What am I in for?

What am I in for?

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why the fuck is 90% of the mods for this game just porn reskins or slut warriors

mediocre gameplay
reddit atmosphere
rng galore


That's all mods have ever been. Not sure what you expected.

>reddit atmosphere
Alright in that case I'll probably pass on this game. Thanks user.


Who the fuck do you think plays this game?

Sjw bullshit over Lovecraft

all of these

nice reddit opinion but you're on the wrong site

how is this game even remotely sjw

are you retarded? the game doesn't have reddit atmosphere


What in the fuck is a reddit atmosphere?

Grave Robber

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there are blacks and women in it so wh*toid got triggered

the game is reddit intensified. It's almost as bad as dark souls is when it comes to the sheer amount of reddit that oozes out of it.

It's pretty good. Big pieces of advice are
>Don't do Crimson court until you can kill bosses at champion increment, ie level 5-6. You'll no enough about game mechanics to get through the fights.
>Prepare to suffer defeat, a lot. Retreat when you can or you'll lose a fight. A party wipe means losing all your collected loot, potentially bankrupting you.
>You are a lord waging war, your soldiers are to be spent. Sometimes they'll be defeated, sometimes they'll die, sometimes they will win. Don't feel too bad about getting them killed. This a war afterall.
>You're other job as Lord, is to build up your army, build up your town. Learn about the soldiers in your army as well, who they work well with and what they can do.

Now, hours wise, if you just wanna do the big main dungeon (The red icon next to the manor on the world map) it takes about 60. Crimson court and colour of madness add a lot more.

My big advice is do at least three champion level bosses, as that will get you into thinking about party building and statergising, as it's the only way to defeat them. After that start the crimson court. Another thing, if your expedition costs 5k but you got 20k, maybe just retreat if you are gonna lose. The game says you lost but with 15K profit, is it a loss?

A pretty good game

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okay so you're just bored and being an epic memester
kill yourself retard

IE what the enemies bleed and stun resistances are. And what they can do to you etc.

I want to like that game so much more than I do but the grindy aspects and the worst RNG just feel so unnecessary. It's still well worth playing though.

define reddit

No i'm not. Both these games have a terrible reddit culture around them.

no they don't
are you a teenager or just autistic? holy shit

you dont have to dig too deep to find some decent mods for the game
Just look at this cute librarian

Attached: she a cute.jpg (239x211, 5K)

I always wondered what Yea Forumss obsession with fanbases of games are. You can play a game without being associated with a fanbase.

>self aware 4th wall breaking
>"challenging" gameplay that involves bashing your skull against a wall until you learn it
>terrible, clunky mechanics that are treated as "tight and optimal"
>"dark, mysterious and gruesome" worlds because they can't create a real fantasy world
>game embraces its shitty meme culture

Dark Souls and whatever this piece of shit is called are all of the above.

Is this game's rng really bad as they say

Even if that were true, that doesn't make the games bad. You're just afraid of being associated with a fucking website. Sad.

Am I supposed to retreat when I’m pretty certain I’m going to lose the next encounter? Like it seems like the common sense thing to do but lots of people say don’t be afraid of losing and stuff like that

>lose last save when I was at dd3 when I reset my computer's data
>just going into a stygian run now because fuck it
What are the most OP trinkets I should be going for? Also post good party comps because I suck at making them.

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It’s basically DnD style dice roll combat, which lots of people find is a good thing

it's just some faggot who got his ass kicked finding whatever arbitrary reason he can to throw shit at the game because he probably got BTFO repeatedly in the past complaining about muh rng or whatever.

It's brutal in the beginning and will probably ruin first attempts, but it isn't that hard to deal with once you know what to prepare for.

I'd give this game a 10/10 but I think honestly the Slog is so bad that I'd have to drop it to a 7/10.
I can see why people drop it.

Worst examples are
>Needing over 300 sheilds or scrolls to compelte a building. Takes a fucking age to gather
Darkest Dungeon, level 3 has a random room with a beacon in it, it's the longest dungeon in the game and one of the toughest dungeons. It's a slog to find but you get 4 campfires at least
>Crimson court boss levels are "epic length". This is the fourth longest in the game, you don't start with any campfires either, you can get campfires from curios in the crimson court, but they are rare. Camping is a core part of the game and it feels like redhook were like "lol lets just take off a limb to increase difficulty" not out of spite, but due to lazy tinkering.

A lot of former player say redhook nerf the heroes far too much, I've only played it recently so I can't comment but it sounds like it's not the same game.

Not an argument fag

Just mentally replace 'reddit' with 'thing I don't like' and that's pretty much it.

just consider the risk.
Say, you're about to face the Necromancer, is it worth risking your level two Crusader on some shitty money run? Or maybe you're just running a bunch of low tier heroes you don't really need right now, so you can take one or two losses to get that sweet sweet loot

you got tools and you got the will to fight
if thw will falters, the tools break or you just get too stressed out might be a good opton to back up and try again next week
The sin is not in beign defetead, it's in failing to recognize it

>party comps
I'm a big fan of
Vestal GraveRobber Highwayman Crusader
Make sure everyone (except Vestal) has their movement skills and you're good to go.

A game of
where you will TRIUMPH over evil!

Ps: three heroes are absolutely broken
A dude who simply refuse to die. He CANT BE KILLED
Character which shits on all advanced enemies and bosses with PROT stat
In the early game GOLD is everything. She can one shot enemies in green dungeons and she will always bring you at least 20k gold from any expedition

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Nexus has some degenerate porn mods. I was surprised and shocked. My main surprise is that it's taken this long.

It's not just Yea Forums, lots of people talking about any popular culture online usually consider communities important part of any experience and are incapable of fully enjoying their escapism if they can't shitpost about it with kind of people they like.

Neither is calling something "reddit", by itself already meaningless, and then refuse to clarify this very wild assessment.
Just gitt gud and you'll see the game is a 10/10. It's not that Reddit likes it, it's that everyone, and I mean everyone, even Yea Forums, likes it.

It's a single player game, the only people who care about that shit are teenagers.

have you tried using Steam's workshop? i mean it's a shitty version but you'll have an easier time finding decent mods
Just dont Download the fool

Who do you think you are mostly discussing with in your (insert video game forum here), balanced and well adjusted adults?

This is probably one of the most backwards, ass-pulled posts I've seen in a while, and that's something considering Yea Forums's standardss.

A sequel

Attached: DD2.jpg (2696x1512, 458K)

>it took this brainlet 120 hours to figure that out.

I can't wait to do quad crusader in DD3.
I fire all my champion antiquarians. I can make up to 20k gold with her on apprentice short runs. She's really good for the long term/meta play. Just keep that cycle of easy gold coming in.

What are you even talking about?

I wanna compelte the base game with no mods. Then I'm going to get all the stupid anime mods and fuck the game apart.

What is the most broken modded hero?

