*Up on the left analogue stops working on your fourth fucking controller because they are cheap as shit*
Heh, nothing personal kid...
*Up on the left analogue stops working on your fourth fucking controller because they are cheap as shit*
Heh, nothing personal kid...
Other urls found in this thread:
I've owned every PlayStation consoles since 2 and owned a 360 during this time as well, Sony controllers are cheap creaky garbage and always have been. I hope the next Dualshock design takes notes from the Xbox controller instead of being the same shit with some glowy bits and a touchscreen nobody uses (but increases the cost of the controller)
Sony controllers are shit. They're all made for asian girls with small hands.
I had two xbox 360 controllers that lasted the span of it's entire life and I've went through four of these fucking things since it's launch.
pebcac issue
try washing your hands more then once a week cheeto fat ass
>Left stick get a fucked up deadzone
>R2 moves the left stick to the right
>rubber wear off in less than two months
quality joystick sony
I've been playing videogames for over 2 decades and never once broken a controller or had it stop working. What the fuck do you autists do that thus is such an epidemic for you?
Are you by any chance a big American who rage quits games?
Treat your controller like you a $€500 smartphone not like the dualshock you beat your sister with in 1998.
The worst part is they are a nightmare if you want to just fix it yourself. They are so fucking cheap and poorly put together on the inside you'd be amazed they cost 60$ in the store because I'd wager you they cost around 15$ to make.
I'm sorry I don't have girly faggot hands like you guys. It must come in handy for fisting your boyfriends.
suck it faget, in my lifetime i've had no first party controllers stop working and yet the dualshock 4 i've been through almost a half dozen
This is coming from someone who thinks The Duke is unironically the best controller ever made because it fits my big hands perfectly;
I don't know what you fucks are doing to your DS4s but I have one from a PS4 I bought on launch and it still works. Sticks are a little worn but can still play games perfectly fine.
It cost you a lot of money to buy these things and some Chinese kid slaved over it in a sweat shop for a few cents. Take care of your equipment!
my issue was opening the plastic housing without breaking anything
it has screws holding it together why does it need plastic black magic too
DS4 is the only controller I've had lots of issues with from l2 button falling off to x button just stop working or not holding a charge. These were from low usage newer controllers too. They just feel cheap compared to others.
you're probably one of those shitters thats so bad at vidya you wouldn't even notice a hardware issue affecting your play
They don't want you to crack them open they want you to buy a new controller which you'll likely end up having to do anyway because the plastic is so shit and the wires are very fragile.
I love the controller when they are working and like I said i've never had problems with other controllers but these fucking things fall apart so easily.
Granted, I'm not great at fighting games, but I hold my own. Using my old controller or my new one produces no different result.
Same thing for shooters, etc.
Just take care of your equipment anons. It's not that hard. Only children destroy their toys.
Push the analog stick in and blow inside as you turn it around, worked on my machine.
It couldn't possibly be that you lucked out and the other people that got defective products due to manufacturing problems. Nah, China is known for their flawless manufacturing.
You make it sound like we throw the controllers or some stupid shit. I literally pick it up and play a game, nothing more. The things are just cheap.
christ you're an insufferable goon
Do what I do user: go to Target, purchase a new controller. Carefully open the packaging. Exchange the new controller with the dead one.
If my controller is physically damaged, it's incredibly easy to disassemble a DS4 and take what you need. When you're done, return the old controller for a refund.
>Imagining you doing that
Probably needed to clean the contacts.
>fucking over target, sony, and getting yourself a free controller without even stealing so the employee doesnt get in trouble
absolutely fucking based.
In the end, the absolute worst that happens is somebody purchases the one I returned and it doesn't work correctly, meaning that person needs to go back to Target and exchange it. After that, Target will simply defect it and get the credit back from Sony.
In the end, Sony is the only one that loses, and that makes me happy.
>I've owned every PlayStation consoles since 2
>Sony controllers are cheap creaky garbage and always have been.
there's plenty of people who still have their original ps2 controller that came with the console back from the early 2000 and it works fine
>Up on the left analogue stops working
Are they just faulty in general?
