wait a minute...
How come Levine managed to make SS2 and Bioshock so good while Infinite so shit? Was it the George Lucas syndrome
He aimed too high, fucked up and took too long and the publisher forced him to cut the losses and make a COD clone with the assets he had ready.
What a shame.
Was he truly a villain?
Also, why did he kill himself
Infinite had a troubled development & games are a sum of more than one developers work (though the writing for Infinite was fucking ass but you might be able to attribute that to the several rewrites of the script).
Looks like Anthony Fantano with hair.
Ryan was pretty much in the wrong the whole time
How so?
He made a city based around objectivism in the first place, far from civilizations, underwater. The whole concept was flawed and eventually Ryan's ego took over his motivation in the first place, creating a fascist like place. A figure like Fontaine will inevitably rise from that situation. Even without Fontaine, someone else will fill his role to fuck shit up.
>Also, why did he kill himself
To make a point. You were the slave that he, the master, commanded. And he commanded you to kill him. He probably knew he was done for anyway and Fontaine "won" so he went out in his own terms, believing in his own ideology to the bitter end.
And no, he wasn't a villain in my eyes. Too ambiguous and maybe a bit naive in believing that truly free people would choose to behave like civilized people. There's always some asshole ruining others fun sooner or later.
>believing in his own ideology to the bitter end
is this why he started injecting capitalism into his society when it wasn't working?
But it wasn't "his" society at all. It was everyone's. That's why it failed. There was no proper hierarchy and Ryan panicked trying to fix it. But that doesn't mean that he didn't still believe in it. It was probably deluded thinking coming from a man trapped and cornered in his own utopia turned dystopia but it's still the main reason why he wanted the player to kill him.
>And no, he wasn't a villain in my eyes. Too ambiguous and maybe a bit naive in believing that truly free people would choose to behave like civilized people. There's always some asshole ruining others fun sooner or later.
Quotable stuff.
SS2 was good. Bioshock was too dumbed down.
SS2 and BS1 showed issues that SS1 and BS2 don't have. He was always shit.
He created a society based on the idea of perpetual competition that would force everyone to work hard to stay on top. But as soon other people began to surpass him he threw a massive shitfit and began tossing out all of his own rules to stay ahead.
Infinite is even better, it just you contrarian faggot
Bioshick was a good compromise between AAA shooters and RPG-lite mechanics. It was simpler than SS2, yes, but SS2 was very clunky as a shooter.
Nah it's a perfectly 5/10 fps with some nice scenery
Yeah, he literally tried destroying all the oxygen trees of Rapture just to fuck you.
He wasn’t pure evil but he wasn’t very good.
take a fucking hike back to plebbit you casual
Why do chinks hate animals?
Because they’re food.
SS2 shits on SS1 nigger. Hitscanners that stand in place in narrow corridors for the entire game is not fun. Meanwhile in SS2 you get a varied bestiary with all kinds of ways to get around them from smacking a wall with your wrench to bait hybrids to going invisible and setting yourself on fire.
My grandfather was literally suchong, but not a doctor though.
You see in Singapore, he owned a general store next to an opium den. On the same street, when the Japanese occupied the city, they closed down the neighboring bicycle shop, then the restaurant, then took over the nearby apartments and threw out the occupants. But they did not do anything to grandfather's shop, because it was next to the opium den.
Since newDark and SCP, there's nothing clunky about SS2 anymore whereas with Bioshock you still have to deal with the console interface.
To be fair, from his point of view you were just some frankenstein freak mind controlled by fontaine. And it's not like any decent folk is left in rapture anyway.
His whole city went to shit, so best way to way to die is to make a point and stick it up to Fontaine.
"villian" is a very broad term to describe him. "Drowned in ambition" would describe him better, because that's how he caused the psychos to grow within Rapture, and then go wild when Fontaine rioted.
>believing in his own ideology to the bitter end
He is a hypocrite, Fontaine outplayed him fair and square on the market. So Ryan killed him and privatized Fontaine Futuristics.
>tfw SS3 will probably be shit
I swear the one that stuck with me in Bioshock 1 was the YOUR UGLY shit Steinmen wasn’t even a major person but it stuck with me.
Is remastered better than the original? I should probably get around to finally beating that game.
See, Infinite had above all else the most superior aesthetic with the Belle Epoque/Edwardian Era time period going on, which breaks my heart knowing that it was the worst of the series
because he wanted it to be good but the studio got tired of spending money and wanted a game released so investors could profit. Levine needs to remake BS in 3d
Not really. It's the same with some places being worst than the original (the waters, for example). If you own the originals on PC, you better play that version instead. It's quite helping that the originals are smaller and runs better.
Perhaps it helps that if you buy the remastered on steam, you also get the original copy as well so finding them is not a problem.
I already own it, I just always get bored and quit.
If there are parts of the remaster that look better I'm not sure what they are, for me it ran like shit, had weird visual/texture bugs whenever something was supposed to be sparking, and crashed constantly. The originals still run just fine and they come bundled with the remaster, just play those instead.
I don't like to bring up crowbcat because he purposefully misrepresents everything, but have you seen his infinite video? This game could have been something pretty good.
Don't even get me started on the fucking gameplay.
Infinite was in development hell because Levine kept rewriting it, publisher got pissed, and gave them "release to this date or it's cancelled and you're all fired" deadline. Dev team scrambled what was done, glued them with more or less coherent story, and filled blanks.
This is why there are pieces that seem brilliant, but as a whole Bioshock Infinite is a clusterfuck.
