So does gitting gud at Binding of Issac basically boil down to keeping an item guide handy and praying to the RNG Gods...

So does gitting gud at Binding of Issac basically boil down to keeping an item guide handy and praying to the RNG Gods that you get a really overpowered item combo?

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Pretty much

Learning enemy attack patterns could be considered getting good I think, besides what you said.

Of course, it's a rogue-like game. Although avoiding enemy projectiles plays into it a bit.
Still disappointing with this game.

Yeah basicly

more or less, yeah


BoI boils down to "if you don't get the right item by floor 3 you're fucked or in for a 3 hour long game"

You don't necessarily need overpowered item combos just damage dealing items. The later floors become an absolutely tedious chore if your damage is low.

yes, people get 100+ streaks because of RNG. you aren't retarded or anything.

It is literally impossible to have a bad game if you use D6 Isaac. I have never lost a D6 game.

No, you don't always need an OP combo.
Just play azazel.
Like seriously, you don't even need to pick up any items that aren't hp restoring/upping.
He's that good.

This. Being good would being able to complete a run without picking up any items, as tedious as that sounds.

Fuck, my best is 17. If not for the RNG factor that let's you see all kind of amazing combinations the game would get stale pretty quik. This weekend I killed two deliriums under 8 seconds, one of them with a wiz kid I picked up blind.

I don't think that's humanly possible.
>inb4 some posts some crazy dude actually doing it

Is there any point to not pick up an item in a treasure room?

Some items can actively hurt you or ruin your run. Onions milk is pretty infamous for being a run-crushing item (but it can still be good under certain circumstances).

some items are kind of shit when combined with other items, like ipecac with that item that makes your tears come back to you

Bob's brain

Some items will totally fuck your shit up, so yeah there are some to avoid. Like the other day I was having a good run until I picked up this faggot. My tears started firing fast as fuck in a huge arc and they would just fly off the screen and not hit shit.

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you can drop trinkets though

No. Learn how enemy AI behaves, recognize room layouts, improve your dodging and learn how inertia interacts with your shots. Once you've gotten decent at this, you have to start figuring out how to bend the RNG in your favour; things like devil deals, secret rooms, item pools, boss drops... that kind of stuff

I've done so in wrath of the lamb, just to see if i could. Worst part was womb surprisingly, cathedral has fewer mobs and chest is just bosses so predictable

Not if you accidentally used a Gulp pill on it...

Understanding game mechanics so you can exploit them is important too.


>curse of the blind
>bob's brain


Console cuck memes aside, before I switched to PC, I used to be an xbone user. Xbone users are still stuck with afterbirth while everyone has already moved past afterbirth+. I just think it's fucked up.

That trinket actually gives tears something like +60 height and triples shotspeed, but the way the tear path is set up guarantees it will hit an enemy. There's something fucky going on with it, but i played a run with that and ipecac and never missed a shot, nor hit myself

>5 more achievements to go until I have them all

Whens the new DLC coming out Edmund you fat fuck?

Try ipecac + onions milk. It sucks.

i forgot about the filter for a second and was wondering what the fuck was onions milk

The Lost is actually really fun to play once you get the Holy Mantle.

No, it's about perfecting your dodging, learning how to trigger all the secret rooms and crying because you never get any good items

>item guide
Imagine not knowing all the items by heart

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I'm actually fucking dead, I didn't even know that existed.

Don't forget to go The Chest on normal mode to fill out your Bestiary.

Blue Conjoined Fatties only show up in The Chest on normal mode.

Repentance when steakmund

Who's the best character in this threads opinion? For me, I think Lilith is the best, the incubus and the box of friends is too good a combo.

Should have been out by now, but its been delayed.
I'm expecting summer at this point.

So how many runs do you have to do before you start unlocking the interesting items? I see runs of people firing room clearing quad shot exploding tears quick as a machine gun with 10 hearts but I'm lucky if I finish a run with double tears that are bigger and do slightly more damage with 4 hearts and a dark one.

Well, expect later, because Bum-bo’s coming out in summer, and Ed’s said that Repentance most likely won’t release before Bum-bo.

Azazel is just braindead easy, provided you don't literally kiss the enemy. Just get within a comfortable distance.
Isaac is good too, rerolling trash is an incredible option.
Judas is kinda okay too, starting off with so much damage, AND a damage increasing spacebar.

The "one shot room clear" runs are 1 in a hundred, user. You don't need a lot of unlocks to get OP, just bide your time, be patient, and eventually you'll get a run so OP you'll make it down to the Lamb without even unlocking 'It Lives!'


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1. don't get hit
2. buy op shit from the devil
3. damage upgrades over everything
4. ???
5. you got gud

>The "one shot room clear" runs are 1 in a hundred, user.

That is until you learn to break the game.

There's more on the hutts YT channel.

I'm a big boy.

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>not just grabbing every single item you run across and making the best of it
oh nonono

The Lost has become my favourite.

major part of it is learning rooms and how can you exploit some of them to get items. also getting secret room on every floor and avoiding damage for good chance of angel/demon room. basically good player has times more items on any run compared to a noob on the same run.

Using D4 is suicide. Only way out is judas's shadow or Ankh. Why? He's just a flying isaac with spectral tears. Your holy mantle is GONE when d4 is used. Do you just enjoy the difficulty?

FUCK Keeper and FUCK scaling health bosses.
Also FUCK Edmund, childish piece of shit with no idea what make the game fun.

Forgot to mention that laz rags is another option to get out of this character.

