implying fat is bad for you


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Clean water actually costs more than coca cola in mexico


>cut down on carbs
>eat more fat and protein
>eat vegetables with fibre, leafy greens, eggs, mushrooms, onions
>skip eating some meals and workout instead

Hard to explain but being hungry means your body wants nutrients and not so much energy. High fats and proteins make you feel full way faster than loads of carbs. You can obey your hunger as long as you fast some meals and eat actually good fucking food for you.

Attached: DONT TURN THAT CORNER BRO.jpg (750x747, 235K)

Projecting isn't new. That's been a magical word for faggots too lazy to come up with a thought out response since 2008 at least.

100 Calories of broccoli would be like having an entire plate covered in nothing but broccoli as a meal.

I mean I'm also saying those femanons are likely homos/male anons themselves trying to encourage guys to weight gain. I remember there used to be a /d/ discord for weight gain and inflation fans and it turned into a blog-shit about that stuff instead.



Men should be skinny or muscular. Women must be universally fat.