Why does Devil May Cry have such good characters...

Why does Devil May Cry have such good characters? Did anyone else think V was going to be shit based on the boxart and then realized they were wrong?

Attached: V7.png (1440x810, 2.01M)

Other urls found in this thread:


i disliked his design when the initial gamescom leak happened
but now he's become my favorite of the three, i love how much of an edgy little bitch he is

am i the only one or is lady in dmc4 terribly ooc and over sexualized?

Attached: lady.jpg (3057x1591, 566K)

maybe but she has big hot boobies so i dont give a fuck.

k, let's try this again:

Are the red orbs a one-time-purchase DLC or an actual microtransaction?

Nah, her 4 design is dumb. Particularly the glasses.

4's design would be great if it weren't for the retarded sunglasses
3 is perfect
4 is maximum manjaw and fucked up


yeah they clearly had no idea what to go with so they just decided to turn her into a whore

>buying red orbs

>k, let's try this again:
You already got BTFO last thread. The frequency of purchase is irrelevant because they aren't upgrades. I could give you a billion dollars, and you still couldn't get SSS ranks on the highest difficulty.

Why would you buy moves in a dmc game?

shitposting aside, it really doesnt matter unless you want a quickstart because its your xth playthrough or something

don't know, could not care less

>giving (you)s to shitposters
d - i s m a l

>gain interest in the nero play arts kai figurine
>already know it's going to be expensive new, but trudge on anyways
>all the hobby shops i check have it listed as sold out
>amazon and ebay have absolutely cancerous prices for new ones
Is this because of scalpers? This fig couldn't have been that expensive when it was first released.

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I've wanted to do horrible, unspeakable things to V for a while now so I'm glad he's living up to my expectations. I didn't know what to think of Nico at first but playing around with the demo has made me warm up to her

She was practically useless in 4 might as well make her look like a slut.

Its retarded shit to try and get money out of retards for stuff you won't ever need or won't give you an advantage anyway.

The only potential purpose of these red orbs is if you wanted to unlock all moves from the start, but nobody should be retarded enough to buy it, and the game isn't balanced.
You'll have enough orbs for all moves by just finishing the game normally like in 4.

What will be its power since Buster arm already covers its DMC4 gimmick?

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they'll get them either way, this thread was doomed from the moment somebody linked it in the other one
there's gonna be shitposting til the leaks actually begin

im honestly not sure if it's known if you can endlessly buy red orbs
but it doesnt matter, they just get you a few one-time permanent upgrades that you can get easily through normal play anyway
you got your answer in the last thread, stop shitposting


i just wanna say its nice to be in an actual fucking thread on v that discusses a game

99% of threads seem to be "hurr durr game X you like is shit. SHIIIIIT. HAHAHAHA STOP HAVING FUN

thanks, faggots.

you're not questioning them, stating the game wouldn't even be worth pirating implies the game is lackluster in quality when that's not even remotely the case here. People hate mtx in games because it actively ruin the game by blocking content that would unless require months of grinding to unlock. Orbs in DMC have always require a couple hours of grind.

we know this, we've seen the orbs gainage and upgrade prices. Itsuno have done this in his previous two games, it's an obvious checkbox to appease the shareholders.

so in order to have my expectations exceeded I'm expecting Vergil to have very little involvement in the story and he won't get a boss fight, and he'll just be dlc/sequel bait, and V will turn out to be the big bad like everyone says

cooler effects


>you already got BTFO
I got not a single answer to my question, only autistic REEEE'ing surrounding why I'd even ask such a question to begin with. I get it, you guys love Japanese gacha shit, but I'm not such a person.

I asked a simple question and just want a simple answer.

>Why would you buy upgrades in a action game
Because I'm not a sperg who gets my thrills by playing games handicapped. If you wanna do speedruns blindfolded using dead-is-dead rules, go for it.

>/dmc/ discussing the games
The threads are mostly fujoposting and shitposting right now. Just look at the last thread.

Trash is useless

Attached: Trash.jpg (1080x1063, 469K)

i'm almost 100% positive how it's going to work:
>replaces breakaway on L1. Has the same activation mechanics: cancels, grants iframes, breaks your current arm.
>gives the generic DT damage boost and health regen
>gives you access to buster arm everything, but also grants access to the yamato-specific moves from DMC4 like showdown

it does look kinda red here

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It's whatever. You can just say she's seducing Dante. Her characterization in 4 wasn't strong.

March 8th

you got plenty of legit answers in this thread already user, why are you ignoring them?

>on 7th march they're posting Vergil

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there's no "handicap", you unlock every move in a few hours normally.

then.. what threads are still sane?

I don't care since I'm not using them. Ask Capcom about it since they haven't clear about it.

She had zero presence in the game so who cares? At least in 5 she looks better

He's urizen so he's already important for half of the game at least. Just don't expect him to be playable until dlc that's pretty much it.

>"user's being a meanie wienie about my favorite vidya on Yea Forums"
user, please.

I kinda want to see them try to bive an actual business woman design mainly because sharp looking girls in suit are hot, but Lady is at her best when she's covered in guns and magazine pouches.

but im most likely gonna get the game on the 5th or 6th at my street date breaking local store

this new character looks like a twink

who designed this crap

but you're not handicapped if you don't buy red orbs, in fact this game is the most generous with red orbs compared to others
hell, back when dmc4se introduced microtransactions the devs balanced the game to give the player even more orbs than before, they clearly don't balance the game with paid orbs in mind and it's just studio meddling

Lucky you.

kek good job admitting defeat.

Summoned swords? Showdown? Dimension slash? Meteor/asterisc?

I dunno, what moves or options does Nero not already have?

I'm gonna assume the last sentence was for 5 not 4, and I gotta agree about the face but the rest of her kit looks pretty dope.

By god did they fuck up the face though dang

Go ahead and fucking highlight them. All I've gotten so far are variations of this garbage: These are not answers, they're excuses. I don't fucking care about this shit, I just want a single fucking concise answer to what I asked

The lead designer of the game. His concept was pretty faggy too. They know the audience. He sounds cool though.

Don't get me wrong, this place still discusses the games. It's just overshadowed by shit like people thirstposting right now since a lot of the oldfags are temporarily away.

i'm desperately finding a local game shop that do this. so far none of them even have pre-order deluxe edition. thing's not looking so good here.

I honestly do not know, so far the only "orb purchase" we know is the 100k bonus orbs if you pre-ordered the Deluxe Edition.

oh, meh i cant be bothered really i dont even really get what you're talking about at this point
hope you can find your answer though i guess

>"user implied I'm a bitch, that means I won"
Trudeau, what the fuck are you doing on Yea Forums? Go prep a bull

Well Punchline has an uppercut and functionality wise Overture's electric palm has the knockback of a punch. Unless you mean like Dante's gauntlets.

Nobody knows the answer, retard. Capcom hasn't said shit about it other than it being similar to DMC4SE's microtransactions, which was a one off. Not a confirmation though.

Why is dark slayer so weird to use with dante? ground combo and aerial rave are ok, but is there a trick to using the dimension slashes correctly? they feel so awkward being exactly the same move but with a difference in range, and their damage area is so specific, I sometimes find myself missing an enemy close enough that it should be within the range, but it's actually not and it hits me during the attack's animation.

4 was always weird to me, too. I imagine older lady would just go full bussiness suit mode, but in 4 she's just fanservice-y. In 5 she looks YOUNGER than in 4, which makes no sense, and her clothes are a mess. Feels like she just woke up and put on two different shirts.

what fucking more concise answer do you need other than "yeah if you hate grinding for a couple hours, they're there to buy"

>Because I'm not a sperg who gets my thrills by playing games handicapped.
But your gonna button mash your way to the end of the game on easy so why buy the additional moves? Doubt your gonna replay the game.

