this ain't such a bad action rpg if you invest some time in it, what do you guys think?
This ain't such a bad action rpg if you invest some time in it, what do you guys think?
I think you are a retard.
Ok, but I don't want to just insult you like that.
Every single thing in this game is made by monkeys. I just can't enjoy it when nothing works as it should.
it's okay AA space game, remove bioware name from it and it would be praised by Yea Forums
is this THE textbook case of rushed development?
>Investing time on a shitty open world RPG
I'm too old for that
You're right, it really isn't that bad. The combat itself is the best Mass Effect ever had (which isn't saying much.) The writing is garbage, but I guess Yea Forums thinks story is more important than gameplay.
Go step on Lego mate.
It's an insult to the series and that's INCLUDING ME3
Remove the bioware game and nobody would have ever heard of it.
>Open world
>but I guess Yea Forums thinks story is more important than gameplay.
It's a storyfag franchise.
Now lets not go that far, ME3 was a trainwreck.
kind of, they wasted a year on procedural generated planets then scrapped it, game isn't even that bad it's just overwhelmingly mediocre
Why has THIS game been being shilled so much on here and on infiniti out of nowhere?
>no krogan romance
Shitposter sweatshops.
Yep. Whenever Yea Forums pretends that they prefer gameplay over story, bring up Andromeda and see how fast everyone scatters.
>Now lets not go that far, ME3 was a trainwreck.
ME3 was OK up until the last 2hrs.
If it would've had a decent ending with a satisfying boss fight / Paragon way out of boss fight it would've been a 7.5/10
Andromeda is an Alpha version pushed out to try and salvage some of the invested founds
>ME3 was OK up until the last 2hrs.
Feels likw a poor mans star control 2 in terms of writing.
I guess its decent though.
What was wrong with ME3 except the ending?
disbalance with cerberus plotline and reapers, game was about cerberus instead of important things, shades dude was fucking stupid
it's okay if you play them 123. feels like a journey.
The meaningless dream sequences, the fucking odd light-heartedness of the character interactions, the complete 180 on Cerberus, it was a significant step back from 2.
I installed it. Everyone looked like sweaty plastic dolls. And then I uninstalled it again.
>you can be anything
bullshit. let me play a class and let me stick with it.
>The character models
Just outsource at this point.
No, it had plenty of development time. It might be a textbook case of poor planning, however.
do not put points in other abilities = class.
The things I disliked about ME3 were
1. Fleet points. So paragon played got to pick an ending, while regenagade players got punished.
2. Kai Leng
3. Thane
4. All sequences with that stupid kid in it.
Every conversation made me was to put my head through my desk. It honestly felt like Ryder is a Mass Effect fan breaking the 4th wall.
This, keep telling people that
>Shepard allows himself to be locked up for 6 months while the Alliance does nothing to prepare
>the child
>Reapers don't attack the Citadel until the end of the game for reasons
>Cerberus now has an army for reasons
>you have to oppose the Illusive Man even though you can pick Control at the end
>Kai Leng
>no one points out that the genophage isn't actually a bad thing
>Geth are now innocent of everything despite killing 99% of Quarians and refusing to leave Rannoch
>there's a Rachni Queen no matter what you did in ME1 for reasons
>ME2 squadmates treated like shit
>Ashley treated like shit
>everything about Priority Earth
Its a bad Mass effect game.
Dragon Age 2 was rushed but the writing saved it. ME:A has no redeeming qualities.
Lots of plot inconsistencies and focus on inane bullshit, 2 started the trend, but 3, oh boy it went full retard, don't get me started on starboy.
Also the animations and characters look like shit, somehow worse than both the previous games.
I go back and reply ME and immensely enjoy it, it was a beautifully made RPG with soul, the guns heating mechanics, how your aim sucks ass at the beginning, the citadel, talking to people, seeing and learning new shit, getting better equipment.
Then EA got involved and ME2 came out, retconned a lot of shit, simplified everything good about the combat and RPG elements that made the game play special, but it still had something special, then ME3 came out and took an even larger shit on the franchise, I wont even go near the DLC and bullshit EA pulled.
It has Mass effect name on it. Yeah that creates expectations.
>3 ability slot
fuck whoever made that decision
>ME:A has no redeeming qualities.
planets and vaults got nice design. also car feels good.