If the game is your problem then don't force it, you probably wouldn't enjoyed it and it might be that these games aren't for you.
it was glitchy as hell on release, no idea how much they fixed
Bioshock 2 remaster I found exactly same as original, it even crashed at same point
I don't get the hate for Infinite one bit. It was a truly magnificent game with excellent gameplay, a unique and awesome aesthetic and atmosphere, and a great story. And the soundtrack is fantastic. I enjoyed everything about it. The only bad Bioshock is 2.
white separatism always leads to violence
any form of moral strength is insane and harmful to everyone
murder your own parent to save the multiverse from evil whiteness
>there are people that still defends Infinite
100% can guarantee you they started on Infinite
Nope. Played them in order on release. Infinite is the best one.
good ol opium
Why couldn't we just have got a remastered BS with BS2's gameplay mechanics? Also everyone agrees that BS2 story line was trash and the DLC of 'The Thinker' was better than the main story line right?
Why did Ryan let his own son kill him?
SS3 will probably never release. From what I read if it does release it’ll be a lot of fan service which is a waste
to turn his son into a man
>excellent gameplay
>Half the guns are complete shit.
>Upgrades are pointless.
>Tonics are recycled.
>Carry limit.
where can I learn about these era's?
He realized lolbertarians truly were the dumbest people on earth and killed himself out of shame
Where the fuck is this Bioshock 2? Why does nobody call this series out for being false advertising bait and switch?
So you just have shit taste, are easily impressed by things you don't understand, or are a waifufag.
Infinite's design completely changed half way thru.
The first video of Infinite at E3 was a rail shooter and everyone complained so they hastily remade the game.
do you live in singapore?
It's a mess but it's a fun mess, I dont understand all the hate towards it.
you sound like an insane person
Then why was the final product a rail shooter? 1 and 2 were open world
Is being impressed so wrong? What is so wrong about it?
all that literally happens in the game? they just changed the big sister into a singular big bad into a repeating enemy you can kill
>Bioshock 1 is an open world game
infinite was extremely ambitious but something went wrong and they have to scrap most of it, then they reworked what was left into a corridor shooter to meet deadlines.
Where is this Bioshock infinite?
Why couldn't this series remain mildly similar to what was shown?
>So good
?? 5/10 game
Let's be real, Elizabeth is a solid vidya waifu. But she still comes in third behind Kat from Gravity Rush and Elika from Prince of Persia (2008)
to be fair, fontaine is a fucking dick and he forces you to suffer a pretty dull and repetitious boss fight with his gigadick self in the last portion.
because it means you have low standards
Infinite is a bad game. It does nothing special, takes several steps backwards compared to other fps games, has a garbage nonsensical story line that tries to disguise this fact by appearing 2deep4u, and is overall a complete downgrade from its years old predecessors.
Fucking chinks has no hearts. Another proof.
why the fuck would you waifu elizabeth, her only personality traits are "disney princess" and "sub-50 IQ"
when did you accept bioshock 2 was better than 1?
game play mechanics immediately but story only when the dlc was released, the main story was trash
Recently tried a Psi run for System Shock 2. The clunkiness drove me insane, I dropped it half way through. I really don't get what people like about psi.
>pitifully easy even on the hardest difficulty so the combat is completely unengaging
>the best build in the game is centered on eliminating all weapons except the drill
>despite all this, you have to stop every 15 steps to fight a bullshit horde mode wave battle
>spend 40% of the game on these stupid wave battles on replays of the game
>if you just say fuck it and skip them the game is 4 hours long
bio2 is pretty bad imo
Speak like a human, bugman
starts off really weak but by hydro you can set yourself on fire and go invisible at high speeds dabbing on enemies and protocol droids
also a melee weapon that damages shodan
When I got the drill
The story isn't exactly bad but it's pretty a derivation from 1. Still, it's a more effective father-daughter bonding story than Infinite.
>called Prey
>plays literally like System Shock
A lot of the story was scrapped and rewritten
bethesda forced arkane to change the name of their project from Typhon to Prey so they could renew their IP rights to the Prey franchise. it has nothing to do with the original Prey, and was meant to be a standalone game. Prey 2016 didn't replace Prey 2, they're entirely separate projects.
She throws me ammo
you retarded if you can't answer all those questions by yourself
>great shock game and a great roguelike DLC
>didn't even sell 1 million lifetime
>this was right after Dishonored 2 flop
they're not gonna last.
>Bioshock on the same level as SS2
Bioshock looked great and had an amazing setting but everything that didn't directly involve Ryan was a wet fart.
Because of the bad writing?
I guess, maybe i was just doing it wrong. But I was dealing with the shitty psi select menu (obviously) but then you have the psi abilities that boost your stats (great) except they have to be re-applied (unfortunate that they don't just drain psi slowly over time) which just kinda gets annoying over time, but it's even worse when your item space and the armor you can wear is affected by your strength stat. So you boost your strength, but when the boost wears off, your literally throw you armor onto the floor because you can't wear it anymore.
And then to make matters worse, everyone time you hit a loading screen, all your buffs turn off, some then you are now spending psi points and having to pick your armor up again.
One time, the game literally ate my armor while going back and forth between a bulkhead.
So then of course, I could solve this by investing in my physical stats outright, but then that completely ruins the point of having psi abilities that boost stats.
Guess I just have to go for maximum cheese, but overall the experience just turned SS2's clunkiness up to 11, and made it impossible for me to play like I usually do.
>But I was dealing with the shitty psi select menu (obviously)
Nigger you are supposed to use the hotkeys. F1-5 automatically cycles through every psi ability. And you only need a STR requirement of 3 for power armor while you can get an ability to recharge your power armor whenever.
damn my almonds are fucking activating by the dozens
>F1-5 automatically cycles through every psi ability.
I swear I explicitly checked the control menu for this and didn't see anything, maybe I'm blind.
> And you only need a STR requirement of 3 for power armor while you can get an ability to recharge your power armor whenever.
That's a good point, though I really wasn't swimming in psi hypos.
