Get woke, go broke

Get woke, go broke.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The niggers are the villains though, you braindead political casualty.

Why would you buy a far cry game knowing its gonna be obsolete next year

it just kinda came out. No build up, no ads, just kinda dumped it out in stores for 40 bucks and thats it. Also came out when everyone is playing that apex game right now.

blacks can be thugs at most

>Get woke, go broke

>We dont see these threads for Apex Legends
Lmao really makes you think

This, you're literally defending your nice white-ish settlement against brown invaders. More proof that /polfags/ don't actually play games.

Why would you buy it at all. I'm having fun but Ubishit don't need more money.

I bet ubishits are highfiving themselves right now.
>haha what if we make them the villains, that way we'll have a convenient excuse when the goyim see we're pushing an agenda

far cry has and always will be a political cartoon

this, plus it's not blood dragon 2

>sales are lower
>game is $20 cheaper than a normal new title

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Its the most enjoyable far cry since 2. Im having fun with it nigger

reply to this post if the only time you've had SJW garbage shoved down your throat is when /pol/ posting it

Far Cry FIVE, who the fuck wants the fifth far cry? It's like buying every Assassins Creed.

>two black women
>they are the villains
>portrayed as villains through the entire game
>one, so irredeemably bad she is shown telling her mother "if you're not with us you're the enemy" before abandoning her, dies like a dog due to her own hubris
>the other makes a promise to her mother to not be as evil as her father, she halfheartedly agrees, and you still get the option to put her down
>you restore a nuclear family and this is shown as a good thing
>game lets you be best buddies with Joseph Seed who gives you literal superpowers and has you take over New Eden as its Sword and Shepherd, and this is all portrayed as a good thing

Why do so many people here hate this game again?

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Its fun

>Market & tailor game to poor minorities
>No sales
Pic related

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Was there even any marketing for this? Maybe it's because I don't really pay much attention, but if my memory serves me right, I saw something about this at E3, and actually didn't even remember this was a thing until it was released.
Also, maybe they should stop churning out these games like clockwork without really doing anything interesting with them. I would have expected them to realise this by now but I guess not.

still topped the charts lol

Primal was also a flop. This is just paid 40 dollar DLC, so I bet there's nothing to make but profit. FC6 will be a full new game and be as successful as 5.


You are a fucking retard.

It's actually like the 10th depending what spinoffs you count.

>going broke with a f2p game


Bad game design and cash grabbing.

This. I haven't played Far Cry since 3.

>standalone dlc that's just the same game but slightly different
yeah that's fine

Even with all of that who the fuck wants to scour a big empty map to shoot random nobodies and pick up boring collectables? These games are for the lowest of IQ plebs.

Who would guess that releasing the same game 1 year later would net you far less sales

>The niggers are the villains though
they are still massively used to promote the game you brain dead retard

I watched some review of this game and they were talking about the antagonists here and they showed a clip of one of them saying something like

>Whatever we can't steal we're going to burn down

and it's just like wow, they really captured the negro-spirit with these two.

the far cry games are always promoted with the villains. Go back to r/thedonald or wherever your low IQ types hang out.

Yet everybody who plays the game don't mind the faggotry. Check mate.

get help

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If you didn't go specifically looking into the lore I don't think you'd know any of them are fags. I don't have a clue personally. All I can tell is that it's a horrific to look at cast of mutts and niggers without a single QT.

You mean like Farcry 3,4 and 5 which have the villian from and center on the game artwork? Your such a dumb gorilla nigger.

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>make dlc
>release it less than a year later

We talked about this Ubisoft, we thought you were in recovery

They didn't even learn a lesson as this game probably cost like $200 to make

Farcry games are ALWAYS marketed with the villians you agenda pushing brainlet, holy shit.

the game implies that nigger chicks can be strong

which they are not.

I dont fucking get it. When FC5 was shown, Yea Forums threw a fit how white christian men were portrayed as villains. Everyone loathed the boxart. The game was pretty fucking good when released. Now when this standalone DLC releases that has these black women antagonists on cover, its STILL SJW propaganda despite
all this shit. This is straight up retardation. I dont care if people are racist. But at least be fucking consistent. What the fuck box art do you want? Invisible people? All whites, blacks, and mixed box arts clearly are all incorrect.

You finally figured it out, Yea Forums is the most contrarian place on the internet, always do the opposite of what Yea Forums says

don't breath cyanide m8. it's bad for you.

hahaha what a loser,kys op

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>Playing shitty flavor of the month free to play games
New Dawn is actually pretty refreshing with the added RPG elements. The expeditions are a nice added touch too.

haven't bought a FC game since 2 anyway.

