Was Japan always better than the west? Or is it a recent phenomenon?
Was Japan always better than the west? Or is it a recent phenomenon?
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RE2 is a 7 at best, KH3 is a 5. Never played nor have I heard about that third game
shut up weeb faggot
>flight simulator
Literally who cares
seething biokek
What can top RE2 this year?
>flight simulator
lol retard
They don't have as many leftists as we do.
Leftards are ruining the western world and this can be seen on several mediums, from games to tv.
Left: Soul
Right: Soulless
Jordan can top me if you catch my drift
Man I really did like all the games on the left a lot. They were all so great and so different from each other so they offered each a different fantastic experience.
DMC Yea Forums
I agree and still think this thread should not have been made you gatekeeping faggot sage.
always were, they are good at coming up with new ideas while the west is better at milking trends ad nauseam, when the trend dies, Japanese games get more attention by default
It’s current a 79 with a 7.0 user score lmao
The West has itself so far up it's own ass trying to out-SJW one another they forgot how to make a fun game. I stopped buying Western games last year and can say it's been the best gaming decision I've ever made.
Post Jump Force
Also Sekiro and DMCV are sure to get 85 at least. Japan fucking won 2019 already
Does the west even have anything coming this year? Days Gone? lol
Both are wrong. It's currently at an 84
80 on Xbone
Viva Pinata 3
Nice try faggot. edge just gave it a 6 so it's meant to go down even more lmao
I can't think of any upcoming western games for this year that actually look good.
Does Dying Light 2 release this year?
Hell, does Poland even count as western?
Always. The west was just smug last gen just because they could pump too much money into AAA productions
It was all about graphics but could fool customers with graphics and ads
The business model flopped, cant fool customers with it anymore, and they have no clue now.
Nobody talks about this but even Take two doent make a big profit now compared to Japanese AA company. not AAA, just AA like Bamco. Just compare the recent financial results of Japanese AA devs to of Take two. Heres pasta from 5chs geha.
Dreams is gonna be good, and should be out this year, but it's a niche game
I can already tell that Dreams is going to be extremely disappointing based on what I've seen of the gameplay, but fanboys will pretend that it's amazing and revolutionary.
>An 89
Yeah, the difference is that games like anthem or far cry would have gotten 8 and 9 five years ago.
go back
Man I’m just tired of shooters. The west just isn’t creative anymore.
Off you go
Why are they allowed to call Canada and UK “the west”.
Might as well be the Middle East
There was a time long ago when the West made good games also. Now they care more about money than making good games. They're now corporations making games to make profit instead of people making games.
Don't forget that DMC 5 is coming out too, to break any hope for these western gamekeks.
You'll probably be disappointed if you expect AAA quality/scope from dreams levels. I had a lot of fun with the beta creating shit, tools are much easier to use than any other 3D modelling program despite controller UI, and people came up with some interesting stuff already
Stopped reading there.
>DMC5 and Sekiro coming out back to back
There's no way any western dev can feel superior after this year. Japan is walking all over them.
>still playing western games in 2019
don't tell me any breathing being does this unironically
I wouldn't act all superior playing Nintendo games if I was you.
I mean in terms of polish and visuals. I've seen retards expecting to remake Skyrim or BotW in Dreams, not knowing the limitations. You can do a lot but there are still big limits
The West is a lot better in the past. No it's just money and political agenda.
lol tourist is mad
Your point?
a lot better than itself now? sure
than japan? nah
Remember when western games had SOUL? What the fuck happened?
The point is that it'll at most be a neat little tool to fucj around with, but just like games like LBP and SMM, most of the creations will be boring shit or one-and-done memes.
I'm expecting little to nothing out of that game because it's less a game and more a platform for mediocre meme games.
Not all Japanese stuff is good, nor is all Western bad
not always better. they just do their thing, try to give people some fun and dont take it that seriously
One of the things that helps them is less staff turnover so what they create carries the same tone for years
Wow, thanks Sherlock, I never realized that.
Fuck outta here.
Japan and Western gaming used to be on equal measure back then I meant.
yes, it's true that most creations in any UGC game will be pure crap, but the good and creative stuff is worth the purchase for me. I love seeing what everyone can come up with and enjoyed LBP and SMM for that reason
Yeah just most of it is bad
Pathetic cope.
No. The west has become obsessed with trying only to make games that can include grind and microtransactions.
Japan has too, for that matter, but only on mobile and not in AAA games.
They were always better but since the industry is absolutely shit in these days the difference has become less pronounced
Japan puts all of their trash on mobile phones where it belongs.
Everything that the left hand touches it turns it into shit
Try not to see things so politically, it makes you look like tin hat foil nutjobs
F2P mobile games have fucked up the gaming market as a whole. Developers see some cheap shit making billions of dollars and wonder to themselves "Why bother investing the time, money and risk required to make a good game that sells for a flat price of $60 when we could throw out something for a fraction of the effort with preorder bonuses, DLC and microtransactions that make just as much return?"
The only way you get good games from the west nowadays is if they are actually passionate about the game they're making. Which is why almost all of them are indie games.
>leftists flat out say everything is political and then proceed to turn everything they touch into overt advertisements for their political views
>but we're tinfoil nutters for noticing it
Weak damage control.
Japan has, for the most part, kept its focus on making quality games. I actually think they've slipped lately too, but the West's focus on gaming as a social phenomenon is tearing it down
Japs always were better, they care about the quality of their games where the west only thinks abou monetization and marketability, the actual game becomes an after thought.
Of course every company wants money but japs usually care more about the actual product where the west couldn't care less.
But leftists are the ones trying to bring their shitty politics and agendas into games
Thank goodness, non-Shitendo map companies make games
>hardly any news about sakuna
They sure are taking their sweet time. I hope it turns out good.
Back in the day there was no competition since Japan dominated the videogame industry until the 6th gen,the only way the west can even compete with Japan in these days is by releasing way more games and having much bigger marketing budgets.
They're as greedy and consumer unfriendly as most western AAA publishers but their cultists will never stop sucking that jap dick
Always was, the west just had good IPs during PS1 era but flunked. Japan was always ahead
The genres west is/was good at died around 6th gen
Just like the west, Japan also pruces crap sometime, you just dont haer about it because either obscure shit or it even made its debut in the west
Nice cherrypick you weeb
>as greddy
No user, it took them way longer to even implement DLC when the west not only invented it but was already abusin their costumers with it to fucking hell. The west literally invented lootboxes as well where in japan gacha games are a completely different genre.
Sure they all want money, but the west first looks at current trends and politics before shittin out a cash grab lootbox filled cancer around them, were Japs think about their games first and them cater to western shitty demands.
