>yearly family meeting
>cousin asks me if I still play video games
>say yes
>he and her sister laughs
Yearly family meeting
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lol loser
just be glad that you have a family
>tfw no family
Tell them how much Ninja makes, that'll shut them up.
It could be worse, at least you don't watch anime.
stop living in america
it's full of autistic retards
>he and her sister laughs
That's when you make fun of him for being a mentally ill tranny
>yearly family meeting
for what fucking purpose
“just gotta discuss shares”
Take it as a sign that you should finally do something else with your life.
rape his sisters
>at family gathering cousin talks to me about video games because her boyfriend got her into them
>even into stuff like dark souls
>fatter fujo cousin tries to get in on the conversation but spaghettis everywhere because she only ever plays LOTRO and roleplays
>somehow aren't the weird silent one at family gatherings any more
>Yearly family gathering
>annoying aunt who doesn't do anything
>"why do you play video games all day, you should live some"
>all she does is sit around and watch TV
>meet up with old friends from high school
>all have debt from college some over 50k
>most of them do drugs or drink to excess
>single moms working in retail
>reunite with one qt3.14 whose life didn’t fall apart completely
>every man where she works/lives is a literal snoyboy who complains about real milk in his coffee and waits in line for schezuan sauce
>hook up
>now we’re talking about tying the knot to avoid the rest of the freaks since were 2 of the only ones who made it
They really dont give a shit, they will probably forget about it in 2 months and you shouldn't care about what other people think about you
just how boomer are your cousins, everyone I know under the age of 35 plays videogames in some capacity
>he and her sisters
>he and her
You and your friends are fucking gay
Fug... Guys, I'm seriously considering stop playing video games. I quited porn already and was playing when the urges to consume porn came, but I think now it's time to drop out. The next thing gonna be Yea Forums. Who's with me?
Please do.
>People will look at this and think it's a joke
For fuck's sake guys playing videogames is fine but you need other hobbies to round yourself out.
Too close to home, man.
That's why I'm leaving this shit. Here is the other T missing: T.
>mfw me and gf are getting married soon
SeeI don’t get it is this what normies do all day? Get a femoid pregnant then watch some parasite run around screaming and breaking shit for like 20 years?
>caring about what women think
>caring about women at all
Has anyone ever noticed this huge increase of "Yea Forumsros, we need to quit gaming...it's for the GREATER GOOD!"
It almost feels like the government is trying to shame introverted people into leaving their homes.
>white birth rate is dropping like a rock
gee I wonder why they'd be compelled to get you guys off your machines
But as a fellow gamer, I think it's time we rise up and leave games behind. Pic related could be our society. A man does not attract what he wants, he attract what he is. Think abour that.
Guy I know just works, gets drunk and watches his kid, can't really do anything any more. His girlfriend broke up with him and got pregnant with another dudes kid and then dumped by him too.
you got out beta'd pretty impressive desu
No, just quit Yea Forums. Then you'll enjoy video games more as well.
Is that your real face? You look JUSTED like Brendan Fraser after walking out the courtroom
I’m telling you I refused to believe it but now i see this shit and shit like it all the time, it’s almost depressing but I’m also glad I’ll never mess up that bad.
When will you commit suicide?
even i laughed reading your post
don't give in to sociatel pressure... be proud of yourself
Why would you be honest to hopeless normies like that? Just lie. Not your fault that they are so insecure that they only accept the normiest of normie things.
>have gf
>she says me buying vidya is a waste of time and immature
>I say wanting to go to fancy expensive restaurants is a waste of time and immature
>i become ex bf and she becomes ex gf
>meet new girl
>bachelors degree in applied mathematics
>new girl meets me
>bachelors degree in applying math to tap dat ass
what were talking about? oh vidya
yeah and no.
I'm 26 and like it would be sweet to get that super SNES all in one but i could just download and emulate it.
the only actual vidya i have left to my name is a little all in one genesis box.
i like cave story.
still doesn't change the fact your extended family clearly sucks a mean dick