What went wrong Yea Forums?

Tomb Raider is dead
Deus Ex is dead
Hitman is dead
Life is Tumblr is irreversibly dead

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I actually liked tomb raider and deux ex

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>Lists Square Enix dead franchises
>Doesn't include Bubble Bobble

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Isn't the Hitman studio on its own now?

>KH 3 sucks
>DQ 11 sucks
>FF XV sucks

Also, they didnt show anything about "The Avengers Project" in 2 fucking years

Why is Tomb Raider dead? I enjoyed the 2013 game and Rise. Is Shadow bad or is this just another shamefur 3M sold copies?

>KH always sucked, KH3 is just bad at hiding it.
>Dragon Quest jumps between sucking and not sucking as regularly as the tides. Wait for the next one.
>FF always ALWAYS sucked, and it's made much of the rest of the genre suck. Why make a genre built around tactical decision making punish players for trying to make tactical decisions?

Hitman 2 is great though

SOTTR is just a lazy ROTTR reskin with underwater segments and a few new cool moves (which are admittedly cool) where the story is somehow worse than TR 2013 (which already had a mediocre story). And to add insult to injury they didnt even develop Lara's character properly, in fact I believe they went backwards.

No thanks, mediocre game and not a worthy continuation of ROTTR in any way shape or form.

Hitman's dev is independent now.

DQ 11 is good though. Typical DQ game but finally with some QoL improvements like an item/equipment menu that doesn't suck ass.
And XV wasn't really bad, it was just incredibly subpar and huge wasted potential. But it's heaps better than the whole XIII Trilogy. So they at least are on their correct way.

>KH3 was good
>DQ 11 one of the best in the series
>FF XIV alive and strong
Could be worse

They going to remake more old famous IP after done with FF7re because it's guarantee big money

Chrono Trigger is most likely their next target

More like chrono nigger lmao

Shame. So the question is how much is the game worth? $15 sounds right?

Honestly this is all Enix's fault for keeping Squaresoft alive after their FF movie flopped.

>brave exvius and XIV are making billions
they're fine

Shadow fucked quite a lot up.
THey went out of their way to completely de-sexify Lara. No more sexy ass shot animations, but more cute moaning. All the Rise animations were worked over so the camera is high enough you can't see her ass anymore. They replaced the cute moans by a woman doing manly grunts, they nerfed her tits even further. All the costumes are shit tier. They made her ass bigger (an improvement to some, detrimental for others) but all the DLC costumes go out of their way to cover her ass up completely.
And that's just for the sexy stuff, there's a whole lot of other shit.

>worse performance than Rise despite it hardly looking better
>characters modelsly look worse, like plastic dolls
>made the handgun completely worthless
>tons of "crawl/squeeze through here", but while in TR13 and Rise those were few Shadow has dozens of them
>TR13 and Rise had proper jumping, you jumped in a wrong angle? You were dead. Shadow has you magnetize towards ledges/ladders/etc., making everything look incredibly fake
>added new stuff like rappeling, but it's almost never used and when it's used it's incredibly linear and you can only every go one way with it
>gives you cool new moves for fights (like rappeling enemies up a tree with rope arrows) but there's like 3 instances in the game were you can even use that skill
>there's almost no fighting (faggots will tell you "but it's just like muh old TR games nao!", but those are idiots who didn't play the old games)
>focus on "exploration", which solely consists of finding an overabundance of crafting materials, which can be used to craft the already mentioned ugly costumes
>story is pants on head retarded
>Lara is completely obsessed with Trinity out of nowhere
>absolutely retarded story tweests


It's really not good. The only somewhat positive thing is that the puzzles aren't realistic environmental puzzles รก "the original passage has been destroyed by the ages, how can I think outside the box to create a new way" anymore, but more actual, fantasy themed puzzles like "solve this puzzle with switches that wouldn't work in reality and the original intended wy opens up for you".

>What went wrong Yea Forums?
Square Enix investing in western studios, and Square Enix starting to obsess over western game design.

Hitman and Deus Ex have the EA problem of being great games for a more hardcore niche that are being expected to sell like mass appeal games

They need to let that nigga Crystal D make Legacy of Kain games again instead of making the same Tomb Raider game over and over.

Good job IGN

I wouldnt pay more than 15$ for it, 20$ if you were really desperate to play it, or you know, you could always pirate it.

It's not dead, it was their only profitable title from last year.

>Could be worse

yeah, they could of wasted more resources in the dumpster fire that was FFXV but SE finally wised up, pulled the plug, and fired Tabata

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No new Legacy of Kain game, thats whats wrong

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Right using this thread to ask as its squeenix related. Squeenix sales on atm what do you guys reocmmend?

Is supreme commander good(and which one should i get)? how bout the soul reaver series?

Let me ask you this, considering the modern state of Square do you really want a new LoK game?

It's basically a Monkey's Paw at this point

true, they woud ruin it