I kind of do that except have leper in front and an occultist in back so reynauld and dismas are just spinning in the middle

Should I be looking up a guide or some shit for this game first? I read somewhere that you can fuck up your save if you invest in the wrong things?

wich we know nowthing about just yet, they are releasing it in early acces and let it rip overtime and might not have mods avaliable


>winter setting
sign me the fuck up

T posing leper no joke
But it's fun to use some mods to add new characters, or maybe the one that adds new dialoge
or the "Heir fights"
Get as autistic as possible once you conquer that Mansion
Godspeed you wonderful bastard

>Now in addition to a stress bar there's a hypothermia bar
>filling causes spd to get lower and lower until the hero dies instantly at the max

>fuck up your save if you invest in the wrong things

Unless you are playing stygian it's impossible to lose.

That's my advice. Crimson court doesn't need to be done on new game+ but like, know the game pretty well before doing it.

That depends on you if you want to look up shit how to deal with bosses and the 4 zones since having specific members/whole party for certain parts deals with the enemies easy

should I get any of the DLC?

Cheers user.

Antiquarian is still very usable on 2nd DD dungeon where you need one hero to evade the scorpions

Reading wiki about curios helps a lot. But it takes the fun away. All you should need to know is that you want to upgrade the stagecoach first so you can have as many heroes to your disposal as possible. And try to put antiquarian into every party you can and interatc with curious while she is selected as active for the GLITTENING GOLD, BAUBLES AND TRINKETS


but how will we pay for thos?

Blood in the mud.

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Yes, get the Crimson Cort. It's the most fun you will ever have.

Is this reverse day or something?

It's impossible to lose, but playing the game "wrong" can raise such a huge grind wall and cause setbacks in progress that I understand why many people would just prefer starting new game.

Any mods worth it outside trinket overhaul project and pitch black dungeon?

I'd say
>Get muskekteer DLC Because Free
>Colour of madness, a nice add on that can be done any time.
>Crimson court, when you can do at least 3 champion level bosses (level 5-6).

If you do get Crimson court I think you can activate Flagellant seperatly and gain a really powerful, bleeder and healer hero. Really unique and cool.

Sheild breaker is hit or miss, she is in some ways broken, as she can ignore some enemies proteciton stats. On the other hand she makes camping in dungeons a nightmare because snakes attack your party. Plus she relies on moving forwards or backwards after attacking, which again means you need experince to know what classes to pair her with so the party don't get too fucked up. . Don't get her till you know the game well.

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That you just decided that single player games are for teenagers, even though even a very slight consideration on the subject matter would make it clear that even if we ignored the reality (every online game is infested by 12yos), the mere fact that multiplayer shit is way more time consuming than single plyer shit should make it obvious that it's the opposite, you fucking cunt.

Fucking this. At times it can safve your ass by a hair breath, other times it can fuck over an almost perfect run in the last room. Later on you can mitigate some of it by having the irght party, skills nad trinkets, but for the first couple hours it's just fucking bullshit.

If you want the true experience go in blind.
If you upgrade coach once to give you 4 hero's every week you cant game over.
If you want a cheat sheet for interactions check this: imgur.com/gallery/FmV1y

Tides turning quickly

You can also just reach a point where you don't care. I think a lot of people lose on party and just give up and start over. When really you're just doubling the time. My big piece of advice is do lots of short apprentice and veteran dungeons, as you'll get up to speed pretty quick. Done in the dark you'll get tons of gold as well.

I've lost serveral parties, and always caught back up. It's annoying but restarting probably costs more time.

>Many fall in the face of chaos


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>the librarian
>Any of the heir kids, or maybe both for some cute interactions
>Virulent overhaul if you want to do CC but want to say FCK those bugs
>Thrall, lamia, monk, sisters or really any character by Marvin Seo
>The fool
>any skin you want
>The Good link mod
>forsaken and Condena
>incandecent whisper
>Shad's mod

>He didn't post the meme video

Flag unlocks without doing the crimson court.

Shield breaker is 100% OP. Use her with a man at arms since he can be first or second slot. The two can just bounce between those two slots forever dishing out bullshit damage. That attack which hits all 4 enemies is insane once she has some damage trinkets.

Shadman has a mod?

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Rage, heartache, despair and the feeling of HYPE when one of your party member goes full VIRTUOUS AT DEATH'S DOOR.

I plan on using her with Breakthrough Hellion parties.
I always wonder my Vestal gets super stressed. I think the redhook know the healer will be in the back ranks and makes huge effort to target it.


the promise of safety

Come on that comic is silly. Everyone knows Vestal is a massive repressed slut and would want to be spitroasted from both of them.

You should at least get the reskins for the Crusader and go for The Last Crusade party while playing Powerwolf. Vid very related


>Killing a boss that has 5 party defeats, including 2 wipes

The feeling of joy upon killing her though.

I took more loses from her than I took from both DD1 and DD2. Not looking forward to DD3 though. I'd rather do the crimson court boss slog.


give a man a choice, and he usually chooses wrong

>Humans can create custom content for the thing they love
>Humans like being aroused
>Can (you) guess what happens next?


I implied that caring about a games community for a single player game is useless since you never interact with that fanbase unless you go out of your way.

New players shouldn't user her until they know how to get a good dancing party going. You could seriously fuck yourself over in a party that relies on being static.

i like how you faggots are arguing yourselves blind over something being "reddit" when that doesnt even fucking mean anything, it just means things i dont like

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You're in for a few rounds of "eh" combat before you get bored and move onto something else now that it's style and atmosphere aren't in vogue anymore.


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pain, frustration, anger.

You just described every Yea Forums thread ever


A game which is best played while watching a video/show/movie that doesnt require full attention. very grindy and monotonous at times

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>style isn't vogue

How many fucking years has it been since Lovecraft? That shit is still popular

>She can one shot enemies in green dungeons

yeah they do

no you can't

Heart attacks ruining yo gaaaaaame

optimizing is something you do with mechanics, mechanics can't be optimal

She can do it on simple shit with 8 health like the boneman. But you need dem crit buffs and it to be full dark, which of course you should be doing with her for max gold.

it's random, making it exactly as bad as every rng, so not at all

>tfw all the best mods are on the workshop and not nexus

The price to pay for piracy i suppose

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You will grow up one day.

wait really?
what mods are missing?

When steam gives a shit and structures the workshop it can be great for finding shit. Supeiror to the nexus in terms of organisation. Nexus has more freedom so more lewd shit.

what do you mean you don't start with campfires? just buy them at the start like every other mission

Two Shieldbreakers, a Jester and a Vestal will bend the Color of Madness DLC over their knees and slap it silly.
Dual SB frontline is pretty fucking broken in general.
Dealing with the viper dreams can be annoying, but you get those scales to occasionally break the game some more for it. AND SBs get a bonus from camping when you finish them all.

You don't have that option. You get torches but no campwood. That's given to you.