I enjoy it
>Andromeda, Inquisition
whyd they gotta go open world man
>ME:A has no redeeming qualities
*blocks your path*
>Go step on Lego mate.
This game is fucking cancer.
You want proof? It already ate your brain
Because it's the new fad. Playing through Trespasser made it so obvious how better linear is, but you can bet DA4 will be open-world anyway.
This. Honestly I love the games nonetheless but if I am 100% honest most of my love is caused by ME1 and the love for a few characters that were part of my team till the end of ME3 as well as that I am a big space opera fan.
Remove Garrus, Wrex, Mordin and a few others maybe, give the species I prefer less screentime and I doubt I would have even finished ME2, let alone ME3. Fuck that shit. ME1 was so fucking great, I loved everything there to death, yes, including Mako and Saren.
All I can remember about her is that she was a smuggler and you had to save her stupid sister (or brother, cant recall) She wasnt an insult to inteligence like most of the cast, just plain and boring, so there is that
>he didnt romance her
Pretty shit taste not gonna lie user
God bless user, Mass Effect will always be one of the best, god I still remember how much it blew me the fuck away the first time I played it, fuck the kiddie shit.
>andromeda isnt irredeemable garba-
I didnt romance anyone in that game. How I missed a suicide mission where I could send them all to their doom
Why were the Andromeda characters so generic and/or shit when the old games were filled with top tier bros people would go gay for and great side characters and shit?
Whatever the cast was that wrote ME1 and mabye ME2 they should return and make another game.
>Vetra, Jaal and Drack
>Cora, Liam and Peebee
You're missing out user, Her Romance is better than most of the ME1 to ME3 Romances
I actually like her archetype. Sadly she wasn't that well written, but she grows on you a little.
Cora was weird, they tried to make something in between cassandra and miranda and failed at both.
Liam is unbearable, worst crew in the whole bioware series, even gloomy spirit dude wasn't that bad in DAI.
>romancing Knuckles the enchilada
Oh FFS, you gotta be trolling!
>1v1 me fgt I'll kick ur ass.
it could have been great if they actually had the balls and money to create 7-8 new alien species/cultures and a good story, good writers
instead we get le cat squid people, le rock cat squid people, le protheans mk2 and thats it
the open world side was great, establishing colonies was fun, combat was fun
andromeda had a lot of fucking potential, its a great shame they didn't do it properly
ah okay I forgot da2 Anders, he is the worst character, Liam second worst.
>He wouldnt go gay for Garrus
Cringe and Cringepilled
You forgot Jacob
Who gives a fuck about Jacob?
he wasn't that bad, also this
>please invest time
*and wasting a shit ton time to customize Frostbite so they can work with it
I played ME:A about 5 months ago with all the fixes and a couple of mods and it was a pretty decent experience. The music was great and a weird praise, I really liked the main menu, the theme was brilliant.
The main game itself was very undercooked. So much shit missing and the story gets wrapped up pretty damn fast.
Also ME:A has best girl in it
Vetra a CUTE!
A few characters
Most of the characters
OST non-existent
Too many long loading screens
Multiplayer could have been amazing but it was gutted
It's a 6.5/10 after the patches. It has some redeeming qualities but it's severely let down by the cast and story.
If you couldn't care less about characters and story, pick scott and take Vetra & Drack everywhere with you, then you have a pretty good action/rpg sci-fi exploration game.
>Too many long loading screens
not on PC
>Picking FemRyder over BroRyder EVER
Even on PC, with a good rig on an SSD, there are too many loading screen transitions between things. Even if you cut actual loading time, you still have a fixed period of time between going from inside your shop to landing on a planet, for example.
Are you retarded?
>discount wrex
>discount garrus
and jaal was shit too but that had more to do with his entire race being shit.
>there are still biodrones that defend Bioware
This is sad.
>discount garrus
No m8
Vetra is cute and I appreciated that they kinda went back to the quasi-70s scifi clean look instead of ME3's shitty generic modern scifi vibe but lot of the main plot and villain is shit. Figuratively and literally.
It really makes me wonder how Bioware is still able to ride with the image that their writing is exceptional when they literally can't do simple background checks or write non-cheese dialogue and scenarios for their villains.