3 was fun and 4 was 3++
I recommend 4
Get it.

It's going to be interesting to see leftists and neo-cons reaction to Trump winning in 2020 because they handled it poorly in '16. Not even memes, just historical precedent. Ohio was swept over by a red wave this last midterm election (something like 86~ counties in OH and 70-something reported republican nominee winners in 2018) and since 1964 Ohio has been *the* bellwether state when it comes to presidential elections, in fact out of 31 elections since 1864 only twice ('44/'60) has Ohio been incorrect when it comes to President elects. Unless the DNC can figure out someway to massively sway the political leanings in Ohio Trump seems to have history on his side. As a policy wonk and staunch proponent for realpolitik it's all quite fascinating to me. If you're a betting man the safe bet statistically speaking is the current incumbent Donald Trump. /Off topic.

One of the primary draws to Far Cry games after 3 have always been cool memorable villains who are maybe kinda relatable even if they're nuts.

cool videogame related post

>3 was fun
3 was the last one I played and I couldn't stand the first 30 min. I had to restart a mission because I wanted to run back to a guy and scavenge for materials instead of fast traveling.

Fucking dumbass retard.

>tripple-A asset flip sells poorly
gee, who would have thought?

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I didn't feel too bad posting it cause this whole thread isn't REALLY about video games is it? It's a shitty politics thread with a thin veneer of vidya

The single player campaign in FC5 was so fucking grating I had to stop halfway through. Gameplay 101: always let the player feel like he/she has agency. FC5 constantly takes agency away from you. Such a shame, though, since the map was great and the gameplay was serviceable, assuming the game would actually let you play for more than 10 consecutive minutes.

If you look at the user reviews (steam), they mostly say the excat same thing. I figured I'd try it anyway, knowing what to expect, but I couldn't stand it anyway. Glad I bought it on sale and not new.

Long story short: A lot of prospective players got burned while playing the main game and are not going in for seconds.

>3 was the last one I played and I couldn't stand the first 30 min.
Serious question, do you enjoy video games? What are your top 3 favourite video games?

I love Games where I have no agency though.

In their politically brainwashed heads, they think it's clearly about video games but in reality it's just politics. Same with SJW's who say "EVERY GAME IS INHERENTLY POLITICAL"

Such as?

>do you enjoy video games?
yes, but I can't stand when a game holds your hand so hard that it makes you fast travel instead of just letting you walk your own ass back if you want to.
>top 3 favorite
kinda hard to narrow it down but probably max payne 1, DMC3, and sengoku rance.

Far cry tower shit is in your top 3 games?
I dropped 3 after about 6 hours and pirated 4, tried to play it twice but dropped after 2 hours. It has nice graphics and that's it.

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CoD and sports game do fine, it sold poorly because nobody cared or is too busy playing Apex.
Not saying it's a good game, but with proper marketing it'd have sold more than 15% of what FC did. probably 40% or so.

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Victoria 2

nah theres forced women throughout the game. Dont think I saw one male leader in 4 hours.

i'd rather get cool villains instead of meatheads diversity quota

thanks you shill

heh that guy looks like sid from ice age. WHo is he?

>promotes family and comunity values and provides spiritual means, something that people lack the most nowadays
>get to execute niggers by the dozens in the most horrible ways and fight rap nihilistic sub-culture trash

/pol/acks are on-par with sjws in terms of intelligence

Things you dont have to do
the post

you don't get to shoot them in the face, but defeat them (or not) via cutscene and they're also given tragic abloo-bloo backstories

fuck you

>set in Montana
>all the fighters are women or black women

You can't see this at all in their promotion materials. And why would you buy a game with two el goblinas on the cover.

The tripfag


There's a really big difference between:
putting in a bunch of progressive characters and going;

"Here's the game, it's free and available right now BTW"


Putting in a bunch of progressive characters then instructing your marketing and social media departments to market the game by going;

"hey you"
"do you see all these DIVERSE CHARACTERS"
"becha never seen that befoe"
"betcha just hate it doncha"
"well get used to it"
"Because we're so wOOOOOOOOOOke"
"your time is over"
"Our time is now"
"Everyone who isn't racist wants it, why don't YOU"
"this wasn't MEANT FOR YOU"
"btw please buy our game"
"half of it comes out in 6 months and you can buy the season pass to get the other half"

will they ever make them less shallow? i'd like to keep hoping, but after 4 times of regret It's time to give up

El goblin de Americas amigos! Oy very good!