So many its not even worth going over, nexus has 600 mods, steam workshop has 1400 even disregarding the majority of them thats enough of a difference that theres going to be plenty of gems not on nexus, if you absolutely must have an example then the falconer on nexus is an old version, the class has been updated entirely and theres a bunch of new dungeon and trinket content to go with it, likewise the nexus slayer is also an old version that hasnt been updated and is missing some trinkets.

>lewd shit

Ill never understand why people do this, doubly so for something like darkest dungeon

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grinding grinding more grinding and some rock paper scissors

eventually you grind so hard that you win

>Cannot be bought but is instead
given to the party based on the
size of the dungeon that is

Unless you got a mod that lets you buy firewood.

are any of the rebalance mods good?
I don't want to fuck up the balance, just bring under utilized stuff in line

>Pee pee feel hard, pee pee hard make me feel gud.

I have no shame in this. When I can, I shall do a nude run of Dragon's Dogma. Darkest dungeon will get the full anime treatment, but I won't get the recent nexus mods where grave robber is getting the tentacles up the ass, too lewd.

As much as I enjoy making my games more anime, I've really hard time using the lewd mods for DD, maybe because the artstyle in the game is already good enough.

> Lovecraft, but black people aren't savages!

Epic bros, can't wait to post about this game on r/DankestDungeon.

Also S-purple the king of Lewd shit did this fucking mod lol. The Irony of this post.

Ive played since the very first beta years ago and thats absolutely not the case for nerfed heroes, many heroes are substantially stronger, namely graverobber/leper(still bad but usable now) and namely the jester who wont from a joke to really quite good.

Hellion is much worse but she 100% deserved the nerfs as she was the best hero in the game and she's STILL good now

Occultist got his -dmg spell nerfed which hurts a lot honestly, that was the main reason youd pick him over vestal but hes still got mark synergy if nothing else and frankly the -dmg trivilaized minibosses and turned them into free health and destress(if you brought a jester or houndmaster) since they dont summon reinforcements

Abomination is the only class i can think of thats beaten too badly with the nerf stick. Theres kinda no reason to bring him now because he just doesnt compete in damage now, even when transformed so why bring some guy thats gonna stress your dudes and not even do his job properly?

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That’s literally every moddable game

Who fucking cares if the dude makes lewd mods if he made a high quality -not- lewd mod? Separate the creator and their creations my dude

Remember when that fag got super upset about the size of her tits and censored them?

Cheers senpai. I'll say Occultist knife is pretty good agaisnt eldritch shit and I've had him outcompete true melee classes in that regard. Especially with Crits

Abom is good for doing blight damage, just helping the plague doctor out. If the party gets shuffled I'll transform the guy to do lots of damage.

Kind of wish they would have more "Elite heroes" like Flaggy boi, which are pretty powerful but you can only have one of. Maybe Abom could be one IDK

Wait, S-purple did the super huge lewd titted black waifu for darkest dungeon? Why would he get mad at his own creation?

>playing the game with diablo 1's soundtrack

it fits so fucking well.

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Nah, it was some other guy who took his work and drew over it.
They were upset because Omen Seeker's tits were too big.

>Make huge titty waifu that looks like she throws jizz bottles when throwing holy water.
>Get mad about it

I don't understand.

Her tits are fucking huge lol. Like holy shit lol. S-purple shouldn't get mad if someone is trying to tone it down. I mean I love big oversized tittes like any normal degenerate, but if someone wants to tone it down that's fine.

>It's a modders claiming copyright edition.

what's heir fights?

shitty rng mechanics, but good as fuck atmosphere

It uses DnD mechanics and dice rolling as a base and adds on to it. So like DnD you can heavily weigh the rolls in your favor, in some cases making it guaranteed.

Focus on getting heroes until your roster is maxed do not have an A team because niggas gonna die at some stage
heroes are super expendable
lots of level grind
Always try and have a stockpile of cash incase of party wipes
don't treat ailments on low level heroes
rabies is awesome for dmg
certain areas have certain buff/debuff styles
Eg coves weak against poison while warrens weak against bleed (piggies have no armour)
Use a wiki for curios because so many to learn and almost all fuck with ya if wrong item placed in
when you do darkest dungeon run if you have to retreat 1 random hero auto dies

Another one which might work with Diablo soundtrack is "Fear and Hunger". Though RNG is a coin toss that is said to be "50/50" but after watching a few streamers i'd say it's 90% stacked agaisnt the player. That being said highlights from the streams I've watched are

Seeing a streamer feed a human orgy pile/human corpse pile/human hydra a little girl and watch her get eaten alive. Streamer got pissy about being given nothing and the human hydra called him a prick for not feeding it more delicious human
Chopping the prison guards huge dongs off
Finding a bunch of cultists in bunny masks having and orgy and being given the option to join it
Crawling out of a human corpse mound
Dying because you crawled down a well or toliet and now you can't get back up
The soundtrack sounds diablo 1 inspired.

The game is way too slow in combat.

My main pet peeve with this game is how you're expected to send your guys on suicide missions or otherwise fuck them over and cut them off to maximize profit
I'd like it better if you could keep the same roster through the whole game

There is a mod that speeds up combat. Looks like the game is on fast forward but it's worth it if you hate the pace.

First of all
____________ Get gud
and second of all, like end level dungeons are supposed to be hard. Think of boss fights or hard dungeons like any other video game. You're gonna die the first time agaisnt a boss. Maybe you'll get him second time. Same with DD, just DD it's about knowing when to retreat if you are going to lose.

If it helps
>Had 5 losses agaisnt champion Siren with two party wipes
>DD 1 had one party defeated, one party wiped
>DD 2 had one party defeated, so far.

Darkest Dungeon is tough. Where it is unfair is the Slog, like in DD3 or for crimson court boss levels.

If this is anyones first play-through of DD don't be a casual noob and play the easy mode. Play it on classic mode and suffer like the rest of us did. Short play mode is ok and a nice addition for a 3rd or so playthrough tho.

>person next to leper keeps getting rabies instead of him

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Oh to add, it's only a suicide mission if you don't prepare. If you can't do a boss first time, run.

When you did fight them for the first time, not their powers, strengths and weaknesses. Build a party back at base to crush them. Remeber, you aren't controlling one party, you are a Lord with an army. Pick the soldiers best suited to the job.

t. reddit


no it isn't

>starting Plague Doctor has Imposter Syndrome as starting negative quirk


What do you guys think of the DLC for this game and the newest one Color of Madness? I only have the Crimson court and the shield breaker (OP).

What the fuck is reddit atmosphere?

me > you :)

If you not already hate the sanity loss system, with Colour of Madness you will

Buzzword, mostly. Don't know what the fuck user could be meaning, but the game is fun and rewarding tho.
Maybe he's just being a contrarian faggot

uh nah dude, just did that one yesterday, sounds like you need to verify install

>Get random pajeet from the cart at like week 6
>he has both gothic as his starting positive quirk, and scientific as his starting negative quirk

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>Hellion rocking canonical absolute territory.