Mine wouldn't go forward without stuttering.
Yeah, it's the stuttering I'm having problems with. It'll stutter or just stop moving at all.
I feel you OP.
I never had any issues with Sony controllers before, i’ve used all of them for 6+ years.
I’m on my fourth dualshock 4 too, they are cheap garbage.
Also my dualshock 3 started to have weird issues but that was after 6 years of heavy use.
I've had mine since launch and it still works. Stop making things up on the internet for attention.
>you'd be amazed they cost 60$ in the store because I'd wager you they cost around 15$ to make.
not arguing against them being cheaply made, but if a controller costs $15 to make, $60 is exactly what i'd expect it to cost, given how every $20 controller literally costs $4-5 to make.
there's nothing to be amazed for
>I'd wager you they cost around 15$ to make.
They're $28 but close enough
>What’s most revealing about the report is the breakdown the DualShock 4, which IHS figures to cost only $28, nearly half of its $60 price tag. Each PS4 unit does come with one DualShock 4 controller, but every additional controller purchase after that puts a little more profit in Sony’s pocket.
I never had any issues with PS1, 2 or 3 controllers. However, DS4s just are shit for me. I've had one that just stopped syncing, one unable to hold a charge and one the analog stop working. There are all internal issues.
My launch DS4 only died 6 months ago. Wouldn't hold a charge. Replacement is going strong.
It's another Yea Forums complains about Sony thread. There's a reason Sony won this generation. They have the best hardware and the best games.
They are incredibly easy to disassemble and replace parts.
I would call you Snoy subhumans but Nintendokids say the same sub Saharan IQ shit when defending joycons or the Pro D-Pad that was “fixed” in the newer versions even thought it actually wasn’t.
People like you should get shot in the dick.
>Best hardware
Certainly not with the quality of their controllers.
The original Dualshock 2 controller holds up decently but half way through the lifespan of the PS2 they took a really bad nose dive, if you decide you need to buy a dualshock 2 look for the Gray one because chances are it's an early release before they shit a bunch of them out with horrible QC. I have a bag of busted Dualshit 2 sitting in my closet, it's really hit or miss with them.
Why try and avert from his main point that you're probably just a babyrager that hulk smashes controls because YOU are bad
This was published five years ago. The DS4 went through a revision since then and I guarantee is now far cheaper to produce.
>but Nintendokids say the same sub Saharan IQ shit when defending joycons
Early adopters told everyone to send in their joycons to get it fixed for free.
Oh yeah for sure especially since the parts depreciate in value over time.
>first controller: tilting downwards move you upwards
>second controller: you can’t walk in a straight like jittering
>third controller: drifts to the right
Don’t get me started on PS3 controllers. How did Dualshock get everything so right?
>have mine since 2013
>still works as good as on the first day
>meanwhile OP wrecked his fourth
Yup, it's definitely the shitty quality and not OP being a massive faggot as usual.
I'm a PC player and I much prefer the XB controller since it's not as cramped to play on but I'm forced to use a DS4 because of how unbelievably shit the dpad is on the xbox controllers, fighting games just become unplayable
The only issue I have with Sony controllers is the right analog stick always fucking breaks
Ps2 was like a track ball and made flight school in San Andreas impossible
My first Ps4 controller always had the camera drift in some direction and then one day the whole thing stopped working
*Dualshock 2 get everything so right
never had a PS3 or 4 controller, but my personal experience with PS1 and PS2 ones("personale" includes people i know who have/had them and online opinions/comments) they're pretty durable.
Most people who treat them non-aggressively still have them or they died on them just a few years ago, while most of those who had to replace them multiple times were either RAGE mode all the time(smacks controller on the ground multiple times in a week, controller breaks "THESE CONTROLLER ARE SHIT AND DONT LAST RRREEEE"), or aggressive users(pushing buttons harder than necessary, wiggling the joystick around with excessive force, etc, not smashing them in a fit of rage).