"roguelikes" are shit

...I don't use the D4?
Free constant Devil Deals make the game extra fun.

I like greed mode

wrong thread retard


same shit fuck off

It's okay user.

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Getting gud in TBoI is being able to deal with all but wildest RNG fluctuations, like being constantly cursed with blindness and fed actively conflicting items.
Same goes to any RNG-heavy game, really, skill in them is "making sure RNG can't fuck me over too bad".

I don't recall BoI being turn based or grid based

*removes blood donation machines and Temperance cards from Greed mode*

Pinking Shears has saved me so many runs it's not even funny.
Easily one of my top 10 items.

I want to say you'll start getting some goodies once you unlock 'everything is terrible'. Which is I think 6 Mom kills?

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It's an absolute god send in Boss Rush and Greed mode.

I've played the game for about 500 Hours and yeah, if you don't get some kind of damage boost or speed you will probably get fucked.

I've 1m% the game twice and the second one took me 100h less going through the first 2 floors without getting hit and hoping for a nice deal of the devil, if i get a good item (Damage multiplier like the Mushroom or Crickets head, Tears like Fractured Bone, Tech X, Jacob's Ladder or Deaths Scythe in either of those rooms i'll try to skip the Devil room and hope for an Angel room to get to Mega Satan but honestly the best way to get the Key is looking for the Super Secret room and hoping there's an angel there.

Some characters are easier, people tend to flock to Azasel because of both Flying and mini Brimstone but most of my game breaking runs were with just tears combinations, heck Lump of coal can become your main damage item if you're good enough.

Also avoid taking pills, they will always fuck you up. Other items to avoid: Explosivo, Cursed Eye (unless you're playing Lilith), Bob's brain, that boot that fills the room with bombs after you get hit, Onions milk (unless you got Libra or curved horn).

Prioritize damage and speed above anything else, with 8+ damage at Floor 3 or 4 you're probably strong enough to beat the Womb, 1.3-1.5 speed is enough, Tears comes after that and then health, don't prioritize red hearts over soul hearts, any of them are fine, specially if you have an item to make them (Book of Revelations, The Nail, Mitre, etc).

I know it sounds like a lot but it will become second nature after a while, try to play with Isaac with the D6 which is the easiest character.

Now Enter the Gungeon? Im like 30 hours in and haven't even finished the 4th floor goddamn this game is kicking my ass.

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That room looks sharp

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I hate that little faggot.
Playing him before unlocking the wooden nickle was a miserable experience.

>trinket smelter
That's a fun item for doing some fucked up stuff.
Paired it with Mom's box and a re-rolled shop with batteries for some shenanigans.

>playing Az vs Hush
>get him down to 1/3 health
>he ducks down into the ground and starts spamming bullets
>doesn't come back up
>manage to survive for 4 and a half minutes before I die

Only genuine bug I've ever experienced in this game.

Did you kill the little blue fucks? Usually it gets up after you clear the room a few times

I did.
I think it likely had something to due with the 'Cards Against Humanity' I used.
Must have fucked something up even after I destroyed all the poo.

I recommend playing the Daily Runs.
You can get access to some crazy shit right away.

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Daily Runs are fun.
I ignored them for long time.
Glad I went back and ended up trying them after all.

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Post your fav way to break the game
Mine is having Jera and blank card in the same room as a battery

I like amassing a shitton of money and buying out all the shops.

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You can beat every boss in the game with the base character stats

Half the game is luck and the other half is skill

Finding X-Ray Specs on the first floor is a nice feel.

Yes, that's why this type of game kind of inherently sucks or is limited

You are not aware that the people who spend hundreds of hours playing isaac and speedrunning and streaming and shit are among the most autistic of all gamers: they know 99%+ of their runs will be not considered worthwhile and they still can't stop playing it thousands of hours.

Ah yeah, it's a common issue with burrowing enemies

>smelter+jera+mom's box+blank card

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Greed mode is ok, but Greedier is an absolute turd.


Placebo, luck up pill and 48h energy to cap out luck
Being invincible due to egghead/infamy constant procs is really funny

>item guide
Fuckin goldfish

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At least you played them in the proper order.
I played 90 hours gungeon first, then when I finally booted up Isaac, I beat Mom on the 4th run and Mom's heart on my 5th. Spent less than 2 hours with the game. I know there's much more to do but I just couldn't get invested at that point. It's one thing experimenting with weapons when youre still getting good and gonna die early anyway, but if every run is gonna be over an hour long I don't want to risk picking up anything or play with a guide open. I'm hoping maybe Nuclear Throne will scratch the itch next

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>Nuclear Throne

is this game still locked to 30fps? boy, that was embarrassing.

I had Mom's Box+Smelter combined with Swallowed Penny+My Life's Savings+Contract From Below and an infinite shop.

I'd take half a heart of damage and shit out between 8 to 11 pennies.

It was amazing.

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I found Nuclear Throne to be less enjoyable than both BoI and Gungeon.

S.O.Y. milk

Item guide? Just reset until you get a good dmg item and the games breaks itself. Honestly it's more "fun" if you don't do it but you'll end up with shit and useless item combos otherwise so it's up to you

>Soul Converter/Guppy's Paw/IV Bag all on the same floor
Why did Donation Machine jamming have to be a thing? Why did I fuck up and manage to set it back to zero via bombing it?

Glowing hourglass, at least 6 cents and a battery in the shop
Go in, buy the battery, drop the money, hourglass when out of $ or when it jams, rinse and repeat