To be fair, story was clusterfuck by design. See, Levine tried really hard to make story unique, so he purposely went with scientific teories he didn't understand, because he WANTED it to be just technobabble.
So yeah, story WAS MEANT to not make logical sense, and everything else just followed. Possibly why publisher went into manual override mode.
She throws you ammo and was great in Bioshag Trinity.
>still defends
No one needs to defend anything. It has a higher user score than any other entry and the actual "game" holds up better than the first two. The critics and cynics do not shape reality.
Infinite is great, and only shitters/ contrarian morons think otherwise.
>Hurr why does 1999 mode soft lock the game
Because that's the point of 1999 mode you moron , think about the name for maybe 10 seconds.
>Hurr why is there less inventory space
So you aren't a walking armory and have to think mildly more like a soldier who can't just hold a rocket launcher, 1000 rounds of different kinds of ammunition, 2 rifles , a shotgun, a pistol, and ten healthpacks while sprinting around the map.
>But the story sucks
The story of Bioshock games have always sucked
>B-but the vigors suck and don't do anything
No, they don't, you suck at the game. They're actually wildly overpowered if you know what you're doing
this is why Yea Forums hates infinite
Started with Bioshock 1 then played infinite, still haven't played Bioshock 2. I vastly prefer Infinite over Bioshock 1. The amount of nostalgia people have for that game is ridiculous, it's a well done survival horror game sure but it's not mana from heaven. The hate Infinite gets is ridiculous contrarianism
Played 1, played 2, played Infinite.
Can't ever bring myself to fully replay the first two, but have ran through Infinite 3-4 times.
>All these guys defending Infinite
Yea Forums just keeps getting worse and worse by the day.
so you're saying it's worth playing?
"RACISM IS BAD" is the most lazy fucking plot you could ever think of, even at the time of the game's release. You might as well just say "I THINK WEARING HATS ON YOUR FEET IS KINDA DUMB DESU" and make a plot about that for how fucking simple it is, but at the very least my retarded example would be more entertaining and perhaps even more thought-provoking.
>The story of Bioshock games have always sucked
kek yet the story was what won BS tons of acclaim and awards and changed FPS's for the better as other companies tried to cope
you're getting baited moron
ignore waifufags
this includes SHODANfags
>still thinking it needs to be defended
It's over, you were all wrong six years ago.
The shit they had in the demo should've made it into the game desu, but it's fine.
>Implying infinite is a bad game
Remember when you faggots said that Bioshock 2 was complete garbage but now it's god tier because you have to spite then next entry in the series? Fun times
BS 2's game play is vastly superior. The main story is trash but 'The Thinker' dlc is very good, so good it made up for the let down that was the main trash story
PREY is the definition of an underrated game. If you like System Shock, you will like this one.
Make sure to get the DLC with it. It's pure fun
how about both are boring garbage
>actual Yea Forumsirgins defending Infinite
Ask me how I know you're from reddit. Infinite is average at best and terrible at worst in almost every regard. Lore, story, characters, and gameplay. It's watered down shit for simpleton psuedointellectuals like you two mongos that throws a few PG13 racism tropes at you so you think it's deep.
DmC got 10/10 ratings and user score yet look what happened
I dont get this meme.
B2 is much worse than first one, its not even a bioshock game. It is some tower defense bullet sponge horde fighting shit. Fuck it
Then why are you here?
figuring out that Delta was the one that put this fucker down was so awesome
Does he like anything? Some of his points are good, but for the most part, it feels like he's whining.
>B2 is much worse than first one
It's really not. In terms of gameplay it's a country mile better than the first or infinite because it has actual weapon and enemy variety. I swear the amount of people who write it off because it lacks a big WHOA HOLY SHIT GOTCHA TWIST is astounding.
>kek yet the story was what won BS tons of acclaim
Because 99% of vidya fags can't write worth shit. Oh wow you made fun of Ayn Rand AND had a plot twist? Wow, wait a minute, did you also critique Ayn Rand by making a 8th grade tier remark at the end about how everyone you don't like just doesn't understand the importance of family which is literally just mindless expository garbage anyways? WOW HOLY FUCK 10/10 writing.
There is barely any writing in the game, world building is all there is that's worth a damn
are chinks food?
Fuck off reddit
Bioshock Infinite is a great game and you guys are retarded losers for thinking otherwise. The rail combat is fucking kino and there hasn't been anything like it since.
It breaks my heart that both of their games flopped hard.
Prey is good its not even funny how could a game like this be made at this open world crafting survival coop times. The "loading" finale is absolute shit, but the rest of the game is love.
well, at least it's confirmed you didn't play it. When "opressed minorities" take over, and city turns from "unequal but functional society" into city-wide battle royale
Fuck off
>shower game reviewers with all sorts of limited swag they can sell for a very hefty profit to fans of your IP because you can't pay them directly to influence their 'reviews' of your game
they all rate your game very highly
the racism angle has barely anything to do with the main story. i don't know why retards like you bring it up constantly.
Prey came closest to SS2 and could have surpassed it if it had more weapon, enemy, ammo, and psionic ability variety. Much better than the Bioshock games though.
Not defending Infinite, but SS1's map was the worst part of the game. Too fucking convoluted for a game like that
Wasn't Delta in a coma when Suchong got drilled? He was napping from New Year's Eve 1958, to, what, 1968?
>muh map comparisons
this is such a retarded meme and you are a fucking idiot for indulging in it.
>defending hallway simulators
Kill yourself.
Infinite was merely okay and wasn't anything special
1999 is useless and requires little skill to play, just more patience. Clearly it wasn't thought very well and made to pandering the SS2 fans.