I would laugh if everyone denying it went home tonight and their controllers fucked up. I pray for it to happen.
you sound like a little bitchass 13 year old zoomer. cry some more bitch.
>multiple anons and people across the intetnet having issues with the controller
>but mine works so it's good!
Sonyfags everyone.
It’s already happened, they’re just too stupid to notice.
>The original controller I got with the console in 2015 still works perfectly fine
Are you all bunch of hamhanded, aggro manchildren who dont know how to look after their belongings?
>multiple anons and people across the internet having issues with the controller after smashing it around at every loss or minor failure in games
>more than double the people across the internet treating them good say it works good for them
there, fix'd
mine works fine though for DS4, maybe next year it will fuck up
I hate Sixaxis because I went through 3 of them due to the fucking triggers exploding or my DS3 starting to freak out with analog or inputs.
Meanwhile my DS2's are battered but still going strong for over 16 years
You obviously know nothing about production of electronics. Parts don't "depreciate" but the manufacturing becomes more streamlined, and new technologies allow for older hardware to be produced for cheaper. Five years is a LONG time when it comes to technology.
>after smashing it around at every loss or minor failure in games
So what you're saying is that all sonyfags are raging manchildren.
I’ve seen countless “works on my machine” when the joycons start to fail.
Not him but the tech depreciates because its being replaced with a newer version.
Sure, in your imagination.
Meanwhile in reality the right joycon wireless range was a problem across every release model that no one wrote off.
considering i didn't mention other kind of controllers in my post, both examples are about sony players, so no
I've worn out the rubber pads under the face buttons and D-pad twice from several hundred hours of Miku Future Tone. A new set is only a couple bucks tho
to be fair I press pretty hard when I'm in the groove
>buy new PS4 controller bc other one broke
>buy Gran Turismo sport with it
>Pretty good at racing games, first PS4 racing game
>First race, rally race
>Get my ass kicked because the AI are way faster than me
>Like, MUCH faster
>"Wow this games hard"
>Next race, road race
>Same thing, except now I notice my race car can't go over 80 MPH on a paved road
>turns out the fucking trigger is broken and is only giving 50% of the input
>Return it, get another new one
>Same fucking shit happens
>Return that one
>Get ANOTHER one
>same shit happens AGAIN except the fucking left trigger does it too
>Literally cannot play this game because Sony keeps selling me broken controllers
Thanks sony you fucking fascist gooks
>playing fighting games with a controller
once you get the same issue on the same replaced item, it's common logic to assume the whole stock in that particular store is defective(and that goes for any item, not just gaming controllers), if you bought a 3rd from the same store you're reatarded
Monster Hunter World killed my Crystal Dualshock. Never sprint with the thumbstick.
I figured that by the 3rd time it happened, but they only offer in store credit on returns so I couldn't just take the money elsewhere. But with the credit I just bought a new Xbox controller for my PC racing games instead. Funny enough, it works perfectly lmao
And either way i shouldn't HAVE to go somewhere else to buy the same thing, the stock they get SHOULD work
The dpad has been fixed with the xbone controller. It's now in line with the quality you'd get with the ds phat dpad. Clicky, precise, doesn't fall into a diagonal if you don't hold perfectly over the center of gravity
>rubber in down d-pad area broke
>it's mushy
>can't play fighting games, because pressing left also inputs down
Nice controller, Sony. My 15 years old PS2 controller works better.
Stop poaching dogs, Sony.
>Never sprint with the thumbstick.
It's honestly this, if your controller is jittering then pull the thumbstick up, it's sunk into the controller. It'll fuck up again when you hit L3 though.
I'm hearing rumblings of a DS5 having a touch screen. Imagine the damage.
Kill yourself nintenmutt.
That just sounds like disaster.
I still have my original ps4 pad and it's still working. What are you guys doing with yours? I even dropped mine a bunch of times.
PS4 is the only controller that I've managed to successfully replace parts of. DJMax goes through D-Pad membranes at breakneck speeds if you play 12+s for hours a day so I bought a 5 pack and managed to replace it within 15 minutes.