/Toy/fag here. Devil May Cry has a very small selection of figures made and until the new DMCV Nero figures come out, he's the only figure made of Nero period. Capcom is very protective of both Devil May Cry and Resident Evil when it comes to licensing figures so even when some come out they don't last long. There are figures of Dante and Nero coming from DMCV though I don't believe they are playarts (which is a fucking blessing honestly)

>but you're not handicapped if you don't buy red orbs

This is a different argument, you pillock. I asked about purchasing red orbs, then you stupidly replied about why I'd even want to upgrade my character in the first place.

....Fuck sakes. Stick to a single argument.

>Yes, the orbs are repurchaseable with money
Not him, but was there an official announcement regarding this?

You've gotten multiple concise answers, but you really do seem like too much of a sperging autistic fag to grasp them

The time has come, bros. I'm about to try leave dmc threads and Yea Forums, it was a good ride.

See you beautiful bastards on 10th march to after game discussion.

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Nope, have no idea where that guy got that from

Because I didn't ask whether or not you could buy red orbs. Keep up.

Itsuno said it in an interview and some outlet showed how they worked. It's pretty much confirmed.

no, you're fishing for a specific response so you can pretend to BTFO the DMCfags


Is it ever explained how Nero gets one of his arms replaced with Yamato? I remember he said some shit in DMC4 that sounded like he unwittingly made a pact with Vergil.

God that's scary. Ninja has one huge chin.

Ironically the only seemingly concise answer I've gotten so far is that no one actually knows. If you fags just pleaded ignorance, I'd have fucked off a long time ago.

But noooo, you dumbasses insisted on shitposting and going full on defensive asking me why I'd ever want red orbs in a DMC game like a casual.

I have ho problem with designs, but anatomy in 4 was all over the place.

I answered you right here now fuck off and kill yourself

Kinda looks similar

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What's the deal with DMC fanboys having problems with reading comprehension?

I misread it. I thought it said purchaseable. Not repurchaseable. Apologies.

>Are the red orbs a one-time-purchase DLC or an actual microtransaction?
> they're there to buy
> reeeeee that's not what I asked!!

are you an actual retard?

You missed the part where I'd have posted the high-lights to the anti-DMC discord (you know the one). But nope, you guys were just too clever

4Lady is absolutely disgusting and looks like a walking potato. Fuck anyone who says they prefer that abomination over 5Lady

Attached: 3Lady v 4Lady.jpg (774x1544, 296K)

stop with that shit you fucking nigger

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His arm isn't Yamato. His arm got turned into DB when he got attacked by demons protecting Kyrie. Yamato got absorbed by DB at the end of 4.

spoil us here

What's the deal with people who don't like DMC having problems with staying out of DMC threads?

Thanks for the info, based user.
And yeah, Play Arts Kai figs can be really, really awful. Especially since the joints on a lot of them stick out like a sore thumb.
I want to like the DMC3 figs, but I just can't when their joints are that ugly.
Maybe I'll just buy the DMC5 figure of Nero when it comes out.

i really doubt spoilers wont be everywhere when i get the game but on the unlikely event that nothing has leaked yet i have a capture card so i can record shit

She looks alright. Her face model isn't of the best quality. I somehow feel that Dante himself got squeezed in mid production. Lady is barely in the game and somebody said her model is Kyrie's.

>implying those don't look all familar

I agree. Lady5 is cute, at least.

Will Nero be a Stand User again or will we see an actual transformation

This is not an answer, this is just excuses you utter fucking mong. I asked if the red orbs purchases were a one time DLC or a microtansactions you could purchase over and over again.

>hurr durr a real DMC pro never ever uses red orbs
This is not an answer. Fuck off.

The arm itself is just stuck in a state of partial DT as a result of him getting injured by a demon and pretty much changing to heal. The ability to absorb demonic things and create a literal Stand is unique to Nero though and is either some kind of genetic mutation or just straight anime powers cause why not


i hope Nero himself transforms but he keeps the stand, the stand is sick and unique for the series

No but you definitely are

but that's the point. they do look familar. it's demonic arms, doesn't mean that they somehow related tho

Hopefully full transformation WHILE being a stand user

One day he was attacked by a demon that injured his arm, when it eventually healed it transformed into the Bringer. That day he also heard a voice demanding more power.
Nero only finds Yamato in the middle of the story mode, where he fixes it and uses it to activate his DT. In the novel when he was stabbed he had a brief halucination/dream of meeting a man before awakening.

How the fuck a simple question about the nature of this game's DLC could trigger half a thread is frankly beyond me

Why do you keep ignoring my answer? I told you that nobody knows. Capcom hasn't talked about it.

>yfw Nero's DT stand picks up ALL your buster arms and attacks with them at once, creating a ghost hand for each

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Here let me redirect you to this


The characters suck. They're just now getting good. In DMC4, Nero barely had characterization besides being angry and yelling Kyrie. Kyrie had barely any lines, and we don't find any reason as to why she's so special. Then you have Lady, Vergil and Trish who just pop up out of nowhere. Also remeber GLoria who has one random cutscene and amounts to absolutely nothing in the context of the story?

I don't know. Probably being defensive about it. Honestly, People could've just said that nobody knows instead of sperging about it. Capcom hasn't said anything.

sorry that i ask this in here but somehow my ip range is banned

where do you faggots check up on gaming news? preferably a site without sjw garbage or clickbait

nice defense mechanism, actually no, that's a pretty bad one.


The first 50 pages of the new book are available for preview btw

I am jelly

I check every available site and read reviews from every site I can fine. Just gotta cross reference what you read to get the facts and disregard all the superficial blogshit

Stop replying to him. That's not his question. He's not asking if the microtransactions are pervasive. He's asking if they're one offs like DMC4 or repurchaseable. Nobody knows the answer to that.

I've acknowledged you already. And yeah, thanks for the answer. A shame it only took 200 replies before someone finally said that none of you idiots actually know.

Expect a bill in the mail, because you mongoloids got another thing coming if you think I'm babysitting for free

I guess V isn't getting an alt color

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Almost like DMC4 was rushed as hell or something. DMC3 has great characters.

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His alt colour is probably in the game itself

I told you last thread, dude. Stop picking arguments with retards.

Trish is Gloria, she went undercover to infiltrate The Order.

Nice, I can post the dlc code here when I get the steelbook

People really believe that V will become white statue at the end?

Attached: Trish.png (428x448, 194K)

>DMC5 was actually Asura's Wrath 2 all along

Attached: download (2).jpg (637x358, 19K)

Here's the Nero prototype. 1/12th scale I believe. Sentinel does decent stuff.

Attached: WF2019-Sentinel-DMC5-003.jpg (900x1200, 109K)

We do know that something changes after mission 12.

>implying he wont

Attached: V.png (697x457, 278K)

I use youtube search filters. Type "Devil May Cry 5" then I set the upload date to last hour or today


multiple post here have told you that you can purchase orbs to buy skills or to skip grinding. Red orbs are the in-game currency. Now either you're vehemently stupid to have someone spoonfeed you that it's infinitely purchasable because it's the currency or you didn't what red orbs is and you think it's free everything forever card.

either way I'm betting you're a absolute idiot journalist who can't put two and two together and are just looking for an answer at one of the most unreliable place ever.

I copy pasted this from the same article
>“As an additional option, players can purchase even more red orbs which can be used for quicker upgrades or more continues. This is completely optional as the game has been balanced to provide ample orbs for play without purchase in mind. This allows players more options to use red orbs at the pace and style they prefer to play.”

Is this not the answer user is looking for?

>not all related
They're all spardas in that picture though.

So we can agree Nero has surpassed Dante in terms of characterization and also gameplay now, right?

He's not talking about how Trish is Gloria. It's more about how Gloria is completely underutilized. Sanctus was aware of her. It would've been cool if a leader of the order like that one guy whose face wasn't shown got into a battle with her while she's figuring out the Order's plans. Maybe they could've had Dante save her at the last minute. DMC4's story felt really half baked compared to 3 or even the barebones DMC1.

no and no

Did someone just try to call me out as a journalist fishing for a story? DMC anons, who the fuck hurt you? This is beyond normal Yea Forums bantz, this is genuinely sad. Get a grip, all of you.