>glowy sparkly blue beam thing of power just like in my capeshit movies and every second videogame ever
>99% of the bad facial animations were from female ryder
>Source of pretty much all the ME:A Jokes
>smuggler vigilante
>dirty cop turned superhero vigilante
face it if her game ever got a sequel she would have been a store brand version of garrus.
The menus alone are enough to make it a 4/10
>Discount Garrus
obviously you can't read
I never said pick femry, I actually said the opposite. You should really read a post before you reply.
>mfw i didnt put the "anyone" at the start of the sentence and it makes me look like an idiot
It was superior to ME3 because at least it delivered great comedy in the threads about it.
It's weird how I look at female Turians and see women despite them having no actual human female traits, at least no traits that are only common to them, like the hips, which is something male Turians have as well. I wouldn't have expected to adapt so quickly to secondary sexual characteristics of a fantasy species and even react to them, as in: only being attracted to Turians of the gender I am generally attracted to. It's weird as fuck.
why does that ayylium have a gay uptalk accent?
bretty gud, except the Geth unironically did literally nothing wrong. I hated Tali, desu, and I could not find a way to stop myself from supporting my Geth teammate, everything they did was in self-defense.
Fuck the cliff jumping lizard bitch.
I was literally gonna ask the Xenophilia thread on /aco/ the same thing, see if they had any idea
By all accounts, it just doesnt make sense
ya it ain't so bad y'all
am I fitting in, I was told I need to act conservative to be a 4channeler
>Geth VI
Hold on a minute
>It gets good after 50 hours
Yeah, because it ends.
I've had it on my account since launch, but never really played much of it, because I heard how bad it is. Anthem's got me in the mood for ME though, so I'm currently on Nexus downloading a bunch of bugfixes and texture mods for the entire series, and I think I might just do a whole runthrough.
This. Geth are way more interesting than these stock-photo space gypsies.
>A year
Development was five years, the game has been claimed to be made in 18 months. They wasted more than a fucking year chasing no man's meme.
Anthem is doing worse and was made by the main team.
It was written and made by a bunch of ME fans while the main team was blundering Anthem together. Its practically a fanfic but has official endorsement.
Then they're bad fans. I have read so much fan shit, posts and whatever that was so much better and on point regarding ME1 and on character than this and even 80% of anything that has happened in ME2 and 3.
Yea Forums is filled with storyfags
50% weeb story fags
50% zoomers that just watch streams instead of playing games
it's a little fun but has large flaws. To say I didn't enjoy it at all would be a lie though.
I hate zoomers. How can you live simply by watching other people doing things instead of doing it yourself? Till today I have never watched a single playthrough in my life.
More like a textbook case of diversity hires.
I would have played it if there were quarians in it
I got about 10, maybe 15 hours into it. Mechanically it's okay, combat isn't too bad in terms of how it functions, some of the encounter design is not so great. I could forgive that though and probably would have stuck with it if the writing wasn't so incredibly, frustratingly awful. The characters are terrible and constantly spout off irritating quips. All the dialogue feels like it was written by an unimaginative teenager who can't break the trappings of their own patterns of speech. I don't expect something Shakespearean when it comes to video games, but come on now.
>In the book the Quarian Ark's captain develops a virus to kill off the council species so the quarians will be in control, but it backfires, infects the whole ship and the captain is stripped of her suit and forced to give the cure to everyone and fucking dies
the book is already out?
I don't see what's wrong with the quarians being the dominant race. They've been an oppressed minority for centuries so let them have some time at the top
Came out in November.
>retarded suit rat tries something
>fucks up badly
What a shock and never before soon Quarian activity. The stealing odorous fleet of vile floating gypsies should've been shot out of the sky centuries ago.
it's a fucking horrible Action-RPG, just like Mass Effect 1-3, which were only given any merit because the moviegame aspects weren't completely terrible.
Bioware makes worse gameplay than Spiders, and that's like a team of 25 Frenchman developing games on pocket change and cigarette coupons.
Bioware is fucking embarrassing, moreso now than ever. Now stop making threads.
>giving money to ea
>wasting bandwith to pirate an ea game
I think I'm not going to invest some time in it. The devs sure didn't.
No no! Ah -ah, hah ha... Noooo!
That's spaceballs levels of comedy.
Think they added to the lore that Turians are generally supreme in martial arts.
>oppressed minority for centuries
Yeah because they fucking caused it!
