Western character design

>western character design

Attached: 2.jpg (852x480, 35K)

>japan fetishist

Attached: 1461653224425.png (477x453, 426K)

Thats so broad it doesnt mean anything
I dont like hyper realism though, thats anti-art

its true

Attached: 1542094940113.png (960x800, 121K)

>Character Design

Attached: 0F9CEF3AD7024ADD8EEB07B3CF649DEA.jpg (185x229, 22K)

Attached: east-west-art.jpg (1964x1698, 948K)

Attached: western character design.png (1248x702, 1004K)


Attached: 1538446764529s.jpg (125x125, 3K)

funny guy

>japanese female character design
>it doesn't get censored in the localization

Attached: 1529615238074.jpg (648x592, 128K)


Attached: 1551096123021.jpg (1964x1698, 1021K)

>Game has characters

Attached: 1539627848856.jpg (691x624, 249K)


Delete this pic

>anime cancer

Attached: mfwweebshit.webm (854x480, 2.77M)

>japs can do no wrong

Attached: uguu.jpg (500x313, 48K)

Attached: 1531821076410.jpg (600x811, 182K)


fuck off you brain fucked retard

it's a troll retards

>weeb butthurt

Attached: keksimus maximus.jpg (596x628, 67K)

>eastern male character design

Attached: 1550973603949.jpg (546x592, 54K)

>it's a troll
welcome to Yea Forums, retard
how can I make you angry today?

Attached: 1539343822913.png (882x624, 39K)

Yes, and?

Attached: female stereotypes comparison.jpg (1134x596, 390K)

This kills the nips

pretty decent bait image, might use it some time.

>eastern character design

Attached: Luso.jpg (1280x1426, 461K)

>niggers in my video games

Attached: 1540584414328.jpg (1000x1000, 255K)

>indian hair physics

Attached: Pajeet.jpg (620x388, 95K)

>Talking shit about knee nickels and pizza cutter sword

Attached: 1547127305064.png (540x359, 270K)


Attached: unknown-1.png (380x261, 29K)

I wanna fuck Adele
That was her name right?

>East is plagued by souless generic animu fapbait
>West is plagued by poorly executed rehashes of movies with poor art direction

Attached: 1545537526676.gif (200x183, 448K)

Oh well, you can't change it so might as well find a new hobby

lol cloud, thats a good one

I wonder how many hours do these weebcucks spend to pick enough cherries for their shitposting in their weeb-crop farms.