>Yea Forums will defend this
Yea Forums will defend this
Other urls found in this thread:
>RTS game
>Has non-RTS styled mission in the campaign
Developers need to stop doing this.
they did, they also stopped making rts's
I'd love a new RTS to come out, I wonder why devs are no longer interested in making them.
I recently played through WBCIII's protectors mod and there's just non stop missions that aren't RTS orientated. What a waste of talent.
desu non-RTS styled missions in W3 were my favorite.
Always hated that mod, it tried to balance the game but just made every race homogenized
RTS games are a waste of production years when they could have made something else. RTS games are seriously a dying genre mostly loved by old people.
At least it made warrior manageable. I honestly don't like how long it takes to do anything though, that's my only complaint so far.
>he defends like a cuck instead of going on the offensive
there harder missions in that game. the final undead one gave me some trouble.
"Survive for X" missions are annoying in RTSes because the higher chance for you to fail is near the end and you have to replay which makes the entire past half hour wasted.
There is a save function user
Symphony of Frost and Flame is harder.
save scumming is cheating
>I'd love a new RTS to come out
AoE 4
WC3 Remaster
No shit it's the final level of Frozen Throne Hearthglen is only hard if you go and destroy the enemy base
Nonetheless, the ability to save is there without the game calling you a cheater
why does he make towers attack each other?
I mean, yeah, I'll defend it because that's the objective, right?
I see it as a time saving mechanic.
Goddammit I bought Grey Goo.
What was I supposed to do fucking more? What did I do wrong?
RTS is a niche, i get it. But still, so are 4X, Grand Strategy and Building Simulations. Still, Paradox games are being developed continously and a new Anno is to be released in April. Why is there no niche for classic RTS? I know there is AoE4 to come, but we haven't seen that much by now.
5 minutes between saves is not savescumming
>tab out
>fap to jainas tits
AoE 4 is made by the same guys that made DoW 3. I wouldn't put much trust in it.
I've never had issues with these missions since towers are op to balance them being immobile. Bad even if they break through the sheer amount of stuff they have to destroy is massive. So that's like another 3 minutes
>Tabs out
>The game pauses
How was it? I watched a few matches and to be honest, it looked boring as fuck. The goo faction was kinda cool, but the gameplay was so stale, even commentators couldn't hype that shit up
200IQ strategy, you'll probably get it when you get out of harvard.
To lure all the enemies into a solid block of towers in the middle of his base
You were supposed to buy this game
Not in the current WC3.
Where did the white cloth on her tits come from
i dont know what killed jaina more, this or her being a raid boss
either pathing or just to flex APM
I usually break the contain and wipe out the enemy with missions like these. Then I just alt tab and watch newgrounds or some shit because second monitors weren't really popular back in the day.
Oh, I forgot this even existed. Is it worth playing?
They patched it so that it still plays in the background?
You can run it in fullscreen borderless.
>not cheesing the entire mission by rushing farm walls and spam musketeers\towers
save for every 10 minutes.
didn't dow 3 have all base building removed from it?
>Kill the dawn of war franchise
>Then go after age of empires
save scumming does not apply in this instance
Good old Hearthglen.
stop and play as intended
>Buy a MOBA
>to save RTS
That's some nice mental gymnastics there.
The story and campaign were pretty damn good.
As for MP, the most interesting faction is Goo but it's also the most annoying to win against because they can just keep running away forever, making matches drag way longer than they need to.
Not that I would know anyway.
I got my ass handed to me so quickly that I barely understood how it happened, I am just speaking about my experience spectating shit.
The developers made the save function that way on purpose, it's not a bug or glitch. Their literal intention was to have players save anytime they want.
I'm sure that DoW3 was acollosal accident, cooked up by overconfident managers and designers.
Look how they do not let a single squek about AoE4 untill now, and they will most likely keep it quiet to release this time.
it's that mission where you defend from hordes of undead, while also intercepting enemy convoy?
what's wrong with "hold your ground" mission?
>this guy and the entire thread in fact
King's Honor, friend.
This but also fap to jaina's ass and feet
meta jokes are unfunny, and frankly threads are more fun without them. Sorry.
cheaters often call cheating a time saving mechanic. just watch someone else play on youtube if you can't beat it honestly. it's the same experience as winning via save-scumming.
I was stuck on this mission as a kid.
you're unfunny, and frankly threads are more fun without you. Sorry
>WC3 Remaster
Ah yes, the biggest, baddest monkey paw wish to ever come to fruition
You can already smell the garbage fire now, just imagine how bad it'll be then
Bloody Hell
They need to do it more often, or a new genre needs to pop up. I loved the Rexxar campaign in TFT, the swarm queen mission in SC2 HOTS campaign was also great, so was the pseudo-MOBA map during the Blood Elf campaign.
They either go diablo or dota with non-rts missions in rts. Anything else is bullshit or has been done by custom wc3 maps.
I miss the mindless fun that were joke voice lines in the game
it was meta humor done right and I hate that people nowadays can't even match how subtle they were
RTS is a terribly difficult game to design, because you need to appeal to the obsessive competitive crowd or nobody will give a shit. And the obessive competitive crowd already have their (dying) games.
Simcity-with-guns shitters aren't enough to sell your game.
>raid boss
Seriously? For real? I haven't played WoW ever since they changed Alterac Valley to have a battlefield style ticket system.
>a scap of a cloth on tits kills the character
Perma Yea Forumsirgins need to fuck off and get a grip
>or a new genre needs to pop up
Yeah it's called an RPG
>I wonder why devs are no longer interested in making them.
because nobody buys them
If you want to play "RTS-only" mode, play against bots you fucking shitter. Having different objectives each map keeps the game fresh and fun.
In some particular cases, it is correct for cheating as a time saving mechanic especially if it's in regard to like trying to farm some rare ass shit item from a regular enemy drop. (e.g Pure Bladestones from Black Skeletons in Demon Souls.)
Problem is most cheaters use it as a crutch to fill in for lack of skill or ability to overcome obstacles and challenges and like to justify it to themselves they're doing nothing wrong.
>Used resources and added this for no real reason
Grab your sword, and fight the horde!
Humm I think that's racist sweetie. Horde lives matter!
I absolutely love this mission.
Twilight of the Gods is objectively the best map in the game. Prove me wrong.
LOTR Battle for middle earth 2 series (expansion included) is the best rts of all time.
ignore that user, the angry milf jaina fight is actually bretty gud
RTS suck
>hard to make content for
>require a lot of micro to get off the floor
>doesnt encourage creativity
RTS isnt a strategy genre its more like trying to simulate each soldier in a battle. Except without the psychological aspect or the propper scale of a real wars resources. Or the need to win better and protect your country or we.
Well, yeah, that's the mission objective. Defend your base until Uther gets back.