"what power have you?!
This line fucking chilled me
What are you guys
"what power have you?!
Did they just put the brownie on the same plate, touching the rest of the food?
I already preordered mine
The finality reaches not the weak, but the buttered
>american """cuisine"""
I got the deluxe edition
This is what they eat for breakfast every day, too.
i've switched to the english diet myself
The expansion went a little overboard with the fan service.
I loved the brownies from that shit, I would always save it for last. What other microwave kino do you anons enjoy?
Check it out, I got the new Nintendo exclusive!
>rib shaped pork patty
>not getting the *mature* Nintendo titles instead
Enjoy your bing bing mcnuggies manchild
serving suggestion: keep frozen
The fried chicken Hungry-Man meals are pretty good if you cook them in an oven
>not getting your gamerfuel from your devoted gf
this is so depressing
The effort is appreciated, but what the fuck even is that?
ya dud america is the only one with cheap frozen meals!
>tfw gf is vegetarian and makes delicious meals but i want meat
Australian cuisine is superior
>frozen fast food
>actually eating frozen food often to the point of shilling it here
boiled eggs, canned corn, and mac and cheese. Looks like some sort of white trash meal like skettie.
Well, buttered toast with sprinkles can't be worse than eating nothing but 3 slices of bread at the same time.
Step aside, infidels. Make way for true kino.
>An entire can of corn
>About 10 pieces of pasta
What the fuck.
My nigga
That looks like rebranded prison food.
>limited edition food
Americans actually need to be gassed
damn she regurgitates the food? that's devotion
I want to believe she's being ironic
>shit on a single
>hamburger helper on toast
You shoyld try it sometime. Its good.
but why!?! hundreds and thousands hardly even taste of anything
I wanna fuck these smug sluts
>abdul is angry because europe has no food due to all the immigrants
damn he thicc
This shit came from black Twitter to mock whites
rent free in your tiny pathetic mind
The taste sugary and fairy bread is usually something only kids eat.
I can't believe I used to eat this shit and enjoy it.
>limited edition
>Muh country is being overrun but sandniggers!
>Better blame Muricans!
the actaul state of the rest of the world.
>he never had sugar and cinnamon toast
It is.
don't forget to wash it down with a traditional Aussie beverage
that says PC right there
I liked fairy bread as a kid. Lamingtons and pavlovas are disgusting though.
Why are skaters always such fags?
food that they produce for a limited amount of time, so what? they do the same shit with crisps in the u.k
>TV Dinner
? ? ? ? ?
>vegemite covered spongecake rolled in coconut
Australians are fucking weird.
>"Mom, can I have birthday cake for breakfast!"
>Grabs bread and sprinkles
>"Here you go, you little bastard. Knock yourself out."
It's got all the nutrients a growing boy needs, what more could you want?
A good sized bottle of Gatorade will only run you about $2 and you could sip that through 5 hours.
Thanks hoss, but I was referring to Idiocracy.
Niggers. They’re called niggers.
What the fuck is even happening in this image?
How do you gross gangster shit with a fucking kids meal?
That cream cheese? I bet if you put those slices on a crackle it would be delicious.
You better not be mocking me. Punk.
Stop. Fucking stop.
I wouldn't not dream of it, boss.
>tfw no microwavable meals that won't cause a heart attack and has enough calories to justify the price
I hate cooking lads.
You have exceedingly low standards, their brownies are garbage. That's the one part of their slop that I always threw out.
Are you literally autistic?
The risk of heart attack should more than justify the price, I consider it a bonus. I usually enjoy the Banquet chicken finger meals with mac&cheese and a brownie.