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>physical sales

tumbling down

Not surprised

Fh4 still selling? Damn.

>we totally sold 15 millions digital copis bros we won but mom doesn't allow me to show you the numbers bros

Considering Anthem is a new IP and not the fourth installment in a massively popular RPG series that's not half bad.

>caring about britbong sales
You realise there's more countries than just the UK and US, right?

>people totally aren't moving to digital distribution shut up


The only countries that matter are the US, UK, AU, CA, and JP

Someone needs to update that papa EA killing studios to include Bioware now.

why should they?
you can´t resell digital copies.

it's always physical sales that are reported, zoomer


Europeans with shit taste as always

Maybe if they actually released a good game people would have bought it.

Considering it has been in development for so long they could have produced two other games in the time frame it's not so good

you don't need to drive to the store also pretty sure you can't resell always online games like this anyway

but psn and xbox store are shitty
they take forever to download a game, more then 8 hours at least, and constantly have to delete older games to make space since modern games are just too huge

I really got no reason to believe that digital sales would have been up to Andromeda either if physical sales flop. Normies still buy games based on what has coolest marketing campaign in their nearest gamestop.

psn has bad speed maybe, but they take space regardless

>phoneposter + trannyera

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>>pretty sure you can't resell always online games
you're wrong they buy copies of destiny 2 all day

This is why you don’t release the game for streamers a week early. Everyone seemed to enjoy the beta but the full game is hot garbage and people got to hear about how after 80 hours it’s still garbage.


>people watching someone else play the game means it's doing well

Drag your name and legacy through the name after all these years to the point no one cares about you anymore. Bioware is so irrelevant no on wants their games anymore.

are you okay?

Come again?

I know you are but what am I?


Forgotten the week it came out.

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yesterday there was an user larping as someone who have a friend in edmonton who said they will start firing after this week. good times

>apex has more views than pubg and fortnight combined
But Yea Forums said it was dead!

Nice, so I’ll be able to pick this up for 20 bucks pretty soon right boys?

It’ll probably be on sale by next week

i've been checking european Amazons and since yesterday this was the situation already for some of them. I'd say they wont go down to 20 but i can foresee 30 euros in 1-2 weeks if shit keeps happening

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A simple solution, drop it to $20-$30 this week and I'm in.


That would reek of desperation.

>wanting to play this garbage for any price

That's still too much for this game. I wouldn't even play it if it was free.

Not an argument.

That's actually fairly common in business. If management realizes that something they're releasing is not going to sell, they're only going to keep staff around to get it out the door. Laying people off immediately will save you from paying salaries that will offset the hit you predict you're going to take.

Yes, the alternative route is fixing your broken piece of shit. But sometimes that's just not possible. The fact that video game reporting is so decentralized and they cannot control the message because video game information exists beyond the "professional" journalists they can buy, there is actually less tools available to gaming companies to convince people that they fixed their broken piece of shit. Yes, retards came back to play No Man's Sky after they supposedly unfucked themselves but those were pre-existing customers who were stupid enough to buy it in the first place - it's not new customers.

When EA looks at the numbers and sees that they sold so fucking little that there's no chance that unfucking the game is going to be yield additional customers or convince current customers to blow more money on DLC or lootboxes, they might just fire people instead of doubling down.

Look at Dawn of War 3. It was so fucked they said, "sorry, we're breaking our promises about DLC, shit's officially dead".

why is overwatch so low?

>AU, CA, and JP

fucking resetera phone posters fuck off

>Bong Caliphate
>Chinese land of conquest
>An actual country
For ho much long you believe these suicidal countries infected with the cancer of progressivism will stay on top?

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Nobody really cares about the game itself anymore and the popular OW streamers all switched to Apex. Moonmoon alone used to regularly pull more viewers than OW's total there and all he plays now is Apex.

true. But i'm curious abot anthem because it was advertised as a Live Service videogame. Take Andromeda for example. After, what? 3 months? they basically closed everything down and hid the bodies.

