What was his name again?

What was his name again?

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god look at those soulless bug eyes

Asmongold. What are you, fucking retarded? Go back to Tumblr, tranny.

he lost half of his viewership, from 30k to 15k playing souls games

Is he, dare I say, /ourguy/?

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Assblasted Alejandro

Zack "I don't care about video games" Asmongold

Is there anyway to fuck up youtube's algorythm to stop this dumb faggot from showing up in my recommendations?

Mr. Excuse-for-everything

hes an actual retard listen to him talk for more than 5 minutes

Asmon "I never played vanilla wow but X should be changed" goloid


Kill yourselves redditors

He does stupid shit, then gets unreasonably mad when he dies. He would have quit Dark Souls too had McConnell not been there to help him out when he went full emo about dying too often.

Why does this faggot still live in that shithole attic? Isn't he rich from all the subs/donations?


Ive come to the conclusion that the attic is just like his office where he goes each day to pretend to like and be good a video games for subs. And after he leaves for his flat or someother place


the guy who doesn't realize he's being exploited by a camwhore-mongold

And I'm sure he just blames it on the current BFA

How long ago did he say this? And what followed?

He's rich but he doesn't give a fuck about his money or material things. The only things he wants are good video games and soda.

mental illness gold


Austin Mangold

It's a character he plays, brainlets. He writes boring shit to rant about with McConnell for clip bait, then he reuploads it all under different 'fan' accounts on youtube to double his earnings.

but he's reacting to WoW! Don't you love reaction videos AND WoW videos? You should really give them a look user. Don't forget to turn off your ad blocker.

Forgot to add that sub botting is also involved, a practise most twitch streamers use to fool kids into tipping big.

>Oh your stream is getting boring and you're running out of stuff to say?
>*personal assistant does some keystrokes*
>WOW TipsMeUp thanks for the 6 month resub and $100 donation!

I regret to inform you that he will still probably make at LEAST 100k+ per year purely on subs and donations at 15k. He'd probably have to drop down below 6k to start getting actually hit by it.

Its obvious playing wow all these years gave him brain damage and ADD

explain why he allows himself to be used by the girl with fake tits

nah, I bet the donations are legit. Hes one of those people who has die hard fans.

no he's actually like that. it is genuinely not an act. but hey I can understand why you'd think that.

Zachary "ActMad4Gold" Greenburg

Le Recommended Video Man

>I can understand why you'd think that.
Because it's true? I'm not saying he doesn't also have hordes of retarded gullible fans though.

say no more

and hes hated because its like looking into a mirror for most Yea Forumsirgins

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Some guy that reacts to videos all the time and gets recommended to me for whatever reason.

He streamed for years before he ever got big. He's just a neet that got lucky but him getting money didn't change the lifestyle he enjoys.

Ass "i cant do this anymore, guys" mongoloid

Zackass Mongoloid


>this beady eyed cunt always popping up in my rec lists

>Be wanna be elitist
>Can’t clear mythic
>Simple guild drama broke him
>Not even good
>Doesn’t raid or do high m+
>Has enormous problems with dark souls and REFUSES to change strategy
>Just does tmog runs of old ass instances andbitches
PILAV is better, he also bullies McCuck.

he's not a retard about wow though, he is aware its a skinner box and has told people the game is trash for years with all his points being 100% correct, he is just hopelessly addicted and his twitch base tries to get him to play other shit and when he does they all bail because they are all around for him to rage and rant autistically about WoW in the first place.

What's up with the sudden surge of popularity Asmon got here? Is it because even he stopped shilling for blizzard?


People are mad when he plays their pet favorite games badly or wrong.


Did play.

I'm sure he got help, but I'm also betting he played like a retard on purpose to milk more views.

that guy who pretends to be amazed at the most retarded and basic shit

he's a fucking idiot but smart, he knows how to make money and exploit people. The only way to watch him his when he plays wow and shitpost. He has no real friends and everyone somehow leeches from him. Don't even get me started on his girlfriend, he still needs to face reality about it and oh boy, it's going to bean hard smack to the wall.

He can't play for shit anything else other thatn wow and it's start being unbearable watching him in the last months.

How is a literal fucking retard this popular?
Are all Americans this fucking stupid?
I mean jesus fuck he is one huge mongoloid.



why forsen chat is so praised??

literally drones saying the same shit everyday

When the modern web is so corrupted that even streamers shill here. Youtubers have for years and I don't even want to know about the corporations.
It's like more than 50% of this board is gorilla marketers samefagging themselves with proxies trying to fool actual users into thinking there's interest in the latest fad they're artifically creating.

I wonder how many of those twitch viewers are just bots on mass bought accounts. Remember when that one literal who female streamer nobody has ever heard of went to over 100k viewers over night for making a deal with Bethesda or whatever it was and got "promoted"?

I have no fucking idea, stop posting random internet faggots

Asmongold used to be fun to watch but in recent months I just got tired of the same act he had whatever the game was. It feels depressing on his stream.

A jew who used to game the auction house with an army of spergs is gaming Yea Forums, reddit, twitch and youtube with a bigger army of spergs.

Wow who'd have thought?

Whatever he's taking money from unsupervised children & zoomers I don't care.

Look, I am not saying you are overthinking things, but don't live your life thinking everything is a conspiracy. It wasn't worth it to me cause in the end you stop believing in anything nice. It's better to be happy but wrong than to be right and miserable anyway.

leftie detected

I'd rather see the ugly truth than be gullible enough to be deceived at every turn.


what guild drama broke him? he got benched or something?

He couldn’t GM so he stopped raiding because he couldn’t handle 19 mongoloids like him.

I really don't understand why this faggot keeps showing up on my YouTube feed. I don't watch content even closely related to his. I only know of this cringelords existence because of the garbage YouTube algorithm .

>shit in mythic, cleared normal Battle of Dazaralor in +10 hours first week
>shit in mythic plus
>boosted gladiator in 3v3
>too fucking retarded to lead a guild
>cant handle simple mechanics in Dark Souls
>too retarded to play simple FPS games like Metro
>sucked in Metro so hard that he simply ended the stream, because "he couldnt handle it"
>"god damn im terrible at everything, why is bfa shit"

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people who judge asmon are from /vg/ which in itself is hilarious

you dont have to be from /vg/ to realise that that this retard is a complete fucktard

You don't have to be from /vg/ to realize that 99% of wow's active player base are mentally ill addicted losers who are 100x more pathetic than asmonbald.

he is fucking weird

Play XIV

hello tranny

>Everyone who plays XIV is a tgirl!!!!111
Hello wowtard.

>being that defensive over a cosplay simulator