Good input OP
Bullets in BF come out of your characters eyes though
Only sniper rifles in Battlefield have actual ballistics, and they're really exaggerated.
I'm sorry, but you're retarded. CS:GO doesn't have a true fpp camera and the bullets actually come out of your eyes.
What about Insurgency?
Literally (0) bullet drop
You're a fucking retard.
All weapons have the same bulletdrop in modern BF games.
10/10 troll image, OP.
So what started the rng meme of a game with least rng out of any shooter?
Now do Xcom.
so like real life
meanwhile, realism is a meaningless concept in a video game
there is no difference between one manshoot babysitter and another, they are all equally nonsensical and have no bearing on how a real gun works, how real injuries work, or on what is actually fun within the video game
instead most in-game mechanics are a form of busywork designed to convince you that you are making useful decisions so that you will continue to pay money for the same non-game
You forgot the part where you die to a guy behind a bush that wasnt rendered from 300m+ away.
I prefer it to be like Siege. Yeah it's fucking retarded and there's some grimy angles you can get based on shooting bullets out of your eyes but I prefer the accuracy in a game like that. My friends always refer to Siege as "it's like when I wanna play CS but have my shots go where I'm aiming." Sometimes you just want that even if it's unrealistic.
mad cs shitter detected
If the bush doesn't render he has no cover
Holy shit that's bad.
You forgot the part where you hit the guy four times, but you were firing a CUP AR at an RHS infantryman so your rounds plink off like nerf darts and then he domes you on his first shot, which was also your first contact of the co-op 25 minutes of walking in.
I'd hate Arma if not for how much I love Arma. 4 needs a proper modding framework something shocking.
What the fuck is PUBG trying to imply? The bullets drop just like Battlefield. I dare you to start recording yourself playing and going back to watch the footage of when you bitched about the game being bullshit. You'll see the tiny white bullet wiz right past their head because of your off aim.
I just get nothing rendering past 250m, pisses me off and i've tried running mods that adjust the render distance to whatever i happen to be aiming at but nothing works.
As a measure against this, Arma kind of sinks distant infantry into the terrain on your screen. They're still physically exposed, but the terrain height is drawn a little higher to still give the impression of concealment. It's not perfect but it's a nifty enough solution considering the age of the underlying engine.
apply yourself senpai
Are you brainlets still to retarded to understand it is supposed to be simulating a realtime battle?
That Ayy is a splitsecond away from rendering his face and he just now raised his weapon just in time to try and shoot it, if you select fire weapon that is.
they used to until they patched it in bf4, now they come out of the gun
I wish they'd make an engine that didnt run like canine diarrhea. But their interim solution is understandable considering the age.
Yeah but you can still always see the black dot and know what it is. Solid objects and hills are the only real cover in the game
Battlefield babie trying to shit on other games gun physics.
I think PUBG is just okay overall and not really that much fun for me but the bullet physics are great and reward getting accustomed to them.
That is correct, concealment is not cover.
>The black dot
What are you, some kinda person that enjoys a game in a different fashion to how I personally do?
The Battlefield one is having a go at the hugely exaggerated bullet drop of BF, or at least it bloody well should be.
That seems pretty accurate to IRL pistol shooting
I'm just saying that the concealment doesn't work beyond 300m
Fuck the "bullet eyes" system so much. It's fucking stupid getting killed because a CT rappelling outside the hostage room peeked a fraction of his head around the window
Oh yeah, Visual Recoil.
Didn't it return in BF1/V?
Issue is there's no easy fix for that. Player camera and model height aren't often too closely related, and with good reason. Most games where they overlap come with a degree of jank, think Arma's movement.
Battlefield 4 did it pretty well IMO
Halo got around the problem by making it so the reticle is lower on the screen rather than in the center.
Noguns seem to have tremendous difficulty understanding that you can clamp a gun securely in place and still, unless you are very close to your target it's not going to put every bullet through the same hole unless it's a fine-tuned civilian sporting rifle shooting fire-formed and hand-reloaded cartridges tuned to what that specific rifle likes and even then it won't be 100% perfect.
At the end of the day videogame guns have gotten so far off the real thing that bringing them back to realism just strikes the average gamer as unfun and "clunky".