I hope someone gives us a summary of it at least.

No, and no

>who the fuck hurt you
everyone hurted us
for 11 years

Trying to get the hang of reave shotgun jc, the timing for it is really strict and fucked

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you're the one who decided to ask questions on Yea Forums instead of just googling it
it's really not that difficult

You guys obviously haven't been paying attention.

Yea Forums unironically

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Looks like a banchou rather than Nero.

only if Nero gets breaker switching and infinite breaker at the end of the game. Just thinking about finite and randomize DBs in Bloody Palace alone is making me shudder.

No. He's asking if they're repurchaseable like real microtransactions or like DMC4SE's "red orb packs". Being like DMC4SE would mean there is a limit to the amount you can buy.

How do I see the preview? retard here

Instead of white he'll wear red to match his theme song title.

Here's a close up. I believe I've seen a colored Dante, but I'm not sure if it's the same figure.

Attached: Sentinel Nero & Dante.jpg (1800x2400, 1.6M)

>Caring about p2w in a singleplayer game
Holy shit shut the fuck up user, if retards want to buy orbs to get an early start let them waste their money. It's a non-issue if its a singleplayer game and you can get enough orbs to get everything via normal means.

got me with the fucking style ranking insult
good one user, im stealing this now

>only nero can fight goliath


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Click the cover. It's in Japanese tho

>Not caring about P2W in singleplayer games
You're the problem here, not that other user

Tap the gray button with the book logo. It's in pdf and you have to swipe right to view the next page.

I think I have it figured out, if there's a wifi signal thing above the other character's symbol it's a real player, but if it's not there, it's ghost data.

because many, many post here have told you how the fuck red orbs works and you still provoking and whining saying noone gave you a straight answer. If you truly wasn't able to figure out what the mtx is, that is a stupidity that only fits a game journalist.

viewer-trial.bookwalker.jp/03/4/viewer.html?cid=2e95a117-b38c-4861-aa49-779d8fc1e748&cty=0 because the book is actually available as an ebook too anyone who can buy it can upload it then as pdf

We've known that for a while. The better question is would they let us play the different missions as different characters once you finish the story. I don't like going through Bloody Palace just to fight Credo with Dante.

Cheers for helping a little retard out. I'll see what I can cook up from the preview

Those both look pretty sick. I love the amount of detail put into their outfits.

goddamnit why is everyone so fucking sensitive about boss rush? It's the best, boss rush of a game with great boss fights is pretty much an encore. I wanna fight them again with my endgame upgraded characters.


Even though 4 is probably my least favorite DMC (excluding 2) for some reason I'm most interested in replaying. Throughout my entire first playthrough I was wishing I was playing 3 but now I keep coming back to 4. I wish I had played it when I was younger, I would have been obsessed with it.

>It's in japanese
Fuck. I really wanted to read it.

Okay then what makes Nero better than Dante in either of those categories? We haven't seen enough of the story to know whether Nero will be as well characterized as Dante in 3 and from all the gameplay we've seen, Dante's kit seems much more interesting.

user, I can tell by the way you type that I already told you to fuck off and why your pathetic attempts at argumentation are below that of a child's. It's nap time, so kindly fuck off

Probably because DMC4 made you fight a majority of the bosses 3 fucking times.

he's not talking about a boss rush he's talking about backtracking and re-fighting the same bosses again like in DMC4 with Dante
in the V trailer, V was shown fighting Goliath so people assumed there would be backtracking here too

Spoilers will eventually come so while there's still time
TELL ME YOUR CRAZIEST THEORIES OR THE PIZZA GETS IT maybe someone will hit the jackpot.

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I don't really have much problems against boss rushes. I just want them to add more moves to the bosses for the boss rush. It'll make it infinitely more interesting. I don't know why barely anybody does it.

I go back to 4 a lot just because Nero's kit is so satisfying to use.

Capcom are character making kings when they aren't pulled from their element. It's a game company that has been around through most of gaming history starting more IPs and franchises than probably even fucking Nintendo. (albeit most of them are now dead) It just shows execution is king, like Nero, V is a good example of what would be a shit character changes when you add some flair and style to it and skepticism is washed away when you get your hands on the game. In contrast DmC's characters had everyone scared and they were responded with "you'll like them when you play the game" and it turned out they were even worse in the game.

Neros Devil Trigger isnt a move. Its the entire D Pad and will use DT mana including timed transformations simmilar to Vs damage booster.

You're late, we already knew that.
Can you stop replying to him? It's just a yes/no/we do not know question, no need to get this upset jesus

If the game is completeable and you're still able to get everything without the use of these currency packs, arguing about p2w in a game is such a nonissue since it doesn't matter. If you're not forced to pay for these, why the fuck does it matter? Just play the game, retard, you aren't wasting money.

We will probably never get an English translation of Before the Nightmare that's official. Same thing happened with Deadly Fortune.
If we're lucky, a fan translation will be made.

4 is the most fun when you say fuck you to the actual campaign and just do BP, including boss rushes with the trainer on crazy boss mode

>those nero and dante players who wont stop taunting at each other and riding punchline and cavalier

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Boomer Dante's can of Monster is actually tomato juice

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dante must die is literally impossible. i'm only on mission 3 and already my hands hurt and i feel like killing myself. fuck this mode i'm done with the game.

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Just announce dlc alt costumes I can’t play harder difficulties just to s rank them

>Buying power for real money in vidya doesn't matter as long as you can technically complete them without
Nope. Not worth the effort, not even gonna bother. Here's your (you), now be on your way

stop replying

It'll be sold as an ebook as well so perhaps there's a bigger chance for someone to translate it properly and not use google translate again like for the other novels.

4's Dante Must Die is really easy compared to 1&3's

Its not nearly that hard, especially as nero

He also likes Strawberry

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>Nero players

Attached: This Nero AI is trained to wiresnatch your enemies.webm (900x506, 575K)

sorry user, but you suck dick at vidya

>Microtransaction are bad, but ignored when it comes to dmcv

That actually happens in the chink vid, at :52

>That first failed snatch

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>fucked up her face
Am i delusional or something? how can anyone see this and think she's uggo, I can see people not liking how Trish looks but still. i've seen much bigger jaws on other (biological) women. She has a wider face but she's not grotesquely manly. Everyone has different tastes/preferences I guess.

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>mtx that have absolutely 0 incentive to use them versus mtx for premium currencies you can't earn easily
DMCV has an objectively less terrible mtx problem than most other games, so yeah its fine. If you play the game you get red orbs it's as simple as that.

Theres no boss rush in 5. Instead you fight Urizen with ALL abilities of other bossess and even stand like-ghost attacks from the bossess, which can lead to several goliaths sucking up rocks while several cavaliers slash at you.

She looks like she loves to listen to smashing pumpkins. Very based.

>and not use google translate again like for the other novels.
Don't remind me.
Deadly Fortune getting a physical only print run really lowered the odds of it getting properly translated at all. With BtN, things are already looking up.
Capcom clearly has an audience who'd be interested in buying English DMC novels, but they still refuse to devote resources to translating them anymore. I don't get it.

It was never an issue in 4SE and I expect it won't be in 5. I'll be the first to admit it if I'm wrong though.

It's time like these where I'm actually glad that I've run out of vidya franchises to give a shit about. Shilling for microtransactions is never a good look

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Why assume he does not like DMC when he's obv annoyed by the anons

Why people like this shit and hate DmC? I have never played any of those games, but the designs look pretty similar to me.

Don't take the bait user

Attached: lady looking at nero.webm (640x360, 26K)

This explains a lot

stop replying,newfag

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So real quick from a rough rudimentary translation of the first couple of pages of Before the Nightmare, it starts off in a bar where a journalist on the occult (?) named Jeffrey is contacted and meets up with Nico, where she points out an article he wrote in his magazine five years ago about the Fortuna incident.
The translation of it being 5 years may not be entirely accurate, but if it is then that gives us an actual length of time between 4 and 5

I didn't say it's not bad, retard. I said I don't care and that Capcom hasn't been clear about the nature of them.