The solution to all of this is to just not have niggers in games at all. Seriously, no one wants to look at or think about niggers, they are grotesque.

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I don't think it's that, I just think it's just a failed launch from lack of interest. I didn't even see the typical shillfest that happens here every time a far cry game comes out. Feels like they didn't bother advertising it.

Far Cry hasn't been relevant, fun, interesting or good since 2.
Same with Assassin's Creed, 2 was the last one worth talking about.

How do people still care? The last title Ubisoft had anything to do with that was worth mentioning was Rayman Legends, and even that was just an alright one time playthrough.

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Yeah and both of these are shit.

>get woke
>go broke
Name a more iconic duo.

OP is retarded but I want to see AAA companies like Ubisoft fail so I'm happy about it.

You retards can blame the marketing team, if they sell the idea that the game caters to a very specific public which i dont belong you can bet that i will allow the said public make the playerbase by themselves.
Also i didn't even bothered playing FC5 because i found FC4 lacking. I would get Pagan Baker to call me after every mission saying that he loves me or something but i just couldn't side with him and had to keep tagging along with the Hala dude and the Feminist bitch. It felt like a Telltale series.

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Yeah, like play the game. Way ahead of you.

Your mom, my dick

Wait i just realized that New Dawn is not DLC for FC5?

Why do sales matter so much to so many of you? That's like all you people talk about here besides transgender people on Twitter. Do you work at Ubisoft? Is your job in danger if the newest Tom Clancy's Far Creed doesn't sell? You think someone that likes a game is really gonna change their mind when they find out other people haven't bought it?

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Its a standalone with more RPG mechanics.
Hearing murmurs that the next farcry game will be more like the division or borderlands.

>Game has black antagonist
>Game has white antagonist

can you ever win with you retards?

it was never meant to out do mainline entires, this was an offshoot game like blood dragon. it didn't take much to develop considering all the reused assets, nor was there much poured into marketing the game.

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Damage control

Bitching about reused assets when WoW, CoD do this shit every God damn year.

*Blocks your path*

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no blacks at all


Or the game is a shameless cashgrab rehash with literally the same map

Things that never happened. Go fuck yourself you strawmaning faggot

They never learn dont they?

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Gas mask + beard.

Nice seal.

Not that guy but yeah, that's exactly what happened here before FC5 actually released.
Own up to it, hypocrite.

Last time I checked it was actually the left who got triggered over far cry 5.
Nice try to hide your own ineptitude.

Paid shill

I don't get it

This, even caring about this is sheepish as fuck just go play games you like rather than follow muh /pol/ or muh sales, anyone that plays or refuse to play something because of a general public opinion is a disgusting secondary who doesn't belong here.

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That's why I said "before it actually released". Nice Youtube video bro. Thanks for proving you weren't on Yea Forums before the release.

This thread just shows how centrist faggotry is getting out of hand
Like we need more political retards complaining about dumb shit

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It's almost like having marketing for game with picture of niggers torturing white man and possible later killing him is bad for sales. shocking.

>White people on Far Cry 5 box art

>Far Cry New Dawn has two black women on box art

Make up your mind, /pol/ do you want black villains or not?

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Centrists aren't political. I want both sides of mutt politics out of vidya.

>implying all this isn't just ubishills trying to generate discussion on their games
Remember how there couldn't not be a Far Cry 5 thread every day until the game released?

Why are they mutually exclusive?

Let's just say I've uh... hehe... already played it.

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>went to watch the cutscenes for this game
>the game wanted you to feel bad for them even after you defeated them and died
The hell. They were unlikable as hell and the game wanted us to feel bad for them? They were complete dickheads

Every FC game does that.

Not only that but your almost always a white savior
What more do these faggots want
>IF white villain: REE
>IF black villain: REE

your a retard and so are all the polfugees

It's almost like both side has the same shitty mindset but delude themselves into thinking they're better than the other

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it's more annoying that they're women, not that they're black. all this media pretending that women are just as capable as men in combat is VERY very fucking dangerous to young impressionable girls.

Yeah- I quiet after finishing two acts.

The buddies are cute but OP, the cult enemies are same-y and the constant 'YOU'RE KIDNAPPED' nonsense was retarded.

Not to mention the egregious cash shop. I swear, they gave enemies such little variety to encourage players to spend real money to unlock new guns.

It's a $30 game, at best.