But Anthem? can they do the same with a product advertised as Live service? Are there different laws involved? Could someone accuse EA of fraudolent behaviour?

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How exactly do they measure the game's success when it's obviously designed to pull people into EA's gameflix, just like Sea of Thieves was intended to lure people into Microsoft's gameflix.

Okay, it's a flop. Now what?

No clue, we're in relatively new territory here. Laws still haven't caught up with the industry, not really, and until then everything is basically operating on a "whoever sets the precedent" basis.

Nothing. Bioware will probably be taken out back by EA now.

Not even Yea Forums seems to care much that a game flopped. It's weird.

>Mario in 3 of the top 10
Is Nintendo finally relevant in the UK?

You should be banned

>game as a service game fails to get the Initial playerbase
Yeah, I think its over.

I dunno. If it actually gets good after a while like Div 1 then I might play it.

Not gonna play it in its current state though.

>Red Dead still in top 10 months after release

The UK has the most fucking disgusting taste in gaming. Fuck they are dumb, every top 10 list over there is a fucking argument that Hitler was right in spirit and would have united all of Europe if he was trying to exterminate the fucking Anglo menace.

The game already has 10$ microtransactions. They'll just go F2P with a skeleton crew and still make money.

Finally gamers are doing it!

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>Bethesda made Fallout 76
>Bioware made this
The last oldschool RPG devs are dying. Long live CDPR.

>Online game
>Physical release

Of course no ones buying it on shelf frisbee.

I'm sad because DA4( if it ever comes out) will be even more half assed

>Drive to the store
Not every country is America. The vast majority of physical sales are online purchases, delivered on the day of release or earlier, and the rest are from supermarkets. The one dedicated game retailer we have scalps prices so hard that it's constantly in trouble, and PS4 digital prices (and the likes) are usually marked up a good 20%, too. Physical number are a very good representation of how well things sell here.

Whiter than you, Mohammed

Why is so hard for these shithead motherfucks to make a modern day pso / psu. Those games have a perfect formula for an action rpg online with coop series. But they waste the potential year after year. Fuck ea and their gay pride business conventions. I miss you phantasy star, the one true online loot series

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Yea Forums has wanted to see Bioware specifically die for practically a decade now. They're most likely finally getting their wish and realizing what a hollow, empty "victory" it is. Nothing left to look forward to with this shit Tortanic mentality and should Bioware be shut down, it's at the lowest point of their career so it's basically a wet fart of a situation. None of the old employees Yea Forums specifically hates even work there anymore.

tl;dr When you finally get what you want, it's usually pretty disappointing.

Destiny up to Taken King scratched that itch

Is it really worth getting sad about at this point? DA:O was the only good one.

>people here celebrate when video games turn out to be bad

Someone explain this to me.

> SC2
The matches today have been really good.

>Not even Yea Forums seems to care much that a game flopped
Yea Forums amount of shitposting is usually the closing factor when a game is dead or dying. When not even this board care enough to spam shit about it it means the game flatlined

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>Resident Evil 2 outsold Anthem
holy fuck Capcom really are back bros.

There’s no victory because it’s long since dead.
What satisfaction can you get from seeing a puppeted corpse rot through its strings?

I really liked how they resolved the lore in DAI, really helped build the game universe, make it onpar with some fantasy novels worlds. Also the promise of seeing Tevinter


Bethesda still has a chance to pull themselves back from the brink. At least they still have a lot of the core staff from their glory days and they're not under EA's thumb. Bioware is completely fucked though.

because it's companies we hate, doing practices we hate, and the videogame is mostly practices we hate.
pre order cultures, selling unfinished game full price calling them live service, making 200M$ game with bad gameplay design at their core and mediocre design overall, diversity hiring instead of merit etc.

I dont want shitty first person shooter. I want a 3rd person game where you choose swords, guns, or magic, partner up, and explore alien planets doing backflips with your sword or loading your guns up with elemental bullets


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physical will always be the best option, digital can be fine if there's a sale and the game you're looking for is cheap enough. But for new games, always physical

Is the gaming market going to crash again? The only vidya that is selling nowadays are remakes,sequels and fortnight clones

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I'm not quite sure what the fuck "live service" even goddamn means. You paid $60 and there's no subscription and they promised you an ambiguous amount of "extras".