Oh no, is the kaiju leak real?

How are they not similar? Very close look and tone. Also, people constantly shat on the character from Scalebound, and the designs from this game look eerily similar but I don’t ser anyone complaining.

Reminds of the fake spoiler saying v was a journalist when we got that prologue leak.

If you don't think her face looks fucked up I don't know what to tell you.
She has a massive jawline that rivals Arnold Schwarzeneggers and a fat nose.

You either have facial blindness, or you're into dudes

What's Kylo Ren doing in DMC?

They really do like to underestimate our motivation

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>The characters suck. They're just now getting good.
Dante has been a good character since DMC3, and arguably DMC1 (though he didn't have quite as much depth since 1's story is more barebones). Lady was great in DMC3 and had an important role in Dante's arc. She was pretty underdeveloped in 4 though.
>In DMC4, Nero barely had characterization besides being angry and yelling Kyrie.
You're greatly over-generalizing.
>Kyrie had barely any lines, and we don't find any reason as to why she's so special.
She's a sweet, innocent girl he's in love with and grew up with. It's pretty heavily implied that Nero feels somewhat self-conscious about his Devil Bringer/demonic heritage, but at the end she says she loves and accepts him no matter what. Like other people have pointed out about how DMC4 was unfinished, they were probably focused on more important things like the gameplay than developing their relationship.
Vergil isn't even in the main story, you goof. His intro/ending cutscene takes place several years before DMC4 and even before DMC3, before Nero was even born.

Attached: Nero makes fun of a disabled man.jpg (1920x1080, 536K)

now you're baiting too hard man, 2/10.

I hated DmC's dirty looking models. The characterization were either really bad or really despicable. DMC5 doesn't fall into either of those categories. V's character has shown itself to be unapolagetically edgy.

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>How are they not similar?

You speaking with yourself user ?

He decided that a devil blade is more powerful than a laser blade, so he's gonna steal one

Blind devotion is not a good thing. It might lead to such degenerate behavior as acceptance of F2P monetization in fully priced games

DmC was hated because it was a full on reboot by people who openly shat on the previous games and called them gay.
It had a lot of fucked up shit and retarded swearing in it, my favorite scene being abortion by sniper rifle and Donte mocking the evil guy with the fact that his spawn is just chunks of meat now.
They also downgraded the combat from 3 and 4 by a good bit, so its not even worth saving in that regard.

This is a continuation of the games before the reboot, they did adopt a more western/realistic style because an executive asked to make it cutting edge, which prompted some people to draw the similarity to DmC as the colors are muted and shit.
I personally don't like it, but the characters and gameplay is like the originals which is the important part.

Nero gets his arm back?

I surprised at how well DMCfags have recieved him

It's a good thing that isn't happening in DMCV!

lmao commies are SEETHING

>he's still trying
Give it up already.

Look is almos the same but the tone isn't. V is extremely cheesy and takes his poems have too seriously. People shat on Scalebound because the main character named Drew looked generic and showed similiarities from Nero from 4. Both had scaled up right hands while wearing wireless headphones.

judging from a few screenshots of menus, he does, but that picture is from the scene where it gets ripped off


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I am not baiting, she legitimately looks like she has been taking truckloads of testosterone.

I don't know how you couldn't see that massive jawline, its overly masculine and not feminine at all and makes her look terrible.
Reuben's wife cosplaying Lady looks considerably better than 5s model

It's a Japanese game though...

Eh, no one really knows at this point

Ignore him. He's been doing it for a while now. He uses the same terminology so it's easy to spot him.

What lol, this guy is insane.

I don't get it

How is DMC 5 related to Orange Man?

It's going to be the exact same treatment as the previous games. Itsuno is too devoted to bringing good experiences after the mess of 2 to ruin it with corporate meddling. As some user said earlier, it was to give the game a check for corporate heads demanding them.

That's sorta hilarious.

You try having your favorite franchise turn into a shitty reboot because the previous installment was purposefully sabotaged and didn't sell ridiculous numbers even if it was the best selling game in the franchise. You try to listen to every faggot journalist telling you that you're a piece of shit, how you're pathetic excuse of a fan because you didn't ask for your favorite character to be insulted and basically killed of only to be replaced by a heaping pile of shit. You try getting told that you caused the death of your beloved franchise because you didn't want to support a new take you never asked for. You try watching every E3 with either hope that a new DMC game would be announced or in fear that they would continue the reboot. You try having retards telling you to this day that the reboot was better and the only reason you hated it was because of fucking hair color. I'VE WAITED FOR THIS GAME FOR 10 YEARS AND NO MICROTRANSACTIONS OR A FUCKING 'MORAL' NEWFAG WILL DETER ME.

Dante's love for Pizza makes him an honorary American.

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Comments on promoted tweets are some funny shit sometimes. I remember the Monster Hunter World one where some idiot was going off about conservation of animals.


Attached: beowulf.png (411x536, 315K)

DMC3 had good characters. DMC4 was a good introduction to Nero, that's it. DMC as a whole hasn't been great at handling it's characters.

whatever faggot

Itsuno did say that the alternates are using a duality system where they are based off of another characer. V doesn't really have anyone so it would obviously be a spoiler if he does have one. it's vergil or mundus tho

>4's dmd
Literally too easy.

Few more things I can gather. Gonna mark stuff I'm not sure on with an asterisk.
Five years ago this Jeffrey guy went to Fortuna to get the dirt on the "white giant" incident but pretty much everyone refused to speak to him cause he's an outsider and shit. The only one to actually speak to him was Nero but Jeffrey disregarded most of what he said*. Nico seems to be asking about him cause there was an image of his back* in the magazine. Looks like this is how she eventually goes on to meet him.

Will post as I read more

What's this guys address?

The autism in here is fucking strong jesus christ

Unironically what did he mean by that? By his tweet I thought maybe he was the generic white suburban Christian-type who was mad about there being "devil" in the title, but part of his twitter bio is
>I block MAGAs and Christians. Be worldly. People, not parties, races or genders.
I guess he replied to the wrong tweet, somehow.

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DmC didn't have muted colors though. DmC actually had a really hard color contrast that it was starting to hurt my eyes. Remember Limbo and the night club?

Facts are that you can purchase red orbs for Japanese shekels. To what extent the bullshit smells remains to be seen, but bullshit it still is. I don't put much credence in fanboy optimism

Do you just want to talk to him?

Fuck off, aspie.

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Sounds suspicious af

What a dumb fuck

having all the moves doesn't make you git gud

in these games red orbs become useless after you get all the upgrades, which only takes a few playthroughs and you'll have it before you even get to Very Hard or DMD
it has never mattered, being able to buy orbs just allows you to get to that point sooner, but losing all your orbs would mean little in the other games, getting all your upgrades took less than a day in DMC3
no amount of red orbs can give you S rank for free, you're like the person who argues that because you can grind for a bunch of holy water and gold orbs the game is bad
You don't even need to grind but if you want to you could, or if you have money to burn go ahead and donate it to Capcom because that's essentially what you'd be doing
I'm not defending them but it makes no difference, the microtransactions mean nothing
I'd prefer if they weren't there so shitposters couldn't latch onto it like it means anything
red orbs have literally no value and buying them is pretty much donating

Of course

We were able to do this in previous games user, and said previous games were fine. 2 for 2 on that front, don't see why it'd change now.

It's just one guy getting autistically mad because of a yes/no question.

>people, not parties
now this is getting CRAZY

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commies should want Trump elected due to accelerationost ideas of Marx though. read more fag

>She has a massive jawline that rivals Arnold Schwarzeneggers
How many jawlines have you seen user?

Did anyone reply this retard

give me the link

>The only one to actually speak to him was Nero but Jeffrey disregarded most of what he said*
Kek. That makes sense. To a normie, most of the Fortuna incident would probably come across as overly detailed bullshit.
Thanks for the rough translations, man. I appreciate it.

