"Say fellas, did somebody mention the Door to Darkness?"

"Say fellas, did somebody mention the Door to Darkness?"

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Based Mickey

fucking Mickey ex Machina

>wanna see walt again kids?

Based and Darknesspilled

why didn't mickey do anything cool besides his failed ultima in this game

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"Hey user, Kairi's heart rests within you!"

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I fucking love showing people who know little to nothing about KH random shit from the series with no context.
It's hilarious every time and usually gets them interested in the series. If you go in expecting it to be an insane clusterfuck you'll probably have a good time.

Attached: They'll pay for this.jpg (1200x675, 56K)

Did mickey go through a poochy phase during KH2?

One of the best moments in the series, along with I'M ALREADY HALF XEHANORT


That's nuts...

somebody post the vocaroo


I really wish they got a decent VA for Mickey ecdn if the official one didn't want to.

Step aside jobku, only a real man can harness the power of darkness without getting norted.

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I’ve never played kingdom hearts but I’ve seen this part on YouTube and it is so fricking hilarious. Was it intentional?

what about the door to pottery?

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Why seeing Terranort getting BTFO by Donald/Terra is so satisfying?

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Damn Sora looks like that?

Why is Mickey's VA so fucking bad


Ouchy ouch

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Darkness makes everything lewder.

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KH is a lewd game

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What does namine smell like

the same

Shit, blood and piss

This remix is actually pretty good and would fit as an intro

At the beginning of the day perhaps a mellow umami scent, faintly like freshly washed onions, but not in an unpleasant way.
As the sweat and discharge ferments in her dark, damp creases, the smell begins to ripen. It smells of spiced meat, with a very acrid, sour after-smell. Something similar to strong body odor, but much more acute. What's important is that it is very pungent, and can be wafted across the room if she isn't careful to keep her legs closed around others.
At the very end of the night (if she allows herself to dry out), or perhaps the next morning if she doesn't bathe, the built up urine, sweat, and discharge begin to chemically break down. Urea turns to ammonia... her odor now smells of cleaning supplies, the kind that could bring a tear to you eye as it shoots like a lightning bolt up your nasal cavity. But still, there is the putrid smell of the fermented waste, like earlier, but worse. She smells it on her constantly, and it could very well make her sick. She never allows herself to get this smelly near others. The only person to ever known would be kairi, who absorbed this information when their hearts combined.

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Fucking kino