Inventory space is questionable. On harder difficulties every enemies are bulletsponges that again, requires little skills to fight and just more patience. On the previous shock games this isn't an issue since you can bring all weapons but now you don't, so they're essentially just digging a hole for a problem that was fixed in the first place. The difference is now you will run out of ammo sooner and will relying on Elizabeth more often, who I thought serves no purpose in the gameplay and only acts as a free get-out-of-jail card if you're in shitty situation
Story is indeed sucks and dumb
Vigors isn't sucks, but they're offer nothing new compared to the previous games
The game is not influential and never will, and only will remembered as the game that gave us a good sfm porn material. This thread alone proves that more people remembers BS1 more so than Infinite.
>Ask me how I know you're from reddit
Because you're actually from Reddit and do this cringy contrarian thing to try and fit in?
>You can't fall off of cliffs at certain points in Bioshock infinite and sometimes are given a direct yes no option you can't escape
Remember the 0 plot options you get in Half Life 2 ever? Remember when you have to sit through a rollercoaster ride in the combine HQ? Half Life 2 is your example of player agency and not an RPG? First of all, the entire point of the plot in Infinite is about the weight of your choice and free will, all of the "quantam mechanics" in the game is just statistics and basic math about probability ffs how can you miss something so simple
>Infinite being a fucking straight corridor compared to every other game not being one is a meme
fuck off and die
Because half way through development, Levine basically scrapped most of the story for what we got. Comstock was never supposed to be Booker but a different character hence the different pictures of him in early videos and why Abe Lincoln was viewed positively as opposed to being hated by Columbians. It originally was going to be technology vs Luddites which doesn't really make sense because why would people opposed to technology wanna live on what is a techno-wonderland in the sky?
>i didn't understand what bioshock infinite was about the post
why does Yea Forums always fall for dumb meme images?
Oh wow the level design of a fast paced fps game is different from a survival horror game. Woooaaaahhhh...
>It's a mess but it's a fun mess
No it isn't, it's just a plain mess.
Don't even care who defends Infinite, I'm glad Levine got shafted hard and the game was forgotten while System Shock is getting a remake and a sequel. That's all that matters
none of those games are survival horror especially the first game
The day it came out
>SS and Bioshock
>survival horror
holy shit you are baiting
We can at least agree that the Burial at Sea DLC was bad, right?
It was nice seeing a functioning Rapture, but it felt like a load of forced connections between Infinite and 1. And Chapter 2 was just awful.
>On harder difficulties every enemies are bulletsponges
You realize that Booker has a fucking rechargeable shield right? You're fighting against genetically modified soldiers with sci fi magic. I never noticed enemies being bullet spongy in this game desu , it always seemed realistic and hitting them in the head kills them quick regardless, also basic stun + melee combos
>muh corridors
>ss1 levels: linear 2d wolfestein 3d enviroments 2.0
>bioshock infinite levels: flying in the air jumping from airship to airship shooting people while airborne
go fuck yourself retard
>this fucking thread
No wonder Yea Forums's taste is abysmal
>survival horror
do you reddit niggers even TRY?
we can agree it was bad and that it was a shameless fucking money grab once the company knew infinite was going to be a 'failure' in that it wouldn't print money for them.
2008 has the worst taste though.
>infinite: wide open airship arenas
>ss1, ss2 literal fucking hallway simulators but in maze form
you sure fell down the stupid tree hitting every branch huh
Infinite was so bad it killed the studio that worked on it
>Deus Ex not even in the top 10
>Portal at number 6
>Melee at number 9
>Fucking GTA at number 10
What the fuck, who the fuck voted on this shit
>wide open
>Wide open
Yes, they are. Especially system shock.If you think otherwise then do tell me why Resident Evil 4, a game with only mildly less action, classifies as survival horror without question yet this game which is clearly influenced by that genre of games cannot be considered so?
>inb4 w-well there isn't as much ammo or health scarcity
Atmosphere and gameplay wise, it's influenced by survival horror games. System shock itself was a major influence on the genre
>game was forgotten
>continues to produce the most kino porn ever
none of the levels in ss1 could be made in wolfenstein 3d and have more verticality than infinite ironically
upboated my good sir
That, and maybe they wanted a new angle in the ever-expanding SFM market for Elizabeth.
>wide open
can only go to or follow the set path with hard tons of other mock paths and buildings that you can't take or don't open
Sometimes I wish they had gone the body horror route.
>do tell me why Resident Evil 4, a game with only mildly less action, classifies as survival horror
Literally nobody calls Resi 4 survival horror you baiting faggot
RE4 isn't survival horror and you've never played System Shock.
>i didn't play infinite but Yea Forums told me it was bad!
being remembered only for the porn isn't a good example.
By that logic, WoW and Overwatch are the greatest games in the world
Way to bandwagon you contrarian, tourist faggot. Go back to whatever corner of the internet you're from and stop being such a poser faggot.
>Ohhhhhh you have a different opinion than me on a Loli trading card duel forum must be from Reddit
Kill yourself, Reddit faggotry has nothing to do with anything we're talking about. I I start attention whoring with a trip and start trying to avatar post then by all means call me Reddit scum , but fuck off because you have no idea what you're talking about. Lurkmoar faggot
I literally own it on steam, played through it once, deemed it shit and haven't touched it since then.
>durr someone that dislieks my favorite game must not have played it
Shield is useless on harder difficulty. It breaks so easily.
>I never noticed enemies being bullet spongy in this game desu
That only proves that you never played the game on the harder difficulties, let alone the 1999 mode. Case in point is the ghost lady fight.
>I didn't play SS but journos told me Infinite is good!
I can do that too!
wow was good and overwatch porn is overrated like the game
I'm mad we didn't get that many humanoid abominations in Bioshock.