Buying gold ammo in World of Tanks doesn't make you an expert in that game either. Did you have a point, user?

Who is this person and why should I care about their opinion?

>Hitler youth


kek, same, I thought he was a seething fundie

And that's a multiplayer game focused on PvP, not a single player game where the only online is co-op. What's your point user?

>DmC actually had a really hard color contrast that it was starting to hurt my eyes
It really did

Attached: 1359663183814.jpg (516x600, 249K)

>Previous games
There's the special edition of DMC4, but you'd have to be otherworldly levels of retarded in order to retroactively make an old game P2W. The miniscule amount of money they'd make off of that wouldn't be worth the bad PR, ergo making this specific case of DMC4 irrelevant.

I'd assume the other game you're talking about is DmC, but I have at no point in my life given even the remotest of shits about that game and it was made by a different developer, so it doesn't count either

>want to sleep so badly
>don't want to miss the spoilers
Rolling, if odds I sleep, evens I stay

Since none of capcom shills actually answered question i will

Yes they are actual microtransactions. Not one time offer

>I'm no-
stopped reading

Told you guys that Americans can only see things in political lens nowadays. You thought this was a motherfucking game? You can always find at least 1 person to do this with any thing.

Goodnight user!

it's okay user, we probably won't get spoilers until next week anyway

>I'm your doctor, you ugly sack of shit

Fuck, ok then.

Think I was wrong on Jeffrey disregarding what Nero told him.
From further reading it seems like Jeffrey published what Nero said along with the image of Nero with his face censored and only called him "N". Nico is asking Jeffrey for "N"s name and Jeffrey is reluctant cause of confidentiality and whatnot but eventually gives her the name cause it's been 5 years and his career is in the shitter anyway.

What was it?

remember kid, you're only a casual if you give up

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This, unironically did't understand people comparing DMC5's look to DmC because it looked "bland". I think the main level in DmC that was more dark/muted was the beginning of the slurm factory level before you meet the Succubus. I could be forgetting more, I haven't played it in a while.

Attached: dmc_devilmaycry_2013.png (1440x900, 1.9M)

Would nico be asking about the fortune incident because of her dad?

Some early leaks talked about a journalist trying to investigate Dante and the demons. It also said that the journalist made a pact with demons.

>this Adam Driver looking faggot is best Capcom could think of after Vergil in 3 huh?
This series sure has fallen far.


She's looking for the Order's demonic research documents

The problem is the real world in DmC is usually portrayed as extremely grey. DMC5 might have muted colors but it's not that muted.

>it was made by a different developer, so it doesn't count either
You think that the push for microtransations doesn't come from the guys in suits at Capcom?

Not an argument, user.

How to not win a debate 101: Sidetrack the topic and when your opponent obliges you, accuse them of said sidetracking

Oh that makes more sense.

well, he clearly does

Have you seen Mr.X? It's literally pic-related, but with dumb fedora.

Attached: original_mr.X.jpg (715x590, 141K)

I fucking despise this shitty blue and orange theme so many games push. It feels like they think I'm autistic, LOOK AT THE PRETTY COLOURS.

Fresh oc

Attached: One fear.webm (1280x566, 609K)

That the publishers / suits are the ones ruining games with bad monetization is a gaming urban myth. According to industry insiders, the most insidious of monetization schemes are the brainchilds of the actual developers.

Now, I'm not gonna make any definitive claims of who Satan is, it could be Capcom for all we know, but at this point we can't be sure of anything.

I get what you mean. IRL in DmC is literally grey most of the time, while DMC5 has better/more realistic lighting in the city sections and has more dark blues. I think that was the point, since DmC's plot has that whole They Live rip off vibe to it where the demons controlling the world keep the humans all sedated and shit, so the real world is shown in exaggerated way to be more lifeless/miserable looking. It's a super deep metaphor.

Attached: devil-may-cry-kat.jpg (500x750, 60K)

So after Nico leaves the bar it cuts to Nero in his garage tinkering with Red Queen which is having troubles with its engine and he can't seem to fix it. It makes note of how Nero's tools are all disorganised and scattered about the place.
One of the orphans him and Kyrie are looking after, Julio (?) comes in telling Nero that there's some weird lady. Julio is known for his mischief so Nero isn't really buying it and asks Julio if the strange person had three eyes, was missing a nose or had no mouth (you get the gist).
Then I THINK Nico walks in and says she's looking for Nero, but I can't quite properly make out what's going on in the scene because my translation skills are ghetto as fuck.

Aren't you decade too late to comment that? I mean, if we're talking about downgrades since Vergil in 3, then Nero in 4 takes that award way before V?

I'm the guy who asked the question, user. no1currs


Anyone have the link to the tweet? I'm willing to dig through the replies to check if anyone replied to this /pol/tard.

How do I get a qt bazooka-wielding tomboy gf?

>MTX fag is literrally talking to himself
Jesus, this game really is the anti-TORtanic
how many shitposters and Ninja theory shills are going to go for the rope on march 8th?

Attached: ohhai.png (224x144, 68K)

Can't read what's on Nero shirt


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>urizen is nero MOTHER


Attached: 1527450795997.png (939x574, 106K)

Thanks for the translation we get the gist of it. God i wish we got this translated in some way.

Probably a cut up version of 'I need more power'?

I need more power

I didn't like this style, its just movie poster Orange and Cyan Blue that was everywhere at the time

I need more pokemons

>had three eyes

Attached: DxUIaFEX0AEZp1L.jpg large.jpg (389x394, 23K)

Not sure what it is you got user, but I'm sure there are pills for it

I need more power

Making new characters have always been hard. I actually think Capcom has a better batting average than most.

It's supposed to say "I need more power"

>demonic research
I don't think it was necessarily about demons. Agnus apparently designed the standard-issue swords the generic Order of the Sword knights used in 4, which Red Queen is a modified version of. Remember that Nico IS a weaponsmith. Also pic related, I'm not sure where it's from but it could be one of the documents they were talking about.

Attached: 1521988746240.jpg (1280x720, 158K)

Ok so Nico didn't walk in in that scene. Nero asks Julio for details and he describes Nico somewhat. Nero figures that Julio really isn't lying and asks if she had white hair, seemingly thinking it might be Gloria. Julio says no so he figures it aint her.
I THINK Nero says that he's still wondering just who that woman was (not sure on this part)

user, Vergil isn't cool anymore. Get with the program.

It's a microtransaction that you use to buy new moves. None of these moves will add more damage, they merely add more options. Buying red orbs to get more moves doesn't make you better at the game so it's a pointless exercise.

>dante has to sell his weapons to be able to eat
this should not be as funny as it is

Attached: hahahahaha.jpg (200x200, 10K)

>white hair

Nero don't know Gloria is Trish, huh

looks white for me

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 72K)

My opinion of the DMC fanbase is abysmally low, but it's not remotely helped by the more "dude only casuals spend reb orbs lmao" replies I'm still getting.

stop. pls.

Gloria had white hair. From what I can gather from the guy translating. Nico is looking for Nero. Nero doesn't know who Nico is and assuming that it's Trish/Gloria.

How long has nero known nico before the start of the game?

I can only imagine the appraisal

that'd make him less fun for me desu

So that pretty much confirms that devil arms are a "common" thing in the world. Either that or Dante is some sort of relic seller.

Ah, I always thought her hair was blond

Itsuno still likes him

Why are you in these thread anyway if you deem as so abysmally low?

user you've been given an answer but all you replied with is "lol no one cares"
shut the fuck up already and go play games you like, whatever they may be

You might be joking there, but this is actually kinda true. We even had such displays on these threads now and then in which just dropping Vergil's name would cause some faggot to get triggered by it and write essay post of why Vergil "sucks."
Now it isn't as bad as it was before, but during start of 2019, these types of faggots were lurking around these threads for quite some time.

Wait, so Nero's DMC shop also doubles as a pseudo-orphanage? Would make sense of the "pair of talkative mouth" in the garage cutscene.

