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never even played her game

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Her name is HOMURA


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You didn't forget him didya?

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I'll never forget when Captain Padraig sacrificed himself when crashed that airship into the world tree to stop Aion.

I wish I was Pyra.

As soon as blonde bimbo turneed up i never used pyra ever again. She is a fake person.

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>that guy that says who or what to popular things because he thinks feigning ignorance would make us think he's cool
This game has threads spammed here every day don't even pretend.

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Fuck off weeb, this is an American board.

>Make a game full of breeding material / fetish pandering girls
>can't romance any of them
literally why?

Because you're not Rex you just play as him. It's better this way.


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I'll never be done with him, pipsqueak

People forget that, as a creation of Mythra, Pyra is technically her waifufagging herself into reality.

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Pyra is a better waifu, but Mythra is superior in every way gameplay-wise other than Lv3. Special.

True. Pyra is basically everything Mythra wishes she was, but is too much of a useless cunt to be.

Pneuma = the Coward
Mythra = Fei
Pyra = Id

This thread has nothing to do with video games.

gib Pyra gf NOW

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