Most of the Japs greed is relegated to the mobile market, and only retards give a fuck about mobile trash.
Hell, Jap devs will milk mobilefags and use that money to make actual fucking console games, just look at Granblue.
Meanwhile, western devs just import that mobileshit to their console/PC games.
I'd say there were 2 periods when west stood tall and it was from '95-'00 and from '05-'10. if xbone2 delivers it might happen again.
Japanese games barely innovate. They just stick to the same tested ideas.
Western innovation
>paid online
>episodic releases
The west is pathetic whenever they get a big budget.
Only amerimutts will say Japan is worst or as bad at making games, anyone else can see they are miles ahead in terms of quality, the west is just better at robbin dumb people blind.
those are the biggest paid releases of the year so far. you could argue they should include apex legends, but that's really the only noteworthy western release missing.
can't stop the progress son
>Voxel games
>Survival games
>Open world RPGs
>Battle Royale
>no mention of 01-04
dude what, take a brief look at what we had in 2004 for example, more than half of the good games are western made
KH3's score is inflated, I say that as a long time fan. At absolute best it deserves 70. Anthem was going to be shit from day one so I actually don't count it period.
The other scores are accurate though. And no Japan isn't always better as the West did very well last year.
>Open world RPGs
What a retard, you don't honestly believe what you're typin. Everything else is cancer, you might as well have said "games as an experience".
Meanwhile Nintendo is always pushing the medium with hardware innovation.
there were some good shit yes, but not as much or as groundbreaking like in late 90s. I think ps2 and japan heavily dominated with ps2 gen, hell even gamecube produced masterpieces like re4.
What will westacucks do when their most notable game this year turns out to be Apex Legends?
>RE2 7 at best
Jesus you have some serious shit taste.
spend thousands of dollars in Apex bux
Nintendo's hardware is nowhere that innovative. In fact, they have the safest hardware with some gimmicks on top. Sony and MS have both done more impressive hardware.
VR is pushing hardware innovation. Nintendo just makes some waggle shit.
they were always better. western media was just trying to promote triple A big budget garbage but people cant fall for that soulless shit anymore.
>Voxel games
So Minecraft and games copying Minecraft
>Survival games
So DayZ and games copying DayZ
>Open world RPGs
A genre that has barely advanced in terms of complex game systems since Ultima 7 and has actually started to regress?
>Battle Royale
An actual interesting genre plagued with trash derivatives and Tetris 99
The state of westacucks, better framerates and resolution is not innovation, those are upgrades. The Wii, WiiU and switch ARE innovations.
>VR is innovation
Spot the zoomer, it is basically capitalizing on old arcade games while using motion controls introduced in the Wii era.
Motion controls existed before Nintendo. And when Nintendo did it, it was a complete unresponsive failure. They made an entire console around the waggle and still the waggle sucked ass and was unresponsive.
Give me one example of motion controls that worked like the Wii did, I'll wait.
Never. Jap games just get a pass for bad writing, characters, VA, and gameplay because somehow Jap culture has become this mythical, infallible deity in the general conscience.
But my point was that the motion controls on Wii didn't even work. Can't you read? It was an embarrassing failure.
Japan 100% has always had better video games than the West this should be obvious. And better animation.
Pretty much, they seized the market in the right time.
Do you know what Mario is my guy?
Honestly with a few exceptions most of what Japan does these days are shovelware tier games. And Square fucks up almost everything that touches.
Capcom seems to be on its own track to redemption, and I'm glad because they were my fav developer in the 90s.
They started it all with the NES. Stuff before then was shit hence why we had the video game crash.
>french company
Japs have wrecked the west since the 80s.
progressivism =/= progress
wait a bit for them to burn out and the west will return
All Japan can do is consolefag tier of bullshit, anime faggotry, 3º person action bs, collect the floating stars, 1859917579182741928 points, 3m sword, retarded level os light effects on the screen and so on
the real games, FPS and RTS are all done in the west
>the real games, FPS
weeb, just kill yourself
Reminder that the most influential and medium-defining game of this decade is Japanese.
FPS is fucking garbage. TPS is objectively superior.
>muh camera vision
go back
Western shareholders/publishers are hyper aware of the profit potential that microtransactions have.
Theres contant pressure to make an online game with loot because that way you can make thousands of dollars from 1 individual.
When you design a game around exploitation of online features the final product cannot be as good as it would be otherwise.
Nippon was always busting out hits, they just woke up from a slump during the 7th generation.
>It’s current a 79 with a 7.0 user score lmao
nice to cherry pick the Xbone score and with the WRONG score:
Longtime kingdom farts fan. Its a solid 85.
Literally the only generation in which Japan didn't outright dominate every single year was the PS360 gen.
>That low
But why.
Kek, what a ignorant opinion.
Western AAA game companies are shortsighted and they are beholden to shortsighted investors who only want to.see bigger numbers every year, whereas jap corps have a more sustainable strategy.
KH3 is shit
Ada best girl
DMC5 is Game of the Year
Days Kino will BTFO this webtrash so hard it will be like when the Nuke dropped on Hiroshima again
The Japanese want to make games.
Westerners want to make money.
Japan was always the best. It’s the gamers that has matured to realize how important and good Yakuza games are, for instance.
If we are talking console gens, many will say that they preferred the Xbox 360 last gen, but if you look back at it now, it is the PS3 games that truly have stood the test of time.
Comparatively speaking, Japanese developers focuses on the right things. Play the original super hit Gears of War now on a 360 and be shocked about the tearing and frame rate dips present, because the developers were more busy making a game that looked good in screenshots. Then play Vanquish.
>Every company has its own culture
This is why nips are superior. Their games come off as way more creative because studios set out doing different things. Even when under cynical publishers, the employees try to make the best of things.
If westerners want to make good games again, they need to think back on why their late 90's, early 00's games were so good.
Yeah, lets kill all the left handed people
Japan’s doing western games right. West is doing western games wrong.
>Japanese indie
Kinda underrepresented, but still decent
>Japanese AA
Really good
>Japanese AAA
Good, but can sometimes be just okay (which is better than being shitty)
Meanwhile, for the west
>Western indies
Possibly the wests best games (Cuphead, Shovel Knight)
>Western AA
Pushing it, but can be actually decent but also incredibly low budget in spots
>Western AAA
Just flat out garbage with very few shining examples.
Gays Done
>Souls games
>story is an afterthought
More like story is so subtly told, most people don't even realize just how much there is of it.
no, it really wasn't. japan has always been better.
All the games on the right are better to play than on the left. Imagine if western devs cared as much about gameplay as graphics.