I'm probably going to regret biting, but
>"dude only casuals spend red orbs lmao"
What? You need red orbs to unlock new moves. In no way, shape, or form does using red orbs for that purpose make you a casual.

I find the latter more likely but I think it's just meant to explain why he doesn't keep his weapons while making a joke

If the format is the same as DMC4SE, which it seems to be, you can only buy red orbs once.

Also, that's not what I said user. I said buying the orbs won't help you realise how to integrate the new moves you're buying into your fighting style. If you just buy moves immediately using actual cash instead of grinding, you won't have gotten better at using what you have and being able to integrate them into your fighting style. That is simply a fact.

Kyrie and Nero are looking after orphans?

Ok in the next scene Nico appears at the entrance of the garage and matches Julio's description. Julio says "that's the woman!" and points at her. Nico says "don't point at people, it's rude, brat". Nero tells Julio to go to Kyrie and Julio obliges cause Nero's got that serious look on him.
Nero says a line that I translated as "Is it something for me?" which I don't quite get the context of, but afterwards it says that he's holding his right arm out of sight and just says how it changed a few years ago.

Imagine being a person who wastes hours and hours of his time in DMC threads with a fanbase he has an abysmally low opinion of.

I was being sarcastic about faggots who will search at depths of their assholes to "prove" that Vergil is worst character ever at mere mention of his name. Or, what he said

Who said that? Vergil is still pretty cool to me. He might be a bit of a tryhard but he's cool.

The only person who is skeptical to the bullshitting is you. Most other people are aware of it but don't think it's at all relevant.

Yeah, the note in the background of the Patty gallery image leak talks about how Kyrie is taking care of orphans from the Fortuna Incident and they've been just generally helping folks out.
The Deadly Fortune novel also says this so it's probably another thing they nabbed from there

Getting off work in 40 minutes and I'm still getting replied to. Euro hours Yea Forums are slow as fuck, so I might as well talk to the sleep deprived burgers in this thread

nobody dislikes vergil, people just got annoyed with obnoxious vergilfags who think he's a perfect character who did no wrong

I'm playing Bayo atm. Where do I go from here if I wanna get into DMC? 1, 3, 4 and then wait for 5?

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Nero's "shop" is the van, he has a mobile branch of DMC. I'm guessing the garage is just part of his house he lives in with Kyrie. In the note next to the journal entry about Patty it says Kyrie still helps out at the orphanage in Fortuna. I don't think their house literally doubles as an orphanage, but since Kyrie is so loved some of the kids just might hang around their place sometimes, I'm assuming.

Attached: novel.png (614x316, 41K)

>In no way, shape, or form does using red orbs for that purpose make you a casual.
Yes, user, I know that. It's called making fun of tryhards.

I get it, you're all so cool because you can maintain a constant SSS on DMD difficulty using only the base moves...but I don't care.

user(s) that apparently got assraped by Vergil in their dreams or something like it. They can't stand that Vergil has his dick sucked by majority as "coolest character that came out of DMC", so they're bent over proving it "wrong" or trying to find reasons why he "sucks."

He's still insecure about his arm eh?

i entered a thread about a thing i hate and now im mad

how did this happen to me

The real question is what kind of insano would buy devil arms considering the demons themselves will not obey you unless you're as strong or stronger than they are even in Bayonetta an angel or demon still has their consciousnesses when forced into being a weapon

I swear if an Unga Nero wire snatches whatever the fuck I am juggling I am not gonna give him a gold orb, that's going to show him.

we know that already, an user is roughly translating it right now

Oh wait, I just remembered there's a canon anime to watch too. At what game do I watch that?

buying moves won't help you know how to use them user

You might as well spend your time looking as funny webms on /wsg/ or talk about animals instead of torturing yourself by talking to fanbase you have an abysmally low opinion of while generalizing every single DMC fan even though you're probably only interacting with a couple of people at most.

>Fanboys are groveling shit-eaters and have no discerning taste
What a revelation, user. You sure showed me

Yeaah im turning off cameo system

In reference to Nero's bio saying "Hybrid?"

what if he's actually just full human and is just a massive Chad

That's different story. I wasn't talking about them. I was talking about those who nitpicked Vergil's flaws as character (being power autist for start), to "debunk" claims of majority that he was best character of this series, excluding Dante.

Being able to beat the game using only the base move (+Stinger possibly) is nothing new
Getting SSS doesn’t really change anything other than a neat letter at the results screen

Well I'll be damned. I have been thoroughly BTFO. How will Ninja Theory shills even recover?

It only would be casuals though. Most people here are going to replay this game quite a bit, so red orbs won't be a issue. You seemed to get them easily enough in the demo for the few skills there are and they already increased the amount of orbs you get in dmc4SE.

1 is old and ugly but it's still got a good foundation. I might recommend skipping it if you're coming to it from Bayonetta as it favours efficiency and quick killing over the styling seen in Bayo/DMC.
2 is absolute trash, do not touch.
3 is great, I'd start there personally.
The anime isn't that special, it's alright.
4 is good but honestly just getting good at 3 should make even playing 4 pointless.

It's because normies don't know he's Vergil son yet

You sure do assume things about total strangers a lot. Are you okay?

Might as well be at this point, some "only got the human side of Vergil hurr" but his arm still changed and gave him demon blood and mega strength.
I doubt it to be honest, we see Nero straight up kicking a car and jumping several feet in the demo cutscenes alone. He's part demon definitely, but fuck me man they better not pull some angel shit after all. The "Hybrid?" makes me worried about what they're going to do.

We're not eating the shit though. We're not even looking at the shit because we don't need to. We can live our entire lives without ever dealing with said shit, so why would it be a problem?

Some people probably buy them as collectibles items, maybe not everyone is aware they’re Devil arms, someone probably bought Alastair thinking is just a cool sword to hang in the wall

>proof of anything

Is the port of 3 any good on Steam? The reviews seem to make it like it's one of the worst ports on PC. Is it fixable? I don't wanna shell out 16 quid just to play DMC3.

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Who gives a fuck? Its a single player game and DMC's depth comes from having all the techniques. Show me a moveless nero or dante combo video or kindly fuck off.

nah his 'demon' arm is just some birth defect

he's actually the strongest human

Ah, so after going into some narration of how it gave him power to protect the one he loved, how he was at first disgusted by it yadda yadda, he goes on to say that cause the Devil Bringer pules as a reaction to demonic power he uses it to judge whether or not someone is a demon. In this case, Nico. Nero's arm has no response to her.
Nico blows cigarette smoke and asks "are you Nero?". Nero frowns and tells her to put the cigarette out before asking anything. He says that he's hated the smell/smoke of cigarettes since long ago, and besides that there's chemicals and oils in the garage and he wants to avoid a fire. Nico says some snarky line (can't quite make it out) and it gets on Nero's nerves. Nero repeats asking her to put the cigarette out (i think more aggressively this time, not sure)
She drops it and stomps it out while saying some other snarky line.

Not too sure on what goes down in the next scene, but I think she asks him if he doesn't smoke, starts walking into the garage and Nero gets up kinda defensively stop her and she throws her arms up in a surrender pose? As I said, not too sure on this part.

1 is worth playing for the art direction and gothic ambiance alone
I'll never forget getting locked in that spooky castle for the first time with this playing in the background


>playing 4
it still has great bosses, Nero and 5 style at once Dante, it is just the level design and story that sucks dick

He's gonna turn out to be a nephilim, that's why we got that difficulty named after it.

It's not a shill thing, it's a point of genuine concern. Right now levels are balanced where you can buy 2-3 moves before starting a level and going on to the next one, providing steady and constant growth and allowing you to integrate new moves into your fight style and master the mechanics.

However, if you buy all of the moves at the start, you're going to have a massive list of moves you are unfamiliar with and it's going to be difficult for you to deal with that moveset.

Also, Dante/Nero/V share their rorb pool but if I spend rorbs buying a V upgrade, I can't use those rorbs on Dante or Nero. Do you see why buying a fuck ton of orbs en masse and blowing it all on one character could be a bad idea now?

