What went wrong

What went wrong

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it's just a fucking chat client
if something went wrong it's because you're retarded and joined a server full of brain damaged dipshits, leave it and find better people to hang out with
are you all really this fucking stupid


With the program? Data gathering and the Chinese, along with worthless bloat like the store.
With the userbase? Nothing. It's to be expected that any chat client that gets big will end up like that.

altright losers started using it as a platform to organize attacks, then started accusing everyone else of the same

Devs openly support furry CP and only "took action" when the heat grew too much

If you use it for anything other than talking with your friends, you have only yourself to blame.


it was one dev and they fired him and he hid/deleted all his social media afterwards

You, for joining stupid discord servers and not using it with just friends like a boss


>What went wrong

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The service is good
Just like Facebook, Instagram and all those other cancer social media sites

Alone they’re pretty damn good it’s the Retarded users that give the site a bad name.
Love the service hate the retard

Openly spyware.

>and they fired him
nooooo they didn't that furry fuck is STILL working there he's just been muzzled like the dog he wishes he was

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And who cares
Only SJWs rail to get people banned over dumb things like shitty drawings, are you a SJW?

Yet nothing FOSS does what it does as well as it does it. Before you mention something like Mumble, keep in mind the freedom that FOSS developers almost always overlook: free time.

the worst server I joined were Yea Forums - /vg/ related

Too many sodomites but my friend sent me his feminine dick and ass through Discord so it's a 10/10 app


no good trap porn servers


I can tell you exactly went wrong, memes. instead of having a actual conversation most people like to send photos after everytime they talk, so conversations evolve into people just spamming memes

b-b-b-but how can i justify my anger at life in general if i dont scapegoat trannies?

>allows you to send pictures
so you shouldnt be allowed to send pictures? It's the retard who set up the server who allows that.


you mean like on Yea Forums?

I love discord

>his server doesn't have a separate channel specifically for memes and stupid pictures
sounds like you're hanging out with retards

this is the only answer. anything else is bait or experiences from degenerates getting caught up in degenerate servers

>like the dog he wishes he was

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>no friends to chat with
>too scared of fucking up and making myself look like a dumbass to make new friends
i'm sad

what went so fucking right?

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>i-if you get SJWs fired from SJW companies you're just as bad as the SJWs!
>a-are you a SJW?!?
I am now

You're on the right track.
Its less memes and image posting in general and more the acceptance of modern shitposting. Instead of light-hearted jokes or referential humour, its just shittalk, bAnTz or (ebin political opinion with the punchline being NIGGERS/JEWS) and people don't crack down on it hard enough.
Dedicating a shitposting channel to contain those kinds of faggots just encourages their behaviour in the end because it's just shitposting bro.

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furries and faggots literally invading every channel one way or another

it could a server about fly fishing and you eventually get he "ooof" faggot walz in

Aside from Discord Store being dead on arrival, nothing.
It's a fine chat service all things considered.

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The problem is seeking validation in your hobby from other people. Just play and enjoy games, you worthless piles of garbage.

It was built with the idea to use normal servers to hide actual illegal servers. And then fags not in the know started using it for its actual purpose and attracted unwanted attention. Expect some new group chat meme app where this will happen again.

No I geuinely believe the mentally ill should be put down instead of paraded about. It's more humane then stitching these people together and acting like everything is normal.

First 3 posts best posts

>you eventually get he "ooof" faggot walz in
No kidding, oofposters are everywhere.

The only correct answer.


Echo chambers. Just like Yea Forums

This. Most of Yea Forums are friendless so the only experience they have with it is from shit they read on Yea Forums of psychotic people using the client to talk. Might as well hate on literally every other form of communication because it allows insane people to talk to each other too.

This. I use it to talk to friends. Not part of a single server. For that purpose, it's the most convenient thing around.

They won't know who you are, you lose nothing by trying.

>CP was a-okay as long as it's furry themed according to the majority-furry staff, one of which having "younger" and "underage" listed as interests on a kink site
>You're a SJW if you think this is an issue

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IQ levels are drastically decreasing everywhere

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>It was built with the idea to use normal servers to hide actual illegal servers
Wait, what?


