Tree of Savior

uu~i today!

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this game improved quite a bit but its still bad.

healmage, how can I be your friend? I honestly enjoy what you write a lot.

when your game is terrible no amount of shilling threads are going to save it

finally started redownloading this today
haven't played since closed beta, what should i be looking forward to? is sapper still ass?

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check this 5

I liked Elementalist back then but I think Wiz C3 Ele C3 isnt that great anymore?

Is this better than RO Eternal Mobile?

probably. mobile games are trash.

Sapper is fine, but is not your main source of damage obviously, it's a nice secondary for AoE, not on the main meta either, because all archer classes want Falconer and Piper if you're 100% meta.

Game doesn't even work like that anymore, quick cast is now part of chrono, and base wizard has -50% cast time if you use a rod. Elementalist is meta because of elemental essence and sotorm dust combo+fireball dealing absurds amount of damage on a low cd.

But old RO fans are playing eternal mobile instead of ToS, what gives?

all the old ro players I know quit mobile ro and either went back to ro private servers or just stopped completely.


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they changed a lot of stuff plus there is a new 5th class line now, just go to the tosg and see what's new

they changed the rank system, no more c123, plus you can change your rank any time now, you just need to recharge the change bar

I dont care about it being dead or alive.
I just think its bad lmao

Don't go to tosg, it's pretty much one avatar faggot showing off the handouts he gets from pretending to be a girl on the big spic guild that owns everything.

Boruta sucks.

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it is pretty much one or two autists dedicating their shallow lives to try keeping that dead general alive
and both of them uses denial and ignorance to justify it, as seen in retarded memes like

Been thinking of trying this out again. Is CryoChrono (I really enjoyed my Chronomancer) even still a thing? How is the population holding up?

Not really, support mages are kinda dead, chrono no longer has haste and instead it's party of the plague doctor kit, only people that use cryo and chrono on the same build are people that want to be faggots casting double ice wall.

Pop is low, a few tryhard autist still battle for the top content though since they're too invested to quit now. You can find people easily to run the "end game" content though just not many for leveling which takes maybe a week to clear anyways.