Bioshock and SS aren't survival horror you dipshit and no amount of you screeching is going to change that fact.
food for thought
>Nobody calls resident evil 4 survival
>Nobody says that system shock games were survival horror or influenced survival horror games
horror that shouldn't even be possible
We're reaching levels of cognitive dissonance that shouldn't even be possible. Reminder that Contrarian =/= good opinion
95% on steam so not just journos. ss 1 and 2 are corridor simulators bioshock infinite isn't. that is a fact. sorry facts don't care about your feelings.
Actually, having to fight sea creatures that were infected with ADAM would have been great.
>Because you're actually from Reddit and do this cringy contrarian thing to try and fit in?
>no u
Solid rebuttal, user.
>Half Life 2 is your example of player agency and not an RPG?
Who's talking about RPGs? I'm comparing two first person shooters, and HL2 is an example of not treating players like actual bumbling water-headed retards.
>choice and free will! They mention quantum mechanics in this game so it must be smart!
Except even applying the game's own rules about infinite universes and timelines makes no fucking sense, because there will always be a timeline where Booker isn't killed before becoming Comstock. Just because a story is convoluted doesn't mean it's deep and mature, user.
DmC also has those ratings too yet it got trashed so hard it un-rebooted the series.
Keep trying tho. Bioshock IP is already dead and SS still lives
own it twice ps3 and ps4, it still sucks kys
Because it's another example of something done really poorly in a game that people fellate non-stop and claim to be 10/10 material. Whether it's a major point of the story of not doesn't dismiss it's handled with kid gloves by that pussy Levine who's too afraid and/or dumb to make a game with actual mature themes that are well-written.
>SS and BS maps are singular, full levels from a specific area of the game
>Infinite map is just a generic map overview of every place you visit, not what you see in-game or on your map screen
Wow you sure showed me, totally disproving the linearity and bad level design there.
You being the contrarian in this situation since anyone that had played System Shock knows its not survival horror. You couldn't come up with a real counterargument since you've never played the original.
>biofags still exist
>Survival horror is a subgenre of video games inspired by horror fiction that focuses on survival of the character as the game tries to frighten players with either horror graphics or scary ambience. Although combat can be part of the gameplay, the player is made to feel less in control than in typical action games through limited ammunition, health, speed and vision, or through various obstructions of the player's interaction with the game mechanics. The player is also challenged to find items that unlock the path to new areas and solve puzzles to proceed in the game. Games make use of strong horror themes, like dark maze-like environments and unexpected attacks from enemies.
Now let's check the boxes
>Survival horror is a subgenre of video games inspired by horror fiction that focuses on survival of the character as the game tries to frighten players with either horror graphics or scary ambience
Check for both system shocks and Bioshock 1
>Although combat can be part of the gameplay, the player is made to feel less in control than in typical action games through limited ammunition, health, speed and vision, or through various obstructions of the player's interaction with the game mechanics
Check , except ammunition isn't nearly as scarce as silent hill or resident evil
>The player is also challenged to find items that unlock the path to new areas and solve puzzles to proceed in the game
Big fucking check for that
>Games make use of strong horror themes, like dark maze-like environments and unexpected attacks from enemies
And another big check.
>really like historical places irl
>going in and out of really old buildings, seeing old stuff
>infinite's environment design really started scratching that itch but ultimately felt a little hollow and not fleshed out
>the only newer game that nails it is Dishonored 2/DotO
>but it's set in European areas, I want old Americana like Infinite. The late 1800s/early 1900s with all the great detail that Dishonored 2 has
>it will never happen because Infinite sucked and they had to go back to muh 40s/50s Rapture shit in the DLC
RACISM IS BAD is a garbage fucking storytelling point because pretty much everyone in society already knows this. The first choice Infinte gives you is basically "ARE YOU A RACIST CUNT?" or "ARE YOU A NORMAL HUMAN?"
Who the actual fuck is gonna choose to throw a ball at the interracial couple, unless you're purposefully doing an "evil" playthrough (as much as the game's few shallow choices will allow you to be)
In Bioshock, the first choice you're given is to decide to kill a monster in the form of a little girl for a large reward, or spare it for less reward, with the promise of more later. This is actually a great choice because the argument can be made that killing a Little Sister is a mercy, and whether or not the Little Sisters are even human anymore is ambiguous, so either choice could technically be morally sound.
tl;dr, you're retarded and Bioshock Shitfinite is garbage
>shotgun Hybrid but with less of a left arm
Eh, I'm not a fan of this one.
because maybe it was seen as a great game elsewhere than people on Yea Forums shitting on it trying to fit in?
a dmc 5 was always going to be made. the main dmc guy was just working on dragons dogma at the time so capcom tried a spin off.
It's been a while since I've seen infinite being defended, and back then it was waifufags
who the fuck still defends it now?
no one fellates the racism sub plot. the thing bioshock infinite is remembered for is the whole elizabeth and multiverse stuff.
Trolls, as you can see by everyone doing so ITT.
do you know what DmC is? are you trying to discuss something you have no idea? it's a reboot and it failed horribly despite massive ratings
I'm starting to think you never even played Infinite and just shitposting here for the sake of shitposting
I think this might be my favorite.
but it's a reboot, not a spin-off. those are two different things
Or maybe 'ole Yamhand here.
Wtf I think you're right , I remember system shock 1 being more like 2 than I should be thinking Was it really so much like Doom I just looked up gameplay for it, fucks sake
>Still play through 1 and 2 to this day from time to time
>Own Infinite but never even downloaded the damn game
Infinitepill me Yea Forums.
if survival horror is defined by tank controls and a static 3d camera then no ss2 isn't survival horror.
if we are not defining it by that then yes it is survival horror in all the ways it counts. horror, limited ammo and health, respawning enemies so nothing is ever cleared completely, etc.