Why do you insist on proving my point? Stop replying already. You're like a modern day Star Wars nu-male making reddit posts about how Last Jedi is the best yet.

1. Good
2. Bad
3. Best in the series
4. Average

Get the HD collection and 4SE.
Pirate them both if you feel like it, doesn't matter.

Itsuno himself has said there's no such thing as angels, he seems to follow the original design of DMC pretty hard

soulles cash grab

>1 is old and ugly
zoomer, 1 is the best place to start, still a great game, though after playing 3 it's hard to go back to, similar to how it was hard to go to other action games after DMC

It'll be pointless playing 4 because by the time he's done with 3, 5 is out.

Fuck youuu

Best action game ever made

This has been proven to be bullshit in every thread its posted in


>Is it something for me?
It's "You have some business with me?"

>he's holding his right arm out of sight and just says how it changed a few years ago.
Is he talking about literal character change, like how the DB has changed or how his perception of the arm has changed?

Still more than a week to go, you can beat both of them in 4 days together.


Attached: 1537547112999.jpg (350x355, 51K)

>source: dude trust me

>great bosses
Yes. It has like, 1 Credo that one time and 1 Dante that one time as well.

You can always refund orbs.
You can select a mission with one character, refund orbs and then buy it with another character. Or itll be like 4 and its not shared.

And if you're a series veteran youll know adjust and adapt fairly quickly. Its not an issue. Dont buy orbs if you dont want to, thats your prerogative. But dont come up here high off your own farts and trying to convince others to do the same. You do you, ill do me.

Just about how it turned into a demon arm. The basic DMC4 stuff.

Buying power for real money is buying power for real money. No amount of excuses will come close to justifying it.

normies are fucking brain-dead I guess. But then again they said story-wise they want DMC5 to be more accessible to newcomers to the series. I remember in some of the preview videos people that got to play it said that you don't need that much knowledge of the lore from previous games to know what's going on. But that's just to understand the basic relative plot in 5, I'm guessing most of the impact will be lost on you if you jump into DMC5 blind with no experience with the past games. Especially since there seems to be a lot of connections to 1 and 3.

Attached: son.png (690x305, 57K)

We are almost there!

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> Devil May Cry have such good characters?

Attached: дмц5 2.jpg (600x600, 202K)

How am I proving your point? I am making the point that despite the fact something exists doesn't mean it is at all necessary to anyone's enjoyment of the game. You seem to be the only one assuming that people see this as something acceptable when in reality everyone sees it as negligible. But you don't seem too keen to live in reality. You'd rather continue rotting your brain by beating your head against a wall trying to scare people off from liking a video game because you're a deranged hick who gets off on being disruptive.

But they all talk and have some kind of independence I doubt any of them would be happy just hanging on some dumb human's wall.

I wonder how much Dante got for the suitcase one, it had 666 different forms that had to be worth something

To the fag bitching about microtransactions
You can buy red orbs with real money, but what do you use them for? Revive yourself at the spot? Well that would be retarded since you still have gold orbs , and they give you a gold irb every day you log in and when another player calls you stylish and gifts you one, on top of that the game punishes you for using them so this use for them is irrelevant,how about Getting the moves earlier than usual? But for what purpose when you can just could you know play the game and get enough orbs for all of the moves
Your bitching seems retarded if you ask me

Credo is the best one in the entire series, Berial, Bael and Echidna are also good. Sanctus is okay.

The only one that is bad is the savior and the window.

>You can always refund orbs.
Not in 5, the demo says that you won't be able to refund bought skills.


So close and yet so far

You can't beat all of the higher difficulties in DMC3 in 4 days.

>best game to start
If you were going into action games blind, sure but user said he'd just finished Bayonetta. DMC1 is incredibly lacking compared to Bayo1.

>old and ugly
We both know the Nobodies, the Fetishes, the rock spiders and the beetles all look like dog shit.

Are you being purposefully dense at this point

there is no 'power', they're just moves; they're not gonna win the game for you

[Spoilers]nero gets his devil bringer back at the end of the gsme so dont get too attached devil breakers]/spoilers]

As opposed to the person I replied to, whose source also amounted to "dude trust me"? Hell, I even pointed out how one can truly know unless they work there


Attached: 1536040537199.png (848x544, 346K)

>old game is lacking compared to newer game

wow no shit

Hey does vergil have iframes with his teleport in dmc4se? Im trying to fight bosses with mass aoes whats the best course of action?

You can't refund and you already said you weren't a series veteran/that you didn't want to bother grinding at the game. I don't know why you keep changing your story like this.

It's not stat bonuses, it's additional moves and options. Caliber is a useless purchase if you don't know how to do it or when to use it.

I want to titfuck Gloria and Kyrie


>No one actually needs red orbs ever
We're still doing this? bruh

God, 4 Lady looks so bad. Only her tits were good.

Attached: Superior Lady.jpg (507x564, 68K)

Then why do you persist in your discourses if you admittedly refuse to change your mind despite everyone and their mother providing you reasonable arguments as to why the issue is nothing more than a totally ignorable function?

Just cut it off again, nbd

Out of all possibilities one could shitpost regarding Lady's looks, why did shitposters decided to badly shop her so they can insert le ebin Bog.
You shitposters are shit in shitposting.

You're making a positive claim saying there's malign intent coming from somewhere, the other user is saying it's just corporations being corporations.

Yes, that was my point, thank you for summarizing.

Dante's dimension slash is actually a very powerful tool once you get used to its range. Personally I like to get a knockdown on groups of enemies using the ground combo and then dimension slash right in front me. It's a massive hitbox, think of it more like that than Vergil's highly precise judgement cuts.

>1 is old and ugly but it's still got a good foundation. I might recommend skipping it

what a fucking retard


In short; fucking kill yourself.

Sanctus was pure garbage. Both as character and as boss fight. Fact that he's Credo's "replacement" because Credo was originally meant to be Vergil of 4, makes him even worse.
Only reason why I'm not naming him worst DMC boss ever is because Arkham exists.

In whatever happened in that last sequence, Nico ends up seeing Nero's Devil Bringer and Nero thinks this may be troublesome. However, Nico just sits on a wooden box in the corner and nonchalantly says "do not worry" (?). Seems she isn't too fussed or interested by it.
She introduces herself as Nicoletta Goldstein and says she came with a request.
Nero notes that she must be someone that's seen demons before, a person who accepts that they exist.
She says that she is looking for material that The Order has studied, saying how she'd heard that the cult is already gone (forgot to mention in earlier posts, but The Order is pretty much all gone after the incident)

Nico makes note of how she sees no evil in Nero's eyes (?)

after playing bayonetta 1 before it, it's probably worth skipping. If he hadn't played Bayo 1, it'd be a good starting point.

Yea Forums

How fucking hard is it to just buy the HD Collection and 4SE?

Attached: vergilb2.png (1369x872, 167K)

dirty lady

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I never said that, I said you don't need to buy red orbs since the game gives you plenty

God this has been the longest fucking wait for a video game in my life. It feels like the start of this month was like 10 weeks ago

Fucking boomers should hang (except Dante)

Attached: Nero.gif (300x327, 1.99M)

There is nothing wrong with Sanctus and he is far from terrible.
The only thing annoying about him is that the little flying things can fuck you easily when you're trying a no damage run.

I am just talking gameplay mechanics, obviously the story and build ups to the bosses in 4 is pretty weak

Attached: sanctus.webm (300x170, 2.91M)

>Character moves doesn't matter in a action game, ergo you're not actually buying power

This is fascinating. The depths one is willing to sink to in order to try and win an argument on a El Salvadorian cow herding forum. Here's the thing, for you two to actually "win", you're gonna have to successfully convince me that gameplay doesn't matter in not only video games as a whole, but this fucking genre of all genres.

At that rate, you'd have an easier time trying to convince me to pre-order DMC5. On all platforms.

I didn't notice that she's shopped, she looks like original one on this pic for me

Attached: вопрос2.jpg (750x750, 29K)

that's fake though

So I guess a big part of making V stylish is to abuse his cane teleport to meme around the enemies no?