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>I'll never understand why other people's preferences aren't identical to mine

>All the porn mods remove the helmets/masks

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You barely need that much fire wood.
Even in long dungeons I make most likely only 1 rest.

sounds like you got an old version

I don't know that you're "expected" to throw your minions to the grinder; that's a horribly inefficient way to play.
But you do need to go for a wide base rather than focus on one elite party all the time, true.
Protip: the stagecoach should be pumped as much as possible as fast as possible in the early AND mid game. Pre-levelled heroes save you a LOT of money on skillups and gear.

>porn mods add eyes

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so what?

whose tits?

The Arbalest is cute! Cute!

Can you even call the porn mods?

Have you not played crimson court? You aren't given any campfires and it's impossible to buy any, however you can get some by interacting with one specific curiosity with one specific supply, which is one of this game's few examples of actual bullshit because no one would ever think to try this without being told. Also, epic length is easily 2-3 times longer than long length dungeons.

>Mod adds googly eyes

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you can

I bet my ass there will be some Hypothermia and Hyperthermia stats, like the Stress one.

You can leave and return to epic dungeons any time, so what if you dont get a camp to start with?

Many fall in the face of chaos.

But not this one.

Not today.

You're right, but you don't have the luxury of wasting weeks to inch through them, if you're playing stygian, every attempt must make significant progress.

>Forgot Shovels like a fucking retard
>2 unavoidable obstacles at the start of the dungeon

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If youre playing stygian the goal is the darkest dungeon, not the crimson court, im not certain why youd ever bother with it

t. reddit

any atmosphere with you in it, faggot

Game gives me alot of Antiquarians, GIVE ME A FUCKING HELION

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I love the game
but I hate the ending, it's fucking stupid
the cycle twist is fucking retarded since it was your ancestor that started this shit with this hedonism, eastern philosofy ciclical themes are bullshit and it just comes of as a gimmick ending

Attached: ancestor.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

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>just my A team to 5-6, on the first champion hump
>guys dont have all their armor/weapon upgrades but the composition is strong and its only a short mission
>first fight is against two minibosses
>some ups and downs but the +60% healing sees us through pretty well
>second fight is against two minibosses
>getting a little haggard, the ghoul bleeds for 21 over 3 turns afterwards im out of bandages and the howling is getting stress up
>third fight is thankfully just one miniboss and some mooks
>he crits dismas for 30 and between the crimson curse and level 4 armor only has 35 max hp
>he wasnt max hp
>dismas outspeeds vestal and dies before i can retreat

>tfw slow and insidious killer

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RNG on Grindin on RNG.
Great if you like that kinda game play.

nigger read a book

RNG: The Game

>and then Dismas takes a high roll critical, putting him on death's door then dies of a heart attack on his next turn.
Thanks Red Hook......

Heirlooms are more important than money. Don't do it like me and become a milionaire with unfinished buildings.

I get skyrim pornmods but DD? It just ruins the atmosphere and completely breaks any immersion.

Wish the game would autopurchase or like, fucking let you tick boxes that means you can't go without food etc. I know if you fail to prepare you're fucked, but it doesn't pick up on intent if you forget that one thing.

I got the one off steam recently , I've looked and I aint making this shit up.

I haven't found any actual good porn mods, just nude-mods.

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I'll see how I feel about it. I've played the game so much on ps3 (poorfag) that I no longer care.

>works on my computer.bait

Nothing wrong with DD lewds, but I have to agree the game itself is not for sexual.

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>when lewd but SFW causes a boner that will pierce the heavens

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>that blush and bush

I thought the twist was going to be that you are the ancestor and this was all your fault but before long that falls through due to the bosses and the Darkest Dungeon itself and it's bosses shame really because I feel that would have made the loop make sense

I just wonder what happens now with DDII

Secret protip that (You) didn't realise until fifty hours in:
You can switch out a hero's equipped skills when not in combat.
Well, I didn't. I'm a slow sort of user, alright?

what the fuck
pic related, it's me

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A great experience, don't get too frustrated and don't read any guides/wiki. Enjoy.

Is color of madness worth it?

If you've played long enough and want more of the same with good rewards, sure

Otherwise I'd keep it to base game or with blood court

shieldbreaker’s story/journal is pretty cringy empowerment tripe

still a good class though

It's an old image that doesn't have the latest DLC included but otherwise it holds up

Attached: Remind yourself.png (2480x6652, 3.74M)

>slave dancer
>born a slave, expects to die a slave
>carriage transport breaks down in the desert and falls down a cliff
>motherfucking snakes on my motherfucking arm
>has to cut her own limb off to stop venom spreading
>goes fucking insane and starts spouting "THE DESERT CHOSE ME THE SNAKES ARE MY SISTERS"
The hell are you talking about 'cringy empowerment'?

Attached: 1527050779951.jpg (936x853, 115K)

>fight stone giant with shield breaker
>break its shield


>shit not to do
>send your a-team to fight Vvulf
But I did. And they power owned him.
I was cheesing with the viper scales and two Shieldbreakers with the block skill.

Expect a lot of reddit characters, reddit atmosphere and reddit spoopy lovecraft monsters

Expect a lot of reddit redditors, reddit redditmosphere and reddit reddit Redditcraft redditors

>this is leddit
>that is leddit
>(You) are leddit
>i am leddit
>leddit over here
>leddit over there
Did Tencent dispatch its shills again to meme up that shit site Epic style now that they got money riding on it?

Attached: Madman.png (370x560, 177K)

What are some good team comp eg team bleed

PD/Occ/SB/SB is my favorite blight team.

Bad game and RNG.

Save up for bank.
Become the jew.

>it is a happy end after all if the mercs survived and the hamlet diddn't succumb to degeneration again

Attached: 1484720495026.gif (500x282, 269K)

bad game & bad fanbase

>take 4 crusaders into the ruins
>act surprised that you did well

Attached: 1538255023101.jpg (1200x1200, 268K)

Can't a Flagellant acquire 100% Death Blow Resist if he rolls Unyielding quirk +2 trinkets?

half of the game has good ideas the other half is shitty, doubt the sequel will address those and probably just double down on them.

>acquire 100% Death Blow Resis
Would be fun, again

100% DB resist isnt possible anymore, even if you get the numbers over 100% your real value is going to be 90~%


Memeable lines by a great narrator.
Attractive art, but it's reused constantly. Seeing a monster or hero once is seeing everything it'll ever do, unless you kill things too quickly to see all of their attacks... which is encouraged.
RNG. Freak accidents aren't uncommon, and the game doesn't appear to weight things in your favor at all.
Grinding. The best way to ensure success is perfect preparation and execution, and doing so requires patience.