(You)s are a drug and when you get on it, you'll do worst shit imaginable.
Play through it once so you get the idea why its bad
By your own retarded logic, RE4, RE5, RE6, AVP 2000, Dead Rising, Left 4 Dead and many other obviously non-survival horror games are now survival horror
fucking kill yourself
>implying Bioshock or System Shock ever took away control from the player at any point
>implying they ever have ammo scarcity
>implying simple jump scares and horror elements make survival horror
>implying that minor puzzle solving makes survival horror
You're a fucking idiot that doesn't even understand a simple video game genre, you're truly a pathetic human being
Too much pressure and expectations on him.
As was revealed they made TWO WHOLE GAMES before infinite came out and scrapped the first one entirely and made the second using its assets and ending up recording a ton of new stuff
Infinite ended up rushed since Levine was either under too much pressure or couldn't make up his mind on what was "good"
>Solid rebuttal, user
Except you actually dont know what Reddit faggotry is or even means, clearly. It's not a no u, it's a fucking lurkmoar and learn why we we're all supposed to be anonymous , dumbass
>HL2 didn't treat you like a child
>You can't even run off cliffs in this one level
I remember that level, and I remember falling to my death on that level because I wasn't paying attention. HL2 has 0 dialogue options ever and no secret areas whatsoever
>because there will always be a timeline where Booker isn't killed before becoming Comstock.
Not if he quantam mechanically makes sure he never existed to begin with which is the whole point of his suicide and the universe disappearing anyways? It's sci fi ffs,
He's a villain because of how much a hypocrite he was. How blindingly he held to his ideals to the point of being like a religion, but couldn't accept and couldn't cope with the idea that someone could be smarter or more successful than him. And because of this, bent and twisted the rules and tossed his ideals under the bus at any inconvenience, while still having the gall to be up on the podium shouting about how great and good his ideals were.
>Objectivism and capitalism for thee, but not for me!
see He freaks out when he starts losing control of everything because ultimately he's just an egotist who needs to control everything. He even says, I FEEL THE GREAT CHAIN PULLING AWAY FROM ME.
In the end, Ryan was a hypocrite. The only real nigga was the engineer that designed the place, who outright told Ryan and the other moguls they were hypocrites. "We don't sit on this council cause those people elected us king"
also he impregnates prostitutes and then leaves then kills them
It wasn't that bad but that was the reason it was "bad". It was bland, inferior, and nothing special for a game that got 95 on metacritic.
real quantum shit is much more entertaining than fucking Dr.Manhattan what the fuck
This or
Fuck man I don't know!
Don't play it, if you must play it, just do it on normal so you don't have to deal with bullet sponge horseshit
Oh. Well shit.
Seems like a waste of potential. It's concept seemed pretty awesome.
Bill was a straight-up guy, didn't deserve what happened to him.
Personally wouldn't bother, I tried playing it and dropped it, it's not even a case of "if you really like Bioshock you might like this" because it doesn't even feel like the same series
>implying Bioshock or System Shock ever took away control from the player at any point
A man chooses, a slave obeys. Remember that you absolute dipshit? It's about limiting your controls not completely destroying them anyways , in the definition I provide it makes that abundantly clear.
>Re4 and Re5 not being survival horror
Wew. Fucking. Lad.
>Implying they ever have ammo scarcity
They do, they place a lot of pressure on stocking up for ammo in Bioshock 1 and the developers have admitted influence from survival horror games as system shock 2 influences survival horror. Fucks sake user, you can't be this thick
>implying simple jump scares and horror elements make survival horror
On top of everything else they check the boxes for, yeah they do.
>implying that minor puzzle solving makes survival horror
Are you implying that puzzles in survival horror games are anything but minor? It's just collect and combine shit for the most part, maybe a simple puzzle
And that's that.
>A man chooses, a slave obeys.
Holy shit, stopped reading there, you are a fucking obtuse, baiting, nigger, fucking kill yourself.
To be fair, he wasn't made aware of her pregnancy until after the whole scheme. Assumedly she'd been safe about it before but without warning or letting him know, got pregnant, only for him to find out afterward and the reason why.
Wait a minute that fag...
This is neat. Was this all from a level they axed?
>We want the Fly audience
ahh yes because spergburblur clearly has a phd in quantum mechanics. he just said quantum mechanics makes him feel stupid and thinking about quantum mechanics is actually really convoluted and goes against a lot of general relativity.
and he never said he only draws inspiration from pop culture. he just said the dr manhattan sequence was an inspiration for the specific implementation of quantum mechanics in infinite.
There is no map screen in infinite, but the emporia map is pretty close to what's shown on the overview, despite how vague it looks. I've never been able to find a source for where that one map in this image comes from, probably an official guidebook or something. i'd be interested to see what emporia looks like in this format since it's definitely the closest infinite comes to an early shock game's level design. i still think infinite is the worst in the series, but that post is definitely cherrypicking in the earlier games' favor at least to some degree.
Also worth noting, the ss1 and ss2 maps i posted here are "parts of a whole". Lv6 Executive from system shock 1 has four other parts connected to it, and Lv4 Operations from system shock 2 has three other areas connected to it. In both of those cases, the parts add up to the whole level.
The Fort Prosperity map in the first post also encapsulates one loading zone of infinite's campaign, but isn't the whole level, as there are 2-3 other zones depending on how you quantify that arc of the game.
Meanwhile, Deck 5 Recreation in SS2 is made up of three parts, and all are shown in this image . Pretty unfair imo.
I should've been more verbose in explaining what I'm trying to get at here, and I could've juxtaposed the maps in my post differently to better illustrate that. At some point I'll work on making a better image that compares a "multi-part" level from each game in a fair way, since I really think the one that gets thrown around a lot isn't telling the whole story.
