What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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I wish it was good
I need a good warhammer game to play
but there are none

GW mishandled what should be a top tier cash cow license in 40k like no other company. Giving it to literal who devs for reasons unknown, have to assume it was a question of money.

There never was a good 40k game. It's time to admit it's a shit setting for vidya.

Dawn of War was decent. 2 was actually pretty good as well if you didnt mind the genre change.

total war warhammer is ok

are you dumb?
it's one of the best settings we could get
but they just are developed by super incompetent retards

Agreed, also I liked Fire Warrior as a kid, not sure I'd play it now though.

>Warhammer gets all the good shit like Total War and Vermintide
>40k gets cashgrabs and empty promises

>good shit like Total War

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Also Last Stand is a lesson in good itemization.

spotted the blizzbaiter
>Dawn of War was great, but it was mishandled by Geedubs and relic badly, mainly balance because Relic were eldarfags.
>DoW2 started great but fell into non existence due to SC2 WoL aggressive marketing, plus Relic being STUPID enough to link the game with GFWL, and not even selling the physical copies outside the US and a few parts in Yurop like DoW1 did.
>Space Marine was GORGEOUS, and the MP is still solid, but it was mishandled by RELIC and THQ.
>Eternal Crusade was Doomed since day 1, all thanks to Behaviour.
>Armageddon is a Solid /tg/ 40k game, Regicide is bad
>OG Focus Spacehulk is meh, the rerelease is great but underestimated
>Deathwing is a great concept, but fell short due to engine bugs and such, the rewrelease has all of it fixed, but with less playersand is impressively better than L4D, but inferior to Vermintide
>Battlefleet Gothic 1 and 2 is the tits
>4x Civ 40k is good too.

No matter how many times you bitch, Shadow of the Horned Rat and Dark Omen will never return, EA grabbed all of Mindscape Ips and Assets by the Balls.

>Shadow of the Horned Rat and Dark Omen will never return
A Chaos Gate 2 is fine too, shame never ever.
For whatever godfucking reason

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>Space Marine was GORGEOUS, and the MP is still solid, but it was mishandled by RELIC and THQ.
Oh lawd some of the most fun multiplayer I've ever played, nothing will ever come close to that game's heavy bolter.

On the one hand a Battlefield type game with more players on the field could potentially be great. On the other hand, Battlefield = EA

Little studio tried to eat too much. That's it. They weren't well organized and didn't have a clear goal.

Total Warhammer is great.
I wish we would get a Wargame Red Dragon esque 40k game with ALL the factions as well as proper melee combat

Isn’t Armageddon just Panzer Corps with a 40k skin slapped on it?

They settled for abandoning their original spec of the game to be an MMO and settled for an arena shooter. This was because they couldn't get it to run stably on a larger scale.
I played hundred of hours and had a lot of fun, but it was a fraction of it's potential.

downloaded and launched the game now to try
literally 0 players right now, couldn't even play

40k games are all inherently shit. Fantasy chads are dabbing on you losers.

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Fantasy”chads” are still sharting themselves over AoS all these years later so I don’t think they have a right to say much of anything.

I bet your lot play fortnite too

Space Marine, DoW 1 and 2, even Inquisitor Martyr and that fleet game that only autists play are fairly decent

Pikoserver turned out to be a scam and they had to completely can development and start over to try to salvage it.
Without MMO tech and with most of the money wasted, they ended up making the most barebones and schizophrenic TPS imaginable with the most rough gameplay and visuals imaginable.

Jokes on you faggot. Fantasy died preserved instead of being buttfucked like 40k cucks are currently experiencing.

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Which is really sad. Games finished, that's that. Gw decided it was time for something new and although the launch was very shit for the first year aos is a good game. Just very different to whfb of old. I loved WHFB, was a chaos monster player but I don't hold it against aos. (though fuck gw for shafting throgg ffs. Best bro is even in aos lore but just set aside for more stormcast faggotry)

On a Yea Forums note, gw has the fucking chance to make a great aos game however all we have atm are shitty mobile games. I'd love a aos themed rts like dow 1 or warcraft 3,id love some spectacle fighter like old God of War, or nonsense slaughter like dynasty warriors. But no, shitty mobile games on the menu atm.
Get your shit together gw

I had fun playing a chaos havoc in this game
Some (most) maps are fucking terrible though, especially fortresses. On some fortresses maps I have never seen anybody win on the attacking side

>GW gives license for the game to literal who devs who themselves know they can't deliver top notch stuff
>Producers extremely hype the game up though and list out a ton of, drawing in lots of money and a following
>Devs actually begin to feel like they can do it
>Before development even starts, the producer quits and takes almost all the money with him
>Devs are left floundering with no publisher, scant resources, and only prototype Space Marine tech to go off of
>Somehow scrounge up enough resources and manpower to not just get a publisher, but to push the game out
>Post-release even more staff quit, even the seemingly most dedicated
>Bare minimum skeleton crew left over to try and keep the game alive in some way with updates, since they still have to push out a console release as well as implement the items people had already bought with their pre-order bonus currency (some of which still isn't even in the game)
EC was doomed from the start and I feel bad for how shafted the devs got in the end. I'm half convinced it was all just some money laundering scheme made by GW.

>Fantasy died preserved
>what is 8th edition
>what is end times
Meanwhile 40k and AoS are actually fun to play now which is what actually matters most.

AoS gave me Shadespire so I’ll always appreciate it for that fact alone.
God what a fun game.

Fantasy had the better setting, but AoS has the better game.
40k is a mess through and through though.

>tfw the game wrecked everyone's career
Miguel moved to Estonia or something and works on mobile games, same with Steve Lumpkin and Patrick Balthazar, Nathan now works for Jagex
I feel bad for them, but the hole was dug by Miguel and Nathan's hand when they made announcements they didn't know if they would be able to follow through with.

Dawn of war is excellent and was killed by shitty online, and the mod community that spawned turned it into a masterpiece. Both with FoK and UA.

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>someone fully ports shadespire /nightvault to tabletop simulator.

Oh I would nut so hard.

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It's just that for each good WH40K game there are five shitty WH40K games.

lol no setting and lore is most important only manchildren actually buy little toys to play these games

As a player of all 3 I fully agree.

Whfb had a fully fleshed out setting thanks to 30+ years but thanks to being set in a medieval Europe setting it was getting harder n harder to add more stuff n keep it fresh. Sad they didn't do anything with Asia and Middle East factions.

Aos is fresh but had a horrible first year. They chimped out on artists giving us the mortuary factory but after the first major update in GHB 1 they have finally got a stride. However it's gonna take a long time before they can even be within the same area as Whfb in terms of story.

40k 8th edition killed the game for me. Had potential to tell a story with how everyone reacted to the primaries, but fucking nope, timeskip and ultramarine are the best and solve everything faggery everywhere.

You shut your biological mouth.

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AoS is shit, the setting anyways.

It was shit in its first year, a mix of them not knowing what they were doing and the fact that no matter what they did they couldn't beat 30 years of fantasy story gave it a very bad rep which doesn't hold up now. I recommend giving it a try now before calling it shit. There is a big number of free short stories in the malign portents part of the gw site. Give em a try and if you still don't like it fair deuce.