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>No I geuinely believe the mentally ill should be put down
you do realize that sociopathy is a mental illness and you would be put down too right?

fag here
even gay related discords have been ruined by trannies and furries

It's the same problem as anywhere where you have people having names. Cliques, faggots and attention whoring.

irc for faggots.

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because you joined a server centered around sexuality instead of a server of mutual friends
you absolute fucking idiot


It can't be sociopathy against non humans

>t. seething faggot that sits in a corner sulking and is mad nobody talks to him because he might as well be invisible, but is too cowardly to approach people and have fun out of fear of being judged
Your kind is so tiresome, it's unbelievable.

just because i am gay does not mean i wanna split my dick and turn it inside out nor do i want to see animal porn

you seem too stupid to understand basic communication and things like inference so i will retard it down for you

you willingly joined a server where the common interest was being gay as opposed to a server of people who you knew you already would get along with, you not only asked for every micron of bullshit you're exposed to as a result, you bent the fuck over and invited it in

did you just take your hormones or are you always this pissy? no one wants to hear your bullshit if the server is about X dont post about Y

at this point i think you're actually part of the problem there

thats the thing with you trannies you always think its the other people

gays dont realize that they are the reasons why trannies exist

"Gays" don't exist

absolutely redpilled
I salute anons

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>suddenly thread goes silent
>all trannies are on dilation break

do you need both hands to hold it in?

This, just use it like you used skype.

everything that needed to be said was already said if you knew how to read

Fuck off back to shitholes like reddit if you just want hollow small talk and ass pats under pain of being kicked for making anyone pissed about whatever retarded shit they get a hair up their ass for.

why bother answering if you are so sure he cant read?

Well user, if you never try you're never going to get anywhere. You have two things in your favor here, they have no idea who you are and you can just make a new account if you do ever fuck up. Give it a try user, the only thing you have to lose is time!

>if something went wrong it's because you're retarded and joined a server full of brain damaged dipshits,
thats bullshit and you know it. every discord is filled with faggots spamming memes no matter what server you join. they all have their problems.


>shitty disney drawings
you just know this poster is more of an angry pedo than an actual moralist

there's a chance he can and he's just dumb as shit and forgot to

>as opposed to a server of people who you knew you already would get along with
How the fuck are you supposed to meet new people and communities. Most people live all over the world in these places.

Did you pop a stitch?

Meanwhile Discord openly hands your info over to the SPLC

God I fucking hate fags

Your problem for joining public servers people advertise on shitholes like Yea Forums

It's a chat client. Use it as such to talk with people you know, and it will be no different than Skype or MSN or whatever the fuck you used to chat before it.

>talk with people you know
Steam is for people you know

Yes, but you have zero suggestions for anything that can actually replace Discord. You might think you do, but I can assure you that you don't.

are you so fucking hopeless you're actually asking me how to make friends as part of this debate
how do you remember to breathe

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it's shit for VoIP
it's okay for everything else

>one of which having "younger" and "underage" listed as interests on a kink site
Absolutely based.

Amazing. Here's a question though. What the fuck are you supposed to do when you local friends don't share some of your interests. Say you love model boat building but nobody you know IRL is interested in models in general much less boats. What are you going to do then faggot? You'd have to join a forum or reddit, or some other social thing like discord. And guess what? Same problem.

You're still blaming the tool instead of the community

I love Suigintou!

bad news user you might be autistic

So much for the biologically educated right

Nobody plays videogames on it.


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I'm amazed at how alt-pedoes push so hard to normalize a rationale that anyone who even the slightest don't like cp or pedoes must be one themselves, and then the alt-pedoes champion removal of cp as an censorship issue and "No harm done because it already happened" logic
These insane people try to make everyone out as a pedo in a desperate attempt to normalize it so they themselves don't get shunned.

If lolicon isn't CP, then furry porno is not either. Fuck off.

Dehumanizing people is the lowest common denominator when it comes to justifying oneself. It's a strat as old as man himself and still the go-to justification among the less intelligent.

>website where people go out of their way to be disagreeable no matter how absurd
>echo chamber

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Funny how Yea Forums suddenly unanimously agrees that drawings are CP, but only when they are furry.


It's really amazing because I've seen posts exactly like yours with lolicon tied to it hundreds of times.
Good job, actual pedo.