From the looks of it yeah the Emporia section of the game is definitely the most open part of Infinite. But if you actually played the game you know it’s so empty and almost no reward for exploration besides maybe the locked room in that one restaurant.
Emporia isn’t even half of the content of any area in SS1/2 or BS1/2
There is literally a part of the game where you can't choose anything but to bash someone's head with a golf club, let alone all the other times your character is paralyzed or unable to properly fight a kind of enemy. You even get tortured ffs user
>You're obtuse or b8'ing
No I think you're actually just too full of yourself to admit you're wrong
Not a level, the entire concept of the game changed over time.
This was apparently one of the concepts they used to sell the idea of Bioshock to begin with.
Even Fontaine could have run Rapture half decently, he only became openly detrimental when Ryan started squeezing him. But up till then, all signs indicate that FF was a wholly legit business, and Frank was cleaning up his act more or less in order to play the game. He'd have ended up like a robber baron eventually, but still better than Ryan running the city into the ground and preferring to destroy it rather than give it up.
Though, of course, we all know Sinclair would have been the best of all in charge.
what in the god damn
It's the most wasted potential game I've seen since Spore.
Played all of them, I enjoyed all of the games very much, but if I were to rank them, it would be Bioshock 2 + Minervas Den > Bioshock 1 > (slight power gap) > Bioshock Infinite > Bioshock infinite DLC
>But if you actually played the game you know it’s so empty and almost no reward for exploration besides maybe the locked room in that one restaurant
But I did actually play the game and there's constantly something around the corner and it's not empty at all?
t. levine
There was also a part in Half Life 1 where you get thrown into a trash compactor and in Half Life 2 where you get your ass frozen
those games aren't survival horror you moron. The part with the first plasmid and Andrew Ryan were glorified cutscenes, outside of those parts you NEVER have your control taken away from you.
It’s not bad. Just so painfully medicore and an absolute waste of potential of a setting.
Go in knowing it’s CoD in the Sky and not a Bioshock game if you want a more positive experience.
>That's right Ken, buy my game.
>T-Todd... I'm an acclaimed game developer not just some custom- ahn~!
>EVERYONE is my customer.
>He made a city based around objectivism in the first place
levine is a reddit intellectual, you know a pseudo intellectual mongoloid that enjoys spouting off about how smart and intellectual they are with other fellow redditors while they discuss how they're rick from rick and morty when the reality is they're almost all mortys
>there's constantly something around the corner?
>There was also a part in Half Life 1 where you get thrown into a trash compactor and in Half Life 2 where you get your ass frozen
>those games aren't survival horror you moron
Now you're shifting the definition of survival horror to being able to have your controls taken away from you, topkek, you really really want to be right don't you take fucking pansy ass goal post shifting coward. Yes, the general atmosphere of a fallen underwater society ran by the psychopathic remnants of mass produced biological experimentation where you see ghosts and murder children is a good horror setting. There is ammo scarcity, there are puzzles, the layout of every level is dark and mazelike, there are enemies that stalk you, jump scare you, and borderline one hit kill you on a whim. The developers even admit it's influenced by survival horror games, we even have an user posting the original concept art of the game which is essentially completely focused on body horror in a Dead Space type way.
For fucks sake, you can make as many class comparisons to Half Life as you want, I don't really care. Infinite is a good game, System Shock 2 and the original Bioshock are heavily survival horror based or influencing games. It's not in for debate anymore, get over it
>There is literally a part of the game where you can't choose anything but to bash someone's head with a golf club
you can't choose because Ryan is demonstrating to the character that he is a programed slave whose trigger is 'would you kindly'
did you even play the game?
Just watch the BaS part of Bioshag and fire one out. The dialogue is better and you're way less likely to quit before finishing.
Snipers, super soldiers, boss fights, building you can unlock with lock picks or which have burned down, a web of lore secretes, a massive bank vault you can go into, a graveyard with tons of shit in it... you never bothered to explore it much did you? Remember the post office?
>spouting off about how smart and intellectual they are
>"thinking about quantum mechanics makes me feel dumb"
the only one pretending to be an intellectual is you and that retard
I don't even understand how did he thought that quantum physics is a magic science that'll do magical things. Quantum physics is literally just physics but on small scale, that's all to it.
What an absolute waste of a good designer's talents.
Oh you mean something where
>combat can be part of the gameplay, the player is made to feel less in control than in typical action games through limited ammunition, health, speed and vision, or through various obstructions of the player's interaction with the game mechanics
As per the definition of a survival horror game?
Never played any of the system shock games. Tell me about them
They were good for their time but aged like milk.
But tachyon particles n shit nigga
Tachyon is just a hypothesis. So no, I'm not feeling it
it is not a magic science but subatomic particles really do have weird properties. it isn't just "physics on a small scale". if it was, quantum mechanics wouldn't exist and general relativity would explain everything.
besides it was never trying to be a phd thesis on quantum mechanics. it was taking some traits of quantum mechanics like the many worlds theory and applying them to a game story. it is like complaining star trek isn't following the laws of physics.
Bioshock 2
>actual human characters
>choices that have consequences
>more interesting protag
>better gameplay
people who liked 1 only liked it because it was their first shock game and they liked the 'mindfuck' even though the story was a shambles of set pieces and badly written caricatures mashed together
My biggest problem with it was they just used quantum physics as the handwave for everything. Like that part when they shows on how the city can afloat and their in universe explanation was "why, it's quantum physics!"
At least they attempted to explain how exactly Rapture happened as a proper worldbuilding, even if it still makes no sense
They were good for the time, and I will vouch for SS2 still being excellent. Haven't played SS1.
SS2 is a first person shooter rpg, heavy horror elements, lots of world/setting building through audio logs all over the place. Excellent sound design (literally my number one game for this). The artstyle is strong, which helps make up for the very outdated graphics.