Well they are the most militaristic race in Mass Effect
>I'll show you why they call it the Milky Way, human
Nothing in the game makes sense and it has more rail roading then any other game.
The krogan part makes even less sense. "Oh there's this tower that spews the genophage out into the atmosphere meaning it's an air dispersed disease, we need to make it dispersed the cure but there's a reaper in the way. This is the only way to do this".
At this point we have the cure on us and we arrived with space ships. Why not just bomb the atmosphere with the cure after doing an orbital bombardment on the tower? That way no one needs to die and we've cured the genophage.
Suddenly Geth chose the reapers because the Qurians are actually fucking stupid and decided to start a war when the Reapers showed up. Legion "dieing" is fucking stupid since that's not how that works.
Everything in this game is stupid as fuck
The quarians going to war makes sense but nothing else does. The geth are all about isolation and taking the Reaper's aid is directly against their philosophy.
My issue with the krogan plot is that it is silly to go to all this trouble to get a ground army when the turians should still have millions if not billions of citizen soldiers to draw from and secondly because it is silly to fight a ground war in SPACE
This part made no sense what so ever
>You can't copy and paste but if you copy and paste and ki yourself it'll work :^)
90% of the people who hate this game never actually played it.
Yea Forums is full of sheep who just follow the herd. most people here can't even think for themselves.
Yeah, if you don't just buy and play every property released then YOU are the sheep.
Why didn't Tali talk to the fleet about how the Geth want to give back the Qurian homeworld
how isn't it?
I don't remember Legion ever saying they geth wanted to give back the world. Just that they'd rather have peace.
I had such high hopes.
It's the worst RPG I've ever played and the worst game I've payed I full prize for because I had that much trust in Bioware (yes, I liked Inquisition).
It's so horrendously horrible bad in EVERY aspect it's an art for itself.
No, just because it has a fucking jetpack it isn't good, fighting against spawns of enemies with the same awful AI and bullet sponge mini bosses isn't good, ME3 had good gameplay, ME3 had better AI, Andromeda is the worst parts of the series packed in one game.
It's so incredibly bad that even a score of 30% would be too much, that pile of shit belongs into the same category as Ride to Hell... wait, no, that's unfair, Ride to Hell was fun in his awfulness and had a decent soundtrack, it's even WORSE than that.
Well, this sold me on redownloading it. What mods do you recommend, user?
>ME3 had good gameplay
Care to deconstruct your stance a bit?
>Quests are 90% "go here, scan that/shoot some dudes"
>Atrocious animation, especially character's faces
>Writers remind you that the game's theme is "a fresh start" by having every character mention it at least once every few sentences
I'll admit that being able to mix and match your abilities is nice, but ME:A is a mediocre game at absolute best.
sorry I'm late
I tried to like it but I just couldn't.
I bet you faggot played on console.
Fun Fact: 60+ FPS and mouse improve the gameplay by quite a bit and made it "fast" to a degree and actually fun. It's one of the reasons why multiplayer was so fun, gameplay fixed the garbage gameplay.
>An entire race and spacefare civilization of itinerant people perpetually encased head to toes in latex, with face obscuring visors and respirators to match and starved of physical sensation
I still can't get over quarians, i'll never get over quarians.
Legion mentions they're care takers and would be alright with the Qurians coming back
>None of your choices from previous games really mattering
>Kai motherfucking Leng
>Bringing Ashley back
Mass effect 2 has you building an entire new squad, getting to know them and all that jazz just to have them replaced in 3
Yeah, but how exactly is Andromeda worse?
I was so put off by ME3's cutscenes and tone in preview material that I didn't even bother playing it.
Qurians literally tick off every one of my fetishes
>complete 180 on Cerberus
Just like between ME1 and 2?
Yeah, probably the best thing about 2 was it fleshed out Cerberus, but why is a sequel taking it away a good thing?
Because they were still a villain faction that got whitewashed for ME2? I mean, the continuity is shit, but that happened with 2 as well, so it's not really fair to single out 3 for it.
Also, the resurrection plot in ME2's beginning was fucking stupid on so many levels.
ME3 still had great multiplayer
It was a good way to strip the player of skills, ME2 worked on cerberus, made them an actual faction instead of just idiots fucking shit up for a whole game in side quests, ME3 just rolled it back and took away from what they already built for no reason.