I wouldn't go that far. Japan has never made anything like Deus Ex, Fallout 1 or 2 or a myriad of other games.
Dying Light > Resi 2 Remake > garbage zombie survival indie early access asset flips on Steam > Gays Done
this unironically
Dumb pollack
>people dont like crackdown 3
Fuck you assholes, we just arent allowed to have games anymore unless its kiddy shit or the MC takes up half the screen
>left alive, tlg, gran turismo, ffxv
>better to play than ori, cuphead, god of war or forza
>East in January
>West in February
What did they mean by this?
Comedy sucks.
Movies suck unless its capeshit or dramatic.
Games suck as well.
Turns out the shit above only makes up like 2-% of each medium, there is TONS of good entertainment. Its just not popular anymore and you have to actually look for it.
Western critics give a japanese bonus to game scores.
>souls combat
It's true
Left is the new soccer moms
>movies suck unless its capeshit
Remember when Phil Fish and Keiji Inafune said japanese games were dead years ago?
yeah, they've made much better games than those.
So you cant tell what an implication is.
Maybe try harder, those things that "suck" are only from the shitheels perspective dipshit.
>tries to say I think capeshit is good to me when its the most popular formulaic shit out even though I literally said whats popular now is not good
I cant stand you people anymore. First its too much irony then not enough then this dipshit cant even tell what implications fucking are am I in the twilight zone?
They certainly were stagnant for a period.
But the thing that makes Japan, Japan is their rigid understanding of rules, which is why their action games have been some of the best for years
Gran Turismo is better to play than Forza. And GoW pales in comparison to MH or Nier. Cuphead was pretty but extremely simplistic in gameplay.
>western indies
derivative, formulaic crap with cash grabs (kickstarter) and political agendas
>western aa
doesn't exist
>western aaa
derivative, formulaic crap with cash grabs (dlc, microtransactions, lootboxes) and political agendas
The only Japanese game that comes close to the ones I mentioned is pic related
Other Japanese games are either super linear (Persona 5) or bad sandboxes (Yakuza series)
>GTS has 75 score
>FH4 92
>What can top RE2 this year
Doom Eternal
> placing generic AA zombie shooter above Remake
>muh metacritic
>comparing a simcade to a fucking arcade racer
>generic AA
So you dont know anything about it?
Cant wait for Chris Avellone to shit all over you fucks
Forza plays better than GT anoon
Nope. GTS blows it the fuck out.
Japan sort of sucked during the 360/PS3 and early PS4.
They seem to be getting back on track since 2018 but holy fuck they fell for trying to replicate Western games hard.
Q1 is also the dumping ground for all shitty AAA Western games.
>Japan sort of sucked during the 360/PS3 and early PS4.
Because they were copying the west
But Japan could never make something as good as San Andreas or Saints Row 2.
>Left: Soul
>Right: Soulless
You say that but everything that comes out of the left is soulless trash scraped off the factory floor frakensteined together and marketed to the lowest common denominator.
I feel sorry for Phil in a way, seems to be an alright guy but is definitely the bad luck Brian of CEOs when it comes to the "big 3".
Always. They fell behind a bit during the 7th gen, but they're back to making better games again.
Too bad RTS is dead. You can thank your precious western devs for killing it off by pushing moba cancer.
Do Western AA games even exist anymore? It seems like everything these days is either AAA faggotry that's only meant to Jew people as much as possible, or indieshit. IOI and their new Hitman games is about the only thing I could think of that would fall under AA. Any recent examples?
Kingdom Come Deliverance
Fascism stiffles creativity, japan has "leftists" it just doesn't have sjws like the west, which are a big fascist group.
Crackdown 3 is worse than a 10 year old game
Vampyr comes to mind, some Euro stuff too.
Yeah, sure. If anything, they lower the score on Japanese games. Onion boy critics are well known for hating Japanese devs and their "problematic" games. The fact that cinematic experience trash like The Last of Us and The Witcher 3 have higher scores than something like Bloodborne or RE2 should tell you just how incredibly biased western "game journalists" are. If Bloodborne had been made by Americans, it'd probably be one of the highest rated games of this gen.
Somebody will say Witcher 3 doesn't count, but Witcher 3 is a Telltale game with bad combat - it's not a WRPG
lmao i bet you also think after burner is a flight sim
TPS is for faggots who like to play dressing with their characters, Dark Souls Armour doesn't even matter, it's all about the sims fashion in a game, faggotry and nothing less
I think that's a little unfair to the witcher 3, it has an environment you can actually navigate, a really good minigame, and builds that play somewhat differently from one another. It may not be a WRPG in the tradition of most WRPGs but it certainly is more than a telltale game.
I can't defend the West's output so far this year, but in general there's a pretty bullshit pro-Japanese bias on the part of critics. Japan shits out the 15th identical sequel of some shit that hasn't changed since the PS2 era and gets a 9/10 for it, but when a western dev makes a sequel that's too similar to the one from two years ago they get a 5/10 for "not innovating enough" or whatever.
Don't you have more videos on "feminine penises" to make Sargon?
mostly just from europe. most of the games focus home interactive publishes I'd consider aa
The western AAA industry has produced 2 good FPS games and no notable RTS games in the past decade
Yes. Especially compared to Euros.
Devil May Cry V is looking fine as fuck
learn what fascism actually is you mong. you're thinking totalitarian, so say totalitarian
have you ever actually read reviews for the recent tales games vs the recent far cry or assassin's creed games?
Is this a joke?
Seeing how the west still dicksucks Ass Creed proves this so wrong.
>Was Japan always better than the west?
They totally were during the 80s.
Mostly the same deal during the 90s but some console PC titles were starting to come out with some truly good games and some "amazing ideas, so-so execution" ones. But during this same decade game length and fmvs became the most marketed aspects of games and the paid reviews of the game would praise mediocre games just because they fared well in those aspects so you were starting to see some western titles that weren't that good getting a lot of praise; Japan still dominated the scene though.
in the 2000s GTA 3 made games that were as shallow as a puddle but had freedom popular, from this point a lot of piece of shit games with massive open worlds but absolutely horrendous gameplay would be treated like the second coming of Jesus while Japan was putting depth in the 3d world with more linear and focused games.
The west has always been more about cool ideas that sound great in the marketing campain/back of the box but rarely have any depth to them, even some of their most praised titles fall under this category.
Dumb zoomer.
Almost all creators are leftist, because conservatives have zero creativity. That's why they're afraid of change and stuck in the past.
Did Yea Forums always use shitty metacritic scores to prove a point? Or is it a recent phenomenon?