The atmosphere of the game is great, which lends a lot of credit to the gameplay, which is essentially just standard turn-based combat. The most unique mechanic is stress, which is basically a health bar that persists between battles and even missions-- fill it up once and you get a chance for the hero to do random (mostly bad) things (unless you get lucky and the hero gets a massive buff and empties the stress bar); fill it up twice and they die instantly. Remove stress between missions.

Thoughts ? Wish list ? Hopes and expectations ? What old character would you want to see in DD 2 ?

I personally imagine that our team will be in charge of protecting a caravan, travelling across icy deserts, tundras and forests. We'll have to manage a wandering caravan instead of a town, with a lot of random events on the road.

I'd love it if stress was made to be a more long-term problem, something that doesn't go to max in one dungeon and can't be cured with a simple trip to the brothel, something that has a slower build across multiple delves. Let warmth be the mechanic that you need to keep a close eye on while you're in the dungeon itself.

Oh, and this game really needs a bond mechanics between characters, with interactions between them.

Attached: darkest-dungeon-2.jpg (2981x1597, 364K)


Attached: bone courtier.png (851x530, 126K)

Will you guys be buying DD2 in early access or wait for it to finish?

>Oh, and this game really needs a bond mechanics between characters

Attached: 1347632454.jpg (438x454, 32K)

>take 4 crussaders into the ruins
>first fight is bloodsuckers
>next one is brigands
>retreat to town with one less crussader

Attached: 1544554341663.jpg (902x960, 86K)

Attached: 212312412314123123.jpg (1199x721, 131K)

>BH combined with Cat
>Boob lady combined with... Flag?
>Crusader combined with Slayer
I approve of Huscarl and Sentinel, but Northwatch I just don't understand. The other two seem like solid combos of their respective influences, but North just looks like a reskin.

Massive amount of RNG grind. If you like having control of what you do in games, stay away from this one.

That is weirdest definition for reddit. Super arbitrary.

I played this game for a bit 1.5 years ago or so
At first I thought it was insanely hard but it got way easier when I stopped giving a fuck about stress on my throwaway party solely designed to farm money in low level dungeons while my main party recovered
I'm gonna play it again. I have all the DLC but I'm kinda confused on what it all does. Which DLC features should I activate? I heard that Crimson Court isn't good for a first playthrough IIRC

Vestal Healslut/Robber Daggerbot+Lunge/Big Daddy at Arms/Hellion Backrow Removal

Attached: 12432515135.jpg (480x360, 19K)

You activate ALL of them at once and then save 80 busts to build that district which gives you 2 bloods per week.

>I heard that Crimson Court isn't good for a first playthrough IIRC
Nah you will be fine, CC is best DLC. There are practically no backdraft whatsoever. You should install it right away and have fun

So keep CC off, got it

Attached: 20180107190929_1.jpg (1920x1080, 454K)

CC will immediately complicate things for you if you aren't ready to handle the specific things it will fuck up for you. Until you beat the first boss, your stress reduction will be reduced in the town. You're also basically guaranteed to have someone (usually 2 or even 3 someones) get infected by the Curse. That brings an entirely new problem because they're gonna need blood, and like said you'll need to use your busts to mitigate that problem. Worst of all, you're going to start running into CC enemies in EVERY OTHER LOCATION. They're not common, but they're annoying to deal with and you risk even more infections every time you fight them. Worst WORST of all is the fucking Fanatic, who has something like a 50% chance of being ANYWHERE your infected heroes go, and he will without hesitation nor warning fuck your day up and kill your heroes.

One crit and your party will start to crumble

Yeah okay. I googled it and apparently you can turn off the DLC features that would fuck me over separately, so I'm gonna do that

>do a short weald dark run for money
>no one's stress above 10, no one got diseased
>quest complete
>decide to do that one last hallway fight
>4 maggots
>all of them crit and every hit freaks the entire party the fuck out
God I hate those little shits.

This is super late, but wasn't flag nerfed hard? He used to be able to spam that one move when he got under 50%, which is why most people liked him.

Prime example of how a normally laughable enemy is a nightmare without light.

More Dust
More Ashes
More disappointment

Attached: FUG.png (582x466, 125K)

Bro you put two trinkets which gives him some 90% chance to survive death door and he singlehandedly fucks everything up by bleeding enemies and simultaneously healing rest of the party.

He is so OP devs put restriction on him: you cant put more than one flag into party. Thats how OP he is. If you struggle with any boss which doesnt have 200% resistance against bleed and are willing to sacrifice some heroes in the process, flag is yoir go to hero.

The dude can be blighted, bleed, have 200 stress and 0 HP and all of this will BUFF his DAMAGE, SPEED and DODGE. Even his "negative" stress resolution just buffs him. Yes they made some of his most op skills only once per battle, but even his normal stuff is more than enough.

I miss clown cars

Flag got stupid nerfed, can't stay afflicted anymore, can only do the big heal/damage+heal 2 times a fight, and generally just feels shittier.

Meanwhile Shieldbreaker has fuckoffhuge amounts of dodge and speed, ignores Prot, has absurdly high-damage attacks for her weight class, giant blights, and can frontline green/red dungeons easily thanks to decent health and absurd dodge. Two SBs in row 1 and 2 spamming their entire-party-hit ability can sometimes down 3 enemies before the bad guys even get a turn.

flags pretty trash now, people who dont know that probably didnt play the most recent patch or dont realize that the herb nerf is the big hit and not his direct nerfs

his heals tend to actually increase his chance of dying now because the debuffs cant be cleansed, if you get hit after popping a heal it becomes literally twice as hard to keep him alive, which will put you in a situation to use his heal again, which will heal even less and debuff even further, etc
and to make sure he doesnt get away with it they also limited his self heals per battle so hes almost completely worthless in long fights like bosses or the endless mode

and as a nonhealing bleedbot you just have better options with like the hm, hwm, jester, etc

you are suddenly transported to the darkest dungeon world
you can choose which class you want to be
what's your pick

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Attached: Leper Rave.gif (400x300, 236K)

I put Vestal only in the brothel for that reason.

Well, do you want them banned? or can you just not download them?

Wrong sir,wrong

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Attached: grave_robber_portrait_roster.png (85x85, 18K)

The most useless fucking antiquarian so the descendant sees fit to dismiss me asap


>Not liking eyes

Attached: grave_robber.sprite.heroic.png (2339x1181, 924K)


At least stay true to the game's style if you make fapbait characters

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pokemon of darksouls

I'm only 14 hours in and already I really like it. Manage stress and look closely at enemies resistances. I'm still trying to get a feel for the best lil dudes to take to the lil places.

gonna need a link to these mods champs.

Is this better?

Attached: 765-1547233682-1049029264.jpg (1440x900, 805K)

A lot better


>What am I in for?
rng: grind your life away. the video game.

Attached: grave_robber.sprite.camp.png (493x361, 61K)

Post more mods

Also more slut characters shwig you nig.