>If a game is free to play, it was free to develop

UK is based while AUH-MERICANS continue to pre-order buy lootboxes and do whatever joe ninja streamer says

What sort of imbecile pays attention to social media marketing anyways?

Christ- I thought we learned our lesson about paying attention to ads after Daikatana.

Why do we see so many headline articles about UK sales charts? Seems like we get more than other countries.

>Being this much of a retarded centrist

>muh both sides
You're a fucking moron if you think "both sides" are getting bent in equal measure about this shit. Pay attention.

Because it's one of the only western countries that publish vidya sales charts (be they only physical)

>Farcry 5 sells really well
>Ubisoft pushes it and attempts to sell a $40 DLC

That's a yikes for me. This is a (big) DLC and not a new game, I don't care what anyone says

You and ignoring counterexample to your non-existent correlation

You're not allowed to have a beard when using masks. Obviously.

Why are you lying you fucking nigger?

You know what's most annoying?
They are the shittiest villains in any FC game to date. But we can't talk about that on Yea Forums because of fucking retards who can't handle seeing women or niggers in their vidya.
10 years ago Yea Forums would have just had fun photoshopping watermelons into screenshots, but now we just get anons opining how afflicted society is by these SJWs and we listen to you retards screech about feminism and forced diversity.

>not liking either SJWs or /pol/tards makes you le ebin centrist

instead of being a more on-rails high quality gunplay experience (it's got a good gunplay system) it's another "open world" piece of ass like primal. Blood dragon sold so well, primal sold so shit, I thought they learned, but I guess not.

las creaturas......

They would be better villains in a sequel to Saints Row IV.

Lol keep seething fags

I honestly had no idea a new Far Cry was out

>Get woke, go broke.
That doesn't make sense, you actually get to kill these two niggers in the game and Joseph Seed, the religious zealot from FC5, is actually the good guy this time around.

Blood Dragon was also open world, just smaller and having less content

>It's actually like the 10th depending what spinoffs you count.
what? I count 8

10 years ago, white men weren't being vilified by the media because of the way we were born. the most popular games were call of duty, assassin's creed and uncharted, all starring white males. because white american males buy more video games than anyone else, so naturally, you cater to your biggest demographic. it's not fucking racism, it's fucking business.

>this whole post
Just fuck off with your imaginary persecution you insufferable piece of shit. Go post it on your blog.

Wait this game came out? I had no clue it was coming out so early i have no interest in it just crazy there was like zero advertising for this.

Who the fuck hasn't been sick of Far Cry since 4?

Yes you can, it's literally there in all gameplay videos released by Ubisoft.

theyre the villains who are also plastered everywhere in the marketing material along with a bunch of "bad ass chicks" riding around in rainbow tricycles with machine guns. the game is woke trash recycled from competent developers of the original one.

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since 3*

This is why I've not bought a COD since Black Ops, Battlefield since 3 or a ubisoft game since Far Cry 3
Are devs really comfortable making disposable products with no prospects outside of being milked for DLC and dumped just to do it all over again

You're a fucking idiot. The villains of Far Cry are always prominent on the box art and in the trailers.

The programmers really don't care as long as they're paid. The directors and shit have to figure out ways to keep people interested and not have the exact same game with the exact same mechanics.

yes and? theyre the important character, similar to many other fps games.

Yeah im not looking at black people for fun buddy. Sorry your favorite game failed hard BYE BYE

>niggers are the villains
Art parodying real life, I suppose. *tips*

But no one who doesn't research about it knows that, this is the trailer they used to sell the game:

this is the truth

Shut the fuck up, loser.

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speedrunning and gender dysphoria

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>no one who doesn't research about it knows they're the villains
>the name of the trailer is literally TWICE AS EVIL
How much research are we talking here?

this, the game is really pushing it expecting me to suspend belief enough that two black girls that look like they weigh 120lbs would be criminal masterminds and gang leaders and not just some henchmen's bitch

That's happened with many F2P games, companies have gone under developing F2P.

Those were two different times, user. I'm not defending the /pol/-ites who have more paranoia then a regular user on /x/, but you didn't really have to worry about games holding back or gutting themselves in the name of "muh feels", especially games where having fun with violence, sexuality, and shit were the norm (MK, Dead or Alive, and even Hitman games). Now you get shit where SJWism is front in center in various games, to the point where they put it in the game startups of being made by a "diversified" studio.

FC New Dawn wasn't one of those games though and bunch of jackasses are living rent free with this game.

BD also charged accordingly and was a really good dessert. But fuck you primal user for making a comparison of all the previous FC's open world's with Primal's.

