Is gaming a good influence?

Is gaming a good influence?

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Had videogames never been invented, many of us would be successful and happy.

Is there anything more cucked then getting a vasectomy if you don't have kids?
>i-its reversible!
Just wear a condom you fag.

Why would anyone willingly do that?

Condom doesn't feel as good.

>dude just get a vasectomy women shouldn't be forced to take birth control
dude just accept the fact that the end goal of sex is to conceive a child
I fucking hate having this argument yet I keep running into it for some reason

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Appeal to nature is a fallacy.

Then pull out nigger. Sometimes with pleasure there's some risks.

>there's some risks
There doesn't have to be.

honestly, getting a vasectomy was one of the best decisions.
I got to make /pol/cels seethe so hard AND I don't have to worry about condoms or whatever other shit anymore

I see nothing wrong with that
In fact, I think it’s time for game companies to embrace vasectomy culture. They should offer discounts on their products for gamers that have gotten vasectomies

>shit-talking a board you don’t visit
Anons on pol fully support redditors getting vasectomies, FYI

Fallacy Fallacy is a fallacy.

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Condoms are the way to go for me, a vasectomy is out of the question and birth controll fucks with the womens sex drive.

Not everyone is aware of this, but a lot of women have a much lower sex drive while on birth controll.
If your gf dosn't want to fuck, tell her to consider dropping birth controll, after about 6 months she should have a lot higher sex drive.

Don't know why i'm posting this on a fucking VIDEO GAME BOARD but hey it might help someone, cheers.

Yeah, like your wife conceiving a black son.
>bro just have surgery on your nuts instead of just not being a retard and have your partner take a short lasting pill that negates like 90% of the risks

Good job killing off your genetic line.

and there's the seething, how predictable

t. roastie
Get your tubes tied if you want to fuck with impunity so bad.

A vasectomy insures a woman can never EVER lie about you being the "dad." It's in fact the ultimate anti-cuck defense.

Sorry but I'm not retarded.

People who can't handle the consequences of sex(children) shouldn't have sex in the first place. They're the reason STDs are so widespread and the fatherless epidemic in the black communities.