>Tfw had this game for like 2 years now
>Haven’t even gotten close to beating it because I’m doing a one of every hero run where no one is allowed to die and I’m not allowed to look up info about the game

Kill me please
Also please gib tips. The only things I figured out for myself was that direct damage is bad against some foes and you need healers for long dungeons

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>not being on my level for porn skins that don't look out of place

Attached: file.png (609x711, 251K)

Never bring Crusader to the Weald and always bring Bounty Hunter to it.

I am on that level and more

Attached: grave_robber.sprite.attack_potion.png (662x361, 105K)

Attached: flagellant.sprite.afflicted.png (2594x1176, 1M)

>he doesn't have a jester fuckfu

Attached: file.png (619x739, 226K)

>don't look out of place
Maybe art style wise and with how built she looks, but having no armor on the midriff looks even MORE retarded if the sprite is otherwise realistic


Hows the face?

Quick, Darkest or Radiant? What do?

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Darkest and go Sonic fast

stygian, fag

post teams

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>Anime taste rot

Attached: 1521254817440.png (446x643, 318K)

>no spear
almost as bad as eyes desu

Attached: finale.png (791x1920, 1.73M)

get out zoomer

fight me irl fggt

Attached: thrall.sprite.attack_stomp.png (1024x1024, 325K)

"Marked For Death"
Arbalest - Occultist - HM - Bounty Hunter
is the premium Weald comp.

Considering Weald is easily the most dangerous Champion dungeon, you want to take it seriously. This comp pretty much counters everything there to an extent, and even then it's risky.

I would also never go into the Warrens without a Plague Doctor - not just for the disease cure, but for the ability to Blinding Gas the Swine Skiver before he kills your entire team.

nigga that's a bow

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Attached: abomination.sprite.attack_claw.png (962x561, 215K)

Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.

Remember when you could spam Finale?
Any mods that can give me my old Jester back without having to use an earlier version of the game?

As long as the mask is still on


please oh god just use porn mods with no eyes, that’s all I’m asking

How do I use Jester

Darkest. Radiant is 2easy.

buff team
bleed enemies

Right?? Its a fun game to kick back and stress over. Highly recommend OP. Dont turn on crimson court until you've built atleast a few decent expendable teams.

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He keeps a spot on the bench nice and warm.

do I REALLY need the DLC? I haven't finished the game
is crimson court really necessary? and is color of madness anything else than a time attack mode¿

put on crit items and crit+bleed


The game was playable before DLC was out so no, none of them are necessary

Dude a porn game with the same mechanics would be great. So if your health goes to Zero you go unconscious and get kidnapped/raped, and if your sanity breaks you go full horny slut who runs off into the dungeons chasing demon cock.

Which heroes are the most frequent bench riders?

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This game has a lot of things that I normally like to see in video games but it manages to boring and monotonous, I have 86 hours played but this is just me trying to really enjoy a game that I will never like
-80% of the items are fucking worthless to the point that the only use that they have is for vendoring, even most of the rarer and hard to get ones are like this which is quite a shame
-The strategy is always streamlined into a single one which consists on healing stress/hp and having high damage to deal with stress casters, that's it, anything else feels like a downgrade
-For some reason the devs are really fond of nerfing things (In a single player game) without providing any additional buffs to alternative play styles (the ones that they provide are a joke i.e. the grave robber blight skills) one of these examples is how they buffed the best healer in the game (the vestal) while nerfing the healing on all other classes which is baffling to me

The devs have no idea what to do with their game and it shows.

None of the DLC is needed or as good as the base game. They really dropped the ball with paid content updates, which makes me skeptical towards Darkest Dungeon 2.

CoC/TiTS have some overlap with it

Killer presentation, fun, grief and incredibly tedious grind.

You pretty much just exactly described Corruption of Champions, you do know that?

Either run him with both of his buffs and your choice of cleave, harvest and dirk stab if you want him on a more vanilla team. Or get ready to deal massive damage one time with solo and finale

Leper and Arbalest

A 10 hour game bloated to 50 hours.

Attached: Watch your feet in this murk.jpg (710x508, 133K)

Flag is still good as a frontline in bleed teams even after the nerf. He just went from S to A-tier. Just don't fall for death door memes and use him for bleeding and healing.

My only wish is that they make the inventory system easier and more forgiving to players. I like the RNG randomly fucking you over now and then. I like most of the classes. But holy shit fuck the inventory system.


Attached: poochie.jpg (550x350, 29K)

Corruption of Champions is wasted potential; the game and I will always mourn its squandering

Play the game for 2 hours and you have successfuly seen 90% of what the game has to offer.
Game's fun, but the content fucking sucks.

>Broken mod character
>Expanded inventory for extra convenience, having a character that beats the game for you ain't good enough
I guess some people are just pussies

What's with the artist making weird changes no one asked for?

Attached: VrFcgXT[1].png (499x377, 271K)

> the same fag who's using literal anime mods is too retarded to play the game how it's meant to be played
> you are surprised by this

What traits are always worth locking?

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He's basically a de-stresser, buffer, assistant damage dealer and occasional one-hit wonder assassin, in that order.
The Grave Robber is better at setting up derphueg damage spikes now, so bring her instead if that's what you want.
But the buffs from his Battle Ballad skill stack. In longer fights, like the Madness DLC, it can build up to hilarious amounts of +SPD and critical chance.

I think Crimson Court is pretty good. The CoM thing starts out fine too, and would have been better with a few more actual quests instead of just going immediately into the endless mode.

Time sink
Good luck and Bad luck
More pain
Did I mentioned pain?
Because you gonna feel the pain

I already beat the game before, this is just for fun and the Crimson Curse

Attached: Waifufags waiting for the MK nipslip-1.png (344x236, 81K)

Might be just me, but I always lock Luminous and Quickdraw, even though turns are pretty much RNG, I love having a Vestal with high SPD that guarantees me that I can get a heal at the start of the turn order.
Then you have different shit you want in particular builds, like I like having tanks with Tough or Hard-skinned, Hippocratic for Healers is a godsend, because of how the game rounds numbers up.

>What am I in for?

Attached: twilight_knight_guild_header.png (715x630, 369K)


Eldritch hater/Eldritch slayer
I assume everyone's going to the DD eventually.

Should I actually strike the pot? I don't want anyone to be on death's door if I can help it since it's stygian.

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If you're still wondering about this, you don't know how to play the game. The best strategy in all bossfights is to ignore whatever retarded gimmick the boss has and nuke the shit out of him.

Just hit her nigga and when you fight the Siren keep stunning

Darkest Dungeon bosses are all about ignoring gimmicks and nuking the boss.
That's why the game fucking sucks sometimes.

Just bring more than two healers

should I focus only in improving the stage coach above anything?

depends on whos in it and/or what strat youre running
usually no but if you dodge scum it can be worth it

>moded inventory
>anime character skins
>custom classes
get that shit out of here

Attached: CrecySmall.jpg (719x372, 109K)

Any good place to pirate this that isn't a torrent?

