Why aren't you a programmer? You can literally make the game of your dreams. The cosmos is your limit.
Why aren't you a programmer? You can literally make the game of your dreams. The cosmos is your limit
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Programming is dull.
t. studying an IT vocational course and hoping to work with networks and hardware instead of being a code monkey.
Coding is great once you reach a certain point.A lot of the time is spent on boilerplate, learning specific APIs, and troubleshooting.
The creative aspect only comes when the groundwork has been laid. This is why preexisting game engines are more popular than writing one from scratch, even if doing so would give you more control.
Gabe new eel is cool but that quote sounds like it was made by a 3rd grader
>tfw no programmer pal
why isn't your steam id an instant ban?
The other day I played a little pixel platformer called Endeavor. It was made by one guy in a month for some sort of game jam. It's simple, athmospheric, and most important of all - seems achievable for me to make. I've been thinking about it a lot. I'll be happy if I can churn out something like that in after a year or so of learning.
Why would it be?
Why are you here
I did an automation course thingy with lua scripts and bat files, then never actually used it for anything.
>cosmos is you limit
That and unity
I'm completely hopeless when it comes to anything that involves math.
If by cosmos is the limit you mean your brain is the limit.
>wanting to become a code-monkey
It’s a dead-end career with a dead-end future, you’re delusional if you think you won’t be replaced by a third worlder who will do your job for less pay. Look into 3D-modeling or sound design instead
I am a programmer for my day job. It sucks the energy and creativity out of me though. I come home and work on projects, but I am not satisfied with my work.
If that was so then you'd expect programming to pay equally well in every country. It don't.
>third worlders can code bu they can't do 3D-modeling
People tend to forget your graphical skills are the limit, when it comes to programming.
I can write any type of script for any kind of purpose. Making a game requires making graphical assets, that's an entirely different issue.
3D-modeling generally requires hefty hardware. I doubt third worlders can afford it, although I could be wrong
I feel like that is something I have an advantage in. I only do coding. I do not have any art skills at all, but my gf is a really good artist. She only does 2D.
Do you think that working with physical 3D arts like clay and sculpture would translate to 3D modeling?
If you find someone to pair up with, not only is programming a wonderful thing, but it also teaches you a lot about who you're working with. I had my best friend do the stuff i'm not good at, we practically made a TRPG engine on unity.
Nice that is pretty cool!
I did, but more people are interested in art when it comes to porn games.
>Programming is dull.
More or less this. I can do a fair amount of programming but it's not that enjoyable anymore. I'll still do it to make quick scripts for games or to bitbang something on an Arduino or whatever (made a ps/2 to serial converter which let me use a modern laser mouse on a 486 which is nice).
I'm glad I didn't go in to programming as a career, I would shoot myself having do work on other people's code 40 hours a week.
What game are you making user?
>Why aren't you a programmer?
not smart enough
Logic I'm fine with but my brain can't math.
I was talking about PC hardware
I was just asking if a sculptor would be a good 3d modeler. Or is it to different that their skills would transfer over?
Having to write commentary is also a massive pain in the ass.
Most programming requires very little math. It disappointed me because I am really good at math.
I definitely think that the skills would transfer over. If you’re good with real life sculpting then you most likely are good at visualizing objects in 3D. There are programs like maya that are specifically designed for sculpting in 3D
making games is way too much work
everything takes fucking ages alone
should rather start painting
I'm a brainlet and can't do math or calculus. I was alright at really basic programming but I jumped off the ship before I could ever reach any actual programming.
Cool thank you!
You might not be good at creating textures though. But a sculptor definitely has an edge when creating 3D meshes. I had no trouble making complex ones, but i'm terrible at texturing them.
Pic related is my rogue, made in 3dsmax.
I wouldn't know where to start and whenever I ask, I get a whole bunch of different answers ranging from learn C++ straight up to learn simple coding like HTML or Ruby and work my way up to just learn a premade game engine and I get overwhelmed by all the info available so I just don't start.
That is pretty cool
It's probably so easy for you that you don't even realize just how prevalent the overlap is.
Like, I was making something ~2 or 3 years ago where I was putting in a mechanic where being at a certain distance from the ground and doing a divepbomb would initiate a shockwave upon reaching a distance of 0, the power of which would be proportionate to the the original distance from the ground and I fucking blew a fuse. My brain just cannot do it, though I always know what I want to do.
tried to learn programming and dropped it after four months
it's so fucking unbelievably boring. There's nothing creative about this, at least not at the stage I was in.
After the revelations about how easy it is to get AI to write code, this didn't age well.
Programming will be extinct as a human occupation sometime in the next 30 years.
most oversaturated field in history, just take a look at /g/, there are daily threads about jobless programmers crying all day long
>telling AI to write sex mods for Skyrim
I can't wait.
I don’t really think that is is exactly overrated. There are plenty of positions opened. The problem is finding people that fit those positions. Too many people have a degree in computer science and not experience enough in software engineering/application development.