Take Monster Hunter. That shit was successful right? The vast majority of the content released since last year was for the most part tweaking numbers and giving the monsters more HP and damage. The unique assets they developed were for the most part a pre-existing skeleton and they just draped new art over it and maybe changed how the legs and arms move and voila, new monster. The bulk of the work was done in the base game. A fucking skeleton staff of your most competent developers could make all the new content released for Monster Hunter.

The same can be said about Anthem. They can fulfill their "live service" whatever the fuck that means by just cranking out piles of fucking recolored artificial-difficulty boosted dogshit just like the low-effort shit that exists for Monster Hunter. Recolor that armor and give it different stats or whatever the fuck. You don't have to give anything creative because you sure as fuck didn't promise anything besides "live service". It's not fraud if you didn't tell them what you were going to give them. You can't sue them for misrepresenting live service features if all they will do was rehash a right and colored a dinosaur red instead of green and doubled its fucking numbers and maybe had it drop super magical rocks that have +1 skill compared to your typical rocks.

I'm not saying they will shut everything down, but they can easily layoff a huge pile of staff while dialing back whatever projects you planned to have them do.

Destiny was a pretty good shooter and it had a lot of platforming and vertical gameplay

what kind of fucking retard believes that, especially for an always online game?i mean it's all good if you can find a physical copy for less than digital, that's great.

Yeah. Hoping to see Tevinter and Kal Sharok myself.

Wrong and homosex opinion

when big things fall, they fall hard, and it's always fun to watch

Thing is Bioware fell with ME3 I dont think anyone besides DA fans care about Bioware anymore

>Inside Bioware's offices:

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go back

There's no one left to play that violin. Founding devs are long gone. I never thought I'd miss Gayder

don't think anyone cares about bioware besides whatever biodrones they have left

garbage taste
sasuga bongs

>Yea Forums has wanted to see Bioware specifically die for practically a decade now. They're most likely finally getting their wish and realizing what a hollow, empty "victory" it is.
I'm well aware of that.

All the more reason why it's weird as fuck that no one cares about Anthem being such a mess after 6 years of development. I'd expect Yea Forums to rip it to pieces but people seem mostly indifferent.

That would be DA fans since original pre ME biodrones are their fantasy rpg faggots

Cursed image

What'll end up happening is the Triple A giants will start cannibalizing themselves more and more to maintain the absurd level of revenue they've got coming in and raise profit because "muh shareholders muh infinite growth"

Companies begin trying to figure out how much more they can get away with, then once they hit a ceiling they try to break it for the next payday. Problem is, microtransactions make so much fucking money they literally can't currently go much higher; they've accelerated their growth far too fast

They will do literally everything in their power to stay afloat, but sooner or later bankruptcy will be the safest option, so the men at the top will take it, come out safe, and tell everyone else to fuck off, it's just a matter of when at this point

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>fifa19 STILL selling

Fucking Londoners.

Because OW is garbage and everyone moved on from it. I quit after the Halloween event last year and haven't looked back.

During the SwTOR and DA:I era Bioware was somewhat relevant enough for Yea Forums to still spam shitposting threads. These days Bioware is so irrelevant no one cares if they fail.

It's a Europe thing. Lots of people use their consoles as a FIFA machine.

When a company practices shady shit and spits in the face of consumers they are supposedly marketing to then of course people will celebrate when it backfires and hits them in the face.

>people seem mostly indifferent

Because literally no one cares about Bioware anymore.

I started playing on persistent NWN servers again
It's pretty good

Serious question
How has Japan managed this?
They seems to handle AAA far better

You're right because
>physical sales
but it still sold like shit overall. people pointing out facts doesn't mean they're supporting the other.