>but Witcher 3 is a Telltale game with bad combat
Pretty much. I think people overlook this because the open world blinds them into thinking that there's more to it than that, when in actuality the open world is mostly window dressing for a game that's mostly about triggering story markers in Witcher vision, making dialogue choices, and some bad combat thrown in to "justify" it as a traditional video game from time to time. For what it's worth, I do think the series has decent writing and characters, so I get why storyfags like that series so much. Cdpr should have just dropped all pretensions about making a video game with Witcher 3 and made it a full blown telltale style game; I think at the end of the day the fanbase would have been happier for it, since it's not like any of them play The Witcher for the gameplay anyway.
Western devs make good multiplayer games and the occasional good single player game (Hitman 2 for a recent example).
Japanese devs consistently make good single player games but can't into online multiplayer
Japanese "innovation":
>Shenmue pioneered and popularized quick-time events
>Ico pioneered and popularized escort missions
>WinBack & Kill Switch pioneered and popularized cover-based shooting
>Metal Gear Solid pioneered and popularized 'movie games' with a heavy emphasis on cinematic storytelling to the detriment of gameplay (just compare MGS to its stealth game contemporaries like Thief and it becomes painfully clear how primitive its 'stealth' mechanics and level design are by comparison)
>Resident Evil 4 pioneered and popularized the tight over the shoulder camera where your character takes up half the screen, necessitating a much slower movement speed and pace of gameplay, in contrast to older third-person games where the camera was zoomed out and both player and enemy moved very fast.
>Final Fantasy and other jrpgs removed classic rpg features like extensive character creation and customization and non-linearity in favor of a more guided, linear experience filled with cinematic spectacle.
It's deeper than most western combat systems by miles. Also one of the few 3d games that mixes level design with combat constantly.
I see this more often. One of the dumbest "new" stereotypes around. Mostly parroted by leftists to pat themselves on the back.
>Japan was always the best.
>Comparatively speaking, Japanese developers focuses on the right things. Play the original super hit Gears of War now on a 360 and be shocked about the tearing and frame rate dips present, because the developers were more busy making a game that looked good in screenshots. Then play Vanquish.
Vanquish is certainly an interesting example to use when making the claim that Japanese games are superior, considering it's basically a Gears clone with some superficial gimmicks.
>Story is an afterthought in Japanese games
>What is Persona 5 (43 hours of cutscenes)
>What is Kingdom Hearts 3 (10+ hours of cutscenes)
>What is the entire Metal Gear Solid series (More hours of cutscenes than hours of gameplay)
Most of the games you listed are good though you French pig
Well said.
>mobility is highly limited
opinion voided
>Strafe to win shit
Yawn, is there even any FPS with actual nuance in it's combat beyond this basic shit?
America stopped making worthwhile action games without stories in the 2000's
>opinion voided
Even when boost cancelling, your movement speed in Vanquish is incredibly slow compared to the fast-paced shooters of old.
Japan was always, better, since they prioritize gameplay first and foremost, unlike the west who seems deadset on making the gamming industry into a shitty film industry, japans problem in the last 10 or so years was the .ove to HD dev
Only white people unironically believe this.
Because you're fucking stupid.
TPS is for games that actually let you focus on your surroundings and have important feedback with character animations. Max Payne's combat is one of the best the west have created because instead of being "strafe to win" garbage you actually have to put attention into your characters movement in a deeper manner and how it's interacting with it's environment.
But of course you're retarded and think it's only about character models and can't see all the shit it actually offers over an fps.
>Cherry picking
>Going off of Metacritic scores
>Western innovation
>paid online
>episodic releases
Everything you listed except paid online is Japanese innovation
uhm no sweaty
recent as of 2016 at least for AAA games
>TPS is for games that actually let you focus on your surroundings and have important feedback with character animations. Max Payne's combat is one of the best the west have created because instead of being "strafe to win" garbage you actually have to put attention into your characters movement in a deeper manner and how it's interacting with it's environment.
>But of course you're retarded and think it's only about character models and can't see all the shit it actually offers over an fps.
This is an absurd generalization. If the advantage of TPS is supposedly letting you interact with your environment more, then why do the vast majority of third-person games not have free jumping?
.Pre-BOTW Zelda, the Batman games from Rocksteady, Vanquish, Gears of Wars, Dark Souls, Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil, the list goes on and on. Even series that used to let you jump, such God of War or Max Payne, have gone on to restrict jumping in their newest games.
By contrast, virtually every 1st person game let you jump, and in the rare instance that they don't (e.g. the atrocious Thief reboot), they are rightfully met with criticism.
First-person shooters also have a much higher skill ceiling than third-person shooters,
It is faster though.
Doom was designed to be beaten (even in higher difficulties) with the clunky movement of playing only with a keyboard. You can avoid everything without having to sprint, your melee attacks don't affect your mobility. Quake has rocket jumping and all that but those were glitches never intended by the developer and nothing in the game demands you to know how to use them.
Meanwhile in vanquish you have a movement mechanic that can be combined with every other mechanic in the game: melee attacks to change your trajectory or even jump, aiming down sights to activate slow mo, alternating fast with the dodge roll to move slightly slower but decrease your heat gauge considerably.
>Meanwhile in vanquish you have a movement mechanic that can be combined with every other mechanic in the game: melee attacks to change your trajectory or even jump, aiming down sights to activate slow mo, alternating fast with the dodge roll to move slightly slower but decrease your heat gauge considerably.
Motherfucker, what are you even talking about? How do those things improve mobility, which is what we were discussing? In Vanquish you can't even freely jump (unlike literally every FPS made after Doom), so why on earth would you praise its shitty contextual jumping?
Aiming downs sights SLOWS down movement to a crawl. In Vanquish you effectively can't move while aiming. This puts a hard cap on the skill ceiling. By contrast, in old-school shooters like Max Payne your movement speed is never slowed by shooting. Again, why would you use this as an example of higher mobility?
You may like Vanquish's style more, and that's fine, but why are you making fake shit up?
>You press a button a few more times for the desired swing or thrust animation
Next you'll be telling us that bigger healthbars are a great and add depth to the difficulty.
>It is faster though.
Zoomer detected. vanquish is definitely not faster than old-school shooters.
>Doom was designed to be beaten (even in higher difficulties) with the clunky movement of playing only with a keyboard.
>Doom came out in 1993, more than a quarter of a century ago
>Let's ignore any FPS made after that
Do you realize how retarded you sound?
>then why do the vast majority of third-person games not have free jumping?
