This is challenging i think

this is challenging i think

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Did any of those three fuckers even beat the final pantheon with all gimps on? Basing difficulty on super autistic bugmen playtesters.

All bindings is actual fucking bullshit that less than 0.1% of the player base can even do, let alone enjoy. Godmaster is a terrible dlc and makes the game worse. The game was hard but fair before it's inclusion, after though it's a test of autism. Worst of all is the fact that this shit prevents you from getting a full completion of the game, it's one thing to have an absolute bullshit hard activity that's purely optional for those with autism, but to gate an ending and %completion? Fuck off.

>another brainlet starts a thread without "hollow knight" in writing anywhere
I was just searching the catalog for one too
What's your favourite area of the game? Mine is unironically White Palace or City of Tears

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I have 112% completion and have only beaten the fourth pantheon, I still haven't been able to beat Pantheon of Hallownest. Stop being a chimp

kingdom's edge for sure

>that less than 0.1% of the player base can even do
This is not the problem.
>let alone enjoy
This is. You have to fight through literally half an hour of baby tier bosses to get to the hard part, and when you do you just get rekt by the Collector or Markoth -> Grey Prince Zote or Absolute Radiance. Then you have to start over again, and again and again. I did everything in the game bar all bindings Pantheon of Hallownest. Path of Pain was kinda fun. Radiant Markoth was fun, hell, even Radiant Absolute Radiance was fun. But this isn't. And if it's not fun, why bother?

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Muh platinum

I want achievement fags to die

What will Hollow Knights first words be Yea Forums?

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you dont even need PoH for 112% (which i disagree with) let alone do it with all bindings

fuck maggots and FUCK MOTHS

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Silksong will have a sideplot of Hollow Knight beefing and healing up as much as he can to treck the endless desert to save little sister Hornet, his last living family member.

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Exactly my sentimonies. I'm sure I could do it. I spent literally dozens of hours on Absolute Radiance, Path of Pain and trying to beat the Watcher Knights without upgrades alone and I don't feel like there's anything in All Bindings PoH harder than those. I could just sit down and spend a day or two of my weekend, doing nothing but all Pantheon of Hallownest runs for ten and twenty hours. But it would drain the soul right out of my body, because it's just plain boring. I put 7 hours into a new playthrough yesterday instead and you know what? I had a blast.

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White palace, the abyss and city of tears

Anyone else notice how wack Hollownest technology progression is?
>have phonographs, trams, elevators and sawblades
>don't have ranged weapons like a bow and arrow
How does all that exist before the bow?

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They took a vote and decided bows were for faggots

But bows are really useful.

>when you can just slash your weapon so hard it breaks physics and creates a scythe of wind

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Are you stupid? Bows were one of the most importqnt foundations for civilization and warfare.

>use a bow

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Arrows go so fast faggot, also another bonus for Bows is if used on bugs it'd be almost impossible for them to stop the bleeding once it pierces shell.

I can't even beat 4th pantheon lmao

> literally the entire game takes place in claustrophobic dark corridors
> hurr durr why no archers

>City of Tears
Also fuck off those caverns are very spacious, only real claustrophobic area is deepnest, Fungal wastes and Crystal peak.

this is antifun I think.
Godmaster is not fun.

>forgetting based BRAAVA and throwing lances
Why would you need archers?