Generally you choose between shooty marine type, Psionics type, and tech/hacking/energy weapons type, or you mix whatever you want.
Good level design, great atmosphere, good plot, opinions on combat vary but I think it's tense and well-designed.
Definitely clunky, though some of that is smoothed over by experience. Check the key binds right away.
Steam version is good to play right out the box, not modding or fiddling necessary or even recommended.
why is mind control literally the weakest plot device ever and why do gamers have such a hard on for mind control plots
Everyone has a MC fetish and they don't know it.
yeah regular old humans that somehow survived in fucking rapture for a decade after the events of the first game really seems reasonable
Because the people who say it's good bring it up constantly as a reason why it's good.
>more interesting protag
a random guy whose only name we get is 'Johnny Topside' who somehow made it to Rapture on his own and of which we learn absolutely nothing. So interesting
Why didn't Fontaine just put all his resources into killing Ryan via some method that didn't involve a multi-year mind control plot where he willingly put his key assassin in situations where their life was constantly in danger
If Fontaine really could control the players mind why didn't he just tell him to harvest every Little Sister he saw
whether he was a villain or not depends on your preference on fellating john galt
prostitutes are by default evil and killing them is a good thing
>Bioshick was a good compromise between AAA shooters and RPG-lite mechanics. It was simpler than SS2, yes, but SS2 was very clunky as a shooter.
Bioshock is infinitely clunkier. Take for example basic mobility: in Bioshock you move like a senior citizen and you struggle to jump over waist-high fences.
Whereas System Shock 2 your movement speed is much faster (which allows you to dodge enemy projectiles) and you can grab ledges and vault over obstacles.
>How come Levine managed to make SS2 and Bioshock so good while Infinite so shit? Was it the George Lucas syndrome
System Shock 2 was co-developed by Looking Glass, which is why it was good.
Bioshock was consolized garbage, so I have no idea why you would praise Levine for it.
>Bioshick was a good compromise between AAA shooters and RPG-lite mechanics. It was simpler than SS2, yes, but SS2 was very clunky as a shooter.
Bioshock is worse than a typical shooter though, both in terms of gameplay and level design.
Apparently they were going to run with the idea that the people still inhabiting Rapture turned to using Adam to become amphibious mutants in order to survive in the increasingly flooded city, as seen here:
Wasted potential.
damn that would have been cool
they could have taken the "survival of the fittest narrative' found under objectivitsm and taken it literally with the inhabitants of rapture straight up physically evolving to stay alive
could have been a much better game. they should also have made a BS 1 remaster using the updated game play mechanics from 2. i found the sophia lamb story dumb as fuck and was let down by it. Minerva's Den was much better and should have been the real main story
Bioshock 2
>actual human characters
Really? Can you actually attack them or is it like BS1 where little sisters have godmode on?
prey is what i wanted from bioshock
>prey is what i wanted from bioshock
And ironically, Prey got middling reviews for being an inferior version of Bioshock
1 has going for it the environment and the levels, parts of Rapture that are still functional and visibly, only recently took a turn for the worse. So you're still exploring the underwater city, compared to 2 where it's a full on ruin (though different people may prefer that).
Everything else though, yeah, 2 is better across the board.
You can kill them and change the ending.
did they dock points for the game not holding your hand 99.9% of the campaign?
He does, but he his videos attract people who just want to hate things because they don't have anything better to do.
And when he makes a video about a thing he likes, it gets so many dislikes he deletes it:
When he likes something people will complain that he's shilling. It's the grave that he made in the first place.
This, it's fine to be critical, cynical even, but actively saying "no fuck that shit, I WANT TO BE ANGRY" when something good is shown off just makes you look like a retarded asshole.
this would have been fine if it wasn't for the fact he made a VR video shitting on it, but then did a 360 on his opinions.
This is also on top of the rumor that he's related to the devs behind Sprint Vector so its possible shilling
I want to replay 2, but I have so many games I'm playing right now.
Plus Bioshock 2 crashes every half hour or so. Really unstable PC port.
>old game good
Have you tried playing the original copy?
Do you mean the original PC release? That's the one I have.
If you mean grabbing a 360 copy or something, the crashing doesn't bother me enough to spend more money. I was able to complete the game just fine last time.
I started it after a thread a few days ago and it's not as broken as I remember
Maybe I'm getting it mixed up with 1 where I couldn't even get past the lighthouse because that shit was just not working at all
The "recreate everything and fuck the script" cycle it went through makes the developement of Half Life 2 look straightforward in comparision
If you bought it on Steam, you get the buggy crashy remaster and the mostly fine regular port. You should avoid playing the remaster. but if by original PC release you mean a CD-ROM, then idk.
I dont know why nobody ever brings that up but the sole reason why the game didnt live up to expectations and is now considered shit by many is because they cut material worth 3 games off the original idea due to console limitations.
The simple proof of that lies in their documentary about the game.
Bioshock 2 really fleshed out the characters, world and combat, but for some reason Rapture didn't really seem to give you the same wow feeling it did first time around, even though it's better looking than some of the later parts of 1. I'm not sure why.
Plus I guess there's the fact in 1 you were just some guy who stumbled into this world while in 2 you're a genetically enhanced superman with armour and a big drill who's lived there for years, and the plot was pretty straightforward in regards to the game itself.
Besides that, I guess people just overlook it because it's a sequel. It's a shame, becuase it's great fun, and I'd love to see more devlopment for the setting and characters, getting a real feeling for their society like Fallout.
Because it's not our first time seeing the city, we already got the wow moment with the reveal in 1 and all the exploration we did, the city stopped being this marvel and just became the setting for the game.
Prey launched on consoles and it's a far better game than Bioshock.