Because that's not actually interacting in any meaningful way or form. You never use your jumps in most FPSs to interact with the combat, just to traverse the environment. Meanwhile a lot of TPSs actually put emphasis on it's implications for the combat: You have the previous example of Max Payne, you have RE4 with does the bold take on making movement a critical decision by limiting it and not letting you attack at the same time. Gears of War has the dodge glitch that's vital in mp but that's another happy little accident like the movement options in quake.
Vanquish has a Swiss army knife of options when you activate your dodge, Dark Souls put heavy emphasis on the distance between you and your opponent during combat and the level layout that can fuck up your attacks or make you fall if you don't put attention to it and how attack animations work etc.
In fpss you can jump but it rarely does anything beyond it's basic function and is rarely important for combats or to avoid attack patterns. You can do it sure, but it's devoid of any meaningful interaction with the other mechanics, meanwhile TPSs have actually done a lot of interesting ideas with their own unique takes on movement instead of adding stuff in the most cookie cutter manner possible.
In multiplayer they used to be important, but as mention earlier this wasn't happening due to design, just by accident.
Umm Yes sweetie
the west wanted to push cinematic nongames since the SEGS CD days
It's hard to push political agendas though when you focus on the gameplay alone. How else are dves/publishers supposed to do that without making gamers watch hours of dialogue and cutscenes telling them men are inferior women and that fags and trannies are normal?
the last of us
Kingdoms hearts 3 was irredeemable trash and only scored as high as it did because of the titles star power
That also applies to japanese games
I'm no weeb western games use to be better
And you have narrow levels that make some attacks inferior options, tight attack patterns that require close examination, heavy punishment for failing to dodge them, multiple weapons with unique attack animations (stab attack animations are useful for those narrow corridors for example since sword swings can collide with walls), juggling all of these variables while managing your stamina meter and multiple enemies with unique attack patterns. All of this puts it miles ahead most western combat combat systems.
>All of this puts it miles ahead most western combat combat systems.
And this is how i know you're a zoomer. The combat you're talking about is derivative of a Western game called Severance: Blade of Darkness.
>You never use your jumps in most FPSs to interact with the combat
You absolutely do. Take the hellhounds in Blood for example. Their firebreath travels over the ground and has an incredibly long reach. Because of this, strafing or moving back is not a good way to dodge it. The best way to dodge it is to jump over their breath and jump over the hellhounds, and then shoot them in the back.
That's just one example out of many. And that's just single-player. In multiplayer advanced movement techniques, such as jumping, are absolutely paramount.
Are you sure you've ever played a single FPS in your life? Besides the likes of Call of Duty?
>the west wanted to push cinematic nongames since the SEGS CD days
So you're saying the push for cinematic nongames came with the Sega CD? You do realize the Sega CD was made by Sega, a Japanese company?
Western and Jap AAA were equal for.awhile, but Western AA games were better and more numerous, Japs have less budget and play to their specific national market a lot.
Western game dev collapsed with corporate momopolies and identity politics. They kneecapped themselves.
Whito Piggu Go Home
We need more AA-Studios
In vanquish your movement options actually lead to important decision making. In Doom, Quake etc you just strafe or remain behind a wall to avoid everything, jump is never needed and the way Quake handles movement on high levels of play is never demanded by the game since most of the tech is purely glitches.
>Aiming downs sights SLOWS down movement to a crawl.
You can though, shoot while boosting or running and you don't even activate the slow motion if that triggers your autism.
>This puts a hard cap on the skill ceiling.
Not really, it actually makes the game more demanding on higher difficulty setting because if you don't use and manage your slow mo gauge properly you're going to get raped the second you overheat and are out in the open.
Meanwhile in Quake I never need to learn anything besides basic strafing to beat every challenge it offers me, the rest is pure shit I will never need in the actual game.
>in old-school shooters like Max Payne your movement speed is never slowed by shooting.
Your movement speed slows down in the same way though, I don't see what point you're trying to do here.
> but why are you making fake shit up?
I think you need to play the game again because you're ignoring or don't know how a lot of this works in the game.
The west hasn't made a single decent game so there was never any competition.
If you were trying to make a point about the superiority of Japanese games, you failed utterly. A lot of the games on the Japanese side in that image, such as Persona 5, are cinematic garbage.
>Zoomer detected. vanquish is definitely not faster than old-school shooters.
Good to see you can't provide an argument on why that's the case.
>Let's ignore any FPS made after that
Most of the other shooters that came out after it were slower though.
But Persona 5 is made within its budget, was a success and catered to series fans
How many western games like can say that?
This is the dumbest shit I've ever heard.
It's exactly the opposite.
Conservatives are entrepreneurial, they create studios, businesses, work's of art and jobs.
A lot of leftists are stuck in a "the government gotta give me" and "all rich people are greedy" paradigm on the other hand. Oh and how has that forced diversity worked out for your recent western games so far?
Which does all of that but shittier. Typical of a west cuck, they think who did it first is what matters and not who did it right and properly.
>Your movement speed slows down in the same way though, I don't see what point you're trying to do here.
You have no idea of what you're talking about, do you? Old-school shooters like Max Payne do not have a separate aiming down sights mode, nor any accuracy penalty for hipfire shooting. Vanquish has both of these things. Which is why you will never see a gameplay video of Vanquish where the player shoots while moving, because this is heavily punished. Movement and shooting in Vanquish happen separately. I have no idea why you would be in denial about this.
You should probably play the games you're spewing nonsense about first.
>That's just one example out of many.
No, it's one example out of very few, otherwise it would be easy to list a lot of them in most games. And even then it's not something terribly intriguing, just "jump to evade this" without bringing too much to the table compared to how it works in a 2d space.
>And that's just single-player
Yeah, I'm talking about single player exclusively.
>Are you sure you've ever played a single FPS in your life?
Yup, play Doom and Duke at least once a year, movement is handled in very simplistic ways in most SP FPSs and don't have a lot of nuance.
Japan actually got worse, it's just that the west got 10 times as worse.
Japan ALWAYS was better. Name ONE (1) good western game released in the past TEN (10) years
GTS is the biggest clusterfuck for PD. How the fuck did they finally make the gameplay exactly the way it should be, but in doing so they removed the heart and soul of a GT game. One step forward, two giant steps back.
user is talking about the left and right side of the image dipshit.
In triple A shit, always better.
In creative weird stuff like crpgs, real time city building, simulators etc, absolutely not.
>Old-school shooters like Max Payne do not have a separate aiming down sights mode, nor any accuracy penalty for hipfire shooting. Vanquish has both of these things
Nope. In Vanquish you can easily hit your target without aiming down sights since the game has barely any penalties for not aiming down sights compared to most other shooters. Also most combat arenas in Max Payne lack enemies at a distance and are closed areas, since Vanquish has enemies close and far away at the same time and option to zoom in a little by aiming down sights can be useful.
