Just one more month until Bloodlines 2 is announced

Just one more month until Bloodlines 2 is announced.

Attached: tendermemo-noscale.jpg (745x697, 423K)

I'm keeping my expectations extremely low, vanilla Bloodlines was already a total disaster.


forgot pic


Attached: vtmb2.png (744x813, 667K)

Could be a remake considering they showed the santa monica pier.

I hope not, I want new characters and storylines.

It could also take place in LA again with some previous areas reimagined

Im scared

Game Developers Conference takes place in San Francisco, March 18-22.
The mock memo says the announcement will be in San Francisco on March 21st.

Attached: gdc.jpg (1294x492, 76K)

They already said look forward to GDC


Attached: Paradox-Tender-ARG-Video.jpg (738x369, 25K)

I’d prefer a good sequel, but a well-done remake would acceptable because the original game was unfinished and had lots of bugs. From what I remember there was supposed to be a second Hollywood area, there were a lot of cut tracks and weapons and shit, the ending was clearly rushed, etc. And there were lots of bugs too.

it looks like pier from original
maybe it will be a remake?

If they remake the original and add something that thematically fits (like a transsexual prostitute or a gay nosferatu or whatever), but can be considered SJW, the game is going to get trashed on Yea Forums and you will never have the old sense of community about it.

Attached: fes.jpg (656x393, 47K)

they will fuck it up
they can't not fuck it up

Don't be one of those shitters, praying for and celebrating failure.

I don't get it

Tender is Tinder for vampires, and the CEO of Tender is writing to the CTO of Tender about an event on the 21st of March (which is GDC), that they will make the biggest announcement in the history of the company.

Why would they announce Bloodborne/any videogames at a game dev conference?

are you dumb?

For contrast, Google is also going to announce a gaming service there.


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Vampires are so pàsse

And you are so pussy

wtf is tender

ur boipucci

datingsite in the rpg.

>Tender is Tinder for vampires

There is no way in hell they could make an acceptable sequel to Bloodlines in the current climate. Virtually everything that gave the first game charm and color would be considered [[[[problematic]]]]] now, it would be a neutered husk of its former glory

What, the stuff about fetuses? I don't think the current problematic climate really gives a shit. Now if the game were about removing penises...

>paradox made
look forward to the game being 60 dollars whilst being 3hours long

>Get ready for vtm:BATTLE ROYALE

The Witcher 3, a AAA media darling, had the "botchling", a monster created after an abortion, out of the fetus. Your martyr complex is speaking instead of your common sense here.

no the white males and stereotypes character

The last 2 digits of my reply will be the metacritic score

Posts like this one remind me of that one caricature with the rabbi drawing antisemitic graffiti. Nobody cares but crazies and you, with you amplifying their signal to the point where you feel justified to act oppressed.

Paradox posted a teaser on there twitter and it got only 140 heart things idk what that means but iv seen teasers with alot more damn barely anyone knows about vtmb

I mean the stuff like being able to keep a literal sex slave in your apartment, using prostitutes as easy sources of blood, the scantily clad sexy vampires, the sleazy locations like strip joints and porno stores etc etc

>Bloodlines 2

oh my god I've been reading Bloodlines as Bloodborne for this entire thread fucking ignore me please

Bruh what if it's isometric....i swear to god

Guys, here me out.

Changeling: the Lost game, playing as someone who just recent;y escaped the Hedge and now has to deal with Court politics while also dealing with general Fae problems and evading the occasional Huntsman. Choice of Kith or Seeming with gameplay and dialogue impace between Unaligned, Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter Court.

What if its a mobile game like the recent Alien game?

Guy, hear me out.
What if its a timegated management game where you manage property prices and trade and shit in a city, but its vampire themed? And you can pay $1.99 to get extra action points?

Attached: alien-blackout.png (1000x563, 792K)

>view into the ocean clearly shows a city skyline on the other side
That is not the Santa Monica pier. The idiots behind the ARG might intend it to be, but that's not Santa Monica.

Assassins creed bloodlines 2? Cool that game is underrated