What is the most confusing ability in video games?
What is the most confusing ability in video games?
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if you think king crimson is confusing you're a massive retard, and the anime even goes out of it's way to PLAINLY SAY what it does
>le how it do?! XD
memes are a mistake that must be erased
That chat is fucking embarrassing
Damn, this has been a long time coming.
Fun fact, if you actually watch the episode, at exactly the moment where there's a closeup on Boss' shadowed face behind the pillar, you can hear the sound effect of KC's power being activated.
And if you skip EXACTLY 10 seconds at that point forward, you get to Bruno standing behind the pillar, finally reacting to what happened.
David Pro are gods.
Imagine you're walking up long stairs.
Imagine that as you're walking, King Crimson activates his power and you keep walking.
10 seconds pass and you've walked a decent amount of steps, but now it seems like you've basically teleported up the stairs because you don't remember walking up this 10 seconds worth of stairs.
That is King Crimson.
what confuses me is if your actions are in reactions to what Diavolo is doing, wouldn't his ability to see ahead and to change what he does also change what you do. Unless your actions while he's erasing the time is of solely in reaction of what he originally would have done while he's changing his course of action to be more favorable.
It just works
Isn't this literally what happened with Polnereff and Dio?
so it can predict outcomes before they happen?
No, Polnareff was being literally picked up by DIO in frozen time and just taken few steps down.
King Crimson CAN'T interact with anything during his power because any interaction immediately turns the power off.
It's an evasive power that can be used for offense through trickery.
I think it predicts altered outcomes. Self-fulfiling prophecy stuff.
The stand on his head that is the stand of his alternate personality can, his own stand has the power to eliminate certain parts of the timeline. So he knew he was going to get punched and erased him getting punched and placed Bucciarati in the position he was after the fact so there was no in between him moving. Or so I understand, it just works.
King Crimson is the ultimate lag switch in vidys terms
so king crimson = pulling the plug on your modem and doing stuff during that laggy period?
How do they keep fucking it up so badly?
>People still don't get how King Crimson works
People can't be this stupid. Anime only fags? Sure, but people in general who actually read the source material are stupid too. It's baffling.
Explain it then. I've never seen JoJo, but everytime I ask someone, the description they make doesn't make any sense.
Then how did he grab Trish while severing her hand?
It's this
the blu ray fixes killer queen. the blu ray fixes a lot of things actually.
King Crimson's wide chiseled jaw is deliberate because that's how he looks later in the manga, check it yourself if you don't believe me.
David Pro simply made it look like it does later in the manga.
As for Killer Queen, the next episode reanimated that scene at the start and then Bluray further fixed it.
>comparing still enlarged frames in anime versus panels in manga
Trish was always fated to lose it lmao.
But really that's how KC works, if something is fated to happen it will happen regardless.
That particular one though is just an Araki fuckup since he probably didn't have a clear idea yet on what KC's power will be.
>the blu ray fixes killer queen
As far as I remember they just cleaned up the design, not actually make Killer Queen look as he did in the manga
That's the directors fault for not drawing more attention to the stands and their details
Open a Youtube video
Play it for a bit
Then put your mouse over the timeline bar and hover forward 10 seconds, looking at the preview window as you go.
Then click on that 10-seconds-forward point and watch the video skip to it.
Now imagine doing that in reality. That's how King Crimson and Epitath work.
Basically Diavolo has an ability that lets him see into the future for a few seconds and an ability that lets him alter the thing he sees.
KQ still looks suit because they keep using that design where it looks angry and has a brow ridge instead of Araki's design. The only time it looks good is towards the end because they start using Araki's design.
I haven't watched this season or read more than the first half of Part 5 but King Crimson takes the 'cause' away from cause and effect.
That said, how faithful is the Part 4 and Part 5 anime in terms of manga accuracy?
I never understood the idea behind zombie Bruno. Was it some weird unexpected interaction between GE and KC that somehow adhered Bruno's soul into his lifeless body for a while?
>Unless your actions while he's erasing the time is of solely in reaction of what he originally would have done while he's changing his course of action to be more favorable.
That's basically it, everything plays out normally except for Diavolo who can move inside skipped time.
King Crimson is based more around his later design, not his original reveal design. Killer Queen was definitely a fuck up since no other version looks like that.
I get it. I just think it's a dumb power.
The entire JoJo fandom is fucking embarrassing.
They're both pretty accurate but part 5 has added new scenes here and there to create proper foreshadowing since Araki was making up things on the fly. I'm curious when they'll include the sleeping slaves of fate arc since that was technically released after the final fight and Araki retroactively created a narrative for the part about how one's actions still matter regardless of the outcome (even if it's still death).
Why are you ppl calling Emperor Crimson "king"?
king crimson is like flying through a tornado blind and you're suddenly on the other side of the tornado, but you still flew through the tornado.
How did Bruno see himself if KC's power is just to see 10 seconds ahead and skip up to 10 seconds?
king crimson essentially punched himself a ton, moved him over infront of himself, an then restarted time.
He THINKS he just punched himself.
light of his original position flying into his eyes after king crimson switched him.
You're standing one place and instant transmission to another place. if you look to your original position you'll see yourself and then pop out of existance.
Araki is a dumbass and hadn't decided how KC works when he wrote that scene.
but this is wrong bruno didnt teleport he just doesnt remember the inbetween
he didn't teleport, but everything in that time frame was cut out, so he technically did teleport.
he instantly appears on the other side, and the light is still flowing from his original position.
Technically he did, since the inbetween doesn't exist
what is that website?
There are two stands.
One is Doppio's oracle that predicts events and make them happen 100%.
One is King Crimson that skips time, which leads to events bugging out and memory losses.
Basically Doppio delivers the future events, KC fucks with them untill they are acceptable for Diavolo.
Since Doppio and Diavolo are split personalities of the same person the combo is insanely broken because they are done by the same person. However, they both have space and time limits, and the punching power of the stand is just above average.
jojo has the worst fanbase, the most low-effort "epic memes" and the most annoying fans (jojo is gay xd)
it's pretty obvious nobody understand King Crimson, confusion will be his epitaph.
A better question is how does golden experience requiem work? Is it just "No: the stand"?
King Crimson makes total sense.
Epitaph is what's the problem, which is ironic, if you consider the lyrics to the song.
Epitaph allows Diavolo to see the future and allow others to see the future. Why Araki thought such an ability was needed, God only knows.
why is jojo so popular, i am in the middle of the part 2 manga and i just don't get it
is the anime better? does it just get better post part 3?
Pretty much, just disables you to from doing anything, even die which is interpreted as Diavolo continuously dying for all eternity.
Because without it King Crimson effectively also affects Diavolo and then things make even less sense and King Crimson is just a ghost that punches really hard
Epitaph exists because being able to skip shit wouldn't help much if you don't see exactly what you're skipping beforehand. It's a final boss stand so those always need to be obscenely strong.
He needed an unbeatable stand for Diavolo like Dio's but he couldn't come up with anything so he made a stand that is ALMOST like The World but not quite. It just ended up fucking retarded. Also, what's King Crimsons anime name? (didn't watch the ep yet)
Part 1 and 2 are way different from the rest
Czar Scarlet
Monarch Ruby
then why are they necessary?
President Rose
Parts 4-8 is what people usually mean when they talk about JoJo, he had to work a lot before he got the formula down. I started with part 4 and I didn't feel like I was missing out on anything
>Dude let me just casually reveal my power since you're about to die
What a retard.
Baron Magenta
Duke Blood'em