>Which is why you will never see a gameplay video of Vanquish where the player shoots while moving
That happens all the time though, specially against enemies who attack with melee weapons since you have to keep your distance so aiming down sights is not a good choice.
>You should probably play the games you're spewing nonsense about first.
I think you are the one who needs to do this, because your entire point about aiming down sights in Vanquish is utter bullshit.
The west can't make good AAA games anymore, there are only decent indie games occasionally.
oh boy it's time isn't it?
While I agree that Japan has always been better, I liked both nu Hitman games (always online faggotry aside), Alien Isolation and Shadow Tactics:Blades of the Shogun. Inb4
>those games are all fucking trash
Forgot my link: youtube.com
>It's the Thiefnigger
It's funny how you still refuse to admit that there were more MGS games than just MGS1 for PSX.
This is the kind of post that I expect will respond the exact same way to any possible response. The answer to you is clearly none and no other response will do.
But you deserve this (you), because I laughed at your ONE (1) and TEN (10).
Why can't western devs make proper "cinematic" games? MGS3 has all the emotional and story beats of a really good Hollywood blockbuster but it's also very much a game in its core with incredible replay value due to its many gameplay mechanics. In western games, not only is the "cinematic" part kinda dull and predictable, but it comes at the cost of rich expansive gameplay.
Why can't the western AAA industry beat some nips making PS2 games in 2004?
>watching Nintendo Direct with colleagues at work
>get to the Daemon X Machina part
>female coworker says it looks like absolute shit
>get to Dead by Daylight
>suddenly starts sperging and is excited for it
Because game directors failed at becoming movie directors, so now they vent their shit on video games.
So was the case for Kojima but atleast he's making the most out of the medium he's working in.
You're just being disingenuous at this point, but we already knew that.
Monster Hunter World
>over 50 armor sets
>unique style for male and female
>4 javelins
>can't even be bothered to change style for different sex
I'm sure the Monster Hunter Team is smaller and had less of a budget than the Anthem team. It's obvious to everyone that Western developers just don't put in any effort. They have a mentality of putting in the minimal amount of work to get the job done. Japanese developers just care more and put in more effort.
>Which does all of that but shittier.
LOL i would certainly hope so seeing as Blade of Darkness came out in 01 and Demon's Souls came out in 09.
> who did it right and properly.
Too bad Souls fails completely when it comes to evasion and relies on gay roll/cartwheel spamming. In Blade of Darkness you backstepped, sidestepped, or ducked under enemy swings.
And none of this changes the fact that Souls is derivative of older Western games.
It's funny how fucking Monster Hunter ended up being the premiere loot grind game of this gen. A niche PSP game that would in time overshadow the likes of Bungie/Activision and Bioware/EA. This shit would've been surreal a few years past.
,104 36,031
>MHW is one of the most played games on Steam and saved Capcom from bankruptcy
The point still stands... Just not in relation to said image.
>east vs west thread
>same old bait images with decades old games
Not gonna lie that artwork is Kino af, strong 80's movie boxart vibes.
West surpassed Japan creatively during golden era 1998-2011 of Bioware, Eidos and Ensemble Studios.
anti-Westcucks are clinically retarded and always use EA/Activision/Ubisoft tripe to strawman
look at all the Western games here from actual competent devs and indies
also beyond 2019/no release date we have these, all Western:
Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord
Cyberpunk 2077
Risk of Rain 2
Ghost of Tsushima
Metroid Prime 4
Realms Beyond
These are good games (except 2077 which looks like shit) but also are just ripping off Japanese games (Souls) or are using Japanese IPs (Metroid)
>Why can't western devs make proper "cinematic" games? MGS3 has all the emotional and story beats of a really good Hollywood blockbuster
MGS3 has M. Night Shyamalan-tier plotting, Michael Bay-tier dialogue and voice acting straight out of a 90's anime dub. Pretty much any western story-driven game from the 90's or 2000's blows it away in term of writing.
>but it's also very much a game in its core with incredible replay value due to its many gameplay mechanics. In western games, not only is the "cinematic" part kinda dull and predictable, but it comes at the cost of rich expansive gameplay.
>MGS3, a game taking place in a jungle
>a jungle that consists of a series of corridors broken up by frequent loading screens
>rich and expansive
>proper cinematic game
>take down boss non-lethally
>she tearfully bleeds to death in the following cutscene
Imagine being this buttblasted that nobody ever gave a shit about Splinter Cell.
>take down boss non-lethally
You're forced to shoot her either way, retard.
Are you just going to ignore that western RPGs had armor customization for decades before that even became a thing in Japanese games? Heck, even in most modern jrpgs, your armor still doesn't change your appearance. Anthem is hardly representative of anything.
That's not how scores works. It's not what you think it is and should be, it's an average of what everyone who played it and reviewed it thinks of it. Even user scores who can troll votes puts it at an 8
>Ghost of Tsushima
>Metroid Prime 4
>first-party titles from SOny and Nintendo
Girl did this to me, but it wasnt as hot as you think. The jeans just rub your face raw.
I'm no expert on the act of sex but I don't think they're supposed to wear jeans kek
well they are made by western studios
>publisher = where it's developed and who develops it
you are pants on head retarded, friendo
Retro Studios are based in fucking Texas
these guys look Japanese to you?
Didnt want to give you a diary, but gf used to give them naked, but after a long strenous break up it was like her parting gift. I had to settle for jeans on and it sucked.
That guy in the blue t-shirt looks Japanese yeah
the Metroid Prime series is a Japanese game in all but name. It shares nothing with western first-person ganes.
That it was technically made by a Texan developer is besides the point, considering Nintendo oversaw development.
Black guy on the far left looks based
development by a texan developer retard
He's an adviser on loan to the studio for all things historical and cultural about Japan iirc.
Why is RE2 treated like it's own game when it's literally just a remake?
Will witcher 3 win goty again in 10-20 years or what?
Guess japs found the right formular: nostalgia + graphics = goty
Americans didn't make Metroid, they just made their standard FPS with a Metroid license
>implying Takahashi didn't stealth direct the game
Nvm i thought you lot were talking about the Ghost of Tsushima devs.
>Why can't western devs make proper "cinematic" games? MGS3
>5 hours of cutscenes
>in a game that is only a little over 10 hours long
And you dare complain about western developers making cinematic games, you absolutely pathetic piece of weebtrash?
ACfag awakens once more!