This. EA fucked themselves with that weird staggered release thing, so by the time the "real" release date hit, everyone knew it was shit already.

according to wikipedia anything that provides stuff over time in exchange of money can be condirered a live service. And the exchange can involve MTXs, DLCs, subscription fees, all of the above, etc.
Then there's pic related.

The thing is, Bioware/EA declared no paid DLCs. And that cannot be changed otherwise they would be raped by the SEC. That being said, it also means they count on a steady income from microtransactions.

It's probably as you said, they will cut heads untill the flow of MTXs can sustain a small crew that tries to patch and "update" the game

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Make games with PS2 level of graphics

fucking this

>They seems to handle AAA far better
Yeah, that FF7 remake coming along sweetly, maybe in 10 years or so

>developer used to make some of the most influential RPGs in the industry
>sell out and turn against their fans
>now chase trends and make shallow shooters
>fail miserably

We are justified in laughing at them. They're not even the same developer anymore.

But even something like FFXV
Square said it was profitable.
Exception, not the rule. Even then, see above. FFXV STILL managed to be profitable for them. Even after Lord knows how long of development hell.

nobody feels bad about bioware dying
EA accidentally did the right thing

It's not even interesting enough to get worked up about.

>triple A completely dissolves in a matter of a year or two under the weight of back-to-back bankruptcies
>those who are just in it for the money depart the industry for greener and safer pastures
>those that truly loved video games are scattered and eventually form small niche indie companies or latch onto surviving outliers to continue making games
>the era of copious good indie and good AA games with likely rampant crowdfunding and even more early access begins

it would be pretty bad for every platform but pc probably

Why beat a dead horse? The only time Yea Forums jumps on something is when it meets the opposite of expectations. People knew pretty early on that Anthem was going to be shit and flop from everything we had seen.

On the other hand, BFV was marketed like shit and EA shat on its customers but Yea Forums assumed it would still do well because of normies. When it turned out it bombed they spammed threads because it wasn't obvious it would flop.

That's the thing why they're trying to make full game experiences more expensive and hope that the same people keep buying them. Gaming market exploding in 2000s has made corporations delusional, and now that the walls of the market are closing in quickly, they can't have that constant exponential growth anymore.


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Only if you're someone who needs some kind of memorabilia and tangible product to feel good about your purchase. To me physical copies are just a waste of space and they load slower too.

Miss me yet

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they actually have some level of competency in with laws regarding stocks and shit
this ridiculous inability to address the root problem of "rich man gets more money to be richer" is only getting as bad as it is over here because we don't have shit like "foreigners not allowed to own our businesses"

Not even a northerner but London needs to be gassed

Switch outsold PS4 in Japan and US and yet PS4 won worldwide in 2018 thanks to Europe.

Because the Japanese businessmen understand on some level that the quality of the virtues of the product matters. Now, I have a lot of shit to say about Japanese ideas of quality but this is one thing they get right. Their executives understand that the best way to make money is to make a game that is a game.

AAA companies run by businessmen in the West don't think that way. They see games as a vehicle to extract as much money from consumers. You might think these are the same thing but they're not. The Japanese when they question how to make money they contemplate questions of a game itself; in the West they contemplate how many disgusting business practices can we cram into this game to get more money regardless of the ramifications to gameplay.

The Japanese naturally put an ungodly grind in their games, but they don't do it to profit, they do it because that's their stupid culture. Western companies design a grind because they know they can charge players to bypass the grind with microtransactions. That's the fundamental difference. Furthermore, the Japanese know when they're full, so they don't overconsume; the West will fucking consume and abuse their customers to the point of destruction of the entire marketplace, see the American auto industry vs the Japanese auto industry.

Japan: "If we make a good game; we will make money"
The West: "We'll make money if we make a good game... (or abuse all the goodwill of a past good game to leech as much fucking money out of player loyalty)"

Kind of sort of but not really

Its not a game aimed at pc fags, its a dude bro game
Physical saled matter, a lot

What will be the destiny of all the trannies and the other diversity hiring?

that's average though, usually on twitch the first person has more viewers than everyone else put together.