Pretentiousness, self-importance, arrogance, moral preachiness, patronizing.

ex: sunless sea

Do the opposite of this. Download the fool and take her on a few long expeditions.

I accidentally entered a siren map with antiquarian, plague doctor, highwayman and man at arms
they aren't fully upgraded
do I stand a chance?

Nope, no healing and you're too slow at dishing out damage.

fuck me then thanks user

Assuming you just now entered

You’re probably trying to control too many factors at once. Namely, health. Your guys need to be basically untouched for the entire duration of that dungeon since Bosses only spawn at the end. You could heal at a camp, but that’s really not ideal since you could run low on food. Plus, only one guy can stun your Siren, and your damage output isn’t that good.

yeah, I've managed to kill the first and second necromancer iirc
I think I also killed the collector once
but I never faced the siren and I dunno what her gimmicks are
will try with another team

What do you guys think about the class mods like Lamia and Thrall

The game seems really flawed.
I'm about to fight the Miller in Color of Madness and in the Crimson Court I'm about to fight the Baron.
Here's the thing. I either need to look up a guide on how to beat them or - at best - retreat while stressed out and then grind out the money to stress heal and then try again with an optimal team.

Cheat and look stuff up or just grind bro is atrocious game design.

Attached: 1451757183495.jpg (900x668, 133K)

Oh damn, I want this. Omen seeker is my favorite position 3 class. Is this new?

You're completely right. DD is a heavily flawed game carried by pretty drawings and a great VA.

yeah, theres a reason the wikis so fleshed out with information, nobody really disagrees that trial-and-error gameplay with forced autosaving is pretty bullshit

>he actually mods the game to be easier
Dont be like this double nigger

Attached: double nigger.jpg (1832x1638, 724K)

While that is true for one time bosses like the baron and friends, it seems like their solution for all the main bosses is to have their gimmick present but significantly weaker on the apprentice version, and then just assume you have a proper counter figured out when you go back to fight their second and third versions.


Be like this instead

Attached: NOT THIS ONE, NOT TODAY.jpg (1366x768, 241K)

Any mods that break the balance and let me cut down my grinding time?

>91.5% chance to crit

Attached: Waluigi_face.jpg (228x221, 15K)


Attached: Untitled.png (500x500, 270K)

post your CoM highscores

The only mod that you need to cut down grinding is the Faster Darkest Dungeon mod, which is literally 100% required unless you want to die of old age before finishing a long dungeon.

>141 rounds

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dance party

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I don't really mind, hopefully he beat the game already. Nothing wrong with modded plays

So its going to be based on At the mountains of Madness then, sweet

you can actually pretty much hit that vanilla
this here is actually like 80% and thats without command from the maa

Attached: thirsty.jpg (1598x899, 396K)

You and me brother, you and me.

Attached: RIP.png (1366x768, 746K)

Anyone else think there's too little lore in the game? When it's all said and done, you barely know anything more than you did at the start. For a game that relies so heavily on visuals and its VA, almost completely foregoing any fun gameplay, it's way too light on the story.

Sunless Sea is fun.
Skies isn't though.

>refuse to go in low level dungeon runs unless the stars align
>terrified of high level ones
>bitch and moan throughout the just right level
The real nefarious plot of the ancestor was tricking you to be a tard wrangler all along.

>just porn reskins or slut warriors
Some of them are actually based as fuck.

for being a naked tentacle lady, drowner easily became one of my favorite classes. her skillset is just right, a lot of strong skills but also massive downsides.
he actually made it worse in a update because originally a default upgrade drowner had 10 health and would do ~11 to herself with her strongest skill. now she starts with 22 or so health.

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can this game be fun for someone like me who isnt a mathmatician nor autistic?

No. Unless you have no problem dropping it a couple of hours in (once you stop seeing new content).

the thing wasn't stopped, only delayed
they're going to the eldritch city in antartica to find a way to kill it

Never said anything like that.

Sunless Sea is boring as fuck gameplay wise.
Skies seems like more of the same with a less intuitive ui.
They also really shot their load too soon with their fucking game description. I know most people just ask to be spoonfed on the lore, but goddamn they should fire their marketing for that one.


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It's fun for a couple of hours, but once you see everything it becomes boring and grindy as fuck.
It's kinda a spectacle game for non autismos, where your more in it for the atmosphere.
I pirated it years ago and dropped it after 3-4 hours I think.

Thanks user this makes a lot of sense

why dont they have eyes though

is the man at arms supposed to be spanish¿

My favorite moment in this game was when I let my brother play with my laptop on my account for a bit and he confronted the sodden crew with some fodder party including a flaggelant.
The flaggelant was the only one to survive, they got locked in a loop where he would get a heart attack every turn but heal himself with exsanguinate just in time to survive his next heart attack.
By the grace of the RNG gods he basically beat the boss by himself.
It was a cool and tense experience.

Attached: 300px-Drowned_Crew.png (300x305, 100K)

I mean it won't do anything if you don't use a torch, unlesd you wanted to finish the quest and come back to it

im pretty sure I just kicked the anchor guy to the backrow to stop the retarded ass hookings

RNG, and if you find a reliable way to minimize it, the devs will nerf it.

I honestly don't recall why I named it that and don't feel like changing it

I’m about to go into the Courtyard because it’s the only thing I can do right about now and the rewards are ridiculous
I’m not sure who I should take though
Any suggestions?

kill him

Attached: kill_Jester.jpg (1280x720, 57K)

Because where they're going, they won't need eyes to see.

Mike Mignola

Google his art

Someone that can slow enemies and decrease their dodge is golden in the courtyard.

Making DD2 is better than more DLC since the DLC is just kinda hobbled into the game.

Attached: 1481670286314.jpg (403x432, 30K)

They’re going to be rereleases of those classes behind them in DD2 if his tweet is being interpreted correctly, so essentially reskins for DD2

Do bleeds and blight stack?
Same source or multiple sources?


Sit in third row and spam battle buff, stress heal, or bleeds. They nerfed finale way too much.

Yes to all.


t. straight up not played the game

yikes, better luck next time

lol mad

read all the guides and all the wikis

do not delete my posts.



Yes, it's fucking great.

no such thing

you can still spam it

fuck off reddit

>one use per battle

Look at his hand.

post your favorite ancestor lines



Always focus the backline. They're either going to be Stress damage dealers or massive AOE attackers and need to die ASAP. Stress in general is super important to mitigate because it's so hard to heal and carries over after completing a quest.

All the accuracy ones

based spurple

Attached: 1546552888_duchess sheet.jpg (5903x3769, 1.22M)

Shitty RNG.

Chain whip + bile most of the time with dps mode for backup. Boost stun and blight with that one manacle trinket and you'll be set 90% of the time without going beast mode.

this available yet?

Suicide runs are a meme. You can do just fine investing in your heroes. Just remember to keep enough money around to run from a mission that goes omen keepers up. Having an exit strategy is usually better than a bit more armor.