>God this has been the longest fucking wait for a video game in my life
We did wait 11 years, after all.

>goes on to say that cause the Devil Bringer pules as a reaction to demonic power he uses it to judge whether or not someone is a demon

Every single argument I've gotten so far has amounted to

>Pressing buttons in a DMC game? Fucking casual
It's a marvel of fanboy stupidity

>didn't give a shit about DMC games until these threads got me interested about a month ago
Got lucky I guess, I couldn't imagine waiting years for a video game.

Attached: ywn.jpg (800x1147, 71K)

Is the PC release for DMCV the same day?

>Tfw can still recall the crushing feeling from when DmC was announced.
I thought we were saying goodbye to Dante for good

nice strawman

I still think it's the best place to start, it makes DMC3 even better, especially with the story and the epilogue at the end


$45 is a lot when you're a NEET

its a pawn shop
they take everything

Attached: file.png (1024x768, 1.51M)

The next scene goes like you said, Nico went in without invitation, Nero tried to stop, she threw arms up defensively when saw DB and asked if he was gonna kill a defenseless woman

DMC is a fucking relic of a franchise and I'd heartily recommend you play Bayonetta 2 instead if you have the means.

He'll find it super dull after Bayo's combat though. It's way too slow in comparison and he wants an experience similar to Bayo.

It fucking sucks.

If you want to buy red orbs to max skills, go for it. Don't let autist try to convince you otherwise with bullshit arguments like "you'll be overwhelmed" "thats cheating!" "It'll ruin your experience"

DMC is a series about FUN first. Don't let these 5babies try to convince you otherwise

Addendum, Nico is specifically asking about material that The Order studies on demons. Nero immediately asks where she heard that The Order had been studying demons, given that that information wasn't really public.
Nico dodges answering by feigning forgetfulness, saying that she has many sources such as "Baba, a rumour loving cigarette shop" and another example I can't make out, something about a woman and a hobby.
The fact that Nico knows about the demon stuff reaffirms Nero's perception that she isn't your average person.

Once again can't really make sense of the following part but I'll try to sum up what I think I can make out.
I think Nero says internally that no good will come from digging up things about The Order, something about too much regret (?) and I think it number-drops Nero as being 24 years old, but once again I'm not sure on that.

>She has a massive jawline that rivals Arnold Schwarzeneggers

How can you claim that guy has facial blindness after posting this autism?

>be me
>play DMC3 for first time
>half-enjoy my time
>half-be-asleep at other
>"Vergil is awesome!"- I think to myself
>get to final boss(but not really final boss) and he pulls of shittiest transformation to date
>not only does he looks like shit, fighting him also feels like it
>0 fun, decide to cheese him as fast as possible
>Vergil comes and joins me
>"This will be awesome!!! PURE KINO!!!"- I think to myself
>not only I can't style anymore, but Vergil suffered brain damage when it comes to fighting and he's completely useless
>on bright side: cut-scene that followed was PURE KINO
>on another: THIS WAS SHITTIEST BOSS FIGHT EVER! It almost made me regret ever calling Vergil "awesome"

Attached: tips fedora.jpg (1920x1080, 1.21M)


Bayo is boring tho.
time stop
repeat 4ever

Sure about that?

>I can't roll: the post

Nice argument. Trying to convince me red orbs are meaningless and that by extension of that, the microtransactions too is just silly. I imagine it could work on someone who's never touched DMC before, but that is not the case with me

5Lady has some cute boobies, but I agree they were pretty fantastic in 4. Her body in 5 is more faithful to how it was in 3 honestly. A lot of thirsty bois make the argument that "she was a teenager in 3 so it's perfectly normal for her tits to grow way bigger by the time DMC4 takes place!!" but that's pretty dumb since girls usually stop growing after their late teens.

Attached: lady_run.gif (268x400, 2.96M)

You seem to know what you're talking about, much moreso than me, so if I make any goofs it'd be extremely helpful if you corrected me

Credo is not the best boss in the series are you high? He's too easy.

Already bought 100k.

I told you already fool, The west can only see politics in everything they do because it's a war over here between the right and the left on both extremes and it will only get worse. I'm waiting for them to start killing each other already and get it over with, it's like foreplay either cum or put that finger away

That other user seems to like it so I'm just giving my recomendations.

Buying red orbs is an option for lazy casuals, you can play the game without buying them

Nero was 19 in 4 then, if its a 5 year difference?

gets every breaker power after absorving them for the last fight

>"This will be awesome!!! PURE KINO!!!"- I think to myself
Pretty much sums up everyone's first time regarding it.
I liked the idea of fighting alongside Vergil, but implantation of it sucked really bad.

Attached: 1544843427766.jpg (986x553, 347K)

Because they're just cool design ideas done well.
Not cool as in interesting, cool as in generic cool shit done in a way that isn't lame as fuck.
They're all late twenties/early thirties. The prime age bracket for cool. They all have simple, careless hairstyles. Nothing complex, long or short, bam. They all wear tight clothes, and/or flowing coats. Matrix taught us that shit was cool years ago.
And they're unironic in their personality aspects. They're either genuinely taking the piss, or are straight faced edgy.
Devil May Cry does what is cool because it's cool and it's completely shameless about it.

And you can get a job

He is the best boss in the series, who else comes close?

Also difficult doesn't mean good. His fight is a tight duel between similar opponents and a bit more mobile than the vergil ones

So anyone who can read moonrunes can help a bit? They have released a 50 pages preview of that DMC5 prologue novel


He's a shitposter, you're wasting your time

So Nico probably knows about all this thanks to either Agnus or her grandma, but dosen’t seem to want to talk about it, I wonder if she’s hurt about the whole Agnus situation, not because she loved his dad, but because she never got to close the whole thing

This is not about the merits of buying red orbs for money - No, this has evolved to the merits of red orbs and character upgrades as a whole. And yes, it's pretty dumb.

>devil hunter that depends on guns because shes a normal human actually decked out in ammo


One is dated but if you don't mind that and can put up with it go ahead and play it. 2 is fairly shit since it was made in the span of a few months and it shows, play it if you want but I wouldn't bother. 3 is a prequel so if you find 1 is too dated for you then start with that instead. Timeline is
Anime happens sometime between 1 and 4. 2 used to canonically be the last game but its been retconned now to happen before 4.

>tfw nobody read the thread
user are translating right now


I certainly understand I guess, after playing 3 I can't go back to 1, I wanted to beat it on hard but it's just not crazy enough for me that I switch to 3
but still I feel like it's necessary to play 1 first, after playing 3, 1's gameplay and story pales in comparison, but if you don't play 1 first you won't appreciate 3's epilogue as much
and while 1's nero angelo final fight still holds up, it can't compare to Vergil in 3, and mundus is enough to be frustrating even on normal difficulties

5Lady is cute

Attached: 1537503601811.webm (1200x674, 407K)

New thread where

Thanks. Now I'm disappointed and mad all over again.
>bad guy joins up with you to fight another bad guy; part that smells of epic
>was actually shittiest part

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Nero made an oopsie

Attached: 1530207826257.jpg (1920x1080, 276K)

Not sure what you mean by lockdown but he has a ton of summon sword moves in 4SE, he also has a stupid teleport to a summoned sword move that makes jump cancelling a joke, but in turn you can only trick down when you're in DT.

If that's all you're getting out of people's statements perhaps you're not mentally equipped to tackle this engagement.

>it's real
That dumbass got what he deserved in the replies.

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>mfw i thought there would be images
>mfw i also turned my head 90° to read
fucking hell

Attached: 1522539331310.gif (500x382, 125K)

If you're pretty good at the game you'll get more red orbs, which means you'll be able to "upgrade" faster, so if you feel the game is too grindy than it's most probably your fault

i'm like 70% sure vergil with no player 2 follows your inputs with a delay doppleganger style.
been a while since i replayed that mission tho

Maybe you're just too much of a child and can't handle the things you like being challenged