Don’t forget all the forced SJW shit too.

Why are there nigger Germans and Nazis in Battlefield 1 & 5?

Yeah, such a shame the game still sucks to play

I bought it for 45 on a CD-key website. Not really regretting it played about 4 hours and its fun so far. Kinda disorienting though, also Owen is the epitome of cringe.

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At the end of the day consumer demand will determine the market. The reason for the collapse in the 80s was that the overall quality of games were so bad that gamers decided to quit buying games as a whole. However, the market was already incredibly small with only a few consoles and notable developers.

Something like that can't happen today. The market is just too big. large money grubbing AAA studios might die as people stop buying their games and forcing them to liquidize, but there are plenty of smaller studios putting out successful indie titles and quality games.

Look at Activision-Blizz.
Non-essentials go first, if you are not vital then you get ejected to save money. People shit on Kotick, and rightfully so, but he saw a way to save money at no cost to himself and took it. Expect nothing more from the market leaders, honestly.

>New IP
It's Destiny with an even more generic coat of sci-fi paint

Indies are heavy dependant on online platforms, as the industry stagnates they will face harsher conditions for their games

Why give EA money for garbage? You lose three times in that scenario: supporting a bad company, losing cash, and wasting your time downloading trash

Why does UK sales get mentioned all the time as if they mattered for everyone?

Take off that fucking toupe and we’ll talk

I'm glad western AAA gaming is imploding, is this a chance for Japan to take over video games again like the 90's?

>Mfw Bioware won't live long enough to ruin Dragon Age a third time
It's a really REALLY good feeling

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This is gamers rise up but they made it appealing.

Like that is just fucking cool.

Fucking cancer


>Yea Forums doesn't care it flopped
Then why does this thread exist? Personally I'm getting some nice schadenfreude

>surprised a modern game is shit
Come on, kids. It's time to understand that modern gaming is garbage, period.

The boot.
People forget that the shills that support them are all on the publishers’ payroll. They might make a token protest, but nothing will happen when they get shoa’d. It’s been two weeks since Kotick steamrolled eight hundred of them, and despite blue checkmark screeching at the time the only people who give a shit now are the people cheering him for doing it.

>Bongs have shit taste
no surprise

EA ruined them in the first place so no

>MK8 selling more than Smash
>New SMB. U selling more than Smash

stinky, balding, boomer meleefag

Bioware is long dead already

I'm surprised that shit is selling at all
It's literally a straight port of the mediocre Wii U game
Don't get me wrong, I played it when it came out on Wii U. It's an okay platformer, but what the fuck?

You're a fucking retard, the UK sales usually indicates how the rest of Europe will go.

>"#RIDETHEBULL" I'm going to publicly post on Twitter my desire to fuck anthropomorphic bovines and force it in the game
>Straight romances with women that aren't potato faces/romances with dwarves? "Disgusting"
No, fuck gay hypocrites

user, modern gaming is passable when done right. the problem is that developers / publishers are more interested in how to monetize a game than how to develop a good game now that the industry has gone into DLC / GaaS / online-only hell

>4 hours
Congrats, you have experienced all unique content in the game.

How do you explain RE2make?
Games like PREY? Dishonored 2?

Once this hits £25 I might get it for a giggle.

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Yeah one is destroying a two thousand year old pagan artefact and the other is dismantling a 70 year old statue. What's the issue here?

Get it secondhand so you don't give EA money

Eurobro Sonychads dabbed on all the switchlets of the world.

Physical sales are ~85% of game sales in the UK where the numbers are from, retard.

>apex has more views than pubg and fortnight combined
>But Yea Forums said it was dead!

It's just one/some contrarian posters that despise popular things and cherrypicks a moment to screencap lower viewers.
Something I learned over my years in this shithole is that Yea Forums has a lot of assholes

Buying on Amazon counts as physical dumbass

>Release on 2/22 for 60$
>marked down on 2/25 35$
>a drop of 19% every day
>by the end of the week, it might be 5$

>Forza Horizon 4 on place 6
>no sight of Spidershit or God of Snoy

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We only celebrate when it's a "bad" company or a half-assed effort. For example I remember Divinity: Original Sin 2 didn't sell well and nobody here celebrated since the game was apparently good and didnt have any "bullshit" (microtransactions, lack of content, etc...)