Why is the flagellant so based?
>Can heal
>Can DPS
>Can DoT
>Literal one man army
Based as fuck.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 100K)

not yet

Wouldn't it be great if every run in an area you got a journal entry that gave you information on the enemies and bosses so you didn't have to fucking use a wiki to beat the game?

Would be nice.

Building around deaths door is foolish. Roll the dice enough and you'll lose eventually.
Source:beat bloodmoon deathless

With the sequel coming soon, are we bringing /dadg/ back at any time?
Because I might repost or rewrite those old Hamlet greentexts I wrote when CoM dropped over the summer.


I just want combo attacks

a stupid rng game that forces you to grind for hours if you happen to get fucked by rng

Why count DPS and dotting as two things? His direct damage is abysmal and is 100% carried by his dot.

>Mad crusaderfag sad he isnt as holy as flag

there are people who mod porn reskins that isn't shindol?

The grinding is shit, but the RNG can always be mitigated

Abomination so I can get a qt plague doctor to perform 'experiments'
all to cure my disease of course

A game with all the downsides of a roguelike and none of the upsides

Houndmaster so I can play with my dog friend daily.
Also for the Beast bonus, I have a blood oath against the Swine Choppers ever since one took my best Jester.
RIP Trelli, I'll never forget you.


Attached: ok.png (389x329, 253K)

That word has lost all meaning now

pls give link

it's the dark souls of roguelikes

Most of my others are missing, but this has a few of them featured. The one for House of the Yellow Hand is a bit out of order.
If you're still interested, I did ones for the Granary, Bank, Puppet Theatre, Cartogropher's Camp, and CoM Districts. The last one wasn't very popular, but people seemed to enjoy the Puppets, and the Jester's quest for revenge.

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>Dungeon crawl
>Procedurally generated levels
>Turn-based gameplay
>Tile-based graphics
>Permanent death of the "player character"
Check kinda, so explain why you feel it isn't a roguelike when it fits the definition.

does anyone know what speedmod is used in this video? youtube.com/watch?v=F-FWsDIWAnM

It's not like Rogue at all.

you can't just keep saying that and not providing any reasons for such

I would rather like to see the rest, actually.

grinding, an almost MMO level of grinding.

if you play the "classic" way, you'll get a full party to the Darkest Dungeon, someone will die and that's that, that full party is now fucked because they can't go back and lost a member.

This has all the others in them.
I'd post them directly here, but most exceed the character limit and it'd just be too much of a hassle otherwise.
I particularly enjoy the Bank from this bunch, mostly in Reynauld continuing his search for ill-gotten gold. And Baldwin complaining about Wilbur is based on my experience with Swine God.

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i lol'd

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How in heck do I use the Antiquarian

Acquire dosh
Have someone guard her, use her to interact with EVERY Curio, unless you're trying to use Buffs or cure Negative Quirks.

One of the most dangerous enemies with one of the funniest names in the game. These guys are even worse than Madmen.

make a party with two beefcakes that can duo most battles
snuff torch immediately
interact with literally everything with antiquarian
stab shit with the surprisingly adequate damage attack and blight the shit out of your heroes trying to heal them.
hopefully end the run without too high stress on beefcakes.

I really just can't get into this game. At first, I thought I was just a brainlet, but the more I play the more I realize this is just one of those games that screws with you for a good while before you eventually learn (guess) what it actually wants from you. Not saying it's a bad game overall, just has some questionable choices in game design imo. Maybe I just need to give it more of a chance

dont generally
the only reason to use her is in stygian/bloodmoon because of the time limit, money crunch is way less of an issue if you actually get through easy weeks with her and get early bank interest

otherwise shes so weak that shes functionally an empty team slot
which sucks because she has a lot of cool unique mechanics that would be really useful if bringing her into literally any dungeon wasnt such a huge liability

I prefer these guys to the Madmen, actually.

Eh, I feel like it is one of the easier Champion only enemies. I'd personally rate them from strongest to weakest in this order:
>Hateful Virago
>Swine Skiver
>Squiffy Ghast
>Bone Bearer
But yea, he does a shit load of stress damage if left alive.

no, you're right, the game is a pile of shit. as you get later into it you straight up can't win reliably unless you spam broken builds. it's not fun or intuitive at all, utter shit game design.

Regardless of power, they all share needing to be put down first and foremost.

>tfw it's almost harvesting season

Attached: crops season.png (430x298, 183K)

>Game starts where the first one ends
>After you return from the DD, some foolish peasants start attacking you and your completely normal team of [zalgo] heroes [/zalgo]
>They forgot to remind themselves

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literally how retard

>be a cocktease slave to some fat fuck
>freedom comes in the form of a horrible accident that she have to multilate herself and is constantly plagued by the thoughts of demon snakes
How the fuck is any of this some feminist empowering shit?

I am ready.

you fucking disgust me faggot, die

i fucking hate waifufags and theyre annoying ass obsession with putting gigantic fucking tits on everything
make them normal people you stupid sick degenerate fuck

people who make art like this are the same kind of people that the ancestor inevitably turns into bosses

Calm down, it's just a drawing

Get fucked, nerd.

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Same. Waifuscum are despicable trash and ruin everything they touch.

Oh okay

For me it's

Viragos used to scare me the most until I realized they themselves are not a threat. The threat comes from the mushrooms, which spawn from corpses. No corpses, no mushrooms = useless Virago. Skiver is self explanatory, just big pig dick aoe damage. Ghast's stress potential is through the roof. Bearer is similar to Virago but when he spawns with a Bone General or, god forbid, two Lancers, you're in for a boning. And personally, reviving dead enemies is worse than mushrooms.

I think it's less that they're supposed to be gigantic, and more that they're made to look larger than they are because they're being pushed up by the corset.

what are some essential mods?
asking for a "friend" *points at her crotch*

It's strange, I've never lost someone to the Skivers, but Madmen and Acolytes have landed Deathblows.

>but when he spawns with... two Lancers
>1 is buffed with +45% damage, the other +25%

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based on definition
well it is based on eldricth horror, you or any of your heroes are never going to be important
Again, see above. All of your heroes are expandable, so are you
game teaches you not to push your luck
>moral preachiness
What morals does stalling an eldritch horror have, with gambling and whore breaks in inbetween, have?
if anything it doesnt help you at all and leaves to get your shit kicked in, then learn from it.

Oh fuck, I can't believe No More Heroes is Reddit. Fuck me.

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Neat. I thought they working on a new game but this is good too,

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> almost all women are complete pussies
What did Red Hook mean by this?

Never look up a guide. Lords know I did once and that killed all the fun. Just don’t be retarded and use common sense. Keep your light high and always be ready for the worst situation. Always have a healer in your team.

battle animation speed options. Even if they don't someone will probably mod it in.

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I don't care if Jester is considered a bad class, I love him


Same. Jester edit of gif related when?

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