>5 hours of great gameplay
>5 hours of great story
Wow, that's 10 hours of everything I don't get in westernshit games. Now hang yourself.
I love how he keeps replying to that MGS3 post in sheer asspain.
Miyamoto seething that based Westerners make a better Metroid game than Nintendo ever could
hilarious to see them come crawling back to Retro after they fucked Prime 4 up
nintendo saved the home console in the 80's
Sega saved the arcade in the 80's
Sony has sold the most consoles
what has the west got "xbox" lmao.
not saying the west doesn't have some talent. i mean GTA is literally goat
found the Nintendo shills
>Posts Dragon Age pic
>A game made by a homo
>A game that's main plot was actually about homosexuality
>Taint being another word for cock where a sect of burly armoured men constantly talk about taking in the taint to gain certain powers or being corrupted by the taint.
Shitty filmmakers copying koijima without integrating the gameplay, and woke political hacks, and aaa copying ea.
thats only for you westacucks since you all only play shooters
how's that Other M treating you?
Just realised it's not a DA pic. The point still stands however, DA is a franchise for faggots.
>correcting yourself while at the same time standing firm on your point
Pretty smooth
based and checkpilled
Japan has been making the best for the majority of the time. They had a rough time in the 360/PS3 era and western games were better for that generation. At all other times Japanese games have been on top.
>Just realised it's not a DA pic. The point still stands however, DA is a franchise for faggots.
Takes one to know one, I guess? Literally no one said anything about Da until you brought it up.
Prime shits on the garbage 2D games, even indie devs make better 2D metroids than nintendo
>nintendo canned prime 4 so it can be developed from scratch by retro, an american studio
its like they acknowledge that the best metroid games are western developed or something
Prime is made both by NoJ and Retro. Moreso 1 than 2/3, but still
>And none of this changes the fact that Souls is derivative of older Western games.
I'm not convinced about this. Just because they share some similar mechanics, doesn't necessarily mean that From was inspired by that game. Especially since From's King's Field and Shadow Tower games also share similarities with Souls Combat (except from a first person perspective), the biggest being the stamina bar. The first Kings Field came out quite a few years before Severance btw. I think some of you westacucks just look for anything that slightly resembles Souls games, and then quickly jump on it and claim the From "ripped them off". You may as well claim From ripped off any game with a meieval Europe aesthetic while you're at it.
Super Metroid>Metroid Prime. Deal with it zoomer.
nah, prime 2 is the best game in the series anyway. Super is the only worthwhile 2D metroid game, the rest are a joke
if only other 2D metroids were good, too bad they're shit. Prime trilogy takes a fat dump on 2D game in general. That shit was 25 years ago, modern 2D metroid is a joke.
>Especially since From's King's Field and Shadow Tower games also share similarities with Souls Combat (except from a first person perspective), the biggest being the stamina bar.
Virtually every western action-RPG has a stamina bar, including ARPGs that predate King's Field, such as the Elder Scrolls.
>I think some of you westacucks just look for anything that slightly resembles Souls games, and then quickly jump on it and claim the From "ripped them off". You may as well claim From ripped off any game with a meieval Europe aesthetic while you're at it.
Except the similarities between Severance and Souls are very uncanny. Even the jumping works the same, it being a leap forward rather than a true vertical jump. Heck, Severance almost feels like a bad PC port, what with lack of mouse support in menus despite being a PC-exclusive game.
Nobody gives a crap about metal gear how and asscreed is better and more popular
Javelin’s in Anthem aren’t the same as armor, each have different abilities and weapons they can use. Only thing that changes with Monster Hunter’s armor is defense and passive resistances and bonuses.
A better comparison would be Monster Hunter’s weapons types.
ACfag getting real desperate
>people keep refer to western games from the 90's
Is this not proof enough that western games have seen their peak decades ago?
That's fine, all I'm saying is that Severance doesn't necessarily have to be the game that inspired From. Some people on here post the Severance comparisons like it's objective fact, while failing to realize that From was making action RPGs (and other types of games) long before Demon's Souls. I'm not even denying that Severance doesn't share similarities, but saying that From must have obviously ripped them off seems like a stretch. Why is it so hard to believe that From could have brainstormed how to evolve their old King's Field formula while working on Demon's Souls?
Stamina meter aside, the combat in Severance reminds me more of other old melee combat games like Rune instead of Demon's Souls. Again, not saying that there aren't similarities, but I'm just not convinced that From was inspired solely by that game. The other points I've seen other people bring up like weapons colliding off of wall impacts was done in other games before Severance, hell even that one mediocre Berserk game on the Dreamcast did that. Did From rip them off too?
>he doesn't know how to jump in dark souls
no matter what you all are talking about SJWs wont stop
theyll literally ruin everything
Western game developers are a joke and haven't made a good game since 2005
wrpg fans are insufferable, but they're right about this one. king's field was definitely inspired by ultima underworld. japan loved the ultima series back in the day.
That's fine, it's pretty much fact that even the oldest turn based jrpgs were inspired by old western PC role playing games. What I'm replying to is the people that use Severance as proof that From got the idea for Demon's Souls from only that game, when I have yet to see any convincing evidence. I think some people on here latched on to the Severance talking point, and they just use it as an excuse to shit on Souls games any chance they get.
If war thunder was an actual decent game I'd play that but this is as good as it's gonna get
>fake 89
HAHAHAHAHAHA, not even above 85!!
man weebs are retarded
The combat in Severance is nothing like the combat in Rune. Rune is more or an Arcade hack and smash everything that moves. Playing Severance like you would Rune will have you dying over and over and over.
Yep but nowhere near as bad as westcucks
of an*
Bioware games were always trash
Japanese games used sega CD for better soundtracks, not FMV bullshit games.
Most game were the same as before the CD.
And you say WRPG fans are insufferable? Souls fans are as bad as Blizzdrones. You're like cult proclaiming the glory of your franchise everywhere you go, Souls is the best at everything, etc, etc, etc.
You kow it could just be that some of us played Severance when it came out and have since played the Souls games and the gameplay is very similar outside of Souls having a more permanent world and character creation, where Severance has levels and 4 set characters each with different weapons and playstyle. The difference is that one came out in 01 and we never really got a game like it again until Souls appeared 09. It's like saying the gaemplay of Gears of War isn't derivative of WinBack and Killswitch.
like a cult*
Western games cling to the past to make up for the fact that modern western games are fucking trash.
Boys surely we aren't dumb enough to trust MC, the same cunts that gave FarCry5 shit review for it not being WOKE enough.
You might as well trust RT to give you honest movie reviews to
>Putting a turd like Ghosts of Tsushima on the same list as Bannerlord
Neck yourself.