Here's another example:

Tits in video games.

Japan: "Tits are awesome, they make the game experience better." OR "Tits won't make this game better."
The West: "People love tits. Put tits in the game and it will sell to people who love tits" OR "Tits trigger people; remove the tits and we'll sell the game."

Japan sees tits as enhancing the game itself because they understand that gamers may or may not like tits. The West sees tits as a marketing tool. Granted, marketing is important, which is why the West is successful, it seeks out marketplaces and carves out new customer bases where there were none. However, the downside to the Western perspective is that in this case, sometimes they forget they're making a fucking video game.

In the West, a businessman can go from selling oatmeal to newspapers to video games and know fucking NOTHING about any of those things. In Japan, if some businessman wants to go from selling fish to video games, he's going to fucking sit down and maybe ask his employees how this shit works. I've dealt with the Japanese, they won't fucking trust subordinates with anything; they will come down to the fucking ground floor and see how the sausage is being made just to hear it straight from the grunt's mouth.

This SJW shit, I'm willing to bet in Japanese boardrooms they're asking, "wait, how the fuck is this going to help us sell fucking anything?" whereas in Western boardrooms they're just making fucking calculations as to how we can make sure not a single nickle rolls out the door by aligning ourselves with these social movements that have no fucking bearing on what we're selling. It doesn't matter if we're selling soda or video games, how the fuck do we get these customers on board - and if they were competent they would realize, "wait, these fuckers can't even be convinced to play video games".

He looks alot like Casey Hudson.

the game is bad no matter what
people are celebrating that a bad game failed commercially

Yea Forums doesnt want bad games
Yea Forums wants bad games to fail

Post yfw when you dont buy Bioware games and you see everyone who did complaining that they suck

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D:OS2 sold well above expectations because Larian didn't set a fucking retarded target like 20 million copies like I'm sure EA set for Anthem.

But you're right, if D:OS2 didn't sell well even by Larian's estimates we still would have not felt great about it because it is indeed a solid game. And it hypothetically not selling well would just mean that nobody seems to want to play CRPGs, which would be sad in itself so thank god that's not the case.

This, same with Blizzard. People wonder why the current state of the game sucks and that's simply because all the talent left. Pretty sure no one that worked on the original WoW is still there

>i-it'll be better this time!
>th-they learned their lessons!
>bioware games are always great!
>i-i don't buy games for the gameplay!

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i have a casualdrone friend who is actually mad that people aren't buying anthem and supporting ea

shieet dawg ruby tuesdays

My man

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I might be confusing it with another (similar) game... I don't play those types of games desu

>phone poster
>defending ea

Because some of the larger gaming news sites like the Eurogamer are UK based, so they get those sales figures rather easily, and there isn't language barrier like France or Germany. Also UK is still a big game market in Europe and the numbers in there usually reflect what rest of the Europe are buying aswell.

That would be the Pillars of the Eternity 2, the first PoE sold decently well but the 2nd game pretty much tanked.

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Because even if it turned out realistically good, it wouldn't have been the game i wanted. Sure it could have been perfect for me but without me sitting at the table saying what goes and what doesn't that can't ever happen. Seeing it crash and burn, like andromeda before and many others like it, gives me more enjoyment than playing this game ever could.


You say this but the Japanese were the originators of the gacha system, the most vile money making mechanic in all of gaming.

because it's part of a long trend of casualization and laziness that is finally collapsing and signifying hope
even if nothing replaces it, i won't miss it

ahh Apex Legends, Titanfall's revenge.

But Pillars 2 wasn't really good though.