Resetera fags go there to die when they catch the fullblown trannyhomo

Drawings are not real children.

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t. not real pedo

You are correct, I do not molest children or watch child porn.

And they call you a trannie, shill, sjw, commie, nazi, stormtard without trying to argue for themselves. Literal silencing opposing opinions because how dare they come here and not fit with the hive (which is exactly thinking just the same as me!)

>proceed to LITERALLY prove him right
If you had any self awareness you'd delete your post and carefully rewrite it. But you don't since you're just a subhuman.

Cry more faggot you are still allowed to voice your tranny faggot opinion without being censored

there's no hive here nigger, everyone is arguing with everyone. trannies are universally hated though and that's a completely different thing, and its justified.

Sure thing lad, just like discussing anything Chinese doesn't get spammed to death by obsessed angoblin aussies

>I dont understand what "echo chamber" means

>wants chinks to take hold on the site

Now that would be an actual echo chamber

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Maybe stop even trying if getting along with other people is so difficult to you. By the way you will face these same problems IRL too.

t. normie

Whether or not you have the Judicial or legislative "ok" you are still pedo filth if you get off to prepubescent bodies. Nothing changes that. Nothing.

Lmao, literally not a drop of self awareness. Keep being a stereotype user

>d-d-discord is trying to sell my data
>*posts on a website where the admin is literally known for selling data and now trying to shove malicious ads up everyone's ass*

It started wrong


What does 8ch have to do with any of this?

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I hate that a lot of forums jumped on discord. It's a chat client, not a forum. Information is disorganized and eventually has to be ported to Google docs which and is poorly maintained.

t. pedo who thinks he's smart
wow if only you didn't use pedo arguments while screaming about how you'd get called a pedo for it

I will not under any circumstance chinese bugmen indistinguishable from spambots packing into this website.

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anyone need a sissy?

That's all there is to know to avoid it

No, there is a definite hivemind. Any board that bashes Japan too much gets raided and then heavily modded

Whatever you say alt-pedo. Gonna make some more fake rumours about Tom Hanks being a pedo too?

nice try proving me right by assuming everyone is just like you, pedo

Kek, this fucking English. The ESL thinks he's more human than the other animals.
Don't worry, soon the Anglo domination will be complete, and the nooses won't discriminate you from chinks.

post any example whatsoever

>still the go-to justification among the less intelligent.
You mean the discord users?

If you actively go joining big servers then yes you are going to encounter a lot of garbage. If you make a server just for you and your friends and solely use it for that, it works well. Used to use Skype before so for us it's a big improvement.

There's no hivemind on Yea Forums. Only the loudest ones.

>I defend pedophilia but it's YOU who are the pedo!
Imagine being THIS clueless. How do you even remember to breathe?

Yea Forums


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It's a platform for pedos for sure.

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look at this seething pedocuck lmao
enjoy being mentally a child like you

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oh shit I remember this dude he's some Yea Forums fag who streams on twitch a bit

Just what i wanted to say

fucking Yea Forums ruins everything

Trannies ruin everything, they're worse than women

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>ESL tries for a stinger
>butcher it completely due his ape-like intelligence once again betrayed him
Every time.

neorussia used a trip on Yea Forums and a mod banned him for posting 3dpd cp too

>meme reactions after every single line

i can already tell without reading a single bit of text that this server is a lost cause

>outing yourself as a shitposter with rehashed insults commonly used by kids
Mad as hell pedocuck

Figures. And pedoes claim loli/shota isn't a gateway into pedophilia, or even relatable to cp in any way

I think no one else except for those three could post in that chatroom, so why wouldn't there be reactions?

That's great news user!

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Stakes with Tencent therefore ties to Chinese Gubberment. Also mods have a strong bias towards furfags/zoophiles.

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I bet you're quite knowledgeable about what kids use as insults these days pedolord


But there are two furry mods

Of course, you're showing me right now.

that makes it even worse since this is supposed to be moderation staff and channel admin

that you know of

So you're not even denying having an interest in what kids write. Must be all those chatroom fishing trips of yours

And you're not even denying being underaged scum while calling everyone else pedos, you must be quite proud.

haha yeah bro there isn’t a conspiracy at all

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weebs need to be gassed already

Nothing was lost.

dumping more discord tranny proof

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