White knight chronicles

I like Level 5 games but missed this one
Can someone tell me what went wrong?

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That bad?

Boring but I finished it anyway

Yup even the creator deny its existence. Well not really but kinda.

extremely boring, create-a-character isn't even the main character and because he doesn't have a knight you won't really use him. it's like FF12 but the plot is even more boring

Heavily focused on grindy MP with a really underwhelming tacked on SP. I don't think the MP was really advertised all that much, so most people who bought it got bamboozled.
It was a really great game if you happened to fall into the niche the MP appealed to, but it didn't have many redeeming qualities otherwise.

There was also some big drama between Sony and L5 because of this game, but I can't remember the details.

Completed both versions of the first game, the second game and the psp prequal. I also put in over 700 hours online.

Legit miss it.

What went wrong?

The MP is dead now though.

You get your own knight in the second one, but I think I recall that was super late into the game

It's litterally 2 thirds of a game with no ending and then the "sequel" is 2 thirds of filler and then the ending that should have been on the first game. Most of the dungeons in 2 are reused from 1 and the new dungeons are shit.
Literally at the start of 2 it introduces time travel for the sole purpose of saving a guy you don't care about, you go through a shitty sewer dungeon to save him, then go back through the same dungeon only for the guy to immediately die and time travel is never mentioned again making the entire segment a pointless waste of time. I will never not be mad because I loved the knight mechs

You get your knight in a series of post game quests that are actually a continuation of the previous two games story. but this time your created character is actually the main protagonist.

All I remember is this gamd had a really shitty excuse for Georama.
Dark Cloud 3 when?

When Sony greenlights it
Never since Nino Kuni 2 probz didnt sell that well

It turned out different from this.

Just to name one major flaw: the game continues while you open the field menu to do shit. You can watch your characters being killed, while trying to sort out their equipment.


Attached: i-rFRRTz4.jpg (1948x1040, 977K)

To think that a flop was a console seller for some

>Can someone tell me what went wrong?
Combat boils down to using one of each attack type on every new enemy to see which one does the most damage and only using that attack whenever you encounter that enemy. I did like that equipment shows on your characters and that there was very little loading. Playing as the Knight was fun.

>awful as shit characters, gives you the cringies
>stupid story and retarded twists
>combat system that is a good idea if polished but left out to be a turd
the only good thing is the OST
the psp game is even worse, but haven't tried WKC2

I heard WKC2 has a much improved version of 1, is it true? The combat system in the first one was truly boring.

It's the same, as far as I know they just made the battle system slightly faster but it's the same system and just as bad

>Combat boils down to using one of each attack type on every new enemy to see which one does the most damage and only using that attack whenever you encounter that enemy.
So it's Persona?

Imagine an MMO with instanced zones, and a mediocre story, but no one is on and you have to play with npc companions.

Basically FFXIV but worse. It's passable, and I played and beat both games, but I can't imagine playing them again.

>So it's Persona?
Not really. In Persona hitting an enemies weakness knocks them down giving you an extra turn. In WKC hitting an enemies weakness does a little more damage than doing neutral damage. iirc there are 3 basic attack types: strike, slash, and pierce. You'll typically have one of each equipped and use all 3 on a new enemy to see which one does the most damage, then just use that type whenever you encounter that enemy since there's literally no reason to use the others that do less damage. There is also magic which I haven't really used much but I assume it's the same just with elemental weakness instead.

holy shit this game was boring, i dont know wtf went on in the design process

This game was badly hurt for the tacked on multiplayer that was also pretty much mandatory to progress and made the game incredibly grindy.

It's a great game and by great i meant those MP sessions. The missions were really well thought out and it had its fair of challenge even more so when you are at the end game. You were required to fill specific roles and know what to do on certain phases. Most people that say that it sucks is because they never reached the high GR to fight the good battles.

While the combat system is decently thought out, it is only from a MP stand-point, where you would control only 1 character and coordinate with other players.

The SP, which everyone who bought the game outside of the brief period when MP was active, is very cumbersome and tiring and the AI doesn't help at all.

Yeah, the SP was horrendous I felt like dropping it until I got into the MP portion of the game. Kept playing it for sooo many hours. It helped that many knights looked like those gears from Xenogears and you could customize them on top of that.