Attached: pillars 2 disappointment.png (1476x954, 336K)

Reminder it's doing so badly that it's free with the $15 origin sub service
anyway I decided to try it out and I gotta say, YIKES it's garbage
>ui is trash
>optimized like garbage
>gunplay is boring as fuck
>abilities have no fucking impact
YOU CAN'T EVEN FLY FOR A LONG TIME it's sluggish and you overheat really fast so you have to land and get back up a second later. It adds no depth to the system, it's such a drag

on top of that
>almost no customization options
>the few that are available look like trash
it's just a disappointment, literally the laziest I've ever seen, on top of that the story is also garbage (surprise surprise from sjw-ware)
I would say the game has potential, but we all know that's a lie, if this game were in beta and not released I'd be hopeful, but now that it's out, my god is it doomed. I hope bioware go out of business, what a fucking disaster

haha where did you find this one?
I really, really, really like this picture

>Muh sjws! The game will be awesome
>’bioware game’ has ‘x’. Yea Forums btfo

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>invites Sarkeesian for conference
>follow her advices
>your game are beyond shit now
>bankrupt soon

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Because they're only obligated to keep a service live if there are enough people to notice their effort.

RDR2 is based you retard. Hitler would have love it. Go play your anime hentai games incel.

>game known for story games makes a game
>don't know anything about the story prior to launch
>still don't know anything about the story even after the launch
>it flops

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Doesn't EA expects to sell 7 million by end of march?

who the fuck cares

2 weeks ago they said: "6 millions by the end of the quarter". So yes, the expect 6M within the 31st of March, total of 6 weeks


>consumer demand will determine the market
bs, marketing, licensing & platforms have infinitely more power than consumers

they are wannabe americans and casual as fuck. only buy garbage american stuff or utterly casual trash that americans buy

youre a nigger
its top but thats because NOTHING is selling

>sold more than a shitty spinoff and a ton of games that have already been out
Still a flop

I feel a lot joy everytime progressives suffer.

>buying games digitally

>heavily marketed game just released in a week where no other game released

If it didn't to the charts it would be pathetic. Still doesn't change the fact that it sold last than Andromeda and Fallout 76.

Competitive , alive games generally have multiple big streamers pro from popular teams tho.

>want to play as a female
>armor is still the male model
I didn't expect boob plates but my god, how lazy can one dev be

It's the same everywhere outside JP.
All you end up doing is switching out handball to handegg

>people thought smash would flop
You sure are new.

Right until you said UK representated the EU market. UK is a gaming wasteland dominated by Fifa and shooter trash. Rest of europ goes from France whos about 50/50 nintendo sony, to germany and eastern europe who's much more PC based.

It was. You are welcome to be wrong tho, it's Yea Forums

they gave away battlefield 5 for free one week after launch if you already owned a previous battlefield game
and battlefiled used to be a huge franchise before 5. this is however new.
this game is easily going to be sold for less then 20 dollars soon

PC is already the early access platform, what the fuck are you talking about?

do these ads really sell the game at all? I'm sure most who walk by it don't even play vidya or even care

bioware has told people again and again that they don´t want none sjw to play their game, that the future is female and none white.
so they really shouldn´t wonder that those who used to be their biggest fans during the kotar and mass effect days have long left them

I don't think you know what new IP means.

all the marketing for those games featured women or minorities
it clearly wasn´t meant to be played by me in the first place
so no harm in watching it fail

It's actually fucking horrible. EA will demolish bioware

And it's so much better for it.

Not really
The main thing they realize is that big budgets doesnt lead to big sales, neccesarily.
American AAA companies don't actually want to know that much about games themselves, so they treat it like a gamble where if they pump more money into it, they can market it more and reduce risk.
Japanese companies at least acknowledge how little they know about games and leave the decision making to insiders

>say somethinig
>get banned and see all your games taken away from you

GEEZ, why nobody is playing this game I wonder?

Way too stressful to play, with no option for casuals.

Steam greenlight I feel like is a solid example of how it's actually worse. Or Maybe rust, dayz, h1z1, 7 days to die, fortnite, I think pubg might be out of early access, and all the other games that came out 5 years ago but are still "in early access being currently developed and changed".

are you new to Yea Forums or what?

