Did Yo-Kai Watch deserved to bomb in the rest of the world?

Did Yo-Kai Watch deserved to bomb in the rest of the world?

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It's a kids game, kids no longer own 3DS's outside of Japan.

I tried the demo and the battle system was one of the worst things I have ever experienced. And I've played Duke Nuken Forever

It was fun and I saw the potential in it but they just really dropped the ball hard with two and did not make it what it could have been.

It was so easy it felt like the game was playing itself most of the time.

>playing DNF

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How did it drop the ball in the second game?

It was more of the same instead of improving on the game. Same reason Pokemon stagnated.

>Yo-Kai Watch
>no Bony Spirits
>no Yo-Kai Watch Blasters games
>spending a fuckton of money to watch Hamilton live

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Kids either use iPads or Switches these days. No kid is playing a 3DS, unless they are dirt poor.

Hamilton is so fucking gay it hurts. Why do retards and normies eat that shit up? Miranda is a hack.

>>no Bony Spirits
No boning UR MOM

Wicked is gay, Rent is gay, Hamilton and Les Mis are/is for true and manly patricians.

>Shit combat even worse than turn based

What about YKW3?

Shit taste. Plus it's racist

>Play for waifus
>Never get any waifus and the gameplay is shit
Yokai watch is trash.

>hating on the genius that is LMM
Lemme guess, you tried to get tickets when it came to your area and sold out before you had the chance? Amirite?

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He's racist

More like I think broadway musicals are for losers with no taste in music and low standards for what constitutes good storytelling, and LMM is the King of the overrated with his obnoxious style of writing.

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It was the opposite for me, I played the demo and the battle system was fun so I bought the real deal.

>not playing YKW for the right reasons like all the adorable Yo-Kai
Also, Komasan is best Yo-Kai

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Game's dead in japan too, zoomers over there outgrew it and there's no meme to keep it relevant.

Do you like any musicals? I'm more partial to Trapped in the Closet.

>the girl with the glasses
Say it with me lads

It was too Japanese to be the next Pokémon in the west their games are great but some of the yo-kai are shitter than the shittiest Pokémon

But the 4th game blew it out of the water compared to Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee and it’s not even out yet


Trapped in the Closet is good. It's self aware, and does a lot of really fun stuff with motif.


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Yes, the battle system is absolute trash

I was going by anecdotal experience, the numbers might show that it's being bought but I never see people in Japan talking about it. I don't even see appearances on tv unlike 2014 when it was on every variety show.

That shit should actually be a broadway musical, but it’s too little too late.

Part 3 says otherwise

YW3 uses a different battle system on a 3x3 grid that involves placement (Side-by side Yokai do combo attacks, Yokai in front of another will guard for them) Also ultimate moves have different AoEs so they aren't just use and forget.

A big thing is when you use a soultimate in PVP, the opponent can move their yokai around to avoid it easily, but are bogged by a movement cooldown, which allows you to force them to move into a position to get hit by a different soultimate instead, or to expose their yokai that they were guarding behind another.

It actually involves way more thought beyond the "spin the wheel to swap" thing

Let’s see if 4 and the reboot fix it, but if those bomb too, feel free to say if the franchise is fucked.

>and the reboot

is shadowside really that unpopular

If Shadowside was truly unpopular, Japan wouldn’t have made the Forever Friends movie

>yfw watching Shadowside

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>liking the original series which is just toilet humor and underdesigned, annoying yokai making the mc's life worse
>as opposed to an actual story driven show that focuses on humans and yokai

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i hope level 5 saved a bunch of cash from yokai watch because that shit isn’t even that popular in japan anymore more too

It’s pure comf slice of life comedy

I think the games were better then then gen pokemon games. while the first one did feel a bit dated 2 and 3 nailed it pretty well.

My only issues is that its a bit hard to grind xp post game in 2 bosses were ruthlessly hard and blasters were LAN only.

Level-5 are pretty well known for fucking up good ideas. Look at what happened to White Knight Chronicles. That shit was my guilty pleasure on ps3. Didn't even get the DLC

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It suffered the same fate as jade cocoon. They both did well in Japan and bombed in the west and are both better than pokemon

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>Blasters in top tier

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their attempt to make this the new pokemon in the US felt way too shoehorned, however

>shitty pokemon rip off flopping
Yeah I'd say they deserved it

imagine thinking yokai watch is even remotely related to pokemon
this post made by hino gang

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Hamilton is one of, if not the least gay pieces of musical theatre in the past two decades.

t. front of house scrub

>ugly designs based on Japanese folklore
it was destined to fail

I honestly never played it, but from the looks of it, it resembles Pokemon and I would rather play Pokemon than something that simulates it.

Gayer than Rent or Wicked?

No, Disney’s Shin Megami Tensei didn’t deserve to bomb.

And pic related didn’t deseve to bomb either

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Much less gay than either of those

It has no white people and does history rapping. That sounds cringy and extremely gay and also racist.

It’s basically Masterpiece Theater presents EPIC RAP BATTLES OF HISTORY!!!!! which is a good thing

It doesn't actually have that much rap

I read it was hip hop history.

To an extant. It's a mix of rap, hip-hop/R&B influence, and classic showtunes the kind you could hear in any musical.

sounds like it's designed to appear to urban non white women.

Well if you're determined to dislike it, you'll dislike it

I mean desu I've never seen it but it doesn't sounds like it would appeal to me.

>les miserables isn't gay!
>calling it "les mis"
You might as well be saying that through a cheekful of cock

How is it racist?

It may not. There are a lot of people who dislike any and all musicals, and I would expect that a lot of people on Yea Forums would fall into that category.

But I do think Hamilton is more likely to appeal to people who aren't otherwise interested in musicals.

It doesn't have white people in any major role and it had "color conscious" casting meaning they picked diversity choices even if they weren't the most qualified.

I somewhat enjoyed it, but hated pretty much everything with getting new Yokai
>look up how to get a Yokai whose design I like
>"you have to get them or their item in a crank-a-kai" (it's a gacha machine that can only be used 3 times a day)
>o-okay then I'll look up how to get this one instead
>"you have to play blasters"
>no thanks, how about this one it looks coo-
>"you have to collect 6 yokai before you can get them"
That was all just annoying. Luckily the game isn't difficult, so I just used the random yokai I had on hand from wild encounters. Wish I could have gotten the better ones, but I'm just too lazy to play a gacha or collect shit.

Easy way to break the game.
>get high levelled Yokai
>jaywalk like a bitch
>fight and befriend the jaywalking monster 6 times
>mfw fighting with my 6 Yokai jaywalking murder train
There you go, you broke the game

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