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because no one wants pandering and then reverse pandering when your last game didn't do very well. just make a fucking good game and people will buy it

Did anyone really think this would sell well? There was barely any marketing and the marketing it did have was very upfront of it being a re-worked map. Instead of lying to people like Primal did, they just shat out what was essentially an expansion as a full priced game.

They apparently killed their own father, and I'm guessing that he was the original founder of the group.
Maybe they killed him and took over. Wealth through power and all that.

I don't know man I kind of liked RE5's portrayal and game play

AAA games was a mistake

only faggots like you blog

>Far Cry

You team up with the crazy white cult leader from the last game because his Alex Jones rants were right.

No blacks is what the world wants user sweety

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Whats aaa stand for?


At least someone acknowledges that the rants we're indeed, crazy, regardless if true or not.

>still assuming a false dichotomy
Why are you so upset and making assumptions about people who ask genuine questions?

I've only played Far Cry 2 but I know the villain from all of the Far Cry games, but none of the heroes.

The villains are the lifeblood of the games, the hero is usually some poor schmuck in way over their head who develops a great talent for violence.

Why buy ubishit at all.

I dunno. I am just fun posting.

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All the promotion was women this nigger that so I'm not surprised. Ubi need to put Far Cry on ice too many games just redskins of 3. They need to make 6 the leap that we from 2 to 3 and that takes time.

blood dragon's open world exists solely to ferry you A to B. I can't remember a single point at which you're encouraged to explore as opposed to hitting checkpoints A B and C in, admittedly, an order you choose, but still, a specific order.

>The "woke" women are the main antagonists of the game
>Far Cry ND still sold more than Anthem (which is fucking shit)
>FC:ND lots of fun and a new sandbox to play in till RAGE 2 comes out and destroys it.
>priced less than $60 yet still a fully fledge FC game

Why are you shilling hate so hard OP? Is it because you're mad it's so fun?

Really like how butthurt anonymous is dah legiunzfags from the election can't counter this, but spam that same image like the good little bots they are

People are looking for gameplay, not identity politics. There is enough of that everywhere.
The game sucks, and the formula is becoming boring even for the normies.

I didn't even know it was a game, I though it was gonna be a DLC extra story or something.

THIS! If I'm to kill anyone, it needs to be white people. Especially pretty white women in skimpy clothing. Only whites should be in games where you kill humans. Because I hate niggers you see.

Get woke, go rich

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Nice digiornalism OP. First FC game I might pick up since 3, looks chill and fun and those girls are the antagonists you knob

Forgot your trip

>from a free game.

racism is not allowed outside of Yea Forums

No it's not. You're pretty much free to do anything other than the main missions like in FC3, like capturing outposts and doing side missions. It's just because the game is short enough and paced really well, you think that the open world aspect served little purpose.

Structurally, BD was just FC3 condensed. It wasn't more linear than the base game at all.


Not an ounce of self awareness, eh? Typical trait of severely autistic people

Triple a

>Yea Forums willingly helped to promote a game that saved EA
you should all be proud of yourselves

Remind me how much Fortnite Battle Royale, a free game, made last year.
Oh wait, I remember, over 2 billion in revenue, the the most annual revenue of any game in history

yeah except now EA has to find a way to monetize the game while maintaining and leveraging the player base and selling what amounts to $11 gun skins is laughable

Forgot your trip


What, were people expecting this to sell well?
It's a DLC pushed as a full game when the game its copying is less than a year old.

We actually should. Hating EA became mainstream so it's our duty as the avatars of chaos to counter normalfags by embracing and keeping them alive on our whim.


Holy shit, fucking kys you nasty discord tranny. R/games would be more to your tastes

what part about them factually selling $11 gun skins is cope again retard?

The fact that you think it won't make a shit ton of money for EA

again let's see EA a notorious failure at monetizing be successful at monetizing the game before declaring it a massive success retard

Investors, who handle much more information than you and in a far more impartial manner, believe EA will be successful at monetizing it, hence the increase in value of EA stock
Keep coping

again wrong, you are an idiot it's OK to admit it. brainless investors jump into anything en masse that could be as popular as something else. they here 'like fortnight' and throw caution to the wind. the same thing happens all the time it's why Snap, Inc's IPO was such a success with investors jumping in at an outrageous price thinking 'like instagram' and now the companies worth like 15% of what it was. but as long as companies can count on bilking retards like you out of your beta bucks they have no worries

Yeah, we should believe a seething 4channeler instead lol
Nice cope