But Far Cry 5 fucking sucks, just like every Far Cry after 2.
Any game that retards defend by calling it "comfy" is automatically shit.
>Why is RE2 treated like it's own game when it's literally just a remake?
how to spot someone that hasnt played re2make?
2 sucks as well, the only good ones in the franchise are 1, 3, and Blood Dragon.
>Half-Life 2 and God of War before becoming Fag of War
>Demon Souls which is just another Dark Souls
weebs need to be gassed.
Imagine being so ignorant.
God, Halo Infinite looks sexy, Xenoblade Chronicles X was one of the most disappointing downgrades from last gen. I knew the Wii U wasn't capable of that.
Look, you can believe what you want, but I just have a simple question for you: Do you think that From's King's Field and Shadow Tower games had no role in influencing the combat in Souls games? Yes or no? I'm asking, since Severancefags seem to completely ignore the existence of these games, or they try to write them off because of the fact that they're played from a first person perspective. Also, I'm aware the King's Field's combat isn't 100% similar to Demon's Souls, but it's not hard to see how KF laid the groundwork for what would later turn into the Souls series. Hell, when DS came out most old time From Software fans started referring to Demon's Souls as a spiritual successor to KF. Were those people just imagining the similarities?
>>Demon Souls which is just another Dark Souls
Other way around you retarded zoomer. Demon's Souls came first.
>also babie's first physics puzzle cinematic experience simulator
Gran Turismo is shit compared to Forza, Xenoblade Chronicles X got probably one of the worst downgrades in recent history, need I talk about Star Fox Zero? No offense Miyamoto's delay game speech really isn't meaning much nowadays.
They were then they weren't, seems to be coming back around as Western developers are owned by greedy corporations that desire money generators
>Other way around you retarded zoomer. Demon's Souls came first.
It's still the same fucking game who gives a shit.
They have leftist creators, you just don't notice.
Thats not the fucking point my gaylord, it was the reviewers let the politics influence their opinion on something not related to politics
The problem with leftist art is that it eventually goes to "Everything is beautiful and artsy, therefore nothing is art" mentality and the desire to one up itself and go to the extreme, until all art museums are filled with literal trash and lazy art work that can even be made by 4 year old.
but user, all of those things are terrible.
Don't worry, violence against transgender in the US along with transgender suicide rates have been increasing drastically, SJWs won't be in power for too long and then the left can finally wake the fuck up.
As much as I like DMC it probably won't top RE2R's score, especially due to all the shit with DmC and RE generally being more recognizable among normies. Although if we're not talking about journo scores and just the game itself it might, I can see it becoming a fan favorite.
>Doesn't know about ACE COMBAT
You motherfucker, this is why zoomer posting exists, I hate it YET YOU INVITE IT EVERY POST YOU MAKE
christ go back, you're even reddit spacing on not reddit
fucking faggot
The Japs are superior in two ways
>1. The each have their own culture
>2. Budget
They work around their markets instead of trying to drag in more people. They have a niche established and make a game using a budget where they will almost certainly make a return on it. It's why while the west can have a game flop with well over a million sales. Jap devs need anywhere from 10k-100k sales to break even. They don't pump millions into advertising, they don't pump millions into realistic graphics. They put the needed amount of cash in. This allows them to try new and weird mechanics that other devs can't because they need to make those millions of sales.
Do you expect me to believe after having played both Severance and Souls games that this combat is closer to Souls games than the combat of Severance?
where's her penis?
Japan has always been better
Keep seething. MGS2 is one of the best games ever and a masterpiece.
You can't make this shit up
Don't you guys ever get tired of doing this?
>KH3 has an 89 score
The fuck?
How can anyone possibly say that about such a garbage game.
Its just a case of nationalism vs diversity nigger infestation. Expect western games to suck more since women and shitskins are becoming prevalent in programming and development. Japan hasnt yielded to shitskins like we have. Oh well at least we got to experience good games by western devs like Tony Hawk pro skater 2
Every time you idiots use the Xbox score you show your hand as shit stirrers immediately. Even the KH fans make fun of the Xbox players
Why is it lower on Xbox.
Probably angry reviewers who had to jump into the game without playing anything previously.
>another incel doom
>surpassing anything
They will always prevail, because making fun game is number one for them.
It's more of a recent thing desu. Western vidya was just as good as Japanese vidya right up until around the time the brown military shooter craze started. Since then its been all downhill from there.
>Why are they allowed to call the USA “the west”.
Might as well be Africa
that's how dumb you sound you muttburger.
It has everything to do with culture. Japan has embraced video entertainment for much longer so it’s more acceptable to go into the field of work. In the US it’s only been in the last decade, more specifically 2014, that has brought gaming more mainstream. Before, like cartoons, it was seen as childish so only a few games (cod, wow, lol) managed to gather large fanbases. Now that it’s more popular in the West politics have followed it, which they don’t in Japan. So even if it’s more acceptable it’s riddled with political movements, just like television and film have been.
>all devs in the west are bioware, dice and co.
fuck off. also what is jump force? even fucking anthem has more soul.
Japan is responsible for the revival of video games after the west killed them. Now that the west is trying to kill them again, I wonder if history will repeat itself.
if you aren't 20% western 80% japanese games at this point what the fuck are you doing
Only western games with soul get released on PC thus most of Yea Forums has never heard of them.
>Or is it a recent phenomenon?
Nah, in fact, in many cases, the quality gap between Japanese and Western games has narrowed with each decade. The quality gap was huge during the NES/SNES/Genesis days.
>whoa dude, a game from 1994's gameplay isn't as similar as a game from 2001 or 2009
I guess this is one of those you had to be there situations. The King's Field games evolved their formula like most sequels do with each new game. If you would have played King's Field IV on the PS2, it wouldn't have been hard to imagine how a game like that could have been done from a modernized third person perspective, which is what From Soft probably did. Ultimately you have no way of proving that From was inspired by Severance, just like I have no way of proving that the similarities aren't just a coincidence. This autistic back and forth is getting us nowhere, so this will be my last reply.
Ok w/e dude, the KF gameplay combat in particular is clearly closer to stuff like Ultima and some Elder Scrolls titles though.
Kingdom Hearts is complete garbage
I think a lot of these Japanese game companies still deeply care about the product, where as the western companies are driven mostly by the shareholders who only care about the profits.
it is literally the only Kingdom Hearts game available on a Microsoft console and is also the FINALE. A lack of a fanbase on that console as well as a lack of context cause the score to drop, it was essentially reviewed on gameplay merit alone, as the story was incomprehensible to them