Thats why France and germany have a much darker population with more IR babies

This is pretty fucking bad considering Anthem is from Bioware, one of the most well known developers in the world.

so... Warframe?

How do you fuck up a game you walk around and fly in ironman suits?

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>not hating stuff by default
Bitch why are you here?

What are the chances Bioware gets to release another game?

Yeah but those games would never exist without early access. And you can always buy a game years after it first comes out to make sure you're getting your money's worth.

Also, early access games are cheaper. A AAA game that costs twice as much doesn't feel twice as fun these days.

I'll just wait until it's f2p

Its well within EA's TOS to deny service, for any reason. And it will not be the first EA game to completely shut down due to the online-only live service being canned.
Commitments and promises are just words, there's nothing binding Bioware nor EA to fufil them.

>Half of the trashpile that was Andromeda

I look forward to picking this up after the price cuts or better yet them relaunching it as free to play and giving out a ton of coins.

UK and France are getting reverse colonized. Germans are suicidal on their own.

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This is literally Warframe. Is this some advanced shill technique?

Ask to Sarkeesian

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How embarrassing lol

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bioware be like

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They already are working on DA4: wakanda forever.
But who knows, maybe Wilson will finally get sick of their shit. Of all of EA's subsidaries, DICE, Respawn, Studio33 to name a few, Bioware is the only one to be consistently underperforming.

no it failed and was shit stay mad

forgot pic

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How much do you think they scrapped just because of her?

I dont think people care about them anymore even if they are known.

Yep Paris is practically an African enclave. Germany will never recover and UK hs hit the iceberg

>FFXV STILL managed to be profitable for them.
yeah it was so profitable that they fired Tabata and canned all the planned DLCs.

terrible considering what EA considers a successful game

You think Brexit will help fix anything?
I'm not a bong, so I know very little about Brexit and its ramifications

All the good characters probably. I know Hudson is a massive Battletech fan and has BatteTechnology monthlies in his office.

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>physical sales

Fucking what?

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No, it's
>celebrate when bad video games aren't successful, thus encouraging such games not to be made more
I doubt Yea Forums would be upset if Anthem turned out to be a masterpiece.

You're describing Warframe.

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The thing that isn't gonna happen or wont happen for at least another year even though it legally would happen in this coming march?
There's no simple tldr for this.

I remember an anonymous dev in the team who make this game, voicing his concern because Bioware-Sarkeesian association and gamers dont liking her (aka fear of a boycott). If i remember correctly it was around 2016.
So normies who works in the game industry are well aware sjws shit do more damage than anything.

Right from the announce it looked like the blandest shit you could think of. I'm surprised though that they weren't able to buy good sales with insane PR like usual.

>>people totally aren't moving to digital distribution shut up
Why would this be relevant? Anthem sales are half of ANDROMEDA sales. Andromeda didn't come out last gen. It just came out, digital was already popular when it came out.

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>Brexit will help
Non delusional response? No. To fix things in France & UK you need a civil war. Other European countries (Germans included if they reverse the trend) can probably do it politically speaking (like send all non locals away, for example in Italy they have made a law that exclude non Italians from welfare system, actually creating two types of citizens). Next decade will be very interesting.

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Britbong here. I doubt it. Our political parties are all useless and a lot of them want a second EU referendum like the SNP. Labour and the Conservatives are split in half politically over Brexit and Teresa May is useless. Immigration won't change much I don't think as pretty much all British parties are inclusive and Tax funded corporations like the BBC have a diversity quota and have multicultural propaganda in their shows, Doctor Who as a prime example. A lot of people joke about Britain being "Bongistan" but I think thats only true for London. For the UK as a whole it's more accurate to compare it to India, Thailand or China based on the various restaurants where I live in Scotland.

>Considering Anthem is a new IP and not the fourth installment in a massively popular RPG series that's not half bad.
But it is. Andromeda itself was a failure. Anthem has half its sales. It's an even bigger failure.